Results for 'Rajikha Raja'

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  1. Mother’s physical activity during pregnancy and newborn’s brain cortical development.Xiaoxu Na, Rajikha Raja, Natalie E. Phelan, Marinna R. Tadros, Alexandra Moore, Zhengwang Wu, Li Wang, Gang Li, Charles M. Glasier, Raghu R. Ramakrishnaiah, Aline Andres & Xiawei Ou - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16:943341.
    BackgroundPhysical activity is known to improve mental health, and is regarded as safe and desirable for uncomplicated pregnancy. In this novel study, we aim to evaluate whether there are associations between maternal physical activity during pregnancy and neonatal brain cortical development.MethodsForty-four mother/newborn dyads were included in this longitudinal study. Healthy pregnant women were recruited and their physical activity throughout pregnancy were documented using accelerometers worn for 3–7 days for each of the 6 time points at 4–10, ∼12, ∼18, ∼24, ∼30, (...)
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    Āraja Ā̄lī Mātubbara, śatabarshe phire dekhā.Āraja Ālī Mātubbara & Āiẏuba Hosena (eds.) - 2002 - Ḍhākā: Samaẏa Prakāśana.
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    Indian Theories of Meaning.K. Kunjanni Raja - 1968 - Philosophy East and West 18 (1):104-105.
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  4. Primitive neuroectodermal tumor of hand and forearm: A rare clinical entity.Raja Tiwari, Satya S. Tripathy & Ramesh K. Sharma - 2012 - In Zdravko Radman, The Hand. MIT Press. pp. 1--5.
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  5. Care Ethics and Virtue Ethics.Raja Halwani - 2003 - Hypatia 18 (3):161-192.
    The paper argues that care ethics should be subsumed under virtue ethics by construing care as an important virtue. Doing so allows us to achieve two desirable goals. First, we preserve what is important about care ethics. Second, we avoid two important objections to care ethics, namely, that it neglects justice, and that it contains no mechanism by which care can be regulated so as not to be become morally corrupt.
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  6. How Ethical Leadership Shapes Employees’ Job Performance: The Mediating Roles of Goal Congruence and Psychological Capital.Usman Raja, Asma Zafar & Dave Bouckenooghe - 2015 - Journal of Business Ethics 129 (2):251-264.
    Drawing from research on ethical leadership, psychological capital, and social learning theory, this study investigated the mediating effects of goal congruence and psychological capital in the link between supervisors’ ethical leadership style and followers’ in-role job performance. Data captured from 171 employees and 24 supervisors showed that ethical leadership has a positive effect on followers’ in-role job performance, yet this effect is explained through the role of psychological capital and follower–leader goal congruence, providing evidence of mediation. These findings have significant (...)
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    Resonance and radical embodiment.Vicente Raja - 2020 - Synthese 199 (Suppl 1):113-141.
    One big challenge faced by cognitive science is the development of a unified theory that integrates disparate scales of analysis of cognitive phenomena. In this paper, I offer a unified framework that provides a way to integrate neural and behavioral scales of analysis of cognitive phenomena—typically addressed by neuroscience and experimental psychology, respectively. The framework is based on the concept of resonance originated in ecological psychology and aims to be the foundation for a unified theory for radical embodiment; that is, (...)
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  8. (1 other version)The problem of universals in Indian philosophy.Raja Ram Dravid - 1972 - Delhi,: Motilal Banarsidass.
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    A Theory of Resonance: Towards an Ecological Cognitive Architecture.Vicente Raja - 2018 - Minds and Machines 28 (1):29-51.
    This paper presents a blueprint for an ecological cognitive architecture. Ecological psychology, I contend, must be complemented with a story about the role of the CNS in perception, action, and cognition. To arrive at such a story while staying true to the tenets of ecological psychology, it will be necessary to flesh out the central metaphor according to which the animal perceives its environment by ‘resonating’ to information in energy patterns: what is needed is a theory of resonance. I offer (...)
