Results for 'Sam Goodman'

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  1. Cogitator's treasury.Sam Goodman - 1962 - New York,: Philosophical Library.
  2.  16
    ‘A Great Beneficial Disease’: Colonial Medicine and Imperial Authority in J.G. Farrell’s The Siege of Krishnapur.Sam Goodman - 2015 - Journal of Medical Humanities 36 (2):141-156.
    This article examines J. G. Farrell’s depictions of colonial medicine as a means of analysing the historical reception of the further past and argues that the end-of-Empire context of the 1970s in which Farrell was writing informed his reappraisal of Imperial authority with particular regard to the limits of medical knowledge and treatment. The article illustrates how in The Siege of Krishnapur (1973), Farrell repeatedly sought to challenge the authority of medical and colonial history by making direct use of period (...)
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  3. Mind-independence disambiguated: Separating the meat from the straw in the realism/anti-realism debate.Sam Page - 2006 - Ratio 19 (3):321–335.
    The notion of mind‐independence plays a central role in the contemporary realism/anti‐realism debate, but the notion is severely ambiguous and consequently the source of considerable misunderstanding. In this paper, four kinds of mind‐independence are distinguished: ontological, causal, structural, and individuative independence. Appreciating these distinctions entails that one can reject the individuative independence of the natural world, and still maintain that the natural world is causally and structurally independent of us. This paper argues that so‐called anti‐realists, especially Rorty, Putnam, and (...), are not opposed to the causal and structural independence of the natural world, as is frequently alleged, but rather its individuative independence. An acceptance of these points will hopefully put an end to the prevalence of strawmen in the debate, and focus attention on meatier issues. (shrink)
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  4. The Expressive Import of Degradation and Decay in Contemporary Art.Sherri Irvin - 2022 - In Peter Miller & Soon Kai Poh (eds.), Conserving Active Matter. Bard Graduate Center - Cultura. pp. 65-79.
    Many contemporary artworks include active matter along with rules for conservation that are designed to either facilitate or prevent that matter’s degradation or decay. I discuss the mechanisms through which actual or potential states of material decay contribute to the work’s expressive import. Nelson Goodman and Catherine Elgin introduce the concepts of literal and metaphorical exemplification, which are critical to expression: a work literally exemplifies a property when it both possesses and highlights that property, and it metaphorically exemplifies a (...)
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  5. Ways of worldmaking.Nelson Goodman - 1978 - Hassocks [Eng.]: Harvester Press.
    Required reading at more than 100 colleges and universities throughout North America.
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  6. Border Disputes: Recent Debates along the Perception–Cognition Border.Sam Clarke & Jacob Beck - 2023 - Philosophy Compass 18 (8):e12936.
    The distinction between perception and cognition frames countless debates in philosophy and cognitive science. But what, if anything, does this distinction actually amount to? In this introductory article, we summarize recent work on this question. We first briefly consider the possibility that a perception-cognition border should be eliminated from our scientific ontology, and then introduce and critically examine five positive approaches to marking a perception–cognition border, framed in terms of phenomenology, revisability, modularity, format, and stimulus-dependence.
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  7. Do Acquaintance Theorists Have an Attitude Problem?Rachel Goodman - 2017 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 96 (1):67-86.
    This paper is about the relevance of attitude-ascriptions to debates about singular thought. It examines a methodology (common to early acquaintance theorists [Kaplan 1968] and recent critics of acquaintance [Hawthorne and Manley 2012], which assumes that the behaviour of ascriptions can be used to draw conclusions about singular thought. Although many theorists (e.g. [Recanati 2012]) reject this methodology, the literature lacks a detailed examination of its implications and the challenges faced by proponents and critics. I isolate an assumption of the (...)
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  8. Ultimate V.Sam Roberts - manuscript
    Potentialism is the view that the universe of sets is inherently potential. It comes in two main flavours: height-potentialism and width-potentialism. It is natural to think that height and width potentialism are just aspects of a broader phenomenon of potentialism, that they might both be true. The main result of this paper is that this is mistaken: height and width potentialism are jointly inconsistent. Indeed, I will argue that height potentialism is independently committed to an ultimate background universe of sets, (...)
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  9. Explainable AI and Causal Understanding: Counterfactual Approaches Considered.Sam Baron - 2023 - Minds and Machines 33 (2):347-377.
