Results for 'Shin Nagai'

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  1.  10
    Japanese Philosophy, Nothingness, The World, and the Body.Michel Dalissier, Nagai Shin & Sugimura Yasuhiko (eds.) - 2013 - Paris: Vrin.
    L’acte de la philosophie japonaise est celui d’un évidement de soi: acte d’accueil des traditions philosophiques du monde, acte en résonance, créateur d’une terminologie, d’une logique, d’une conceptualité originales, s’alimentant aux sources d’une pensée mythique jamais tarie. Les textes présentés ici en feront sentir l’inclassable nouveauté: cette philosophie n’est ni purement shintoïste, bouddhique, chrétienne, néoconfucianiste ; elle n’est ni « orientale » ni « occidentale », mais proprement japonaise.
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    Phénoménologie de la virtualité.Shin Nagai - 2014 - Metodo. International Studies in Phenomenology and Philosophy 2 (2):17-29.
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  3. Hisamatsu Shinʼichi Bukkyō kōgi.Shinʼichi Hisamatsu - 1990 - Kyōto-shi: Hōzōkan. Edited by Yukio Kawasaki & Seishi Ishii.
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  4. Hisamatsu Shinʾichi chosaku shū.Shinʼichi Hisamatsu - 1970
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    Bilingual Object Naming: A Connectionist Model.Shin-Yi Fang, Benjamin D. Zinszer, Barbara C. Malt & Ping Li - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7:179499.
    Patterns of object naming often differ between languages, but bilingual speakers develop convergent naming patterns in their two languages that are distinct from those of monolingual speakers of each language. This convergence appears to reflect interactions between lexical representations for the two languages. In this study, we developed a self-organizing connectionist model to simulate semantic convergence in the bilingual lexicon and investigate the mechanisms underlying this semantic convergence. We examined the similarity of patterns in the simulated data to empirical data (...)
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    Magic and self-cultivation in a New Religion: The case of Shinnyoen.Nagai Mikiko - 1995 - Japanese Journal of Religious Studies 22 (3-4):301-320.
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  7. Shin kagaku seishin.Hiroshi Kuriyama, Shin Satō & Chikio Hayashi (eds.) - 1987 - Tōkyō: Kokubunsha.
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    Frege's Redundancy Thesis.Shin Sakuragi - 2006 - Kagaku Tetsugaku 39 (1):29-45.
  9.  33
    The creation of the Belmont Report and its effect on ethical principles: a historical study.Akira Akabayashi, Eisuke Nakazawa & Hiroyuki Nagai - 2022 - Monash Bioethics Review 40 (2):157-170.
    AbstractThe Belmont Report continues to be held in high regard, and most bioethical analyses conducted in recent years have presumed that it affects United States federal regulations. However, the assessments of the report’s creators are sharply divided. Understanding the historic reputation of this monumental report is thus crucial. We first recount the historical context surrounding the creation of this report. Subsequently, we review the process involved in developing ethical guidelines and describe the report’s features. Additionally, we analyze the effect of (...)
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  10.  18
    AI-Assisted Design Concept Exploration Through Character Space Construction.Shin Sano & Seiji Yamada - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    We propose an AI-assisted design concept exploration tool, the “Character Space Construction”. Concept designers explore and articulate the target product aesthetics and semantics in language, which is expressed using “Design Concept Phrases”, that is, compound adjective phrases, and contrasting terms that convey what are not their target design concepts. Designers often utilize this dichotomy technique to communicate the nature of their aesthetic and semantic design concepts with stakeholders, especially in an early design development phase. The CSC assists this designers' cognitive (...)
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  11.  32
    A Study of Humanitarian Intervention and its Implications of Moral Education.Shin Won Dong - 2017 - Journal of Ethics: The Korean Association of Ethics 1 (115):69-103.
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    Implications for J. Dewey Liberalism in the Communitarian Perspectives on Moral Education.Shin Won Dong - 2018 - Journal of Ethics: The Korean Association of Ethics 1 (121):25-56.
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    The Formation of Modern Concept of Sovereignty and its Significance - Focusing on the Relationship with Human Rights in International Relations -.Shin Won Dong - 2018 - Journal of Ethics: The Korean Association of Ethics 1 (118):137-169.
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    Hō jisshō shugi no gendaiteki tenkai.Shin'ichirō Hama - 2014 - Tōkyō-to Shinjuku-ku: Seibundō.
