Results for 'Rocío Zambrana'

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  1.  78
    Paradoxes of Neoliberalism and the Tasks of Critical Theory.Rocio Zambrana - 2013 - Critical Horizons 14 (1):93-119.
    Critical theory must add to its agenda “disrupt[ing] the easy passage from critique [to] its neoliberal double”, Nancy Fraser recently argued. Emancipatory movements have not only been transformed by neoliberalism. They have, “unwittingly”, provided powerful “ingredients” for the transition to neoliberalism. This essay examines Axel Honneth and Nancy Fraser’s assessment of and normative proposal for addressing the paradoxes of neoliberalism. The constraints of neoliberalism, I argue, bring into focus the structural challenge of immanent critique as understood within second and third (...)
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  2. Hegel’s logic of finitude.Rocío Zambrana - 2012 - Continental Philosophy Review 45 (2):213-233.
    In “Violence and Metaphysics” Jacques Derrida suggests that “the only effective position to take in order not to be enveloped by Hegel would seem to be…to consider false-infinity…irreducible.” Inversely, refuting the charge of logocentrism associated with Hegelian true infinity ( wahrhafte Unendlichkeit ) would involve showing that Hegel’s speculative logic does not establish the infinity of being exempt from the negativity of the finite. This paper takes up Derrida’s challenge, and argues that true infinity is crucial to Hegel’s understanding of (...)
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  3. (1 other version)Hegel’s Hyperbolic Formalism.Rocío Zambrana - 2010 - Bulletin of the Hegel Society of Great Britain 61:107-130.
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    El legado de Hegel.Rocío Zambrana - 2012 - Universitas Philosophica 29 (59):15-31.
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    Actuality in Hegel and Marx.Rocío Zambrana - 2019 - Hegel Bulletin 40 (1):74-91.
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    Dialectics of Progress.Rocío Zambrana - 2017 - Philosophy Today 61 (4):1047-1057.
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  7. Dialectics as Resistance: Hegel, Benjamin, Adorno.Rocío Zambrana - 2018 - In Bart Zantvoort & Rebecca Comay, Hegel and resistance: history, politics and dialectics. New York: Bloomsbury Academic. pp. 59-77.
  8.  25
    Pasarse PolÍticamente: Interrupting Neoliberal Temporality.RocÍo Zambrana - 2018 - Diacritics 46 (2):96-116.
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    Bad Habits: Habit, Idleness, and Race in Hegel.Rocío Zambrana - 2021 - Hegel Bulletin 42 (1):1-18.
    Recent discussions of Hegel's conception of second nature, specifically focused on Hegel's notion of habit (Gewohnheit), have greatly advanced our understanding of Hegel's views on embodied normativity. This essay examines Hegel's account of embodied normativity in relation to his assessment of good and bad habits. Engaging Hegel's account of the rabble (Pöbel) in thePhilosophy of Rightand Frank Ruda's assessment of Hegel's rabble, this essay traces the relation between ethicality, idleness and race in Hegel. In being a figure of refusal in (...)
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    Dårlige vaner.Rocío Zambrana - 2022 - Agora 40 (1):70-90.
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    Introduction.Rocío Zambrana - 2006 - Graduate Faculty Philosophy Journal 27 (2):5-12.
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    Method, according to Marx: approaches to the critique of political economy in Capital.Rocío Zambrana - 2025 - Ideas Y Valores 74 (187):115-141.
    How should we understand the method of the critique of political economy in Capital? Returning to the epistemic problem endemic to the notion of critique in Marx is essential today. The method organizes the relation between the economic analysis of exploitation and the historical analysis of expropriation central to current debates concerning Marx’s corpus. In this article, I seek to establish the significance of the epistemic problem, pointing out the gaps generated when the dialectical character of Marx’s method is suppressed. (...)
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    Hegel's legacy.Rocío Zambrana - 2012 - Southern Journal of Philosophy 50 (2):273-284.
