Results for 'Roland Zito-Wolf'

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  1.  26
    Pragmatic Action.Richard Alterman, Roland Zito-Wolf & Tamitha Carpenter - 1998 - Cognitive Science 22 (1):53-105.
    This paper begins with a discussion of two features of the everyday task environment. First, the everyday task environment is designed, and an important part of the design is the provision of explicit information to guide the individual in the adaptation of his activity. Second, some task environments are semi‐permanent. These two features of the task environment reveal some important characteristics in the psychology of the individual. When novelty occurs, expansion in the range of behavior of the individual is guided (...)
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    Strange Dwellings: An Eco-Deconstructive Alternative to Ecology.J. Wolfe Harris - 2022 - Kaiak 9.
    A rupture has occurred–something is no longer quite as it was. Our current environmental crisis, climate catastrophe,has left us floundering without words for after three decades of popular ecological writing and decades more of scientificstudies nothing has yet been done to avert our path from its terminal arc. It is a weird occurrence for our words seeminsufficient, our categories incapacitated, and our understanding too flawed to comprehend it. Yet, it is a disasterwhich has already occurred–it is a disaster which we (...)
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    Criminal justice.J. Roland Pennock & John William Chapman (eds.) - 1985 - New York: New York University Press.
    This, the twenty-seventh volume in the annual series of publications by the American Society for Political and Legal Philosophy, features a number of distinguised contributors addressing the topic of criminal justice. Part I considers "The Moral and Metaphysical Sources of the Criminal Law," with contributions by Michael S. Moore, Lawrence Rosen, and Martin Shapiro. The four chapters in Part II all relate, more or less directly, to the issue of retribution, with papers by Hugo Adam Bedau, Michael Davis, Jeffrie G. (...)
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  4. Meaning in Life and Why It Matters (Markus Rüther).Susan Wolf - 2011 - Philosophischer Literaturanzeiger 64 (3):308.
    Most people, including philosophers, tend to classify human motives as falling into one of two categories: the egoistic or the altruistic, the self-interested or the moral. According to Susan Wolf, however, much of what motivates us does not comfortably fit into this scheme. Often we act neither for our own sake nor out of duty or an impersonal concern for the world. Rather, we act out of love for objects that we rightly perceive as worthy of love--and it is (...)
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    c) Aus den Disziplinen der Sozialgeschichte und Soziologie.Wolf-Dietrich Bukow, Gunther Wenz, Günter Geisthardt & Falk Wagner - 1986 - Zeitschrift Für Evangelische Ethik 30 (1):453-461.
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    Politische Theologie oder politische Religion?: Zur Kritik der politischen Theologie.Wolf-Dietrich Bukow - 1972 - Zeitschrift Für Evangelische Ethik 16 (1):337-356.
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    The Virtues of Pursuit-Worthy Speculation: The Promises of Cosmic Inflation.William J. Wolf & Patrick M. Duerr - forthcoming - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science.
  8.  16
    On Acosmic Realism.Roland Végső - 2022 - Filozofski Vestnik 42 (2).
    In order to be able to raise the question of the “world” today in an effective way, we have to reactivate the Goethean categories of Weltliteratur and Weltschmerz for a critique of our own historical moment. We need to understand the phenomenon of Weltschmerz as a symptom of the impossibility of Weltliteratur. Going beyond the context of the original formulation of these categories, we could argue that something akin to the historical phenomenon of Weltschmerz emerges every time the ideological constitution (...)
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    XVII. Karer und Leleger.Wolf Aly - 1909 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 68 (3):428-444.
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    Cosmological inflation and meta-empirical theory assessment.William J. Wolf - 2024 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 103 (C):146-158.
  11. Kant's Conclusions in the Transcendental Aesthetic.W. Clark Wolf - forthcoming - Journal of the History of Philosophy.
    In the Transcendental Aesthetic (TA), Kant is typically held to make negative assertations about “things in themselves,” namely that they are not spatial or temporal. These negative assertions stand behind the “neglected alternative” problem for Kant’s transcendental idealism. According to this problem, Kant may be entitled to assert that spatio-temporality is a subjective element of our cognition, but he cannot rule out that it may also be a feature of the objective world. In this paper, I show in a new (...)
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  12. Ensuring Transparency-Migrating a Closed Software Development to an Open Source Software Project.Wolf-Gideon Bleek & Matthias Finck - 2005 - Iris 28:6-9.
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    Do the Dead and the Unborn Exist?Roland Puccetti - 1988 - Dialogue 27 (3):533.
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    Aesthetics and Ethics: Jonathan Edwards and the Recovery of Aesthetics for Religious Ethics.Roland A. Delattre - 2003 - Journal of Religious Ethics 31 (2):277 - 297.
