History/traditions: Gorgias

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  1. Existential import and Peirce’s early realism about universals: the True Gorgias.Richard Kenneth Atkins & T. Starling Reid - forthcoming - British Journal for the History of Philosophy.
    Peirce’s True Gorgias is a brief dialogue from his essay “Grounds of Validity of the Laws of Logic”, published in 1869. The True Gorgias exposes the fallacy of existential import. It has received no sustained attention in the secondary literature, perhaps because the fallacy is now familiar. Peirce’s assessment of the fallacy involved in the reasoning, however, changes between 1865 and 1869, and he only arrives at the contemporary account of existential import in 1880. Moreover, a careful examination of the (...)
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  2. Defining Rhetoric Dialectically.Jens Kristian Larsen - 2025 - Ancient Philosophy 45 (1):53-81.
    This article urges that what distinguishes dialectic from rhetoric in the Gorgias is their differing conceptions of definitions and argues that: (1) Dialectic centers on the nature of things, rhetoric on their qualities. (2) Dialectic is shown to differ from rhetoric in the inquiry through the application of collection and division. (3) Socrates’ definition and criticism of rhetoric flows from his conception of expertise, not his moral outlook.
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  3. Ugalde, B. (2022). Gorgias. Elogio de Helena (edición bilingüe). Introducción general, prólogo, traducción y notas de Benjamín Ugalde. Santiago de Chile: Democracia y libertad, 84 pp. [REVIEW]Nicolás Rojas Cortés - 2024 - Revista de Filosofia: Universidad Católica de la Santísima Concepción 23 (1):285-289.
    “Convertir el λóγος más débil en el más fuerte”, no debería limitarse a ser considerada como la definición del arte de la retórica según un Aristóteles profundamente influenciado por la recepción platónica de esta técnica. La filosofía, considerada como una disciplina, innegablemente ha avanzado, a pesar de que muchas veces el objeto de estudio que nos interesa se haya perdido o nos haya llegado fragmentado. En este contexto se levanta el esfuerzo del Dr. Benjamín Ugalde (1981) por convertir la discusión (...)
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  4. Il mito di Elena​ e il potere controverso della bellezza.​ Un percorso intertestuale tra Omero, Euripide, Stesicoro, Gorgia, Isocrate e Platone.Fulvia De Luise - 2024 - Peitho 15 (1):149-172.
    The myth of Helen runs through the poetic and philosophical tradition of the ancient world. Her defense is a paradox for legal tradition and the opportunity for a triumph of rhetoric. Through her name Greeks discuss the enchantment of beauty and desire as a driving force, which can have a destructive or constructive effect, or even act as a medium for great ideals. With Helen, a controversial power is at issue, which emanates from beauty and which presents itself differently to (...)
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  5. The Birth of Logic Out of the Spirit of Democracy.Franca D’Agostini - 2024 - History and Philosophy of Logic 45 (1):58-69.
    This paper advances a version of the theory whereby logic had deep origins in democracy, by re-reading Gorgias’ Encomium of Helen. Democracy, ‘the government by debate’, called political (and scientific) attention to the inferential abilities of citizens and to politicians’ ability of taking advantage of them. Sophists, in particular, discovered that people’s inferences follow constant repeatable forms, that these forms have impact on choices and decisions concerning public good, and then by dominating them you dominate politics in democracy. With the (...)
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  6. Ser e Não Ser, Eis a Questão: A Crítica de Górgias a Parmênides.Maria Aparecida de Paiva Montenegro & Hedgar Lopes Castro - 2024 - Revista Dialectus 34 (34):164-175.
    No presente ensaio damos continuidade ao artigo “A lógica do Ser de Parmênides: entre a poesia e a Filosofia”, em vias de publicação pela Argumentos (revista do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Filosofia da Universidade Federal do Ceará). Agora pretendemos mostrar que a crítica de Górgias a Parmênides reside na diferença da concepção de ambos a respeito do ser: enquanto o eleata supõe o ser como identificado ao pensar e ao dizer, Górgias o entende como aquilo que nos afeta a partir (...)
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  7. Helen’s Argumentative Coherence and The Didactic Element of Gorgias’ Rhetoric.Maicon Reus-Engler - 2024 - Estudios de Filosofía (Universidad de Antioquia) 71:5-33.
