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  1.  18
    The Task of Utopia: A Pragmatist and Feminist Perspective.Erin McKenna - 2001 - Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    Are utopian visions viable in the 21st century? Utopia has been equated, for many, with totalitarianism. Such visions are not acceptable. The loss of utopian visions altogether is also unacceptable. This book argues that American Pragmatism and Feminist theory can combine to provide a process model of utopia that pushes to build a flexible future that helps us deal with change, conflict, and diversity without resorting to fixed ends.
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    Introduction.Erin McKenna - 2013 - The Pluralist 8 (3):113-113.
  3.  36
    Animal Pragmatism: Rethinking Human-Nonhuman Relationships.Erin McKenna & Andrew Light (eds.) - 2004 - Indiana University Press.
    What does American pragmatism contribute to contemporary debates about human-animal relationships? Does it acknowledge our connections to all living things? Does it bring us closer to an ethical treatment of all animals?
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    Living with Animals: Rights, Responsibilities, and Respect.Erin McKenna - 2020 - Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    This accessible work of scholarship brings a pragmatist ecofeminist perspective to discussions around animal rights, animal welfare, and animal ethics. Rather than seek absolute moral stands regarding human and animal relationships, and rather than trying to end such relationships altogether, the books urges us to make existing relations better.
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    Pragmatist Feminism and the Work of Charlene Haddock Seigfried.Lee McBride & Erin McKenna (eds.) - 2022 - London, UK: Bloomsbury Publishing.
    A contemporary appraisal of the breadth, significance, and legacy of the work of Charlene Haddock Seigfried, this book brings together writings focused on pragmatist feminism/feminist pragmatism, contemporary pragmatism, William James and the reconstruction of philosophy, education and American philosophy in the 21st century. Charlene Haddock Seigfried is a looming figure in American thought and feminist theory who coined the phrase 'pragmatist feminist' which has become an increasingly important concept in contemporary philosophy. Haddock Siegfried argues that pragmatism and its rich history (...)
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  6. A thoughtful profession: The early years of the American Philosophical Association.James Campbell, Michael Eldridge, Bruce Kuklick, John Ryder, John Lachs & Erin Mckenna - 2007 - Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 43 (2):373-410.
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  7.  22
    American philosophy: from Wounded Knee to the present.Erin McKenna - 2015 - London: Bloomsbury Academic. Edited by Scott L. Pratt.
    Introduction -- Defining pluralism : Simon Pokagon, Ida B. Wells-Barnett, and Thomas fortune -- Evolution and American Indian philosophy -- Feminist resistance : Anna Julia Cooper, Jane Addams, and Charlotte Perkins Gilman -- Labor, empire and the social gospel : Washington Gladden, Walter Rauschenbusch, and Jane Addams -- A new name for an old way of thinking : William James -- Making ideas clear : Charles Sanders Peirce -- The beloved community and its discontents : Josiah Royce and the realists (...)
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  8. (1 other version)The Task of Utopia: A Pragmatist and Feminist Perspective.Erin Mckenna - 2002 - Utopian Studies 13 (1):226-229.
  9.  3
    Pets, people, and pragmatism.Erin McKenna - 2013 - New York: Fordham University Press.
    Introduction: the problem with pets -- Understanding domestication and various philosophical views: the legacy with which we live -- Horses: respecting power and personality -- American pragmatism: the continuity of critters -- Dogs: respecting perception and personality -- Cats: respecting playfulness and personality -- Conclusion: making things better.
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  10.  45
    The Need for Reciprocity and Respect in Philosophy.Erin McKenna - 2017 - The Pluralist 12 (1):1-14.
    it is a bit daunting to be standing here today. I attended my first Society for the Advancement of American Philosophy meeting in 1992 and immediately felt at home. However, I also wondered why there weren’t more women and more feminist papers. Little did I know that my dissertation director and mentor, Charlene Haddock Seigfried, was already in the process of starting a revolution. American philosophy generally, and pragmatism in particular, seemed to me perfectly suited for taking up issues of (...)
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  11. Habits of Hope: A Pragmatic Theory (review).Erin McKenna - 2003 - Journal of Speculative Philosophy 17 (4):308-311.
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  12. Chimpanzees and Sign Language: Darwinian Realities versus Cartesian Delusions.Roger Fouts & Erin McKenna - 2011 - The Pluralist 6 (3):19-24.
    Dr. Fouts began his lecture with the story of how he and his wife Deborah became involved with Washoe—the first non-human to acquire the signs of American Sign Language (ASL). Project Washoe began in 1966 with Drs. Allen and Beatrix Gardner in Reno, Nevada. There had been other experiments that attempted to get chimpanzees to speak. These experiments were not successful due to anatomical and neurological differences between humans and chimpanzees. (Fouts showed some video of the chimpanzee Vicki trying to (...)
