Results for 'Psychiatry Social aspects.'

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  1.  33
    Critical psychiatry: the limits of madness.D. B. Double (ed.) - 2006 - New York: Palgrave-Macmillan.
    Psychiatry is increasingly dominated by the reductionist claim that mental illness is caused by neurobiological abnormalities such as chemical imbalances in the brain. Critical psychiatry does not believe that this is the whole story and proposes a more ethical foundation for practice. This book describes an original framework for renewing mental health services in alliance with people with mental health problems. It is an advance over the polarization created by the "anti-psychiatry" of the past.
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    Psychiatry’s inchoate wish for a paradigm shift and bio-psych-social model of mental illness.Tim Thornton - 2018 - In Rethinking the Biopsychosocial Model. Oxford University Press.
    Psychiatry’s inchoate wish for a paradigm shift and the biopsychosocial model of mental illness’ critically examines the much discussed goal of a paradigm shift in psychiatric taxonomy. The chapter first highlights some illustrative calls for such a change and then sets these against the Kuhnian account of science from which the idea is taken, highlighting the connection to incommensurability. Relative to a distinction drawn from Winch, between putative sciences where the self-understanding of subjects plays no role and those where (...)
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    A democratic mind: psychology and psychiatry with fewer meds and more soul.Israel W. Charny - 2017 - Lanham, Maryland: Lexington Books.
    A Democratic Mind: Psychology and Psychiatry with Fewer Meds and More Soul focuses on how an individual lives her life, and on the extent of harm that an individual can inflict on herself or others. In this book, I.W. Charny provides a new lens for understanding regular people rather than treatments that alleviate symptoms.
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    Person-centered Care in Psychiatry. Self-relational, Contextual, and Normative Perspectives.Gerrit Glas - 2019 - Abingdon, Verenigd Koninkrijk: Routledge/Taylor&Francis.
    This book focuses on two important, interlinked themes in psychiatry, i.e., the relation between self (or: person), context and psychopathology; and the intrinsic value-ladenness of psychiatry as a practice. -/- Written against the background of scientistic tendencies in today’s psychiatry, it is argued in Part I that psychiatry needs a clinical conception of psychopathology alongside more traditional scientific conceptions; that this clinical conception of psychopathology must be based on a fundamental rethinking of the interaction between illness (...)
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    Talking back to psychiatry: the psychiatric consumer/survivor/ex-patient movement.Linda Joy Morrison - 2005 - New York: Routledge.
    Linda Morrison brings the voices and issues of a little-known, complex social movement to the attention of sociologists, mental health professionals, and the general public. The members of this social movement work to gain voice for their own experience, to raise consciousness of injustice and inequality, to expose the darker side of psychiatry, and to promote alternatives for people in emotional distress. Talking Back to Psychiatry explores the movement's history, its complex membership, its strategies and goals, (...)
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    Religion, Psychiatry, and "Radical" Epistemic Injustices.Rosa Ritunnano & Ian James Kidd - 2024 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 31 (3):235-238.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Religion, Psychiatry, and “Radical” Epistemic InjusticesRosa Ritunnano, MD (bio) and Ian James Kidd, PhD (bio)Hermeneutical injustice as a concept has evolved since its original formulation by Miranda Fricker (2007). The concept has been taken up in psychiatry, with its moral, epistemic and clinical premium on the interpretation of extremely complex and difficult experiences (Kidd et al., 2022). There are many varieties of hermeneutical injustice with different forms, (...)
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    (1 other version)Scenario- and discussion-based approach for teaching preclinical medical students the socio-philosophical aspects of psychiatry.Ya-Ping Lin, Chun-Hao Liu, Yu-Ting Chen & Uen Shuen Li - 2023 - Philosophy, Ethics and Humanities in Medicine 18 (1):1-8.
    Background This study used a scenario- and discussion-based approach to teach preclinical medical students the socio-philosophical aspects of psychiatry and qualitatively evaluated the learning outcomes in a medical humanities course in Taiwan. Methods The seminar session focused on three hypothetical psychiatry cases. Students discussed the cases in groups and were guided by facilitators from multiple disciplines and professions. At the end of the semester, students submitted a narrative report comprising their reflections on the cases and discussions. The authors (...)
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  8. Affective injustice, sanism and psychiatry.Zoey Lavallee & Anne-Marie Gagné-Julien - 2024 - Synthese 204 (94):1-23.