    Answering the challenge of G. W. F. Hegel's idealism and its perceived logocentrism has arguably been a defining feature of nineteenth- and twentieth-century continental philosophy. Today, in the midst of a Hegel renaissance, Hegel's legacy within continental philosophy is far more ambivalent. In this essay, I cut across debates about the status of Hegel's idealism in order to offer a reflection on the legacy of Hegel by reconstructing a Hegelian notion of legacy. I develop this notion in response to Jacques (...)
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    Critique and the Possibility of Radical Politics: Symposium on Sina Kramer’s Excluded Within: The (Un)Intelligibility of Radical Political Actors, Oxford University Press, 2017.Rocío Zambrana, María del Rosario Acosta López & Sina Kramer - 2019 - Political Theory 47 (6):864-884.
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  15. Kant's Hyperbolic Formalism.Rocío Zambrana - 2012 - Idealistic Studies 42 (1):37-56.
    Hegel famously argued that Kantian Moralität is an empty formalism. This article offers a defense of Kant’s formalism and suggests that it is crucial to Hegel’s own idealism. My defense, however, depends on reading Kantian morality non-morally, as a theory of normative authority. Through a reading of the Grundlegung and Religion, the article delineates Kant’s hyperbolic formalism—the insistence on giving an account of the form of rational agency by isolating willing from all content. The article accordingly assesses Kant’s understanding of (...)
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    Abstraction and Critique in Marx.Rocío Zambrana - 2020 - In María Del Del Rosario Acosta López & Colin McQuillan, Critique in German Philosophy: From Kant to Critical Theory. Albany: SUNY Press. pp. 221-236.
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  17.  63
    The Promise of Politics. [REVIEW]Rocío Zambrana - 2006 - Graduate Faculty Philosophy Journal 27 (1):219-222.
    October fourteenth of this year marks the centenary of Hannah Arendt’s birth. This provides occasion to reflect on the political and philosophical thought of one who, due to her concerted effort to understand the political terrain of her time “without banisters”, can be characterized as one of the most original and insightful political theorists of the twentieth century. The unorthodox and even elusive character of her claims has often made them seem contradictory, as if incapable of forming a coherent political (...)
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  18. Karin de Boer. "On Hegel: The Sway of the Negative". [REVIEW]Rocío Zambrana - 2011 - The Owl of Minerva 43 (1/2):211-220.
  19.  20
    The plantation complex in the colony of Puerto Rico: on material conditions.Rocío Zambrana - 2021 - Síntesis Revista de Filosofía 4 (2):87-110.
    This essay develops a loosely understood Marxist notion of material conditions in light of the Caribbean plantation complex. The racial order endemic to the plantation and its continuation in post-emancipation contexts undermines any spurious base/superstructure distinction at work in an understanding of material conditions even in some accounts of racial capitalism. Material conditions are as ideological as they are “infrastructural” (Sylvia Wynter) in being ongoingly articulated by anti-black coordinates of sense. The ongoing actualization of the racial order of slavery is (...)
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    Subversiones caribeñas de la deuda.Rocío Zambrana - 2020 - Eidos: Revista de Filosofía de la Universidad Del Norte:57-82.
    RESUMEN En este artículo exploro subversiones caribeñas de la deuda enfocándome en el caso de Puerto Rico. Desde 2016, la Colectiva Feminista en Construcción ha configurado un terreno y un imaginario político novedoso que ejemplifica la subversión de la deuda en Puerto Rico. Las tácticas de la Colectiva se ubican en la deuda para subvertirla, invirtiendo las posiciones de poder distintivas de la deuda. Elaboro esta inversión/subversión como una expresión de resistencia a través del "desvío", como lo entiende Édouard Glissant (...)
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    Philosophy in the severe style: Method and value in Rose's Hegel and Marx.Rocío Zambrana - forthcoming - Thesis Eleven.
