Results for 'Shiqi Chen'

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  1.  23
    Can Social Norms Promote Recycled Water Use on Campus? The Evidence From Event-Related Potentials.Xiaojun Liu, Shiqi Chen, Xiaotong Guo & Hanliang Fu - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    The unwillingness of college students to use recycled water has become a key barrier to sewage recycling on campus, and it is critical to strengthen their inclination to do so. This paper used college students in Xi’an as a case study and adopted event-related potential technology to explore the effect of social norms on the willingness to use recycled water and the neural mechanism of cognitive processing. The results suggested the following: The existence of social norms might influence college students’ (...)
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    Examining the Intergovernmental and Interorganizational Network of Responding to Major Accidents for Improving the Emergency Management System in China.Pan Tang, Haojia Chen & Shiqi Shao - 2018 - Complexity 2018:1-16.
    Since the SARS crisis in 2003, institutionalized emergency management systems have been established in each government level for improving inter-organizational collaboration in China. Major accidents require participation of public organizations affiliated with multiple government levels, and the lack of collaboration and coordination among the involved organizations within the critical time constraints during the response process is an existing problem. In this research, a case study of examining the intergovernmental and cross-sectoral collaboration for responding to a well-known oil pipeline explosion accident (...)
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    Corporate Sustainability Paradox Management: A Systematic Review and Future Agenda.Ben Nanfeng Luo, Ying Tang, Erica Wen Chen, Shiqi Li & Dongying Luo - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    Increasing evidence suggests that corporate sustainability is paradoxical in nature, as corporates and managers have to achieve economic, social, and environmental goals, simultaneously. While a paradox perspective has been broadly incorporated into sustainability research for more than a decade, it has resulted in limited improvement in our understanding of corporate sustainability paradox management. In this study, the authors conduct a systematic review of the literature of corporate sustainability paradox management by adopting the Smith–Lewis three-stage model of dynamic equilibrium. The results (...)
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  4. On having a point of view: Belief, action, and egocentric states.Cheryl K. Chen - 2008 - Journal of Philosophy 105 (5):240-258.
  5. Quantum Mechanics in a Time-Asymmetric Universe: On the Nature of the Initial Quantum State.Eddy Keming Chen - 2021 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 72 (4):1155–1183.
    In a quantum universe with a strong arrow of time, we postulate a low-entropy boundary condition to account for the temporal asymmetry. In this paper, I show that the Past Hypothesis also contains enough information to simplify the quantum ontology and define a unique initial condition in such a world. First, I introduce Density Matrix Realism, the thesis that the quantum universe is described by a fundamental density matrix that represents something objective. This stands in sharp contrast to Wave Function (...)
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  6. Surreal Decisions.Eddy Keming Chen & Daniel Rubio - 2020 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 100 (1):54-74.
    Although expected utility theory has proven a fruitful and elegant theory in the finite realm, attempts to generalize it to infinite values have resulted in many paradoxes. In this paper, we argue that the use of John Conway's surreal numbers shall provide a firm mathematical foundation for transfinite decision theory. To that end, we prove a surreal representation theorem and show that our surreal decision theory respects dominance reasoning even in the case of infinite values. We then bring our theory (...)
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  7. The Decoherent Arrow of Time and the Entanglement Past Hypothesis.Jim Al-Khalili & Eddy Keming Chen - 2024 - Foundations of Physics 54 (49).
    If an asymmetry in time does not arise from the fundamental dynamical laws of physics, it may be found in special boundary conditions. The argument normally goes that since thermodynamic entropy in the past is lower than in the future according to the Second Law of Thermodynamics, then tracing this back to the time around the Big Bang means the universe must have started off in a state of very low thermodynamic entropy: the Thermodynamic Past Hypothesis. In this paper, we (...)
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    Liang Ch'i-ch'ao and the Chinese Constitutional Movement.Chen-Kuan Chuang - 1992 - Chinese Studies in History 25 (4):50-64.
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  9. Jokes can fail to be funny because they are immoral: The incompatibility of emotions.Dong An & Kaiyuan Chen - 2021 - Philosophical Psychology 34 (3):374-396.
    Justin D’Arms and Daniel Jacobson have argued that to evaluate the funniness of a joke based on the consideration of whether it is morally appropriate to feel amused commits the “moralistic fallacy.” We offer a new and empirically informed reply. We argue that there is a way to take morality into consideration without committing this fallacy, that is, it is legitimate to say that for some people, witty but immoral jokes can fail to be funny because they are immoral. In (...)
