Results for 'Shiwang Tan'

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  1.  43
    Fault Tree Interval Analysis of Complex Systems Based on Universal Grey Operation.Feng Zhang, Shiwang Tan, Leilei Zhang, Yameng Wang & Yang Gao - 2019 - Complexity 2019:1-8.
    The objective of this study is to propose a new operation method based on the universal grey number to overcome the shortcomings of typical interval operation in solving system fault trees. First, the failure probability ranges of the bottom events are described according to the conversion rules between the interval number and universal grey number. A more accurate system reliability calculation is then obtained based on the logical relationship between the AND gates and OR gates of a fault tree and (...)
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    Huan Tan "Xin lun".Tan Huan - 2014 - Beijing: She hui ke xue wen xian chu ban she. Edited by Zeyu Wu & Shouju Wu.
    是東漢哲學家、思想家桓譚的主要論着,但早己亡佚。今存之輯本有《指海》內佚名氏輯本、清孫馮翼輯本、清嚴可均輯本、黃以周輯本,及近人朱謙之輯本,但均有不足。有鑒於此,吳則虞先生於1962年着有新輯本,收錄 二百餘條,以類相從,分為八卷,並添加附編,匯涵桓譚佚文、存疑、訂訛之文;記載桓譚事跡、著述、評論之文。 桓譚,后漢時人,官至給事中。博學多識,破讖緯迷妄,去虛妄偽飾,先於王充、張衡,具有唯物啟蒙學者之學識,是漢時哲學思想家。《新諭》是桓譚主要論着,但早已亡佚。據歷史記載,明有二卷本,清有孫之騌輯本,皆不 傳。另有《指海》內佚名氏輯本、清孫馮翼輯本、清嚴可均輯本、黃以周輯本及近人朱謙之輯本。從今日的學術、校勘、編排諸方面來看,諸本均有不足:或短椾零篇,漫無倫紀;或望文歸屬,強系篇名;或條目重復,內容雜陳 迭見;或引用刻本,多有遺漏;或雖沿用十七卷篇目之名稱,但其條目已不能再顯現原書各篇的思想內容。有鑒於此,吳則虞先生於一九六二年着有新輯本,收錄二百余條,以類相從,分為八卷,並添加附編,匯涵桓譚佚文、存 疑、訂訛之文;記載桓譚事跡、著述、評論之文;最后殿以輯校引用書目及版本之詳目,以便於讀者查閱與研究。此書成為目前桓譚《新論》集大成之著作。.
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  3. Ren xue: Tan Sitong ji.Sitong Tan - 1994 - Shenyang Shi: Liaoning sheng xin hua shu dian fa xing. Edited by Run'guo Jia.
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  4. Tan Sitong zhen ji.Sitong Tan - 1955 - Edited by Cao Wen.
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  5. Justice, Institutions, and Luck: The Site, Ground, and Scope of Equality.Kok-Chor Tan - 2012 - Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press.
    Kok-Chor Tan addresses three key questions in political philosophy: Where does distributive equality matter? Why does it matter? And among whom does it matter? He argues for an institutional site for egalitarian justice, a luck-egalitarian ideal of why equality matters, and a global scope for distributive justice.
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  6. Justice Without Borders: Cosmopolitanism, Nationalism, and Patriotism.Kok-Chor Tan - 2004 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    The cosmopolitan idea of justice is commonly accused of not taking seriously the special ties and commitments of nationality and patriotism. This is because the ideal of impartial egalitarianism, which is central to the cosmopolitan view, seems to be directly opposed to the moral partiality inherent to nationalism and patriotism. In this book, Kok-Chor Tan argues that cosmopolitan justice, properly understood, can accommodate and appreciate nationalist and patriotic commitments, setting limits for these commitments without denying their moral significance. This book (...)
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  7. Vaṇṇaccarapam Śrī Taṇṭapāṇicuvāmikaḷ iyar̲r̲iyaruḷiya varukkak kur̲aḷ. Taṇṭapāṇi - 1988 - Tiruvāmāttūr, Val̲i Vil̲uppuram: Kaumāra Maṭālayam. Edited by Kantacāmi.
