Results for 'Rita McBride'

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  1. Remarks on Nan Hoover.Rita McBride - 2019 - In Reinhold Gorling, Barbara Gronau & Ludger Schwarte (eds.), Aesthetics of standstill. Berlin: Sternberg Press.
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    The clustering of galaxies in the sdss-iii baryon oscillation spectroscopic survey: The low-redshift sample.John K. Parejko, Tomomi Sunayama, Nikhil Padmanabhan, David A. Wake, Andreas A. Berlind, Dmitry Bizyaev, Michael Blanton, Adam S. Bolton, Frank van den Bosch, Jon Brinkmann, Joel R. Brownstein, Luiz Alberto Nicolaci da Costa, Daniel J. Eisenstein, Hong Guo, Eyal Kazin, Marcio Maia, Elena Malanushenko, Claudia Maraston, Cameron K. McBride, Robert C. Nichol, Daniel J. Oravetz, Kaike Pan, Will J. Percival, Francisco Prada, Ashley J. Ross, Nicholas P. Ross, David J. Schlegel, Don Schneider, Audrey E. Simmons, Ramin Skibba, Jeremy Tinker, Rita Tojeiro, Benjamin A. Weaver, Andrew Wetzel, Martin White, David H. Weinberg, Daniel Thomas, Idit Zehavi & Zheng Zheng - unknown
    We report on the small-scale (0.5 13 h - 1M, a large-scale bias of ~2.0 and a satellite fraction of 12 ± 2 per cent. Thus, these galaxies occupy haloes with average masses in between those of the higher redshift BOSS CMASS sample and the original SDSS I/II luminous red galaxy sample © 2012 The Authors Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Royal Astronomical Society © doi:10.1093/mnras/sts314.
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    The clustering of galaxies in the SDSS-III baryon oscillation spectroscopic survey: Baryon acoustic oscillations in the data releases 10 and 11 galaxy samples. [REVIEW]Lauren Anderson, Éric Aubourg, Stephen Bailey, Florian Beutler, Vaishali Bhardwaj, Michael Blanton, Adam S. Bolton, J. Brinkmann, Joel R. Brownstein, Angela Burden, Chia-Hsun Chuang, Antonio J. Cuesta, Kyle S. Dawson, Daniel J. Eisenstein, Stephanie Escoffier, James E. Gunn, Hong Guo, Shirley Ho, Klaus Honscheid, Cullan Howlett, David Kirkby, Robert H. Lupton, Marc Manera, Claudia Maraston, Cameron K. McBride, Olga Mena, Francesco Montesano, Robert C. Nichol, Sebastián E. Nuza, Matthew D. Olmstead, Nikhil Padmanabhan, Nathalie Palanque-Delabrouille, John Parejko, Will J. Percival, Patrick Petitjean, Francisco Prada, Adrian M. Price-Whelan, Beth Reid, Natalie A. Roe, Ashley J. Ross, Nicholas P. Ross, Cristiano G. Sabiu, Shun Saito, Lado Samushia, Ariel G. Sánchez, David J. Schlegel, Donald P. Schneider, Claudia G. Scoccola, Hee-Jong Seo, Ramin A. Skibba, Michael A. Strauss, Molly E. C. Swanson, Daniel Thomas, Jeremy L. Tinker, Rita Tojeiro, Mariana Vargas Magaña, Licia Verde & Dav Wake - unknown
    We present a one per cent measurement of the cosmic distance scale from the detections of the baryon acoustic oscillations in the clustering of galaxies from the Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey, which is part of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey III. Our results come from the Data Release 11 sample, containing nearly one million galaxies and covering approximately 8500 square degrees and the redshift range 0.2 < z < 0.7. We also compare these results with those from the publicly released (...)
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    Letters of Charles Demuth.Bruce Kellner - 2000 - Temple University Press.
    Charles Demuth is widely recognized as one of the most significant American modernists. His precisionist cityscapes, exquisite flowers, and free-wheeling watercolors of vaudeville performers, homosexual bathhouses, and cabaret scenes hang in many of the country's most prestigious collections, including the Metropolitan Museum of Art, the Philadelphia Museum of Art, the Columbus Museum of Art, the Amon Carter Museum in Fort Worth, the Art Institute of Chicago, and in Demuth's Lancaster, Pennsylvania, family residence, now home of the Demuth Foundation. At a (...)
