Results for 'Rene Marois'

947 found
  1. Integral Field Spectroscopy of the Low-mass Companion HD 984 B with the Gemini Planet Imager.Mara Johnson-Groh, Christian Marois, Robert J. De Rosa, Eric L. Nielsen, Julien Rameau, Sarah Blunt, Jeffrey Vargas, S. Mark Ammons, Vanessa P. Bailey, Travis S. Barman, Joanna Bulger, Jeffrey K. Chilcote, Tara Cotten, René Doyon, Gaspard Duchêne, Michael P. Fitzgerald, Kate B. Follette, Stephen Goodsell, James R. Graham, Alexandra Z. Greenbaum, Pascale Hibon, Li-Wei Hung, Patrick Ingraham, Paul Kalas, Quinn M. Konopacky, James E. Larkin, Bruce Macintosh, Jérôme Maire, Franck Marchis, Mark S. Marley, Stanimir Metchev, Maxwell A. Millar-Blanchaer, Rebecca Oppenheimer, David W. Palmer, Jenny Patience, Marshall Perrin, Lisa A. Poyneer, Laurent Pueyo, Abhijith Rajan, Fredrik T. Rantakyrö, Dmitry Savransky, Adam C. Schneider, Anand Sivaramakrishnan, Inseok Song, Remi Soummer, Sandrine Thomas, David Vega, J. Kent Wallace, Jason J. Wang, Kimberly Ward-Duong, Sloane J. Wiktorowicz & Schuyler G. Wolff - 2017 - Astronomical Journal 153 (4):190.
    © 2017. The American Astronomical Society. All rights reserved.We present new observations of the low-mass companion to HD 984 taken with the Gemini Planet Imager as a part of the GPI Exoplanet Survey campaign. Images of HD 984 B were obtained in the J and H bands. Combined with archival epochs from 2012 and 2014, we fit the first orbit to the companion to find an 18 au orbit with a 68% confidence interval between 14 and 28 au, an eccentricity (...)
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    On the perceptual reality of synesthetic color.Randolph Blake, Thomas J. Palmeri, Rene Marois & Chai-Youn Kim - 2005 - In Robertson, C. L. & N. Sagiv, Synesthesia: Perspectives From Cognitive Neuroscience. Oxford University Press.
  3.  70
    Less cybernetics, more geometry….René Thom - 1985 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 8 (1):166-167.
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    Philosophical Letters.René Descartes & Anthony John Patrick Kenny - 1970 - Blackwell.
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    The Opacity of Bodily Symptoms: Anonymous Meaning in Psychopathology.Rosfort René - 2017 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 24 (1):69-71.
    Through an original combination of phenomenology and psychoanalysis, Ingerslev and Legrand argue convincingly for a complex theoretical framework for making sense of bodily symptoms in psychopathology. The argument is particularly interesting because it manages to show how the theoretical efforts to arrive at a better understanding of bodily symptoms are connected closely with the ethical demand involved in the dialogical situation of therapy. The framework thus operates on two interconnected levels, on the one hand ensuring a more careful clinical differentiation (...)
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  6. The single individual.René Rosfort - 2024 - In J. Aaron Simmons, Jeffrey Hanson & Wojciech Kaftanski, Kierkegaardian phenomenologies. Lanham: Lexington Books.
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  7. Implicit attitudes and implicit prejudices.René Baston & Gottfried Vosgerau - 2016 - Philosophical Psychology 29 (6):889-903.
    In social psychology, the concept of implicit attitudes has given rise to ongoing discussions that are rather philosophical. The aim of this paper is to discuss the status of implicit prejudices from a philosophical point of view. Since implicit prejudices are a special case of implicit attitudes, the discussion will be framed by a short discussion of the most central aspects concerning implicit attitudes and indirect measures. In particular, the ontological conclusions that are implied by different conceptions of implicit attitudes (...)
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    New Evidence on Nicanor’s Theory of Punctuation.René Nünlist - 2023 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 167 (1):8-21.
    A concise summary of Nicanor’s theory of punctuation that has recently been discovered in a codex mixtus of the 15th century throws precious new light on a topic of some complexity. The general picture that emerges from the new extract does not substantially differ from that of the other known summary, which has been the starting point for all modern reconstructions of Nicanor’s theory. Therefore, these reconstructions need not be rewritten on a larger scale. The two summaries nevertheless display some (...)
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  9. (1 other version)Sagehood and the Stoics.Rene Brouwer - 2002 - Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy 23:181-224.