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  10. Kuhn's mature philosophy of science and cognitive psychology.Hanne Andersen, Peter Barker & Xiang Chen - 1996 - Philosophical Psychology 9 (3):347 – 363.
    Drawing on the results of modem psychology and cognitive science we suggest that the traditional theory of concepts is no longer tenable, and that the alternative account proposed by Kuhn may now be seen to have independent empirical support quite apart from its success as part of an account of scientific change. We suggest that these mechanisms can also be understood as special cases of general cognitive structures revealed by cognitive science. Against this background, incommensurability is not an insurmountable obstacle (...)
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  11.  39
    Counterfeit Luxuries: Does Moral Reasoning Strategy Influence Consumers’ Pursuit of Counterfeits?Jie Chen, Lefa Teng & Yonghai Liao - 2018 - Journal of Business Ethics 151 (1):249-264.
    Morality, in the context of luxury counterfeit goods, has been widely discussed in existing literature as having a strong association with decreased purchase intention. However, drawing on moral disengagement theory, we argue that individuals are motivated to justify their immoral behaviors through guilt avoidance, thus increasing counterfeit purchase intention. This research demonstrates that consumers’ desire to purchase counterfeit luxuries hinges on two types of moral reasoning strategies: moral rationalization and moral decoupling. The empirical results show that each strategy increases purchase (...)
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  12.  25
    Credit Risk Contagion in an Evolving Network Model Integrating Spillover Effects and Behavioral Interventions.Tingqiang Chen, Binqing Xiao & Haifei Liu - 2018 - Complexity 2018:1-16.
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    Measuring the Psychological Distance between an Organization and Its Members—The Construction and Validation of a New Scale.Hong Chen & Shanshan Li - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    Anthropocosmic vision, time, and nature: Reconnecting humanity and nature.Hongyan Chen & Yuhua Bu - 2019 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 51 (11):1130-1140.
    Having enjoyed remarkable economic success, China’s natural environment is being increasingly degraded, and with it, the quality of life. Researchers and environmentalists have responded by...
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  15.  39
    Corporate Codes of Ethics, National Culture, and Earnings Discretion: International Evidence.Chu Chen, Giorgio Gotti, Tony Kang & Michael C. Wolfe - 2018 - Journal of Business Ethics 151 (1):141-163.
    This study examines the role of codes of ethics in reducing the extent to which managers act opportunistically in reporting earnings. Corporate codes of ethics, by clarifying the boundaries of ethical corporate behaviors and making relevant social norms more salient, have the potential to deter managers from engaging in opportunistic financial reporting practices. In a sample of international companies, we find that the quality of corporate codes of ethics is associated with higher earnings quality, i.e., lower discretionary accruals. Our results (...)
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    Subconscious processing reveals dissociable contextual modulations of visual size perception.Lihong Chen, Congying Qiao, Ying Wang & Yi Jiang - 2018 - Cognition 180 (C):259-267.
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    Social Trust and Auditor Reporting Conservatism.Deqiu Chen, Li Li, Xuejiao Liu & Gerald J. Lobo - 2018 - Journal of Business Ethics 153 (4):1083-1108.
    We examine the implications of social trust for auditor reporting conservatism. Using a sample of listed companies in China, we find that clients located in high-trust regions are less likely to receive a non-clean audit opinion. This negative impact of social trust on auditor reporting conservatism increases when the client’s parent firm operates in a region of higher social trust, suggesting that social trust is contagious from a parent firm to its subsidiaries in a consolidated entity. We provide evidence that (...)
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  18.  42
    When Guilt is Not Enough: Interdependent Self-Construal as Moderator of the Relationship Between Guilt and Ethical Consumption in a Confucian Context.Yanyan Chen & Dirk C. Moosmayer - 2018 - Journal of Business Ethics 161 (3):551-572.
    Guilt appeals have been found effective in stimulating ethical consumption behaviors in western cultures. However, studies performed in Confucian cultural contexts have found contradictory results. We aim to investigate the inconclusive results of research on guilt and ethical consumption and to explain the inconsistencies. We aim to better understand the influence of guilt on ethical consumption in a Chinese Confucian context and to explore the culturally relevant individual-level concept of interdependent self-construal as a moderator. We build our argument on the (...)
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  19.  95
    Imagination machines, Dartmouth-based Turing tests, & a potted history of responses.Melvin Chen - 2020 - AI and Society 35 (1):283-287.