    This is a tricentennial riff on the Edwardsean idea that beauty is both the first principle of being and the distinguishing perfection of God. What is really distinctive about Edwards's view of beauty is that it is an ontological reality and consists in joyfully bestowing being and beauty more than in being beautiful, in creative and beautifying activity more than in being beautiful. Edwards was also a pioneer in the way he envisaged a lively universe created by God, not out (...)
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  15. (1 other version)The philosophy of Nietzsche.A. Wolf - 1915 - London,: Constable & co..
  16.  43
    XIII.—The Philosophy of Probability.A. Wolf - 1913 - Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 13 (1):328-361.
  17.  88
    Feminist interpretations of Augustine: Re-reading the canon (review).Roland J. Teske - 2008 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 46 (3):pp. 480-481.
    This present volume is the twenty-ninth in the Re-Reading the Canon series, the title of each of which volumes begins Feminist Interpretations of . . . . Surprisingly, the volume on Augustine has appeared relatively late in the series. The editor has collected eleven essays plus a poem on feminist interpretations of the bishop of Hippo, who has certainly exerted a powerful influence on the view of women in the Western Christian churches of all major denominations. Besides the essays, Stark (...)
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  18. Simulation as Research Method: Modeling Social Interactions in Management Science.Roland Happach & Meike Tilebein - 1st ed. 2015 - In Catrin Misselhorn, Collective Agency and Cooperation in Natural and Artificial Systems. Springer Verlag.
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    Sight, touch, and imagination in Byzantium.Roland Betancourt - 2018 - Cambridge, United Kingdom: Cambridge University Press.
    Canʹt touch this -- How sight is not touch -- The medium of sight -- The problem of tactility -- The commonalities of the senses -- Photios and the unfolding of perception -- Has the mind seen?: the language of effluxes -- Has it grasped?: apprehending the object -- Has it visualized?, I: the grasp of the imagination -- Has it visualized?, II: the problem of fantasy -- Then it has effortlessly...: judgment and assent -- Mediation, veneration, remediation -- Medium (...)
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  20. Globalizing political theory.Roland Bleiker - 2004 - In Stephen K. White & J. Donald Moon, What is political theory? Thousand Oaks, Calif.: Sage Publications.
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    Für einen Angewandten Utopismus.Roland Bluhm & Cornelia Auer - 2021 - Ökologisches Wirtschaften 36 (3):10.
    Utopien beschreiben andere Verhältnisse, um reale Gesellschaften zu kritisieren oder Alternativen zu ihnen zu entwerfen. Sie können ernst sein oder spielerisch. Alle Formen und Realitätsbezüge des Utopischen haben ihren Ort. Aber wir möchten für eine bestimmte Spielart plädieren: Angewandten Utopismus.
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    Fremdgesteuertes Sein: Philosophie der Technik.Roland Bothner - 2015 - Heidelberg: Edition Publish & Parish.
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    Der Mensch im Kosmos: Weltbild und Menschenbild: Astronomie und Philosophie im Dialog.Roland Buser - 2020 - Liestal: Verlag Basel-Landschaft.
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    Chefs-d'œuvre!?: essais.Joseph Abram, Roland Huesca & Olivier Goetz (eds.) - 2013 - Paris: Jean Michel Place.
    Au Centre Pompidou-Metz, faisant écho à l'exposition inaugurale, un colloque international a étudié de manière pluridisciplinaire et transversale la question du chef-d'œuvre. Loin de se focaliser sur le débat esthétique, les diverses approches ont assigné le droit, l'histoire, la sociologie, l'économie et les sciences exactes, pour mieux soumettre cet "objet" à un véritable examen clinique. Cette question ne serait-elle plus d'actualité? Loin s'en faut! Entre cœur et raison, la sacralisation des œuvres d'art produit toujours autant de savoirs, de savoir-faire et (...)
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  25. Levinas' Christian readers : Judaism's other?W. Wolf Diedrich - 2008 - In Roger Burggraeve, The awakening to the other: a provocative dialogue with Emmanuel Levinas. Dudley, MA: Peeters.
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    Heyday of the Boffins.Alex Roland - 2008 - Minerva 46 (1):159-163.
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    The cerebral cortex and conscious kinaesthetic and tensional information.P. E. Roland - 1978 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 1 (1):167-171.
  28. Un texte de la Correspondance de Descartes sur la distinction de raison. T. IV. L. CDXVIII.M. Roland-Gosselin - 1910 - Revue des Sciences Philosophiques Et Théologiques 4:306-307.
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    Voluntary movement and perception in intrapersonal and extrapersonal space.P. E. Roland - 1979 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 2 (1):79-80.
  30.  12
    Offene Fragen zur Neuregelung der sachgrundlosen Befristung älterer Arbeitnehmer.Roland Schwarze & Rüdiger Krause - 2008 - In Roland Schwarze & Rüdiger Krause, Festschrift Für Hansjörg Otto Zum 70. Geburtstag Am 23. Mai 2008. De Gruyter Recht.