  10.  29
    Towards a Dynamic Model of the Psychological Contract.René Schalk & Robert E. Roe - 2007 - Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 37 (2):167-182.
    This paper presents a dynamic perspective in which the psychological contract is treated as a structured set of beliefs that are held by individual employees about the mutual obligations of the organization as employer and themselves as employees. This set of beliefs is assumed to produce a state of commitment to the organization in which the employee is willing to accept work roles and tasks offered by the organization, and to carry them out in accordance with certain standards. The dynamic (...)
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  11.  69
    Auditory emotional cues enhance visual perception.René Zeelenberg & Bruno R. Bocanegra - 2010 - Cognition 115 (1):202-206.
  12.  35
    Characterizations of the β- and the Degree Network Power Measure.René Brink, Peter Borm, Ruud Hendrickx & Guillermo Owen - 2008 - Theory and Decision 64 (4):519-536.
    A symmetric network consists of a set of positions and a set of bilateral links between these positions. For every symmetric network we define a cooperative transferable utility game that measures the “power” of each coalition of positions in the network. Applying the Shapley value to this game yields a network power measure, the β-measure, which reflects the power of the individual positions in the network. Applying this power distribution method iteratively yields a limit distribution, which turns out to be (...)
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  13. (1 other version)L’essence de la société selon Husserl.René Toulemont - 1962 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 161:478-479.
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  14. Two flaws concerning belief accounts of implicit biases.Baston Rene - 2018 - Philosophical Psychology 31 (3):352-367.
    The current scientific discourse offers two opposing viewpoints about the roots of implicit biases: are they belief states or subdoxastic attitudes? The goal of this paper is to show that belief accounts of implicit biases are too demanding and lack a satisfying reasoning theory. Firstly, I will outline the concept of attitude and its relation to implicit biases. Next, I will briefly outline Mendelbaum’s view, who gives a paradigmatic example of a belief account of implicit biases. Afterward, I will concern (...)
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    Exploring Ricoeur’s hermeneutic theory of interpretation as a method of analysing research texts.Rene Geanellos - 2000 - Nursing Inquiry 7 (2):112-119.
    Exploring Ricoeur’s hermeneutic theory of interpretation as a method of analysing research texts Increasingly, researchers use hermeneutic philosophy to inform the conduct of interpretive research. Congruence between the philosophical foundations of a study, and the methodological processes through which study findings are actualised, obliges hermeneutic researchers to use (or develop) hermeneutic approaches to research interviewing and textual analysis. Paul Ricoeur’s theory of interpretation provides one approach through which researchers using hermeneutics can achieve congruence between philosophy, methodology and method.Ricoeur’s theory of (...)
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  16.  51
    Aristote: zoologie et éthique.René Lefebvre - 2013 - Archai: Revista de Estudos Sobre as Origens Do Pensamento Ocidental 11:101-110.
    Authentique zoologue, Aristote fait de l’homme un animal parmi d’autres au sein des êtres naturels. Les travaux scientifiques, cependant, malgré des rapprochements, mettent déjà en évidence sa singularité, tandis que l’animal non humain, considéré comme dépourvu de raison malgré des nuances, est exclu du champ de l’éthique dont la bestialité marque la limite. La vertu se conquiert en grande partie contre la part animale de l’homme mais l’animal en est incapable au sens strict. L’animal n’a guère valeur de modèle et (...)
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  17.  42
    On the Ancient Background of Grotius's Notion of Natural Law.René Brouwer - 2008 - Grotiana 29 (1):1-24.
    Grotius's notion of natural law is, as he himself makes clear, founded upon two demands of nature, which are to be connected with what is now known as the Stoic doctrine of appropriation. However, Grotius's understanding of the notion of natural law as a set of rules is not Stoic, but rather goes back to an interpretation that can be ascribed to Antiochus of Ascalon. By moving away from the Stoics Grotius could not only easily accommodate the Aristotelian doctrine of (...)
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  18.  30
    Hermeneutic philosophy. Part II: a nursing research example of the hermeneutic imperative to address forestructures/pre‐understandings.Rene Geanellos - 1998 - Nursing Inquiry 5 (4):238-247.
    Hermeneutic philosophy. Part II: a nursing research example of the hermeneutic imperative to address forestructures/pre‐understandingsHermeneutic research requires that pre‐understandings are brought to consciousness in order to provide the phenomenon under investigation with the greatest opportunity to reveal itself. This hermeneutic imperative is dealt with in the present study. My research involved explicating the practice knowledge of nursing on residential adolescent mental health units, and as I had worked on such units I held pre‐understandings that would influence the research. I addressed (...)
