Results for 'Roman Espejo'

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  1.  6
    Biomedical ethics.Roman Espejo (ed.) - 2003 - San Diego, CA: Greenhaven Press.
    Recent developments in biomedical research have the potential to radically transform modern medicine. The ethical dilemmas that these advances raise are discussed in the following chapters: Is Human Cloning Ethical? What Ethics Should Guide Organ Donations? Are Reproductive Technologies Ethical? What Ethics Should Guide Genetic Research?
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  2. The Literary Work of Art. Investigations on the Borderlines of Ontology, Logic and the Theory of Literature.Roman Ingarden - 1973 - Evanston,: Northwestern University Press.
    Though it is inter-disciplinary in scope, situated as it is on the borderlines of ontology and logic, philosophy of literature and theory of language, Ingarden's work has a deliberately narrow focus: the literary work, its structure and ...
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  3. Scientific Models.Stephan Hartmann & Roman Frigg - 2005 - In Sahotra Sarkar et al (ed.), The Philosophy of Science: An Encyclopedia, Vol. 2. Routledge.
    Models are of central importance in many scientific contexts. The roles the MIT bag model of the nucleon, the billiard ball model of a gas, the Bohr model of the atom, the Gaussian-chain model of a polymer, the Lorenz model of the atmosphere, the Lotka- Volterra model of predator-prey interaction, agent-based and evolutionary models of social interaction, or general equilibrium models of markets play in their respective domains are cases in point.
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  4. Quest for the Essence of Language.Roman Jakobson - 1965 - Diogenes 13 (51):21-37.
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    On maximal subgroups of the automorphism group of a countable recursively saturated model of PA.Roman Kossak, Henryk Kotlarski & James H. Schmerl - 1993 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 65 (2):125-148.
    We show that the stabilizer of an element a of a countable recursively saturated model of arithmetic M is a maximal subgroup of Aut iff the type of a is selective. This is a point of departure for a more detailed study of the relationship between pointwise and setwise stabilizers of certain subsets of M and the types of elements in those subsets. We also show that a complete type of PA is 2-indiscernible iff it is minimal in the sense (...)
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    Ultraproducts of SCI.Stephen L. Bloom & Roman Suszko - 1975 - Bulletin of the Section of Logic 4 (1):9-14.
    This note concerns the ultraproduct construction. It is observed that in the class of SCI models ultraproducts may be constructed by a method apparently dierent from the standard one. Since the standard models of veryday model theory form a subclass of SCI models, one obtains a new view of ultraproducts. Aside from a few remarks, the paper is self-contained.
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  7. Chance in Boltzmannian Statistical Mechanics.Roman Frigg - 2008 - Philosophy of Science 75 (5):670-681.
    Consider a gas that is adiabatically isolated from its environment and confined to the left half of a container. Then remove the wall separating the two parts. The gas will immediately start spreading and soon be evenly distributed over the entire available space. The gas has approached equilibrium. Thermodynamics (TD) characterizes this process in terms of an increase of thermodynamic entropy, which attains its maximum value at equilibrium. The second law of thermodynamics captures the irreversibility of this process by positing (...)
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  8. Undefinability of truth. the problem of priority:tarski vs gödel.Roman Murawski - 1998 - History and Philosophy of Logic 19 (3):153-160.
    The paper is devoted to the discussion of some philosophical and historical problems connected with the theorem on the undefinability of the notion of truth. In particular the problem of the priority of proving this theorem will be considered. It is claimed that Tarski obtained this theorem independently though he made clear his indebtedness to Gödel’s methods. On the other hand, Gödel was aware of the formal undefinability of truth in 1931, but he did not publish this result. Reasons for (...)
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    Scientific Representation Is Representation-As.James Nguyen & Roman Frigg - 2016 - In Hsiang-Ke Chao & Julian Reiss (eds.), Philosophy of Science in Practice: Nancy Cartwright and the nature of scientific reasoning. Cham: Springer International Publishing. pp. 149-179.
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  10. Evidence for Possibility.Rebecca Roman Hanrahan - 1998 - Dissertation, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
    Consider the claim: Our actions are free if and only if we could have done otherwise; or the claim, We are essentially mental substances because we can exist without our bodies. Both of these claims, along with countless others, employ a notion of possibility. If this notion is to have a place in philosophy, we must be able to justify our modal claims. We need an epistemology of possibility. It is often assumed that the imagination is the key here. The (...)