    法に対して合理的で批判的な姿勢を吹き込もうとする試み。ハート=ドゥオーキン論争以降の「法実証主義の現代的展開」を描き出す。本書ではとくに、ハートの理論的継承者であるラズおよびマーモーの議論に注目する。 .
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  15. Kagaku to ningen.Shin'ichirō Tomonaga - 1982 - Tōkyō: Misuzu Shobō. Edited by Takeo Kuwabara.
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    Successfully remembering a belief and the problem of forgotten evidence.Shin Sakuragi - 2024 - Philosophy and the Mind Sciences 5.
    The problem of forgotten evidence consists of a pair of scenarios originally proposed by Alvin Goldman. In the “forgotten good evidence” and “forgotten bad evidence” scenarios, subjects hold the same memory belief while irreversibly forgetting its original, though different, pieces of evidence. The two scenarios pose a series of challenges to current time slice (CTS) theories, which posit that memory beliefs are justified solely by contemporaneous states. Goldman’s two scenarios pose an apparent dilemma to CTS theories given a naïve picture (...)
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  17. Kōfukuron nōto.Shinʾichi Eguchi - 1970
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  18. Crossed Corticospinal Facilitation Between Arm and Trunk Muscles Correlates With Trunk Control After Spinal Cord Injury.Shin-Yi Chiou & Paul H. Strutton - 2020 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 14.
  19.  15
    "Watakushi" o meguru taiketsu: dokuzaisei o tetsugakusuru.Hitoshi Nagai & Masahiro Morioka (eds.) - 2021 - Tōkyō-to Chiyoda-ku: Akashi Shoten.
    現代の哲学界にあって、全く独自のアプローチを積み上げてきた永井均。永井哲学の最重要キーワードでもある「“私”」について、永井自身と森岡正博が哲学する。“私”、すなわち、「いまここに現にひとりだけ特殊な 形で存在している、私の特別なあり方」は決して普遍化できないはずだが、ひとたびそれを語ってしまうと、他者にも適用できる単なる「私」の話となり、本当に言いたかった特別さは消えてしまう。どうすれば私たちは私 だけがもつその特別さに近づくことができるだろうか?―独在性の解釈をめぐって、永井と森岡は徐々にすれ違いを見せていく。2人の議論の「噛み合わなさ」から浮かび上がってくる“私”の真相とは?この世の最大の謎 、“私”をめぐって繰り広げられるオリジナルでスリリングな知的冒険。.
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    Schleiermachers Begriff der Menschheit.Shin-Hann Choi - 2012 - 동서철학연구(Dong Seo Cheol Hak Yeon Gu; Studies in Philosophy East-West) 63 (null):75-95.
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  21. Korean thoughts.Shin-Yong Chun (ed.) - 1979 - Seoul, Korea: International Cultural Foundation.
  22. Gendai shizen tetsugaku no kenkyū.Hiroshi Nagai - 1963
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  23. Kyōiku genron.Kazuo Nagai (ed.) - 1977 - Fukumura Shuppan.
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  24. Kagaku tetsugaku gairon.Shigeo Nagai - 1967 - Edited by Hiroshi Kurosaki.
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  25. Nihon-teki shisō no kenkyū.Ryōkichi Nagai - 1940
  26.  40
    On the Logical Information of Analytic Sentence.Shigeo Nagai - 1968 - Kagaku Tetsugaku 1:55-70.
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    Relations between Logical Necessity and Logical Truth.Shigeo Nagai & Tokuyuki Ohkubo - 1979 - Kagaku Tetsugaku 12:115-120.
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    The application of manufacturing culture to the design of Asian region oriented machine tools.Shin?Ichi Warisawa, Chikao Inaba & Yoshimi Ito - 2003 - AI and Society 17 (3-4):278-290.
    During the last years the demand for regionally and culturally harmonised machine design is increasingly on the agenda. The problem of localising products like machine tools instantly poses the question for new procedures that allow including the regional and cultural adaptations into the design processes of machine tool companies. How to transform the general insight into the necessity of culture- and region-adapted technologies and how to embed it into a design procedure comprising applicable design attributes is the crucial problem addressed. (...)
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    Understanding user sensemaking in fairness and transparency in algorithms: algorithmic sensemaking in over-the-top platform.Donghee Shin, Joon Soo Lim, Norita Ahmad & Mohammed Ibahrine - forthcoming - AI and Society:1-14.