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  8. Contemporary neo-Confucian philosophy.Sor-Hoon Tan - 2009 - In Bo Mou (ed.), History of Chinese philosophy. New York: Routledge.
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    Competence to make treatment decisions in anorexia nervosa: thinking processes and values.Jacinta Oa Tan, Tony Hope, Anne Stewart & Raymond Fitzpatrick - 2006 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology: Ppp 13 (4):267.
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  10. Tanrı'nn Varlığına Delil Olarak İleri Sürülen Dini Tecrübe Delilinde Mistik Tecrübelerin Yeri.Aysel Tan - manuscript
    The criticism of the theist arguments for the existence of God by philosophers like Spinoza, Hume and Kant has led religious thinkers to new searches. One of these is the argument of religious experience. Religious experience is classified according to its ways of occurrence. It needs be criticised whether mystic experience, which is included under this classification, should be taken as ‘religious’ or not. This is because many claims of mystic thought, which can be found in any religious tradition in (...)
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  11. Defining the 'social' in 'social entrepreneurship': Altruism and entrepreneurship.Wee Liang Tan, John N. Williams & Teck Meng Tan - 2005 - International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal 1:353-365.
    What is social entrepreneurship? In, particular, what’s so social about it? Understanding what social entrepreneurship is enables researchers to study the phenomenon and policy-makers to design measures to encourage it. However, such an understanding is lacking partly because there is no universally accepted definition of entrepreneurship as yet. In this paper, we suggest a definition of social entrepreneurship that intuitively accords with what is generally accepted as entrepreneurship and that captures the way in which entrepreneurship may be altruistic. Based on (...)
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    Treatment refusal in anorexia nervosa : a challenge to current concepts of capacity.Jacinta Tan & Tony Hope - 2008 - In Guy Widdershoven (ed.), Empirical ethics in psychiatry. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 187--210.
  13. Beyin Çalışmalarına Göre Sezgi ve Dini Tecrübe.Aysel Tan - 2022 - Elazığ: Firat University.
    İnsanın dış dünyadan bilgiyi elde etme şekli tarih boyunca tüm çağlarda ve toplumlarda insanların üzerinde düşündükleri bir olgu olmuştur. Düşünürler bunun için çeşitli iddialar ileri sürmüşlerdir. Bu iddialardan biri, bilginin kaynağının kalp olduğudur. Kalp ise duygu kavramıyla ilişkilendirilmiş ve bilginin kaynağı bu şekilde duygu temelli açıklanmaya çalışılmıştır. Duygu ise ‘sezgisel bir yetenek’ olarak tanımlanmış ve duygunun sezgiyle ilişkisine vurgu yapılmıştır. Antik Yunan’da Homeros ve Sokrat öncesi düşünürler ve Aristoteles düşünmenin ve bilincin merkezi olarak kalbi kabul etmiştir. Eski Mısır medeniyetinde de (...)
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  14. (2 other versions)Madilog, materialisme, dialektika, logika.Tan Malaka - 1951 - Djakarta,: Widjaya.
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  15. Dinî Tecrübe Delilinde Sezginin Yeri ve Önemi.Aysel Tan - 2019 - Malatya, Türkiye: İspec.
    Dinî tecrübe Friedrich Schleiermacher (ö.1768) ile önem kazanan ve William James’in (ö.1842) eserleriyle din felsefesinde teistik delillerin içine dahil olan bir delildir. Dini tecrübelerin birçok şekilde meydana geldiği iddia edilmektedir. Bunlardan biri de sezgidir. Bu bildirinin amacı sezgisel bilginin Tanrı’nın varlığına delil olup olmadığını ortaya koymaktır. Sezgisel yetenek, insanın fiziksel gelişimine (yani beyin) paralel olarak gelişen bir yetidir ve zihnin gelişmesiyle birlikte kapasitesi artmaktadır. Önce çocukta duygusal bir sezgi hakim iken (4-7 yaş), daha sonra çocuğun somut işlemlere geçmesiyle sezgisel yetenek (...)
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  16. The ethical debate about the gig economy: a review and critical analysis.Zhi Ming Tan, Nikita Aggarwal, Josh Cowls, Jessica Morley, Mariarosaria Taddeo & Luciano Floridi - 2021 - Technology in Society 65 (2):101954.
