Results for 'Rawson Claude'

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    Unspeakable Rites.Claude Rawson - 1999 - Social Research: An International Quarterly 66.
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    Mapping Mythologies: Countercurrents in Eighteenth-Century Poetry and Cultural History by Marilyn Butler.Rawson Claude - 2018 - Common Knowledge 24 (1):169-170.
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    God, Gulliver and Genocide: Barbarism and the European Imagination, 1492–1945: Claude Rawson; Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2001, £25.00, ISBN 0 19 818425 5.Colin Kidd - 2002 - History of European Ideas 28 (4):322-325.
  4.  20
    Ammianus Geographicus.Gavin A. Sundwall - 1996 - American Journal of Philology 117 (4):619-643.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Ammianus GeographicusGavin A. SundwallElizabeth Rawson, in her impressive study of the intellectual life of the late Roman Republic, writes concerning the famous beginning of Caesar’s De Bello Gallico: “Caesar opens his work by introducing the geography of Gaul from scratch; his account would be clearer if a simple map with the main rivers had been appended, but there is no sign that it was.” 1 Yet would an (...)
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    The Kaṭha Upaniṣad. An Introductory Study in the Hindu Doctrine of God and of Human DestinyThe Katha Upanisad. An Introductory Study in the Hindu Doctrine of God and of Human Destiny.Horace I. Poleman & Joseph Nadin Rawson - 1935 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 55 (2):215.
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  6. Gender Diversity in Corporate Governance and Top Management.Claude Francoeur, Réal Labelle & Bernard Sinclair-Desgagné - 2008 - Journal of Business Ethics 81 (1):83-95.
    This article examines whether and how the participation of women in the firm’s board of directors and senior management enhances financial performance. We use the Fama and French (1992, 1993) valuation framework to take the level of risk into consideration, when comparing firm performances, whereas previous studies used either raw stock returns or accounting ratios. Our results indicate that firms operating in complex environments do generate positive and significant abnormal returns when they have a high proportion of women officers. Although (...)
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    Infinte Regress Arguments.Claude Gratton - 2009 - Dordrecht, Netherland: Springer.
    Infinite regress arguments are part of a philosopher's tool kit of argumentation. But how sharp or strong is this tool? How effectively is it used? The typical presentation of infinite regress arguments throughout history is so succinct and has so many gaps that it is often unclear how an infinite regress is derived, and why an infinite regress is logically problematic, and as a result, it is often difficult to evaluate infinite regress arguments. These consequences of our customary way of (...)
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  8. Protestant Christianity, Interpreted through its Development.John Dillen-Berger & Claude Welch - 1954
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  9. Must phenomenology remain Cartesian?Claude Romano - 2012 - Continental Philosophy Review 45 (3):425-445.
    Husserl saw the Cartesian critique of scepticism as one of the eternal merits of Descartes’ philosophy. In doing so, he accepted the legitimacy of the very idea of a universal doubt, and sought to present as an alternative to it a renewed, specifically phenomenological concept of self-evidence, making it possible to obtain an unshakable foundation for the edifice of knowledge. This acceptance of the skeptical problem underlies his entire conceptual framework, both before and after the transcendental turn, and especially the (...)
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    (1 other version)Compte-rendu sur le colloque L'Éducation des femmes en Europe et en Amérique du Nord, de la Renaissance à 1848 qui s'est déroulé à Lille du 28 au 31 mars 1996. [REVIEW]Frédérique Verrier - 1996 - Clio: A Journal of Literature, History, and the Philosophy of History 2:14-14.
    Malgré la prédominance quantitative (15 interventions sur 25) et qualitative (les deux « astres » du colloque étant Ruth Perry et Claude Rawson), des anglicistes et dixhuitièmistes, la confrontation entre des approches disciplinaires et méthodologiques extrêmement différenciées constitua l'un des mérites majeurs du colloque. Effet, d'une part, du recrutement « pluri-disciplinaire » des communiquants (littéraires, historiens, philosophes, linguistes, civilisationnistes…), d'un cadre géo..
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  11. Matisse-thought and the strict quantitative ordering of Fauvism.Éric Alliez & Jean-Claude Bonne - 2008 - Collapse 3.