    A number of artificial intelligence systems have been proposed to assist users in identifying the issues of algorithmic fairness and transparency. These AI systems use diverse bias detection methods from various perspectives, including exploratory cues, interpretable tools, and revealing algorithms. This study explains the design of AI systems by probing how users make sense of fairness and transparency as they are hypothetical in nature, with no specific ways for evaluation. Focusing on individual perceptions of fairness and transparency, this study examines (...)
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  30.  28
    Demonstratives as indicators of interactional focus: Spatial and social dimensions of Spanish esta and esa.Naomi Shin, Barbara Shaffer, Jill P. Morford & Luis Hinojosa- Cantú - 2020 - Cognitive Linguistics 31 (3):485-514.
    This paper adopts a cognitive linguistic framework to explore the influence of spatial and social factors on the use of Spanish demonstratives esta ‘this’ and esa ‘that’. Twenty adult Spanish speakers in Monterrey, Mexico, were asked questions prompting the selection of puzzle pieces for placement in a 25-piece puzzle located in the shared space between the participant and an addressee. Although participants were not explicitly instructed to produce demonstratives, the need to identify specific puzzle pieces naturally elicited a total of (...)
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  31.  69
    On Memory Knowledge.Shin Sakuragi - 2010 - Kagaku Tetsugaku 43 (1):61-77.
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  32. Shibusawa Eiichi no keisei saimin shisō.Shinʾichi Sakamoto - 2002 - Tōkyō: Nihon Keizai Hyōronsha.
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  33.  9
    Considérations inactuelles: Bergson et la philosophie française du XIXe siècle.Shin Abiko, Hisashi Fujita & Yasuhiko Sugimura (eds.) - 2017 - Hildesheim: Georg Olms Verlag.
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  34.  14
    Disséminations de L'évolution créatrice de Bergson.Shin Abiko (ed.) - 2012 - Hildesheim: George Olms Verlag.
  35.  15
    Mécanique et mystique: sur le quatrième chapitre des Deux sources de la morale et de la religion de Bergson.Shin Abiko, Hisashi Fujita & Yasuhiko Sugimura (eds.) - 2018 - Hildesheim: Georg Olms Verlag.
    Dans 'les Deux sources de la morale et de la religion', Bergson évoque rarement le Japon. Et pourtant dans le quatrième chapitre du même texte, intitulé Remarques finales 'Mécanique et mystique', c'était lui qui a bien prévu Hiroshima avec ces mots testamentaires: ' Il faut que tous se battent contre tous, comme firent les hordes des premiers temps. Seulement on se bat avec les armes forgées par notre civilisation, et les massacres sont d'une horreur que les anciens n'auraient même pas (...)
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    John Hick and Comparative Philosophy.Shin Ahn - 2008 - Proceedings of the Xxii World Congress of Philosophy 8:15-21.
    Buddhism and Christianity have been main religions in contemporary Korea. In order to overcome their antipathies and conflicts, some philosophers of religion have suggested possible models for religious harmony and coexistence. This paper will examine John Hick's theory of religious pluralism by analyzing his autobiography and philosophical arguments. Korean scholars of religion have attempted to understand his theory in various ways, including philosophical, phenomenological, and psychological ones. Pointing out that Hick's pluralistic position, which has formed in a particular context, has (...)
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    Rethinking Mircea Eliade’s Philosophical Foundations.Shin Ahn - 2008 - Proceedings of the Xxii World Congress of Philosophy 45:19-25.
    This paper examines philosophical foundations of Mircea Eliade's creative hermeneutics. Analyzing his concept of “terror of history” and autobiography, I will argue that his philosophy of religion is useful for Korean scholars to recognize the meaning of Korean religions, which have been overlooked by Western scholars of religions. Paying attention to the continuities between his life and thought, I will explain Eliade’s “primitive ontology” and defend recent criticisms of his method and theory. His views on “new humanism” and “cosmic religion” (...)
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    How implicit image of woman changed in Japanese sixth-grade children after a gender equality education lesson.Shin Akita & Kazuo Mori - 2022 - Journal of Social Studies Research 46 (2):153-159.
    Ninety-two Japanese elementary school sixth-graders (46 boys and 46 girls; 11–12 years old) learned the quota system as part of gender equality education. We used a group performance implicit association test (Mori, Uchida, and Imada, 2008) to evaluate the lesson's effect by assessing the children's image of “woman” before and after the class. The results showed that the image of “woman” among boys improved significantly from neutral to positive through the lesson. We also found that girls’ implicit image of “woman” (...)
