Results for 'David Maree'

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  1. Completeness results for some two-dimensional logics of actuality.David R. Gilbert & Edwin D. Mares - 2012 - Review of Symbolic Logic 5 (2):239-258.
    We provide a Hilbert-style axiomatization of the logic of , as well as a two-dimensional semantics with respect to which our logics are sound and complete. Our completeness results are quite general, pertaining to all such actuality logics that extend a normal and canonical modal basis. We also show that our logics have the strong finite model property and permit straightforward first-order extensions.
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    A a Priori.Edwin David Mares - 2011 - Acumen Publishing.
    Edwin Mares seeks to make the standard topics and current debates within a priori knowledge, including necessity and certainty, rationalism, empiricism and analyticity, Quine's attack on the a priori, Kantianism, Aristotelianism, mathematical knowledge, moral knowledge, logical knowledge, and philosophical knowledge, accessible to students.
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    Indigenous Insights into Ethical Leadership: A Study of Māori Leaders.Jarrod Haar, Maree Roche & David Brougham - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 160 (3):621-640.
    The need for ethical leadership in navigating today’s complex, global and competitive organisations has been established. While research has confirmed the importance of ethical leaders in promoting positive organisational and employee outcomes, scant research has examined the antecedents of ethical leadership. Furthermore, there has been a call for further examination of leadership models, particularly indigenous leadership models. Responding to these issues, this study suggests Māori leaders’ values add insights into enhancing ethical leadership. Three studies confirm the role of Māori values (...)
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    The Magical Life and Creative Works of Paulo Coelho: A Psychobiographical Investigation.Claude-Hélène Mayer & David Maree - 2018 - Indo-Pacific Journal of Phenomenology 18 (sup1):65-80.
    Based on a psychobiographical approach, this study addresses magical thinking across the life span of Paulo Coelho. Paulo Coelho, who was born in Brazil in the 1940s, has become one of the most sold and famous contemporary authors in the world. In his life, as well as in his books, which are mainly autobiographical accounts, magic and magical thinking, spirituality, meaningfulness, and the living of one’s dream, are key themes. The aim of this study was to explore magic and magical (...)
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    Gender outlaws or a slow bending of norms? South African bisexual women’s treatment of gender binaries.David Maree & Ingrid Lynch - 2018 - Feminist Theory 19 (3):269-288.
    A monosexual configuration of sexuality assumes that sexual desire is directed at either men or women. Bisexuality resists a choice between oppositional categories and is often theorised as having a transgressive potential to destabilise binary logic, not only in relation to sexuality but also to gender. There is, however, a lack of empirical work exploring how this potential might be realised in the accounts of bisexual individuals. Drawing on interviews with South African bisexual women, we use a narrative-discursive lens to (...)
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    Realism and Anti-Realism.Stuart Brock & Edwin David Mares - 2006 - Routledge.
    There are a bewildering variety of ways the terms "realism" and "anti-realism" have been used in philosophy and furthermore the different uses of these terms are only loosely connected with one another. Rather than give a piecemeal map of this very diverse landscape, the authors focus on what they see as the core concept: realism about a particular domain is the view that there are facts or entities distinctive of that domain, and their existence and nature is in some important (...)
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  7. On the Ternary Relation and Conditionality.Jc Beall, Ross T. Brady, J. Michael Dunn, A. P. Hazen, Edwin D. Mares, Robert K. Meyer, Graham Priest, Greg Restall, David Ripley, John Slaney & Richard Sylvan - 2012 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 41 (3):595 - 612.
    One of the most dominant approaches to semantics for relevant (and many paraconsistent) logics is the Routley-Meyer semantics involving a ternary relation on points. To some (many?), this ternary relation has seemed like a technical trick devoid of an intuitively appealing philosophical story that connects it up with conditionality in general. In this paper, we respond to this worry by providing three different philosophical accounts of the ternary relation that correspond to three conceptions of conditionality. We close by briefly discussing (...)
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    Brain functional connectivity, dopamine and the default mode network in ADHD.Silberstein Richard, Pipingas Andrew, Stough Con, Camfield David & Farrow Maree - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9.