    In Hegel Contra Sociology, Gillian Rose argues that Hegel's political theory is written in the “severe style,” marking speculative thinking as the appropriate mode of exposition of capitalist modernity. By taking distance from Hegel, she maintains, Marx and Marxism retain a distinction between thought and actuality that forecloses a proper account of capital. I argue that Marx pursues speculative thinking when accounting for capital's logic of self-valorization. Speculative thinking in Rose's sense allows us to move beyond production, linking self-valorization to (...)
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    Schlechte Angewohnheiten: Gewohnheit, Müßiggang und Rasse bei Hegel.Rocío Zambrana - 2022 - Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 70 (4):663-684.
    Recent discussions of Hegel’s conception of second nature, specifically focused on Hegel’s notion of habit, have greatly advanced our understanding of Hegel’s views on embodied normativity. This essay examines Hegel’s account of embodied normativity in relation to his assessment of good and bad habits. Engaging Hegel’s account of the rabble in the Philosophy of Right and Frank Ruda’s assessment of Hegel’s rabble, this essay traces the relation between ethicality, idleness and race in Hegel. In embodying a position of refusal in (...)
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  23.  31
    Editors’ Introduction: Hypatia's Feminism in Translation Initiative.Rocío Zambrana & Bonnie Mann - 2022 - Hypatia 37 (2):221-222.
  24.  14
    Hypatia Editor's Introduction.Rocío Zambrana - 2022 - Hypatia 37 (3):469-469.
  25. Review essay-hegel's practical philosophy-by Robert Pippin.Rocío Zambrana - 2010 - Graduate Faculty Philosophy Journal 31 (2):423.
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    Whither Theory? Debts to Caliban’s “Woman”.Rocío Zambrana - 2021 - Diacritics 49 (1):83-88.
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  27. Sonsgsuk Susan Hahn's Contradiction in Motion: Hegel’s Concept of Life and Value. [REVIEW]Rocío Zambrana - 2009 - Bulletin of the Hegel Society of Great Britain 59:105-109.
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    Sonsgsuk Susan Hahn, Contradiction in Motion: Hegel's Concept of Life and Value. Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 2007. ISBN 978-0-8014-4444-9. Pp. xv + 220. [REVIEW]Rocío Zambrana - 2009 - Hegel Bulletin 30 (1-2):105-110.
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    The Promise of Feminist Philosophy.Bonnie Mann, Erin McKenna, Camisha Russell & Rocío Zambrana - 2019 - Hypatia 34 (3):394-400.
  30.  33
    Rocío Zambrana. Hegel’s Theory of Intelligibility. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2015. ISBN 978-0-226-28011-0 . Pp. 183. $40.00. [REVIEW]Nathan Ross - 2016 - Hegel Bulletin 40 (2):1-5.
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    Hegel’s Theory of Intelligibility by Rocío Zambrana.Stephen Houlgate - 2017 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 55 (1):172-173.
    This is a rich and thought-provoking study of Hegel’s all-too-often neglected masterpiece, the Science of Logic. Zambrana draws on commentators, such as Robert Pippin, Robert Brandom and Karin de Boer, to construct a highly original and challenging interpretation of the Logic. Her principal thesis is that, for Hegel, our conceptions of nature, self, and society are not simply given to us but are the “product of reason”. More precisely, such conceptions, through which we render the world and ourselves intelligible, (...)
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    Book Review: A review of Rocío Zambrana’s Colonial Debts: The Case of Puerto Rico[REVIEW]Sabrina Bungash - forthcoming - Philosophy and Social Criticism.
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    El impacto del duelo anticipado en las actitudes reactivas de sanción.Rocío Cázares Blanco - 2022 - Revista de Filosofía 47 (1):213-230.