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    Aristote, le syllogisme pratique et les animaux.René Lefebvre - 2008 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 60 (4):535.
    Aristote fait parfois état d’une pensée animale. Dans le De motu animalium, il paraît même considérer que les animaux ont recours à des syllogismes pratiques : il vaut cependant mieux résister à toute tentation de croire qu’il explique en ces termes le comportement animal, dans la mesure où il refuse d’attribuer aux animaux non humains le raisonnement, et tout d’abord l’universalité de la pensée ; or, qui dit absence de concepts ou de jugements universels dit incapacité d’établir les prémisses d’un (...)
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  20.  27
    Oxytocin drives prosocial biases in favor of attractive people.René Hurlemann, Dirk Scheele, Wolfgang Maier & Johannes Schultz - 2017 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 40.
    Current perspectives on attractiveness-related prosocial biases emphasize the contribution of evolutionarily shaped mating drives. Here, we extend these concepts by highlighting the pivotal role of the hypothalamic peptide oxytocin in augmenting the salience and rewarding value of social stimuli, including the partner's face, thereby fostering social bonding in general and the stability of monogamous pair bonds and offspring care in particular.
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  21. Art(s) and Power(s).René Berger & R. Scott Walker - 1982 - Diogenes 30 (120):103-134.
    At first glance such a title seems antinomic. Obviously we accept the fact that there exists a relation, frequently conflictual, between the press and public authority, without mentioning other media; but art continues to represent, at least in the mind of the public, a privileged domain which, though subject to frequently abrupt and brutal changes, benefits nevertheless from an “innocence” distinguishing it from other activities. Visiting the Louvre in Paris, the Uffizi in Florence, or touring the Loire valley châteaux are (...)
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    Arai.René Vallois - 1914 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 38 (1):250-271.
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    A propos d'un malentendu.René Berthelot - 1936 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 43 (4):641 - 643.
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    L’idée de physique mathématique chez les philosophes grecs entre Pythagore et Platon.René Berthelot - 1902 - Bibliothèque du Congrès International de Philosophie 4:79-101.
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  25. L'astrobiologie et la pensee de l'asie : Essai sur Les origines Des sciences et Des théories moraLes.René Berthelot - 1935 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 42 (4):481-519.
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  26. La mythologie promitive et la pensée de l'inde: Discussion.RenÉ Berthelot - 1937 - Société Française de Philosophie, Bulletin 37 (3):(1937:mai/juin).
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  27. (1 other version)La sagesse de gœthe et la civilisation de l'europe moderne.René Berthelot - 1927 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 34 (1):1-34.
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  28. Un Romantisme utilitaire. — Le Pragmatismechez Bergson. Bibliothèque de Philosophie contemporaine.René Berthelot - 1914 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 77:624-631.
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    HEIDEGGER, Martin, Les problèmes fondamentaux de la phénoménologieHEIDEGGER, Martin, Les problèmes fondamentaux de la phénoménologie.René Bolduc - 1985 - Laval Théologique et Philosophique 41 (3):454-456.
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    L'être-avec chez Heidegger.René Bolduc - 1993 - Dialogue 32 (2):259-.
    Le problème de l'être-avec et de la socialité chez Heidegger a déjà une longue tradition de commentateurs. Ceux-ci se distinguent par la pluralité de leurs approches: se situant parfois à l'opposé de la méthode d'Être et temps, ils se portent alors à la défense d'autrui, insistent sur l'aspect dialogique et sur l'importance de la rationalité du discours dans le monde de la vie. D'autres encore, sans nécessairement remettre en question la méthodologie heideggérienne, défendent ou réinterprètent autrement sa phénoménologie de l'existence (...)
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  31. Wij zijn onze grote teen.René Boomkens - 2014 - Wijsgerig Perspectief 54 (1):46-47.
    Amsterdam University Press is a leading publisher of academic books, journals and textbooks in the Humanities and Social Sciences. Our aim is to make current research available to scholars, students, innovators, and the general public. AUP stands for scholarly excellence, global presence, and engagement with the international academic community.
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    Education et philosophie: écrits en l'honneur d'Olivier Reboul.Renée Bouveresse & Olivier Reboul (eds.) - 1993 - Paris: Presses Universitaires de France - PUF.
  33.  9
    Initiation à la philosophie vivante.René Bovard - 1972 - [Tours]: Mame.
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    Stoics and the State: Theory – Practice – Context, written by Jula Wildberger.René Brouwer - 2020 - Polis 37 (1):177-180.
