Results for 'Reduced product'

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  1.  67
    Reduced products of logical matrices.Janusz Czelakowski - 1980 - Studia Logica 39 (1):19 - 43.
    The class Matr(C) of all matrices for a prepositional logic (, C) is investigated. The paper contains general results with no special reference to particular logics. The main theorem (Th. (5.1)) which gives the algebraic characterization of the class Matr(C) states the following. Assume C to be the consequence operation on a prepositional language induced by a class K of matrices. Let m be a regular cardinal not less than the cardinality of C. Then Matr (C) is the least class (...)
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    Reduced products and sheaves of metric structures.Vinicius Cifú Lopes - 2013 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 59 (3):219-229.
  3.  16
    Reduced Products and Horn Classes.H. Jerome Keisler - 1966 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 31 (3):507-507.
  4.  42
    (1 other version)Continuous sentences preserved under reduced products.Isaac Goldbring & H. Jerome Keisler - 2020 - Journal of Symbolic Logic:1-33.
    Answering a question of Cifú Lopes, we give a syntactic characterization of those continuous sentences that are preserved under reduced products of metric structures. In fact, we settle this question in the wider context of general structures as introduced by the second author.
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    Reduced products and nonstandard logics.M. Benda - 1969 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 34 (3):424-436.
  6.  54
    On regular reduced products.Juliette Kennedy & Saharon Shelah - 2002 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 67 (3):1169-1177.
    Assume $\langle \aleph_0, \aleph_1 \rangle \rightarrow \langle \lambda, \lambda^+ \rangle$ . Assume M is a model of a first order theory T of cardinality at most λ+ in a language L(T) of cardinality $\leq \lambda$ . Let N be a model with the same language. Let Δ be a set of first order formulas in L(T) and let D be a regular filter on λ. Then M is $\Delta-embeddable$ into the reduced power $N^\lambda/D$ , provided that every $\Delta-existential$ formula (...)
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  7.  20
    Infinite games and reduced products.W. Hodges - 1981 - Annals of Mathematical Logic 20 (1):77.
  8.  60
    More on Regular Reduced Products.Juliette Cara Kennedy & Saharon Shelah - 2004 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 69 (4):1261 - 1266.
    The authors show. by means of a finitary version $\square_{\lambda D}^{fin}$ of the combinatorial principle $\square_\lambda^{h*}$ of [7]. the consistency of the failure, relative to the consistency of supercompact cardinals, of the following: for all regular filters D on a cardinal A. if Mi and Ni are elementarily equivalent models of a language of size $\leq \lambda$ , then the second player has a winning strategy in the Ehrenfeucht- $Fra\uml{i}ss\acute{e}$ game of length $\lambda^{+}$ on $\pi_{i} M_{i}/D$ and $\pi_{i} N_{i}/D$ . (...)
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    Onκ-complete reduced products.Tapani Hyttinen - 1992 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 31 (3):193-199.
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    Fred Galvin. Reduced products, Horn sentences, and decision problems. Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society, vol. 73 , pp. 59–64. [REVIEW]Arnold Oberschelp - 1968 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 33 (3):477.
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    Review: H. Jerome Keisler, Reduced Products and Horn Classes. [REVIEW]Arnold Oberschelp - 1966 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 31 (3):507-507.
  12.  26
    Reducing Ethical Hazards in Knowledge Production.Alan Cottey - 2016 - Science and Engineering Ethics 22 (2):367-389.
    This article discusses the ethics of knowledge production from a cultural point of view, in contrast with the more usual emphasis on the ethical issues facing individuals involved in KP. Here, the emphasis is on the cultural environment within which individuals, groups and institutions perform KP. A principal purpose is to suggest ways in which reliable scientific knowledge could be produced more efficiently. The distinction between ethical hazard and ethical behaviour is noted. Ethical hazards cannot be eliminated but they can (...)
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  13.  62
    Review: Miroslav Benda, On Saturated Reduced Products. [REVIEW]Leszek Pacholski - 1975 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 40 (3):456-456.