    El duelo anticipado es un tema al que la filosofía ha prestado muy poca atención, a diferencia de lo que ocurre con el duelo que sigue a la muerte. Una peculiaridad obvia del primero es que sucede mientras todavía existe una relación interpersonal entre el doliente y aquel por quien se duele. En este artículo examino el impacto que el duelo anticipado puede tener en dicha relación, particularmente con respecto a las actitudes reactivas de sanción, propias del conflicto interpersonal.
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  34. Internet en el mundo del trabajo: ¿ha revolucionado el mundo empresarial?Rocío Muñoz Benito - 2009 - Critica: La Reflexion Calmada Desenreda Nudos 59 (959):78-82.
    Aún no hay unicidad de criterio para poder definir cuál es la principal función de Internet, ¿es un medio de comunicación, un canal de venta o un nuevo soporte publicitario?, ¿tal vez una herramienta de gestión? Para muchos Internet es solamente una tecnología más. Pero la verdad es que ha modificado radicalmente la forma de hacer negocios; los productos digitales sin necesidad de entrega física, los formatos publicitarios únicos de la red, la comunicación instantánea o las formas de asociación on-line (...)
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  35. Programas de intervención psicopedagógica en contextos educativos multiculturales.Rocío Guil Bozal & José Miguel Mestre Navas - 2010 - Contrastes: Revista Cultural 58:73-79.
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    Social Education in Prisons in Spain.Rocío Nicolás López, Francisco del Pozo Serrano & Fernando Gil Cantero - 2024 - ENCYCLOPAIDEIA 28 (69):59-72.
    The aim of this research is to analyse the socio-pedagogical actions carried out in Spanish prisons. To do so, we begin by analysing the main regulations covering educational policy in prisons, share as an essential axis the orientation of the custodial sentence towards the re-education and social reintegration of the prisoners, serving as a basis for justifying social intervention. Secondly, we analysed the prison population, where we observed a prevalence of men over women, a greater presence of crimes related to (...)
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    Chicanas/latinas Advance Intersectional Thought and Practice.Ruth Enid Zambrana & Maxine Baca Zinn - 2019 - Gender and Society 33 (5):677-701.
    Despite the considerable body of scholarship and practice on interconnected systems of dominance and its effects on women in different social locations, Chicanas remain “outside the frame” of mainstream academic feminist dialogues. This article provides an overview of the contributions of Chicana intersectional thought, research, and activism. We highlight four major scholarly areas of contribution: borders, identities, institutional inequalities, and praxis. Although not a full mapping of the Chicana/latina presence in intersectionality, it proffers the distinctive features and themes defining the (...)
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  38.  45
    Could We Live Together Without Punishment? On the Exceptional Status of the Criminal Law.Rocio Lorca - 2021 - Criminal Law and Philosophy 17 (1):29-38.
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  39. El pelo de la dehesa. Notas sobre el uilicus plautino.Rocío Carande Herrero - forthcoming - Nova et Vetera.
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    Sick and Blamed.Rocío Lorca - 2021 - Netherlands Journal of Legal Philosophy 50 (2):142-150.
    Sick and Blamed: Criminal Law in the Chilean Response to COVID-19 The Chilean government called upon ideas of social solidarity to fight the pandemic of SARS-CoV-2 and it relied heavily on the criminal law in order to secure compliance with sanitary restrictions. However, because restrictions and prosecutorial policy did not take into account social background and people’s ability to comply with the law, prosecutions soon created groups of people who were being both over-exposed to disease and death, and over-exposed to (...)
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    Témoigner, résister : photographies de femmes au Chiapas.Rocío N. Martínez - 2004 - Clio 19:6-6.
    Cet article analyse quatre photographies qui révèlent différents modes de vie et de résistance combattante des femmes indigènes au Chiapas. On les voit ainsi s’organiser et transformer leur propre image. En même temps, elles construisent leur autonomie à la lumière du genre et à travers la conscience de leur statut social et de leur appartenance au peuple indigène de Mexico. « Personne ne peut nous prendre ce que nous sommes » (Commandante Esther, EZLN).
