Results for 'Silja Timm'

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  1. Human Decisions in Moral Dilemmas are Largely Described by Utilitarianism: Virtual Car Driving Study Provides Guidelines for Autonomous Driving Vehicles.Anja K. Faulhaber, Anke Dittmer, Felix Blind, Maximilian A. Wächter, Silja Timm, Leon R. Sütfeld, Achim Stephan, Gordon Pipa & Peter König - 2019 - Science and Engineering Ethics 25 (2):399-418.
    Ethical thought experiments such as the trolley dilemma have been investigated extensively in the past, showing that humans act in utilitarian ways, trying to cause as little overall damage as possible. These trolley dilemmas have gained renewed attention over the past few years, especially due to the necessity of implementing moral decisions in autonomous driving vehicles. We conducted a set of experiments in which participants experienced modified trolley dilemmas as drivers in virtual reality environments. Participants had to make decisions between (...)
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  2. Jeffrey Timm (ed.), Text in Context: Traditional Hermeneutics in South Asia.Jeffrey Timm (ed.) - 1992 - State University of New York Press.
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  3. Hostile Scaffolding.Ryan Timms & David Spurrett - 2023 - Philosophical Papers 52 (1):1-30.
    Most accounts of cognitive scaffolding focus on ways that external structure can support or augment an agent’s cognitive capacities. We call cases where the interests of the user are served benign scaffolding and argue for the possibility and reality of hostile scaffolding. This is scaffolding which depends on the same capacities of an agent to make cognitive use of external structure as in benign cases, but that undermines or exploits the user while serving the interests of another agent. We develop (...)
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    Individuals on alert: digital epidemiology and the individualization of surveillance.Silja Samerski - 2018 - Life Sciences, Society and Policy 14 (1):1-11.
    This article examines how digital epidemiology and eHealth coalesce into a powerful health surveillance system that fundamentally changes present notions of body and health. In the age of Big Data and Quantified Self, the conceptual and practical distinctions between individual and population body, personal and public health, surveillance and health care are diminishing. Expanding on Armstrong’s concept of “surveillance medicine” to “quantified self medicine” and drawing on my own research on the symbolic power of statistical constructs in medical encounters, this (...)
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    Knowledge and Evidence, by Paul K. Moser. [REVIEW]Timm Triplett - 1991 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 51 (4):945-949.
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    The Hermeneutic Conversation as Epistemological Model.Silja Freudenberger - 2003 - In Lorraine Code, Feminist Interpretations of Hans-Georg Gadamer. Pennsylvania State University Press. pp. 259.
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    Renunciation in Hinduism: A Medieval Debate.Jeffrey R. Timm - 1990 - Philosophy East and West 40 (3):415-416.
  8.  15
    Enhanced qualitative probabilistic networks for resolving trade-offs.Silja Renooij & Linda C. van der Gaag - 2008 - Artificial Intelligence 172 (12-13):1470-1494.
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    Patientenautonomie und Entscheider-Subjekt.Silja Samerski - 2015 - Archiv für Rechts- und Sozialphilosophie 101 (4):565-576.
    Since the end of the 20th century, patient autonomy does not only aim at protecting patients’ personal rights, but also to promote their active cooperation in the health system. In Germany, the legal development of patient autonomy goes hand in hand with the concerted establishment of patient counseling and training designed to produce „informed decision makers“. This article examines the practice of patient autonomy and its corresponding subject beyond the sphere of formal law. Therefore, it draws on (1) reports of (...)
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    González Alonso, F. El Derecho Educativo: miradas convergentes.Jordana Wruck Timm - 2019 - Conjectura: Filosofia E Educação 24:019023.
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    Philosophy in social work.Noel Timms & David Watson (eds.) - 1978 - Boston: Routledge and Kegan Paul.
    Introduction Most of the papers gathered here were contributions to a series of joint meetings of the Department of Social Administration and Social Work ...
