Results for 'Phillip Kurts'

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  1. How Emotions Develop and How they Organise Development.Kurt W. Fischer, Phillip R. Shaver & Peter Carnochan - 1990 - Cognition and Emotion 4 (2):81-127.
    Concepts from functional theories of emotions are integrated with principles of skill development to produce a theory of emotional development. The theory provides tools for predicting both the sequences of emotional development and the ways emotions shape development. Emotions are characterised in terms of three component models: (a) the process of emotion generation from event appraisal, (b) a hierarchy of emotion categories organised around a handful of basic-emotion families, and (c) a characterisation of emotions in terms of prototypic event scripts. (...)
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    A special mission.Phillip Kurts - 2000 - The Australasian Catholic Record 77 (3):320.
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  3. Performing the Categories: Eighteenth-Century Generation Theory and the Biological Roots of Kant's A Priori.Phillip R. Sloan - 2002 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 40 (2):229-253.
    Phillip R. Sloan - Performing the Categories: Eighteenth-Century Generation Theory and the Biological Roots of Kant's A Priori - Journal of the History of Philosophy 40:2 Journal of the History of Philosophy 40.2 229-253 Preforming the Categories: Eighteenth-Century Generation Theory and the Biological Roots of Kant's A Priori Phillip R. Sloan Situating Kant's philosophical project in relation to the natural sciences of his day has been of concern to several scholars from both the history of science and the (...)
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    La violence du logos: entre sciences du texte, philosophie et littérature.Lia Kurts-Wöste, Mathilde Vallespir & Marie-Albane Rioux-Watine (eds.) - 2013 - Paris: Classiques Garnier.
    La pensée d'une violence intrinsèque au logos demeure largement marginale dans les sciences du langage. Ce livre, à vocation à la fois archéologique et prospective, réévalue le potentiel de cette violence du logos en faisant dialoguer spécialistes de philosophie, de sciences du texte et de littérature.
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    Stylistique et herméneutique des œuvres littéraires : pour une approche intégrative, via la notion de « stylisation ».Lia Kurts-Wöste & Sophie Jollin-Bertocchi - 2021 - Semiotica 2021 (241):121-137.
    RésuméDepuis longtemps appliquée aux arts visuels avec le sens de “simplification”, la notion de stylisation émerge au cours du XXe siècle, héritière de l’histoire d’une approche dynamique du langage dont la source se trouve au XIXe siècle. La réflexion épistémologique récente tend vers une reconceptualisation de l’objet de la stylistique, passant du style à la stylisation, décentrement qui met l’interprétation au premier plan. Une stylisation “primaire”, par le créateur, se poursuit dans la stylisation “secondaire”, par l’interprète. Un détour par la (...)
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  6. Island Universes and the Analysis of Modality.Phillip Bricker - 2001 - In Gerhard Preyer & Frank Siebelt (eds.), Reality and Humean Supervenience: Essays on the Philosophy of David Lewis. Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    It follows from Humean principles of plenitude, I argue, that island universes are possible: physical reality might have 'absolutely isolated' parts. This makes trouble for Lewis's modal realism; but the realist has a way out. First, accept absolute actuality, which is defensible, I argue, on independent grounds. Second, revise the standard analysis of modality: modal operators are 'plural', not 'individual', quantifiers over possible worlds. This solves the problem of island universes and confers three additional benefits: an 'unqualified' principle of compossibility (...)
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  7. (1 other version)The Relation Between General and Particular: Entailment vs. Supervenience.Phillip Bricker - 2006 - In Dean Zimmerman (ed.), Oxford Papers in Metaphysics, vol. 3. Oxford University Press. pp. 251-287.
    Some argue, following Bertrand Russell, that because general truths are not entailed by particular truths, general facts must be posited to exist in addition to particular facts. I argue on the contrary that because general truths (globally) supervene on particular truths, general facts are not needed in addition to particular facts; indeed, if one accepts the Humean denial of necessary connections between distinct existents, one can further conclude that there are no general facts. When entailment and supervenience do not coincide (...)
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    Punishment and societal defense.Phillip Montague - 1983 - Criminal Justice Ethics 2 (1):30-36.
  9. Realism without parochialism.Phillip Bricker - 2020 - In Modal Matters: Essays in Metaphysics. Oxford, England: Oxford University Press. pp. 40-76.
