Results for 'Richard Pearlstein'

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  1.  22
    Effect of successive addition of stimulus elements on paired-associate learning.Sam C. Brown, William F. Battig & Richard Pearlstein - 1965 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 70 (1):87.
  2. A more general theory of definite descriptions.Richard Sharvy - 1980 - Philosophical Review 89 (4):607-624.
    A unified theory is offered to account for three types of definite descriptions: with singular, plural, & mass predicates, & to provide an account for the word the in descriptions. It is noted that B. Russell's analysis ("On Denoting," Mind, 1905, 14, 479-493) failed to account for plural & mass descriptions. The proposed theory differs from Russell's only by the substitution of the notation (less than or equal to) for Russell's =. It is suggested that for every predicate G there (...)
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  3. (2 other versions)Fatalism.Richard Taylor - 1962 - Philosophical Review 71 (1):56-66.
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    Somaesthetics: A disciplinary proposal.Richard Shusterman - 1999 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 57 (3):299-313.
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  5. Saving life and taking life.Richard L. Trammell - 1975 - Journal of Philosophy 72 (5):131-137.
    The purpose of this paper is to examine the distinction between "negative" and "positive" duties. Special attention will be given to certain criticism raised against this distinction by Michael Tooley.
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  6. Aristotle on demarcating the five senses.Richard Sorabji - 1971 - Philosophical Review 80 (1):55-79.
  7. Spatial and temporal analogies and the concept of identity.Richard Taylor - 1955 - Journal of Philosophy 52 (22):599-612.
  8. The end of aesthetic experience.Richard Shusterman - 1997 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 55 (1):29-41.
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    Aristotle on mixtures.Richard Sharvy - 1983 - Journal of Philosophy 80 (8):439-457.
  10. Ethics, pricing and the pharmaceutical industry.Richard A. Spinello - 1992 - Journal of Business Ethics 11 (8):617 - 626.
    This paper explores the ethical obligations of pharmaceutical companies to charge fair prices for essential medicines. The moral issue at stake here is distributive justice. Rawls'' framework is especially germane since it underlines the material benefits everyone deserves as Kantian persons and the need for an egalitarian approach for the distribution of society''s essential commodities such as health care. This concern for distributive justice should be a critical factor in the equation of variables used to set prices for pharmaceuticals.
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  11. Euthyphro 9d-11b: Analysis and Definition in Plato and Others.Richard Sharvy - 1972 - Noûs 6 (2):119-137.
  12. Why a class can't change its members.Richard Sharvy - 1968 - Noûs 2 (4):303-314.
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  13. On diffidence: The moral psychology of self-belief.Richard Smith - 2006 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 40 (1):51–62.
    The language of self‐belief, including terms like shyness and diffidence, is complex and puzzling. The idea of self‐esteem in particular, which has been given fresh currency by recent interest in ‘personalised learning’, continues to create problems. I argue first that we need a ‘thicker’ and more subtle moral psychology of self‐belief; and, secondly, that there is a radical instability in the ideas and concepts in this area, an instability to which justice needs to be done. I suggest that aspects of (...)
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  14. Kurt Godel and phenomenology.Richard Tieszen - 1992 - Philosophy of Science 59 (2):176-194.
    Godel began to seriously study Husserl's phenomenology in 1959, and the Godel Nachlass is known to contain many notes on Husserl. In this paper I describe what is presently known about Godel's interest in phenomenology. Among other things, it appears that the 1963 supplement to "What is Cantor's Continuum Hypothesis?", which contains Godel's famous views on mathematical intuition, may have been influenced by Husserl. I then show how Godel's views on mathematical intuition and objectivity can be readily interpreted in a (...)
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    (1 other version)European Intellectual History From Rousseau to Nietzsche.Richard A. Lofthouse (ed.) - 2014 - Yale University Press.