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  13.  89
    Feminism and Vegetarianism.Erin McKenna - 1994 - Philosophy in the Contemporary World 1 (3):28-35.
    Singer’s ethics assume an autonomous, impartial, abstract reasoner. Nonhuman animals, like human animals, have an interest in not suffering; so we all agree on an impartial, rational, consistent minimum standard of treatment that we see must extend to nonhuman animals. While I think this kind of argument works well in the “liberal” context of countries based on social contract reasoning, I am not convinced it goes far enough in achieving the desired attitude shift. We are still encouraged to think in (...)
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    3 Women and William James.Erin McKenna - 2015 - In Erin C. Tarver & Shannon Sullivan, Feminist interpretations of William James. University Park, Pennsylvania: The Pennsylvania State University Press. pp. 79-97.
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  15.  25
    Pragmatism and feminism: Engaged philosophy.Erin McKenna - 2003 - American Journal of Theology and Philosophy 24 (1):3 - 21.
  16.  12
    What Makes the Lives of Livestock Significant?Erin McKenna - 2019 - In Clifford S. Stagoll & Michael P. Levine, Pragmatism Applied: William James and the Challenges of Contemporary Life. Albany: SUNY Press. pp. 57-72.
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    Some reflections concerning feminist pedagogy.Erin Mckenna - 1996 - Metaphilosophy 27 (1-2):178-183.
    This paper reflects on some of the risks and requirements of engagingin feminist pedagogy. Feminist pedagogy seeks to promote an interactive classroom, encourage a de‐centered approach to the teaching and learning process, and take differences seriously. Some of these practices may pose risks for the practitioner in an established academic environment where one may be expected to make “pobjective” judgments and assign grades without regard for difference; where pedagogy designed to encourage an interactive classroom may be taken as indicating lack (...)
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  18.  94
    Women, power, and meat: Comparing the sexual contract and the sexual politics of meat.Erin McKenna - 1996 - Journal of Social Philosophy 27 (1):47-64.
    Eating animals acts as mirror and representation of patriarchal values. Meat eating is the re-inscription of male power at every meal. The patriarchal gaze sees not the fragmented flesh of dead animals but appetizing food. If our appetites re-inscribe patriarchy, our actions regarding eating animals will either reify or challenge this received culture. If meat is a symbol of male dominance then the presence of meat proclaims the disempowering of women.
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  19.  45
    The Promise of Feminist Philosophy.Bonnie Mann, Erin McKenna, Camisha Russell & Rocío Zambrana - 2019 - Hypatia 34 (3):394-400.
  20.  25
    Approaching History through the Future: Some Thoughts from a Feminist Pragmatist.Erin McKenna - 2022 - The Pluralist 17 (3):71-80.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Approaching History through the Future: Some Thoughts from a Feminist PragmatistErin McKennai was recently asked to write on the philosophy of history from a pragmatist perspective. My initial response was that this is not my area of specialization and that I didn’t really have much to say. Then I realized that it was interesting to think about how I view and use notions of history in my work as (...)
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  21.  47
    Amy J. Fitzgerald, Animal Advocacy and Environmentalism: Understanding and Bridging the Divide.Erin Mckenna - 2020 - Environmental Values 29 (1):118-120.
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  22. A Process Model of Utopia: Revising Models of Utopia in Light of Pragmatist and Feminist Perspectives.Erin Mckenna - 1992 - Dissertation, Purdue University
    My research focuses on developing a pragmatist model of utopia informed by certain elements of contemporary feminist thought. I believe this model is more productive than previous end-state and anarchist models of utopia. Specifically, this pragmatist model is able to address the issues of diversity, difference, and social stability without requiring, as many models of utopia do, conformity or central control. Rather than seeing the issues of gender, race, and cultural plurality as the obstacles to making a better world, on (...)
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  23.  94
    Are we a thoughtful profession?Erin Mckenna - 2007 - Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 43 (2):395-403.
    : If we had set out to make philosophy as irrelevant to the world as possible, and to make the APA as useless to its members or to the purpose of making philosophy influential, I do not think we could have done a better job. The philosophers working on this in the early 1900s could not seem to effectively sort out the purposes and organization of the APA, and I argue we are not much better at it today. We do (...)
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  24.  51
    Democracy and Dewey’s Notion of Religious Experience.Erin McKenna - 2013 - American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly 87 (2):301-310.
    Is Dewey a purely secular philosopher? Is his work on religion and the religious separate and distinct from his social and political views? I think the answer is “yes and no.” For a while now I have thought that what Dewey has to say about religion and the religious is directly related to his overall political project, and this is what I begin to explore in this paper. I believe that while the habits of religion often interfere with democracy, the (...)