    I am a realist of a metaphysical stripe. I believe in an immense realm of "modal" and "abstract" entities, of entities that are neither part of, nor stand in any causal relation to, the actual, concrete world. For starters: I believe in possible worlds and individuals; in propositions, properties, and relations (both abundantly and sparsely conceived); in mathematical objects and structures; and in sets (or classes) of whatever I believe in. Call these sorts of entity, and the reality they comprise, (...)
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  10. Heritage and Hermeneutics: Towards a Broader Interpretation of Interpretation.Phillip Ablett & Pamela Dyer - 2009 - Current Issues in Tourism 12 (3):209-233.
    This article re-examines the theoretical basis for environmental and heritage interpretation in tourist settings in the light of hermeneutic philosophy. It notes that the pioneering vision of heritage interpretation formulated by Freeman Tilden envisaged a broadly educational, ethically informed and transformative art. By contrast, current cognitive psychological attempts to reduce interpretation to the monological transmission of information, targeting universal but individuated cognitive structures, are found to be wanting. Despite growing signs of diversity, this information processing approach to interpretation remains dominant. (...)
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  11. Social Work as Revolutionary Praxis? The contribution to critical practice of Cornelius Castoriadis’s political philosophy.Phillip Ablett & Christine Morley - 2019 - Critical and Radical Social Work 7 (3): 333-348.
    Social work is a contested tradition, torn between the demands of social governance and autonomy. Today, this struggle is reflected in the division between the dominant, neoliberal agenda of service provision and the resistance offered by various critical perspectives employed by disparate groups of practitioners serving diverse communities. Critical social work challenges oppressive conditions and discourses, in addition to addressing their consequences in individuals’ lives. However, very few recent critical theorists informing critical social work have advocated revolution. A challenging exception (...)
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  12. Poulantzas' Strategic Analysis of Fascism.Phillip Ablett & George Evangelista - 1987 - Diliman Review 35 (5-6):104-112.
    The term 'fascism' continues to be very much in currency in Philippines society. To the Filipino people, its meaning is often drawn from pained memory of wholesale deprivation of democratic rights and large-scale human rights abuses. Yet, to many, the fear of fascism has still to give way to a deeper understanding of this menace. This may hold true even among those belonging to the progressive movement. One Marxist philosopher and theoretician who gave extended treatment of the issues surrounding the (...)
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  13. Developing human-nonhuman chimeras in human stem cell research: Ethical issues and boundaries.Phillip Karpowicz, Cynthia B. Cohen & Derek J. Van der Kooy - 2005 - Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 15 (2):107-134.
    : The transplantation of adult human neural stem cells into prenatal non-humans offers an avenue for studying human neural cell development without direct use of human embryos. However, such experiments raise significant ethical concerns about mixing human and nonhuman materials in ways that could result in the development of human-nonhuman chimeras. This paper examines four arguments against such research, the moral taboo, species integrity, "unnaturalness," and human dignity arguments, and finds the last plausible. It argues that the transfer of human (...)
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  14. Composition as a Kind of Identity.Phillip Bricker - 2016 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 59 (3):264-294.
    Composition as identity, as I understand it, is a theory of the composite structure of reality. The theory’s underlying logic is irreducibly plural; its fundamental primitive is a generalized identity relation that takes either plural or singular arguments. Strong versions of the theory that incorporate a generalized version of the indiscernibility of identicals are incompatible with the framework of plural logic, and should be rejected. Weak versions of the theory that are based on the idea that composition is merely analogous (...)
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  15. Measuring Self-Regulation of Japanese EFL Learners in Relation to Vocabulary Acquisition.Rowles Phillip - 2009 - Fenomenologia. Diálogos Possíveis Campinas: Alínea/Goiânia: Editora da Puc Goiás 9:125-154.
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  16. The myth of evil: demonizing the enemy.Phillip Cole - 2006 - Westport, Conn.: Praeger.
    Terrorism, torture, and the problems of evil -- Diabolical evil, searching for Satan -- Philosophies of evil -- Communities of fear -- The enemy within -- Bad seeds -- The character of evil -- Facing the Holocaust -- Twenty-first-century mythologies.
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    Identity.Phillip Bricker - 1996 - In Donald M. Borchert (ed.), The Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Supplement. SImon and Schuster Macmillan.
