Results for 'Renée Bergland'

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  1.  33
    Tamara Plakins Thornton. Nathaniel Bowditch and the Power of Numbers: How a Nineteenth-Century Man of Business, Science, and the Sea Changed American Life. xiv + 402 pp., illus., bibl., index. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 2016. $35. [REVIEW]Renée Bergland - 2017 - Isis 108 (2):451-453.
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  2. The Moral Grounds of Reasonably Mistaken Self-Defense.Renée Jorgensen Bolinger - 2020 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 103 (1):140-156.
    Some, but not all, of the mistakes a person makes when acting in apparently necessary self-defense are reasonable: we take them not to violate the rights of the apparent aggressor. I argue that this is explained by duties grounded in agents' entitlements to a fair distribution of the risk of suffering unjust harm. I suggest that the content of these duties is filled in by a social signaling norm, and offer some moral constraints on the form such a norm can (...)
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  3. Metalinguistic negotiations in moral disagreement.Renée Jorgensen Bolinger - 2022 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 65 (3):352-380.
    The problem of moral disagreement has been presented as an objection to contextualist semantics for ‘ought’, since it is not clear that contextualism can accommodate or give a convincing gloss of such disagreement. I argue that independently of our semantics, disagreements over ‘ought’ in non-cooperative contexts are best understood as indirect metalinguistic disputes, which is easily accommodated by contextualism. If this is correct, then rather than posing a problem for contextualism, the data from moral disagreements provides some reason to adopt (...)
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  4. False-belief understanding in infants.Zijing He Renée Baillargeon, Rose M. Scott - 2010 - Trends in Cognitive Sciences 14 (3):110.
  5. Moral Risk and Communicating Consent.Renée Bolinger - 2019 - Philosophy and Public Affairs 47 (2):179-207.
    In addition to protecting agents’ autonomy, consent plays a crucial social role: it enables agents to secure partners in valuable interactions that would be prohibitively morally risk otherwise. To do this, consent must be observable: agents must be able to track the facts about whether they have received a consent-based permission. I argue that this morally justifies a consent-practice on which communicating that one consents is sufficient for consent, but also generates robust constraints on what sorts of behaviors can be (...)
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  6. Contested Slurs.Renée Jorgensen Bolinger - 2020 - Grazer Philosophische Studien 97 (1):11-30.
    Sometimes speakers within a linguistic community use a term that they do not conceptualize as a slur, but which other members of that community do. Sometimes these speakers are ignorant or naïve, but not always. This article explores a puzzle raised when some speakers stubbornly maintain that a contested term t is not derogatory. Because the semantic content of a term depends on the language, to say that their use of t is semantically derogatory despite their claims and intentions, we (...)
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  7. The Pragmatics of Slurs.Renée Jorgensen Bolinger - 2015 - Noûs 51 (3):439-462.
    I argue that the offense generation pattern of slurring terms parallels that of impoliteness behaviors, and is best explained by appeal to similar purely pragmatic mechanisms. In choosing to use a slurring term rather than its neutral counterpart, the speaker signals that she endorses the term. Such an endorsement warrants offense, and consequently slurs generate offense whenever a speaker's use demonstrates a contrastive preference for the slurring term. Since this explanation comes at low theoretical cost and imposes few constraints on (...)
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  8. Explaining the Justificatory Asymmetry between Statistical and Individualized Evidence.Renee Bolinger - 2021 - In Jon Robson & Zachary Hoskins (eds.), The Social Epistemology of Legal Trials. Routledge. pp. 60-76.
    In some cases, there appears to be an asymmetry in the evidential value of statistical and more individualized evidence. For example, while I may accept that Alex is guilty based on eyewitness testimony that is 80% likely to be accurate, it does not seem permissible to do so based on the fact that 80% of a group that Alex is a member of are guilty. In this paper I suggest that rather than reflecting a deep defect in statistical evidence, this (...)