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    Reduced Direct Products.T. Frayne, A. C. Morel & D. S. Scott - 1966 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 31 (3):506-507.
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    Does Product Market Competition Promote or Reduce Firms’ Corporate Social Responsibility Behavior? How Stakeholder Attention Shapes Responsiveness to Stakeholders.Yichen Wang & Christopher Marquis - forthcoming - Journal of Business Ethics:1-30.
    Does product market competition (PMC) promote or reduce firms’ corporate social responsibility (CSR) behavior? While some studies suggest that CSR is a differentiation strategy that leads to a positive relationship between PMC and CSR, others consider CSR a discretionary cost that firms in competitive markets should avoid. Drawing on instrumental stakeholder theory and research on organizational attention, we aim to clarify the extent to which CSR provides a competitive advantage for firms by exploring how different types of stakeholder attention—both (...)
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  16.  63
    Reduced coproducts of compact hausdorff spaces.Paul Bankston - 1987 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 52 (2):404-424.
    By analyzing how one obtains the Stone space of the reduced product of an indexed collection of Boolean algebras from the Stone spaces of those algebras, we derive a topological construction, the "reduced coproduct", which makes sense for indexed collections of arbitrary Tichonov spaces. When the filter in question is an ultrafilter, we show how the "ultracoproduct" can be obtained from the usual topological ultraproduct via a compactification process in the style of Wallman and Frink. We prove (...)
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  17.  40
    Reducing Tobacco Use Through Withdrawal Policies: When Should We Ban the Use of a Harmful Product?Kayhan Parsi - 2016 - American Journal of Bioethics 16 (7):1-2.
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    Reducing Enterprise Product Line Architecture Deployment and Testing Costs via Model-Driven Deployment, Configuration, and Testing.Jules White & Douglas C. Schmidt - unknown
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    Does certified organic farming reduce greenhouse gas emissions from agricultural production?Julius Alexander McGee - 2015 - Agriculture and Human Values 32 (2):255-263.
    The increasing prevalence of ecologically sustainable products in consumer markets, such as organic produce, are generally assumed to curtail anthropogenic impacts on the environment. Here I intend to present an alternative perspective on sustainable production by interpreting the relationship between recent rises in organic agriculture and greenhouse gas emissions from agricultural production. I construct two time series fixed-effects panel regressions to estimate how increases in organic farmland impact greenhouse gas emissions derived from agricultural production. My analysis finds that the rise (...)
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  20.  9
    Willingness to Reduce Animal Product Consumption: Exploring the Role of Environmental, Animal, and Health Motivations, Selfishness, and Animal-oriented Empathy.Angela Dillon-Murray, Aletha Ward & Jeffrey Soar - 2024 - Food Ethics 9 (2):1-20.
    Increasing the willingness to reduce animal product consumption has the potential to contribute to ameliorating the impact of animal agriculture on the environment, as well as foster healthier diets and improve the lives of farmed and wild animals. Reduction of animal product consumption is a prosocial behaviour (PSB), and factors that are considered to influence it are empathy and selfishness. In this research, animal-oriented empathy examined empathy specifically for animals. Animal oriented empathy and three types of selfishness: adaptive, (...)
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  21.  21
    Which forces reduce entropy production?Alfred Hubler - 2014 - Complexity 19 (5):6-7.
  22.  29
    Does certified organic farming reduce greenhouse gas emissions from agricultural production? Comment on the McGee study.Adrian Muller, Eduardo Aguilera, Colin Skinner & Andreas Gattinger - 2016 - Agriculture and Human Values 33 (4):943-947.
    A recent study by McGee from the University of Oregon has led to discussions in international media and on the web. This study addresses an interesting question and applies advanced statistics for its analysis. However, we identify several methodological flaws that invalidate the results. First, McGee tests a hypothesis that does not correspond to his main question and which does not allow McGee to derive the conclusions that are drawn in his paper and reported in the media coverage. Second, the (...)
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  23.  25
    (2 other versions)Some Notions of Reducibility and Productiveness.A. H. Lachlan - 1965 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 11 (1):17-44.