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  18. (1 other version)Introduction to Philosophy—Thinking and Poetizing.Phillip Jacques Braunstein (ed.) - 2011 - Indiana University Press.
    First published in 1990 as the second part of volume 50 of Heidegger’s Complete Works, Introduction to Philosophy presents Heidegger’s final lecture course given at the University of Freiburg in 1944 before he was drafted into the German army. While the lecture is incomplete, Heidegger provides a clear and provocative discussion of the relation between philosophy and poetry by analyzing Nietzsche’s poetry. Here, Heidegger explores themes such as the home and homelessness, the age of technology, globalization, postmodernity, the philosophy of (...)
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  19. Direct causation in the linguistic coding and individuation of causal events.Phillip Wolff - 2003 - Cognition 88 (1):1-48.
  20. Migration and the Human Right to Health.Phillip Cole - 2009 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 18 (1):70.
    In December 2007 it was revealed that the British government is considering the exclusion of certain groups of migrants—those considered to be present “illegally”—from primary health care provided by the National Health Service. At present, practitioners have discretion to accept any individual for NHS treatment regardless of their status. A joint Home Office and Department of Health review is examining this access for foreign nationals, and the likely outcome is the restriction of access to irregular migrants, which would, according to (...)
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    Evolution.Phillip Sloan - 2008 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
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    Joseph Torchia, OP, Plotinus and Augustine on the Mid-Rank of the Soul: Navigating Two Worlds.Phillip Cary - 2024 - Augustinian Studies 55 (2):275-278.
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    Not All Dead White Men: Classics and Misogyny in the Digital Age by Donna Zuckerberg.Phillip Zapkin - 2019 - Classical World: A Quarterly Journal on Antiquity 112 (3):239-240.
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  24. Defining ‘business ethics’: Like nailing jello to a wall.Phillip V. Lewis - 1985 - Journal of Business Ethics 4 (5):377-383.
    Business ethics is a topic receiving much attention in the literature. However, the term 'business ethics' is not adequately defined. Typical definitions refer to the rightness or wrongness of behavior, but not everyone agrees on what is morally right or wrong, good or bad, ethical or unethical. To complicate the problem, nearly all available definitions exist at highly abstract levels. This article focuses on contemporary definitions of business ethics by business writers and professionals and on possible areas of agreement among (...)
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    Introduction.Phillip Hansen - 2015 - In Reconsidering C.B. Macpherson: from possessive individualism to democratic theory and beyond. Buffalo: University of Toronto Press. pp. 3-14.
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    Herennius Pontius: the Construction of a Samnite Philosopher.Phillip Sidney Horky - 2011 - Classical Antiquity 30 (1):119-147.
    This article explores in greater depth the historiographical traditions concerning Herennius Pontius, a Samnite wisdom-practitioner who is said by the Peripatetic Aristoxenus of Tarentum to have been an interlocutor of the philosophers Archytas of Tarentum and Plato of Athens. Specifically, it argues that extant speeches attributed to Herennius Pontius in the writings of Cassius Dio and Appian preserve a philosophy of “extreme proportional benefaction” among unequals. Greek theories of ethics among unequals such as those of Aristotle and Archytas of Tarentum, (...)
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  27. Philosophies of Exclusion: Liberal Political Theory and Immigration.Phillip Cole - 2000 - Edinburgh University Press.
    The mass movement of people across the globe constitutes a major feature of world politics today. -/- Whatever the cause of the movement - often war, famine, economic hardship, political repression or climate change - the governments of western capitalist states see this 'torrent of people in flight' as a serious threat to their stability and the scale of this migration indicates a need for a radical re-thinking of both political theory and practice, for the sake of political, social and (...)
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  28. The Fabric of Space: Intrinsic vs. Extrinsic Distance Relations.Phillip Bricker - 1993 - Midwest Studies in Philosophy 18 (1):271-294.
    In this chapter, I evaluate various conceptions of distance. Of the two most prominent, one takes distance relations to be intrinsic, the other extrinsic. I recommend pluralism: different conceptions can peacefully coexist as long as each holds sway over a distinct region of logical space. But when one asks which conception holds sway at the actual world, one conception stands out. It is the conception of distance embodied in differential geometry, what I call the Gaussian conception. On this conception, all (...)
