Results for 'Simulacra'

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    450 philosophical abstracts.Enactment Simulacra & M. A. X. Feeling - 1988 - Philosophy 63 (246).
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    Simulation, Simulacra and Solaris.Julian Haladyn & Miriam Jordan - 2010 - Film-Philosophy 14 (1):253-273.
    'Simulation, Simulacra and Solaris ' examines and contrasts the 1971 science-fiction film Solaris by Andrei Tarkovsky with the 2002 film Solaris by Steven Soderbergh. Our text argues for the significance of simulation and simulacra in relation to the conceptual framework of Solaris, adapting as our primary model Jean Baudrillard’s concept of simulation and simulacra.
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    Digital Simulacra, Bias, and Self-Reinforcing Exclusion Cycles.Ana Bracic & I. I. W. Nicholson Price - 2023 - American Journal of Bioethics 23 (9):60-63.
    Digital simulacra present an entrancing vision of a research-rich future shorn of the messiness that comes from dealing with real live patients as part of the research enterprise—and in that sheari...
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  4. Simulacra as Conscious Exotica.Murray Shanahan - 2024 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy.
    The advent of conversational agents with increasingly human-like behaviour throws old philosophical questions into new light. Does it, or could it, ever make sense to speak of AI agents built out of generative language models in terms of consciousness, given that they are ‘mere’ simulacra of human behaviour, and that what they do can be seen as ‘merely’ role play? Drawing on the later writings of Wittgenstein, this paper attempts to tackle this question while avoiding the pitfalls of dualistic (...)
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    Digital Simulacra: Circumventing Diversity and Inclusion.Benjamin Collins & Nora Jones - 2023 - American Journal of Bioethics 23 (9):76-78.
    Cho and Martinez-Martin’s (2023) “Epistemic rights and responsibilities of digital simulacra for biomedicine” presents a comprehensive overview of big data and AI in clinical medicine and research....
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    Digital Simulacra and the Call for Epistemic Responsibility: An Ubuntu Perspective.Brandon Ferlito & Michiel De Proost - 2023 - American Journal of Bioethics 23 (9):91-93.
    Cho and Martinez-Martin (2023) discuss the ethical challenges associated with the use of digital simulacra (also known as digital twins) in biomedicine, specifically focusing on the issue of episte...
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    Simulacra, Enactment and Feeling.Max Deutscher - 1988 - Philosophy 63 (246):515 - 528.
    The general context of this writing is that of finding exits both from dualism and from reductive physicalism. Dualism—the attitude of seeing and taking things according to a fixed absolute distinction, with mind as invisible, conscious ‘containing’ the thought, feeling and sensation ‘hidden’ by body. Reductive physicalism—the attempt to grasp and be satisfied with body as left over by dualism's rape of its mentality, dualism's refusal to recognize the distinctiveness of point of view, as requiring a bodily mentality. Physicalism finally (...)
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    Reading Simulacra: Fatal Theories for Postmodernity (review).Lee Templeton - 2005 - Symploke 13 (1):358-360.
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  9. “The Limbo of Ethical Simulacra”: A Reply to Ron Greene.Dana L. Cloud, Steve Macek & James Arnt Aune - 2006 - Philosophy and Rhetoric 39 (1):72-84.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Philosophy and Rhetoric 39.1 (2006) 72-84 [Access article in PDF] "The Limbo of Ethical Simulacra": A Reply to Ron Greene Dana L. Cloud Department of Communication Studies University of Texas, Austin Steve Macek Department of Speech Communication North Central College James Arnt Aune Department of Communication Texas A&M University In two recent articles, "Another Materialist Rhetoric," and "Rhetoric and Capitalism" (1998, 2004), Ronald Walter Greene pays considerable attention (...)
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    Education, sustainable or otherwise, as simulacra: A symphony of Baudrillard.Chloe Humphreys, Sean Blenkinsop & Bob Jickling - 2022 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 54 (3):310-323.