    The counterfactual approach to explainable AI (XAI) seeks to provide understanding of AI systems through the provision of counterfactual explanations. In a recent systematic review, Chou et al. (Inform Fus 81:59–83, 2022) argue that the counterfactual approach does not clearly provide causal understanding. They diagnose the problem in terms of the underlying framework within which the counterfactual approach has been developed. To date, the counterfactual approach has not been developed in concert with the approach for specifying causes developed by Pearl (...)
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  10. Sense, reference and substitution.Jeremy Goodman & Harvey Lederman - 2020 - Philosophical Studies 177 (4):947-952.
    We show that, contrary to conventional wisdom, Frege’s distinction between sense and reference does not reconcile a classical logic of identity with apparent counterexamples to it involving proper names embedded under propositional attitude verbs.
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  11. A query on confirmation.Nelson Goodman - 1946 - Journal of Philosophy 43 (14):383-385.
  12. Getting Accurate about Knowledge.Sam Carter & Simon Goldstein - 2022 - Mind 132 (525):158-191.
    There is a large literature exploring how accuracy constrains rational degrees of belief. This paper turns to the unexplored question of how accuracy constrains knowledge. We begin by introducing a simple hypothesis: increases in the accuracy of an agent’s evidence never lead to decreases in what the agent knows. We explore various precise formulations of this principle, consider arguments in its favour, and explain how it interacts with different conceptions of evidence and accuracy. As we show, the principle has some (...)
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  13. Eliminating Spacetime.Sam Baron - 2021 - Erkenntnis 88 (3):1289-1308.
    A number of approaches to quantum gravity (QG) seem to imply that spacetime does not exist. Philosophers are quick to point out, however, that the loss of spacetime should not be regarded as total. Rather, we should interpret these approaches as ones that threaten the fundamentality but not the existence of spacetime. In this paper, I argue for two claims. First, I argue that spacetime realism is not forced by QG; spacetime eliminativism remains an option. Second, I argue that eliminativism (...)
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    Engaging Ethically: A Discourse Ethics Perspective on Social Shareholder Engagement.Jennifer Goodman & Daniel Arenas - 2015 - Business Ethics Quarterly 25 (2):163-189.
    ABSTRACT:The primacy of shareholder demands in the traditional theory of the firm has typically excluded marginalised stakeholder voices. However, shareholders involved in social shareholder engagement (SSE) purport to bring these voices into corporate decision-making. In response to ethical concerns about the legitimacy of SSE, we use the lens of discourse ethics to provide a normative analysis at both action and constitutional levels. By specifying three normative questions, we extend the analysis of SSE to identify a political role for shareholders in (...)
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  15. Where is Sherlock Holmes?Jeffrey Goodman - 2003 - Southern Journal of Philosophy 41 (2):183-197.
    Most philosophers would say that fictional characters lack spatiotemporal location simply because such entities do not exist. However, even prominent believers in ficta hold that they must lack location. I here focus on the views of one such believer, Amie Thomasson, and her Artifactual Theory. The fundamentals of her ontology seem correct, but I argue that the view implies that ficta do have location. I provide a diagnosis of an argument Thomasson gives for the contrary, and then suggest a way (...)
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  16. Sense and certainty.Nelson Goodman - 1952 - Philosophical Review 61 (2):160-167.
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    AI and consciousness.Sam S. Rakover - forthcoming - AI and Society:1-2.
  18. On the supposed connection between proper names and singular thought.Rachel Goodman - 2018 - Synthese 195 (1):197-223.
    A thesis I call the name-based singular thought thesis is part of orthodoxy in contemporary philosophy of mind and language: it holds that taking part in communication involving a proper name puts one in a position to entertain singular thoughts about the name’s referent. I argue, first, that proponents of the NBT thesis have failed to explain the phenomenon of name-based singular thoughts, leaving it mysterious how name-use enables singular thoughts. Second, by outlining the reasoning that makes the NBT thesis (...)
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  19. On starmaking.Nelson Goodman - 1980 - Synthese 45 (2):211 - 215.
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    The Treasury of Metaphysics and the Physical World.Charles Goodman - 2004 - Philosophical Quarterly 54 (216):389 - 401.
    Most modern analytic philosophers have ignored works of Indian philosophy such as Vasubandhu's 'Treasury of Metaphysics'. This neglect is unjustified. The account of the nature of the physical world given in the 'Treasury' is a one-category ontology of dharmas, which are simple, momentary tropes. They include basic physical tropes, the most fundamental level of the physical world, as well as higher-level tropes, including sensible properties such as colours, which are known as derived form. I argue that the relationship between the (...)