    Psychiatric language and concepts, and the norms they embed, have come to influence more and more areas of our daily lives. This has recently been described as a feature of the ‘psychiatrization of society.’ This paper looks at one aspect of psychiatrization that is still little studied in the literature: the psychiatrization of our emotional lives. The paper develops an extended account of emotion pathologizing as a form of affective injustice that is related to psychiatrization and that specifically harms psychopathologized (...)
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    The Failure of Diagnostic Psychiatry and some prospects of Scientific Progress Offered by Critical Realism.David Pilgrim - 2013 - Journal of Critical Realism 12 (3):336-358.
    A brief overview is provided of sociological and historical critiques of Western psychiatry before focusing on pre-empirical, non-empirical and empirical aspects of psychiatric diagnosis. These are then discussed using the analytical devices of the ontic fallacy, the epistemic fallacy and generative mechanisms. It is concluded that mental disorders do not really exist but particular presenting problems of unintelligibility, interpersonal dysfunction and common human misery, in particular social contexts, recur in modern life and thus constitute real problems for those (...)
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    L’établissement des priorités en matière de santé mentale : un essai d’épistémologie sociale comparée.Luc Faucher - 2022 - Philosophiques 49 (1):101-133.
    Luc Faucher Dans cet article, je soulèverai un problème qui a été négligé jusqu’ici dans les écrits portant sur la philosophie de la psychiatrie au sujet du Research Domain Criteria : le fait que l’initiative découle des priorités de recherche du National Institute of Mental Health et que l’orientation de celles-ci ne permet pas de traiter certains aspects des conditions des patients qui sont jugés essentiels par ceux-ci. Après avoir démontré l’existence de ce problème, je vais tenter de voir par (...)
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  11. The Philosophy of Psychiatry: A Companion.Jennifer Radden (ed.) - 2004 - Oxford: Oxford University Press.
    This is a comprehensive resource of original essays by leading thinkers exploring the newly emerging inter-disciplinary field of the philosophy of psychiatry. The contributors aim to define this exciting field and to highlight the philosophical assumptions and issues that underlie psychiatric theory and practice, the category of mental disorder, and rationales for its social, clinical and legal treatment. As a branch of medicine and a healing practice, psychiatry relies on presuppositions that are deeply and unavoidably philosophical. Conceptions (...)
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  12.  43
    The Social, the Outer and the Reflexive: Some More Dimensions of Subjectivity, Schizophrenia, and Its Recovery.Rosanna Wannberg - 2024 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 31 (1):75-78.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:The Social, the Outer and the ReflexiveSome More Dimensions of Subjectivity, Schizophrenia, and Its RecoveryThe author reports no conflicts of interest.First of all, I want to express my gratitude to the Association for the Advancement of Philosophy and Psychiatry, Philosophy, Psychiatry, & Psychology, and the Karl Jaspers Award Committee for their recognition of my paper "Institution or individuality? Some reflections on the lessons to be learned (...)
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    The Struggle of Psychiatry with Psychoanalysis: Who Won?Sander L. Gilman - 1987 - Critical Inquiry 13 (2):293-313.