    The gig economy is a phenomenon that is rapidly expanding, redefining the nature of work and contributing to a significant change in how contemporary economies are organised. Its expansion is not unproblematic. This article provides a clear and systematic analysis of the main ethical challenges caused by the gig economy. Following a brief overview of the gig economy, its scope and scale, we map the key ethical problems that it gives rise to, as they are discussed in the relevant literature. (...)
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    Precedent, Rules and the Standard Picture.David Tan - 2016 - Australian Journal of Legal Philosophy 41:81-115.
    In 'The Standard Picture and its Discontents', Mark Greenberg remarks that the typical way that legal theorists think about legal obligations does not sit well with the way the common law works. I argue that Alexander's and Sherwin’s Rule Model of precedent can deal with all the problems that Greenberg accuses the Standard Picture of having. Nonetheless, I further argue that combining the Standard Picture and the Rule Model ultimately leads to another problem: the inability of the Standard Picture – (...)
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  18. Colonialism, Reparations and Global Justice.Kok-Chor Tan - 2007 - In Jon Miller & Rahul Kumar (eds.), Reparations: interdisciplinary inquiries. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 280--306.
    This chapter examines two basic philosophical challenges for the idea of reparations for past injustices (using colonialism as the focal point). The first challenge is that requiring people today to make reparations for an injustice they themselves did not commit is unfair. The second is that if reparative claims are invoked because of lingering injustices, then recalling the past is in fact normatively redundant if lingering present injustices can be handled by forward-looking principles. In response to the first challenge, I (...)
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  19. The Duty to Protect.Kok-Chor Tan - 2005 - In Terry Nardin & Melissa S. Williams (eds.), Humanitarian Intervention: Nomos Xlvii. New York University Press.
    Debates on humanitarian intervention have focused on the permissibility question. In this paper, I ask whether intervention can be a moral duty, and if it is a moral duty, how this duty is to be distributed and assigned. With respect to the first question, I contemplate whether an intervention that has met the "permissibility" condition is also for this reason necessary and obligatory. If so, the gap between permission and obligation closes in the case of humanitarian intervention. On the second (...)
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  20. Dindarlığı Besleyen Klasik Bir Kaynak: Gazali'nin Bidayetü'l Hidaye Kitabı.Aysel Tan - 2020 - Diyarbakır, Türkiye: Ispec.
    Ghazali’s The Beginning of Guidance (Bidayetü'l Hidaye) is a book that represents the beginning for people's salvation. According to Ghazali, in order for the human to be guided, he must first follow the orders of this book and then read the book The Revival of Religious Sciences, which he says contains useful science. According to him, the book of Beginning of Guidance can offer the key to salvation. In this book he made major changes in the understanding of worship of (...)
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    Toleration, Diversity, and Global Justice.Kok-Chor Tan - 2000 - Pennsylvania State University Press.
    The "comprehensive liberalism" defended in this book offers an alternative to the narrower "political liberalism" associated with the writings of John Rawls. By arguing against making tolerance as fundamental a value as individual autonomy, and extending the reach of liberalism to global society, it opens the way for dealing more adequately with problems of human rights and economic inequality in a world of cultural pluralism.
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    Tang Junyi’s comparative philosophy and the spiritual value of Chinese culture.Sor-Hoon Tan - 2014 - New Asia Academic Bulletin 21.
    Tang Junyi engaged in philosophical comparisons very early in his career. He always philosophized from a cultural perspective in his subsequent philosophical reflection on the development of the mind, the philosophy of life, the relation between culture and moral reason, and the spiritual value of Chinese culture.
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    Why study the Chinese classics and how to go about it?Sor-Hoon Tan - 2011 - Journal of Curriculum Studies 43 (5).
    This response to Zongjie Wu's "Interpretation, autonomy, and interpretation" focuses on the "battle between East and West" which contextualizes Wu's proposal to counter the current Western domination of Chinese pedagogic discourse with an "authentic language" recovered from the Chinese classics. It points out that it is impossible and undesirable to reject all Western influences. The dualistic opposition between East and West over-simplifies and blinds one to the complexity of China's history and culture, and unnecessarily limits future possibilities. It challenges Wu's (...)