  9. Museum Philosophy for the Twenty-First Century.Robert R. Archibald, Patrick J. Boylan, David Carr, Christy S. Coleman, Helen Coxall, Chuck Dailey, Jennifer Eichstedt, Hilde Hein, Eilean Hooper-Greenhill, Lesley Lewis, Timothy W. Luke, Didier Maleuvre, Suma Mallavarapu, Terry L. Maple, Michael A. Mares, Jennifer L. Martin, Jean-Paul Martinon, Scott G. Paris, Jeffrey H. Patchen, Marilyn E. Phelan, Donald Preziosi, Franklin W. Robinson, Douglas Sharon & Sherene Suchy - 2006 - Altamira Press.
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    The Poetics of Consent: Collective Decision Making and the Iliad by David F. Elmer (review).William G. Thalmann - 2014 - American Journal of Philology 135 (2):281-284.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:The Poetics of Consent: Collective Decision Making and the Iliad by David F. ElmerWilliam G. ThalmannDavid F. Elmer. The Poetics of Consent: Collective Decision Making and the Iliad. Baltimore, Md.: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2013. x + 313 pp. Cloth, $55.In this book, David Elmer takes a fresh approach to some large questions that have occupied Homeric scholarship: how and under what conditions the epics took (...)
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  11. Collective nouns and the distribution problem.David Nicolas & Jonathan D. Payton - forthcoming - Synthese.
    Intuitively, collective nouns are pseudo-singular: a collection of things (a pair of people, a flock of birds, etc.) just is the things that make ‘it’ up. But certain facts about natural language seem to count against this view. In short, distributive predicates and numerals interact with collective nouns in ways that they seemingly shouldn’t if those nouns are pseudo-singular. We call this set of issues ‘the distribution problem’. To solve it, we propose a modification to cover-based semantics. On this semantics, (...)
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  12. Shepherd’s Claim that Sensations Are too Fleeting to Stand in Causal Relations with Other Sensations.David Landy - forthcoming - Journal of Scottish Philosophy.
    Shepherd argues that we can know that there exists a universe external to the mind because that universe is the only possible cause of our sensations. As a part of that argument, Shepherd eliminates the possibility that sensations might be caused by other sensations on the grounds that sensations are merely momentary existences and so not capable of standing in causal relations with each other. And yet she claims that sensations do stand in causal relations to other objects, both as (...)
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  13. Propositional interpretability in artificial intelligence.David J. Chalmers - manuscript
    Mechanistic interpretability is the program of explaining what AI systems are doing in terms of their internal mechanisms. I analyze some aspects of the program, along with setting out some concrete challenges and assessing progress to date. I argue for the importance of propositional interpretability, which involves interpreting a system’s mechanisms and behav- ior in terms of propositional attitudes: attitudes (such as belief, desire, or subjective probabil- ity) to propositions (e.g. the proposition that it is hot outside). Propositional attitudes are (...)
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    (Extended) Modal Realism and Philosophical Analysis.Martin Vacek - 2020 - Bratislava: VEDA.
    Theories of possible worlds abound. Since the introduction of modal logic, the term of a possible world, and the very nature of an entity denoted by the term, have stood on the top of metaphysical inquiries. A possible world, roughly speaking, is a complete way things could have been. On the face of it, whatever is possible takes place in some possible world, and whatever is not possible, does not. The aim of the present book is to argue that even (...)
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    Taking the simulation hypothesis seriously.David Chalmers - 2024 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 109 (3):1058-1067.
    Philosophy and Phenomenological Research, EarlyView.
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    Superplurals analyzed away.David Nicolas & Jonathan D. Payton - forthcoming - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy.
    Many natural languages include plural terms, i.e., terms which denote many individuals at once. Are there also superplural terms, i.e., terms which denote many pluralities of individuals at once? Some philosophers say ‘Yes’, citing a range of sentence-types which apparently can’t be analyzed in a first-order plural logic, but which can be analyzed in a superplural one. We argue that all the data presented in favor of the superplural can, in fact, be analyzed using only first-order resources. The key is (...)