    What if Wittgenstein and Popper were right after all? What is psychoanalysis is not “scientific,” not scientific by any contemporary definition—including Adolf Grünbaum’s—but what if it works all the same?1 What if psychoanalysis is all right in practice, but the theory isn’t scientific? Indeed, what if “science” is defined ideologically rather than philosophically? If we so redefine “science,” it is not to dismiss psychoanalysis but to understand its origin and impact, to follow the ideological dialectic between the history of (...), its developing as a medical “science,” and the evolving self-definition of psychoanalysis which parallels this history. We know that Freud divided psychoanalysis into three quite discrete areas—first, a theory, a “scientific structure”; second, a method of inquiry, a means of exploring and ordering information; and last, but certainly not least, a mode of treatment. Let us, for the moment, follow the actual course of history, at least the course of a history which can be described by sorting out the interrelationship between psychoanalysis and psychiatry, and assume that we can heuristically view the mode of treatment as relatively independent of the other two aspects of psychoanalysis. What if the very claims for a “scientific” basis for psychoanalytic treatment and by extension the role of the psychoanalyst as promulgated by Freud and his early followers were rooted in an ideologically charged historical interpretation of the positivistic nature of science and the definition of the social role of the scientist? This may seem an odd premise to begin an essay on the mutual influence of psychoanalysis and psychiatry, but it is not stranger than the actual historical practice. Psychoanalysis originated not in the psychiatric clinic but in the laboratories of neurology in Vienna and Paris.2 Its point of origin was not nineteenth-century psychiatry but rather nineteenth-century neurology. That origin points to a major difference between the traditional practice of nineteenth-century psychiatry and modern clinical psychiatry in our post-positivistic age. Psychiatry in nineteenth-century Europe, in Vienna as well as in Paris, was an adjunct to the world of the asylum. Indeed, the second great battle which nineteenth-century psychiatry waged was the creation of the “alienist” as a new medical specialty. The alienist was the medical doctor in administrative charge of the asylum, rather than a medical adjunct to the lay asylum director as had earlier, in the age of “moral treatment,” been the practice. Sander L. Gilman is professor of human studies in the departments of German literature and Near Eastern studies, Cornell University, and professor of psychiatry at the Cornell Medical College. He is the author of numerous books on intellectual and literary history. His most recent study is Jewish Self-Hatred . Forthcoming is his study Oscar Wilde’s London and the English edition of his Conversations with Nietzsche. His previous contribution to Critical Inquiry is “Black Bodies, White Bodies: Toward an Iconography of Female Sexuality in Late Nineteenth-Century Art, Medicine, and Literature”. (shrink)
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    Socializing Psychiatric Kinds : A Pluralistic Explanatory Account of the Nature and Classification of Psychopathology.Tuomas Vesterinen - 2023 - Dissertation, University of Helsinki
    This thesis investigates the nature of psychiatric disorders, and to what extent they can form a basis for classification, explanation, and treatment interventions. These questions are important in the light of the “crisis of validity” in psychiatry, according to which current diagnostic categories do not pick out real disorders. I address the questions by defending an account of psychiatric disorders that can better accommodate social aspects and non-epistemic values than the symptom-based model of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (...)
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    Philosophie de la psychiatrie et phénoménologie du quotidien : Les bouleversements de l’expérience ordinaire dans la clinique des psychosesPhilosophy of psychiatry and phenomenology of everyday life: The disruptions of ordinary experience in schizophreniaPhilosophie Der Psychiatrie Und Phänomenologie Des Alltagslebens: Die Erschütterungen Der Gewöhnlichen Erfahrung Bei Der Klinik Der Psychose.Sarah Troubé - 2016 - Revue de Synthèse 137 (1):61-86.
    RésuméL’article se propose d’interroger la philosophie de la psychiatrie à partir du registre de la quotidienneté, et des questions que les bouleversements de cette dimension de l’expérience dans les psychoses sont susceptibles d’adresser à une phénoménologie du quotidien. Si cette dernière représente une jonction entre clinique et philosophie, elle questionne les articulations entre conditions transcendantales de l’expérience, construction d’une forme concrète de l’ordinaire, et incarnation d’une valeur sociale et anthropologique normative. La quotidienneté ouvre ainsi à une réflexion réciproque entre philosophie (...)
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    Psychiatry in the age of neuroscience: the impact on clinical practice and lives of patients.Elleke Landeweer, Tineke Abma, Jolijn Santegoeds & Guy Widdershoven - 2008 - Poiesis and Praxis 6 (1-2):43-55.
    Due to the progress being made in the neurosciences, higher expectations for the use of medication, even against the patient’s will, are arising in mental hospitals. In this article, we will discuss whether the neurosciences and new psychopharmacological solutions really support patients who suffer from mental illnesses. To answer this question, we will focus on the perspective of patients and their experiences with psychiatric (coercive) treatments. The analysis of one person’s story shows that other issues besides appropriate medication are important (...)
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    Re-Visioning Psychiatry: Cultural Phenomenology, Critical Neuroscience, and Global Mental Health, written by Laurence J. Kirmayer, Robert Lemelson, Constance A. Cummings.Mads Gram Henriksen - 2017 - Journal of Phenomenological Psychology 48 (1):149-154.
    The task of being oneself lies at the heart of human existence and entails the possibility of not being oneself. In the case of schizophrenia, this possibility may come to the fore in a disturbing way. Patients often report that they feel alienated from themselves. Therefore, it is perhaps unsurprising that schizophrenia sometimes has been described with the heideggerian notion of inauthenticity. The aim of this paper is to explore if this description is adequate. We discuss two phenomenological accounts of (...)
