Results for 'Seon-Ho Park'

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  1.  23
    Context-aware security management system for pervasive computing environment.Seon-Ho Park, Young-Ju Han & Tai-Myoung Chung - 2001 - In P. Bouquet V. Akman, Modeling and Using Context. Springer. pp. 384--396.
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    The Relationship Between Employees’ Daily Customer Injustice and Customer-Directed Sabotage: Cross-Level Moderation Effects of Emotional Stability and Attentiveness.Young Ho Song & Jungkyu Park - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Customer injustice has received considerable attention in the field of organizational behavior because it generates a variety of negative outcomes. Among possible negative consequences, customer-directed sabotage is the most common reaction, which impacts individuals’ well-being and the prosperity of organizations. To minimize such negative consequences, researchers have sought to identify boundary conditions that could potentially attenuate the occurrence of customer-directed sabotage. In this study, we explore potential attenuation effects of emotional stability and attentiveness on the customer injustice–sabotage linkage. The results (...)
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    The Sublime Objects of Affectivity: Shoes, Vampires, and Colors in Park Chan-wook's Thirst.Hyun Seon Park - 2018 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 2018 (184):223-244.
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    A Two-Factor Model Better Explains Heterogeneity in Negative Symptoms: Evidence from the Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale.Seon-Kyeong Jang, Hye-Im Choi, Soohyun Park, Eunju Jaekal, Ga-Young Lee, Young Il Cho & Kee-Hong Choi - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7:164060.
    Acknowledging separable factors underlying negative symptoms may lead to better understanding and treatment of negative symptoms in individuals with schizophrenia. The current study aimed to test whether the negative symptoms factor (NSF) of the Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale (PANSS) would be better represented by expressive and experiential deficit factors, rather than by a single factor model, using confirmatory factor analysis (CFA). Two hundred and twenty individuals with schizophrenia spectrum disorders completed the PANSS; subsamples additionally completed the Brief Negative Symptom (...)
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    Two Concerns of the Confucian Learner.Youn-Ho Park - 2016 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 48 (1):97-105.
    In this article, I trace a shift in Confucian scholars’ interpretations about the idea of ‘learning for one’s self’ vs. ‘learning for others’ from the Analects: a shift from the philological interpretation to the philosophical one. Despite its defect, most Neo-Confucians accepted the philosophical interpretation, because it was considered to play a role of minimizing a newly emerged educational bane, that is, students’ exclusively instrumental study for civil service examinations, while establishing the supremacy of ‘learning for the cultivation of mind’. (...)
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    Neuroscientific Challenges to deontological theory: Implications to Moral Education.Jang-Ho Park - 2011 - Journal of Ethics: The Korean Association of Ethics 1 (82):73-125.
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    Microstructural accommodation of excess Ru in epitaxial SrRuO3films.Sang Ho Oh & Chan Gyung Park - 2003 - Philosophical Magazine 83 (11):1307-1327.
    The microstructures of Ru-excess SrRuO 3 films, which were grown epitaxially on SrTiO 3 substrates by ion-beam sputtering, were studied by transmission electron microscopy. The excess Ru can be accommodated by forming extended defects on the {100} planes, faulted dislocation loops, by making RuO 2 double layers. However, the most stable crystalline phase of the excess Ru in SrRuO 3 film was metallic Ru with a hexagonal structure. The orientation relationship between the Ru precipitates, the SrTiO 3 substrate, and the (...)
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    From voids to sophistication: Institutional environment and mnc csr crisis in emerging markets.Meng Zhao, Justin Tan & Seung Ho Park - 2014 - Journal of Business Ethics 122 (4):655-674.
    Why do multinational corporations frequently encounter corporate social responsibility crises in leading emerging markets in the new century? Existing research about institutional impacts on MNC CSR has developed a void-based account about how the flawed institutional system allows misdeeds to happen. But the fact that such misdeeds have turned into increasing CSR crises in the new century along with institutional change is rarely taken into account. This paper combines studies of institutional voids, institutional entrepreneurship, and stakeholder theory to develop a (...)
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    Akrasia and Its Implication to Moral Education: Meanings of Moral Knowledge.Jang-Ho Park - 2009 - Journal of Ethics: The Korean Association of Ethics 1 (72):131-161.
