Results for 'Sean Stitt'

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  1.  42
    Social capital & faith-based organisations.Christine Hepworth & Sean Stitt - 2007 - Heythrop Journal 48 (6):895–910.
    This year is the twentieth anniversary of the germinal report ‘Faith in the City’ which first drew attention to the concerns of religious agencies whose remit is to tackle growing multiple deprivation in the UK. Since then, the role of faith‐based organisations (FBOs) as mediators of welfare provision, urban regeneration and community development has attracted little attention from sociologists despite claims that such roles are becoming increasingly important. Successive UK governments have highlighted the potential of religious congregations in enhancing social (...)
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  2. Is One More Powerful with Numbers on One's Side?Sean Ingham & Niko Kolodny - 2023 - Journal of Political Philosophy 31 (4):452-469.
  3.  54
    Rule by Multiple Majorities: A New Theory of Popular Control.Sean Ingham - 2018 - Cambridge University Press.
    In a democracy, citizens should have some control over how they are governed. If they do not participate directly in making policy, they ought to maintain control over the public officials who design policy on their behalf. Rule by Multiple Majorities develops a novel theory of popular control: an account of what it is, why democracy's promise of popular control is compatible with what we know about actual democracies, and why it matters. While social choice theory suggests there is no (...)
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    Plato's 'Republic': An Introduction.Sean McAleer - 2020 - Cambridge, UK: OpenBook Publishers.
    From the publisher: "This book is a lucid and accessible companion to Plato’s Republic, throwing light upon the text’s arguments and main themes, placing them in the wider context of the text’s structure. In its illumination of the philosophical ideas underpinning the work, it provides readers with an understanding and appreciation of the complexity and literary artistry of Plato’s Republic. McAleer not only unpacks the key overarching questions of the text – What is justice? And Is a just life happier (...)
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    Elusive Reasons 1.Sean McKeever & Michael Ridge - 2012 - Oxford Studies in Metaethics 7.
    The present chapter attempts to resolve a puzzle about normative testimony. On the one hand, agents act on the advice of others, advice which purports to tell them what they have reason to do. When they do so, they can act for good reason. This thought, though, sits uneasily with another: that the mere fact that someone has advised a course of action is not itself a reason. An interesting view of reasons recently defended by Stephen Kearns and Daniel Star (...)
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  6. Making Fair Comparisons in Political Theory.Sean Ingham & David Wiens - forthcoming - American Journal of Political Science.
    Normative political theorists frequently compare hypothetical scenarios for the purpose of identifying reasons to prefer one kind of institution to alternatives. We examine three types of "unfair" comparisons and the reasoning errors associated with each. A theorist makes an _obscure comparison_ when one (or more) of the alternatives under consideration is underspecified; a theorist makes a _mismatched comparison_ when they fail to hold fixed the relevant contextual factors while comparing alternatives; and a theorist makes an _irrelevant comparison_ when they compare (...)
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  7. Turning on default reasons.Sean McKeever & Michael Ridge - 2007 - Journal of Moral Philosophy 4 (1):55-76.
    Particularism takes an extremely ecumenical view of what considerations might count as reasons and thereby threatens to ‘flatten the moral landscape’ by making it seem that there is no deep difference between, for example, pain, and shoelace color. After all, particularists have claimed, either could provide a reason provided a suitable moral context. To avoid this result, some particularists draw a distinction between default and non-default reasons. The present paper argues that all but the most deflationary ways of drawing this (...)
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  8. An aristotelian account of virtue ethics: An essay in moral taxonomy.Sean Mcaleer - 2007 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 88 (2):208–225.
    I argue that a virtue ethics takes virtue to be more basic than rightness and at least as basic as goodness. My account is Aristotelian because it avoids the excessive inclusivity of Martha Nussbaum's account and the deficient inclusivity of Gary Watson's account. I defend the account against the objection that Aristotle does not have a virtue ethics by its lights, and conclude with some remarks on moral taxonomy.
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  9. Popular Rule in Schumpeter's Democracy.Sean Ingham - 2016 - Political Studies 64 (4):1071-1087.
    In this article, it is argued that existing democracies might establish popular rule even if Joseph Schumpeter’s notoriously unflattering picture of ordinary citizens is accurate. Some degree of popular rule is in principle compatible with apathetic, ignorant and suggestible citizens, contrary to what Schumpeter and others have maintained. The people may have control over policy, and their control may constitute popular rule, even if citizens lack definite policy opinions and even if their opinions result in part from elites’ efforts to (...)