    Preamble: Singers gathering on stage This is a paper for three voices. An attempt at a philosophic experience in the symphonic form. The first voice carries the tune and holds the shape of the paper as it focuses on Baudrillard and proposes that public education in Canada today is in fact a simulacra. The second voice has more room to roam, tracing some of the Western philosophical underpinnings of Baudrillard’s stages of the simulacra from Aristotle to Saussure’s centralization (...)
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  11.  47
    Klossowski and His Simulacra.Darin S. McGinnis - 2017 - Philosophy Compass 12 (12):e12462.
    Pierre Klossowski's career in philosophy is a brief but significant intervention into the manner in which the connections between desire, identity, and meaning are thought. Although Klossowski's influence on much of what is called French “post-structuralism” or “post-modernism” is frequently noted, Klossowski's development of the motif of the simulacrum is rarely traced in its proper context. Through readings of the texts of the Marquis de Sade, Georges Bataille, and Friedrich Nietzsche, as well as his own ruminations on the polytheism of (...)
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    Digital Simulacra Mark an Ontological Shift in Biomedicine with Far-Reaching Consequences for Real Patients.Hazar Haidar, Luyba Encheva & Kalina Kamenova - 2023 - American Journal of Bioethics 23 (9):81-84.
    Cho and Martinez-Martin (2023) provide a thoughtful analysis of the epistemological and ethical implications of digital twin (DT) technology in biomedical research. However, they overlook the profo...
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    Cybernetics and Simulacra: The Hyperreality of Augmented Reality Games.Rhoderick Nuncio & Johannah Mari Felicilda - 2021 - Kritike 15 (2):39-67.
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  14. The rights of simulacra: Deleuze and the univocity of being. [REVIEW]Nathan Widder - 2001 - Continental Philosophy Review 34 (4):437-453.
    Alain Badiou's recent monograph on Deleuze argues that the latter does not reverse Platonism but instead presents a Platonism of the virtual which appears in his unswerving attention to the univocity of being, and for this reason Deleuze is not truly a thinker of multiplicity but of the One. But this interpretation, which is not unknown in Deleuze literature, rests upon a mistaken conflation of the univocity of being with the Oneness of being. This paper reconstructs the medieval Aristotelian debates (...)
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  15. Proximity and Simulacra: On the Possibility of Ethics in an Electronically Mediated World.Lucas Introna - forthcoming - Philosophy in the Contemporary World.
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    Epistemic Value of Digital Simulacra for Patients.Eleanor Gilmore-Szott - 2023 - American Journal of Bioethics 23 (9):63-66.
    Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning (AI/ML) models introduce unique considerations when determining their epistemic value. Fortunately, existing work on the epistemic features of AI/ML can...
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    SIMS and digital simulacra: is it moral to have sex with virtual copies (created by us)?Maurizio Balistreri & Roberto Manzocco - forthcoming - AI and Society:1-9.
    The development of digital technologies has opened the door to surprising possibilities for the future of humanity. The idea of creating a ‘Metaverse’ in which it is possible to build and interact with digital avatars of real deceased people raises a number of complex ethical and moral questions. The prospect of transferring memories and experiences into digital avatars or creating exact copies of the brain structures of real individuals raises questions regarding the nature of identity and consciousness. These virtual entities (...)
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    Should We be More Worried about Digital Simulacra in Healthcare Being Our “Caricatures,” Rather than Our “Replicas”?Brad Partridge - 2023 - American Journal of Bioethics 23 (9):86-88.
    The construction of digital simulacra in healthcare and medical research purportedly strives to virtually recreate some aspect of reality, whether that be a piece of human tissue, an entire organ,...
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    Selfhood and simulacra.Jakub Marek - 2023 - Filosoficky Casopis 71 (Special issue 1):67-88.
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  20. Some notes on simulacra machines, Flash in first-year composition, and tactics in spaces of interruption.Anthony Ellertson - 2003 - Kairos (misc) 8 (2).