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  35. Initiation à la politique: doctrines, régimes, partis.René Bulman - 1958 - Neuchâtel,: La Baconnière.
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  36. The particularity of photographic experience.René Jagnow - 2023 - Theoria 89 (2):216-231.
    A common view in the philosophy of perception holds that states of seeing objects face to face have particular contents. When you see, say, a dog face to face, your visual state represents the particular dog that is in front of you. In this paper, I argue for a related claim about states of seeing objects in conventional photographs. When you see a dog in a photograph, for example, your visual state represents the particular dog that was in front of (...)
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    Is the Homo Ludens Cheerful and Serious at the Same Time? An Empirical Study of Hugo Rahner’s Notion of Ernstheiterkeit.René T. Proyer & Frank A. Rodden - 2013 - Archive for the Psychology of Religion 35 (2):213-231.
    The theologian Hugo Rahner argued that the homo ludens is a man of ‘Ernstheiterkeit’, a person who can smile under tears but also recognizes the gravity in all earthly cheerfulness. The primary aim of this study was to test the validity of this notion: Do homines ludentes exist? Two hundred sixty-three adult subjects were measured for seriousness and cheerfulness and playfulness. Results provided unequivocal support for Rahner's thesis. Numerous subjects scored high in both seriousness and cheerfulness thus confirming the existence (...)
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    Towards a dynamic model of the psychological contract.René Schalk & R. O. E. E. - 2007 - Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 37 (2):167–182.
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    (4 other versions)A discourse on method.René Descartes - 1924 - New York,: Washington Square Press. Edited by Elizabeth Sanderson Haldane, Ross, George Robert Thomson, [From Old Catalog] & Joseph Epstein.
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    Topographie délienne ; II. Les édifices du groupe Nord.René Vallois - 1929 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 53 (1):185-315.
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    La notion de progres devant la science actuelle.Rene Legendre - 1939 - Philosophical Review 48:240.
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    A Brief History of Human Diploid Cell Strains.Rene Leiva - 2006 - The National Catholic Bioethics Quarterly 6 (3):443-451.
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    L'artiste et sa conscience.René Leibowitz - 1950 - Paris: L'Arche.
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    (1 other version)Hume et Bergson, une pratique de la méthode chez Deleuze.René Lemieux - 2009 - Symposium 13 (2):68-96.
    Sous le thème de la « méthode », l’auteur se propose de formuler une éthique de la lecture à partir de Gilles Deleuze. L’analyse est fondée sur un dédoublement de la lecture : d’abord la lecture qu’a fait De-leuze de David Hume tel qu’exprimé dans Empirisme et subjectivité (1953) et celle de Henri Bergson dans Le bergsonisme (1966), ensuite par la lecture que l’auteur fait de ces deux livres de Deleuze. Par l’entremise de l’empirisme (Hume) et de l’intuition (Bergson), l’auteur (...)
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    Concrete Infinity: Imagination and the Question of Reality.René Rosfort - 2017 - In K. Brian Söderquist, René Rosfort & Arne Grøn, Kierkegaard's Existential Approach. Berlin: De Gruyter. pp. 193-214.
    This essay examines the ambiguous role of imagination in Kierkegaard's work, arguing that the concept of imagination is fundamental to his existential transformation of the question of reality.
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  46.  22
    Regulae Ad Directionem Ingenii: Rules for the Direction of the Natural Intelligence. A Bilingual Edition.René Descartes - 1998 - Brill | Rodopi.
    Exactly four hundred years after the birth of René Descartes, the present volume now makes available, for the first time in a bilingual, philosophical edition prepared especially for English-speaking readers, his _Regulae ad directionem ingenii / Rules for the Direction of the Natural Intelligence_, the Cartesian treatise on method. This unique edition contains an improved version of the original Latin text, a new English translation intended to be as literal as possible and as liberal as necessary, an interpretive essay contextualizing (...)
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    Traité des passions.René Descartes & Alain - 1965 - Jonquières.
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    „Aber Ich Notire Mich, Für Mich.“ – Die IX. Abteilung der Kritischen Gesamtausgabe Von Nietzsches Werken.René Stockmar & Beat Röllin - 2007 - Nietzsche Studien 36 (1):35-53.
  49.  19
    Network Dynamics of Attention During a Naturalistic Behavioral Paradigm.René Weber, Bradly Alicea, Richard Huskey & Klaus Mathiak - 2018 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 12.
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    Das Äusserste, was ein Mensch sein kann: Betrachtung und Gespräch über Thomas von Aquin.Rene Weiland - 2007 - Kassel: Aquinarte. Edited by Josef Pieper.
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