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    Climate Reparations: Why the polluter pays principle is neither unfair nor unreasonable.Kok-Chor Tan - 2023 - WIREs Climate Change 14 (4).
    The polluter pays principle (PPP) has the form of a reparative principle. It holds that since some countries have historically contributed more to global warming than others, these countries have the follow-up responsibility now to do more to address climate change. Yet in the climate justice debate, PPP is often rejected for two reasons. First, so the objection goes, it wrongly burdens present-day individuals because the actions of their predecessors. This is the unfairness objection. The second objection is that early (...)
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  25. Merit and Inequality: Confucian and Communitarian Perspectives on Singapore’s Meritocracy.Sor-Hoon Tan - 2024 - Journal of Confucian Philosophy and Culture 41:29-64.
    This paper compares criticisms of Singapore’s meritocracy, especially against its impact on income disparities and class divisions, with Michael Sandel’s critique of the meritocratic ethic in the United States. Despite significant differences in their history and politics, meritocracy has similar dysfunctions in both societies, allowing us to draw theoretical conclusions about meritocracy as an ideal of governance. It then contrasts Sandel’s communitarian critique of meritocracy with recent Confucian promotion of political meritocracy and meritocratic justice and argues that the Confucian principle (...)
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  26. Nurettin Topçu'da Bir Dini Tecrübe Türü Olarak Sanat ve Estetik.Aysel Tan - 2019 - Kırşehir, Kırşehir Merkez/Kırşehir, Türkiye: Ahi Evren University.
    Nurettin Topçu (1909-1975) built religious philosophy on the philosophy of willpower and motion. For him, willpower is the existence of a conscious balance between driving and braking forces that are innate and flowing from the inside out of us. Willpower is constantly rising towards God and infinity with a historical motion. The aim of willpower is to help human reach eternity. This historical motion occurs in accordance with certain steps. Willpower is affected not only by individual habits and passions but (...)
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    Mengzi xue shu si xiang ping lun.Yuquan Tan - 1995 - Taibei Shi: Wen jin chu ban she.
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  28. Mozi yan jiu.Jiajian Tan - 1995 - Guiyang Shi: Guizhou jiao yu chu ban she.
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  29. Bir Bilgi Kaynağı Olarak Duygu-Akıl İlişkisi (EMOTION-MIND RELATIONSHIP AS A SOURCE OF INFORMATION).Aysel Tan - 2021 - Atlas 6 (1):21-45.
    The issue of emotion is discussed in three stages in this article. Thus, emotion is built on a realistic and explanatory basis. In the first stage, the relationship between the physiological structure of the human brain and emotion is emphasized. The connection between the lower/primitive brain (the region/emotion center where emotions arise) and the upper/developed brain (mind-logic center, prefrontal lobe) is mentioned. Secondly, the emotional and mental development of human according to Jean Piaget's Mental Development Theory is explained. In the (...)
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    Territorial Jurisdiction as an Internationally Recognized Right.Tan Kok-Chor - forthcoming - Philosophy and Public Issues - Filosofia E Questioni Pubbliche.
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    Hegel chʻŏrhak sasang ŭi ihae.Tan-sŏk Han - 1981 - Sŏul Tʻŭkpyŏlsi: Hanʼgilsa.
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    Edith Stein: à la recherche d'un visage perdu.Philibert Secrétan - 2014 - Paris: Ad Solem.
    Le visage d'Edith Stein a disparu dans le martyre qu'elle subit à Auschwitz le 9 août 1942. Depuis lors, ses différents biographes ont tenté de recomposer les éléments de sa vie et de sa personnalité à partir d'une facette de sa personnalité. Edith Stein philosophe, Edith Stein carmélite, Edith Stein féministe: les approches se succèdent et esquissent les différents traits d'un visage dont l'unité demeure cachée dans le secret d'une destinée. Dans ce livre, Philibert Secretan propose une approche synchronique d'Edith (...)
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    Competence to Make Treatment Decisions in Anorexia Nervosa: Thinking Processes and Values.Jacinta Tan, Anne Stewart, Ray Fitzpatrick & R. A. Hope - 2006 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 13 (4):267-282.