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    The Meanings of Landscape: Essays on Place, Space, Environment and Justice by Kenneth R. Olwig (review).Timm Schönfelder - 2021 - Environment, Space, Place 13 (2):137-142.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Book Reviews 137 The Meanings of Landscape: Essays on Place, Space, Environment and Justice BY KENNETH R. OLWIG London: Routledge, 2019 REVIEWED BY TIMM SCHÖNFELDER Landscape is more than spatial scenery that meets the eye: it is an anthropogenic artefact, an intellectual construct, a mirror of culture; it even has its own language.1 This broadness is reflected in the compilation of nine authoritative essays by the geographer and (...)
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  13. Recent Work on Foundationalsim.Timm Triplett - 1990 - American Philosophical Quarterly 27 (2):93 - 116.
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  14. Azande logic versus western logic?Timm Triplett - 1988 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 39 (3):361-366.
    , David Bloor suggests that logical reasoning is radically relativistic in the sense that there are incompatible ways of reasoning logically, and no culturally transcendent rules of correct logical inference exist which could allow for adjudication of these different ways of reasoning. Bloor cites an example of reasoning used by the Azande as an illustration of such logical relativism. A close analysis of this reasoning reveals that the Azande's logic is in fact impeccably Aristotelian. I argue that the conclusions Bloor (...)
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  15. Tye's missing shade of blue.Timm Triplett - 2007 - Analysis 67 (2):166-170.
    A striking empirical finding about color perception is that normal perceivers disagree about which hues are pure. (Pure hues contain no perceived admixture of any other color.) This finding poses a prima facie problem for color objectivism and representationalist accounts of perceptual experience. Michael Tye attempts to resolve this problem by arguing that pure hues do exist as objective properties of ordinary objects, but that human color detection mechanisms did not evolve with sufficient refinement to allow us to determine which (...)
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    Context-specific sign-propagation in qualitative probabilistic networks.Silja Renooij, Linda C. van der Gaag & Simon Parsons - 2002 - Artificial Intelligence 140 (1-2):207-230.
  17.  17
    A Mechanical Stimulation Glove to Induce Hebbian Plasticity at the Fingertip.Fabian Timm & Esther Kuehn - 2020 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 14.
  18.  19
    Position-effect variegation revisited: HUSHing up heterochromatin in human cells.Richard T. Timms, Iva A. Tchasovnikarova & Paul J. Lehner - 2016 - Bioessays 38 (4):333-343.
    Much of what we understand about heterochromatin formation in mammals has been extrapolated from forward genetic screens for modifiers of position‐effect variegation (PEV) in the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster. The recent identification of the HUSH (Human Silencing Hub) complex suggests that more recent evolutionary developments contribute to the mechanisms underlying PEV in human cells. Although HUSH‐mediated repression also involves heterochromatin spreading through the reading and writing of the repressive H3K9me3 histone modification, clear orthologues of HUSH subunits are not found in (...)
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  19. Barnes on Heraclitus and the Unity of Opposites.Timm Triplett - 1986 - Ancient Philosophy 6:15-23.
    Jonathan barnes argues that heraclitus's unity of opposites doctrine is logically contradictory in that it requires the coinstantiation of contrary properties. but barnes relies on rather strained interpretations of the doxography. heraclitus's unity of opposites doctrine is better understood as consisting of two aspects: (1) a claim that opposing qualities, rather than being coinstantiated in one thing, are related to one another via a process of cyclic transformation; and (2) an attempt to illustrate the limited and incomplete perspectives through which (...)
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  20.  55
    Justifying Morality, Part I: Bernard Gert’s Justification.Timm Triplett - 2011 - Journal of Value Inquiry 45 (3):299-308.
    Bernard Gert claims that the project of justifying morality is “the primary task” of his major work, Morality: Its Nature and Justification. However, the arguments for and the point of his justification are not entirely clear. Unfortunately, critical work on Gert’s theory of morality has not included detailed attention to his attempt to justify morality. Part I of this two-part essay offers a systematic examination and assessment of Gert’s justification. It is argued that Gert’s justification is successful, but limited in (...)