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    Interdisciplinary Aspects of Mental Disorders Classification Systems.Sergii Rudenko & Mykhailo Tasenko - 2023 - Bulletin of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv Philosophy 2 (9):44-49.
    B a c k g r o u n d. The article demonstrates the development and influence of the main diagnostic systems in psychiatry, such as the DSM and the ICD, on the concept of psychiatric diseases. The problem of classification of psychiatric disorders is one of the main topics that is the field of study of the philosophy of psychiatry. The correct diagnosis within a particular diagnostic system directly affects the choice of appropriate drug treatment, psychotherapy and (...)
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  19.  30
    Ethical challenges assessed in the clinical ethics Committee of Psychiatry in the region of Southern Denmark in 2010–2015: a qualitative content analyses. [REVIEW]H. Bruun, S. G. Lystbaek, E. Stenager, L. Huniche & R. Pedersen - 2018 - BMC Medical Ethics 19 (1):62.
    The aim of this article is to give more insight into what ethical challenges clinicians in mental healthcare experience and discuss with a Clinical Ethics Committee in psychiatry in the Region of Southern Denmark. Ethical considerations are an important part of the daily decision-making processes and thereby for the quality of care in mental healthcare. However, such ethical challenges have been given little systematic attention – both in research and in practices. A qualitative content analysis of 55 written case-reports (...)
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  20.  64
    Wilhelm Griesinger: Psychiatry between Philosophy and Praxis.Katherine Arens - 1996 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 3 (3):147-163.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Wilhelm Griesinger: Psychiatry between Philosophy and PraxisKatherine Arens (bio)AbstractThis essay discusses Wilhelm Griesinger’s seminal work on mental illness, Mental Pathology and Therapeutics (1867, trans. 1882), in the context of transcendental idealism, as an outgrowth of the work of Kant, Herbart, and Hegel. Griesinger drew on an adaptation of Hegel’s dialectical model of history and science to offer both a new way to interpret mental illness as a product (...)
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    Incorporating Religion into Psychiatry: Evidenced–Based Practice, Not a Bioethical Dilemma.Mary D. Moller - 2014 - Narrative Inquiry in Bioethics 4 (3):206-208.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Incorporating Religion into Psychiatry:Evidenced–Based Practice, Not a Bioethical DilemmaMary D. MollerFor over sixteen years I was the owner and clinical director of an advanced practice nurse–managed outpatient rural psychiatric clinic staffed by APNs, a social worker, a licensed counselor and several graduate students. Many of our patients were victims of severe and often brutal trauma and abuse suffered at the hands of family, friends, and various professionals (...)
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    Psychological Aspects of Widowhood and Divorce.J. K. Trivedi, H. Sareen & M. Dhyani - 2009 - Mens Sana Monographs 7 (1):37.
    _Despite advances in standard of living of the population, the condition of widows and divorced women remains deplorable in society. The situation is worse in developing nations with their unique social, cultural and economic milieu, which at times ignores the basic human rights of this vulnerable section of society. A gap exists in life expectancies of men and women in both developing and developed nations. This, coupled with greater remarriage rates in men, ensures that the number of widows continues (...)
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  23. Antipsicologia: a práxis de uma ideologia alternativa.Wilson Coutinho Júnior - 1984 - Goiânia: "Dom Quixote".
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  24. Social, Cognitive, and Neural Constraints on Subjectivity and Agency: Implications for Dissociative Identity Disorder.Peter Q. Deeley - 2003 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 10 (2):161-167.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Philosophy, Psychiatry, & Psychology 10.2 (2003) 161-167 [Access article in PDF] Social, Cognitive, and Neural Constraints on Subjectivity and Agency:Implications for Dissociative Identity Disorder Peter Q. Deeley In this commentary, I consider Matthew's argument after making some general observations about dissociative identity disorder (DID). In contrast to Matthew's statement that "cases of DID, although not science fiction, are extraordinary" (p. 148), I believe that there are natural (...)
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  25.  24
    Suffering and Salutogenesis: A Conceptual Analysis of Lessons for Psychiatry From Existential Positive Psychology (PP2.0) in the Setting of the COVID-19 Pandemic. [REVIEW]Ravi Philip Rajkumar - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    The COVID-19 pandemic has had a widespread effect on the thoughts, emotions and behavior of millions of people all around the world. In this context, a large body of scientific literature examining the mental health impact of this global crisis has emerged. The majority of these studies have framed this impact in terms of pre-defined categories derived from psychiatric nosology, such as anxiety disorders, depression or post-traumatic stress disorder. These constructs often fail to capture the complexity of the actual experiences (...)