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    Does certified organic farming reduce greenhouse gas emissions from agricultural production? Reply to Muller et al.Julius Alexander McGee - 2016 - Agriculture and Human Values 33 (4):949-952.
    In this comment I respond to the criticisms put forth by Muller et al. It is my assessment that the authors’ make useful suggestions for future analyses. However, their conclusion regarding the invalidity of my results are based on a misconception of the goals and data used in my article.
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    Do children's cognitive advertising defenses reduce their desire for advertised products?Patti Valkenburg, Moniek Buijzen & Esther Rozendaal - 2009 - Communications 34 (3):287-303.
    In both the academic and societal debates, it is widely assumed that cognitive advertising defenses can reduce children's susceptibility to advertising effects. Empirical evidence supporting this crucial assumption is however missing. It is precisely this gap that the present study aims to fill In a survey of 296 children, we investigate whether children's cognitive defenses reduce the relationship between the amount of television advertising they are exposed to and their desire for advertised product categories. Interaction analysis in regression shows (...)
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  26. Ethical Issues in Mitigation of Climate Change: The Option of Reduced Meat Production and Consumption. [REVIEW]Anders Nordgren - 2012 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 25 (4):563-584.
    In this paper I discuss ethical issues related to mitigation of climate change. In particular, I focus on mitigation of climate change to the extent this change is caused by livestock production. I support the view—on which many different ethical approaches converge—that the present generation has a moral obligation to mitigate climate change for the benefit of future generations and that developed countries should take the lead in the process. Moreover, I argue that since livestock production is an important contributing (...)
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    The Productivity of Care: Contextualizing Care in Situated Interaction and Shedding Light on its Latent Purposes.Alessandro Pratesi - 2011 - Ethics and Social Welfare 5 (2):123-137.
    Care work may be connected with emotional and psychological exhaustion but also gratification, reward, and self-empowerment. Caregivers experience both positive and negative emotional states in caring situations, and further studies on the rewarding and energizing aspects of care may help us to broaden our understanding of how we can reduce the degree of burden while increasing the sense of satisfaction. This article shows how the focus on emotion is a necessary step to show the ambivalences and the grey areas connected (...)
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  28.  56
    Ethical Products = Less Strong: How Explicit and Implicit Reliance on the Lay Theory Affects Consumption Behaviors.Arne Buhs, Wassili Lasarov, Stefan Hoffmann & Robert Mai - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 158 (3):659-677.
    Many consumers implicitly associate sustainability with lower product strength. This so-called ethical = less strong intuition (ELSI) poses a major threat for the success of sustainable products. This article explores this pervasive lay theory and examines whether it is a key barrier for sustainable consumption patterns. Even more importantly, little is known about the underlying mechanisms that might operate differently at the implicit and explicit levels of the consumer’s decision-making. To fill this gap, three studies examine how the implicit (...)
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  29.  19
    Solving the Complexity Problem in the Electronics Production Process by Reducing the Sensitivity of Transmission Line Characteristics to Their Parameter Variations.Talgat R. Gazizov, Indira Ye Sagiyeva & Sergey P. Kuksenko - 2019 - Complexity 2019:1-11.
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    On the Prediction of Product Aesthetic Evaluation Based on Hesitant-Fuzzy Cognition and Neural Network.Xinying Wu, Minggang Yang, Zishun Su & Xinxin Zhang - 2022 - Complexity 2022:1-18.
    Product market competitiveness is positively influenced by the aesthetic value of product form, which is closely related to product complexity. By measuring the cognitive complexity of the product, this research establishes the relationship between the complexity and aesthetics of the product using an artificial neural network. Hence the prediction of product beauty is achieved, which guides design decisions. In this article, the complexity of product form is first measured through a combination of hesitant-fuzzy (...)
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    Production vs. Realisation in Marx's Theory of Value: A Reply to Kincaid.Ben Fine & Alfredo Saad-Filho - 2008 - Historical Materialism 16 (4):167-180.