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  9. Reasonable Mistakes and Regulative Norms: Racial Bias in Defensive Harm.Renée Jorgensen Bolinger - 2017 - Journal of Political Philosophy 25 (2):196-217.
    A regulative norm for permissible defense distinguishes the conditions under which we will hold defenders to be innocent of any wrongdoing from those in which we hold them responsible for assault or manslaughter. The norm must strike a fair balance between defenders' security, on the one hand, and other agents’ legitimate claim to live without fear of suffering mistaken defensive harm, on the other. Since agents must make defensive decisions under high pressure and on only partial information, they will sometimes (...)
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  10. The social life of prejudice.Renée Jorgensen - 2024 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 67 (8):2585-2600.
    A ‘vestigial social practice' is a norm, convention, or social behavior that persists even when few endorse it or its original justifying rationale. Begby (2021) explores social explanations for the persistence of prejudice, arguing that even if we all privately disavow a stereotype, we might nevertheless continue acting as if it is true because we believe that others expect us to. Meanwhile the persistence of the practice provides something like implicit testimonial evidence for the prejudice that would justify it, making (...)
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    Dialogues with scientists and sages: the search for unity.Renée Weber (ed.) - 1986 - New York: Routledge & Kegan Paul.
    This is the first book in which contemporary scientists and mystics share with us-in their own words-their views on space, time, matter, energy, life, consciousness, creation and on our place in the scheme of things. The book is also the story of an American philosopher who-with these dialogues-ventures into ground-breaking territory, and of her search in America, Europe, India and Nepal for people whose work is at the center of our understanding of reality.
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    "An Ignoble Form of Cannibalism": Reflections on the Pittsburgh Protocol for Procuring Organs from Non-Heart-Beating Cadavers.Renée C. Fox - 1993 - Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 3 (2):231-239.
    The author discusses the ways in which she finds the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center protocol for procuring organs from "non-heart-beating cadaver donors" medically and morally questionable and irreverent. She also identifies some of the factors that contributed to the composition of this troubling protocol, and to its institutional approval.
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    Representing the existence and the location of hidden objects: Object permanence in 6- and 8-month-old infants.Renee Baillargeon - 1986 - Cognition 23 (1):21-41.
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    An analysis of Australian final year accountancy students' ethical attitudes.Conor O'Leary & Renee Radich - 2001 - Teaching Business Ethics 5 (3):235-249.
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  15. Revisiting the Right to Do Wrong.Renee Jorgensen Bolinger - 2017 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 95 (1):43-57.
    Rights to do wrong are not necessary even within the framework of interest-based rights aimed at preserving autonomy. Agents can make morally significant choices and develop their moral character without a right to do wrong, so long as we allow that there can be moral variation within the set of actions that an agent is permitted to perform. Agents can also engage in non-trivial self-constitution in choosing between morally indifferent options, so long as there is adequate non-moral variation among the (...)
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  16. Strictly speaking.Renée Jorgensen Bolinger & Alexander Sandgren - 2020 - Analysis 80 (1):3-11.
    A type of argument occasionally made in metaethics, epistemology and philosophy of science notes that most ordinary uses of some expression fail to satisfy the strictest interpretation of the expression, and concludes that the ordinary assertions are false. This requires there to be a presumption in favour of a strict interpretation of expressions that admit of interpretations at different levels of strictness. We argue that this presumption is unmotivated, and thus the arguments fail.
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    The Courage to Fail: A Social View of Organ Transplants and Dialysis.Renée Claire Fox & Judith P. Swazey - 1978
    Written by a sociologist and a biologist and science historian, this text considers the social aspects of organ transplantation and chronic hemodialysis. Their research, begun in 1968, focused on the experience of research physicians engaged in this work, the "gift- exchange" social dimensions of these practices, and the impact of these technologies on society as a whole. This reprint of the 1978 edition includes a new introduction by the authors. c. Book News Inc.
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    Responding Bodily.Renee M. Conroy - 2013 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 71 (2):203-210.