    I argue in this paper that Gorgias’ Helen has a didactic element that has been overlooked by contemporary critique. I show in section I that Gorgias’ presents a commonsensical pattern of argumentation (the Gods and physical violence) to prepare the reader to the following digressions on logos and on love. I analyze in section II the argument on logos and argue that its reasoning structure depends on the two previous arguments, i.e., that Gorgias transforms logos into a sort of violence. (...)
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  8. Πλάτων τρόπον τινὰ οὐ κακῶς τὴν σοφιστικὴν περὶ τὸ μὴ ὂν ἔταξεν (Aristot. Metaph. 1026b14).Marian Andrzej Wesoły - 2024 - Peitho 15 (1):333-340.
    Aristotle’s observation that “Plato not wrongly ordered sophistry around non-being” (Metaph. E 2, 1026b14; also in K 8, 1064b29) refers generally to Plato’s Sophist. The admission of non-being (τὸ μὴ ὄν) could be considered as a certain consequence of the Eleatic monism, which gave rise to the Sophistic movement as has been recognized by Plato and Aristotle. In this paper, we try to identify more precisely the context of this setting of non-being of polemical and very particular importance.
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  9. Gorgias y el logos como pharmakon.César Arturo Velázquez Becerril - 2023 - Eikasia Revista de Filosofía 113:197-233.
    El artículo se propone indagar en la concepción de la «realidad» que tiene la sofística, como referente fundamental para entender mejor su propuesta crítica ante el avance que en esa época está teniendo la «filosofía dogmática» de tipo metafísica. En particular centrando el análisis en la invectiva que al respecto realiza Gorgias de Leontinos en los fragmentos conservados de dos de sus obras fundamentales: el tratado De lo que no es o de la naturaleza y el discurso Encomio de Helena. (...)
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  10. A hipótese gorgiana: por uma leitura da obra platônica.Vicente Thiago Freire Brazil - 2023 - Revista Ética E Filosofia Política 2 (25):87-109.
    De maneira reconhecida ou não, a presença de Górgias, e suas teses, no corpus platônico transcende os limites da presença da personagem Górgias nos sete diálogos em que este é mencionado por Platão. Diante de uma influência multifacetada – que abarca desde questões relativas à linguagem, passando pela metafísica, política e estatuto da arte – faz-se necessário um recorte para melhor evidenciar a apropriação e reelaboração platônica do quadro conceitual gorgiano. A pretensão é fazer uma releitura de alguns momentos do (...)
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  11. Gorgias and Plato’s Sophist.Erminia Di Iulio - 2023 - Rhizomata 11 (2):208-226.
    My aim is to investigate the link between Plato’s Sophist and Gorgias’s treatise On What Is Not. This relationship is worth examining because Gorgias’s treatise constitutes an essential, but insufficiently studied stage in the intellectual journey leading from Parmenides to the Sophist. My claims are that 1) Plato’s agenda in the Sophist perfectly meets the challenges Gorgias raises in the first thesis of his treatise, that 2) this becomes clear once we focus on Gorgias’s and Plato’s respective use of the (...)
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  12. Gorgias de Leontini: Elogio de Helena, Autodefensa de Palamedes, Sobre lo que-no-es.Javier Echenique - 2023 - Santiago de CHile: Ediciones Tácitas.
    Traducción al español y edición del griego de los textos del orador y filósofo presocrático Gorgias de Leontini.
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  13. Du sophiste au plaideur: l’appropriation platonicienne de la rhétorique dans le Gorgias.Nicolas Le Merrer - 2023 - Archives de Philosophie du Droit 64 (1):5-37.
    Centré sur le Gorgias de Platon, cet article vise à montrer que la critique platonicienne de la rhétorique ne s’élabore pas sur la base d’une hostilité de principe à l’égard du rhéteur, mais se développe au contraire à partir du discours rhétorique lui-même. Nous analysons d’abord les difficultés de l’analogie posant la rhétorique comme un simulacre de la justice : cette analogie révèle en fait la façon dont Gorgias cherche à manifester la singularité et la valeur de son enseignement. Nous (...)
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  14. Pensare l’agone: Foucault, Cassin e la storia dell’esclusione della sofistica.Valentina Moro - 2023 - Rivista Italiana di Filosofia Politica 3:261-280.