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    Liberalism and Moral Education.Jang-Ho Park - 2009 - Journal of Ethics: The Korean Association of Ethics 1 (75):187-222.
  11.  50
    The Conceptions of philia between Plato and Aristotle: Educational Implication.Young-Ho Park - 2020 - Journal of Moral Education 32 (2):71-91.
  12.  19
    Contingent Identity : Alan Gibbard’s Example.Joon-ho Park - 2017 - Journal Of pan-Korean Philosophical Society 87:91-116.
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    Emergence of Community‐Associated Methicillin‐Resistant Staphylococcus aureus Strains as a Cause of Healthcare‐Associated Bloodstream Infections in Korea.M. D. Sun Hee Park, Chulmin Park, Jin-Hong Yoo, Su-Mi Choi, Jung-Hyun Choi, Hyun-Ho Shin, Dong-Gun Lee, Seungok Lee, JaYoung Kim & So Eun Choi - 2009 - Emergence: Complexity and Organization 30 (2):146-155.
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    Neural and Homeostatic Regulation of REM Sleep.Sung-Ho Park & Franz Weber - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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  15. Association of resting-state theta–gamma coupling with selective visual attention in children with tic disorders.Ji Seon Ahn, Kyungun Jhung, Jooyoung Oh, Jaeseok Heo, Jae-Jin Kim & Jin Young Park - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16:1017703.
    A tic disorder (TD) is a neurodevelopmental disorder characterized by tics, which are repetitive movements and/or vocalizations that occur due to aberrant sensory gating. Its pathophysiology involves dysfunction in multiple parts of the cortico-striato-thalamo-cortical circuits. Spontaneous brain activity during the resting state can be used to evaluate the baseline brain state, and it is associated with various aspects of behavior and cognitive processes. Theta–gamma coupling (TGC) is an emerging technique for examining how neural networks process information through interactions. However, the (...)
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    Exploring antecedents of attitude and intention toward Internet piracy among college students in South Korea.Hyoungkoo Khang, Eyun-Jung Ki, In-Kon Park & Seon-Gi Baek - 2012 - Asian Journal of Business Ethics 1 (2):177 - 194.
    Abstracts This study aims to examine the predictors of attitude and intentions toward Internet piracy in South Korea. Also, it intends to suggest a model of Internet piracy demonstrating the casual effects of factors of individual attitude and intentions toward Internet piracy. The results demonstrated that moral obligations and subjective norms are significant predictors of an individual’s attitude toward Internet piracy. Moreover, three factors—moral obligation, perceived behavioral control, and attitude—are essential antecedents of an individual’s intention to engage in Internet piracy. (...)
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  17. Special issue on the emergence of analytic philosophy in East Asia.Yarran Hominh, Minh Nguyen, Dien Ho, Yi Jiang, Joe Y. F. Lau, Ting-An lin, Nikolaj Jang L. Pedersen, Yeollim Bae, Jungkyun Kim, Youngsung Kim & Seong Soo Park - 2024 - Apa Studies on Asian and Asian American Philosophers and Philosophies 23 (2).
    This paper summarizes the evolution of analytic philosophy in Taiwan, examines its impact within and beyond academia, and discusses the future of the discipline. The roots of modern philosophy in Taiwan can be traced back to the Japanese colonial era, and analytic philosophy was introduced to the country in the late 1940s when many intellectuals in China moved to Taiwan. However, massive curbs were imposed on philosophy during Chiang Kai-shek’s dictatorship, and the discipline began to thrive again only after Taiwan’s (...)
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    Statement from the Korea Evangelical Fellowship.Kim Myung Hyuk, Son Bong Ho & Park Jong Ryul - 1986 - Transformation: An International Journal of Holistic Mission Studies 3 (4):28-30.
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    Sarah Barry: A Spiritual Beacon in Modern Korea.Jong-ok Seok, Moo-jin Jeong, Sang-ho Seon & Jun-ki Chung - 2024 - Foundations of Science 29 (4):1171-1182.