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    (1 other version)Philosophy of Love, Sex, and Marriage: An Introduction.Raja Halwani - 2010 - New York: Routledge.
    How is love different from lust or infatuation? Do love and marriage really go together “like a horse and carriage”? Does sex have any necessary connection to either? And how important are love, sex, and marriage to a well-lived life? In this lively, lucid, and comprehensive textbook, Raja Halwani pursues the philosophical questions inherent in these three important aspects of human relationships, exploring the nature, uses, and ethics of romantic love, sexuality, and marriage. The book is structured in three (...)
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    Economics and Christian Faith A Personal Pilgrimage.Raja Chelliah - 1990 - Transformation: An International Journal of Holistic Mission Studies 7 (2):15-17.
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    The Impact of the Market Economy on the Poor.Raja Chelliah - 1995 - Transformation: An International Journal of Holistic Mission Studies 12 (3):1-4.
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  13. The Sāṅkhya kārika of Īśvarakṛṣṇa.Chittenjoor Kunhan Raja - 1963 - Hoshiarpur,: V. V. Research Institute. Edited by Īśvarakṛṣṇa.
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    Improving classroom visual accessibility with cooperative smartphone recordings.Raja S. Kushalnagar & Brian P. Trager - 2011 - Acm Sigcas Computers and Society 41 (2):51-58.
    An earlier version of this paper was presented at the 2011 IEEE International Symposium on Technology and Society at Saint Xavier University in Chicago, Illinois. We propose a cooperative approach by students in recording lecture activities such that the classroom becomes more visually accessible for everyone, especially for deaf, hard of hearing and low-vision students. Students utilize their personal camera-equipped smart phones to capture and share their views of a visually inaccessible classroom to students' devices. We show this approach virtually (...)
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  15. "Les sphères divisées": D'Aristophane à Ibn Hazm.Raja Ben Salma - 2002 - Anales Del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofía 19:39-51.
    La autora estudia el problema del amor entendido como reunión de las dos partes de un alma-esfera, mito griego que ha tenido una larga tradición en la literatura amorosa árabe y se centre especialmente en Ibn Hazm de Córdoba.
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    Into the Wild: Neuroergonomic Differentiation of Hand-Held and Augmented Reality Wearable Displays during Outdoor Navigation with Functional Near Infrared Spectroscopy.Ryan McKendrick, Raja Parasuraman, Rabia Murtza, Alice Formwalt, Wendy Baccus, Martin Paczynski & Hasan Ayaz - 2016 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 10:171788.
    Highly mobile computing devices promise to improve quality of life, productivity, and performance. Increased situation awareness and reduced mental workload are two potential means by which this can be accomplished. However, it is difficult to measure these concepts in the ‘wild’. We employed an ultra-portable battery operated and wireless functional near infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS) to non-invasively measure hemodynamic changes in the brain’s prefrontal cortex. Measurements were taken during navigation of a college campus with either a hand-held display, or an augmented (...)
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  17. Key Elements for Human-Robot Joint Action.Raja Chatila, Rachid Alami, Elisabeth Pacherie & Aurélie Clodic - 2017 - In Raul Hakli & Johanna Seibt, Sociality and Normativity for Robots. Studies in the Philosophy of Sociality. Cham: Springer.
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    Outing and virtue ethics.Raja Halwani - 2002 - Journal of Applied Philosophy 19 (2):141–154.
    The paper argues that the two dominant approaches towards the moral issues surrounding outing are too weak to handle the latter’s complexity and would benefit from being made part of a broader and richer framework, namely, that of virtue ethics. One dominant approach begins by arguing that people do not have the right to privacy in matters of sexual orientation (not behaviour), and so outing gay people does not violate such a right. It con- tinues by arguing that living a (...)
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  19. A dialogue between Dalits and Bible: Certain indicators for interpretation.A. M. Arul Raja - 1999 - Journal of Dharma 24 (1):40-50.