    Both Michel Foucault and Barbara Cassin address Aristotle’s thought and the 5th century BCE sources attributed to the rhetorician Gorgias in order to reconstruct the history of the strategic exclusion of the Sophistics from the Western philosophical tradition. They retrace the scene of the rhetoric agon that Aristotle engaged with Gorgias. Both theorists’ arguments illuminate that the sophist has formulated an original account of political theatricality by talking about the scenes of the logos.
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  15. Religious, Poetic and Argumentative Persuasion in the Helen of Gorgias.Emanuel Rutten - 2023 - Ntt Journal for Theology and the Study of Religion 77 (4):268-276.
    What does Gorgias has to say about religious speech considered as a form of rhetorical speech directed at persuasion? Or more precisely, what does his rhetoric teach us about the nature and origin of the persuasiveness of religious speech? Now, to properly understand how, according to Gorgias, from a rhetorical perspective religious beliefs arise, this article shall first deal with his conception of the connection between language, thinking and being. And for this purpose, it will consider his treatise On the (...)
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  16. Nihilist arguments in Gorgias and Nāgārjuna.Ugo Zilioli - 2023 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 31 (6):1085-1104.
    This paper deals with an important strand of nihilistic arguments to be found in the works of two philosophers who have so far never been studied comparatively: the sophist Gorgias and the Buddhist monk Nāgārjuna. After having reconstructed Gorgias' moves in the first section of On What is Not (Sections 1-4), the paper shows how the nihilist arguments Gorgias uses mostly feature, under a new light, in the philosophy of emptiness developed by Nāgārjuna (Sections 5-8). The paper ends with a (...)
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  17. Wisdom in Gorgias’ Encomium of Helen.Sergio Ariza - 2022 - Elenchos: Rivista di Studi Sul Pensiero Antico 43 (2):229-248.
    This paper argues that the Encomium of Helen must be seen as a speech about the value and importance of wisdom in human life and not as much as one as about logos. Gorgias sustains his vision based on a certain intellectualism which reduces moral faults to intellectual errors. This intellectualist program comprises a rationalization of emotions and a commitment with a certain tradition that discriminates between a minority with knowledge and a majority with only opinion. The consequence for Helen (...)
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  18. Gorgias on Speech and the Soul.R. J. Barnes - 2022 - In S. Montgomery Ewegen & Colleen P. Zoller, Gorgias/Gorgias: The Sicilian Orator and the Platonic Dialogue. Parnassos Press. pp. 87-106.
    In his Encomium of Helen and On Not Being, Gorgias of Leontinoi discusses the nature and function of speech more extensively than any other surviving author before Plato. His discussions are not only surprising in the way they characterize the power of logos and its effects on a listener but also in how the two descriptions of speech seem to contradict one another. In the Helen, Gorgias claims that logos is a very powerful entity, capable of affecting a listener in (...)
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  19. Gorgias's thought: an epistemological reading.Erminia Di Iulio - 2022 - New York: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group.
    Gorgias's Thought: An Epistemological Reading is the first monograph published in English entirely devoted to Gorgias's epistemological thought and provides a new perspective on Gorgias's thought more broadly. The book aims to undermine the common idea that Gorgias is either an orator uncommitted to any conception of truth, or a thinker whose interest is confined to the philosophy of language. It considers his major texts - On what is not or on nature, the Apology of Palamedes and the Encomium of (...)
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  20. Gorgias/Gorgias: The Sicilian Orator and the Platonic Dialogue.S. Montgomery Ewegen & Colleen P. Zoller (eds.) - 2022 - Parnassos Press.
  21. (1 other version)Alētheia in Gorgias of Leontini. An Excerpt from the History of Truth.Lars Leeten - 2022 - Peitho 1 (13):45–64.
    It is often assumed that the concept of 'alētheia', or ‘truth’, in Gorgias of Leontini belongs to the art of rhetoric. Along these lines, it is usually understood as an aesthetic concept or even a mere ‘adornment’ of speech. In this paper, it is argued, by contrast, that Gorgianic alētheia is a definable criterion of speech figuring in the practice of moral educa­tion. While the ‘truth’ of a logos indeed has to be assessed on aesthetic grounds, the underlying concept of (...)