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  10.  61
    (1 other version)The Ethics of Pitcher’s Retaliation in Baseball.Sean McAleer - 2009 - Journal of the Philosophy of Sport 36 (2009) 36 (1):50-65.
  11. Heidegger and Duns Scotus on Truth and Language.Sean J. McGrath - 2003 - Review of Metaphysics 57 (2):339-358.
    In his 1916 _Habilitationsschrift Heidegger enriched Husserl's notion of categorial intuition with Scotus's theory of intellection. The individual is entirely intelligible, even if its intelligibility is never fully defined. The historically singularized thing (essence modified by _haecceitas) speaks a primal word to us, and this original verbum makes possible the inner word of understanding, the _verbum interius. Heidegger argues that if the thing is actually intelligible in its singularity, history cannot be disregarded as ineffable: it becomes a domain of fore-theoretical (...)
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  12.  43
    What Fairness Demands: How We Can Promote Fair Compensation in Human Infection Challenge Studies and Beyond.Seán O’Neill McPartlin & Josh Morrison - 2021 - American Journal of Bioethics 21 (3):48-50.
    This commentary shall focus on the central claim made in Lynch et al.’s paper “Promoting Ethical Payment in Human Infection Challenge Studies.” According to their paper, there is a threefold...
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    Toward A Technology That Allows The Beautiful To Occur.Sean McGrath - 2003 - Animus 8:11-20.
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  14. History, narrative, and trauma in Balkan cinema.Sean Homer - 2025 - In James Griffith, Stories and Memories, Memories and Histories: A Cross-disciplinary Volume on Time, Narrativity, and Identity. Leiden: Brill.
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    “You Can Sit in the Middle or Be One of the Outliers”: Older Male Athletes and the Complexities of Social Comparison.Sean Horton, Rylee A. Dionigi, Michael Gard, Joseph Baker, Patti Weir & Jordan Deneau - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    A Queer Aesthetic: Identity in Kurosawa Kiyoshi's Horror Films.Seán Hudson - 2018 - Film-Philosophy 22 (3):448-464.
    Judith Butler argues that every category of personal identity, such as gender, the body, nationality, sexuality, or ethnicity, is predicated in part on a crisis between what that identity affirms and what it excludes. How this crisis manifests itself in everyday life is key to understanding how identities are reinforced, negotiated, subverted, or rejected on both social and individual levels. In this paper I consider three films directed by Kurosawa Kiyoshi between 2001 and 2006, arguing that they are especially competent (...)
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    Heidegger's Ontological Analysis of Death and its Prefiguration in Nietzsche.Sean Ireton - 1997 - Nietzsche Studien 26 (1):405-420.
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  18. Four Solutions to the Alleged Incompleteness of Virtue Ethics.Sean McAleer - 2010 - Journal of Ethics and Social Philosophy 4 (3):1-20.
    In "Virtue and Right" Robert Johnson argues that virtue ethics that accept standards such as Virtuous Agent (A's x-ing is right in circumstances c iff a fully virtuous agent would x in c) are incomplete, since they cannot account for duties of moral self-improvement. This paper offers four solutions to the problem of incompleteness: the first discards Virtuous Agent and counts actions as wrong iff a vicious person would perform them; the second retains Virtuous Agent but counts self-improving actions as (...)
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  19.  31
    An Experimental Program to Use Synesthesia to Investigate Semantic Structure of the Sign.Sean Day & Charls Pearson - 2007 - Semiotics:129-141.
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    One's Own Brain as Trickster - Part II.Sean Day - 2001 - Semiotics:116-125.
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    Synaesthesia and the Borders of the Senses.Sean Day - 1995 - Semiotics:270-278.
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  22.  36
    8-Tracks, The Demands of Gratitude and Harmonious Stews.Sean McAleer - 2023 - Journal of Philosophical Research 48:283-291.
    Joshua Glasgow’s (2020) is a beautiful, philosophically rich book. Here I raise five main questions and criticisms. The first argues that holistic gratitude is too demanding: someone who can muster only fragmented gratitude is not failing to do and feel what is required; thus holistic gratitude is morally optional. The second suggests ways in which the metaphors Glasgow uses to express the idea of radiant value are problematic. The third notes that radiant value seems a sort of inverted cousin of (...)