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  25.  53
    Eating Apes, Eating Cows.Erin McKenna - 2015 - The Pluralist 10 (2):133-149.
    this paper focuses on animal issues—specifically relating to the animal beings we eat—using the perspective of American pragmatism. This essay grows out of my earlier work that used American pragmatism, specifically the work of John Dewey, to argue that we can develop a productive process model of utopia. In this model, it becomes important for us to critically examine the goals we choose to pursue because what we choose to pursue in the present sets the limits and possibilities of what (...)
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  26.  36
    Mill and Dewey.Erin McKenna - 1991 - Social Philosophy Today 6:43-58.
  27.  26
    McDermott as Philosopher and Friend.Erin McKenna - 2020 - The Pluralist 15 (1):98-99.
    John McDermott will be missed personally by many of us. Even more, though, the profession of philosophy has lost a strong voice for pluralism. McDermott worked tirelessly on behalf of voices that were not being heard. He did this by getting out-of-print works back into the hands of scholars, but he also did this by supporting many people in our Society as they searched for jobs and sought tenure and promotion in a system that does not always recognize the work (...)
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  28.  25
    Making Sense of Taste: Food and Philosophy.Erin Mckenna - 2001 - Philosophy Now 31:46-46.
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    Pets and livestock.Erin McKenna - 2016 - The Philosophers' Magazine 72:79-80.
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  30.  21
    Pragmatism and primates.Erin McKenna - 2001 - American Journal of Theology and Philosophy 22 (3):183 - 205.
  31.  41
    Philosophical Farming.Erin McKenna, Sarah Curtis & Jon Stout - 2012 - Contemporary Pragmatism 9 (1):151-183.
    We conducted a study of how the metaphysical views of farmers might relate to their choices about how to farm. Our particular focus was on the farming of animals for meat and the environmental impacts of the choices about how to raise the animals. We interviewed farmers at six different operations. We analyzed the farms from the perspectives of ecofeminism, deep ecology, the land ethic, and American Pragmatism. Of the farms that participated in our study, one was a fish farm, (...)
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  32.  13
    The Reform of Utopia.Erin McKenna - 2005 - Utopian Studies 16 (3):503-506.
  33.  60
    We Are Hers.Erin McKenna - 2011 - The Pluralist 6 (3):34-43.
    “We are hers.” These words were said by Deborah Fouts during an interview a former student and I conducted with Roger and Deborah Fouts. We had asked them when they thought Project Washoe had really become theirs by choice and they knew this would be their life’s work. Deborah said, “It started in Oklahoma, but wasn’t really ours until we came to Ellensburg.” Then she said, “I don’t know if it’s really ever been ‘ours.’ It’s not that it’s ours, we (...)
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  34.  77
    Feminism and Farming: A Response to Paul Thompson’s the Agrarian Vision. [REVIEW]Erin McKenna - 2012 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 25 (4):529-534.
    Feminism and Farming: A Response to Paul Thompson’s the Agrarian Vision Content Type Journal Article Pages 1-6 DOI 10.1007/s10806-011-9328-0 Authors Erin McKenna, Department of Philosophy, Pacific Lutheran University, Tacoma, WA, USA Journal Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics Online ISSN 1573-322X Print ISSN 1187-7863.
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  35. Experience as Philosophy: On the Work of John J. McDermott. Edited by James Campbell and Richard E. Hart. New York: Fordham University Press, 2007. Pp. ix, 322. $60.00. [REVIEW]Erin Mckenna - 2007 - William James Studies 2.
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  36.  59
    Ecological Feminist Philosophies. [REVIEW]Erin McKenna - 1998 - Teaching Philosophy 21 (1):103-105.
  37.  69
    Ecofeminism: Women, Culture, Nature. [REVIEW]Erin McKenna - 1998 - Teaching Philosophy 21 (2):189-191.
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    Hypatia's Daughters. [REVIEW]Erin McKenna - 1997 - Teaching Philosophy 20 (3):326-328.
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    John Dewey and the Paradox of Liberal Reform. [REVIEW]Erin McKenna - 1995 - Newsletter of the Society for the Advancement of American Philosophy 23 (71):17-19.
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  40. The Drama of Possibility: Experience as Philosophy of Culture. By John J. McDermott. Edited by Douglas R. Anderson. New York: Fordham University Press, 2007. Pp. 416. Cloth, $85.00. Paper, $30. [REVIEW]Erin Mckenna - 2008 - William James Studies 3.
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    Women, Family and Utopia. [REVIEW]Erin McKenna - 1993 - Newsletter of the Society for the Advancement of American Philosophy 21 (65):48-51.
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