Results for 'Roman Kocourek'

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  1.  18
    Some Considerations about Number.Roman A. Kocourek - 1961 - Laval Théologique et Philosophique 17 (2):197.
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    Comment on Fr. Dufault’s Paper.Roman Kocourek - 1952 - Proceedings of the American Catholic Philosophical Association 26:80-82.
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  3. Thinking politics without a philosophy of history: Arendt and Merleau-ponty.Joël Roman - 1989 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 15 (4):403-422.
  4. Explaining Thermodynamic-Like Behavior in Terms of Epsilon-Ergodicity.Roman Frigg & Charlotte Werndl - 2011 - Philosophy of Science 78 (4):628-652.
    Gases reach equilibrium when left to themselves. Why do they behave in this way? The canonical answer to this question, originally proffered by Boltzmann, is that the systems have to be ergodic. This answer has been criticised on different grounds and is now widely regarded as flawed. In this paper we argue that some of the main arguments against Boltzmann's answer, in particular, arguments based on the KAM-theorem and the Markus-Meyer theorem, are beside the point. We then argue that something (...)
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  5. Consciousness and modal empiricism.Rebecca Roman Hanrahan - 2009 - Philosophia 37 (2):281-306.
    David Chalmers supports his contention that there is a possible world populated by our zombie twins by arguing for the assumption that conceivability entails possibility. But, I argue, the modal epistemology he sets forth, ‘modal rationalism,’ ignores the problem of incompleteness and relies on an idealized notion of conceivability. As a consequence, this epistemology can’t justify our quotidian judgments of possibility, let alone those judgments that concern the mind/body connection. Working from the analogy that the imagination is to the possible (...)
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  6. Fiction in science.Roman Frigg - unknown
    At first blush, the idea that fictions play a role in science seems to be off the mark. Realists and antirealists alike believe that science instructs us about how the world is. Fiction not only seems to play no role in such an endeavour; it seems to detract from it. The aims of science and fiction seem to be diametrically opposed and a view amalgamating the two rightly seems to be the cause of discomfort and concern.
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  7. The ergodic hierarchy.Roman Frigg & Joseph Berkovitz - 2011 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
    The so-called ergodic hierarchy (EH) is a central part of ergodic theory. It is a hierarchy of properties that dynamical systems can possess. Its five levels are egrodicity, weak mixing, strong mixing, Kolomogorov, and Bernoulli. Although EH is a mathematical theory, its concepts have been widely used in the foundations of statistical physics, accounts of randomness, and discussions about the nature of chaos. We introduce EH and discuss how its applications in these fields.
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    (1 other version)Vom Erkennen des literarischen Kunstwerks.Roman Ingarden - 1968 - Tübingen,: Niemeyer. Edited by Rolf Fieguth & Edward M. Swiderski.
    "Vom Erkennen des literarischen Kunstwerks" ist zuerst (poln. 1937) als erkenntnistheoretisches - und geringfügig populäreres - Pendant zur ontologischen Theorie "Das literarische Kunstwerk" (1931) angelegt. In der deutschen Fassung (Erstpublikation 1968) wird es zum gedankenreichen literaturphilosophischen Alterswerk. Wie schon "Der Streit um die Existenz der Welt" (Erstpublikation 1947/48), so ist auch "Vom Erkennen" als Antwort auf Krieg, Völkermord und Totalitarismen zu lesen, im Sinne des Beharrens auf den Fundamenten der humanen Existenz. Dem "Ende der Ontologie" setzt Roman Ingarden (1893-1970) (...)
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    Beyond Mimesis and Convention: Representation in Art and Science.Roman Frigg & Matthew Hunter (eds.) - 2008 - Boston Studies in Philosophy of Science.
    Featuring contributions from leading experts, this book represents the first collection of essays on the topic of art and science in the analytic tradition of ...
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  10. Undefinability of truth. the problem of priority:tarski vs gödel.Roman Murawski - 1998 - History and Philosophy of Logic 19 (3):153-160.
    The paper is devoted to the discussion of some philosophical and historical problems connected with the theorem on the undefinability of the notion of truth. In particular the problem of the priority of proving this theorem will be considered. It is claimed that Tarski obtained this theorem independently though he made clear his indebtedness to Gödel’s methods. On the other hand, Gödel was aware of the formal undefinability of truth in 1931, but he did not publish this result. Reasons for (...)
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    Arithmetically Saturated Models of Arithmetic.Roman Kossak & James H. Schmerl - 1995 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 36 (4):531-546.