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    On the bases of two subtypes of development dyslexia.Franklin R. Manis, Mark S. Seidenberg, Lisa M. Doi, Catherine McBride-Chang & Alan Petersen - 1996 - Cognition 58 (2):157-195.
  6. Encoding, storage, and retrieval of item information.B. B. Murdock Jr & Rita E. Anderson - 1975 - In Robert L. Solso (ed.), Information Processing and Cognition: The Loyola Symposium. Lawrence Erlbaum.
  7. Advance Health Care Documents In Multicultural Perspectives.Hans-Martin Sass, Frederick Bonkovsky, Akira Akabayashi, Rita Kielstein & Robert Olick - 1996 - Jahrbuch für Recht Und Ethik 4.
    In der modernen Medizin kommt es zunehmend zu Entscheidungskonflikten zwischen Intervention und Interventionsverzicht dort, wo nicht die medizinisch-technischen Möglichkeiten handlungsleitend sein sollen, sondern die am individuellen Patientenwohl sich orientierende bioethische Prognose entsprechend den klassischen arztethischen Prinzipien des primum nil nocere und des salus aegroti suprema lex. Schadensverbot und Heilauftrag sollen nicht heteronom und uniform vorgegeben werden, sondern sich am Willen des Patienten orientieren. Nicht selten macht jedoch die Ermittlung des mutmaßlichen Patientenwillens große Schwierigkeiten, vor allem bei Demenz, Koma, schwerem Trauma (...)
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    Conjugalidade em contexto de depressão da esposa no final do primeiro ano de vida do bebê.Giana Bitencourt Frizzo, Ivani Brys, Rita de Cássia Sobreira Lopes & Cesar Augusto Piccinini - 2010 - Revista Aletheia 31:66-81.
    O presente estudo investigou o relacionamento conjugal no contexto da depressão materna, no final do primeiro ano de vida do bebê. Participaram do estudo 22 casais, divididos em dois grupos, um em que a esposa apresentava indicadores de depressão (10), e outro em que não os apresentava (12), segundo..
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  9. The Song of Songs: A Commentary on the Book of Canticles or the Song of Songs.Roland E. Murphy, O. Carm & S. Dean McBride - 1990
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    Better Together: Reliable Application of the Post-9/11 and Post-Iraq US Intelligence Tradecraft Standards Requires Collective Analysis.Alexandru Marcoci, Mark Burgman, Ariel Kruger, Elizabeth Silver, Marissa McBride, Felix Singleton Thorn, Hannah Fraser, Bonnie C. Wintle, Fiona Fidler & Ans Vercammen - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology.
    Background. The events of 9/11 and the October 2002 National Intelligence Estimate on Iraq's Continuing Programs for Weapons of Mass Destruction precipitated fundamental changes within the US Intelligence Community. As part of the reform, analytic tradecraft standards were revised and codified into a policy document – Intelligence Community Directive (ICD) 203 – and an analytic ombudsman was appointed in the newly created Office for the Director of National Intelligence to ensure compliance across the intelligence community. In this paper we investigate (...)
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    La trayectoria tecnológica del diseño y de la construcción del cabezal para intervenciones neuroquirúrgicas en Camagüey.Sergio Silva Adán, Sergio Vega Basulto, Jorge Luis Quintana Torres & Rita Saavedra Roche - 2006 - Humanidades Médicas 6 (2):0-0.
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    The Philosophy of Freedom: A Philosophy of Spiritual Activity.Rudolf Steiner, Joan M. Thompson & Rita Stebbing - 1988
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  13. Abel, Elizabeth, and Emily K. Abel, eds., The Signs Reader: Women, Gender and Scholarship. Chicago: University of Chicago Press 1983. Allen, Jeffner, Lesbian Philosophy: Explorations. Palo Alto: Institute of Lesbi-an Studies 1986. [REVIEW]Sally Allen, Joanna Hubbs, Outrunning Atalanta, Feminine Destiny, Rita Arditti, Renate Dueli Klein & Shelley Minden - 1987 - In Marsha P. Hanen & Kai Nielsen (eds.), Science, Morality and Feminist Theory. University of Calgary Press. pp. 423.
