Results for 'S. Capra'

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  1.  92
    (3 other versions)The Tao of Physics: An Exploration of the Parallels Between Modern Physics and Eastern Mysticism.Fritjof Capra - 1975 - Boston: Shambhala.
    After a quarter of a century in print, Capra's groundbreaking work still challenges and inspires. This updated edition of The Tao of Physics includes a new preface and afterword in which the author reviews the developments of the twenty-five years since the book's first publication, discusses criticisms the book has received, and examines future possibilities for a new scientific world.
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    STAYING WITH THE DARKNESS: peter sloterdijk’s anthropotechnics for the digital age.Andrea Capra - 2021 - Angelaki 26 (1):124-141.
    This essay discusses Sloterdijk’s anthropotechnical framework as it relates to recent contributions that deal with the inherent opacities of digital technology and processes of blackboxing. I argue that Sloterdijk’s philosophy is a precious case of affirmative, non-nihilistic technophilic thinking that espouses the technogenic provenance of mankind, and leaves space for technologically engendered incomprehensibility while tracing a horizon for human beings’ resoluteness. In the first section of my essay I tackle Sloterdijk’s reflections on the philosophical transition from wonder to horror in (...)
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    Patterns of connection: essential essays from five decades.Fritjof Capra - 2021 - Albuquerque: High Road Books, University of New Mexico Press :.
    Fritjof Capra, scientist, educator, activist, and accomplished author, presents the evolution of his thought over five decades in Patterns of Connection. First introduced in the late 1950s to the work of Werner Heisenberg, a founder of quantum mechanics, Capra quickly intuited the connections between the discoveries of quantum physics and the traditions of Eastern philosophy--resulting in his first book, the bestselling The Tao of Physics. This synthesis, representative of the change from the mechanistic worldview of Descartes and Newton (...)
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  4. Plato's Hesiod and the Will of Zeus: Philosophical Rhapsody in the Timaeus and the Critias.Andrea Capra - 2009 - In G. R. Boys-Stones & J. H. Haubold, Plato and Hesiod. Oxford University Press.
  5.  39
    Seeing through Plato’s Looking Glass. Mythos and Mimesis from Republic to Poetics.Andrea Capra - 2017 - Aisthesis: Pratiche, Linguaggi E Saperi Dell’Estetico 10 (1):75-86.
    This paper revisits Plato’s and Aristotle’s views on mimesis with a special emphasis on mythos as an integral part of it. I argue that the Republic ’s notorious “mirror argument” is in fact ad hominem : first, Plato likely has in mind Agathon’s mirror in Aristophanes’ Thesmoforiazusae, where tragedy is construed as mimesis ; second, the tongue-in-cheek claim that mirrors can reproduce invisible Hades, when read in combination with the following eschatological myth, suggests that Plato was not committed to a (...)
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  6. Ethical issues concerning potential global climate change on food production.D. Pimentel, N. Brown, F. Vecchio, V. La Capra, S. Hausman, O. Lee, A. Diaz, J. Williams, S. Cooper & E. Newburger - 1992 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 5 (2):113-146.
    Burning fossil fuel in the North American continent contributes more to the CO2 global warming problem than in any other continent. The resulting climate changes are expected to alter food production. The overall changes in temperature, moisture, carbon dioxide, insect pests, plant pathogens, and weeds associated with global warming are projected to reduce food production in North America. However, in Africa, the projected slight rise in rainfall is encouraging, especially since Africa already suffers from severe shortages of rainfall. For all (...)
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    Go Trampling on Vairocana’s Head! Role and Functions of Irony in the Blue Cliff Record.Rudi Capra - 2020 - Dao: A Journal of Comparative Philosophy 19 (4):601-618.
    Since the wide corpus of Chan 禪 literature includes a significant number and a consistent variety of ironic features such as puns, wordplay, extravagant acts, and so forth, a clarification of the role and functions of irony is especially relevant to this framework. The idea of the present essay is that irony works in Chan Buddhism as a functional strategy purposely employed in textual compositions and oral communication. Analysing the Blue Cliff Record, one of the most influential and significant texts (...)
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    Eveno di Paro fra Protagora, Gorgia e Platone.Andrea Capra - 2018 - Méthexis 30 (1):25-35.