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  26. Values and psychiatric diagnosis.John Z. Sadler - 2005 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    The public, mental health consumers, as well as mental health practitioners wonder about what kinds of values mental health professionals hold, and what kinds of values influence psychiatric diagnosis. Are mental disorders socio-political, practical, or scientific concepts? Is psychiatric diagnosis value-neutral? What role does the fundamental philosophical question "How should I live?" play in mental health care? In his carefully nuanced and exhaustively referenced monograph, psychiatrist and philosopher of psychiatry John Z. Sadler describes the manifold kinds of values and (...)
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    Some Aspects of Containment Matter.Ben Lewis - 2021 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 28 (3):223-225.
    Tehseen noorani’s article “Containment Matters: Set and Setting in Contemporary Psychedelic Psychiatry” presents a comprehensive, deeply researched ethnographic perspective on current research practices in psychedelic-assisted therapy. This is rapidly evolving terrain scientifically, clinically, legally, and socially. Noorani’s on-the-ground observations from within the Johns Hopkins research program are fascinating and timely given the numerous challenges faced in investigating and developing this emerging mode of psychiatric treatment as well as the complex history psychedelics represent. The level of detail afforded by Noorani’s (...)
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    The Forgotten Self: Training Mental Health and Social Care Workers to Work with Service Users.Kim Woodbridge - 2003 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 10 (4):373-378.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Philosophy, Psychiatry, & Psychology 10.4 (2003) 373-378 [Access article in PDF] The Forgotten Self:Training Mental Health and Social Care Workers to Work With Service Users Kim Woodbridge Keywords self, workers perspective, them and us, win-win situation The three main papers and the case studies presented in this issue of Philosophy, Psychiatry, & Psychology all focus on the service user perspective in relation to the self as (...)
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    Stories of suicide and social justice.Scott J. Fitzpatrick - 2016 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 23 (3):285-287.
    R. Srivatsan’s view of suicide as a historically specific event enfolded with meaning and Clare Shaw’s thoughtful elucidation of the transformative power of personal stories attest to the complexity and challenge of conducting research into the meanings and functions of narratives of suicide both methodologically and ethically. Because one of the aims of my original article was to bring narrative theories and methods to bear on issues relating to the ethical and political aspects of personal narrative within the practice of (...)
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  30. The DSM-5 introduction of the Social (Pragmatic) Communication Disorder as a new mental disorder: a philosophical review.M. Cristina Amoretti, Elisabetta Lalumera & Davide Serpico - 2021 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 43 (4):1-31.
    The latest edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders included the Social Communication Disorder as a new mental disorder characterized by deficits in pragmatic abilities. Although the introduction of SPCD in the psychiatry nosography depended on a variety of reasons—including bridging a nosological gap in the macro-category of Communication Disorders—in the last few years researchers have identified major issues in such revision. For instance, the symptomatology of SPCD is notably close to that of Autism Spectrum (...)
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  31.  33
    Losing our minds: the challenge of defining mental illness.Lucy Foulkes - 2022 - New York: St. Martin's Press.
    A compelling and incisive book that questions the overuse of mental health terms to describe universal human emotions Public awareness of mental illness has been transformed in recent years, but our understanding of how to define it has yet to catch up. Too often, psychiatric disorders are confused with the inherent stresses and challenges of human experience. A narrative has taken hold that a mental health crisis has been building among young people. In this profoundly sensitive and constructive book, psychologist (...)
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    Tumult in Therapyland.Reuben Bitensky - 1976 - Diogenes 24 (94):110-120.
    There is no profession where social change receives more approbation and less application than psychiatry. It is considered salubrious for patients and clinicians alike. This zeal for the innovative has produced an amazing proliferation of therapies. Beyond this psychiatry even preempts a trailblazing role among the behavioral sciences for its evolutionary approach. Freud's social side has been resurrected and now it is acknowledged that the founding father devoted considerable attention to the social aspects of psychoanalysis. (...)
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    On the Actuality and Virtuality of Autistic Encounters: Respecting the Autistic Voice and Reimagining the Social.Sofie Boldsen - 2022 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 29 (3):217-220.