    Medical missionaries made a breakthrough in Korean history in healing and caring for many Hansen and tuberculosis patients. There was a missionary who had no less good influence than medical missionaries at this time. The person is missionary Sarah Barry, who inspired and developed one of the most influential student movements in South Korea. The aim of the present study is to examine life of Sarah Barry and her ministry, focusing upon her positive influences on Korean intellectuals. The relevance of (...)
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  20. Wavelength Control in a Double Contact FP-LD.Ah-Hyun Kim, Ju-Hee Park, Ho-Sung Jo & Chang-Hee Lee - 2005 - In Alan F. Blackwell & David MacKay, Power. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 1.
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  21. Automatic Scoring of Semantic Fluency.Najoung Kim, Jung-Ho Kim, Maria K. Wolters, Sarah E. MacPherson & Jong C. Park - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Feeling Blue and Getting Red: An Exploratory Study on the Effect of Color in the Processing of Emotion Information.June Kang, Yeo Eun Park & Ho-Kyoung Yoon - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Specific emotions and colors are associated. The current study tested whether the interference of colors with affective processing occurs solely in the semantic stage or extends to a more complex stage like the lexical processing of emotional words. We performed two experiments to determine the effect of colors on affective processing. In Experiment 1, participants completed a color-emotion priming task. The priming stimulus included a color-tinted image of a neutral face, followed by a target stimulus of gray-scaled emotional and neutral (...)
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  23.  22
    Attention-Based Constraint to MNC Coevolution in China's Changing Stakeholder Environment.Meng Zhao, Xufei Ma, Seung Ho Park & Lingli Luo - 2023 - Journal of Business Ethics 186 (4):797-814.
    The coevolution process enables organizations to adapt to and influence their external environment. Multinational corporations (MNCs) operating in dynamic foreign markets use this capability to achieve operational sustainability. MNCs in China operate in a changing stakeholder environment that features rising consumer activism and local stakeholders' persistent ethical problems and encounter recurrent consumer crises. Coevolving with this environment requires MNCs to react to consumer challenges and actively influence the environment by improving stakeholders’ ethical behavior. Based on the attention-based view and bounded (...)
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    Cognitive Remediation in Middle-Aged or Older Inpatients with Chronic Schizophrenia: A Randomized Controlled Trial in Korea.Kee-Hong Choi, Jinsook Kang, Sun-Min Kim, Seung-Hwan Lee, Seon-Cheol Park, Won-Hye Lee, Sun Choi, Kiho Park & Tae-Yeon Hwang - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    Expressive Japanese: A Reference Guide for Sharing Emotion and Empathy.Senko K. Maynard, S. Nancy, Paul R. Goldin, Eun-Joo Lee, Duk-Soo Park, Jaehoon Yeon, J. Marshall Unger, Ho-min Sohn, Heisoon Yang & Precy Espiritu - 2013 - Philosophy East and West 63 (2).
  26.  15
    The Occurrence and Detailed Development of Nationalistic Philosophy: Focusing on An Ho-sang's Philosophy.Min-Cheol Park & Ria Chae - 2021 - EPOCH AND PHILOSOPHY 32 (1):131-162.
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  27. Intra-Auditory Integration Improves Motor Performance and Synergy in an Accurate Multi-Finger Pressing Task.Kyung Koh, Hyun Joon Kwon, Yang Sun Park, Tim Kiemel, Ross H. Miller, Yoon Hyuk Kim, Joon-Ho Shin & Jae Kun Shim - 2016 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 10.
  28.  35
    Consent for withholding life-sustaining treatment in cancer patients: a retrospective comparative analysis before and after the enforcement of the Life Extension Medical Decision law.Ji Eun Lee, Jin Ho Beom, Junho Cho, Incheol Park & Yu Jin Chung - 2021 - BMC Medical Ethics 22 (1):1-11.
    BackgroundThe Life Extension Medical Decision law enacted on February 4, 2018 in South Korea was the first to consider the suspension of futile life-sustaining treatment, and its enactment caused a big controversy in Korean society. However, no study has evaluated whether the actual implementation of life-sustaining treatment has decreased after the enforcement of this law. This study aimed to compare the provision of patient consent before and after the enforcement of this law among cancer patients who visited a tertiary university (...)