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    Bioterrorismus als Regelungsbereich der Biopolitik: Das Spannungsfeld der ethischen und rechtlichen Einhegung von existentiellen Risiken durch die Biowissenschaften auf der Grundlage von Risikoethik und Wissenschaftsfreiheit.Silja Vöneky - 2016 - Jahrbuch für Wissenschaft Und Ethik 20 (1):191-222.
    Name der Zeitschrift: Jahrbuch für Wissenschaft und Ethik Jahrgang: 20 Heft: 1 Seiten: 191-222.
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    Zu normativen Fragen von Rechten und Grenzen aus völkerrechtlicher und rechtsethischer Sicht.Silja Vöneky - 2020 - Philosophisches Jahrbuch 127 (1):111-123.
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    Frank Daumann: Die Ökonomie des Dopings.Timm Wöltjen - 2014 - Sport Und Gesellschaft 11 (1):76-80.
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    Is there anthropological evidence that logic is culturally relative?: Remarks on Bloor, Jennings, and Evans-Pritchard.Timm Triplett - 1994 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 45 (2):749-760.
    Logical relativism is the view that a logical proposition is known just in case it is collectively endorsed in some culture. This striking and controversial view is defended by David Bloor and Richard C. Jennings. They cite in its support distinctive reasoning practices among the Azande as described by E. E. Evans-Pitchard. Jennings has challenged my critique of Bloor's logical relativism, claiming that my analysis is based on misunderstandings of Bloor and Evans-Pritchard. I argue that Jennings' clarifications of Bloor do (...)
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  25. Sellars’s Misconstrual of the Defenders of the Given.Timm Triplett - 2014 - History of Philosophy Quarterly 31 (1):79-99.
    I argue that in “Empiricism and the Philosophy of Mind,” Wilfrid Sellars significantly misconstrued the early twentieth-century empiricists he was criticizing (empiricists such as Bertrand Russell, H.H. Price and C.I. Lewis). Because these philosophers and their theories were becoming passé (partly due to EPM itself but also due to broader trends), this misconstrual was not noted. As a result, Sellars’s most influential claim – that the given is a myth – did not receive the critical scrutiny that it should have (...)
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  26.  12
    Gott und die Freiheit: Studien z. Religionsphilosophie d. Goethezeit.Hermann Timm - 1974 - Frankfurt am Main: Vittorio Klostermann.
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    (1 other version)Is Sellars's Rylean hypothesis plausible? A dialogue.Timm Triplett & Willem A. DeVries - 2006 - In Michael P. Wolf & Mark Norris Lance, The Self-Correcting Enterprise: Essays on Wilfrid Sellars. Rodopi. pp. 85-114.
    A dialogue between someone who finds Sellars's Rylean myth in "Empiricism and the Philosophy of Mind" quite implausible and another who defends it.
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    Adaptive tolerance: Protection through self‐recognition.Timm Amendt & Hassan Jumaa - 2022 - Bioessays 44 (3):2100236.
    The random nature of immunoglobulin gene segment rearrangement inevitably leads to the generation of self‐reactive B cells. Avoidance of destructive autoimmune reactions is necessary in order to maintain physiological homeostasis. However, current central and peripheral tolerance concepts fail to explain the massive number of autoantibody‐borne autoimmune diseases. Moreover, recent studies have shown that in physiological mouse models autoreactive B cells were neither clonally deleted nor kept in an anergic state, but were instead able to mount autoantibody responses. We propose that (...)
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    Hermeneutical Essays on Vedantic Topics.Jeffrey R. Timm - 1990 - Philosophy East and West 40 (1):107-108.
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    Unreal City: Urban Experience in Modern European Literature and Art.Edward Timms & David Kelley - 1985 - Palgrave-Macmillan.
    Examines how the modern city is portrayed in art and literature, discusses modernism, futurism, and expressionism, and looks at the work of Rilke, Eliot, Pound, Joyce, and Brecht.