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  17. Hume on Is and Ought.Charles Pigden (ed.) - 2010 - New York: Palgrave-Macmillan.
    It ‘seems altogether inconceivable', says Hume, that this ‘new relation' ought ‘can be a deduction' from others ‘which are entirely different from it' The idea that you can't derive an Ought from an Is, moral conclusions from non-moral premises, has proved enormously influential. But what did Hume mean by this famous dictum? Was he correct? How does it fit in with the rest of his philosophy? And what does this suggest about the nature of moral judgements? This collection, the first (...)
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    Employer-Sponsored Egg Freezing: Carrot or Stick?Molly Johnston, Giuliana Fuscaldo, Nadine Maree Richings, Stella May Gwini & Sally Catt - 2022 - AJOB Empirical Bioethics 13 (1):33-47.
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    Mindfulness Meditation and Paying Attention to the Heart: Preliminary Findings Regarding Improvements in Interoception after 10-days Intensive Vipassana Meditation.Krygier Jonathan, Heathers James, Kemp Andrew & Abbott Maree - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9.
  20.  15
    Pioneering Healthcare Law: Essays in Honour of Margaret Brazier.Catherine Stanton, Sarah Devaney, Anne-Maree Farrell & Alexandra Mullock (eds.) - 2015 - New York, NY: Routledge.
    This book celebrates Professor Margaret Brazier's outstanding contribution to the field of healthcare law and bioethics. It examines key aspects developed in Professor Brazier's agenda-setting body of work, with contributions being provided by leading experts in the field from the UK, Australia, the US and continental Europe. They examine a range of current and future challenges for healthcare law and bioethics, representing state-of-the-art scholarship in the field. The book is organised into five parts. Part I discusses key principles and themes (...)
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    Invasive experimental brain surgery for dementia: Ethical shifts in clinical research practices?Frederic Gilbert, John Noel M. Viaña, Merlin Bittlinger, Ian Stevens, Maree Farrow, James Vickers, Susan Dodds & Judy Illes - 2021 - Bioethics 36 (1):25-41.
    Bioethics, Volume 36, Issue 1, Page 25-41, January 2022.
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    Speculative Writing, Art, and World-Making in the Wake of Octavia E. Butler as Feminist Theory.Shelley Streeby - 2020 - Feminist Studies 46 (2):510-533.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:510 Feminist Studies 46, no. 2. © 2020 by Feminist Studies, Inc. Shelley Streeby Speculative Writing, Art, and World-Making in the Wake of Octavia E. Butler as Feminist Theory The late great speculative fiction writer Octavia E. Butler often referred to herself as a feminist. In an autobiographical note she revised frequently over the course of her lifetime, now held in the massive archive of more than 8,000 individually (...)
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  23. The Universe Didn't Begin Uncaused: A New Argument for the Kalām Causal Principle.David Lu - forthcoming - Faith and Philosophy.
    The causal principle of the Kalām cosmological argument—Everything that begins to exist has a cause—remains controversial. One common objection is that while the principle may apply to things within the universe, it does not apply to the universe itself. Here, I argue that if the universe began uncaused, then there is an extremely high probability that the universe began just moments ago with the appearance of age. However, I further argue that the general agreement of independent estimates for the universe’s (...)
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  24. Ελεύθερα, δίκαια και ζωντανά : η ανατρεπτική δύναμη των Κοινών.David Bollier, Silke Helfrich & Alexandros Schismenos (eds.) - 2023 - Athens: Translated by Giannis Perperidis, Αλίκη Κοσυφολόγου, Νικόλας Καναβάρης, Δήμητρα Τσώλη, Λίνα Φιλοπούλου & Μαργαρίτα Πήτα.
    Σκοπός του βιβλίου αυτού είναι να μας ενθαρρύνει. Παντρεύει τη συνδυαστική σκέψη με έναν νέο τρόπο ενέργειας. Ο στόχος; Μια ελεύθερη, δίκαιη και ζωντανή κοινωνία. Όμως, η πεπατημένη έχει χαραχτεί βαθιά μέσα στο μυαλό μας, στην καθημερινότητά μας, στην αγορά και στο κράτος. Η Silke Helfrich και ο David Bollier αποκαλύπτουν παραδοσιακά, ξεπερασμένα μοτίβα σκέψης και σχεδιάζουν ένα πρόγραμμα για μια επιτυχημένη συνύπαρξη, μια διαφορετική αντίληψη της πολιτικής και μια οικονομία μέριμνας. Στον πυρήνα του προγράμματος βρίσκονται πρακτικές των Commons, (...)