    Evenus of Parus plays a surprisingly important role in Plato’s account of the life and death of Socrates: in both the Apology and the Phaedo he works as a negative foil for the philosopher at two key moments, namely when he converts, respectively, to the practice of elenchus and to the composition of poetry. Evenus’ importance in Socrates’ life, I argue, reflects Plato’s appropriation of a number of his poems, which Plato reshapes so as to adapt the sophist’s relativism and (...)
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  9. R. Blondell, The Play of Character in Plato's Dialogues, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2000.A. Capra - 2004 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 59:823-827.
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    (D.) Sedley Plato's Cratylus. Cambridge UP, 2001. Pp. xi + 189. £40. 0521584922. [REVIEW]Andrea Capra - 2004 - Journal of Hellenic Studies 124:216-217.
  11.  27
    Prolegomena to the study of Youxi Sanmei 遊戲三昧 Buddhist sacred play between agonism and mimicry.Rudi Capra - forthcoming - Asian Philosophy:1-14.
    This article outlines a genealogical profile of an elusive doctrinal concept that, after being discussed in several Mahāyāna sutras, had a significant impact on East Asian Buddhist traditions. This notion is known as ‘playful samādhi’, in Chinese youxi sanmei 遊戲三昧, which translates to Sanskrit vikrīḍita samādhi. The compound youxi 遊戲 (‘playful’ – ‘at play’) was cited in Chinese sutras and Buddhist documents, in renowned and widely diffused collections of gongans/kōans 公案, was expounded and commented on by Dōgen Zenji 道元禅師 (1200–1253) (...)
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  12.  36
    Kierkegaardian Irony in Chan Buddhism: Playful Enactment in Ritual Encounters from a Cross-cultural Perspective.Rudi Capra - 2022 - Philosophy East and West 72 (3):648-670.
    Abstract:This essay establishes a cross-cultural comparison between Kierkegaard's ironist and the figure of the Chan master, with specific reference to Kierkegaard's dissertation The Concept of Irony and the renowned gongan collection Blue Cliff Record (Biyan lu 碧巖錄). The main thesis is that the comparison makes explicit significant aspects of Chan orthopraxis, since Chan masters, as presented in the Blue Cliff Record, exemplify Kierkegaard's portrayal of the ironist. In particular, these aspects pertain to the progressive detachment from the discriminating action of (...)
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  13.  8
    Riding From Elea to Athens (Via Syracuse) the Parmenides and the Early Reception of Eleatism: Epicharmus, Cratinus and Plato.Andrea Capra & Stefano Martinelli Tempesta - 2011 - Méthexis 24 (1):135-175.
    This paper makes the following claims: 1) early playwrights (especially Cratinus and Epicharmus, with a new reading of frr. 23B1-2 DK = 275-276 PCG) were keen on lampooning Eleatism; 2) through literary and linguistic devices that were obvious for Plato's original public, Plato revived this tradition in the Parmenides; 3) the Parmenides portrays the Eleats as catastrophically counterproductive philosophers. In sharp contrast with Socratic logoi, Eleatism, far from promoting philosophy (protreptic), eventually alienates all possible disciples ('apotreptic'), thus undermining the very (...)
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  14.  24
    Plato’s Four Muses: The Phaedrus and the Poetics of Philosophy by Andrea Capra.Charles Platter - 2017 - Classical World: A Quarterly Journal on Antiquity 110 (3):430-431.
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    Toward a sound perspective on modern physics: Capra's popularization of mysticism and theological approaches reexamined.Robert K. Clifton & Marilyn G. Regehr - 1990 - Zygon 25 (1):73-104.
    Fritjof Capra's The Tao of Physics, one of several popularizations paralleling Eastern mysticism and modern physics, is critiqued, demonstrating that Capra gives little attention to the differing philosophies of physics he employs, utilizing whatever interpretation suits his purposes, without prior justification. The same critique is applied and similar conclusions drawn, about some recent attempts at relating theology and physics. In contrast, we propose the possibility of maintaining a cogent relationship between these disciplines by employing theological hypotheses to account (...)