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  39. N.F. Fedorov i ego voronezhskoe okruzhenie: 1894-1901: statʹi, pisʹma, vospominanii︠a︡ v Voronezhe.A. N. Akinʹshin - 1998 - Voronezh: Izd-vo Voronezhskogo gos. universiteta. Edited by O. Lasunskiĭ.
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    Top Management Ethical Leadership and Firm Performance: Mediating Role of Ethical and Procedural Justice Climate.Yuhyung Shin, Sun Young Sung, Jin Nam Choi & Min Soo Kim - 2015 - Journal of Business Ethics 129 (1):43-57.
    Despite the prevailing discourses on the importance of top management ethical leadership, related theoretical and empirical developments are lacking. Drawing on institutional theory, we propose that top management ethical leadership contributes to organizational outcomes by promoting firm-level ethical and procedural justice climates. This theoretical framework was empirically tested using multi-source data obtained from 4,468 employees of 147 Korean companies from various industries. The firm-level analysis shows that top management ethical leadership significantly predicts ethical climate, which then results in procedural justice (...)
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  41. Time constraints and pragmatic encroachment on knowledge.Joseph Shin - 2014 - Episteme 11 (2):157-180.
    Citing some recent experimental findings, I argue for the surprising claim that in some cases the less time you have the more you know. More specifically, I present some evidence to suggest that our ordinary knowledge ascriptions are sometimes sensitive to facts about an epistemic subject's truth-irrelevant time constraints such that less is more. If knowledge ascriptions are sensitive in this manner, then this is some evidence of pragmatic encroachment. Along the way, I consider comments made by Jonathan Schaffer and (...)
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  42. On the difference between polynomial-time many-one and truth-table.Shin Aida, Rainer Schuler, Tatsuie Tsukiji & Osamu Watanabe - 1992 - Complexity 44:193-219.
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  43. How Emotions Are Shaped by Bodily States.Hugo D. Critchley & Yoko Nagai - 2012 - Emotion Review 4 (2):163-168.
    The state of the body is central to guiding motivational behaviours. Here we discuss how afferent information from face and viscera influence the processing and communication of emotional states. We highlight (a) the fine-grained impact that facial muscular and patterned visceral responses exert on emotional appraisal and communicative signals; (b) short-term changes in visceral state that bias brain responses to emotive stimuli; (c) the commonality of brain pathways and substrates mediating short- and long-term bodily effects on emotional processes; (d) how (...)
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    Review of Sun-Joo Shin: The Logical Status of Diagrams[REVIEW]Sun-joo Shin - 1997 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 48 (2):290-291.
  45. frequent closed item set mining based on zero-suppressed BDDs.Shin-Ichi Minato & Hiroki Arimura - 2007 - Transactions of the Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence 22 (2):165-172.
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    Does the Clock Tick Slower or Faster in Parkinson’s Disease? – Insights Gained From the Synchronized Tapping Task.Shin-Ichi Tokushige, Yasuo Terao, Shunichi Matsuda, Toshiaki Furubayashi, Takuya Sasaki, Satomi Inomata-Terada, Akihiro Yugeta, Masashi Hamada, Shoji Tsuji & Yoshikazu Ugawa - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
  47. Psychospiritual care: A shared journey embracing life and wholeness.M. A. Burkhardt & M. G. Nagai-Jacobson - 1997 - Bioethics Forum 13 (4):34-41.
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    When You Become a Superman: Subliminal Exposure to Death-Related Stimuli Enhances Men’s Physical Force.Naoaki Kawakami, Emi Miura & Masayoshi Nagai - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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  49. Rekishi to shōgen.Shinʼichi Mashita - 1980
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  50. Activating Academic Voice: Explorations of the Media Landscape.Shin Mizukoshi - 2024 - Theory, Culture and Society 41 (7-8):147-163.
    This essay examines the role of voice-centred media practices in promoting public engagement and enhancing academic research in a media environment dominated by platform capitalism. It argues that developing academic researchers’ media literacy is essential to their understanding of how communication spaces are created and managed. Through the ‘Let’s Read the “Terms of Service” Out Loud!’ workshop, participants explored the often-overlooked implications of digital media and platform use. This activity raises awareness of the personal data exchange inherent in platform capitalism. (...)
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