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    Calling for Explanation.David Gordon - forthcoming - Philosophical Quarterly.
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    The expressive injustice of being rich.David V. Axelsen & Lasse Nielsen - forthcoming - Politics, Philosophy and Economics.
    According to limitarianism, it is morally impermissible to be too rich. We consider three main challenges to limitarianism: the redundancy objection, the inconclusiveness objection, and the commitment objection. As a distributive principle, we find that limitarianism fails to overcome the three objections—even taking recent theoretical innovations into account. Instead, we suggest that the core commitment of limitarianism can be drawn from the excess intuition. It entails that at some point, people's claims to retain wealth become qualitatively different: they become preposterous (...)
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  27. Cooking, Eating, Thinking: Transformative Philosophies of Food.Deane W. Curtin & Lisa Maree Heldke (eds.) - 1992 - Indiana University Press.
    Philosophy has often been criticized for privileging the abstract; this volume attempts to remedy that situation. Focusing on one of the most concrete of human concerns, food, the editors argue for the existence of a philosophy of food.
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  28. The Quantum Theory of Fields.David Wallace - 2022 - In Eleanor Knox & Alastair Wilson, The Routledge Companion to Philosophy of Physics. London, UK: Routledge.
    I give an introduction to the conceptual structure of quantum field theory as it is used in mainstream theoretical physics today, aimed at non-specialists. My main focuses in the article are the common structure of quantum field theory as it is applied in solid-state physics and as it is applied in high-energy physics; the modern theory of renormalisation.
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  29. Universalism vs. communitarianism: contemporary debates in ethics.David M. Rasmussen (ed.) - 1990 - Cambridge: MIT Press.
    Universalism vs. Communitarianism focuses on the question, raised by recent work in normative philosophy, of whether ethical norms are best derived and justified on the basis of universal or communitarian standards. It is unique in representing both Continental and American points of view and both the older and a younger generation of scholars. The essays introduce the key issues involved in universalism vs. communitarianism and take up ethics in historical perspective, practical reason and ethical responsibility, justification, application and history, and (...)
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    Galaesus.T. J. Dunbabin - 1947 - Classical Quarterly 41 (3-4):93-.
    In his masterly work on Tarentum, P. Wuilleumier identifies the Galaesus with the Citrezze or Giadrezze, a small stream running into the north side of the Mare Piccolo, about two miles from the channel on the west side of the citadel of Tarentum which connects the Mare Piccolo with the sea. This identification, which has been often repeated since Lenormant's time and spread beyond the narrow bounds of pure scholarship by the writings of George Gissing , Norman Douglas , and (...)
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    A Social Actor Conception of Organizational Identity and Its Implications for the Study of Organizational Reputation.David A. Whetten & Alison Mackey - 2002 - Business and Society 41 (4):393-414.
    The objective of this article is to clarify the conceptual domains of organizational identity, image, and reputation. To initiate this theory development process, we present a “social actor” conception of organizational identity. Identity-congruent definitions of image and reputation are then specified and an integrated model proposed. With the aid of this model, a structural flawin the organizational reputation literature is identified and suitable remedies proposed. In addition, the authors explore the implications of invoking identity and identification in explanations and justifications (...)
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  32. The sense and reference of predicates: A running repair to Frege's doctrine and a plea for the copula.David Wiggins - 1984 - Philosophical Quarterly 34 (136):311-328.