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  29.  10
    Impact of the life-sustaining treatment decision act on organ donation in out-of-hospital cardiac arrests in South Korea: a multi-centre retrospective study.Min Jae Kim, Dong Eun Lee, Jong Kun Kim, In Hwan Yeo, Haewon Jung, Jung Ho Kim, Tae Chang Jang, Sang-Hun Lee, Jinwook Park, Deokhyeon Kim & Hyun Wook Ryoo - 2024 - BMC Medical Ethics 25 (1):1-9.
    The demand for organ transplants, both globally and in South Korea, substantially exceeds the supply, a situation that might have been aggravated by the enactment of the Life-Sustaining Treatment Decision Act (LSTDA) in February 2018. This legislation may influence emergency medical procedures and the availability of organs from brain-dead donors. This study aimed to assess LSTDA’s impact, introduced in February 2018, on organ donation status in out-of-hospital cardiac arrest (OHCA) patients in a metropolitan city and identified related factors. We conducted (...)
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    A Study on the Criticism of Orientalism[東洋主義] by Shin Chae-ho.Jeoung-sim Park - 2019 - Cogito 89:291-322.
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    Recitation of the Buddha’s name and Seon Mahāyāna Tradition in the Mahāprajñāpāramitaśāstra.Kyoungjoon Park - 2014 - The Journal of Indian Philosophy 42:231-259.
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    Le Débat Wolffien Sur L’Idéalisme de Leibniz Lors de la Première Diffusion de la Monadologie Latine.Jeongwoo Park - 2007 - Revue de Synthèse 128 (3-4):325-339.
    Cet article propose une reconstruction du débat wolffien sur l'idéalisme de Leibniz autour de la première réception de la Monadologie de Leibniz. Cette reconstruction impose une relecture de quelques problèmes centraux à ce débat: traduction infidèle d'un terme dans la Monadologie latine ( « le composé » est traduit par « substantia composita »); statut du corps en tant que substance composée; statut des éléments en tant que substances simples dont résultent les corps (et cela contre la conception cartésienne de (...)
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    Aerated lagoon park in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam.Kelly Shannon & Benoit Legrand - 2007 - Topos: European Landscape Magazine 59:31-37.
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    Acculturation of Social Darwinism since 1910 : the thoughts of Ahn Jung-geun, Park Eun-sik, Ahn Chang-ho and Shin Chae-ho. 이인화 - 2014 - 동서철학연구(Dong Seo Cheol Hak Yeon Gu; Studies in Philosophy East-West) 74 (74):231-262.
    사회진화론은 1880년대에 초기 개화사상가들에 의해 한국사회에 수용되었고 1900년대에는 일종의 시대정신으로 여겨지며 당시 국제사회를 해석하는 가장 유력한 사상적 프레임으로 기능하였다. 그러나 지금까지의 연구들은 1910년을 기점으로 사회진화론의 사상적 기능이 소멸되었다고 보거나 제한된 영역에서의 사상적 양상만을 고찰하였다. 본고에서는 1910년 이후로도 사회진화론의 영향력은 다양한 사상 속에 침투되어 변용적으로 존재해왔으며 동시에 그것을 극복하기 위한 시도도 있었음을 밝히고자 하였다. 먼저 안중근은 동양 3국[황인종]의 연대를 통해 서구 세력[백인종]의 침략을 막아야 한다는 동양평화론을 주장하였다. 이는 인종주의에 사회진화론을 결합한 것으로 서구의 침략을 일종의 동종(同種) 혹은 약자 연대를 통해 대항하고자 하는 (...)
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    Abduction in Context: The Conjectural Dynamics of Scientific Reasoning.Woosuk Park - 2016 - Cham, Switzerland: Springer Verlag.
    This book offers a novel perspective on abduction. It starts by discussing the major theories of abduction, focusing on the hybrid nature of abduction as both inference and intuition. It reports on the Peircean theory of abduction and discusses the more recent Magnani concept of animal abduction, connecting them to the work of medieval philosophers. Building on Magnani's manipulative abduction, the accompanying classification of abduction, and the hybrid concept of abduction as both inference and intuition, the book examines the problem (...)
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  36. Realism Versus Surrealism.Seungbae Park - 2016 - Foundations of Science 21 (4):603-614.