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    ACTIVE ethics: an information systems ethics for the internet age.Neil Kenneth McBride - 2014 - Journal of Information, Communication and Ethics in Society 12 (1):21-44.
    Purpose– The purpose of this paper is to present a novel mnemonic, ACTIVE, inspired by Mason's 1985 PAPA mnemonic, which will help researchers and IT professionals develop an understanding of the major issues in information ethics.Design/methodology/approach– Theoretical foundations are developed for each element of the mnemonic by reference to philosophical definitions of the terms used and to virtue ethics, particularly MacIntyrean virtue ethics. The paper starts with a critique of the elements of the PAPA mnemonic and then proceeds to develop (...)
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  15. Sartre's Political Theory.William L. Mcbride - 1996 - Studies in East European Thought 48 (2):292-296.
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    Giovan Battista Pigna, uno scrittore politico nella Ferrara del Cinquecento.Rita Baldi - 1983 - Genova: ECIG.
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  17. Sacred spaces for ethical inquiry: Communicating ideas on university campuses.Rita Kirk & C. R. Crespo - 2020 - In C. R. Crespo & Rita Kirk (eds.), Ethics at the heart of higher education. Eugene, Oregon: Pickwick Publications.
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  18. Care, Normativity and the Law.Rita Manning - 2015 - In Daniel Engster & Maurice Hamington (eds.), Care Ethics and Political Theory. New York, NY: Oxford University Press. pp. 127-145.
    Care ethics can provide a valuable conceptual and normative resource for many issues in law, but given the conservative nature of law in general, much work needs to be done before care ethics can explicitly play such a role. In this paper I survey the landscape of law, discuss two attempts to incorporate care ethics into the normative framework of law, and suggest other avenues for incorporating care ethics in law and legal reasoning.
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    Existentialism.William L. McBride - 2007 - In Constantin V. Boundas (ed.), The Edinburgh Companion to the Twentieth Century Philosophies. Edinburgh. University of Edinburgh Press. pp. 415-426.
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  20. A Tory And Liberal Spar On The Ethics Of A Posthuman Future.Rita Risser - 2011 - Public Affairs Quarterly 25 (1):53-62.
    In her Massey lecture series "The Ethical Imagination," bioethicist Margaret Somerville argues that we humans have a moral duty to preserve what is most basic to being human, namely, the human form itself. We should not, therefore, tolerate the development and application of technologies in the life sciences in ways that would result in radically altering the human form. The concern, here, is not simply with human enhancement. The concern is more specific: we should not tolerate the development and application (...)
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    La questione antropologica in Antonio Rosmini.Rita Zama - 2006 - Acta Philosophica 15 (2).
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    Soggettività e potere: ontologia della vulnerabilità in Simone Weil.Rita Fulco - 2020 - Macerata: Quodlibet.
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    Review of William L. McBride: Sartre's Political Theory[REVIEW]William Leon McBride - 1993 - Ethics 103 (4):820-822.
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    Revolutionary hope: essays in honor of William L. McBride.Nathan J. Jun & William Leon McBride (eds.) - 2013 - Lanham: Lexington Books.
    Over the course of the last four decades, William Leon McBride has distinguished himself as one of the most esteemed and accomplished philosophers of his generation. This volume—which celebrates the occasion of his seventy-fifth birthday—includes contributions from colleagues, friends, and formers students and pays tribute to McBride’s considerable achievements as a teacher, mentor, and scholar.
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  25. Speaking from the Heart.Rita C. Manning - 1995 - Hypatia 10 (2):173-176.
  26. Ethics and insurrection: a pragmatism for the oppressed.Lee A. McBride - 2021 - New York: Bloomsbury Academic.
    Lee A. McBride III articulates an ethical position that takes critical pragmatism and Harrisian insurrectionist philosophy seriously. It suggests that there are values and norms that create boundaries that confine, reduce and circumscribe the actions we allow ourselves to consider. This book argues that an insurrectionist ethos is integral in the disavowing of norms and traditions that justify or perpetuate oppression and that we must throw our faith behind something, some set of values, if we want a chance at (...)