    This paper explores the ethical and conceptual implications of the findings from an empirical study (reported elsewhere) of decision-making capacity in anorexia nervosa. In the study, ten female patients aged thirteen to twenty-one years with a diagnosis of anorexia nervosa, and eight sets of parents, took part in semistructured interviews. The purpose of the interviews was to identify aspects of thinking that might be relevant to the issue of competence to refuse treatment. All the patient-participants were also tested using the (...)
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  34. Rights, harm, and institutions.Kok-Chor Tan - 2010 - In Alison Jaggar (ed.), Thomas Pogge and His Critics. Malden, MA: Polity.
  35. Jean Piaget'in Zihinsel Gelişim Kuramına Göre Mevlana'nın Mistik Düşüncesinin Değerlendirilmesi(The evaluation of Rumi’s mystical theory according to Jean Piaget’s theory of mental development).Aysel Tan - 2020 - In Nazile Abdullazade (ed.), 6th International GAP SOCIAL SCIENCES Congress.
    Jean Piaget's theory of human mental development mirrors many issues related to human. According to this theory, one's view of himself, nature/universe and God is changing. According to this theory, which is basically divided into four main periods and subtitles, the thinking skill of man changes according to age, physical development, education and society. These differences affect the way individuals obtain information. Individuals who acquire knowledge with an emotional intuition before the age of seven acquire information through an inductive way, (...)
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  36. Gazali'nin Bilgi Anlayışı.Aysel Tan - 2020 - 1.Palandöken Bilimsel Araştırmalar Kongresi.
    12th century scholar al-Ghazali wrote about a variety of topics and his distinctive points of view of them allowed him to make his marks on a civilization. The first topics that come to mind with regards to al-Ghazali are suspicion, knowledge and experience. He went through an era of crisis of suspicion at one point of his life and he managed to make it out of that crisis of depression thanks to ‘a divine light Allah put in his heart”. This (...)
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  37. Upade sippaṃ paññā.Taṅʻ ʼUṃʺ - 1977 - Ranʻ kunʻ: Maṅʻʺ sī mvanʻ cā pe.
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  38. The Question of a Cosmomorphic Utopia.Tan Tai Wei - 1974 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 55 (4):401.
  39. Felsefe Optiğinden Aşkın Renkleri.Aysel Tan - 2020 - Pamukkale University 2 (7):1831-1835.
    Felsefe Optiğinden Aşkın Renkleri kitabı Senail Özkan’ın bir takdim yazısı, giriş ve yedi bölümden oluşmaktadır. Kitapta kaynakçaya yer verilmemiştir. Halilov, kitabın giriş kısmında ‘aşk’ın ne olduğunu ve hangi ilim dalı tarafından ele alınması gerektiğini açıklamıştır. Ona göre aşk insanın manevi âleminin en derin katmanlarında ortaya çıktığı için temel itibariyle bilinçdışı alana aittir. İlim onu irdeleyemez, aşk, ilim için muğlak bir alandır ve mantıki düzlemde değerlendirilmesi oldukça zordur. İlim açısından incelenemediği için bu işi felsefe ve şiir üstlenmektedir.(s.16, s. 55) Şiir ve (...)
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    The Bloomsbury Research Handbook of Chinese Philosophy Methodologies.Sor-Hoon Tan (ed.) - 2016 - New York: Institutional Knowledge at Singapore Management University.
    The Bloomsbury Research Handbook of Chinese Philosophy Methodologies presents a new understanding of the changing methods used to study Chinese philosophy. By identifying the various different approaches and discussing the role, and significance of philosophical methods in the Chinese tradition, this collection identifies difficulties and exciting developments for scholars of Asian philosophy.
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  41. Gazâlî’nin Ahlâk Anlayışı.Aysel Tan - 2021 - Ankara, Türkiye: Osmangazi Üniversitesi.
    Moral Understanding of Al-Ghazali In order to evaluate the moral understanding of Ghazali correctly, we should pay attention to how he handles the basic concepts and how he views the life of the hereafter. Ghazali sees moral descriptions such as good, bad and absurd as “knowledge pre-existing in the mind” and believes that it is inherent to do good and avoid evil. Reason naturally encourages people to avoid harm. Reason has the universal knowledge of good and evil. The concepts of (...)