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    Grafting hypersequents onto nested sequents.Roman Kuznets & Björn Lellmann - 2016 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 24 (3):375-423.
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    Sugestiones apotropaicas en las orillas del Nilo: La representación de los pigmeos con barritas en el repertorio iconográfico romano.Eleonora Voltan - 2019 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 8 (2):53-60.
    Dentro del rico y multiforme panorama de imágenes forjadas en el mundo romano, por su indudable originalidad destacan las iconografías inspiradas en la tierra de los faraones. Concretamente, suscitan interés las representaciones nilóticas animadas por pigmeos provistos de barritas. En el presente trabajo, el objetivo consiste en el identificar, basándose en el estudio de las fuentes clásicas y en las comparaciones iconográficas de las obras examinadas, un fil rouge semántico de estos específicos modelos nilóticos existentes en la cuenca mediterránea entre (...)
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    (1 other version)Towards a Formal Ontology of Information. Selected Ideas of K. Turek.Roman Krzanowski - 2016 - Zagadnienia Filozoficzne W Nauce 61:23-52.
    There are many ontologies of the world or of specific phenomena such as time, matter, space, and quantum mechanics1. However, ontologies of information are rather rare. One of the reasons behind this is that information is most frequently associated with communication and computing, and not with ‘the furniture of the world’. But what would be the nature of an ontology of information? For it to be of significant import it should be amenable to formalization in a logico-grammatical formalism. A candidate (...)
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  14.  28
    Maehara-style modal nested calculi.Roman Kuznets & Lutz Straßburger - 2019 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 58 (3-4):359-385.
    We develop multi-conclusion nested sequent calculi for the fifteen logics of the intuitionistic modal cube between IK and IS5. The proof of cut-free completeness for all logics is provided both syntactically via a Maehara-style translation and semantically by constructing an infinite birelational countermodel from a failed proof search. Interestingly, the Maehara-style translation for proving soundness syntactically fails due to the hierarchical structure of nested sequents. Consequently, we only provide the semantic proof of soundness. The countermodel construction used to prove completeness (...)
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  15. Tarski his Polish predecessors on Truth.Jan Wolenski & Roman Murawski - 2008 - In Douglas Patterson (ed.), New essays on Tarski and philosophy. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 21--43.
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    Undecidability of first-order intuitionistic and modal logics with two variables.Roman Kontchakov, Agi Kurucz & Michael Zakharyaschev - 2005 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 11 (3):428-438.
    We prove that the two-variable fragment of first-order intuitionistic logic is undecidable, even without constants and equality. We also show that the two-variable fragment of a quantified modal logic L with expanding first-order domains is undecidable whenever there is a Kripke frame for L with a point having infinitely many successors (such are, in particular, the first-order extensions of practically all standard modal logics like K, K4, GL, S4, S5, K4.1, S4.2, GL.3, etc.). For many quantified modal logics, including those (...)
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    On distributivity of closure systems.Wojciech Dzik & Roman Suszko - 1977 - Bulletin of the Section of Logic 6 (2):64-66.
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  18. Економічні наслідки російсько-українського конфлікту 2014 року.Ihor Hroznyy & Roman Prokopenko - 2015 - Схід 2 (134):129-133.
    The article describes the results of the Russian-Ukrainian conflict and its impact on the depreciation of the national currency, the deepening of the banking crisis, the impossibility of the state budget execution and overcome the energy crisis. The estimation and forecast of economic condition of the state, depending on the effectiveness of the Government in overcoming the consequences of the conflict. Perspective directions of development of economy of Ukraine and the occupied territories in the context of political instability. Proved lasting (...)
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  19. The Twofold Character of Language (an Excerpt).From Roman Jakobson & Morris Halle - 1967 - In Donald Clayton Hildum (ed.), Language And Thought: An Enduring Problem In Psychology. London: : Van Nostrand,. pp. 171.
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  20. What is statistical mechanics?Roman Frigg - unknown
    Let us begin with a characteristic example. Consider a gas that is confined to the left half of a box. Now we remove the barrier separating the two halves of the box. As a result, the gas quickly disperses, and it continues to do so until it homogeneously fills the entire box. This is illustrated in Figure 1.