    In a review of our work, Kincaid suggests that we are 'productivist', reducing interpretation of Marx and capitalism to production at the expense of the relatively independent role that can be played by the value-form in general and by the money-form in particular. In response, we argue that he distorts interpretation of our work through this prism of production versus exchange, unduly emphasises the independence of exchange to the point of underconsumptionism, and simplistically collapses the mediation between production and exchange (...)
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  32. Exploring the role of rejection in scholarly knowledge production: Insights from granular interaction thinking and information theory.Quan-Hoang Vuong & Minh-Hoang Nguyen - 2024 - Learned Publishing 37 (4):e1636.
    Rejection is an essential part of the scholarly publishing process, acting as a filter to distinguish between robust and less credible scientific works. While rejection helps reduce entropy and increase the likelihood of disseminating useful knowledge, the process is not devoid of subjectivity. Providing more informative rejection letters and encouraging humility among editors and reviewers are essential to enhance the efficiency of knowledge production as they help ensure that valuable scientific contributions are not overlooked.
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    Isolated Environmental Cues and Product Efficacy Penalties: The Color Green and Eco-labels.Ethan Pancer, Lindsay McShane & Theodore J. Noseworthy - 2017 - Journal of Business Ethics 143 (1):159-177.
    The current work examines how cues traditionally used to signal environmental friendliness, specifically the color green and eco-labels, and influence product efficacy perceptions and subsequent purchase intentions. Across three experiments, we find that environmental cues used in isolation reduce perceptions of product efficacy. We argue that this efficacy discounting effect occurs because the isolated use of an environmental cue introduces category ambiguity by activating competing functionality and environmentally friendly schemas during evaluation. We discuss the implications of our findings (...)
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  34. Estimating analogical similarity by vector dot-products of holographic reduced representations.T. A. Plate - unknown
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    Reduced Memory Representations for Music.Edward W. Large, Caroline Palmėr & Jordan B. Pollack - 1995 - Cognitive Science 19 (1):53-96.
    We address the problem of musical variation (identification of different musical sequences as variations) and its implications for mental representations of music. According to reductionist theories, listeners judge the structural importance of musical events while forming mental representations. These judgments may result from the production of reduced memory representations that retain only the musical gist. In a study of improvised music performance, pianists produced variations on melodies. Analyses of the musical events retained across variations provided support for the reductionist (...)
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  36.  25
    Resource‐efficiency actions and financial performance: Exploring the moderating role of production cost.Muhammad Ishfaq Ahmad, Muhammad Akram Naseem, Enrico Battisti, Ramiz Ur Rehman & Guido Giovando - 2024 - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility 34 (1):69-80.
    This study employs the Porter hypothesis framework to test the moderating role of production cost in the relationship between resource-efficiency actions and financial performance for German small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). For this purpose, we employ the 2012, 2018, and 2021 Flash Eurobarometer surveys to analyze how consistently SMEs adopt resource-efficiency actions, and the impact of these actions on their performance and costs. We also conduct a generalized method of moments regression analysis (GMM). Among the seven resource-efficiency actions proposed, saving (...)
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  37. Future Teleworking Inclinations Post-COVID-19: Examining the Role of Teleworking Conditions and Perceived Productivity.Clara Weber, Sarah E. Golding, Joanna Yarker, Rachel Lewis, Eleanor Ratcliffe, Fehmidah Munir, Theresa P. Wheele, Eunji Häne & Lukas Windlinger - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Organisations have implemented intensive home-based teleworking in response to global COVID-19 lockdowns and other pandemic-related restrictions. Financial pressures are driving organisations to continue intensive teleworking after the pandemic. Understanding employees’ teleworking inclinations post COVID-19, and how these inclinations are influenced by different factors, is important to ensure any future, more permanent changes to teleworking policies are sustainable for both employees and organisations. This study, therefore, investigated the relationships between the context of home-based teleworking during the pandemic, productivity perceptions during home-based (...)
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  38.  51
    Theories of modules closed under direct products.Roger Villemaire - 1992 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 57 (2):515-521.