    Autism is a highly heterogeneous phenomenon. Not only is it difficult to understand the various and diverse aspects of autism, their relation to each other is also complex and still poorly understood. In my article, “Material encounters. A phenomenological account of social interaction in autism,” I have addressed this heterogeneity by presenting an understanding of how social features of autism relate to behavioral features. Straddling this divide between the social and the non-social that still pervades much (...)
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    Brennende Zeiten: zur Psychoanalyse sozialer und politischer Konflikte.Thomas Auchter - 2012 - Giessen: Psychosozial-Verlag.
  35. Being Amoral: Psychopathy and Moral Incapacity.Thomas Schramme (ed.) - 2014 - MIT Press.
    Psychopathy has been the subject of investigations in both philosophy and psychiatry and yet the conceptual issues remain largely unresolved. This volume approaches psychopathy by considering the question of what psychopaths lack. The contributors investigate specific moral dysfunctions or deficits, shedding light on the capacities people need to be moral by examining cases of real people who seem to lack those capacities. -/- The volume proceeds from the basic assumption that psychopathy is not characterized by a single deficit--for example, (...)
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    Everyday Creativity and New Views of Human Nature: Psychological, Social, and Spiritual Perspectives.Ruth Richards (ed.) - 2007 - American Psychological Association.
    Though active in the arts herself, Dr. Richards (psychology, Saybrook Graduate School, San Francisco; psychiatry, Harvard Medical School; McLean Hospital, Belmont, Massachusetts) views creativity more broadly and as essential to survival. As someone who helped break new ground in the assessment of creativity in the general population, she introduces 13 chapters in which interdisciplinary thinkers probe the "originality of everyday life" in individual and societal contexts. Perspectives range from Piaget's developmental stages and the more positive aspects of television viewing (...)
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    Social aspects of scientific knowledge.Ilkka Niiniluoto - 2020 - Synthese 197 (1):447-468.
    From its inception in 1987 social epistemology has been divided into analytic and critical approaches, represented by Alvin I. Goldman and Steve Fuller, respectively. In this paper, the agendas and some basic ideas of ASE and CSE are compared and assessed by bringing into the discussion also other participants of the debates on the social aspects of scientific knowledge—among them Raimo Tuomela, Philip Kitcher and Helen Longino. The six topics to be analyzed include individual and collective epistemic agents; (...)
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  38. Parallel Debates: A Methodological Proposal.Itsue Nakaya-Perez - 2022 - Resistances. Journal of the Philosophy of History 3 (6):e21096.
    Social ontology focuses on questions about the reality of human categories. The typical examples are gender and race. Common questions about them are: Do they exist? What is their nature? Do they exist in the best possible way? Meanwhile, the philosophy of psychiatry has been discussing the reality of psychopathology, what is the best way to classify mental disorders, and whether it is possible to define them without normative vocabulary. I think there is something not only strange but (...)
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  39. Deleuze and Guattari: an introduction to the politics of desire.Philip Goodchild - 1996 - Thousand Oaks, Calif.: SAGE.
    Both accessible and definitive, Deleuze and Guattari provides a critical examination of the writing of two notoriously difficult thinkers. This important introduction is divided into three sections--knowledge, power, and desire--and provides a systematic account of the intellectual context as well as an exhaustive analysis of the key themes informing Deleuze and Guattari's work. Providing a framework for reading the important and influential study Capitalism and Schizophrenia, this volume is attentive to the needs of the student by providing a lexicon of (...)
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  40. A Note on the Dynamics of Psychiatric Classification.José Eduardo Porcher - 2014 - Minerva - An Internet Journal of Philosophy 18 (1):27-47.
    The question of how psychiatric classifications are made up and to what they refer has attracted the attention of philosophers in recent years. In this paper, I review the claims of authors who discuss psychiatric classification in terms referring both to the philosophical tradition of natural kinds and to the sociological tradition of social constructionism — especially those of Ian Hacking and his critics. I examine both the ontological and the social aspects of what it means for something (...)
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    Social aspects of the application of the Heberprot-P in the Angiology service at Manuel Ascunce Domenech Hospital.Irma Niurka Falcón Fariñas, Aylín Nordelo Valdivia, Odalys Escalante Padrón & Ana C. Campal Espinosa - 2016 - Humanidades Médicas 16 (1):98-114.