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  21. Asian Philosophical Texts Vol. 1.Takeshi Morisato & Roman Pașca (eds.) - 2019 - Mimesis International.
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  22. Admisión a la comunión eucarística de los divorciados y casados civilmente de nuevo.José Román Flecha Andrés & Federico R. Aznar Gil - 1995 - Salmanticensis 42 (2):235-277.
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  23. Humanización del dolor en el cuidado de la salud: acogida y compasión.José-Roman Flecha Andres - 2003 - Salmanticensis 50 (2):201-223.
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  24. Ficción real: el metraje encontrado y las formas de lo real en el cine.Carlos Gustavo Román Echeverri - 2010 - Logos: Revista de la Facultad de Filosofia y Humanidades 17:145-157.
    Some initial considerations on film in documentary form are discussed, along with its relationships with reality and fiction in cinema language. Found footage genre is explained, pointing its most important technical and aesthetical characteristics. The text points the importance of the movie camera in documentary and found footage, not only as a technical device that objectivizes the information in a static manner, but also as an axis that configures dynamism and subjectivity on films. Redacted (2007) by Brian De Palma is (...)
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  25.  36
    ¿Son los ágrapha dógmata las lecciones no escritas de Platón?Ramón Román Alcalá - 1999 - Anales Del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofía 16:85-108.
    Parece que Platón enseñó en la Academia otras doctrinas diferentes de las expuestas por él en los diálogos. Además, parece también que voluntariamente se abstuvo de consignarlas por escrito al creer que la palabra, la enseñanza oral, era un medio más eficaz que la escritura para transmitir aquello que "tenía importancia". Dicho así, puede resultar una paradoja que el mejor prosista griego, sea un detractor, al menos en parte, de la prosa escrita. A partir de aquí, las interpretaciones novedosas que (...)
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  26. Ética de la manipulación humana.José Román Flecha Andrés - 1997 - Salmanticensis 44 (1):5-23.
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    On Cofinal Submodels and Elementary Interstices.Roman Kossak & James H. Schmerl - 2012 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 53 (3):267-287.
    We prove a number of results concerning the variety of first-order theories and isomorphism types of pairs of the form $(N,M)$ , where $N$ is a countable recursively saturated model of Peano Arithmetic and $M$ is its cofinal submodel. We identify two new isomorphism invariants for such pairs. In the strongest result we obtain continuum many theories of such pairs with the fixed greatest common initial segment of $N$ and $M$ and fixed lattice of interstructures $K$ , such that $M\prec (...)
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  28.  48
    Undefinability of truth and nonstandard models.Roman Kossak - 2004 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 126 (1-3):115-123.
    We discuss Robinson's model theoretic proof of Tarski's theorem on undefinability of truth. We present two other “diagonal-free” proofs of Tarski's theorem, and we compare undefinability of truth to other forms of undefinability in nonstandard models of arithmetic.
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    Weak arithmetical interpretations for the Logic of Proofs.Roman Kuznets & Thomas Studer - 2016 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 24 (3):424-440.
  30. Philosophy, poetry and drama in the museum.Roman de la Calle - forthcoming - Teorema: International Journal of Philosophy.
  31.  32
    Scientific Representation. Introduction.José Díez & Roman Frigg - unknown
  32. Seguimiento de cristo y moral cristiana en San Bernardo.José-Roman Flecha Andres - 2007 - Salmanticensis 54 (1):5-29.
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  33. University of pittsburgh center for philosophy of science.Roman Agenda Galileo’S. - 2004 - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 35 (419).
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    Schlüsselkonzepte und Anwendungen der kognitiven Literaturwissenschaft.Roman Mikuláš (ed.) - 2016 - Münster: Mentis.
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    Arguments in favor of a religious coping pattern in terminally ill patients.Andrada Parvu, Gabriel Roman, Silvia Dumitras, Rodica Gramma, Mariana Enache, Stefana Maria Moisa, Radu Chirita, Catalin Iov & Beatrice Ioan - 2012 - Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 11 (31):88-112.