    We generalize to theories of modules (complete or not) a result of U. Felgner stating that a complete theory of abelian groups is a Horn theory if and only if it is closed under products. To prove this we show that a reduced product of modules $\Pi_F M_i (i \in I)$ is elementarily equivalent to a direct product of ultraproducts of the modules $M_i (i \in I)$.
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    Embarrassing Product, Image Type, and Personal Pronoun: The Mediating Effect of Body Imagery.Shenghong Ye, Haoyun Yan, Zhengyu Lin & Zan Huang - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Consumers often feel embarrassed when buying products like condoms, hemorrhoid cream, and beriberi cream in crowded pharmacies. There is an interesting phenomenon in life: Some beriberi creams use the images of a “real foot”, while others use the images of a “cartoon foot.” Imagine if a young woman needed to go to a retail store for beriberi cream that would embarrass her, she would choose a “real foot image” or a “cartoon foot image” beriberi cream? It has been shown that (...)
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  40.  54
    The Production and Reinforcement of Ignorance in Collaborative Interdisciplinary Research.Zachary Piso, Ezgi Sertler, Anna Malavisi, Ken Marable, Erik Jensen, Chad Gonnerman & Michael O’Rourke - 2016 - Social Epistemology 30 (5-6):643-664.
    One way to articulate the promise of interdisciplinary research is in terms of the relationship between knowledge and ignorance. Disciplinary research yields deep knowledge of a circumscribed range of issues, but remains ignorant of those issues that stretch outside its purview. Because complex problems such as climate change do not respect disciplinary boundaries, disciplinary research responses to such problems are limited and partial. Interdisciplinary research responses, by contrast, integrate disciplinary perspectives by combining knowledge about different issues and as a result (...)
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  41.  12
    An Intermediary Between Production and Consumption: The Producer of Popular Music.Antoine Hennion - 1989 - Science, Technology and Human Values 14 (4):400-424.
    Trying to reduce the divide between culture and science, this article follows the producer of popular records, as an interface between music and its market. Like the innovator when he does not obey scientific, technical, and commercial reasons in succession, but reshapes them all together through a double task of giving its form to the product and the interesting people within it, the producer represents the public to the artist and the music to the media. First in a local (...)
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  42. Co-production of Liminal Spaces: Tectonics and Politics of Socio-Environmental justice in Urban Thresholds.Sina Mostafavi, Asma Mehan, Sarvin Eshaghi, Sepehr Vaez Afshar, Jessica Stuckemeyer, Cole Howell & Ali Etemadi - 2023 - In Miguel Núñez Jiménez, Venice 2023 Architecture Biennial: Time, Space, Existence. European Cultural Center. pp. 264-265.
    The 2023 edition of the Venice Architecture Biennial Time Space Existence will draw attention to the emerging expressions of sustainability in their numerous forms, ranging from a focus on the environment and urban landscape to the unfolding conversations on innovation, reuse, community, and inclusion. In response to climate change, exhibited projects will investigate new technologies and construction methods that reduce energy consumption through circular design and develop innovative, organic, and recycled building materials. Participants will also address social justice by presenting (...)
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  43.  18
    Probiotic dairy products and consumption preferences in terms of sweetness sensitivity and the occurrence of childhood obesity.Marek Kardas, Wiktoria Staśkiewicz, Ewa Niewiadomska, Agata Kiciak, Agnieszka Bielaszka & Edyta Fatyga - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Fermented dairy products such as yogurt contain many bioactive compounds. In addition, probiotic yogurts are an invaluable source of probiotic bacteria and are a group of probiotic products best accepted by children. There is plenty of research indicating an interdependence between yogurt consumption, body mass index, and adipose tissue percentage, which suggests that yogurt consumption may contribute to reducing the risk of becoming overweight or obese. In turn, the occurrence of overweight and obesity may be accompanied by a reduced (...)