  19.  98
    Compensatory justice: Over time and between groups.Renée A. Hill - 2002 - Journal of Political Philosophy 10 (4):392–415.
  20. Fitting Diminishment of Anger: A Permissivist Account.Renee Rushing - 2023 - Philosophy 98 (4):433-450.
    There has been recent discussion of a puzzle posed by emotions that are backward looking. Though our emotions commonly diminish over time, how can they diminish fittingly if they are an accurate appraisal of an event that is situated in the past? Agnes Callard (2017) has offered a solution by providing an account of anger in which anger is both backwards looking and resolvable, yet her account depends upon contrition to explain anger’s fitting diminishment. My aim is to explain how (...)
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    Avoiding empty rhetoric: Engaging publics in debates about nanotechnologies.Renee Kyle & Susan Dodds - 2009 - Science and Engineering Ethics 15 (1):81-96.
    Despite the amount of public investment in nanotechnology ventures in the developed world, research shows that there is little public awareness about nanotechnology, and public knowledge is very limited. This is concerning given that nanotechnology has been heralded as ‘revolutionising’ the way we live. In this paper, we articulate why public engagement in debates about nanotechnology is important, drawing on literature on public engagement and science policy debate and deliberation about public policy development. We also explore the significance of timing (...)
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  22. Developing views of nature of science in an authentic context: An explicit approach to bridging the gap between nature of science and scientific inquiry.Reneé S. Schwartz, Norman G. Lederman & Barbara A. Crawford - 2004 - Science Education 88 (4):610-645.
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  23. Knowledge restructuring in the life sciences: A longitudinal study of conceptual change in biology.N. Renee Pearsall, Jo El J. Skipper & Joel J. Mintzes - 1997 - Science Education 81 (2):193-215.
  24.  77
    They Call It “Patient Selection” in Khayelitsha: The Experience of Médecins Sans Frontières–South Africa in Enrolling Patients to Receive Antiretroviral Treatment for HIV/AIDS.Renée C. Fox & Eric Goemaere - 2006 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 15 (3):302-312.
    In 1999, Médecins Sans Frontières set out to explore and demonstrate the feasibility of preventing and treating HIV/AIDS in a so-called resource-poor, economically and socially disadvantaged setting. The first MSF mission to incorporate antiretroviral treatment into its HIV-AIDS-oriented medical program was undertaken in Bangkok. The second project was launched in Khayelitsha where MSF has been providing ARV treatment for persons with HIV/AIDS since May 2001. Khayelitsha is an enclave of some 500,000 inhabitants, most of whom live in corrugated-iron shacks, without (...)
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  25. Observer response to contemporary dance.Renee Glass - 2005 - In Robin Grove, Kate Stevens & Shirley McKechnie (eds.), Thinking in Four Dimensions: creativity and cognition in contemporary dance. Melbourne UP. pp. 107--121.
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    Understanding Human Lung Development through In Vitro Model Systems.Renee F. Conway, Tristan Frum, Ansley S. Conchola & Jason R. Spence - 2020 - Bioessays 42 (6):2000006.
    An abundance of information about lung development in animal models exists; however, comparatively little is known about lung development in humans. Recent advances using primary human lung tissue combined with the use of human in vitro model systems, such as human pluripotent stem cell‐derived tissue, have led to a growing understanding of the mechanisms governing human lung development. They have illuminated key differences between animal models and humans, underscoring the need for continued advancements in modeling human lung development and utilizing (...)
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    Impact of Enforcement on Healthcare Billing Fraud: Evidence from the USA.Renee Flasher & Melvin A. Lamboy-Ruiz - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 157 (1):217-229.
    Each state’s Medicaid Fraud Control Unit prosecutes billing fraud cases against individual healthcare providers who fraudulently bill Medicaid for services provided. Once an individual is convicted of billing fraud, the Office of Inspector General for the Department of Health and Human Services may exclude the individual from billing any federal government healthcare program, including Medicaid. Excluded individuals are added to a public list of exclusions, which restricts their ability to practice professionally. Prompted by criminology research into the impact of policing (...)