    A patient suffering from a severe illness that is entering its terminal stage is forced to develop a coping process. Of all the coping patterns, the religious one stands out as being a psychological resource available to all patients regardless of culture, learning, and any age. Religious coping interacts with other values or practices of society, for example the model of a society that takes care of it's elder members among family or in an institutionalized environment or the way the (...)
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    Subsets of models of arithmetic.Roman Kossak & Jeffrey B. Paris - 1992 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 32 (1):65-73.
    We define certain properties of subsets of models of arithmetic related to their codability in end extensions and elementary end extensions. We characterize these properties using some more familiar notions concerning cuts in models of arithmetic.
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  37. Laicidad y cristianismo en la Europa del futuro.José-Roman Flecha Andres - 2005 - Salmanticensis 52 (3):449-472.
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  38. Tiempo y nóema.Luis Román Rabanaque - 1990 - Revista Venezolana de Filosofía 26:67-96.
  39. Las humanidades y la formación integral de la persona en la Universidad.José Román Flecha Andrés - 2006 - Critica 56 (934):58-62.
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  40. Creatividad e innovación en la cultura digital.Javier Nadal Ariño & Carlos Román - 2008 - Telos: Cuadernos de Comunicación E Innovación 77:48-49.
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  41.  20
    Sympathy with the Allies? Abusive Magistrates and Political Discourse in Republican Rome.Roman Roth - 2019 - American Journal of Philology 140 (1):123-166.
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    Aksjologia Stanisława Ignacego Witkiewicza.Roman Rudziński - 1971 - Etyka 9:65-90.
    Stanisław Ignacy Witkiewicz, better known as Witkacy, was a most prolific writer in the philosophy of art, a novelist, playwright and painter. His philosophical ideas took shape in the second decade of this century, and was presented in New Forms in Painting and the Ensuing Confusion. A comprehensive exposition of his philosophy however was not published until 16 years later, i.e. when the book Conceptions and Theorems Implied by the Notion of Existence came out; it contained his systematic teaching of (...)
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    Etyczne i historyczne uzasadnienie socjalizmu.Roman Rudziński - 1970 - Etyka 7:77-99.
    The author analyses the problematic of historical necessity and ethical regularity of socialism, taking the marxist philosophy as a point of departure. He criticizes opinions represented in philosophical and ideological discussions of this problem in the period of the Second International and argues that the above problematic, which results from a confrontation of marxism with a new historical situation and with the current of the neo-Kantian philosophy, was an axis which has brought into focus the theoretical decisions both of revisionists (...)
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  44.  27
    Recursively saturated $\omega_1$-like models of arithmetic.Roman Kossak - 1985 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 26 (4):413-422.
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    A note on the multiplicative semigroup of models of peano arithmetic.Roman Kossak, Mark Nadel & James Schmerl - 1989 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 54 (3):936-940.
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    Open days in set theory and arithmetic, Jachranka, Poland, 1986.Roman Kossak & Marian Srebrny - 1987 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 52 (3):888-894.
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    (1 other version)Die Geschichtlichkeit des Erkennens: Herbert Marcuse und das Verhältnis zwischen Lebens- und Geistbegriff bei Hegel.Roman Kowert - 2019 - Hegel Jahrbuch 2019 (1):575-582.
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    Etyka a współczesność [Ethics and Modernity].Roman Kozłowski & Karolina M. Cern (eds.) - 2007 - Poznań: Adam Mickiewicz University Press.
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    Human embryonic stem cells: caught between a ROCK inhibitor and a hard place.Roman J. Krawetz, Xiangyun Li & Derrick E. Rancourt - 2009 - Bioessays 31 (3):336-343.
    Since their derivation, human embryonic stem (hES) cells have been used for a variety of applications including developmental biology, pathology, chemical biology, genomics, and proteomics. However, their most important potential application is the generation of cells and tissues, which can be used for cell‐based therapies. One of the main drawbacks of hES cell culture is that they are particularly sensitive to dissociation, which is required for passaging, expansion, cryopreservation, and other applications. Recently, it has been discovered that an inhibitor of (...)
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  50.  42
    Normal and non-normal classes and the set-theoretical and the mereological concept of class.Roman Suszko & Zdzisław Kraszewski - 1968 - Studia Logica 22 (1):94-95.
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