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  29. Quantified Modal Logic and the Plural De Re.Phillip Bricker - 1989 - Midwest Studies in Philosophy 14 (1):372-394.
    Modal sentences of the form "every F might be G" and "some F must be G" have a threefold ambiguity. in addition to the familiar readings "de dicto" and "de re", there is a third reading on which they are examples of the "plural de re": they attribute a modal property to the F's plurally in a way that cannot in general be reduced to an attribution of modal properties to the individual F's. The plural "de re" readings of modal (...)
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    Is genetic information irreducible?Phillip E. Johnson - 1996 - Biology and Philosophy 11 (4):535-538.
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    Government, the Press, and the People's Right To Know.Phillip Montague - 1997 - Journal of Social Philosophy 28 (2):68-78.
    Even the most ardent defenders of a legal right to freedom of the press are likely to regard this right as having limitations; but how precisely the right should be limited is a matter of considerable disagreement. This issue is at least partly moral in character: it concerns the moral acceptability of laws which regulate or protect the activities of members of the press. I propose here to address this moral issue, and to do so within the broader framework of (...)
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  32. Truthmaking: With and Without Counterpart Theory.Phillip Bricker - 2015 - In Barry Loewer & Jonathan Schaffer (eds.), A companion to David Lewis. Chichester, West Sussex ;: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 159–187.
    According to the Truthmaker Principle: every truth has a truthmaker. Attempts to come to grips with the Truthmaker Principle played a prominent role in Lewis’s metaphysical writings over the last fifteen years of his career. Although Lewis agreed that the truth of propositions must somehow be ontologically grounded, the Truthmaker Principle was too strong: it conflicted with two of Lewis’s most fundamental metaphysical assumptions, the uniqueness of composition and the Humean denial of necessary connections. Lewis endorsed instead a weaker principle: (...)
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    Comparative and non-comparative justice.Phillip Montague - 1980 - Philosophical Quarterly 30 (119):131-140.
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    A Modified Conception of Mechanisms.Phillip J. Torres - 2009 - Erkenntnis 71 (2):233-251.
    In this paper, I critique two conceptions of mechanisms, namely those put forth by Stuart Glennan (Erkenntnis 44:49–71, 1996; Philosophy of Science 69:S342–S353, 2002) and Machamer et al. (Philosophy of Science 67:1–25, 2000). Glennan’s conception, I argue, cannot account for mechanisms involving negative causation because of its interactionist posture. MDC’s view encounters the same problem due to its reificatory conception of activities—this conception, I argue, entails an onerous commitment to ontological dualism. In the place of Glennan and MDC, I propose (...)
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  35. Epicurus' ethical theory: the pleasures of invulnerability.Phillip Mitsis - 1988 - Ithaca: Cornell University Press.
    By means of a comprehensive and penetrating examination of the main elements of Epicurean ethics, Phillip Mitsis forces us to reevaluate this widely misunderstood figure in the history of philosophy.
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  36. Kant on the history of nature: The ambiguous heritage of the critical philosophy for natural history.Phillip R. Sloan - 2006 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 37 (4):627-648.
    This paper seeks to show Kant’s importance for the formal distinction between descriptive natural history and a developmental history of nature that entered natural history discussions in the late eighteenth century. It is argued that he developed this distinction initially upon Buffon’s distinctions of ‘abstract’ and ‘physical’ truths, and applied these initially in his distinction of ‘varieties’ from ‘races’ in anthropology. In the 1770s, Kant appears to have given theoretical preference to the ‘history’ of nature [Naturgeschichte] over ‘description’ of nature (...)
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    The Buffon-Linnaeus Controversy.Phillip Sloan - 1976 - Isis 67 (3):356-375.
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    Creating a Physical Biology: The Three Man Paper and Early Molecular Biology.Phillip R. Sloan & Brandon Fogel (eds.) - 2011 - University of Chicago Press.
    In 1935 geneticist Nikolai Timoféeff-Ressovsky, radiation physicist Karl G. Zimmer, and quantum physicist Max Delbrück published “On the Nature of Gene Mutation and Gene Structure,” known subsequently as the “Three-Man Paper.” This seminal paper advanced work on the physical exploration of the structure of the gene through radiation physics and suggested ways in which physics could reveal definite information about gene structure, mutation, and action. Representing a new level of collaboration between physics and biology, it played an important role in (...)