    The paper presents an outline of the general theory of countable arithmetically saturated models of PA and some of its applications. We consider questions concerning the automorphism group of a countable recursively saturated model of PA. We prove new results concerning fixed point sets, open subgroups, and the cofinality of the automorphism group. We also prove that the standard system of a countable arithmetically saturated model of PA is determined by the lattice of its elementary substructures.
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    Sources for Christian Bioethics: The Orthodox Discourse on Sin.Roman Tarabrin & Tatiana Tarabrina - 2025 - Christian Bioethics 31 (1):8-25.
    The article discusses ways of developing bioethical guidance in the Orthodox Christian discourse. Here, “ethical” refers to what contributes to holiness, “un-ethical” refers to sin as what hinders man’s foundational calling to holiness. To explore the development of guidance for emerging bioethical issues, we use the “therapeutic” understanding of treatment for sin in two senses. (1) It refers to the spiritual means provided by the “hospital” of the Orthodox Church for healing the fallenness of human nature in general; and (2) (...)
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  13. Finding Excuses for J=K.Roman Matthaeus Heil - 2022 - Thought: A Journal of Philosophy 11 (1):32-40.
    According to J=K, only beliefs that qualify as knowledge are epistemically justified. Traditionalists about justification have objected to this view that it predicts that radically deceived subjects do not have justified beliefs, which they take to be counter-intuitive. In response, proponents of J=K have argued that traditionalists mistake being justified with being excused in the relevant cases. To make this response work, Timothy Williamson has offered a dispositional account of excuse which has recently been challenged by Jessica Brown. She has (...)
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  14.  32
    The Literary Work of Art: An Investigation of the Borderlines of Ontology, Logic, and Theory of Language.Roman Ingarden - 1973 - Evanston,: Northwestern University Press.
    This long-awaited translation of Das literarische Kunstwerk makes available for the first time in English Roman Ingarden's influential study. Though it is inter-disciplinary in scope, situated as it is on the borderlines of ontology and logic, philosophy of literature and theory of language, Ingarden's work has a deliberately narrow focus: the literary work, its structure and mode of existence. The Literary Word of Art establishes the groundwork for a philosophy of literature, i.e., an ontology in terms of which the (...)
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  15. Cognition of the Literary Work of Art.Roman Ingarden - 1973 - Evanston [Ill.]: Northwestern University Press.
    This long-awaited translation of Das literarische Kunstwerk makes available for the first time in English Roman Ingarden's influential study. Though it is inter-disciplinary in scope, situated as it is on the borderlines of ontology and logic, philosophy of literature and theory of language, Ingarden's work has a deliberately narrow focus: the literary work, its structure and mode of existence. The Literary Work of Art establishes the groundwork for a philosophy of literature, i.e., an ontology in terms of which the (...)
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    Errata: Investigations into the sentential calculus with identity.Stephen L. Bloom & Roman Suszko - 1976 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 17 (4):640-640.
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    Plotino y el problema del yo: una aproximación a su antropología filosófica a través del estudio del mal.Massiel Román Molero - 2019 - Estudios de Filosofía (Universidad de Antioquia) 17:11-32.
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    Neutrally expandable models of arithmetic.Athar Abdul‐Quader & Roman Kossak - 2019 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 65 (2):212-217.
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  19. Introducción a la literatura de la" Perfección de la Sabiduría".María Teresa Román López - 2005 - Ciudad de Dios 218 (1):97-111.
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    Introduction.Roman Frigg & Stephan Hartmann - 2007 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 38 (2):231-232.
    The formalism of quantum mechanics provides us with the probabilities for certain events to occur—this much is uncontroversial. But how are we to understand these probabilities? The essays in this special issue approach this question from different angles. The first three contributions take as their point of departure the philosophy of probability and discuss what the two main outlooks—objective and subjective interpretations of probability—have to offer in the context of quantum mechanics. The following five papers explore the question of how (...)
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  21. Cuestiones éticas sobre la clonación humana.José Román Flecha Andrés - 1998 - Salmanticensis 45 (1):105-127.
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  22. Humanización del dolor en el cuidado de la salud: acogida y compasión.José-Roman Flecha Andres - 2003 - Salmanticensis 50 (2):201-223.
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  23. Structuralism and category theory in the contemporary philosophy of mathematics.Izabela Bondecka-Krzykowska & Roman Murawski - 2008 - Logique Et Analyse 51 (204):365.