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  16. Sentimental Hogwash? On Capra's It's a Wonderful Life.Daniel Sullivan - 2005 - Humanitas 18 (1-2):115-140.
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  17. Samīkshā, di Tāo āpha phijiksa.Śivanārāyaṇa Upādhyāya - 2000 - Koṭā (Rājasthāna): Ārya Vidyālaya Prakāśana Samiti.
    Study of the Tao of physics by Fritjof Capra, work on philosophy of physics.
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    Contextualising Plato. A. Capra Plato's four Muses. The phaedrus and the poetics of philosophy. Pp. XVIII + 234, ills. Washington, dc: Center for hellenic studies, 2014. Paper, £18.95, €22.50, us$24.95. Isbn: 978-0-674-41722-9. [REVIEW]I.-K. Jeng - 2016 - The Classical Review 66 (2):358-360.
  19.  92
    Letting Rip: Rebutting Capra on the metaphysics of farts.Brian Garrett & Jeremiah Joven Joaquin - 2022 - Think 21 (62):19-22.
    Farts have not received the metaphysical attention they deserve. Bill Capra has opened the batting in his recent study of this ubiquitous rectal phenomenon. Spurred on by his sterling effort, JJ and I have added our own two bob's worth, disagreeing with much of what Bill says, and defending the buttocks-first conception of farts.
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    Community and Comedy in Frank Capra's It's a Wonderful Life.Christopher Garbowski - 2007 - Logos: A Journal of Catholic Thought and Culture 10 (3):34-47.
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    Chaos of the Body: A Commentary on Fritjof Capra's The Web of Life. [REVIEW]Sean Watson - 1998 - Body and Society 4 (3):103-114.
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  22. It’s a Wonderful Life.Aaron Smuts - 2012 - Film and Philosophy 16:15-33.
    It’s a Wonderful Life (Capra, 1946) presents a plausible theory of the meaning of life: One's life is meaningful to the extent that it promotes the good. Although this theory is credible, the movie suggests a problematic refinement in the Pottersville sequence. George's waking nightmare asks us to compare the actual world with a world where he did not exist. It tells us that we are only responsible for the good that would not exist had we not existed. I (...)
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    Is It a Wonderful Life? Frank Capra and Objective List Theories of Worth.Joshua Shaw - 2023 - Film-Philosophy 27 (2):240-261.
    Aaron Smuts argues that the holiday film It's a Wonderful Life should be understood as both an illustration and a cinematic vindication of objective list theories of worth. This article argues that he is right about the first point but wrong about the second. It's a Wonderful Life is an excellent illustration of objective list theories. However, it also exposes a problem for them – their susceptibility to sceptical anxieties about whether we can know if our lives are worth living. (...)
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    Escorial Ms. O III 2 And Related Manuscripts Of Seneca's Natural Questions.H. M. Hine - 1978 - Classical Quarterly 28 (2):296-311.
    Löwe and von Hartel have drawn attention to the striking similarity between R's contents and those of a lost manuscript bequeathed by Philippe d' Harcourt to the library at Bee. This manuscript is described in a twelfth-century catalogue as follows:7 ‘in alio Seneca de naturalibus questionibus et Adelermus Batensis [Adhelardus Bathonensis Becker), Proba vates, Aurea Capra, et liber Hildeberti Turonensis archiepiscopi de dissensione interioris et exterioris hominis, et sermones eius et uita ipsius.’.
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    Relating the physics and religion of David Bohm.Kevin J. Sharpe - 1990 - Zygon 25 (1):105-122.
    David Bohm's thinking has become widely publicized since the 1982 performance of a form of the Einstein‐Podolsky‐ Rosen (EPR) experiment. Bohm's holomovement theory, in particular, tries to explain the nonlocality that the experiment supports. Moreover, his theories are close to his metaphysical and religious thinking. Fritjof Capra's writings try something similar: supporting a theory (the bootstrap theory) because it is close to his religious beliefs. Both Bohm and Capra appear to use their religious ideas in their physics. Religion, (...)
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    SPEP Plenary Address: Take Back the Camera: Race and Agonism in Mr. Deeds and The Fits.Bonnie Honig - 2022 - Journal of Speculative Philosophy 36 (2):105-130.