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  21. Klossowski's Reading of Nietzsche: Impulses, Phantasms, Simulacra, Stereotypes.Daniel W. Smith - 2005 - Diacritics 35 (1):8-21.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:diacritics 35.1 (2005) 8-21MuseSearchJournalsThis JournalContents[Access article in PDF]Klossowski's Reading of Nietzsche Impulses, Phantasms, Simulacra, StereotypesDaniel W. SmithIn his writings on Nietzsche, Pierre Klossowski makes use of various concepts—such as intensities, phantasms, simulacra and stereotypes, resemblance and dissemblance, gregariousness and singularity—that have no place in Nietzsche's own oeuvre. These concepts are Klossowski's own creations, his own contributions to thought. Although Klossowski consistently refused to characterize himself as a (...)
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    Epistemic Rights and Responsibilities of Digital Simulacra for Biomedicine.Mildred K. Cho & Nicole Martinez-Martin - 2022 - American Journal of Bioethics 23 (9):43-54.
    Big data and artificial intelligence (“AI”) promise to transform virtually all aspects of biomedical research and health care (Matheny et al. 2019), through facilitation of drug development, diagno...
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    Fundamental perspectives: simulacra, history and the influence of Schelling on contemporary thought.Ana Carrasco-Conde - 2016 - International Journal of Žižek Studies 10 (3).
    The article brings up an analysis of the notion of the Real and the notion of Reality in contemporary thought in order to show the influence and relevance of the concept of “Grund” and “Remainder” by Schelling in ŽiŽek. The paper proposes from Schelling´s perspective a reading of something “which does not exist, [but] continues to insist” that explains the conformation of Real and reality and reality and simulacrum.
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    Symbolic Inversion and the Vanishing of Art - An Experientialist Account of Baudrillard’s Simulacra Aesthetics -. 김혜영 - 2021 - Cheolhak-Korean Journal of Philosophy 149:181-212.
    이 글의 목적은 ‘예술의 사라짐’에 관한 보드리야르의 비판을 ‘기호의 역전’ 현상으로 검토함으로써, 그 과도성을 ‘탈신체화된 기호화’의 문제로 해명하는데 있다. 보드리야르는 이미지의 조작이 이루어지는 소비사회의 예술이, 미디어 기술로 인해 예술의 일상화 또는 전세계를 미학화함으로써 미적가치를 포화상태로 만들었고 분석한다. 그러한 예술의 ‘평범함’이 부정성과 창조성을 통한 비판적 거리를 상실하게 만들었고, 이제 소비사회의 예술은 ‘초과실재’의 세계만을 순환적으로 재생산함으로써 ‘예술의 공모’에 동참하고 있다는 것이다. 그 결과 현대예술은 이미지 또는 기호들의 과잉증식만을 보여 주는 초과실재의 숙명처럼, 그 스스로 무가치해지며 소멸될 수밖에 없는 ‘초미학’의 운명을 맞이한다. 그러나 필자는 (...)
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    In Their Own Image: Ethical Implications of the Rise of Digital Twins/Clones/Simulacra in Healthcare.Benjamin Amram, Uri Klempner, Yehuda Leibler & Dov Greenbaum - 2023 - American Journal of Bioethics 23 (9):79-81.
    Bioconvergence is a growing area within the evolving bioeconomy that seeks out synergistic opportunities at the intersection of engineering and the life sciences (Greenbaum 2023). One example is th...
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    From Negation to Disjunction in a World of Simulacra: Deleuze and Melanie Klein.Nathan Widder - 2009 - Deleuze and Guatarri Studies 3 (2):207-230.
    This paper will articulate an underappreciated side of the psychoanalytical Deleuze: his relation to Melanie Klein, particularly as it appears in The Logic of Sense. Deleuze's engagement with Klein largely follows his familiar strategy of re-reading a thinker off of a twist in one or two of that thinker's key concepts. With Klein, this twist involves re-reading her story of psychic development on the basis of disjunction rather than negation, so that the psychic surface that emerges generates a persistent non-correspondence (...)
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    Image politics, without the real: Simulacra, dandyism and disability fashion.Petra Kuppers - 2002 - In Mairian Corker Tom Shakespeare (ed.), Disability/Postmodernity: Embodying Disability Theory. Bloomsbury Publishing. pp. 184--197.
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    The False Pretender: Deleuze, Sherman, and the Status of Simulacra.David la Rocca - 2011 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 69 (3):321-329.