  24.  49
    Would the real human embryonic stem cell please stand up?Ben Zhang, Roman Krawetz & Derrick E. Rancourt - 2013 - Bioessays 35 (7):632-638.
    Embryonic stem cells (ESCs) are now classified into two types of pluripotency: “naïve” and “primed” based upon their differing characteristics. Conventional human ESCs have much more in common with mouse epiblast stem cells and are now deemed to be primed. Naïve human ESCs that resemble mouse ESCs have recently been generated from their primed counterpart by cellular reprogramming. Isolation of naïve hESCs from human embryos has proven to be difficult. Is the inability to capture naïve hESCs the result of suboptimal (...)
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    Weak arithmetical interpretations for the Logic of Proofs.Roman Kuznets & Thomas Studer - 2016 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 24 (3):424-440.
  26. Seguimiento de cristo y moral cristiana en San Bernardo.José-Roman Flecha Andres - 2007 - Salmanticensis 54 (1):5-29.
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  27. In search of a neural signature of consciousness: Facts, hypotheses, and proposals.Roman Bauer - 2004 - Synthese 141 (2):233-45.
    Evolution leads to more and more complex structures, e.g., molecules, cells and organisms. By means of such structures elementary dynamic bio-electrical fields originate in single cells. They further develop into neurons with neuronal fields, and these combine and integrate in brains into global neuro-electrical fields (NEF) as a medium for the fast representation of outer stimuli. The present hypothesis proposes a specific state of the global NEF in brains as the signature of consciousness. This NEF changes periodically between two states, (...)
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  28.  45
    Piotr Viana SJ (1549-1609) i jego działalność filozoficzna na Litwie.Roman Darowski - 1970 - Forum Philosophicum: International Journal for Philosophy 3 (1):217-217.
    En 1570, les jesuites fonderent un college à Vilna, en Lituanie, qui a ete transforme en Academie en 1579. Un cours special de Philosophie qui durait trois ans y a ete introduit en 1572. Le present article est consacre au jesuite espagnol Pedro Viana, professeur de Philosophie à Vilna de 1575 à 1578. Des sources inconnues jusqu'à maintenant nous permettront d'eclairer d'un nouveau jour la personnalite de cet Espagnol qui sur ses soixante annees de vie en passa cinq dans la (...)
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    Raccourcis de perspective du temps dans la concrétisation de l'œuvre littéraire.Roman Ingarden & Élisabeth Willman - 1960 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 65 (1):19 - 51.
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    Emotion Analysis for Literary Studies.Roman Klinger, Evgeny Kim & Sebastian Padó - 2020 - In Nils Reiter, Axel Pichler & Jonas Kuhn, Reflektierte Algorithmische Textanalyse: Interdisziplinäre(s) Arbeiten in der Creta-Werkstatt. De Gruyter. pp. 237-268.
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    Borel reducibility and classification of von Neumann algebras.Román Sasyk & Asger Törnquist - 2009 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 15 (2):169-183.
    We announce some new results regarding the classification problem for separable von Neumann algebras. Our results are obtained by applying the notion of Borel reducibility and Hjorth's theory of turbulence to the isomorphism relation for separable von Neumann algebras.
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    On the Occasion of his Seventy Fifth Birthday.Roman Darowski - 2006 - Forum Philosophicum: International Journal for Philosophy 11 (1):275-278.
    This article offers a brief report on the main scientific, philosophical and other output of Professor Stanisław Ziemiański SJ, up to the year 2006.
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  33. Confesión públicade Dios ante los nuevos ídolos.José Román Flecha Andrés - 2001 - Salmanticensis 48 (2):239-270.
    It is said that Europe finds itself today in a post-christian situa-tion. Further, there are many who advocate abandoning monotheism in order to get back to prechristian polytheism in the hope that the plurality of gods would favour a democratic tolerance in a pluralistic world. In this article the author firstly asks if European Christians have not gone back to adoring idols and to attempting to distinguish between them in the new forms of devotion to possessiveness, to power and to (...)
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  34. Humanización del dolor en el cuidado de la salud: acogida y compasión.José Román Flecha Andrés - 2003 - Salmanticensis 50 (2):201-223.
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    Panorama de estudios morales.José Román Flecha Andrés - 1994 - Salmanticensis 41 (2):291-326.
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  36. Seguimiento de Cristo y moral cristiana en San Bernardo.José Román Flecha Andrés - 2007 - Salmanticensis 54 (1):5-29.
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  37. (2 other versions)Discorsi di Religione.G. Gentile, Roman Lafite, A. Chiappelli & A. Aliotta - 1921 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 92:404-409.