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  22. In Praise of Gorgias.Keren Wilson Shatalov - 2022 - Illinois Classical Studies 47 (2):293-314.
    In this essay I use Socrates’s aside to Callicles at Gorgias 481c5-482b1 to argue that love is essential to philosophy on Plato’s conception. On my reading, Plato uses the drama of the dialogue to critique the discussion therein, against a standard for philosophy which is implicit in Socrates’s remarks. Plato suggests that Socrates’s exchange with Gorgias is the best of the three, since it best realizes the inseparable goals of pursuing truth and becoming more persuadable by reason. What makes it (...)
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  23. A soberania do discurso em Górgias: persuasão e engano.César de Alencar & Vinícius Brito Barros - 2021 - Griot : Revista de Filosofia 21 (3):248-257.
    Lógos é termo grego central para a construção do movimento sofístico. Górgias de Leontinos, um dos principais representantes da primeira geração desse movimento, propôs-se a refletir, em Elogio de Helena, sobre o discurso como um grande e soberano senhor, capaz de ao mesmo tempo produzir persuasão em Helena e denunciar esse poder persuasivo. Na primeira parte deste estudo, pretendemos situar o lógos como fabricador de vivências em seu ouvinte, o que sugere a compreensão do poder persuasivo. Na segunda parte, a (...)
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  24. What is Gorgias’ ‘not being’? A brief journey through the Treatise, the Apology of Palamedes and the Encomium of Helen.Erminia Di Iulio - 2021 - Archai: Revista de Estudos Sobre as Origens Do Pensamento Ocidental 31.
    Assuming that a nihilist reading of Gorgias’ thought is to be ruled out, the issue of ‘not being’ remains one of the thorniest in his philosophy; indeed, it is fair to conclude that Gorgias is deeply concerned with ‘not being’. But what, after all, is Gorgias’ ‘not being’? This paper aims to answer this crucial question, by taking into consideration Gorgias’ main texts. Each of them provides a serious – although not always explicit – account of ‘not being’. Overall, the (...)
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  25. The Compulsion of Bodies: Infection and Possession in Gorgias' Helen.Ryan Drake - 2021 - Epoché: A Journal for the History of Philosophy 25 (2):249-268.
    This essay seeks to understand Gorgias’ reflections upon language and perception in the Encomium of Helen through the threefold vocabularies of medicine, enchantment, and oratory that were often taken together in the fifth century. I demonstrate that the two modes of sorcery to which Gorgias refers have to do with language and its effect on opinion, on the one hand, and perception and its effect upon one’s affective bearing, on the other. Both effects, I claim, are grasped through their forceful (...)
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  26. Il fascino del Logos. Gorgia e il problema del Linguaggio.Carolina Ferraro - 2021 - Archiwum Historii Filozofii I Myśli Społecznej 65:157-187.
    Gorgias certainly is a triumph in linguistic rhetoric: he portraits the ambiguous relationship between human beings and the knowledge of reality. Following his works, the Logos does not produce any objective or absolute, but obscure knowledge. The Logos is not characterized by truth, but rather by the ability to persuade and deceive others, to convince others using the art of rhetoric. This fact composes the core of the metalinguistic attitude, which characterizes Gorgias’ texts. Since the Logos in Gorgias does not (...)
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  27. Il processo come pretesto. Sul Palamede di Gorgia.Stefania Giombini - 2021 - Archiwum Historii Filozofii I Myśli Społecznej 65:143-156.
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  28. Peri tou (mē) ontos. Melissus and Gorgias at the ontological crossroad.Stefania Giombini & Massimo Pulpito - 2021 - Archai: Revista de Estudos Sobre as Origens Do Pensamento Ocidental 31.
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  29. Between Eleatics and Atomists: Gorgias’ Argument against Motion.Roberta Ioli - 2021 - Archai: Revista de Estudos Sobre as Origens Do Pensamento Ocidental 31.
    The aim of my paper is to investigate Gorgias’ argument against motion, which is found in his Peri tou mē ontos and preserved only in MXG 980a1˗8. I tried to shed new light both on this specific reflection and on the reliability of Pseudo-Aristotle’s version. By exploring the so called “change argument” and the “argument from divisibility", I focused on the particular strategy used by the Sophist in his synthetikē apodeixis, which should be investigated in relation to the dispute between (...)