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    “The Most Photographed Barn in America”: Simulacra of the Sublime in American Art and Photography.David Allen & Agata Handley - 2018 - Text Matters - a Journal of Literature, Theory and Culture 8 (8):365-385.
    In White Noise by Don DeLillo, two characters visit a famous barn, described as the “most photographed barn in America” alongside hordes of picture-taking tourists. One of them complains the barn has become a simulacrum, so that “no one sees” the actual barn anymore. This implies that there was once a real barn, which has been lost in the “virtual” image. This is in line with Plato’s concept of the simulacrum as a false or “corrupt” copy, which has lost all (...)
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    Bathos of technology and politics in fourth order simulacra.Mike Gane - 1999 - Angelaki 4 (2):75 – 80.
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    When Robots would really be Human Simulacra: Love and the Ethical in Spielberg's AI and Proyas's I, Robot.Bert Olivier - 2008 - Film-Philosophy 12 (2):30-44.
    Steven Spielberg’s AI – Artificial Intelligence, and Alex Proyas’s neo-noir, I, Robot, may both be understood as attempts to answer the question: ‘What conditions doesartificial intelligence research have to satisfy before it can justly claim to have producedsomething which truly simulates a human being?’1I would like to show that, farfrom construing this question simply in terms of intelligence, the films in questiondemonstrate that far more than this is at stake, and each articulates the ‘more’ in different,but related, terms. Moreover, contrary (...)
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    A new cultural theory of aesthetics: genes, memes, symbols, and simulacra.Roberto Terrosi - 2023 - Lanham: Lexington Books.
    This book develops a theory of aesthetics that criticizes scientific and philosophical reductionism that denies the importance of culture in art and taste, but its theory accepts some fundamental aspects of Neo-Darwinist theory of culture by addressing points of convergence among the notions of meme, simulacrum, and symbol.
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  33. Computing the uncomputable; or, The discrete charm of second-order simulacra.Matthew W. Parker - 2009 - Synthese 169 (3):447-463.
    We examine a case in which non-computable behavior in a model is revealed by computer simulation. This is possible due to differing notions of computability for sets in a continuous space. The argument originally given for the validity of the simulation involves a simpler simulation of the simulation, still further simulations thereof, and a universality conjecture. There are difficulties with that argument, but there are other, heuristic arguments supporting the qualitative results. It is urged, using this example, that absolute validation, (...)
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    The Real and the Hyperreal: Dance and Simulacra.Thomas Heyd - 2000 - The Journal of Aesthetic Education 34 (2):15.
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  35. Capitalmud, or Akyn's Song about the Nibelungs, paradigms and simulacra.Valentin Grinko - manuscript
    ...If, in some places, backward science determines the remaining period by the lack of optimism only by the number 123456789, then our progressive science expands it to 987654321, which is eight times more advanced than theirs. However, due to the inherent caution of scientists, both sides do not specify the measuring unit of reference — year, day, hour or minute are meant. Leonid Leonov. Collected Op. in ten volumes. Volume ten. M.: IHL, 1984, p.583. -/- The modern men being as (...)
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    Stratagem of the corpse: dying with Baudrillard, a study of sickness and simulacra.Gary J. Shipley - 2020 - London: Anthem Press. Edited by William Pawlett.
    Stratagem of the Corpse is a philosophical and literary exposition of death not so much as seen by Baudrillard but Baudrillard as seen by death.
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    “Our Modern Priapus”: Thauma and the Isernian Simulacra.Sarah Carter - 2020 - Lumen: Selected Proceedings From the Canadian Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies 39:55-77.
    In 1781, British Envoy Sir William Hamilton wrote to Joseph Banks of an astonishing discovery in rural Abruzzo. The inhabitants of Isernia offered wax phalluses as votives to Catholic shrines during the annual Fête of St. Cosmo and Damiano. The waxen vows were evidence that the cult of Priapus persisted in the modern world, and their appearance produced thauma or wonder in antiquarian circles. Moving from Hamilton’s letter to Richard Payne Knight’s A Discourse on the Worship of Priapus (1786), this (...)