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  23. Particularism and the contingent a priori.Sean D. McKeever & Michael Ridge - 2006 - Acta Analytica 21 (2):3-11.
    Particularism renders the options for a sound moral epistemology few and the prospects dim. One leading approach treats basic knowledge of particular cases as derivable from an a priori moral principle and a posteriori knowledge of the contingent non-moral facts to which the principle applies. Particularists must forgo this approach because it requires principles. Yet a purely a posteriori moral epistemology is also implausible, especially when combined with particularism. Particularists such as Jonathan Dancy are thus led to the view that (...)
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  24.  39
    John Huston’s Treasure of the Sierra Madre and Environmental Virtue Ethics.Sean McAleer - 2004 - Film and Philosophy 8:30-41.
  25. Epicurean education and the rhetoric of concern.Sean McConnell - 2015 - Acta Classica 58:111-145.
    There has been a large amount of scholarly controversy over the precise nature of the motivations at play in the Epicurean accounts of justice and friendship, and whether any form of altruism or other-concern is compatible with Epicurean hedonist ethics. This paper addresses this tension between self- and other-concern from a novel angle, by examining the motivations behind Epicurean educational practice. What emerges is a rather complex motivational picture that reaffirms the Epicureans' philosophical commitment to egoism, but at the same (...)
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  26.  38
    Plato’s Critique of Antisthenes on Pleasure and the Good Life.Sean McConnell - 2015 - Ancient Philosophy 35 (2):329-349.
    The anonymous anti-hedonists at Philebus 44a–53c make three bold claims: (1) there are in fact no such things as pleasures; (2) what the hedonist followers of Philebus call pleasure is really nothing but escape from pain; (3) there is nothing healthy in pleasure (pleasure is never a good). These anti-hedonists are commonly identified with Speusippus, Plato’s nephew and his successor as head of the Academy. In this paper I first argue that this widely favoured view should be rejected. I then (...)
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  27.  87
    The Psychology of Productive Dissociation, or What Would Schellingian Psychotherapy Look Like?Sean J. Mcgrath - 2014 - Comparative and Continental Philosophy 6 (1):35-48.
    Schelling has been exploited for a variety of psychoanalytical projects, from Marquard’s revision of Freud, to various readings of Jung, to Žižek’s interpretation of Lacan. What we have not seen is an elaboration of the psycho-therapeutical implications of Schelling’s metaphysics on its own terms. What we find when we read Schelling as metapsychologist is a nonpathologizing theory of dissociation. Like anything that lives, the psyche dissociates for the sake of growth. The law of productive dissociation is the source of psyche’s (...)
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  28. Cicero and Socrates.Sean McConnell - 2019 - In Christopher Moore, Brill's Companion to the Reception of Socrates. Leiden: Brill. pp. 347-366.
    Much has been written on Cicero’s deployment of the Socratic method of in utramque partem argument, his use of Plato’s Socratic dialogues as literary models, and so forth. There has been less attention given to the nature of Cicero’s reception of ‘Socrates the man’. In this chapter I consider Cicero’s reception of ‘Socrates the man’ and argue that essentially he saw Socrates as an important model for ‘philosophy in practical life’.
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  29. Cicero and Socrates.Sean McConnell - 2019 - In Christopher Moore, Brill's Companion to the Reception of Socrates. Leiden: Brill. pp. 347-366.
    Much has been written on Cicero’s deployment of the Socratic method of in utramque partem argument, his use of Plato’s Socratic dialogues as literary models, and so forth. There has been less attention given to the nature of Cicero’s reception of ‘Socrates the man’. In this chapter I consider Cicero’s reception of ‘Socrates the man’ and argue that essentially he saw Socrates as an important model for ‘philosophy in practical life’.
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  30. Cicero and the Cynics.Sean McConnell - 2023 - In Raphael Woolf, Cicero's De officiis: a critical guide. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press. pp. 182–200.
    In his discussion of decorum Cicero supposes that most people would agree to the general principle that in our speech, bodily deportment, and actions we should avoid giving offense to others. This is because we possess a sense of shame or verecundia. The particular details are very culture-specific: customs and conventions largely set the parameters of verecundia, and we do well to follow them. Cicero also admits that philosophical figures often flaunt established customs and conventions: he points to Socrates, who (...)