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  30. Gorgias and the Weakness of Logos.Wolfgang-Rainer Mann - 2021 - In Joseph Andrew Bjelde, David Merry & Christopher Roser, Essays on Argumentation in Antiquity. Cham: Springer. pp. 49-67.
    After briefly considering Plato’s objections to rhetoric—it disregards the truth, aiming only to persuade, and it manipulates our emotions rather than instructing us—I turn to the historical Gorgias. The ‘Encomium of Helen’ ascribes to logos virtually all-powerful capacities for persuasion, seduction, and even bewitchment. Here Gorgias celebrates the very things Plato rejects. Yet in the ‘Defense of Palamedes’ considerable anxieties about whether logos actually does possess such strength are voiced: the weakness, not the power, of logos comes to occupy center (...)
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  31. Superare Parmenide: Zenone, Melisso e Gorgia impegnati a fare ‘meglio di lui’.Livio Rossetti - 2021 - Archai: Revista de Estudos Sobre as Origens Do Pensamento Ocidental 31.
    Durante il V secolo AC Parmenide ebbe molti e qualificati lettori, tra cui Zenone, Empedocle, Anassagora, Leucippo, Melisso, Protagora, Gorgia, Ippia. Tre di loro hanno cercato di fare molto di più di quello che è stato in grado di fare lui con l' ‘esercizio deduttivo’ che incontriamo in 28B8.1-33, e ci sono riusciti. In effetti, che si siano sforzati di superare l'elevato standard già raggiunto da Parmenide nell'invenzione dei passaggi strettamente deduttivi è sostanzialmente fuori discussione. Il mio articolo è dedicato (...)
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  32. El paradigma de la sensibilidad y la fragmentación en el PTMO de Gorgias.Pilar Spangeberg - 2021 - Archai: Revista de Estudos Sobre as Origens Do Pensamento Ocidental 31.
    El artículo pretende mostrar la importancia que reviste el tratamiento ofrecido por Gorgias en torno a la sensación y su relación con el pensamiento y el lenguaje en los dos resúmenes conservados del Peri tou me ontos. Sostengo queallí se postula una fragmentación radical del hombre como polo unificado de la sensación, así como también del objeto en una multiplicidad de aristas que no encuentran momento sintético alguno. El paradigma de la sensibilidad fragmentada es el fundamento central, incuestionado en el (...)
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  33. Gorgias' Revising of Ancient Epistemology: on Non-Being by Gorgias and its Paraphrases.Marina Volf - 2021 - Archai: Revista de Estudos Sobre as Origens Do Pensamento Ocidental 31.
    The philosophical nature of the two versions of paraphrasing the Gorgias’ treatise On Non-Being — the skeptical version by Sextus Empiricus and the peripatetic version by an anonymous author — are discussed. The paper gives a comparative analysis of the arguments upheld by the informants enunciating Gorgias’ thoughts, demonstrates the range of philosophical problems, which Gorgias considered, judging by the reports of his speech, and shows how both versions add to and clarify each other in terms of philosophical issues. The (...)
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  34. The Common Origins of Philosophical and Political Power in Plato's Gorgias.Lydia Winn - 2021 - Plato Journal 21:7-19.
    Plato’s Gorgias concerns the tension between political and philosophical power. In it, Socrates and Gorgias discuss rhetoric’s power, which Gorgias claims is universal, containing all powers, enabling the rhetorician to rule over others politically. Polus and Callicles develop Gorgias’s understanding of rhetoric’s universal power. Scholars addressing power’s central focus rightly distinguish Socrates’ notion of philosophical power from Gorgias’s. However, these authors make this distinction too severe, overlooking the kinship between philosophy and politics. This paper argues that Socrates’ notion of power (...)
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  35. María C. Davolio y Graciela E. Marcos trad., Graciela E. Marcos introducción y notas, Gorgias. Encomio de Helena. [REVIEW]Lucas M. Álvarez - 2020 - Argos 1 (38):88-89.
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  36. Gorgias’ Περὶ τοῦ μὴ ὄντος and Its Relation to Skepticism.Richard Bett - 2020 - International Journal for the Study of Skepticism 10 (3-4):187-208.