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  42. Algunos aportes feministas a la teoría del Estado.Rocío. Alfaro Molina - 2002 - Revista de Filosofía de la Universidad de Costa Rica 40 (100):119-124.
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  43. Análisis ideológico de las teorías sociobiológicas.Rocío Alfaro Molina & Mária Helena León - 2002 - Revista de Filosofía de la Universidad de Costa Rica 40 (100):113-118.
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  44. Tránsito de la certeza de sí a la verdad de sí.Rocío Basurto Montoya - 1989 - Logos. Anales Del Seminario de Metafísica [Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España] 49.
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    Ética y educación en clave feminista.Rocío Nili Ferrada Rau - 2021 - Revista Ethika+ 3:235-258.
    Este artículo indaga como se vinculan Feminismo, Ética y Educación, para entregar pautas de acción adecuadas para nuestra época. Se comienza analizando la deconstrucción de los estereotipos de género del proyecto patriarcal de la modernidad. Luego se pone en diálogo los pensamientos de variadas feministas posmodernas. Por último, se propone una educación con perspectiva tanto ética como de género que entregue una normatividad orientadora para la construcción de los nuevos sujetos, preservando el llamado ético a la igualdad y la posibilidad (...)
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    Diversity in the mechanisms of gene regulation by estrogen receptors.Rocio Sanchez, Denis Nguyen, Walter Rocha, John H. White & Sylvie Mader - 2002 - Bioessays 24 (3):244-254.
    The sequencing of the human genome has opened the way for using bioinformatics to identify sets of genes controlled by specific regulatory signals. Here, we review the unexpected diversity of DNA response elements mediating transcriptional regulation by estrogen receptors (ERs), which control the broad physiological effects of estrogens. Consensus palindromic estrogen response elements are found in only a few known estrogen target genes, whereas most responsive genes contain only low‐affinity half palindromes, which may also control regulation by other nuclear receptors. (...)
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  47. El héroe que desencantó la razón.Rocío Orsi Portalo - 2006 - la Lámpara de Diógenes 7 (12):160-168.
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  48. Posmodernidad: capítulo culminante de la Historia del Ojo.Rocío Martín-Crespo Rodríguez - 2009 - A Parte Rei 63:18.
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  49.  20
    Desmonumentalización: diálogos para pensar el territorio desde la decolonialidad y la memoria. Entrevista a Natalia Cabanillas.Rocío Miranda Ruscitti & Amalia Petrongolo - 2022 - Aletheia: Anuario de Filosofía 13 (25):e141.
    Al recorrer nuestro espacio nos encontramos diariamente con múltiples marcas territoriales que hemos naturalizado, las mismas se han convertido en parte de nuestro paisaje hasta el punto que pocas veces nos preguntamos cuáles son sus orígenes. En esta entrevista, hablamos con la Dra. Natalia Cabanillas, quien busca recuperar la importancia de la desmonumentalización, pensada desde la relación intrínseca entre las marcas simbólicas y las prácticas concretas que evidencian las relaciones de poder. Para ello, analiza dos casos: Rhodes Must Fall en (...)
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  50.  12
    rol de la figura de la mujer en la filosofía constructivista de Nietzsche.Rocio Marisol Brun - 2024 - Metanoia 9 (1):112-132.
    Examinaremos aquí una interpretación del pensamiento de Friedrich Nietzsche, a menudo considerado misógino, que sugiere una lectura alternativa en la que se resalta la importancia de la figura de la mujer en su filosofía. Ciertos fragmentos de Nietzsche encuentran relación entre determinado tipo de figura de mujer con su noción de verdad y conocimiento, enriqueciendo su perspectivismo. Nuestra hipótesis de trabajo es que esto trae aparejado, a su vez, una afirmación de la vida. En otras palabras, sostenemos que la mencionada (...)
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