    En la actualidad Cuba desarrolla un Programa de Atención Integral al Paciente con Úlcera de Pie Diabético mediante el uso del Heberprot-P, esencial para disminuir la amputación y la discapacidad. El trabajo tiene el objetivo de realizar un diagnóstico sobre la aplicación del Heberprot-P en el Servicio de Angiología del Hospital Provincial Universitario Manuel Ascunce Domenech de Camagüey. Se realizaron encuestas a pacientes para identificar necesidades sentidas relacionadas con el tratamiento y para las actitudes manifiestas, y se hicieron entrevistas al (...)
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    Affectivity and Personality: Mediated by the Social.Martin Heinze - 2009 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 16 (3):273-275.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Affectivity and Personality: Mediated by the SocialMartin Heinze (bio)Keywordsaffectivity, sociality, personalism, psychiatric anthropologyBy emphasizing the concept of the person, Rosfort and Stanghellini are to be congratulated for overcoming a reductive concept self driven by the limits of neurobiological research. In this commentary, I emphasize some points about the context of these thoughts concerning the dialectic of nature and freedom and the social realm in which the connections of (...)
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  43.  16
    Bioethics in Africa: Theories and Praxis.Yaw A. Frimpong-Mansoh & Caesar A. Atuire (eds.) - 2018 - Wilmington, Delaware: Vernon Press.
    Bioethics urges us to question and debate fundamental moral issues that arise in health-related sciences. However, as a result of Western dominance and globalization, bioethical thinking and practice has inevitably been shaped and defined by Western theories. With recent discussions centering on the relationship between culture and bioethics, it is important to consider how and to what extent can bioethics reflect and accommodate non-Western values and beliefs? Debatably, many scholars working in the field of ‘African bioethics’ seek to construct a (...)
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    Looking at the Social Aspects of Nature of Science in Science Education Through a New Lens.Sila Kaya, Sibel Erduran, Naomi Birdthistle & Orla McCormack - 2018 - Science & Education 27 (5-6):457-478.
    Particular social aspects of the nature of science, such as economics of, and entrepreneurship in science, are understudied in science education research. It is not surprising then that the practical applications, such as lesson resources and teaching materials, are scarce. The key aims of this article are to synthesize perspectives from the literature on economics of science, entrepreneurship, NOS, and science education in order to have a better understanding of how science works in society and illustrate how such a (...)
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  45. Some Social Aspects of the Soul of Multiverse Hypothesis: Human Societies and the Soul of Multiverse.Nandor Ludvig - 2023 - Journal of Neurophilosophy 2 (1).
    As a continuation of this author’s previous cosmological neuroscience papers on the hypothesized Soul of Multiverse and its possible laws, the present work examined the social aspects of four of these laws. The following key aspects were recognized: (1) Knowing about the cosmic Law of Coexistence in Diversity can let our mind respect not only the endless diversity of human beings but also the cohesive force of space-time in which all are connected. This may help realizing the superiority of (...)
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  46. Social aspects of efficiency.N. Anderson - 1971 - Humanitas 6 (3):263-276.
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    The Psycho-Social Aspect of Duty of Pilgrimage in Islam.Nedim ÖZ - 2021 - Dini Araştırmalar 24 (61):595-614.
    This study addresses the social aspect of the duty of pilgrimage through the documentation method based on sociological perspective. The aim of this paper is to determine the social gains of people through the pilgrimage. Religion is an phenomenon that people need in every aspect of their daily life. Because religion is one of the phenomenon that deeply affect the individual and society. The pilgrimage, which is one of the sociological expressions of religion, and maintains its existence in (...)
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    Social Aspects of Science.On Sociological Biographies - 2008 - Annals of Science 65 (3):453-455.
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    The Social Aspect Of The Compulsory Hat Wearing.Fahri Sakal - 2007 - Journal of Turkish Studies 2:1308-1318.
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    Inflating the social aspects of cognitive structural realism.Majid D. Beni - 2021 - European Journal for Philosophy of Science 11 (3):1-18.
    Inspired by Ronald Giere’s cognitive approach to scientific models, Cognitive Structural Realism has presented a naturalist account of scientific representation. CSR characterises the structure of theories in terms of cognitive structures. These are informational structures embodied in the brains of scientists. CSR accounts for scientific representation in terms of the dynamical relationship between the organism and its environment. The proposal has been criticised on account of its negligence of social aspects of scientific practice. The present paper aims to chart (...)
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