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    Notes on the well-made world.Nelson Goodman - 1983 - Erkenntnis 19 (1-3):99 - 107.
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    Pragmatism: a contemporary reader.Russell B. Goodman (ed.) - 1995 - New York: Routledge.
    Russell Goodman examines the curious reemergence of pragmatism in a field dominated in the past decades by phenomenology, logic, positivism, and deconstruction. With contributions from major contemporary and classical thinkers such as Cornel West, Richard Rorty, Nancy Fraser, Charles Sanders Peirce, and Ralph Waldo Emerson Russell has gathered an impressive chorus of philosophical voices that reexamine the origins and complexities of neo-pragmatism. The contributors discuss the relationship between pragmatism and literary theory, phenomenology, existentialism, and the work of Ralph Waldo (...)
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  23. A Study of Qualities.Nelson Goodman - 1994 - Studia Logica 53 (4):595-600.
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    Souffrir dans la vie: réflexions sur l'essence humaine de Michel Henry.N'Dré Sam Beugré - 2021 - Paris: L'Harmattan.
    Cet ouvrage n'est autre qu'une étude a-méthodique sur l'essence phénoménologique humaine appuyée sur la philosophie de Michel Henry. Elle gravite autour de la notion de douleur basée sur la passivité précoce de l'être par rapport à lui-même et dans le cadre révélateur de l'affectivité. En d'autres termes, la révélation de l'être tel qu'il est dépeint dans sa passion. Une nouvelle conception de la corporéité, du temps et du langage vient de la tonalité affective de base de la douleur. Comprendre ces (...)
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    Sympathy in John Dewey's Theory of Community: Presenting a Challenge to Anti-Democratic Community.Sam F. Stack Jr - 2021 - Education and Culture 36 (2):29-49.
  26. Learning causal schemata.Charles Kemp, Noah D. Goodman & Joshua B. Tenenbaum - 2007 - In McNamara D. S. & Trafton J. G. (eds.), Proceedings of the 29th Annual Cognitive Science Society. Cognitive Science Society. pp. 389--394.
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    (1 other version)On the simplicity of ideas.Nelson Goodman - 1943 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 8 (4):107-121.
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    The Philosopher-King in Medieval and Renaissance Jewish Political Thought: Italy.Abraham Melamed & Lenn Evan Goodman - 2003 - SUNY Press.
    Illustrates Plato’s theory of the philosopher-king in the context of medieval and Renaissance Jewish thought.
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    Lying to ourselves: rationality, critical reflexivity, and the moral order as ‘structured agency’.Benny Goodman - 2016 - Nursing Philosophy 17 (3):211-221.
    A report suggests that United States’ army officers may engage in dishonest reporting regarding their compliance procedures. Similarly, nurses with espoused high ethical standards sometimes fail to live up to them and may do so while deceiving themselves about such practices. Reasons for lapses are complex. However, multitudinous managerial demands arising within ‘technical and instrumental rationality’ may impact on honest decision‐making. This paper suggests that compliance processes, which operates within the social structural context of the technical and instrumental rationality manifest (...)
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    On Inadvertently Created Abstracta, Fictional Storytelling, and Scientific Hypothesizing.Jeffrey Goodman - 2017 - Res Philosophica 94 (1):177-188.
    In my “Creatures of Fiction, Objects of Myth” (2014), I present and defend an argument for thinking that mythical creationism—the view that mythical objects like phlogiston and Vulcan are abstract artifacts—is false. One intriguing sort of objection to my argument has been recently put forth by Zvolenszky (2016); she claims that a crucial premise is seen to be unjustified once one considers the phenomena of inadvertently created abstracta—specifically, inadvertently created fictional characters. I argue here that even if we admit inadvertently (...)
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  31. Razi's Psychology.Lenn Evan Goodman - 1972 - Philosophical Forum 4 (1):26.
  32. Skepticism and realism in the Chuang Tzu.Russell B. Goodman - 1985 - Philosophy East and West 35 (3):231-237.
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    Comment on M.R. Tonelli, 'the challenge of evidence in clinical medicine'.Kenneth W. Goodman - 2010 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 16 (2):390-391.
  34. Saenggak ŭi kyoyanghak: sara kamyŏnsŏ noch'inŭn sasohan kach'i.Ch'ang-sam Yang - 2012 - Kyŏnggi-do P'aju-si: Idam Books.