    Realism and surrealism claim, respectively, that a scientific theory is successful because it is true, and because the world operates as if it is true. Lyons :891–901, 2003) criticizes realism and argues that surrealism is superior to realism. I reply that Lyons’s criticisms against realism fail. I also attempt to establish the following two claims: Realism and surrealism lead to a useful prescription and a useless prescription, respectively, on how to make an unsuccessful theory successful. Realism and surrealism give the (...)
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  37. New theory of placebos reframes mind-body problem.Dien Ho - 2024 - Institute of Arts and Ideas.
    The placebo effect has puzzled scientists for centuries. Philosopher Dien Ho argues that we now know how it works, and that this should transform our understanding of the relationship between mind and body. We must stop thinking of improvements in health due to placebo as somehow less real than those due to other medicines: there can no longer be a clean distinction between ill-health that’s “all in the head” and ill-health that involves a malfunctioning body. Ho argues that our improved (...)
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  38. Accepting Our Best Scientific Theories.Seungbae Park - 2015 - Filosofija. Sociologija 26 (3):218-227.
    Dawes (2013) claims that we ought not to believe but to accept our best scientific theories. To accept them means to employ them as premises in our reasoning with the goal of attaining knowledge about unobservables. I reply that if we do not believe our best scientific theories, we cannot gain knowledge about unobservables, our opponents might dismiss the predictions derived from them, and we cannot use them to explain phenomena. We commit an unethical speech act when we explain a (...)
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    Philosophy’s Loss of Logic to Mathematics: An Inadequately Understood Take-Over.Woosuk Park - 2018 - Cham, Switzerland: Springer Verlag.
    This book offers a historical explanation of important philosophical problems in logic and mathematics, which have been neglected by the official history of modern logic. It offers extensive information on Gottlob Frege’s logic, discussing which aspects of his logic can be considered truly innovative in its revolution against the Aristotelian logic. It presents the work of Hilbert and his associates and followers with the aim of understanding the revolutionary change in the axiomatic method. Moreover, it offers useful tools to understand (...)
  40. Seems.M. Acock & Ho Jackson - 1976 - Revue Internationale de Philosophie 30 (117):304-330.
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  41. New Objections to the Problem of Unconceived Alternatives.Seungbae Park - 2019 - Filosofia Unisinos 20 (2):138-145.
    The problem of unconceived alternatives can be undermined, regardless of whether the possibility space of alternatives is bounded or unbounded. If it is bounded, pessimists need to justify their assumption that the probability that scientists have not yet eliminated enough false alternatives is higher than the probability that scientists have already eliminated enough false alternatives. If it is unbounded, pessimists need to justify their assumption that the probability that scientists have not yet moved from the possibility space of false alternatives (...)
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    Phê duyệt Quy hoạch TP.HCM thời kỳ 2021-2030, tầm nhìn đến năm 2050.Hồ Văn - 2025 - Znews.Vn.
    Quy hoạch phê duyệt nêu rõ giai đoạn 2021-2030 phấn đấu tốc độ tăng trưởng GRDP bình quân đạt khoảng 8,5-9%/năm, GRDP bình quân đầu người đạt 14.800-15.400 USD.
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  43. The Disastrous Implications of the 'English' View of Rationality in a Social World.Seungbae Park - 2019 - Social Epistemology 33 (1):88-99.
    Van Fraassen (2007, 2017) consistently uses the English view of rationality to parry criticisms from scientific realists. I assume for the sake of argument that the English view of rationality is tenable, and then argue that it has disastrous implications for van Fraassen’s (1980) contextual theory of explanation, for the empiricist position that T is empirically adequate, and for scientific progress. If you invoke the English view of rationality to rationally disbelieve that your epistemic colleagues’ theories are true, they might, (...)
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  44. Collected Papers (on Neutrosophic Theory and Its Applications in Algebra), Volume IX.Florentin Smarandache - 2022 - Miami, FL, USA: Global Knowledge.