    The paper examines whether Gorgias’ On What Is Not should be considered an instance of skepticism. It begins with an analysis of the work as reported by the two sources, Sextus Empiricus and the anonymous author of On Melissus, Xenophanes and Gorgias. It is then argued that the Pyrrhonian skeptics did not regard On What Is Not as skeptical. Nonetheless, it is possible to read the work as offering counter-arguments to Parmenides, with a view to inducing suspension of judgment in (...)
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  37. Gorgias' (Meta)Ethics.Kurt W. Lampe - 2020 - In David Wolfsdorf, Early Greek Ethics. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
    This chapter focuses on Gorgias' suriviving works: esp. Palamedes, but also On Nature, Helen, and the Funeral Oration. While I'm at pains to bring out the diversity of interpretive traditions currently co-existing, I aim to offer a substantially new reading of what these works offer our reflection on the nature of ethical truth.
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  38. The Logos of Ethics in Gorgias' Palamedes, On Nature, and Helen.Kurt W. Lampe - 2020 - In David Wolfsdorf, Early Greek Ethics. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
    This chapter focuses on Gorgias' suriviving works: esp. Palamedes, but also On Nature, Helen, and the Funeral Oration. While I'm at pains to bring out the diversity of interpretive traditions currently co-existing, I aim to offer a substantially new reading of what these works offer our reflection on the nature of ethical truth.
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  39. La dimensión publicitaria del Encomio de Helena de Gorgias.Felipe Matías Nicastro - 2020 - Cuadernos Filosóficos / Segunda Época 16.
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  40. Gorgias’ ›Lobrede Auf Helena‹: Literaturgeschichtliche Untersuchungen Und Kommentar.Jonas Schollmeyer - 2020 - De Gruyter.
    Gorgias’ Lobrede auf Helena gehört zu den wichtigsten Texten der Sophistik. Im Zentrum der Helena steht der Grundsatz, dass die Rede ein „großer Herrscher" ist und dass stets derjenige im Rededuell – in der Volksversammlung, vor Gericht oder in privaten Auseinandersetzungen – den Sieg davonträgt, der sich auf die Redekunst versteht, unabhängig davon, ob die Rede wahr ist oder nicht. Für diese Schrift wird hier der erste umfassende Kommentar vorgelegt, der die philologischen, literaturwissenschaftlichen, philosophischen und historischen Fragestellungen, die in der (...)
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  41. Between Rhetoric and Sophistry: The Puzzling Case of Plato’s Gorgias.Jacqueline Tusi - 2020 - Apeiron 53 (1):59-80.
    The case of Gorgias’ profession has been an object of ongoing dispute among scholars. This is mainly because in some dialogues Plato calls Gorgias a rhetorician, in others a sophist. The purpose of this article is to show that a solution only emerges in the Gorgias, where Plato presents Gorgias’ goals as a rhetorician and its associated arts. On this basis, Plato introduces a systematic division between genuine arts and fake arts, including rhetoric and sophistry, thereby identifying their conceptual differences (...)
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  42. Mélissos, Gorgias et Platon dans la première hypothèse du Parménide.Mathilde Brémond - 2019 - Revue de Philosophie Ancienne 1:61-99.
    Cet article examine l’influence sur la première hypothèse du Parménide de deux penseurs dont l’importance a été négligée par les critiques : Mélissos et Gorgias. Après avoir observé que les prédicats attribués à l’un ainsi que la forme démonstrative sont plus représentatifs de l’éléatisme de Mélissos que de celui de Parménide, nous expliquons ce constat par le fait que Platon reprenne une partie du Traité du Non-être de Gorgias qui vise elle-même essentiellement Mélissos. Nous démontrons alors que la première hypothèse, (...)
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  43. Thick Concepts and Moral Revisionism in Plato’s Gorgias: Arguing About Something There Can Be No Argument About.Philipp Brüllmann - 2019 - Phronesis 65 (2):153-178.
    David Furley has suggested that we think of Callicles’ immoralism as attacking a thick concept. I take up this suggestion and apply it to the argument of Plato’s Gorgias more generally. I show that the discussion between Socrates, Gorgias and Polus, which prepares the ground for Callicles, is precisely addressing the thickness of the concept of justice: it reveals that this concept is both descriptive and evaluative and that formulating a revisionist position about justice is therefore extremely difficult. Callicles’ strategy (...)