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  42. Can there be a confucian civil society?Sor-Hoon Tan - 2003 - In Kim Chong Chong, Sor-Hoon Tan & C. L. Ten (eds.), The moral circle and the self: Chinese and Western approaches. Chicago, Ill.: Open Court.
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    Decision-Making as a Broader Concept.Jacinta O. A. Tan, Anne Stewart & Tony Hope - 2009 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 16 (4):345-349.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Decision-Making as a Broader ConceptJacinta O. A. Tan (bio), Anne Stewart (bio), and Tony Hope (bio)KeywordsCompetence, decision-making, capacity, anorexia nervosa, autonomy, values, identityWe thank Demian Whiting for the thoughtful critique of aspects of our paper (Tan et al. 2006a). A primary aim of our research was to provide empirical grounds on which to stimulate discussion about the nature of decision-making capacity (DMC). Whiting criticizes in particular the concept of (...)
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  44. Chʻŏrhak sinʼgang.Tan-sŏk Han - 1976
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  45. Kʻantʻŭ chʻŏrhak sasang ŭi ihae.Tan-sŏk Han - 1983 - Sŏul Tʻŭkpyŏlsi: Yangyŏnggak.
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  46. Kʻantʻŭ ŭi saengae wa sasang: sunsu isŏng pipʻan ŭl chungsim ŭro.Tan-sŏk Han - 1980 - Sŏul Tʻŭkpyŏlsi: Hyŏngsŏl Chʻulpʻansa.
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  47. Sŏyang chʻŏrhaksa.Tan-sŏk Han - 1981 - Sŏul Tʻŭkpyŏlsi: Pagyŏngsa.
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  48. Duties of Climate Justice under Non-ideal Conditions.Kok-Chor Tan - 2015 - In Jeremy Moss (ed.), Climate Change and Justice. Cambridge University Press. pp. 129-147.
    On what we may call the institutional approach to justice, the most important duty of justice that individuals have is the duty to establish just institutions when they are absent. How should we understand this institutional duty in relation to more personal moral actions, such as taking direct personal action to mitigate institutional failures? Is this institutional duty a necessary responsibility of justice? Is it sufficient? I will discuss this question in the context of climate change: what responsibilities of justice (...)
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  49. Bir Dini Tecrübe Türü Olarak Türbe Ziyaretleri/Baskil Örneği.Aysel Tan - 2020 - İstanbul, Türkiye: Fırat Üniversitesi Yayınları.
    Religious experiences in folk culture are generally handled outside the rational field. Individual qualities are emphasized, and emotion-oriented aspects are highlighted. Therefore, religious experiences can display very different features. Experiencing religion at a cultural level leads to the mystification of religious experiences. Even if there are many studies on tomb visits in the fields of folk literature, history of religions etc., tomb visits, which can be included in mystical experiences, have not been handled as a matter of religious philosophy according (...)
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  50. Mevlana'da Mistik Tecrübe ve Tanrı'nın Varlığına Getirdiği Deliller.Aysel Tan - 2019 - Malatya, Türkiye: Ispec.
    Geçmişte Tanrı’nın varlığı, ispatı ve yorumu çerçevesinde bazı düşünürler kutsal kitapları, bir kısmı felsefi argümanları, diğer düşünürler ise mistik tecrübeyi merkeze alarak meseleyi tartışmışlardır. Tanrı’nın varlığı ile ilgili meseleyi ‘mistik tecrübe’ etrafında tartışan düşünürlerden biri Mevlana’dır (ö.1273). Onun mistik tecrübesi yani aşk tecrübesi Tanrı’nın varlığına ulaşmadaki tek yoldur. O aşk tecrübesini, gençliğinde babasından ve çevresinden aldığı tasavvufi bilgi anlayışı bağlamında yorumlar. Bu tasavvufi bilgi ve dünya görüşü, duyuların ve aklın yetersizliğine vurgu yapan ve keşf/ilham gibi duygusal sezgiyi ön plana çıkaran (...)
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