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  44.  22
    Lachlan A. H.. Some notions of reducibility and productiveness. Zeitschrift für mathematische Logik und Grundlagen der Mathematik, vol. 11 , pp. 17–44. [REVIEW]Carl G. Jockusch - 1970 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 35 (3):478-478.
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    Artistic Production and the Making of the Artist: Applying Nishida Kitarō to Discussions of Authorship.Kyle Peters - 2018 - Philosophy East and West 68 (2):477-496.
    Nishida Kitarō's account of authorship and artistic production constitutes the focus of this essay.1 Its general thesis is that Nishida's keen attention to the subjective qua objective, active qua intuitive intersection can be used to articulate a new, bidirectional account of artistic production. This essay uses this bidirectional account to engage critically with those unidirectional interpretive procedures grounded in the life or death of the Author.2 It takes up the former as it privileges the subjective conditions of production, reducing text (...)
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  46. The Production of Subjectivity: Marx and Contemporary Continental Thought.Jason D. Read - 2001 - Dissertation, State University of New York at Binghamton
    This project is an attempt to frame and develop the questions: What is the relation between the economy, what Marx called the mode of production, and transformations of subjectivity and social relations? How is it possible to think these relations without reducing one to the other, or effacing one for the sake of the other? In short, how can we think the materiality of subjectivity? Several different discourses and lines of research provoke these questions. First, recent and not so recent (...)
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  47.  34
    Ethics and Biofuel Production in Chile.Celián Román-Figueroa & Manuel Paneque - 2015 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 28 (2):293-312.
    Chile needs to diversify its energy supply, and should establish policies that encourage the production and use of biofuels. The demand for energy resources increases with population growth and industrial development, making it urgent to find green alternatives to minimize the impacts of greenhouse gas emissions of traditional fuels. However, it is required that sophisticated strategies consider all externalities from the production of biofuels and should be established on the basis of protecting the environment, reducing GHG emissions and to avoid (...)
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    “Lights out” poultry production and pandemic influenza.Robert Sparrow, Chris Degeling & Christopher Mayes - 2024 - Agriculture and Human Values 41 (4):1385-1391.
    Poultry production makes a substantial contribution to global food security, providing energy, protein, and essential micro-nutrients to humans. Modern intensive poultry farming systems are challenged by the evolution of Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza strains. The presence of avian influenza in poultry flocks poses a significant risk of an avian origin influenza that is easily transmittable between human beings evolving. By reducing contact between humans and fowl, the use of automation in poultry production has the potential to improve biosecurity and thus (...)
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    Lactate production by the mammalian blastocyst: Manipulating the microenvironment for uterine implantation and invasion?David K. Gardner - 2015 - Bioessays 37 (4):364-371.
    The mammalian blastocyst exhibits a high capacity for aerobic glycolysis, a metabolic characteristic of tumours. It has been considered that aerobic glycolysis is a means to ensure a high carbon flux to fulfil biosynthetic demands. Here, alternative explanations for this pattern of metabolism are considered. Lactate creates a microenvironment of low pH around the embryo to assist the disaggregation of uterine tissues to facilitate trophoblast invasion. Further it is proposed that lactate acts as a signalling molecule (especially at the (...) oxygen tension present at implantation) to elicit bioactive VEGF recruitment from uterine cells, to promote angiogenesis. Finally it is suggested that the region of high lactate/low pH created by the blastocyst modulates the activity of the local immune response, helping to create immune tolerance. Consequently, the mammalian blastocyst offers a model to study the role of microenvironments, and how metabolites and pH are used in signalling. (shrink)
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    Towards an aesthetics of production.Sebastian Egenhofer - 2017 - Zurich: Diaphanes.
    Throughout the twentieth century, critical art history often chose to ally itself with a restrictive brand of formalism. As a result, representation- and ideology-critical analyses regularly reduced the artwork to the bare bones (Hegel) of the material signifier in its social use. By contrast, in the texts assembled here, elements of a critical materialism are combined with an effort to reevaluate the meta-physical implications of modern abstraction and art since the 1960s. Taking Gilles Deleuze s readings of Spinoza, Nietzsche, (...)
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