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    Green or Greed? An Alternative Look at CEO Compensation and Corporate Environmental Commitment.Claude Francoeur, Andrea Melis, Silvia Gaia & Simone Aresu - 2017 - Journal of Business Ethics 140 (3):439-453.
    This study relies on environmental stewardship, a stakeholder-enlarged view of stewardship theory, and institutional theory to analyze the relationship between CEO compensation and firms’ environmental commitment in a worldwide sample of 520 large listed firms. Our findings show that environment friendly firms pay their CEOs less total compensation and rely less on incentive-based compensation than environment careless firms. This negative relationship is stronger in institutional contexts where national environmental regulations are weaker. Our findings have important theoretical meaning and practical implications. (...)
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    Puissances de l'image.Jean-Claude Gens & Pierre Rodrigo (eds.) - 2007 - Dijon: Editions universitaires de Dijon.
    L'omniprésence des images dans la société mass-médiatique est corrélative de leur évanescence et du constant renouvellement qui conditionne le processus de leur consommation. Leur omnipotence se réduit ainsi à celle de stimuli destinés à induire des comportements. Or, il convient d'autant plus de revenir d'une telle exténuation de l'image que cette dernière constitue l'une des dimensions essentielles du déploiement de la vie humaine. L'image est traditionnellement rapportée à l'activité imaginante d'un sujet. Mais, s'il est vrai que l'étoffe des hommes et (...)
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  14. Les conférences de Cassel , Correspondance Dilthey-Husserl.Martin Heidegger & Jean-Claude Gens - 2003 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 193 (4):456-457.
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    La notion d'individualisme chez Tocqueville.Jean-Claude Lamberti - 1970 - Paris,: Presses universitaires de France.
  16. Challenging the transcendental position: the holism of experience.Claude Romano - 2011 - Continental Philosophy Review 44 (1):1-21.
    Taking the problem of perception and illusion as a leading clue, this article presents a new phenomenological approach to perception and the world: holism of experience. It challenges not only Husserl’s transcendentalism, but also what remains of it in Heidegger’s early thought, on the grounds that it is committed to the skeptical inference: Since we can always doubt any perception, we can always doubt perception as a whole. The rejection of such an implicit inference leads to a relational paradigm of (...)
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    « Les vicissitudes de l’angle facial » et les débuts de la craniométrie.Claude Blanckaert - 1987 - Revue de Synthèse 108 (3-4):417-453.
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    Pourquoi et comment étudier les rythmes sociaux au Moyen Âge ?Jean-Claude Schmitt - forthcoming - Rhuthmos.
    « Rythmes et Croyances au Moyen-Âge » Journée d'études organisée par Marie Formarier et Jean-Claude Schmitt 23 juin 2012 – Paris Présentation : Cette journée d'études a eu pour objectif de faire dialoguer les diverses disciplines concernées par le rapport entre rythmes et croyances au Moyen-Âge. Elle a accueilli des historiens, des anthropologues, des sociologues, des philologues et des linguistes. Présents dans la langue latine et les langues vernaculaires, dans la rhétorique du sermon, la prière et (...) - Histoire (...)
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    Critique de la faculté de manger: la philosophie, la cuisine et la mort.Jean-Claude Castanié - 2020 - Louvain-la-neuve: Académia L'Harmattan.
    La confrontation de la philosophie et de la cuisine permet de découvrir la nature de chacune de ces pratiques et ce qui tend à les opposer. La philosophie par vocation se tient éloignée de la vie mortelle. Attachée à la vie mortelle, la cuisine fait de la nécessité de se nourrir un plaisir quotidiennement renouvelé et qui tient une place centrale dans la vie ordinaire de la plupart des hommes. Voilà pourquoi la philosophie ignore la cuisine et méprise le plaisir (...)
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    Albert Camus – A Psychobiographical Approach in Times of Covid-19.Claude-Hélène Mayer - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12:644579.
    Albert Camus (1913–1960) stands as one of the famous pioneers in the French history of existentialism. He was a novelist, political activist, essayist and editor, as well as a journalist and playwright. Although he was described as philosopher, he often denied this ascription. Through his professional and creative expressions, Camus focused on questions of existentialism, the aspect of the human fate, and meaning in life, death and suicide. These existential questions have experienced a strong revival during the Covid-19 occurrence. This (...)