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    La diathèse circonstancielle et la coprédication : l’exemple de la structure N0 voit Inf N1 / N1 Inf (N2)1.Raja Gmir - 2020 - Corela. Cognition, Représentation, Langage 18.
    La construction N0 voit Inf N1 / N1 Inf (N2) introduit ce que nous appelons une « diathèse circonstancielle » apparentée à la diathèse passive dans la mesure où elle promeut un complément circonstanciel locatif (spatial ou temporel) à la fonction de sujet grammatical à l’aide du coverbe voir, tout comme la diathèse passive promeut le complément d’objet direct à cette fonction à l’aide du coverbe être. Traditionnellement être est désigné comme un auxiliaire et voir comme un type (marginal et (...)
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    Mirror, Mirror: The Uses and Abuses of Self-Love, by Simon Blackburn.Raja Halwani - 2015 - Teaching Philosophy 38 (1):120-124.
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    Śr̲īśaṅkarācāryar.K. Kunjunni Raja - 1998 - Thiruvanantapuraṃ: Sāṃskārika Pr̲asiddhīkaraṇavakupp, Kēraḷasarkkār.
    Biography of Śr̲ī Śaṅkarācārya, a Hindu philosopher.
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    Mīmāmsā Contribution to Language Studies.K. Kunjunni Raja - 1988 - Dept. Of Sanskrit, University of Calicut.
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  24. Forgiveness, Affect and Cognition.Raja Bahlul - 2011 - In Forgiveness: An Interdisciplinary Dialogue. Leiden: Brill. pp. 75-84.
    This chapter explains how two seemingly unrelated theories in the fields of morality and emotion conspire to make the notion of forgiveness seem (doubly) impossible. The discussion of the paradoxical nature of forgiveness is followed by a proposal about the relation between affect and cognition which reconciles conflicting claims and vindicates the coherence of the notion of forgiveness.
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  25. Avicenna and the Problem of Universals.Raja Bahlul - 2009 - Philosophy and Theology 21 (1-2):3-25.
    The main object of this paper is to clarify and evaluate Avicenna’s view of universals, in light of some modern and contemporarydiscussions. According to Avicenna, universality is a contingent attribute of entities that are in themselves neither universal norparticular. An account of universality as a contingent attribute is offered which clarifies and gives additional support to Avicenna’sview. Nevertheless, it will be argued that Avicenna, through his use of such terms as “nature” and “quiddity,” faces the same problemswhich he attributes to (...)
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    Khiṭāb al-karāmah wa-ḥuqūq al-insān.Raja Bahlul - 2017 - al-Dawḥah: al-Markaz al-ʻArabī lil-Abḥāth wa-Dirāsat al-Siyāsāt.
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    Religion, Democracy, and the dawla madaniyya of the Arab Spring.Raja Bahlul - 2018 - Islam and Muslim-Christian Relations 29:1-18.
    The object of this article is to review and evaluate a debate that has been taking place among Muslim and Arab writers for some time now about the concept of ‘dawla madaniyya’ (‘civil state/ government’), and the place of religion in democratic politics. More precisely, it will be suggested that the current popularity of the term ‘dawla madaniyya’ signifies only a partial meeting of minds between Islamists and their liberal and secular opponents. By and large, the concept seems to have (...)
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  28. Democracy without Secularism?Raja Bahlul - 2004 - In John Bunzl, Islam, Judaism, and the Political Role of Religions in the Middle East. University of Florida Press. pp. 99-118.
    The object of this paper is to present and discuss the way democracy is conceived of by some prominent Islamic thinkers. Their position is that democracy, rightly understood, is simply a method of dispensing, sharing, and managing political authority, and as such does not imply secularism or other values and practices that are associated with liberalism. This paper is conceived of within a broader project to theorize the relations (actual and possible) between Islam, democracy, and modernity.
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  29. Ghazali on the Creation vs. Eternity of the World.Raja Bahlul - 1992 - Philosophy and Theology 6 (3):259-275.