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    The Two Sides of Sensory–Cognitive Interactions: Effects of Age, Hearing Acuity, and Working Memory Span on Sentence Comprehension.Renee DeCaro, Jonathan E. Peelle, Murray Grossman & Arthur Wingfield - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
  29.  10
    Feminist Interpretations of Theodor Adorno.Renée Heberle (ed.) - 2006 - Pennsylvania State University Press.
    Adorno is often left out of the “canon” of influences on contemporary feminist theory, but these essays show that his work can provide valuable material for feminist thinking about a wide range of issues. Theodor Adorno was a leading scholar of the Institute for Social Research in Frankfurt, Germany, otherwise known as the Frankfurt School. With Max Horkheimer he contributed to the advance of critical theorizing about Enlightenment philosophy and modernity. Inflected by Kant, Marx, Nietzsche, and Freud, Adorno’s thinking defies (...)
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    Leaving the Field.Renée C. Fox & Judith P. Swazey - 1992 - Hastings Center Report 22 (5):9-15.
    They have watched, as insiders, the first fumbling attempts to transplant kidneys, then hearts, then live‐donated lobes of liver and lung. Now the two sociologists most closely identified with organ transplantation have concluded that they must leave the field.
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  31. Scaffolding Deep Reading Instruction.Renée Smith - 2014 - In E. Esch R. Kraft & K. Hermberg (eds.), Philosophy through Teaching. Philosophy Documentation Center. pp. 109-115.
    In his 2006 Lenssen Prize–winning paper, “Reading Philosophy with Background Knowledge and Metacognition,”1 David Concepción describes a method of reading instruction that is clearly student-centered in that quality of student learning, and not just discipline-specific knowledge, is a central course objective.2 Moreover, the explicit reading instruction he recommends stands to enrich our students’ understanding of the philosophical content of our courses thus making deep reading, or what has been called “reading to learn,”3 an integral part of the content of a (...)
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  32. A Course in Metaphilosophy for Undergraduates.Renée Smith - 2017 - Teaching Philosophy 40 (1):57-85.
    This paper describes an undergraduate course in metaphilosophy for philosophy majors and argues that there are four potential benefits to students; namely that doing metaphilosophy (1) allows students to draw their own conclusions about what philosophy is, (2) develops students’ metacognitive skills to promote learning, (3) establishes students as members of the philosophical community, and (4) disposes students to live lives that reflect their philosophical education. It describes issues of transparency of course design and the particulars of the course, including (...)
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    Emotional variability and clarity in depression and social anxiety.Renee J. Thompson, Matthew Tyler Boden & Ian H. Gotlib - 2017 - Cognition and Emotion 31 (1):98-108.
  34. Not the end of lawyers, but a beginning-the place of entrepreneurship and innovation in legal ethics.Renee Knake Jefferson & Russell G. Pearce - 2023 - In Julian S. Webb (ed.), Leading works in legal ethics. New York, NY: Routledge.
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    Princess Elisabeth of Bohemia: The Philosopher Princess.Renée Jeffery - 2018 - Lexington Books.
    This study provides a comprehensive intellectual biography of Princess Elisabeth of Bohemia. The author highlights Elisabeth’s place in the Western intellectual tradition and contextualizes her contributions within the social and cultural landscape of seventeenth-century Europe.
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    Examining American Bioethics: Its Problems and Prospects.Renée C. Fox & Judith P. Swazey - 2005 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 14 (4):361-373.
    In 1986, philosopher-bioethicist Samuel Gorovitz published an essay entitled “Baiting Bioethics,” in which he reported on various criticisms of bioethics that were “in print, or voiced in and around … the field” at that time, and set forth his assessment of their legitimacy. He gave detailed attention to what he judged to be the particularly fierce and “irresponsible attacks” on “the moral integrity” and soundness of bioethics contained in two papers: “Getting Ethics” by philosopher William Bennett and “Medical Morality Is (...)