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    Amor fati? Karl Löwith über Christen- und Heidentum (1).Hermann Timm - 1977 - Neue Zeitschrift für Systematicsche Theologie Und Religionsphilosophie 19 (1):78-94.
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    Eine theologische Tragikomödie. Lessings Neuinszenierung der Geistesgeschichte.Hermann Timm - 1982 - Zeitschrift für Religions- Und Geistesgeschichte 34 (1):1-17.
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    Social Welfare: Why and How?Noel Timms - 1980 - Routledge.
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  34. Wilhelm Hennis.H. C. Timm - 2004 - In Gisela Riescher, Politische Theorie der Gegenwart in Einzeldarstellungen. Von Adorno bis Young. Alfred Kröner Verlag. pp. 343--226.
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    Morality's Critics and Defenders: A Philosophical Dialogue.Timm Triplett - 2014 - Indianapolis: Hackett Publishing Company.
    In this engaging and accessible dialogue, four students offer contrasting arguments on the nature and scope of morality. While specific social policy issues, such as animal rights and racism, come into play, the discussions focus on more general--and fundamental--questions, including: Does morality limit personal freedom? Is morality relative to culture, or is it universal? What is the motivation to be moral? Is religion in tension with secular moral principles? Does science undermine morality? Can a common morality emerge out of the (...)
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    Rorty's critique of foundationalism.Timm Triplett - 1987 - Philosophical Studies 52 (1):115 - 129.
    Rorty's critique concentrates on one aspect of foundationalism: the claim that nonpropositional sensory awareness serves as the basis for propositional justification. This claim is an essential component of classical foundationalism, though not necessarily of the more moderate versions of foundationalism that have been proposed. Thus even if it were a successful critique it would tell against only one type of foundationalism. But nothing in Rorty's argument provides any reason to doubt the plausibility of a classical foundationalist explanation of why sensory (...)
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  37. Shoemaker on qualia, phenomenal properties and spectrum inversions.Timm Triplett - 2006 - Philosophia 34 (2):203-208.
    Sydney Shoemaker offers an account of color perception that attempts to do justice, within a functionalist framework, to the commonsense view that colors are properties of ordinary objects, to the existence of qualia, and to the possibility of spectrum inversions. Shoemaker posits phenomenal properties as dispositional properties of colored objects that explain how there can be intersubjective variation in the experience of a particular color. I argue that his account does not in fact allow for the description of a spectrum (...)
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    Moral Intuition or Moral Disengagement? Cognitive Science Weighs in on the Animal Ethics Debate.Simon Christopher Timm - 2016 - Neuroethics 9 (3):225-234.
    In this paper I problematize the use of appeals to the common intuitions people have about the morality of our society’s current treatment of animals in order to defend that treatment. I do so by looking at recent findings in the field of cognitive science. First I will examine the role that appeals to common intuition play in philosophical arguments about the moral worth of animals, focusing on the work of Carl Cohen and Richard Posner. After describing the theory of (...)
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    Sensation of agency and perception of temporal order.Jana Timm, Marc Schönwiesner, Iria SanMiguel & Erich Schröger - 2014 - Consciousness and Cognition 23:42-52.
  40. Adequate formalization.Michael Baumgartner & Timm Lampert - 2008 - Synthese 164 (1):93-115.
    This article identifies problems with regard to providing criteria that regulate the matching of logical formulae and natural language. We then take on to solve these problems by defining a necessary and sufficient criterion of adequate formalization. On the basis of this criterion we argue that logic should not be seen as an ars iudicandi capable of evaluating the validity or invalidity of informal arguments, but as an ars explicandi that renders transparent the formal structure of informal reasoning.
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    Festschrift. Die Geburt des Christentums aus dem Geist des Buchstabens. Rekapitulationshermeneutik.Hermann Timm - 1993 - Neue Zeitschrift für Systematicsche Theologie Und Religionsphilosophie 35 (3):266-275.
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    Rescher's Metaphilosophy.Timm Triplett - 1999 - Metaphilosophy 30 (3):209-230.