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    Private Internetnutzung am Arbeitsplatz.Roland Schwarze & Rüdiger Krause - 2008 - In Roland Schwarze & Rüdiger Krause, Festschrift Für Hansjörg Otto Zum 70. Geburtstag Am 23. Mai 2008. De Gruyter Recht.
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    Voraussetzungen und Grenzen des Diskriminierungsschutzes für Organmitglieder.Roland Schwarze & Rüdiger Krause - 2008 - In Roland Schwarze & Rüdiger Krause, Festschrift Für Hansjörg Otto Zum 70. Geburtstag Am 23. Mai 2008. De Gruyter Recht.
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  33.  61
    The effects of source trustworthiness and inference type on human belief revision.Ann G. Wolf, Susann Rieger & Markus Knauff - 2012 - Thinking and Reasoning 18 (4):417-440.
  34.  14
    Sancti Thomae de Aquino, Super Boetium de Trinitate. Expositio libri Boetii de Ebdomadibus cura et studio Fratrum Praedicatorum.Roland Hissette - 1994 - Revue Philosophique De Louvain 92 (2-3):348-352.
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    Course Appraisal Using Semantic Differential Scales.Roland Hoste - 1981 - Educational Studies 7 (3):151-163.
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    Système et progrès.Roland Houde - 1972 - Dialogue 11 (2):255-257.
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    Debating the Use of Racial and Ethnic Categories in Research.Susan M. Wolf - 2006 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 34 (3):483-486.
    Debate over the proper use of racial and ethnic categories in biomedical research has raged in recent years. With the Human Genome Project showing that human beings are overwhelmingly alike genetically, exhibiting more genetic variation within supposed “races” than between them, many have come to doubt the scientific utility of such categories. Yet federal authorities use Directive 15 from the Office of Management and Budget to mandate the continued use of such categories in research. Moreover, researchers studying health disparities argue (...)
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  38.  34
    Mr. Russel’s Theory of Truth.Lawrence O. Wolf - 1931 - New Scholasticism 5 (3):234-247.
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    Mr. Russell’s Theory of Facts.Lawrence O. Wolf - 1931 - New Scholasticism 5 (4):342-354.
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  40. The Real Self View.Susan Wolf - 1993 - In John Martin Fischer & Mark Ravizza, Perspectives on moral responsibility. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press. pp. 151-169.
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    Semiotic pollution.Roland Posner - 2000 - Sign Systems Studies 28:290-307.
    This article compares the material pollution of life's elementary resources, i.e., water, soil, and air, with the semiotic pollution of the elementary resources of sign-processes, i.e., channel, sign-matter, and message; code, signifier, and signified; as well as context, sender, and recipient. It is claimed that semiotic pollution interferes with sign-processes as much as material pollution interferes with the fundamental processes of life; both types of pollution are similar in that they produce stress for human beings in current societies. It is (...)
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    Z dziejów nauczania filozofii w polskiej prowincji kapucynów w XIX wieku.Roland Prejs - 2008 - Roczniki Filozoficzne 56 (2):225-231.
    The tsarist authorities dissolved the majority of monasteries in the Kingdom of Poland in 1864. This was one element of repression after the fall of the 1863 uprising. Those monasteries that remained could not enrol noviciates. The repression fell also on capuchins. In 1897 they were allowed, as an exception, to have one noviciate, namely Izydor Wysłouch who received his religious name Antoni. Accordingly, there was a need to educate the candidate in philosophy and theology, so that he could receive (...)
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  43. (1 other version)God and the robots: A philosophical fable.Roland Puccetti - 1975 - Personalist 56 (1):29-30.
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    William of Auvergne on De re and De dicto Necessity.Roland J. Teske - 1992 - Modern Schoolman 69 (2):111-121.
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    Collection Dolly Goulandris, II : Stèle funéraire attique.Roland Étienne - 1975 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 99 (1):379-384.
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  46. La Logique mathématique, les paradoxes et l'axiomatisation des théories.Roland FraÏssÉ - 1967 - Société Française de Philosophie, Bulletin 61 (4):125.
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    Home‐based Educators and Education Authorities: the attempt to maintain a mythology.Roland Meighan - 1984 - Educational Studies 10 (3):273-286.
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    Ausdruckswelt: eine Studie über Nihilismus und Kunst bei Benn und Nietzsche.Andreas Wolf - 1988 - New York: G. Olms.
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  49. A history of science, tehnology and philosophy in the 16th et 17th centuries, London 1935.Wolf - 1936 - Kwartalnik Filozoficzny 13 (3):251-254.
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    Experiences.Maria Wolf - 1976 - Philosophical Studies (Dublin) 25:352-353.
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