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  37. Virtue Ethics, Criminal Responsibility, and Dominic Ongwen.Renée Nicole Souris - 2019 - International Criminal Law Review 19 (3).
    In this article, I contribute to the debate between two philosophical traditions—the Kantian and the Aristotelian—on the requirements of criminal responsibility and the grounds for excuse by taking this debate to a new context: international criminal law. After laying out broadly Kantian and Aristotelian conceptions of criminal responsibility, I defend a quasi-Aristotelian conception, which affords a central role to moral development, and especially to the development of moral perception, for international criminal law. I show than an implication of this view (...)
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    L'inertie du mental.Renée Bilodeau - 1993 - Dialogue 32 (3):507-525.
    This paper addresses two objections raised against anomalous monism. Firstly, on the basis of Davidson's assertion that all causal relations fall under strict laws, many critics conclude mental properties are causally inert since they are non-nomic. I argue that this conclusion follows only on the further assumption that all causally efficacious properties are nomic properties. It is perfectly consistent, however, to hold that there is a law covering each causal relation without each causal statement being the instantiation of a law. (...)
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    Trial-and-error ethics: experimenting with non-heartbeating cadaver organ donation.Renée C. Fox - 1995 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 5 (2):292-295.
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  40. Whale wars and the public screen: Mediating animal ethics in violent times.Richard D. Besel & Renee S. Besel - 2010 - In Greg Goodale & Jason Edward Black (eds.), Arguments About Animal Ethics. Lexington Books.
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  41. Values education and Christological personhood : Philosophical and practical implications.Renee Kohler-Ryan & Sandy Lynch - 2017 - In Janis T. Ozolins (ed.), Civil society, education and human formation: philosophy's role in a renewed understanding of education. New York: Routledge.
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  42. La quête inachevée.Karl Popper, Renée Bouveresse, Michelle Bouin-Naudin & Christian Schmidt - 1982 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 172 (1):128-130.
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  43. La civilisation à l'épreuve.Arnold J. Toynbee & Renée Villoteau - 1955 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 145:223-223.
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  44. Een subliem gevoel van plaats.Renée van de Vall & Barnett Newman - 1998 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 60 (1):199-201.
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    The bioethics that I would like to see.Renée C. Fox - 2008 - Clinical Ethics 3 (1):25-26.
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    Promises of Presence.Renée Vall - 2013 - Foundations of Science 18 (1):169-172.
    My review of Ike Kamphof’s “Webcams to Save Nature: Online Space as Affective and Ethical Space” focuses on the question how the engagement of the spectator of the described websites is temporally structured and how the discrepancy between the instantaneity of affective response and the duration of moral engagement is solved. I propose to draw on Alexander Nehamas’ philosophy of beauty as an in-between, bringing affect and ethics closer together.
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    Intention et faiblesse de la volonté.Renée Bilodeau - 2002 - Dialogue 41 (1):27-44.
    Akrasia is both an intentional and an irrational phenomenon. These two characteristics can be reconciled by a careful reconstruction of practical reasoning. I undertake this task along Davidsonian lines, arguing against his critics that the notion of unconditional judgment is the key to an adequate account of akrasia. Unless akrasia is conceived as a failure of the agent to form an unconditional judgment that conforms to her best judgment "all things considered," the intentionality of akrasia is lost. Likewise, I show (...)
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    The Philosophical Aesthetics of Dance: Identity, Performance and Understanding by mcfee, graham.Renee M. Conroy - 2012 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 70 (4):397-399.
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    Casting new light on Catholic censorship and early modern science.Renée J. Raphael - 2011 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 42 (3):453-456.
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    State emotional clarity and attention to emotion: a naturalistic examination of their associations with each other, affect, and context.Renee J. Thompson & Matthew Tyler Boden - 2019 - Cognition and Emotion 33 (7):1514-1522.
    ABSTRACTDespite emotional clarity and attention to emotion being dynamic in nature, research has largely focused on their trait forms. We examined the association between state and trait forms of t...
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