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  31. Cicero on the emotions and the soul.Sean McConnell - 2021 - In Jed W. Atkins & Thomas Bénatouïl, The Cambridge Companion to Cicero's Philosophy. New York, NY: Cambridge University Press. pp. 150–165.
    This chapter provides a critical account of Cicero’s discussion of the nature of the soul and the emotions in the Tusculan Disputations. The first two sections trace the key steps of Cicero’s argumentation, as he critically evaluates the strengths and weaknesses of various competing views in the Greek philosophical tradition. Cicero ultimately purports to favor Plato’s position on the immortality of the soul and the Stoics’ cognitivist account of the emotions. The final section draws attention to the ways in which (...)
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    Demetrius of Laconia and the debate between the Stoics and the Epicureans on the nature of parental love.Sean McConnell - 2017 - Classical Quarterly 67 (1):149-162.
    Epicurus denies that human beings have natural parental love for their children, and his account of the development of justice and human political community does not involve any natural affinity between human beings in general but rather a form of social contract. The Stoics to the contrary assert that parental love is natural; and, moreover, they maintain that natural parental love is the first principle of social οἰκείωσις, which provides the basis for the naturalness of justice and human political community. (...)
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  33.  19
    Epicureans on Kingship.Sean McConnell - 2010 - Cambridge Classical Journal 56:178-198.
    Diogenes Laertius lists in his catalogue of Epicurus' works (10.28) a treatise On Kingship, which is unfortunately no longer extant. Owing to the Epicureans' antipathy to politics, such a work might be viewed with surprise and presumed to be virulently negative in outlook. Indeed, Plutarch reports that the Epicureans wrote on kingship only to ward people away from living in the company of kings(Adv. Col. 1127a) and that they maintained that to be king oneself was a terrible mistake (Adv. Col. (...)
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  34. Friends and obligations: Cicero’s De amicitia and a problem in Roman political culture.Sean McConnell - 2024 - In Andree Hahmann & Michael Vazquez, Cicero as Philosopher: New Perspectives on His Philosophy and Its Legacy. De Gruyter. pp. 223-244.
    Cicero provides a detailed examination of the nature and obligations of amicitia (‘friendship’) in the dialogue De amicitia, which was composed in 44 BCE in the febrile period after the assassination of Caesar. This chapter focuses on Cicero’s treatment in this dialogue of a particularly vexed ethical problem: is it sometimes or to some extent acceptable to breach one’s duty to the state or to transgress from what is morally right on account of amicitia?
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    Magnitudo animi and cosmic politics in Cicero's De re publica.Sean McConnell - 2017 - Classical Journal 113:45-70.
    his paper offers a fresh interpretation of the role played by the Dream of Scipio in Cicero’s De re publica. It explores Cicero’s key distinction between the cosmic and the local levels of statesmanship and the problems he sees with localism, and it details fully for the first time the importance that Cicero attached to the virtue of magnitudo animi (“greatness of soul”). The paper makes the case that in De re publica Cicero promotes his own innovative cosmic model of (...)
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  36.  13
    Aristotle's Function Argument.Sean McAleer - 2011 - In Michael Bruce & Steven Barbone, Just the Arguments. Chichester, West Sussex, U.K.: Wiley‐Blackwell. pp. 208–210.
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    Confucian and Stoic Perspectives on Forgiveness.Sean McAleer - 2022 - Lanham: Lexington Books.
    Confucian and Stoic Perspectives on Forgiveness is a study in comparative philosophy exploring the absence of forgiveness in classical Confucianism and Roman Stoicism as well as the alternatives to forgiveness that these traditions offer.
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  38.  26
    Friendship, Perception, and Referential Opacity in Nicomachean Ethics IX.9.Sean McAleer - 2013 - History of Philosophy & Logical Analysis 16 (1):362-374.
    : This essay reconstructs and evaluates Aristotle’s argument in Nicomachean Ethics IX.9 that the happy person needs friends, in which Aristotle combines his well-known claim that friends are other selves with the claim that human perception is meta-perceptual: the perceiving subject perceives its own existence. After exploring some issues in the logic of perception, the essay argues that Aristotle’s argument for the necessity of friends is invalid since perception-verbs create referentially opaque contexts in which the substitution of co-referential terms fails.
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  39. When a Lie Ain't Just a Lie.Sean McAleer - 2013 - In David Bzdak Joanna Crosby & Seth Vannatta, The Wire and Philosophy. Open Court. pp. 59-69.