    There are two ways in which Ghazali contributes to the discussion of whether God exists: by arguing for the existence of God, and by arguing against certain views which, in his opinion, stand in the way of truly believing that God exists. In this paper I examine Ghazali’s argument from creation and his refutation or the philosophers’ second proof for the eternity or the world. My purpose will be to argue that: firstly, Ghazali’s argument and his refutation are based on (...)
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  30. Are One Night Stands Morally Problematic?Raja Halwani - 1995 - International Journal of Applied Philosophy 10 (1):61-67.
  31. Miracles and Ghazali’s First Theory of Causation.Raja Bahlul - 1990 - Philosophy and Theology 5 (2):137-150.
    In the 17th Discussion of his Tahafut al-Falasifah (“Incoherence of the Philosophers”), Ghazali presents two theories of causation which, he claims, accommodate belief in the possibility of miracles. The first of these, which is usually taken to represent Ghazali’s own position, is a form of occasionalism. In this paper I argue that Ghazali fails to prove that this theory is compatible with belief in the possibility of miracles.
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  32. Modernity and Islamic Religious Consciousness.Raja Bahlul - 2012 - In Shahram Akbarzadeh, A Handbook of Political Islam. pp. 35-50.
    A discussion of the intellectual impact which Modernity has had on Islamic religious consciousness.
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    al-Falsafah al-Islāmīyah =.Rajāʼ Aḥmad ʻAlī - 2012 - ʻAmmān: Dār al-Masīrah lil-Nashr wa-al-Tawzīʻ wa-al-Ṭibāʻah.
  34. From Jihad to Peaceful Co-existence: the Development of Islamic Views on Politics and International Relations.Raja Bahlul - 2003 - Ibrahim Abu Lughod Institute of International Studies.
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    Identity and Necessary Similarity.Raja Bahlul - 1992 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 22 (4):531 - 546.
    The Principle of the Identity of Indiscernibles, commonly attributed to Leibniz, has given rise to much discussion and debate. Thus philosophers have argued over how it should be formulated, whether it is true, and what, if any, metaphysical consequences it has.It is not my intention to add to these discussions here, having done so elsewhere. Rather, I intend to introduce and defend a closely related principle which I shall, for want of a better name, refer to as The Principle of (...)
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  36. Comments on Quinn's "Embracing gayness with integrity".Raja Halwani - 2011 - In Adrianne McEvoy, Sex, Love, and Friendship: Studies of the Society for the Philosophy of Sex and Love, 1993-2003. New York, NY: Rodopi.
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  37. Essentialism, Social Constructionism, and the History of Homosexuality.Raja Halwani - 1998 - Journal of Homosexuality 35 (1):25-51.
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    Temperance and Eating Meat.Raja Halwani - 2020 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 33 (3):401-420.
    This paper provides an account of the Aristotelian virtue of temperance in regards to food, an account that revolves around the idea of enjoying the right objects and not enjoying the wrong ones. In doing so, the paper distinguishes between two meanings of “taking (or not taking) pleasure in something,” one that refers to the idea of the activity and one to the experience of the activity. The paper then connects this distinction to the temperate person’s attitude towards enjoying the (...)
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    Kanthapura.E. B. & Raja Rao - 1967 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 87 (2):216.
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  40. Emotion as patheception.Raja Bahlul - 2015 - Philosophical Explorations 18 (1):104-122.
    Emotions cannot be fully understood in purely cognitive terms. Nor can they be fully understood as mere feelings with no content. But it has not been easy to give an account of the relation of affect and cognition in a way that preserves the perceived unity of emotional experience. Consequently, emotion theories tend to lean either toward cognitivism, or, alternatively, the view that emotions are basically non-cognitive affairs. The aim of this paper is to argue for an account of emotion (...)
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    Ethical Considerations for Therapists Working With Demographically Similar Clients.Annia Raja - 2016 - Ethics and Behavior 26 (8):678-687.