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    John Locke, John Ray, and the problem of the natural system.Phillip R. Sloan - 1972 - Journal of the History of Biology 5 (1):1-53.
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    Philosophical Perspectives on Newtonian Science.Phillip Bricker & R. I. G. Hughes (eds.) - 1990 - MIT Press.
    These original essays explore the philosophical implications of Newton's work.
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    Reid's realism.Phillip D. Cummins - 1974 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 12 (3):317-340.
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    Whewell's Philosophy of Discovery and the Archetype of the Vertebrate Skeleton: The Role of German Philosophy of Science in Richard Owen's Biology.Phillip R. Sloan - 2003 - Annals of Science 60 (1):39-61.
    (2003). Whewell's Philosophy of Discovery and the Archetype of the Vertebrate Skeleton: The Role of German Philosophy of Science in Richard Owen's Biology. Annals of Science: Vol. 60, No. 1, pp. 39-61.
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  43. What Angles Can Tell Us About What Holes Are Not.Phillip John Meadows - 2013 - Erkenntnis 78 (2):319-331.
    In this paper I argue that holes are not objects, but should instead be construed as properties or relations. The argument proceeds by first establishing a claim about angles: that angles are not objects, but properties or relations. It is then argued that holes and angles belong to the same category, on the grounds that they share distinctive existence and identity conditions. This provides an argument in favour of categorizing holes as one categorizes angles. I then argue that a commitment (...)
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  44. Metaphor and knowledge change.Dedre Gentner & Phillip Wolff - 2000 - In Eric Dietrich Art Markman (ed.), Cognitive Dynamics: Conceptual change in humans and machines. Lawrence Erlbaum. pp. 295--342.
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  45. Taking Moral Equality Seriously: Egalitarianism and Immigration Controls.Phillip Cole - 2012 - Journal of International Political Theory 8 (1-2):121-134.
    In this paper I re-state the egalitarian argument against the morality of immigration controls: such limits violate the central ethical commitment to moral equality. This means that immigration controls fail a fundamental moral test and represent the ethical failure of the liberal project of moral equality. I set this re-statement against recent arguments about what moral equality means, specifically Christopher Heath Wellman's use of Elizabeth Anderson's notion of relational equality. Wellman believes that Anderson's ideas seriously damage the egalitarian argument, but (...)
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    Darwin among the Philosophers: Hull and Ruse on Darwin, Herschel, and Whewell.Phillip Honenberger - 2018 - Hopos: The Journal of the International Society for the History of Philosophy of Science 8 (2):278-309.
    In a series of articles and books published in the 1970s, David Hull (1935–2010) and Michael Ruse (1940–) proposed interpretations of the relation between nineteenth-century British philosophy of science, on the one hand, and the views and methods of Charles Darwin, on the other, that were incompatible or at least in strong interpretive tension with one another. According to Hull, John Herschel’s and William Whewell’s philosophies of science were logically incompatible with Darwin’s revolutionary theory. According to Ruse, however, Darwin discovered (...)
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    After the Science Wars: Science and the Study of Science.Keith Ashman & Phillip Barringer (eds.) - 2000 - Routledge.
    The "War" in science is largely the discussion between those who believe that science is above criticism and those who do not. After the Science Wars is a collection of essays by leading philosophers and scientists, all attempting to bridge interdisciplinary gulfs in this discussion.
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  48. Modal Matters: Essays in Metaphysics.Phillip Bricker (ed.) - 2020 - Oxford, England: Oxford University Press.
    This volume contains eighteen papers, three with new postscripts, that were written over the past 35 years. Five of the papers have not been previously published. Together they provide a comprehensive account of modal reality—the realm of possible worlds—from a Humean perspective, with excursions into neighboring topics in metaphysics. Part 1 sketches an account of reality as a whole, both the mathematical and the modal, defending a form of plenitudinous realism: every consistent proposition is true of some portion of reality. (...)
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    1 The making of a philosophical naturalist.Phillip R. Sloan - 2003 - In Jonathan Hodge & Gregory Radick (eds.), The Cambridge Companion to Darwin. Cambridge University Press. pp. 17.
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    Political freedom and organic theories of states.Phillip Goggans - 2004 - Journal of Value Inquiry 38 (4):531-543.
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