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  38. Care Depersonalized: The Risk of Infocratic “Personalised” Care and a Posthuman Dystopia.Matthew Tieu & Alison L. Kitson - 2023 - American Journal of Bioethics 23 (9):89-91.
    Much of the discussion of the role of emerging technologies associated with AI, machine learning, digital simulacra, and relevant ethical considerations such as those discussed in the target article, take a relatively narrow and episodic view of a person’s healthcare needs. There is much speculation about diagnostic, treatment, and predictive applications but relatively little consideration of how such technologies might be used to address a person’s lived experience of illness and ongoing care needs. This is likely due to the (...)
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    Perelman’s phenomenology of rhetoric: Foucault contests Chomsky’s complaint about media communicology in the age of Trump polemic.Richard L. Lanigan - 2019 - Semiotica 2019 (229):273-328.
    The analysis explores the main arguments of Noam Chomsky’s short book,Media Controlthat also reprints the monograph “The Journalist from Mars: How the ‘War on Terror’ Should Be Reported.” The problematic is Aristotelian rhetoric and Enlightenment rationality (justice) in civic discourse (Lógos) as compared to the thematic of dialogic reasonableness (Eulógos). Chomsky’s assumption of, and critique of, “old rhetoric” [Aristotle’srhētorikḗ] is followed by a discussion of Chiam Perelman’s “new rhetoric” [presocraticpoiētikḗ/epideiktikos / gērys] and his “incarnate adherence” (givingvoiceto) concept of the Universal (...)
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    Deleuze's Reversal of Platonism, Revisited.Marco Altamirano - 2015 - Deleuze and Guatarri Studies 9 (4):503-528.
    A standard approach to examining Deleuze's concept of difference in Difference and Repetition is to follow his critique of representation through an overturning of Platonism, which Deleuze finds to be the definitive task of philosophy after Nietzsche. While engaging this largely critical project, however, there is a tendency to overlook the dimensions of Platonism that Deleuze rehabilitates in a differential and immanent register. This paper aims to recover the essential dimensions of Platonism at the very heart of Deleuze's philosophy of (...)
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    De Sensibus.Serafín Bodelón García - 2023 - Eikasia Revista de Filosofía 117:407-425.
    Este artículo trata de la teoría de la percepción en el De Sensibus de Teofrasto y en el De Rerum Natura de Lucrecio. Teofrasto realiza una exposición de las opiniones de Empédocles, Clidemo, Diógenes de Apolonia, Demócrito, Anaxágoras y Platón; pero también realiza una amplia crítica de las opiniones de dichos autores. Por otra parte, el poema de Lucrecio, en su libro cuarto, expone la teoría de los simulacra (D. R. N., TV, 50-360), donde se ocupa de la percepción, (...)
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    The Simulated Reality of Saturday Night Live.Edwardo Pérez - 2020 - In Ruth Tallman & Jason Southworth (eds.), Saturday Night Live and Philosophy: Deep Thoughts Through the Decades. John Wiley & Sons. pp. 209–221.
    One of the pleasures of watching Saturday Night Live (SNL) comes from knowing the show is live. The not‐ready‐for‐prime‐time‐players, their guest hosts, the unannounced walk‐on cameos, the house band, and the guest musicians are all in New York at the very moment the show airs, offering us a mocking, postmodern representation of reality through absurd (and sometimes very juvenile) humor. From guest hosts spoofing themselves in sketches, to the various impersonations of cultural figures, to the parody commercials to the pseudo‐news (...)
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    Postmodernism and the Simulacrum of Religion in Universities.Aura Elena Schussler - 2016 - Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 15 (45):76-95.
    The purpose of this paper is to show that in Western postmodernism, both religion and the university are under the sign of simulacra. Friedrich Nietzsche’s “death of God” instigates a discussion of postmodernism and a simulacrum of religion. According to Jean Baudrillard and the theory of the Three Orders of the Simulacra, reality died and “hyperreality” took its place and now governs our existence. If, for Michel Foucault, the religious phenomenon today is outside theological beliefs and traditions, oriented (...)