    The chapter argues that an agent's motive contributes to the rightness (wrongness) of an action by considering lies told by three different characters in the television series The Wire (McNulty, Sobotka, Templeton).
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  40.  10
    Introduction: Meat Critique.Seán McCorry & John Miller - 2019 - In Seán McCorry & John Miller, Literature and Meat Since 1900. Springer Verlag. pp. 1-17.
    The recent highlighting of meat’s environmental costs has added acute urgency to longstanding moral and political contestations around animal agriculture and the meat economy. This introductory essay sets out the volume’s key premise that the practices of our contemporary meat regime are shaped as much by cultural and imaginative factors as by ecological debate, political deliberation and moral reasoning. Specifically, drawing on work by Melanie Joy, Annie Potts and Nick Fiddes, we explore the value of literary-critical perspectives as a complement (...)
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  41.  62
    Boekbesprekingen.Sean McEvenue, Theo de Kruijf, C. C. M. de Lange, Bart J. Koet, Marcel Poorthuis, Hanneke Reuling, Martin Parmentier, Jörgen Vijgen, Th Bell, Marcel Sarot, Kees van Vliet, A. H. C. van Eijk, Eric Ottenheijm, Jean-Jacques Suurmond & Arie L. Molendijk - 2000 - Bijdragen 61 (3):336-357.
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  42. The Narrative Style of the Priestly Writer.Sean Mcevenue - 1971
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  43.  12
    When I Saw the Table.Sean McEvoy - 2018 - Journal of Medical Humanities 39 (4):565-565.
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  44.  87
    Schelling and the History of the Dissociative Self.Sean J. McGrath - 2015 - Symposium 19 (1):52-66.
    This paper explores the possible therapeutical applications of Schellingian psychological principles. A Schellingian analysis would enable us to retrieve the largely forgotten heritage of Romantic psychiatry, in particular the dissociationist model of the psyche, which was strategically rejected by Freud and somewhat clumsily revised by Jung, but which has its own intelligibility and applicability. Schellingian analysis would be dissociationist rather than repressivist, and would depart from Freud and Jung in being both a metaphysical and a moral therapy. But the open-ended (...)
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  45. The Jacobi-Schelling debate.Sean J. McGrath - 2023 - In Alexander J. B. Hampton, Friedrich Jacobi and the end of the enlightenment: religion, philosophy, and reason at the crux of modernity. New York, NY: Cambridge University Press.
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    Mohamed Atta on the Magic Mountain.Sean M. McIntyre - 2008 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 2008 (144):39-51.
    What we know of Mohamed Atta has become paradigmatic for the new breed of Islamic neo-fundamentalist terrorists. Before coming to the United States to organize and prepare the attack on civilians in New York and Washington, Atta was a student of urban planning at the Technical University of Hamburg–Harburg, situated in a suburb of the notably liberal and tolerant German port city of Hamburg. It was there that the young Egyptian completed a Masters in Urban Planning with a thesis in (...)
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  47.  33
    Organic Unities.Sean Mckeever & Michael Ridge - 2013 - In David Bakhurst, Margaret Olivia Little & Brad Hooker, Thinking about reasons: themes from the philosophy of Jonathan Dancy. Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press. pp. 265.
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    Punishment, Participatory Democracy, & the Jury, written by Albert W. Dzur.Sean McKeever - 2015 - Journal of Moral Philosophy 12 (5):668-671.
  49.  14
    ‘An underclass in Purdah?’ Discrepant representations of identity and the experiences of young-British-Asian-Muslim-women.Sean McLoughlin - 1998 - Bulletin of the John Rylands Library 80 (3):89-106.
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    A New Frontier for Palaeobiology: Earth's Vast Deep Biosphere.Sean McMahon & Magnus Ivarsson - 2019 - Bioessays 41 (8):1900052.
    Diverse micro‐organisms populate a global deep biosphere hosted by rocks and sediments beneath land and sea, containing more biomass than any other biome except forests. This paper reviews an emerging palaeobiological archive of these dark habitats: microfossils preserved in ancient pores and fractures in the crust. This archive, seemingly dominated by mineralized filaments (although rods and coccoids are also reported), is presently far too sparsely sampled and poorly understood to reveal trends in the abundance, distribution, or diversity of deep life (...)
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