    ABSTRACT In Frank Capra’s Mr. Deeds Goes to Town, Stanley Cavell says, the film camera, a “somatogram,” reads fits and fidgets as a post-Cartesian cogito of embodied thinking. Giorgio Agamben sees the cameras of motion studies at Salpêtrière in the 1880s as dehumanizing normalizers of gesture, but Georges Didi-Huberman claims that what they recorded as hysteria was solicited by them and sometimes refused. Which is it? Does the camera humanize, normalize, or solicit gesture? I consider the question with Anna (...)
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    Wittgenstein and Friendship.Beth Savickey - 2014 - Philosophical Investigations 37 (3):185-194.
    In his article “It's a Wonderful Life,” Ronald Hall connects Wittgenstein's last words with Frank Capra's 1946 film. His analysis focuses on the concept of wonder, but he misses one of the most important aspects of both the film and Wittgenstein's last words: the significance of friendship. This is philosophically (and biographically) important because it raises questions about aspect-seeing, friendship and everyday life. Wittgenstein's final words provide a striking example of the philosophical complexity of his life and work.
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    The Concept of Mind and Cognition in the Autopoietic Theory.Mario Villalobos - 2022 - Constructivist Foundations 18 (1):26-27.
    In contrast to Capra’s interpretation of Maturana’s work, I argue that the autopoietic theory does not establish an intrinsic, necessary link between life and cognitive/mental phenomena, and that given its functionalist approach, the theory helps very little to overcome the Cartesian division between mind and body.
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  29. Marinella and her interlocutors: hot blood, hot words, hot deeds.Marguerite Deslauriers - 2017 - Philosophical Studies 174 (10):2525-2537.
    In the treatise called La nobiltà et l’eccellenza delle donne co’ diffetti et mancamenti de gli uomini Lucrezia Marinella claims that women are superior to men. She argues that men are excessively hot, and that heat in a high degree is detrimental to the intellectual and moral capacities of a person. The aim of this paper is to set out Marinella’s views on temperature differences in the bodies of men and women and the effects of bodily constitution on the capacities (...)
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    Music Education and Spirituality: A Philosophical Exploration II.Anthony John Palmer - 2006 - Philosophy of Music Education Review 14 (2):143-158.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Music Education and Spirituality:Philosophical Exploration IiAnthony J. PalmerMusic, beyond its pitches and rhythms, timbres and dynamics, has elusive qualities that many have difficulty identifying and discussing. In this regard Rabindranath Tagore speaks of the "ineffable":But when our heart is fully awakened in love, or in other great emotions, our personality is in its flood-tide. Then it feels the longing to express itself for the very sake of expression. Then (...)
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    Thinking on Film with Arendt and Cavell.Jennifer Fay - 2023 - Critical Inquiry 49 (2):227-250.
    This article connects the theory of Hannah Arendt and the philosophy of Stanley Cavell to the questions of what thinking is and how it appears on film. It focuses on two theatrical trials: Adolph Eichmann’s trial (1961) and the ending sequence in Frank Capra’s Mr. Deeds Goes to Town (1936) in which the questions of thought and thoughtlessness are at stake. Whereas Arendt considers the ways that thinking poses challenges to representation (there is, she writes, a “scarcity of documentary (...)
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    The Philosophy of Theory U: A Critical Examination.Peter W. Heller - 2019 - Philosophy of Management 18 (1):23-42.
    Over the last ten years, „Theory U″, written by C.O. Scharmer in 2007, has earned broad international recognition. However, critical reviews of its grounding in social sciences and philosophy have been rare. After a brief introduction to Theory U this article examines its methodic approach in the context of its references to the universal history of Toynbee, and epistemological sources in the works of Nietzsche, Capra, Varela, Husserl, and Steiner. The investigation of Theory U’s historical and philosophical grounding comes (...)
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    Poredbenost perspektiva.Slavko Amulić - 2007 - Filozofska Istrazivanja 27 (2):407-425.