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  27. .Rita Lizzi Testa - unknown
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  28. Societies and their stability.Glen McBride - forthcoming - Australian Humanist, The 122:11.
    McBride, Glen As humanists, we seek to understand our world, without a need to seek guidance from culture. When we humans first began to speak, we quickly discovered the need for questions if we were to understand each other. Then came other questions, thousands of them. There were storms and hail, drought and gales, beloved dead parents came to one's dreams, from where? Always someone asked 'Why? Did those parents still exist somewhere? Answers were found by our ancestors.
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  29. Memory and anticipation: The practice of narrative ethics.Rita Charon & Martha Montello - 2002 - In Rita Charon & Martha Montello (eds.), Stories matter: the role of narrative in medical ethics. New York: Routledge.
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    Preserving the interest theory of rights.Mark McBride - 2020 - Legal Theory 26 (1):3-39.
    ABSTRACTAccording to interest theorists of rights, rights function to protect the right-holder's interests. True. But this leaves a lot unsaid. Most saliently here, it is certainly not the case that every agent who stands to benefit from performance of a duty gets to be a right-holder. For a theory to allow this to be the case—to allow for an explosion of right-holders—would be tantamount to a reductio thereof. So the challenge for interest theorists is to respect the core of the (...)
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  31. The AGE Effect on Protective Behaviors During the COVID-19 Outbreak: Sociodemographic, Perceptions and Psychological Accounts.Rita Pasion, Tiago O. Paiva, Carina Fernandes & Fernando Barbosa - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Bernardino Ochino's Fourth Dialogue (Dialogo del Ladrone in croce) and Ubertino da Casale's Arbor vitae: Adaptation and Ambiguity.Rita Belladona - 1985 - Bibliothèque d'Humanisme Et Renaissance 47 (1):125-145.
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    The Furies Collective.Rita Mae Brown - 1995 - In Penny A. Weiss & Marilyn Friedman (eds.), Feminism and community. Philadelphia: Temple University Press.
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  34. (1 other version)Detached Statements.Mark McBride - 2017 - Critica 49 (147):75-89.
    Joseph Raz has introduced an interesting class of statements —detached statements— into the philosophical lexicon. In brief, such statements are normative statements, yet the speaker does not, in so uttering them, express or convey acceptance of the point of view of the hearer to whom they are addressed. I propose to offer a novel analysis of such statements. In brief, such statements will be analysed as wide-scope normative conditionals.
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  35. Towards a phenomenology of the instrument-voix.Alessia Rita Vitale - 2009 - Analecta Husserliana 104:403-421.
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  36. Philosophy for Children Workshop: Overview, Participant Evaluation and Predicted Outcome.Rita Witkowski, Judith Freund, Anthony Graybosch, Mary Fleming, George Ek & Anita Jenson - 1983 - Analytic Teaching and Philosophical Praxis 4 (1).
    A workshop in Philosophy for Children was offered this summer at Viterbo College with generous support from the Wisconsin Humanities Committee. Dr. Ronald Reed and the author conducted the week long workshop. The workshop was promoted primarily by distribution of brochures to regional schools. Four questions were addressed in the brochure: What is Philosophy for Children?, How will Philosophy for Children work in your classroom?, Why teach Philosophy for Children?, and Who should attend?. This approach was taken as part of (...)
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    Looking for Marshall Mcluhan in Afghanistan: Iprobes and Iphone Photographs.Rita Leistner - 2013 - Intellect.
    In this timely and highly original merging of theory and practice, conflict photographer and critical theorist Rita Leistner applies Marshall McLuhan's semiotic theories of language, media, and technology to iPhone photographs taken during a military embed in Afghanistan. In a series of what Leistner calls iProbes—a portmanteau of iPhone and probe—Leistner reveals the face of war through the extensions of man. As digital photography becomes more ubiquitous, and as the phones we carry with us become more advanced, the process (...)
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    Consciousness.Rita Carter (ed.) - 2002 - Weidenfeld & Nicolson.