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  44. La forza del logos: Gorgia a 2500 anni dalla nascita.Loredana Cardullo & Francesco Coniglione (eds.) - 2019 - Acireale: Bonanno editore.
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  45. Un Encomio a due voci. Teatro-reading sull’Encomio di Elena di Gorgia da Leontini.Rosario Diana - 2019 - Research Trends in Humanities Education & Philosophy 6:104-136.
    Si pubblica qui il testo di un teatro-reading sull’Encomio di Elena di Gorgia da Leontini, scritto e diretto da Rosario Diana. Il lavoro è stato eseguito due volte presso la sede napoletana dell’Istituto italiano per gli studi filosofici : il 30 maggio 2017, nella Sala degli Specchi, e il 23 maggio 2018, nel Teatro della Filosofia e delle Arti. La partitura lettoriale viene introdotta da un saggio dell’autore in cui si esamina la funzione del leggio, mostrando come la presenza in (...)
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  46. Why Sextus? The Pros logikous as Reliable Source for Gorgias’ Peri tou me ontos.Stefania Giombini - 2019 - Studia Philosophica Wratislaviensia 14 (1):83-96.
    Two versions of Peri tou mē ontos ptmo by Gorgias, related by an Anonymous Author MXG and by Sextus Empiricus SE, have been alternatively accredited by scholars according to their disposition to seek a doctrine or a rhetorical- communicational dimension respectively with the first tendency prevailing. Comparing the ptmo to the rest of Gorgiasʼ works, we verify and clearly demonstrate how SE manages to convey a precise modus argumentandi. In effect, SE shows Gorgias’ demonstrative reasoning as employing: 1 the application (...)
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  47. Untying the Gorgianic ‘Not’: Argumentative Structure in On Not-Being.Evan Rodriguez - 2019 - Classical Quarterly 69 (1):87-106.
    Gorgias’ On Not-Being survives only in two divergent summaries. Diels–Kranz's classic edition prints the better-preserved version that appears in Sextus’ Aduersus Mathematicos. Yet, in recent years there has been rising interest in a second summary that survives as part of the anonymous De Melisso, Xenophane, Gorgia. The text of MXG is more difficult; it contains substantial lacunae that often make it much harder to make grammatical let alone philosophical sense of. As Alexander Mourelatos reports, one manuscript has a scribal note (...)
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  48. Gorgias’ Argument does not Include Actual Conditionals.Miguel López - Astorga - 2018 - Problemos 93.
    It can be thought that Gorgias’ argument on the non-existence consists of three sentences, the first one being an asseveration and the other two being conditionals. However, this paper is intended to show that there is no conditional in the argument, and that the second and third sentences only appear to be so. To do that, a methodology drawn from the framework of the mental models theory is used, which seems to lead to the true logical forms of these last (...)
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  49. Eveno di Paro fra Protagora, Gorgia e Platone.Andrea Capra - 2018 - Méthexis 30 (1):25-35.
    Evenus of Parus plays a surprisingly important role in Plato’s account of the life and death of Socrates: in both the Apology and the Phaedo he works as a negative foil for the philosopher at two key moments, namely when he converts, respectively, to the practice of elenchus and to the composition of poetry. Evenus’ importance in Socrates’ life, I argue, reflects Plato’s appropriation of a number of his poems, which Plato reshapes so as to adapt the sophist’s relativism and (...)
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  50. Acerca do sobre o não-ser ou sobre a natureza de Górgias: A paráfrase de Sexto Empírico.Gabriele Cavalcante & Gabriele Cornelli - 2018 - Prometeus: Filosofia em Revista 11 (27).
    Pretende-se aqui uma apresentação da paráfrase de Sexto Empírico do Sobre o não-ser ou sobre a natureza de Górgias e de certas leituras e problemas suscitados acerca da crítica gorgiana à identificação imediata entre ser, pensar e dizer. Cremos que, o esforço de Górgias nesse texto se trata menos de tentar estabelecer novos paradigmas sobre a relação existente entre realidade, conhecimento e discurso, do que de simplesmente problematizar o caráter absolutista de certas “filosofias” que pretendem falar de modo seguro sobre (...)
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