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    The Magical Life and Creative Works of Paulo Coelho: A Psychobiographical Investigation.Claude-Hélène Mayer & David Maree - 2018 - Indo-Pacific Journal of Phenomenology 18 (sup1):65-80.
    Based on a psychobiographical approach, this study addresses magical thinking across the life span of Paulo Coelho. Paulo Coelho, who was born in Brazil in the 1940s, has become one of the most sold and famous contemporary authors in the world. In his life, as well as in his books, which are mainly autobiographical accounts, magic and magical thinking, spirituality, meaningfulness, and the living of one’s dream, are key themes. The aim of this study was to explore magic and magical (...)
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    Unconscious system-psychodynamics within a German 4IR engineering company in South Africa.Claude-Hélène Mayer & Rudolf M. Oosthuizen - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13:926245.
    This article focuses on systems psychodynamics and particularly on the CIBART-model which explores conflict, identity, boundary, authority, role and task and how these phenomena work out on an unconscious level. Therefore, this article presents empirical findings on CIBART in a German multinational engineering organization operating in South Africa. For this study, 16 managers where interviewed on their transformation toward Industry 4.0 with special interest in the interconnection how CIBART aspects play out in the South African context. Findings show that all (...)
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  23. Du miel aux cendres.Claude Lévi-Strauss - 1973 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 163:78-80.
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    Histoire et ethnologie.Claude Lévi-Strauss - 1949 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 54 (3/4):363 - 391.
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  25. Hartmanns Schopenhauer-Kritik.Jean-Claude Wolf - 2006 - Schopenhauer Jahrbuch 87:157-182.
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  26. Strukturale Anthropologie.Claude Lêvi-Strauss - 1969 - Zeitschrift für Philosophische Forschung 23 (4):659-661.
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    Introducción a la teoria general del derecho y a la filosofía jurídica.Claude Du Pasquier - 1944 - Lima,: Libreria Internacional del Peru. Edited by Juan Bautista de Lavalle, Ayasta González, Julio & [From Old Catalog].
    "El libro que publicamos hoy no tiene otro fin que servir de guía a los espíritus deseosos de profundizar los problemas generales del Derecho; es una “Introducción” en el sentido más exacto del término. Se trata de orientar progresivamente al lector partiendo de las realidades más simples para llevarlo después hasta los problemas más abstractos. Hemos renunciado deliberadamente a dar a los primeros capítulos un rigor científico. Igualmente, hemos evitado de pronto los términos técnicos, esforzándonos por explicarlos y hacerlos asimilar (...)
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    Morphology of the French Folktale.Claude Brémond - 1970 - Semiotica 2 (3).
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    Scene analysis using regions.Claude R. Brice & Claude L. Fennema - 1970 - Artificial Intelligence 1 (3-4):205-226.
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    The thermal evolution of the Earth.Stéphane Labrosse & Claude Jaupart - 2005 - In Alan F. Blackwell & David MacKay (eds.), Power. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 50.
  31. Tillich, the Role of Ontology in his Philosophical Theology.H. Lewis & Jean-Claude Petit - 1975 - International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 6 (2):125-130.
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    Antoine Arnauld: philosophie du langage et de la connaissance.Jean Claude Pariente (ed.) - 1995 - Paris: J. Vrin.
  33.  28
    Pour un réalisme du monde de la vie.Claude Romano - 2016 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 90 (2):269.
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    Event and time.Claude Romano - 2014 - New York: Fordham University Press.
    Contemporary philosophy, from Kant through Bergson and Husserl to Heidegger, has assumed that time must be conceived as a fundamental determination of the subject: Time is not first in things but arises from actions, attitudes, or comportments through which a subject temporalizes mtime, expecting or remembering, anticipating the future or making a decision. Event and Time traces the genesis of this thesis through detailed, rigorous analyses of the philosophy of time in Plato, Aristotle, and Augustine, ultimately showing that, in the (...)
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    Au risque de l'existence: le mythe, la science et l'art: hommage à Maryvonne Perrot.Jean-Claude Gens, Pierre Guenancia & Maryvonne Perrot (eds.) - 2009 - Dijon: Editions universitaires de Dijon.