    One of the most distinguished cultural and intellectual historians of our time, Frank Turner taught a landmark Yale University lecture course on European intellectual history that drew scores of students over many years. His lectures—lucid, accessible, beautifully written, and delivered with a notable lack of jargon—distilled modern European history from the Enlightenment to the dawn of the twentieth century and conveyed the turbulence of a rapidly changing era in European history through its ideas and leading figures. Richard A. Lofthouse, (...)
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  16. Variations on da Costa C systems and dual-intuitionistic logics I. analyses of cω and CCω.Richard Sylvan - 1990 - Studia Logica 49 (1):47-65.
    Da Costa's C systems are surveyed and motivated, and significant failings of the systems are indicated. Variations are then made on these systems in an attempt to surmount their defects and limitations. The main system to emerge from this effort, system CC , is investigated in some detail, and dual-intuitionistic semantical analyses are developed for it and surrounding systems. These semantics are then adapted for the original C systems, first in a rather unilluminating relational fashion, subsequently in a more illuminating (...)
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  17. Privacy as life, liberty, property.Richard Volkman - 2003 - Ethics and Information Technology 5 (4):199-210.
    The cluster of concerns usually identified asmatters of privacy can be adequately accountedfor by unpacking our natural rights to life,liberty, and property. Privacy as derived fromfundamental natural rights to life, liberty,and property encompasses the advantages of thecontrol and restricted access theories withouttheir attendant difficulties.
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    Gifts: A Study in Comparative Law.Richard Hyland - 2009 - Oup Usa.
    Gifts: A Study in Comparative Law is the first broad-based study of the law governing the giving and revocation of gifts ever attempted. First, gift-giving is everywhere governed by social and customary norms before it encounters the law. Second, the giving of gifts takes place largely outside of the marketplace. As a result of these two characteristics, the law of gifts provides an optimal lens through which to examine how different legal systems confront social practice. The law of gifts is (...)
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  19.  8
    Vertellingen.Richard Kearney - 2002 - Routledge.
    Verhalen bieden ons bijzonder veelzijdige en duurzame inzichten in de menselijke conditie en hebben al sinds Aristoteles de aandacht van de filosofie getrokken. Het leidmotief van Vertellingen is dat dit digitale en naar verluidt 'postmoderne' tijdperk niet de ondergang van het verhaal aankondigt, maar juist zelf een bron van nieuwe verhalen vormt. Richard Kearney, filosoof en schrijver, ontrafelt in een heldere en meeslepende stijl waarom verhalen deze uitwerking op ons hebben en betoogt dat het onvertelde leven niet waard is (...)
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  20. The future of intellectual property.Richard A. Spinello - 2003 - Ethics and Information Technology 5 (1):1-16.
    This paper uses two recentworks as a springboard for discussing theproper contours of intellectual propertyprotection. Professor Lessig devotes much ofThe Future of Ideas to demonstrating howthe expanding scope of intellectual propertyprotection threatens the Internet as aninnovation commons. Similarly, ProfessorLitman''s message in Digital Copyright isthat copyright law is both too complicated andtoo restrictive. Both authors contend that asa result of overprotecting individual rights,creativity is stifled and the vitality of theintellectual commons is in jeopardy. It isdifficult to evaluate the claims and policyprescriptions (...)
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  21. Gödel's path from the incompleteness theorems (1931) to phenomenology (1961).Richard Tieszen - 1998 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 4 (2):181-203.
    In a lecture manuscript written around 1961, Gödel describes a philosophical path from the incompleteness theorems to Husserl's phenomenology. It is known that Gödel began to study Husserl's work in 1959 and that he continued to do so for many years. During the 1960s, for example, he recommended the sixth investigation of Husserl's Logical Investigations to several logicians for its treatment of categorial intuition. While Gödel may not have been satisfied with what he was able to obtain from philosophy and (...)
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  22. Purposeful and non-purposeful behavior: A rejoinder.Richard Taylor - 1950 - Philosophy of Science 17 (4):327-332.