    Mahadevan (2018, AAAI Conference. proposes that we are at the cusp of imagination science, one of whose primary concerns will be the design of imagination machines. Programs have been written that are capable of generating jokes (Kim Binsted’s JAPE), producing line-drawings that have been exhibited at such galleries as the Tate (Harold Cohen’s AARON), composing music in several styles reminiscent of such greats as Vivaldi and Mozart (David Cope’s Emmy), proving geometry theorems (Herb Gelernter’s IBM program), and inducing quantitative (...)
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    Corporate Philanthropy and Tunneling: Evidence from China.Jun Chen, Wang Dong, Jamie Tong & Feida Zhang - 2018 - Journal of Business Ethics 150 (1):135-157.
    This paper examines the association between corporate philanthropy and tunneling by controlling shareholders. Using a unique dataset from China, the paper finds evidence that firms donating more are less likely to tunnel. The negative association between philanthropy and tunneling is stronger when firms are faced with more severe agency conflicts, as indicated by lower largest shareholding, fewer growth opportunities, lower state ownership, and weaker product market competition. The results suggest that companies engaging in philanthropy have incentives to enhance their reputations (...)
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  21.  52
    Effects of Socioeconomic Status, Parent–Child Relationship, and Learning Motivation on Reading Ability.Qishan Chen, Yurou Kong, Wenyang Gao & Lei Mo - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Validation of the Short Self-Regulation Questionnaire for Taiwanese College Students.Yang-Hsueh Chen & Yu-Ju Lin - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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  23.  36
    Lattices of Finitely Alternative Normal Tense Logics.Minghui Ma & Qian Chen - 2021 - Studia Logica 109 (5):1093-1118.
    A finitely alternative normal tense logic \ is a normal tense logic characterized by frames in which every point has at most n future alternatives and m past alternatives. The structure of the lattice \\) is described. There are \ logics in \\) without the finite model property, and only one pretabular logic in \\). There are \ logics in \\) which are not finitely axiomatizable. For \, there are \ logics in \\) without the FMP, and infinitely many pretabular (...)
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  24.  75
    Experimental individuation and philosophical retail arguments.Ruey-Lin Chen & Jonathon Hricko - 2019 - Synthese 198 (3):2313-2332.
    This paper aims to defend the use of the notion of experimental individuation, which has recently been developed by Ruey-Lin Chen, as a criterion for the reality of theoretical entities. In short, when scientists experimentally individuate an entity, a realist conclusion about that entity is warranted. We embed this claim regarding experimental individuation within a framework that allows for other criteria of reality. And we understand so-called retail arguments regarding the reality of a particular theoretical entity as arguments that (...)
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  25.  51
    Exploiting Spatial and Temporal for Point of Interest Recommendation.Jinpeng Chen, Wen Zhang, Pei Zhang, Pinguang Ying, Kun Niu & Ming Zou - 2018 - Complexity 2018:1-16.
    An increasing number of users have been attracted by location-based social networks in recent years. Meanwhile, user-generated content in online LBSNs like spatial, temporal, and social information provides an ever-increasing chance to study the human behavior movement from their spatiotemporal mobility patterns and spawns a large number of location-based applications. For instance, one of such applications is to produce personalized point of interest recommendations that users are interested in. Different from traditional recommendation methods, the recommendations in LBSNs come with two (...)
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  26.  31
    Interpretation bias and social anxiety: does interpretation bias mediate the relationship between trait social anxiety and state anxiety responses?Junwen Chen, Kirby Milne, Janet Dayman & Eva Kemps - 2018 - Cognition and Emotion 33 (4):630-645.
    ABSTRACTTwo studies aimed to examine whether high socially anxious individuals are more likely to negatively interpret ambiguous social scenarios and facial expressions compared to low socially anxious individuals. We also examined whether interpretation bias serves as a mediator of the relationship between trait social anxiety and state anxiety responses, in particular current state anxiety, bodily sensations, and perceived probability and cost of negative evaluation pertaining to a speech task. Study 1 used ambiguous social scenarios and Study 2 used ambiguous facial (...)
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    Modelling and Analysis of Automobile Vibration System Based on Fuzzy Theory under Different Road Excitation Information.Xue-wen Chen & Yue Zhou - 2018 - Complexity 2018:1-9.
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    Collective Efficacy: Linking Paternalistic Leadership to Organizational Commitment.Ying Chen, Xiaohu Zhou & Kim Klyver - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 159 (2):587-603.
    Based on social cognitive theory, we theorize that collective efficacy plays a mediating role in the relationship between paternalistic leadership and organizational commitment and that this mediating role depends on team cohesion. The empirical results from a study of 238 employees from 52 teams at manufacturing companies show that benevolent leadership and moral leadership, both components of paternalistic leadership, are positively related to organizational commitment and further that collective efficacy mediates the moral leadership–organizational commitment relationship. We did not find a (...)