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  35. Ethics, Information Technology, and Public Health: New Challenges for the Clinician-Patient Relationship.Kenneth W. Goodman - 2010 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 38 (1):58-63.
    One of the largest, oldest, and most interesting challenges in health care is the balancing act in which clinicians have generally uncontroversial duties both to individual patients and to communities. Physicians and nurses must — so we teach them — put patients first, and at the same time recognize that individuals are members of communities. Individuals affect the health of communities, and communities affect the health of individuals. Thus, the moral and professional duties that result are sometimes in conflict.Moreover, the (...)
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    Ibn Khaldun and Thucydides.Lenn Evan Goodman - 1972 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 92 (2):250-270.
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    Positionality and pictures.Nelson Goodman - 1960 - Philosophical Review 69 (4):523-525.
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    A study of liberty and revolution.Edward Goodman - 1975 - London: Published in association with the Acton Society Trust [by] Duckworth.
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    Respect-due and respect-earned: negotiating student–teacher relationships.Joan F. Goodman - 2009 - Ethics and Education 4 (1):3-17.
    Respect is a cardinal virtue in schools and foundational to our common ethical beliefs, yet its meaning is muddled. For philosophers Kant, Mill, and Rawls, whose influential theories span three centuries, respect includes appreciation of universal human dignity, equality, and autonomy. In their view children, possessors of human dignity, but without perspective and reasoning ability, are entitled only to the most minimal respect. While undeserving of mutual respect they are nonetheless expected to show unilateral respect. Dewey and Piaget, scions of (...)
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    The case of Terri Schiavo: ethics, politics, and death in the 21st century.Kenneth Goodman (ed.) - 2010 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    The case of Terri Schiavo, a young woman who spent 15 years in a persistent vegetative state, has emerged as a watershed in debates over end-of-life care. While many observers had thought the right to refuse medical treatment was well established, this case split a family, divided a nation, and counfounded physicians, legislators, and many of the people they treated or represented. In renewing debates over the importance of advance directives, the appropriate role of artificial hydration and nutrition, and the (...)
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    Religious Pluralism and Values in the Public Sphere.Lenn E. Goodman - 2014 - Cambridge University Press.
    How can we, as people and communities with different religions and cultures, live together with integrity? Does tolerance require us to deny our deep differences or give up all claims to truth, to trade our received traditions for skepticism or relativism? Cultural philosopher Lenn E. Goodman argues that we can respect one another and learn from one another's ways without either sharing them or relinquishing our own. He argues that our commitments to our own ideals and norms need not (...)
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    Craig William. Replacement of auxiliary expressions. The philosophical review, vol. 65 , pp. 38–55.Nelson Goodman - 1957 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 22 (3):317-318.
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    Clinical governance: vision or mirage?Neville W. Goodman - 2002 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 8 (2):243-249.
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    Two replies.Nelson Goodman - 1967 - Journal of Philosophy 64 (9):286-287.
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    Modernizing the philosophy of mathematics.Nicolas D. Goodman - 1991 - Synthese 88 (2):119 - 126.
    The distinction between analytic and synthetic propositions, and with that the distinction between a priori and a posteriori truth, is being abandoned in much of analytic philosophy and the philosophy of most of the sciences. These distinctions should also be abandoned in the philosophy of mathematics. In particular, we must recognize the strong empirical component in our mathematical knowledge. The traditional distinction between logic and mathematics, on the one hand, and the natural sciences, on the other, should be dropped. Abstract (...)
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  46. Bioethics and the Future of Humanity.Senator Sam Brownback - 2006 - The National Catholic Bioethics Quarterly 6 (3):421-430.
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    Corrigendum: Yoga, Meditation and Mind-Body Health: Increased BDNF, Cortisol Awakening Response, and Altered Inflammatory Marker Expression After a 3-Month Yoga and Meditation Retreat.B. Rael Cahn, Matthew S. Goodman, Christine T. Peterson, Raj Maturi & Paul J. Mills - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16.
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    When Nothing Is Something: Understanding Detection Limits.David Elias & Robert C. Goodman - 1999 - Natural Resources and Environment 13 (4):519-574.
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  49. How Metaphor Works its Wonders.T. Kulka & Nelson Goodman - 1994 - Filosoficky Casopis 42 (3):403-420.
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    (1 other version)Encyclopedia of Bioethics.Lenn E. Goodman - 1981 - Philosophy East and West 31 (2):225-238.
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