    In their penetrating and admirably lucid discussion, “Purposeful and Non-purposeful Behavior,” Professors Rosenblueth and Wiener have considerably clarified the point of view expressed in their earlier paper dealing with the conception of purpose, and recently criticized by me. But while their discussion thus removes some of the difficulties which, I think, stood in the way of acceptance of their position, there yet remain fundamental questions which I do not believe have been adequately dealt with.These authors rebuke me, with justice, for (...)
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  23. Relations between universals,or divine laws?Richard Swinburne - 2006 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 84 (2):179 – 189.
    Armstrong's theory of laws of nature as relations between universals gives an initially plausible account of why the causal powers of substances are bound together only in certain ways, so that the world is a very regular place. But its resulting theory of causation cannot account for intentional causation, since this involves an agent trying to do something, and trying is causing. This kind of causation is thus a state of an agent and does not involve the operation of a (...)
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    Philosophical anthropology: What, why and how.Richard Schacht - 1990 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 50:155-176.
  25. Husserl's transcendental-phenomenological reduction.Richard Schmitt - 1959 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 20 (2):238-245.
    The transcendental phenomenological reduction is described as the transition from thinking to reflection, Which involves a change of attitude. Schmitt elaborates what it means to "bracket the objective world" and to suspend judgement. The traditional distinction between thinking and reflection, Based on the distinction between what is inside and what is outside the mind, Is shown to be inadequate. Reflection really involves critical detachment, A neutral attitude and disinterestedness; it must describe the new facts rather than explain them. Hence, The (...)
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  26.  55
    On homogeneity and definability in the first-order theory of the Turing degrees.Richard A. Shore - 1982 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 47 (1):8-16.
  27.  16
    Aristotle Politics: Books III and IV.Richard Aristotle, David Robinson & Keyt (eds.) - 1995 - Clarendon Press.
    This reissue of Richard Robinson's classic volume on Aristotle's Politics contains his clear and accurate translation of, and commentary on, books III and IV, brought up to date by a supplementary essay and new bibliography by David Keyt. This is the ideal companion to study these important books of a classic text in the history of political philosophy.
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  28. Families and the new evangelisation: Some reflections before the third extraordinary general assembly of the synod of bishops.Richard Rymarz - 2014 - The Australasian Catholic Record 91 (2):203.
    Rymarz, Richard An important theme in the contemporary disposition of the church toward the wider culture is the need for a new evangelisation. The thinking was given great impetus by St John Paul II. Whilst a bold strategy, there is little doubt that any attempt to evangelise contemporary secular cultures also presents significant challenges. The church, understood however as an agent of evangelisation not by choice but by its very nature, must carry on its Pauline mission with an eye (...)
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    Editorial.Richard Smith - 1991 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 25 (1):3–3.
    Richard Smith; Editorial, Journal of Philosophy of Education, Volume 25, Issue 1, 30 May 2006, Pages 3,
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    Editorial.Richard Smith - 1992 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 26 (1):3–3.
    Richard Smith; Editorial, Journal of Philosophy of Education, Volume 26, Issue 1, 30 May 2006, Pages 3,
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    The limits of rationality.Richard Smith - 1988 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 22 (2):277–277.
    Richard Smith; The Limits of Rationality, Journal of Philosophy of Education, Volume 22, Issue 2, 30 May 2006, Pages 277,
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  32. Nowhere simple sets and the lattice of recursively enumerable sets.Richard A. Shore - 1978 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 43 (2):322-330.
  33.  42
    Art as dramatization.Richard Shusterman - 2001 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 59 (4):361–372.
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    Grappling with groups: Protecting collective interests in biomedical research.Richard R. Sharp & Morris W. Foster - 2007 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 32 (4):321 – 337.
    Strategies for protecting historically disadvantaged groups have been extensively debated in the context of genetic variation research, making this a useful starting point in examining the protection of social groups from harm resulting from biomedical research. We analyze research practices developed in response to concerns about the involvement of indigenous communities in studies of genetic variation and consider their potential application in other contexts. We highlight several conceptual ambiguities and practical challenges associated with the protection of group interests and argue (...)