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  29.  77
    Privacy perception and protection on Chinese social media: a case study of WeChat.Zhen Troy Chen & Ming Cheung - 2018 - Ethics and Information Technology 20 (4):279-289.
    In this study, the under-examined area of privacy perception and protection on Chinese social media is investigated. The prevalence of digital technology shapes the social, political and cultural aspects of the lives of urban young adults. The influential Chinese social media platform WeChat is taken as a case study, and the ease of connection, communication and transaction combined with issues of commercialisation and surveillance are discussed in the framework of the privacy paradox. Protective behaviour and tactics are examined through different (...)
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    An Improved Particle Swarm Optimization with Biogeography-Based Learning Strategy for Economic Dispatch Problems.Xu Chen, Bin Xu & Wenli Du - 2018 - Complexity 2018:1-15.
    Economic dispatch plays an important role in power system operation, since it can decrease the operating cost, save energy resources, and reduce environmental load. This paper presents an improved particle swarm optimization called biogeography-based learning particle swarm optimization for solving the ED problems involving different equality and inequality constraints, such as power balance, prohibited operating zones, and ramp-rate limits. In the proposed BLPSO, a biogeography-based learning strategy is employed in which particles learn from each other based on the quality of (...)
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  31.  18
    Complex Dynamical Behavior in the Shear-Displacement Model for Bulk Metallic Glasses during Plastic Deformation.Cun Chen, Shaokang Guan & Liying Zhang - 2018 - Complexity 2018:1-13.
    In this paper, a fresh shear-displacement model is developed for the plastic deformation of the bulk metallic glasses. The multiscale behavior in the shear banding process and the dynamics transition with the parameters are investigated in analytical form. We present a theoretical support for the transition from unstable states to stable states in the experiment by multiscale analysis and the stability analysis. With the small parameter increasing from negative to positive, the stability of the shear slipping displacement system changes, and (...)
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  32.  77
    Criterial problems in creative cognition research.Melvin Chen - 2018 - Philosophical Psychology 31 (3):368-382.
    In creative cognition research, the Romantic view about creative cognition is traditionally rejected in favor of the modern view. The modern view about creative cognition maintains that creativity is neither mysterious nor unintelligible and that it is indeed susceptible to analysis. The paradigmatic objects of analysis in creative cognition research have been creative output and the creative process. The degree of creativity of an output is assessed in accordance with certain criterial definitions. The degree of creativity of a cognitive process (...)
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    Looking into the future: An inward bias in aesthetic experience driven only by gaze cues.Yi-Chia Chen, Clara Colombatto & Brian J. Scholl - 2018 - Cognition 176 (C):209-214.
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  34.  53
    Selective Effects of Postural Control on Spatial vs. Nonspatial Working Memory: A Functional Near-Infrared Spectral Imaging Study.Yifan Chen, Yanglan Yu, Ruoyu Niu & Ying Liu - 2018 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 12.
  35.  22
    The neglected contribution of memory encoding in spatial cueing: A new theory of costs and benefits.Hui Chen & Brad Wyble - 2018 - Psychological Review 125 (6):936-968.
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    Evaluation of psychological stress, cortisol awakening response, and heart rate variability in patients with chronic prostatitis/chronic pelvic pain syndrome complicated by lower urinary tract symptoms and erectile dysfunction.Jian Bai, Longjie Gu, Yinwei Chen, Xiaming Liu, Jun Yang, Mingchao Li, Xiyuan Dong, Shulin Yang, Bo Huang, Tao Wang, Lei Jin, Jihong Liu & Shaogang Wang - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    BackgroundMental stress and imbalance of its two neural stress systems, the autonomic nervous system and the hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal axis, are associated with chronic prostatitis/chronic pelvic pain syndrome and erectile dysfunction. However, the comprehensive analyses of psychological stress and stress systems are under-investigated, particularly in CP/CPPS patients complicated by lower urinary tract symptoms and ED.Materials and methodsParticipants were 95 patients in CP/CPPS+ED group, 290 patients in CP/CPPS group, 124 patients in ED group and 52 healthy men in control group. The National Institutes (...)
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    Further Results on Reachable Set Bounding for Discrete-Time System with Time-Varying Delay and Bounded Disturbance Inputs.Wei Kang, Hao Chen, Kaibo Shi & Jun Cheng - 2018 - Complexity 2018:1-11.