    This ninth volume of Collected Papers includes 87 papers comprising 982 pages on Neutrosophic Theory and its applications in Algebra, written between 2014-2022 by the author alone or in collaboration with the following 81 co-authors (alphabetically ordered) from 19 countries: E.O. Adeleke, A.A.A. Agboola, Ahmed B. Al-Nafee, Ahmed Mostafa Khalil, Akbar Rezaei, S.A. Akinleye, Ali Hassan, Mumtaz Ali, Rajab Ali Borzooei , Assia Bakali, Cenap Özel, Victor Christianto, Chunxin Bo, Rakhal Das, Bijan Davvaz, R. Dhavaseelan, B. Elavarasan, Fahad Alsharari, T. (...)
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    CEO Hubris and Firm Performance: Exploring the Moderating Roles of CEO Power and Board Vigilance.Jong-Hun Park, Changsu Kim, Young Kyun Chang, Dong-Hyun Lee & Yun-Dal Sung - 2018 - Journal of Business Ethics 147 (4):919-933.
    This study focuses on CEO hubris and its detrimental effect on corporate financial performance along with an examination of critical corporate governance contingencies that may moderate the negative effect. From 654 observations of 164 Korean firms over the years 2001–2008, we found that CEO power exacerbated the negative effect of CEO hubris on corporate financial performance, whereas board vigilance mitigated it. This study provides empirical evidence that entrenchment problems arising from CEO hubris would be exacerbated as CEOs become more powerful, (...)
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  46. Stakeholder Forces of Socially Responsible Supply Chain Management Orientation.Haesun Park-Poaps & Kathleen Rees - 2010 - Journal of Business Ethics 92 (2):305-322.
    This project investigates salient stakeholder forces of socially responsible supply chain orientation (SRSCO) in the apparel and footwear sector focusing on fair labor management issues. SRSCO was conceptualized as a composite of internal organizational direction and external partnership for a creation and continuation of fair labor conditions throughout the supply chain. Primary stakeholders identified were consumers, regulation, industry, and media. A total of 209 mail survey responses from sourcing managers of U.S. apparel and footwear companies were analyzed. Two dimensions of (...)
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  47. Scientific Realism and the Future Development of Science.Seungbae Park - 2019 - Diametros 60:61-71.
    Nickles (2016, 2017, forthcoming) raises many original objections against scientific realism. One of them holds that scientific realism originates from the end of history illusion. I reply that this objection is self-defeating and commits the genetic fallacy. Another objection is that it is unknowable whether our descendants will regard our current mature theories as true or false. I reply that this objection entails skepticism about induction, leading to skepticism about the world, which is inconsistent with the appeal to the end (...)
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    The Role of Idealism and Relativism as Dispositional Characteristics in the Socially Responsible Decision-Making Process.Haesun Park - 2005 - Journal of Business Ethics 56 (1):81-98.
    This study investigated how decision-makers differ in processing their organizational environment, depending on the levels of their idealism and relativism. Focusing on socially responsible buying/sourcing issues, responses from buying/sourcing professionals from U.S. apparel and shoe companies were analyzed, using a series of regression analyses. The results generally supported the proposition that the degrees of idealism and relativism determine involvement levels that, in turn, result in varying levels of reactions to the organizational environment and corresponding amounts of information processing. Highly idealistic (...)
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    Personalized Ad in Your Google Glass? Wearable Technology, Hands-Off Data Collection, and New Policy Imperative.Yong Jin Park & Marko Skoric - 2017 - Journal of Business Ethics 142 (1):71-82.
    This study analyzes the increasing presence and capabilities of wearable computing devices in the cornucopia of personalized digital data. We argue that the institutional data practices typical of Google Glass will pose policy challenges and herald yet another dramatic shift to personalized data marketing. We also highlight the characteristics of Google’s existing synergetic data practices that will shape the development of not only Google Glass, but also all subsequent wearable mobile devices in light of 360-degree data collection. The key organizing (...)
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  50. To Be Scientific Is To Be Interactive.Seungbae Park - 2016 - European Journal of Science and Theology 12 (1):77-86.
    Hempel, Popper, and Kuhn argue that to be scientific is to be testable, to be falsifiable, and most nearly to do normal science, respectively. I argue that to be scientific is largely to be interactive, offering some examples from science to show that the ideas from different fields of science interact with one another. The results of the interactions are that hypotheses become more plausible, new phenomena are explained and predicted, we understand phenomena from a new perspective, and our worldview (...)
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