    Books reviewed in this article: Nicholas Rescher, Philosophical Standardism Nicholas Rescher, The Strife of Systems Nicholas Rescher, A System of Pragmatic Idealism. Vol. III, Metaphysical Inquiries.
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    Teaching Common Morality in advance.Timm Triplett - 2017 - Teaching Ethics.
    Bernard Gert’s account of morality is straightforward, clear and, in its essentials, easily grasped. As such, it offers rich pedagogical resources for teaching morality, not just in undergraduate courses but also in pre-college philosophy classes or workshops, including those offered during the elementary school years. Gert’s account, properly calibrated to the age group in question, can provide a unified framework for students to think about morality, clarify their understanding of it, and engage in discussions with each other about it. After (...)
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    Teaching Common Morality.Timm Triplett - 2017 - Teaching Ethics 17 (2):227-248.
    Bernard Gert’s account of morality is straightforward, clear and, in its essentials, easily grasped. As such, it offers rich pedagogical resources for teaching morality, not just in undergraduate courses but also in pre-college philosophy classes or workshops, including those offered during the elementary school years. Gert’s account, properly calibrated to the age group in question, can provide a unified framework for students to think about morality, clarify their understanding of it, and engage in discussions with each other about it. After (...)
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    Fallhöhe des Geistes: d. religiöse Denken d. jungen Hegel.Hermann Timm - 1979 - Frankfurt am Main: Syndikat.
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    Grenzüberschreitungen: Räume, Texte, Theorien: Tübinger Poetik Dozentur 2018.Uwe Timm - 2019 - Künzelsau: Swiridoff Verlag. Edited by Frank Witzel, Dorothee Kimmich, Philipp Alexander Ostrowicz & Sara Bangert.
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    Talking About Welfare: Readings in Philosophy and Social Policy.Noel Timms & David Watson - 1976 - Routledge.
    Originally published in 1976 Talking About Welfare is a collection of essays providing a general survey of the problems facing social welfare. The book introduces a number of philosophers, social workers and social administrators, concentrating on problems in describing a general philosophical orientation to social work, what it means to understand another person, and to problems in describing and justifying social work and social welfare activity. The essays collected contribute to discussion of a wide range of welfare issues, principally that (...)
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    The celebration of emotion: Vallabha's ontology of affective experience.Jeffrey R. Timm - 1991 - Philosophy East and West 41 (1):59-75.
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    Imagination und Bildlichkeit der Wirtschaft: Zur Geschichte und Aktualität imaginativer Fähigkeiten in der Ökonomie.Walter Otto Ötsch & Silja Graupe (eds.) - 2020 - Wiesbaden: Springer VS.
    Der vorliegende Band stellt ein erstes Grundlagenwerk zur Imaginationsforschung in der Ökonomie dar. Er erforscht die ökonomische Theoriegeschichte (auch mit Bezug auf die Philosophiegeschichte) und fragt, welche Bilder und Selbstbilder über Menschen, über das wirtschaftliche System und über die Zukunft in ökonomischen Theorien enthalten sind. Wie ist die Beschäftigung mit Imaginationen im Mainstream der Wirtschaftswissenschaften verloren gegangen und wie kann sie wiederbelebt werden? Prof. Dr. Walter Otto Ötsch ist Professor für Ökonomie und Kulturgeschichte an der Cusanus Hochschule für Gesellschaftsgestaltung. Prof. (...)
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  50. The Philosophy of Roderick M. Chisholm. [REVIEW]Timm Triplett, Lewis Edwin Hahn & Roderick M. Chisholm - 2000 - Philosophical Review 109 (3):450.
    In the intellectual autobiography that opens this book, Chisholm divides philosophers into “drones” and “commentators,” placing himself in the first group. As a drone, Chisholm proposed solutions to philosophical problems and asked his students and colleagues to try to refute him. He reports that they often did, sending him back to the drawing board. Chisholm’s wry self-description says much about his manner as well as his method. A more pretentious philosopher might have spoken of his dogged search for philosophical truth (...)
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