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    Confucianism and Deweyan pragmatism: resources for a new geopolitics of interdependence.Roger T. Ames, Chen Yajun & Peter D. Hershock (eds.) - 2021 - Honolulu: University of Hawaiʻi Press.
    Over the past generation, the rise of East Asia and especially China, has brought about a sea change in the economic and political world order. At the same time, global warming, environmental degradation, food and water shortages, population explosion, and income inequities have created a perfect storm that threatens the very survival of humanity. It is clear now that the Westphalian model of individual sovereign states seeking their own self-interest will not be able to respond effectively to this win-win or (...)
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  39.  27
    Are sentiments subject to selection pressures? The case of oxytocin.Chelsea D. Christie & Frances S. Chen - 2017 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 40.
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    The humanist spirit of Daoism.Guying Chen - 2018 - Boston: Brill. Edited by Hans-Georg Moeller, David Edward Jones & Sarah Flavel.
    In The Humanist Spirit of Daoism, Chen Guying presents a concise overview of his understanding of the meaning and significance of Daoist philosophy. Chen is a leading contemporary Chinese thinker and spokesperson for a new Daoist approach to existential and socio-political issues. He was born in mainland China in 1935, but after having resettled to Taiwan, he received his education there and was a student activist in the 1960s. He became famous in the Chinese-speaking world with his writings (...)
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    Hukou identity and fairness in the ultimatum game.Jun Luo, Yefeng Chen, Haoran He & Guanlin Gao - 2019 - Theory and Decision 87 (3):389-420.
    The hukou system is a mandatory household registration system in China that assigns an individual either an urban/non-agricultural hukou or a rural/agricultural hukou based on one’s birthplace. This system favors urban residents and discriminates against rural residents in accessing state-owned resources such as employment, education, health care, and housing. To better understand how this institutionally imposed hukou identity impacts an individual’s sense of fairness in the ultimatum game, we conducted a field experiment in China using 9–12-year-old children and collected 672 (...)
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  42.  22
    Edouard Machery: Doing Without Concepts.Xiang Chen - 2013 - Science & Education 22 (5):1253-1255.
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    A SA-ANN-Based Modeling Method for Human Cognition Mechanism and the PSACO Cognition Algorithm.Shuting Chen & Dapeng Tan - 2018 - Complexity 2018:1-21.
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    Quantifying Evolution of Short and Long-Range Correlations in Chinese Narrative Texts across 2000 Years.Heng Chen & Haitao Liu - 2018 - Complexity 2018:1-12.
    We investigate how short and long-range word length correlations evolve in Chinese narrative texts. The results show that, for short-range word length correlations, no significant linear evolutionary trend was found. But for long-range correlations, there are two opposite tendencies for two different regimes: the Hurst exponent of small-scale word length correlations decreases over time, and the exponent of large-scale shows an increasing tendency. The increase of word length is corroborated as an essential regularity of word evolution in written Chinese. Further (...)
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    Sparse Gene Coexpression Network Analysis Reveals EIF3J-AS1 as a Prognostic Marker for Breast Cancer.Xin Chen, Zuyuan Yang, Chao Yang, Kan Xie, Weijun Sun & Shengli Xie - 2018 - Complexity 2018:1-12.
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    The Efficacy of Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing in Children and Adults Who Have Experienced Complex Childhood Trauma: A Systematic Review of Randomized Controlled Trials.Runsen Chen, Amy Gillespie, Yanhui Zhao, Yingjun Xi, Yanping Ren & Loyola McLean - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    What the “F”?Donna Chen, Elizabeth Epstein, Susan Almarode, Jameel Winter & Mary Faith Marshall - 2018 - American Journal of Bioethics 18 (1):16-19.
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    Is early visual processing attention impenetrable?Su-Ling Yeh & I.-Ping Chen - 1999 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 22 (3):400-400.
    Pylyshyn's effort in establishing the cognitive impenetrability of early vision is welcome. However, his view about the role of attention in early vision seems to be oversimplified. The allocation of focal attention manifests its effect among multiple stages in the early vision system, it is not just confined to the input and the output levels.
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    Whether Modulating the Activity of the Temporalparietal Junction Alters Distribution Decisions within Different Contexts: Evidence from a tDCS Study.Jun Luo, Shu Chen, Daqiang Huang, Hang Ye & Haoli Zheng - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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  50. Liang Youping shi jian hou: fo fa dui zhi feng bao de chen si yu xue xi.Fucheng Chen - 2014 - Taibei Shi: Wen shi zhe chu ban she.
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