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  44. Irony and hyperrealism in media discourses: examining the Israeli-Palestinian ‘conflict’.Dr Gabsi - forthcoming - Journal for Cultural Research:1-22.
    As a powerful discursive trope, irony is used to interpret the recent Israeli-Palestinian ‘conflict’ since 7 October 2023. Hinging on various political discourses, the paper examines the workings of the political language, emphasising irony. Interconnected with semiotics, hyperrealism and Jean Baudrillard’s concepts of simulacra, where the boundaries between what is real and imaginary are blurred, the paper aims to fulfil three objectives. First, it stresses the importance of studying irony in understanding the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and how language is used (...)
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    Pierre Klossowski y Georges Bataille: más allá de la utopía. Los afectos como última infraestructura.Alejandro Marco Madrid Zan - 2021 - Hybris, Revista de Filosofí­A 12 (1):13-27.
    The thought of Pierre Klossowski, praised by Foucault, Blanchot, Deleuze, has been scarcely addressed by the philosophical community. We argue in this article that this is largely due to the frequent difficulty of understanding his work as a whole: both his artistic and literary production and his interpretations of Nietzsche or Sade form a coherent whole, whose significance has a deeply critical political scope. The notion of unproductive spending, which occupies a central place in Bataille's work, will be rearticulated in (...)
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  46. Consciousness, Mathematics and Reality: A Unified Phenomenology.Igor Ševo - manuscript
    Every scientific theory is a simulacrum of reality, every written story a simulacrum of the canon, and every conceptualization of a subjective perspective a simulacrum of the consciousness behind it—but is there a shared essence to these simulacra? The pursuit of answering seemingly disparate fundamental questions across different disciplines may ultimately converge into a single solution: a single ontological answer underlying grand unified theory, hard problem of consciousness, and the foundation of mathematics. I provide a hypothesis, a speculative approximation, (...)
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    G. Deleuze’s Untimely [non-]: The Inverter of Platonic Nihilism to Ethics of Creation.Konstantinos Nevrokoplis - 2023 - Open Philosophy 6 (1):8-26.
    In F. Nietzsche’s philosophical thought, there is a profound link between European Nihilism and the task of modern philosophy to produce new Platos. The current article demonstrates how G. Deleuze uses the Nietzschean term Unzeitgemäβ – (Untimely – Unfashionable) in his attempt to overturn nihilistic Platonism. Deleuze enriches the Stoic paradox of [non-] when seeking an image of thought without image for the sake of what he calls the “untimely creative intensity,” an affirmative power in immanence. I argue that Deleuze (...)
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  48. The world is a big network. Pandemic, the Internet and institutions.Constantin Vica - 2020 - Revista de Filosofie Aplicata 3 (Supplementary Issue):136-161.
    2020 is the year of the first pandemic lived through the Internet. More than half of the world population is now online and because of self-isolation, our moral and social lives unfold almost exclusively online. Two pressing questions arise in this context: how much can we rely on the Internet, as a set of technologies, and how much should we trust online platforms and applications? In order to answer these two questions, I develop an argument based on two fundamental assumptions: (...)
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  49. In the hands of machines? The future of aged care.Robert Sparrow & Linda Sparrow - 2006 - Minds and Machines 16 (2):141-161.
    It is remarkable how much robotics research is promoted by appealing to the idea that the only way to deal with a looming demographic crisis is to develop robots to look after older persons. This paper surveys and assesses the claims made on behalf of robots in relation to their capacity to meet the needs of older persons. We consider each of the roles that has been suggested for robots in aged care and attempt to evaluate how successful robots might (...)
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  50. How Digital Computer Simulations Explain Real‐World Processes.Ulrich Krohs - 2008 - International Studies in the Philosophy of Science 22 (3):277 – 292.
    Scientists of many disciplines use theoretical models to explain and predict the dynamics of the world. They often have to rely on digital computer simulations to draw predictions fromthe model. But to deliver phenomenologically adequate results, simulations deviate from the assumptions of the theoretical model. Therefore the role of simulations in scientific explanation demands itself an explanation. This paper analyzes the relation between real-world system, theoretical model, and simulation. It is argued that simulations do not explain processes in the real (...)
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