    Koje su mogućnosti čovjeka da preokrene putove razvoja prema mogućim civilizacijskim rješenjima, osnovno je pitanje na koje Fritjof Capra pokušava odgovoriti. Rad prikazuje na koji način Capra vidi krizu suvremenog društva i znanosti, te koje alternative vidi kao rješenja; njegov angažman pokazuje se u cjelini kao etički usmjeren na spoznaju načina odnosa u svijetu, čovjekove naravi i njegova najvišeg dobra, te je praktički usmjeren na razumijevanje konkretnog čovjekova opstanka. U radu se postavlja pitanje o mogućnosti uspoređivanja uvida istočnjačkih (...)
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    Eroticism, the sacred and philosophies of modern physics; the body as a catalyser of meaning.Isabelle Choinire - 2006 - Technoetic Arts 4 (1):27-37.
    This paper aims to demonstrate the relation between eroticism, perceptually expanded experience (dilated, brought forth by the intelligence of the body), and the notion of interconnectivity and global consciousness. I discern two tendencies: the self's positional relation via technology proposed by philosophers like Descartes; and the self's non-positional relation via technology that seems to be proposed by some philosophers such as Fritjof Capra. I draw my sources from the second category: my work is enriched by an anthropological approach where (...)
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    The construction of environmental philosophy rooted in religiosity.Syefriyeni Syefriyeni & Dindin Nasrudin - 2023 - HTS Theological Studies 79 (2):7.
    One of the causes of poor human-environment relations is the separation of the study of natural philosophy and human philosophy. The awareness to combine natural and human philosophy has been sparked by thinkers such as Henryk Skolimowski and Fritjof Capra. However, both are seen as not showing clear root values. Meanwhile, Sayyed Hossein Nasr has brought the concept of value in the combination of natural philosophy with human philosophy. However, he describes it as a mystical concept that is too (...)
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  36.  28
    Levinas and the Cinema of Redemption: Time, Ethics, and the Feminine.Sam B. Girgus - 2010 - Columbia University Press.
    In his philosophy of ethics and time, Emmanuel Levinas highlighted the tension that exists between the "ontological adventure" of immediate experience and the "ethical adventure" of redemptive relationships-associations in which absolute responsibility engenders a transcendence of being and self. In an original commingling of philosophy and cinema study, Sam B. Girgus applies Levinas's ethics to a variety of international films. His efforts point to a transnational pattern he terms the "cinema of redemption" that portrays the struggle to connect to others (...)
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    Άγων λóγων: Il "Protagora" di Platone tra eristica e commedia (review).Christopher Rowe - 2002 - American Journal of Philology 123 (3):521-524.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:American Journal of Philology 123.3 (2002) 521-524 [Access article in PDF] Andrea Capra. Il "Protagora" di Platone tra eristica e commedia. Il Filarete: Pubblicazioni della Facoltà di Lettere e Filosofia dell'Università degli Studi di Milano, 197. Milan: LED, Edizioni Universitarie di Lettere Economia Diritto, 2001. 237 pp. Paper, 22.72. This is a book of two halves and Two Parts, perhaps, respectively, "literary" and "philosophical": one primarily concerned with (...)
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    A new Epithet of Juno.J. Whatmough - 1922 - Classical Quarterly 16 (3-4):190-.
    An inscription found in 1912 near Praeneste,1 and now easily accessible in the new edition of Vol. I. of the Corpus of Latin inscriptions , records a dedication in honour of Juno PALOS-CARIA , an epithet previously unknown, and not yet, I believe, satisfactorily explained. Rosenberg's attempted explanation will not secure many adherents, while that of Lommatzsch , who would connect the word with palus -udis, and see an allusion to the ‘paludes Pomptinae,’ involves us in serious, though not insuperable, (...)
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    A punning reminiscence of Vergil, Ecl. 10.75–7 in Horace, Epist. 1.5.28–9.D. R. Langslow - 1995 - Classical Quarterly 45 (1):256-260.
    The fifth poem in Horace's first book of Epistles takes the form of an invitation to Torquatus to attend a dinner which the poet is preparing for that evening, the eveof the Emperor's birthday. The fare will be simple but Horace will see to it that the furnishings, napkins, vessels and plates will be clean and bright and that the company and the seating-plan will be to Torquatus’ taste. Horace will get Butra and Septicius to be there, and Sabinus, too, (...)