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    The Necessity of Gibbsian Statistical Mechanics.David Wallace - unknown
    In discussions of the foundations of statistical mechanics, it is widely held that the Gibbsian and Boltzmannian approaches are incompatible but empirically equivalent; the Gibbsian approach may be calculationally preferable but only the Boltzmannian approach is conceptually satisfactory. I argue against both assumptions. Gibbsian statistical mechanics is applicable to a wide variety of problems and systems, such as the calculation of transport coefficients and the statistical mechanics and thermodynamics of mesoscopic systems, in which the Boltzmannian approach is inapplicable. And the (...)
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  34. Demands of Justice, Feasible Alternatives, and the Need for Causal Analysis.David Wiens - 2013 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 16 (2):325-338.
    Many political philosophers hold the Feasible Alternatives Principle (FAP): justice demands that we implement some reform of international institutions P only if P is feasible and P improves upon the status quo from the standpoint of justice. The FAP implies that any argument for a moral requirement to implement P must incorporate claims whose content pertains to the causal processes that explain the current state of affairs. Yet, philosophers routinely neglect the need to attend to actual causal processes. This undermines (...)
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  35. Competing narratives in AI ethics: a defense of sociotechnical pragmatism.David S. Watson, Jakob Mökander & Luciano Floridi - forthcoming - AI and Society:1-23.
    Several competing narratives drive the contemporary AI ethics discourse. At the two extremes are sociotechnical dogmatism, which holds that society is full of inefficiencies and imperfections that can only be solved by better technology; and sociotechnical skepticism, which highlights the unacceptable risks AI systems pose. While both narratives have their merits, they are ultimately reductive and limiting. As a constructive synthesis, we introduce and defend sociotechnical pragmatism—a narrative that emphasizes the central role of context and human agency in designing and (...)
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    Harming Future Persons: Ethics, Genetics and the Nonidentity Problem.David Wasserman & Melinda Roberts (eds.) - 2009 - Springer.
    This collection of essays investigates the obligations we have in respect of future persons, from our own future offspring to distant future generations.
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    The Invention of Science: A New History of the Scientific Revolution.David Wootton - 2016 - London: Allen Lane.
    We live in a world made by science. How and when did this happen? This book tells the story of the extraordinary intellectual and cultural revolution that gave birth to modern science, and mounts a major challenge to the prevailing orthodoxy of its history. David Wootton's landmark book changes our understanding of how this great transformation came about, and of what science is.
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    A new method for making treatment decisions for incapacitated patients: what do patients think about the use of a patient preference predictor?David Wendler, Bob Wesley, Mark Pavlick & Annette Rid - 2016 - Journal of Medical Ethics 42 (4):235-241.
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    Gauge invariance through gauge fixing.David Wallace - 2024 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 108 (C):38-45.
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  40. Rational dynamics in efficient inquiry.David Barack - forthcoming - Analysis.
    Which premisses should we use to start our inquiries? Which transitions during inquiry should we take next? When should we switch lines of inquiry? In this paper, I address these open questions about inquiry, formulating novel norms for such decisions during deductive reasoning. I use the first-order predicate calculus, in combination with Carnap’s state description framework, to state such norms. Using that framework, I first demonstrate some properties of sets of sentences used in deduction. I then state some norms for (...)
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  41. The Epistemic Insignificance of Doxastic Wronging.DiDomenico David - forthcoming - Southwest Philosophy Review.
    Doxastic wronging is wronging that occurs in virtue of a belief. What epistemic significance, if any, does doxastic wronging have for the normativity of inquiry? Recently, some philosophers have defended views according to which doxastic wronging has an epistemic impact on the norms governing belief formation and revision. In this paper, I sketch a theory of the zetetic significance of doxastic wronging that denies its epistemic significance. In other words, although doxastic wronging is relevant to the normativity of inquiry, it (...)
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    Effective theory building and manifold learning.David Peter Wallis Freeborn - 2025 - Synthese 205 (1):1-33.
    Manifold learning and effective model building are generally viewed as fundamentally different types of procedure. After all, in one we build a simplified model of the data, in the other, we construct a simplified model of the another model. Nonetheless, I argue that certain kinds of high-dimensional effective model building, and effective field theory construction in quantum field theory, can be viewed as special cases of manifold learning. I argue that this helps to shed light on all of these techniques. (...)
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    Hope and education: the role of the utopian imagination.David Halpin - 2003 - New York: RoutledgeFalmer.