    Is consciousness merely an illusion, a by-product of our brain's workings, or is it, as the latest physics may suggest, the basis for all reality? Your perception of the world around you, your consciousness, should be the one thing you could talk about with absolute confidence. But nothing about consciousness is clear-cut and understanding it is perhaps the hardest problem facing modern science. But some extraordinary insights gathered by the latest research suggest that the answers are within our grasp. Building (...)
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    Ethics and quality care in nursing homes: Relatives’ experiences.Rita Jakobsen, Gerd Sylvi Sellevold, Veslemøy Egede-Nissen & Venke Sørlie - 2019 - Nursing Ethics 26 (3):767-777.
    Background: A total of 71,000 people in Norway suffer from some form of dementia in 2013, of whom approximately 30,000 are in nursing homes. Several studies focus on the experiences of those who have close relatives and who are staying in a nursing home. Results show that a greater focus on cooperation between nursing staff and relatives is a central prerequisite for an increased level of care. Benefits of developing systematic collaboration practices include relief for nursing staff, less stress, and (...)
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  40. Surrender to Life.Rita Mae Brown - 1987 - Free Inquiry 7:38-40.
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  41. L'uomo è l'insieme delle sue molecole?Rita Casadio - 2007 - Divus Thomas 110 (1):192-205.
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  42. Survival Training.Rita D. Costello - forthcoming - Feminist Studies.
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  43. “Manda quem pode, obedece quem tem juízo”: ou sobre a (des)obediência e a razão em Hobbes.Rita Helena Sousa Ferreira Gomes - 2011 - Princípios 18 (29):99-116.
    Normal 0 21 false false false MicrosoftInternetExplorer4 Partindo do dito popular “manda quem pode, obedece quem tem juízo” o presente artigo tem como objetivo defender a tese de que o Estado hobbesiano sustenta-se tanto pela força quanto pela razáo. Dentro desta perspectiva, será analisada a noçáo de desobediência e, ao final, mostrar-se-á que o adágio referido só pode ser tido como verdadeiro de acordo com a filosofia política de Thomas Hobbes após feitas certas ressalvas.
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    Commentary on Nielsen and Landes, ‘Fighting Status Inequalities: Non-domination and Non-interference’.Cillian McBride - 2016 - Public Health Ethics 9 (2):166-167.
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    Daybreak.Joseph Mcbride - 1988 - Philosophical Studies (Dublin) 32:343-344.
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    Existentialist Background: Kierkegaard, Dostoevsky, Nietzsche, Jaspers, Heidegger: Kierkegaard, Dostoevsky, Nietzsche, Jaspers, Heidegger.William Leon McBride (ed.) - 1996 - New York: Routledge.
    First published in 1997. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.
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    (1 other version)Western Liberalism At Twilight.William L. McBride - 2020 - Філософія Освіти 25 (2):211-223.
    The chorus of doubts concerning the continued viability of the Western liberal tradition itself, in both ideational and institutional aspects, has grown much louder over the past several years. Can this tradition be said to be in a time of twilight – that time that falls? It is this question that would be explored in this paper. While searching the confirmation of the position, indicated in the title of the paper, author turns to contemporary ideological sources of Western liberalism. Such (...)
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  48. Dire l'esperienza estetica.Rita Missori (ed.) - 2007 - Palermo: Centro internazionale studi di estetica.
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  49. Discussioni e postille-La bellezza assoluta e le sue ombre: ancora un libro su Bruno.Rita Sturlese - 2006 - Giornale Critico Della Filosofia Italiana 26 (3):496.
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    Things Merely Are: Philosophy in the Poetry of Wallace Stevens (review).Tom McBride - 2005 - Philosophy and Literature 29 (2):503-508.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Things Merely Are: Philosophy in the Poetry of Wallace StevensTom McBrideThings Merely Are: Philosophy in the Poetry of Wallace Stevens, by Simon Critchley. 137 pp. New York: Routledge, 2005; $22.50.This book—a brief meditation on the poetry of Wallace Stevens and an even shorter one on the cinema of Terrence Malick—might have been a disaster. The author, a philosopher, is sometimes in worried denial that Stevens is an "anti-realist" (...)
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