    De la scolastique médiévale au XIXe siècle, la tradition philosophique a cherché à saisir l'unité des directions en lesquelles elle se déploie à travers des métaphores, celle de l'arbre par exemple, ou en élaborant des systèmes dont le XXe siècle semble bien avoir fait le deuil. Comment donc penser l'hétérogénéité de ces directions, qui font l'ampleur d'une pensée, si ce n'est en les reconduisant à des modalités de l'existence qui en constituent le sol? Cet ouvrage s'est ainsi proposé de recueillir (...)
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    L'Hymne homérique à Déméter comme offrande : regard rétrospectif sur quelques catégories de l'anthropologie de la religion grecque.Claude Calame - 1997 - Kernos 10:111-133.
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  37. Stereotypes and the fragility of academic competence, motivation, and self-concept.Joshua Aronson & Claude M. Steele - 2005 - In Andrew J. Elliot & Carol S. Dweck (eds.), Handbook of Competence and Motivation. The Guilford Press. pp. 436--456.
  38. Images. The two bodies of the Virgin : on the festival of Cirio de Nazaré.Jean-Claude Schmitt - 2018 - In Babette Hellemans & Alissa Jones Nelson (eds.), Images, improvisations, sound, and silence from 1000 to 1800 - degree zero. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press.
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  39. Buffon 88.Jean-Claude Beaune & Philip R. Sloan - 1994 - History of Science 32 (4):469.
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    Une histoire des rythmes.Jean-Claude Schmitt - forthcoming - Rhuthmos.
    Les rythmes entraînent dans leur mouvement la vie tout entière des individus et des sociétés, les comportements quotidiens et les expériences esthétiques, les déplacements dans l'espace aussi bien que l'ordre vécu du temps. Il n'y a pas de vie sans rythme, c'est-à-dire – comme dans un air de jazz ou une toile abstraite de Mondrian – sans une mise en ordre variable de faits qui se répètent en combinant indéfiniment périodicité et rupture. Philosophes, sociologues, anthropologues, musicologues s'interrogent - Histoire.
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  41. Pluralité et ambiguïté. Herméneutique, religion, espérance, coll. « Théologies ».David Tracy & Claude Geffré - 2002 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 192 (1):123-124.
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  42. Analytische Moralphilosophie.Jean Claude Wolf & Peter Schaber - 1999 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 189 (3):423-423.
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  43. Paternalismus.Jean-Claude Wolf - 1990 - Studia Philosophica 49:49-59.
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  44. Schopenhauers Liberalismus.Jean-Claude Wolf & I. Liberalismen - 1997 - Schopenhauer Jahrbuch 78:63-86.
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    Infinite Regress of Recurring Questions and Answers.Claude Gratton - unknown
    I examine a number of infinite regress arguments whose infinite regresses are presented or described in terms of recurring questions and answers in order to determine whether such recurring questions have any role in generating these infinite regresses, or in disqualifying the recurring answers. I argue that despite the existence of such infinite regress arguments and the suggestions of some philosophers, these recurring questions have no such roles. Some ways of handling these infinite regress arguments are then proposed.
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  46. The Gauls at the Paris Museum national d'histoire naturelle: Naturalist learning and the criterion of nationality during the Romantic era.Claude Blanckaert - 1998 - Revue d'Histoire des Sciences 51 (4):457-506.
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    Science et conscience de la société.Raymond Aron & Jean-Claude Casanova (eds.) - 1971 - [Paris]: Calmann-Lévy.
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  48. Rôle et fonction de la mémoire dans les principes éducatifs d'Erasme.Jean-Claude Margolin - 2005 - Rinascimento 45:19-46.
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    Foucault: la police des conduites.Jean-Claude Monod - 1997 - Editions Michalon.
    Les premiers champs d'intérêt de Michel Foucault - la folie, la naissance de l'asile, et de la clinique - peuvent paraître bien éloignés du droit. Pourtant, l'étude des institutions qui, de l'hôpital général à la prison, ont "traité" malades et miséreux, fous et débauchés, vagabonds et délinquants, conduit à réinterpréter ces gestes dont l'habitude nous a fait oublier l'étrangeté : enfermer pour enfermer pour guérir, discipliner pour intégrer, exclure pour inclure... Pages de début Introduction I. Généalogie des institutions : le (...)
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    Espace et horizon de réalité: philosophie mathématique de Ferdinand Gonseth.Marco Panza & Jean-Claude Pont - 1992
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