    In this uplifting book, David Halpin suggests ways of putting the hope back into education, exploring the value of and need for utopian thinking in discussions of the purpose of education and school policy.
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  44. Plurals, mass nouns and reference: philosophical issues.David Nicolas - forthcoming - In Hilary Nesi & Petar Milin, International Encyclopedia of Language and Linguistics. Elsevier.
    How do plurals and mass nouns refer? What kind of logic should be used in order to account for the truth-conditions of the sentences they appear in? For linguists, first-order predicate logic is adequate, provided it is supplemented by a notion of mereological sum for plurals and for mass nouns. On the contrary, according to some philosophers, new logics must be used, plural logic for plurals and mass logic for mass nouns. We survey these debates in this entry.
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    Contrafactives, Learnability, and Production.David Strohmaier & Simon Wimmer - 2025 - Experiments in Linguistic Meaning 3:395-410.
    No natural language has contrafactive attitude verbs. Because factives are universal across natural languages, this means that there is a major asymmetry between contrafactives and factives. We previously hypothesised that this asymmetry arises partly because the meaning of contrafactives is significantly harder to learn than that of factives. Here we test this hypothesis by using a production-oriented computational experiment that overcomes two limitations of our previous experiments. We find that our results do not support our previous hypothesis.
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  46. Rights, welfare, and Mill's moral theory.David Lyons - 1994 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    This volume collects David Lyons' well-known essays on Mill's moral theory and includes an introduction which relates the essays to prior and subsequent philosophical developments. Like the author's Forms and Limits of Utilitarianism (Oxford, 1965), the essays apply analytical methods to issues in normative ethics. The first essay defends a refined version of the beneficiary theory of rights against H.L.A. Hart's important criticisms. The central set of essays develops new interpretations of Mill's moral theory with the aim of determining (...)
  47. The Participant Attitude and the Moral Psychology of Responsibility.David Beglin - forthcoming - Midwest Studies in Philosophy.
    In “Freedom and Resentment,” P. F. Strawson argued that our responsibility practices reflect a distinctive and natural way we’re oriented toward other people: the participant attitude. This idea has been influential. However, it is also widely acknowledged that Strawson’s account of the participant attitude is at best incomplete. In this paper, I argue that the lacuna in Strawson’s thought corresponds to a lacuna in the wider literature on the moral psychology of responsibility. This lacuna, I hold, limits our understanding of (...)
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  48. Thermodynamics as Control Theory.David Wallace - unknown
    I explore the reduction of thermodynamics to statistical mechanics by treating the former as a control theory: a theory of which transitions between states can be induced on a system by means of operations from a fixed list. I recover the results of standard thermodynamics in this framework on the assumption that the available operations do not include measurements which affect subsequent choices of operations. I then relax this assumption and use the framework to consider the vexed questions of Maxwell's (...)
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    Among School Teachers: Bearing Witness as an Orientation in Educational Inquiry.David T. Hansen - 2017 - Educational Theory 67 (1):9-30.
    In this writing, David Hansen illuminates the aesthetic, moral, and epistemic meaning of bearing witness to teaching and teachers by drawing upon a recently completed field-based endeavor that included extensive school visits. Hansen shows how bearing witness can bring the inquirer close to the truth of teaching. However, the witness must undertake ethical work to ready her- or himself for the task. Even such readiness, which must be continuously re-won on each occasion, guarantees nothing. The witness in the classroom (...)
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    Signaling (in)tolerance: Social evaluation and metaethical relativism and objectivism.David Moss, Andres Montealegre, Lance S. Bush, Lucius Caviola & David Pizarro - 2025 - Cognition 254 (C):105984.
    Prior work has established that laypeople do not consistently treat moral questions as being objectively true or as merely true relative to different perspectives. Rather, these metaethical judgments vary dramatically across moral issues and in response to different social influences. We offer a potential explanation by examining how objectivists and relativists are evaluated in different contexts. We provide evidence for a novel account of metaethical judgments as signaling tolerance or intolerance of disagreement. The social implications of signaling tolerance or intolerance (...)
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