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  35. Form and Funk: The aesthetic challenge of popular art.Richard Shusterman - 1991 - British Journal of Aesthetics 31 (3):213-213.
  36.  4
    Ecology and experience: reflections from a human ecological perspective.Richard J. Borden - 2014 - Berkeley, California: North Atlantic Books.
    A philosophical and narrative memoir, Ecology and Experience is a thoughtful, engaging recounting of author Richard J. Borden’s life entwined in an overview of the intellectual and institutional history of human ecology—a story of life wrapped in a life story. Borden shows that attempts to bridge the mental and environmental arenas are uncertain, but that rigid conventions and narrow views have their dangers too. Human experience and the natural world exist on many levels and gathering from both realms gives (...)
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    Rétrospective d’un théologien : Gérard Siegwalt.Jean Richard - 2022 - Laval Théologique et Philosophique 78 (2):339-347.
  38. Mathematical intuition and Husserl's phenomenology.Richard Tieszen - 1984 - Noûs 18 (3):395-421.
  39.  8
    Tocqueville's Political Economy.Richard Swedberg - 2009 - Princeton University Press.
    When examined together, Swedburg argues, these books and other writings constitute an interesting alternative model of economic thinking, as well as a major contribution to political economy that deserves a place in contemporary discussions ...
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  40. John Stuart mill and pornography: Beyond the harm principle.Richard Vernon - 1996 - Ethics 106 (3):621-632.
  41. Affecting the past.Richard G. Swinburne - 1966 - Philosophical Quarterly 16 (65):341-347.
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  42. What fighters for liberty knew.Richard Boeke - 2016 - Australian Humanist, The 121:18.
    Boeke, Richard Dissent and dedication to reason create democracy. Just look at the Unitarian values expressed by two Thomases, Paine and Jefferson, says Richard Boeke.
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    A Sense Sublime.Richard Quinney - 2013 - Borderland Books.
    "And I have felt / A presence that disturbs me with the joy / Of elevated thoughts; a sense sublime."--William Wordsworth A Sense Sublime is a record of a life lived during the last years of the twentieth century on the northern edge of the tallgrass prairies of Illinois, where seas of flowing grasses give way to the glaciated hills of Wisconsin. With camera in hand, Richard Quinney walked the streets and byways and traveled the country roads. Quinney watched (...)
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  44.  18
    Moral philosophy and the analysis of language.Richard B. Brandt - 1963 - [Lawrence? Kan.,: [Lawrence? Kan..
    This is the text of The Lindley Lecture for 1963, given by Richard B. Brandt (1910-1997), an American philosopher.
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    (1 other version)The logic of interpretation.Richard Shusterman - 1978 - Philosophical Quarterly 28 (113):310-324.
  46.  33
    Task-specification language, or theory of human memory?Richard L. Lewis - 1994 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 17 (4):674-675.
  47.  10
    Ignatius, Lonergan, and the Catholic Univeristy.Richard Liddy - 2011 - Lonergan Workshop 22:153-170.
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  48. The Case for Reasoned Criminal Trial Verdicts.Richard Lippke - 2009 - Canadian Journal of Law and Jurisprudence 22 (2):313-330.
    Discussion in the paper focuses on instituting a requirement that juries in criminal cases make public the reasons for their verdicts. The nature of such a requirement is elaborated, as is the way in which defects in the reasons provided might serve as a basis for appealing convictions. Various arguments for adopting such a requirement are considered, as are objections to doing so. In support of the requirement, I contend that it would enable defendants in criminal cases to ensure that (...)
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  49.  6
    Education and the spirit of the age.Richard Winn Livingstone - 1952 - Westport, Conn.: Hyperion Press.
  50.  27
    Crime and Punishment in Medieval Chinese Drama: Three Judge Pao Plays.Richard John Lynn & George A. Hayden - 1982 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 102 (1):139.
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