    The increasing emphasis on multicultural competence within psychotherapy continues to highlight the need for being sensitive to key differences between therapist and client. However, this attunement to the psychotherapeutic impact of therapist–client differences may obscure the equally critical need to evaluate ethical problems associated with therapist–client similarities. It will be argued that therapists treating clients who are demographically similar to themselves encounter a unique set of ethical challenges that warrant careful consideration and caution precisely because of therapist–client matching. The extant (...)
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    Older adults` sense of dignity in digitally led healthcare.Moonika Raja, Lisbeth Uhrenfeldt, Kathleen T. Galvin & Ingjerd G. Kymre - 2022 - Nursing Ethics 29 (6):1518-1529.
    Background Health ministries in Europe are investing increasingly in innovative digital technologies. Older adults, who have not grown up with digital innovation, are expected to keep up with technological shifts as much as other age groups. This is ethically challenging, as it may threaten a sense of dignity and well-being in older adults. Research objective To clarify the phenomenon of sense of dignity experienced in older adults, concerning how their expectations and needs are met within the context of digitally led (...)
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  43. Chastity.Raja Halwani - 2013 - In Hugh LaFollette, The International Encyclopedia of Ethics. Hoboken, NJ: Blackwell.
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  44. Love and Integrity.Raja Halwani - 2022 - In Arina Pismenny & Berit Brogaard, The Moral Psychology of Love. Lanham: Rowman and Littlefield. pp. 213-230.
    This paper focuses on the relationship between love (romantic, friendship) and moral integrity. More specifically, it looks into the conditions that need to be satisfied for the two to conflict with each other. After giving a general characterization of moral integrity and explaining some crucial moral aspects of love, both culled from the literature on integrity and on love, I provide two cases of couples whose love clashes with their integrity, one of a vegan in love with a non-vegan, and (...)
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  45. Philosophy of Love, Sex, and Marriage: An Introduction, second edition. Routledge, 2018.Raja Halwani - 2018 - New York: Routledge.
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  46. Temperance and sexual ethics.Raja Halwani - 2011 - In Adrianne McEvoy, Sex, Love, and Friendship: Studies of the Society for the Philosophy of Sex and Love, 1993-2003. New York, NY: Rodopi.
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    Sexual Exclusion and the Right to Sex.Raja Halwani - forthcoming - Theoria.
    Philosophers have recently expressed interest in the question as to whether there is a right to sex, a right whose justification is motivated by the existence of sexually excluded people—people who suffer from involuntary long-term sexual deprivation (owing, say, to a chronic medical condition). This paper, after offering preliminary remarks about what a right to sex and its objects might be and who might have this right, surveys seven justifications for the right: linkage arguments, need, well-being, a minimally decent life, (...)
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    Scepticism About Other Minds: Propositional and Objectual.Raja Bahlul - 2021 - Philosophical Investigations 45 (2):200-219.
    Philosophical Investigations, Volume 45, Issue 2, Page 200-219, April 2022.
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  49. AI4People—an ethical framework for a good AI society: opportunities, risks, principles, and recommendations.Luciano Floridi, Josh Cowls, Monica Beltrametti, Raja Chatila, Patrice Chazerand, Virginia Dignum, Christoph Luetge, Robert Madelin, Ugo Pagallo, Francesca Rossi, Burkhard Schafer, Peggy Valcke & Effy Vayena - 2018 - Minds and Machines 28 (4):689-707.
    This article reports the findings of AI4People, an Atomium—EISMD initiative designed to lay the foundations for a “Good AI Society”. We introduce the core opportunities and risks of AI for society; present a synthesis of five ethical principles that should undergird its development and adoption; and offer 20 concrete recommendations—to assess, to develop, to incentivise, and to support good AI—which in some cases may be undertaken directly by national or supranational policy makers, while in others may be led by other (...)
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    Reality and Intentionality.Anand Raja - forthcoming - Semiotics:37-50.
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