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  38. Opt teze despre iconomia religioasă a ştiinţei.Horia Roman Patapievici - 2002 - Dilema 502:11.
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    Corps et images: œuvres, dispositifs et écrans contemporains.Jacinto Lageira & Mathilde Roman (eds.) - 2017 - [Sesto San Giovanni]: Éditions Mimésis.
    Si les écrans sont multiples, les images sont toujours à construire dans une expérience perceptive qui participe aux cheminements du sens et des imaginaires. En virtualisant ses émotions esthétiques par le recours permanent à Internet et aux réseaux sociaux, le spectateur s'engage dans des approches complexes, à la fois conceptuelles et émotionnelles. Une coexistence qui lui permet de vivre des expériences esthétiques au fort potentiel critique. Face à la présence de plus en plus grande du virtuel dans les vies quotidiennes, (...)
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  40. Filosofía de la historia al final del siglo XX: una experiencia transformada.Manuel Cruz Rodríguez & Román G. Cuartango - 2005 - In Manuel Garrido, El legado filosófico y científico del siglo XX. Madrid: Cátedra.
  41. Philosophy, poetry and drama in the museum.Roman de la Calle - forthcoming - Teorema: International Journal of Philosophy.
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    Multicomponent proof-theoretic method for proving interpolation properties.Roman Kuznets - 2018 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 169 (12):1369-1418.
  43. Das Weltbild Nikolai Berdjajews.Roman Rössler - 1956 - Göttingen,: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht.
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    Dual spaces for topological Boolean algebras.R. Quackenbush & Roman Suszko - 1974 - Bulletin of the Section of Logic 3 (1):16-18.
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  45. Szkice filozoficzne.Zofia Zarnecka & Roman Ingarden (eds.) - 1964 - Warszawa: [Państwowe Wydawn. Naukowe].
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    Problém statečnosti v Aristotelově nauce o středu.Roman Hloch - 2019 - Pro-Fil 20 (1):27.
    Nauka o středu představuje jeden ze stěžejních pilířů Aristotelovy etiky a je úzce provázána s jeho pojetím etických zdatností. Ty jsou podle Aristotela flexibilní s ohledem na kontext praktické situace. Pojetí statečnosti se však od ostatních etických zdatností liší. Předně je zde problém dvou emocí, které Aristotelés přisuzuje zdatnosti statečnosti. Dále omezuje její oblast výhradně na válečnictví. Toto paradigma válečnictví má pak za následek, že statečnost postrádá flexibilitu etických zdatností a stává se rigidní. Tyto klíčové prvky ohrožují plausibilitu a koherenci (...)
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  47. Palabra de Dios y comportamiento moral.José Román Flecha Andrés - 2009 - Salmanticensis 56 (1):71-84.
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    Koncepcje modernizacji we współczesnej myśli politycznej.Andrzej Wojtas, Roman Bäcker & Marcin Lisiecki (eds.) - 2008 - Toruń: Wydawn. Uniwersytetu Mikołaja Kopernika.
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    Gesammelte Werke: Zur Objetivitát der sinnlichen Wahrnehmung.Roman Ingarden (ed.) - 1992 - Tübingen: de Gruyter.
    Der hier vorgelegte Band 3 der Gesammelten Werke Roman Ingardens folgt den 1998 (als Band 5) edierten "Schriften zur Phänomenologie Edmund Husserls" und bringt die Herausgabe von Ingardens kleineren interpretativ-kritischen Arbeiten über die Phänomenologie zum Abschluß. Er trägt einige Aufsätze des polnischen Husserl-Schülers zusammen, die entweder anderen Gestalten aus der frühen Phase der weit verstandenen phänomenologischen Bewegung oder deren Haupttendenzen gewidmet sind. Es handelt sich dabei um eine Abhandlung über Franz Brentano, zwei Aufsätze über K. Twardowski (den namhaften polnischen (...)
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  50. Ficción real: el metraje encontrado y las formas de lo real en el cine.Carlos Gustavo Román Echeverri - 2010 - Logos: Revista de la Facultad de Filosofia y Humanidades 17:145-157.
    Some initial considerations on film in documentary form are discussed, along with its relationships with reality and fiction in cinema language. Found footage genre is explained, pointing its most important technical and aesthetical characteristics. The text points the importance of the movie camera in documentary and found footage, not only as a technical device that objectivizes the information in a static manner, but also as an axis that configures dynamism and subjectivity on films. Redacted (2007) by Brian De Palma is (...)
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