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    El mito de Ifigenia según los escritores filóginos del Renacimiento.María Belén Hernández González - 2023 - Ingenium. Revista Electrónica de Pensamiento Moderno y Metodología En Historia de Las Ideas 17:95-104.
    El mito de Ifigenia ha sido reinterpretado con extraordinaria vitalidad en multitud de obras literarias y artísticas a lo largo de la historia. Este artículo pretende examinar la particular repercusión de Ifigenia en el debate de la _Querelle des femmes_ a partir de la recuperación del manuscrito de la tragedia de Eurípides a finales del s. XV, en autores como Galeazzo Flavio Capra, Ludovico Dolce o Lilio Gregorio Giraldi. La recepción de la tragedia griega desde Italia, al verterse en (...)
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    The Life and Mind of John Dewey (review). [REVIEW]Herbert Wallace Schneider - 1974 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 12 (4):541-543.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:BOOK REVIEWS 541 But the end result is what La Capra terms "a philosophical conservatism," a call to create a morality to counteract the disintegrating forces in modern society. Here too Durkheim joins hands with Weber, Freud, and Malinowski. "Excessive individualism was symptomatic of social disintegration" (p. 145). Its antidote is the formation of cooperative groups. So for Weber the individual, in order to be a genuine man, (...)
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  42. Mill's moral theory and the problem of preference change.Michael S. McPherson - 1982 - Ethics 92 (2):252-273.
    A reconsideration of mill's theory of "higher pleasures," construed as a way of evaluating changes in preferences or character that result from changes in social environment. mill's account is criticized and partly reconstructed in light of modern preference theory, but viewed favorably as an illuminating attempt to address a fundamental problem in moral evaluation of social institutions. mill's advocacy of the higher pleasures is defended in particular against the charge that it is incompatible with his commitment to liberty.
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  43. Risk, Contractualism, and Rose's.S. D. John - 2014 - Social Theory and Practice 40 (1):28-50.
    Geoffrey Rose’s prevention paradox points to a tension between two prima facie plausible moral principles: that we should save the greater number and that weshould save the most at risk. This paper argues that a novel moral theory, ex-ante contractualism, captures our intuitions in many prevention paradox cases, regardless of our interpretation of probability claims. However, it goes on to show that it might be impossible to square ex-ante contractualism with all of our moral intuitions. It concludes that even if (...)
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  44. Humphrey's paradox and the interpretation of inverse conditional propensities.Christopher S. I. Mccurdy - 1996 - Synthese 108 (1):105 - 125.
    The aim of this paper is to distinguish between, and examine, three issues surrounding Humphreys's paradox and interpretation of conditional propensities. The first issue involves the controversy over the interpretation of inverse conditional propensities — conditional propensities in which the conditioned event occurs before the conditioning event. The second issue is the consistency of the dispositional nature of the propensity interpretation and the inversion theorems of the probability calculus, where an inversion theorem is any theorem of probability that makes explicit (...)
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  45. What's New? Children Prefer Novelty in Referent Selection.Bob McMurray Jessica S. Horst, Larissa K. Samuelson, Sarah C. Kucker - 2011 - Cognition 118 (2):234.
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    The Meeting of the East and the West in Sri Aurobindo's Philosophy.S. K. Maitra - 1956 - Philosophy East and West 6 (3):231-238.
  47. Semanticheskiĭ perenos v kognitivno-funkt︠s︡ionalʹnoĭ paradigme.S. A. Megentesov - 1993 - Krasnodar: Kubanskiĭ gos. universitet. Edited by D. I. Rudenko.
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  48. Individuals and ensembles in Dilthey's methodology of social sciences.S. Mesure - 2003 - Revue Internationale de Philosophie 57 (226):393-406.
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    Keiser's Post-Critical Niebuhr.Charles S. McCoy - 1997 - Tradition and Discovery 24 (1):6-14.
    This review essay on R. Melvin Keiser's Roots of Relational Ethics: Responsibility in Origin and Maturity in H. Richard Niebuhr surveys selected works about Niebuhr, examines the strengths of Keiser's post-critical treatment of Niebuhr and raises questions about Keiser's views and about Niebuhr.
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    Interpreting Sartre: A Response to Collins.Dominick La Capra - 1980 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 1980 (44):145-150.
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