Results for 'Pamela Dyer'

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  1. Heritage and Hermeneutics: Towards a Broader Interpretation of Interpretation.Phillip Ablett & Pamela Dyer - 2009 - Current Issues in Tourism 12 (3):209-233.
    This article re-examines the theoretical basis for environmental and heritage interpretation in tourist settings in the light of hermeneutic philosophy. It notes that the pioneering vision of heritage interpretation formulated by Freeman Tilden envisaged a broadly educational, ethically informed and transformative art. By contrast, current cognitive psychological attempts to reduce interpretation to the monological transmission of information, targeting universal but individuated cognitive structures, are found to be wanting. Despite growing signs of diversity, this information processing approach to interpretation remains dominant. (...)
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    Shutdown-seeking AI.Simon Goldstein & Pamela Robinson - forthcoming - Philosophical Studies:1-13.
    We propose developing AIs whose only final goal is being shut down. We argue that this approach to AI safety has three benefits: (i) it could potentially be implemented in reinforcement learning, (ii) it avoids some dangerous instrumental convergence dynamics, and (iii) it creates trip wires for monitoring dangerous capabilities. We also argue that the proposal can overcome a key challenge raised by Soares et al. (2015), that shutdown-seeking AIs will manipulate humans into shutting them down. We conclude by comparing (...)
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  3. (1 other version)Diagnóstico de estilos gerenciales del sector de fabricación de muebles del área metropolitana centro occidente.Ochoa Martha Cecilia Usme & Acosta Pámela Flórez - 2007 - Scientia 13.
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  4. Books Available List.Roselle K. Chartock, Stephanie Mackler, William F. Pinar, Michael Soldatenko, Peter M. Taubman, Pamela L. Tiedt & Iris M. Tiedt - 2010 - Educational Studies: A Jrnl of the American Educ. Studies Assoc 46 (1).
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    Responses of female rats to odors from familiar vs. novel males.W. J. Carr, Marla Demesquita-Wander, Sandra Rodde Sachs & Pamela Maconi - 1979 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 14 (2):118-120.
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    Health Plan Choice and Information about Out-of-Pocket Costs: An Experimental Analysis.Michael Schoenbaum, Mark Spranca, Marc Elliott, Jay Bhattacharya & Pamela Farley Short - 2001 - Inquiry: The Journal of Health Care Organization, Provision, and Financing 38 (1):35-48.
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    Ratio et fides: studia in honorem Hans-Olof Kvist.Tage Kurtén, Mikael Lindfelt, Pamela Slotte & Hans-Olof Kvist (eds.) - 2001 - Åbo: Åbo akademis förlag.
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    Pamela Joy M. Mariano Light+ Write-Photographs.Pamela Joy M. Mariano - 2008 - Budhi: A Journal of Ideas and Culture 12 (2 & 3).
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    “Introducing…Vittorio Hösle”, with Pamela Reeve, in Symposium: Canadian Journal for Continental Philosophy/Revue canadienne de philosophie continentale, Vol. 14, n. 1, 2010, pp. 3–21.Pamela J. Reeve & Antonio Calcagno - 2010 - Symposium 14 (1):3-21.
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  10. Rodney Howard Hilton 1916–2002.Christopher Dyer - 2005 - In Dyer Christopher, Proceedings of the British Academy Volume 130, Biographical Memoirs of Fellows, IV. pp. 53-77.
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    The Basis of Morals.Dyer D. Lum - 1897 - The Monist 7 (4):554-570.
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    Disrupters, This is Disrupter X: Mashing up the archive.Pamela Phatsimo Sunstrum & Thenjiwe Niki Nkosi - 2014 - Technoetic Arts 12 (2):293-307.
    This article reflects on the conceptual and aesthetic practices engaged in the development of a performance work by Thenjiwe Niki Nkosi and Pamela Phatsimo Sunstrum titled DISRUPTERS, THIS IS DISRUPTER X. Nkosi/Sunstrum liberally describe this multimedia performance work as an ‘anti-opera’. In 2014, the Iwalewahaus African Art Archive at the University of Bayreuth invited Nkosi and Sunstrum to make further developments to an anti-opera they had been conceiving since 2013. The invitation formed part of ‘Mashup The Archive’, an artist (...)
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  13. Is Normative Uncertainty Irrelevant if Your Descriptive Uncertainty Depends on It?Pamela Robinson - 2021 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 103 (4):874-899.
    According to ‘Excluders’, descriptive uncertainty – but not normative uncertainty – matters to what we ought to do. Recently, several authors have argued that those wishing to treat normative uncertainty differently from descriptive uncertainty face a dependence problem because one's descriptive uncertainty can depend on one's normative uncertainty. The aim of this paper is to determine whether the phenomenon of dependence poses a decisive problem for Excluders. I argue that existing arguments fail to show this, and that, while stronger ones (...)
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  14. Moral uncertainty, noncognitivism, and the multi‐objective story.Pamela Robinson & Katie Steele - 2022 - Noûs 57 (4):922-941.
    We sometimes seem to face fundamental moral uncertainty, i.e., uncertainty about what is morally good or morally right that cannot be reduced to ordinary descriptive uncertainty. This phenomenon raises a puzzle for noncognitivism, according to which moral judgments are desire-like attitudes as opposed to belief-like attitudes. Can a state of moral uncertainty really be a noncognitive state? So far, noncognitivists have not been able to offer a completely satisfactory account. Here, we argue that noncognitivists should exploit the formal analogy between (...)
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    The return of collective intelligence: ancient wisdom for a world out of balance.Dery Dyer - 2020 - Rochester, Vermont: Bear & Company.
    Reveals how we can each reconnect to collective intelligence and return our world to wholeness, balance, and sanity • Explains how collective intelligence manifests in flocks of birds, instantaneous knowing in indigenous peoples, and the power of sacred places • Offers ways for us to reconnect to the infinite source of wisdom that fuels collective intelligence and underscores the importance of ceremony, pilgrimage, and initiation • Draws on recent findings in New Paradigm science, traditional teachings from indigenous groups from North, (...)
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    Engaging the "forbidden texts" of philosophy: Pamela Sue Anderson talks to Alison Jasper.Pamela Sue Anderson - unknown
    This article is made available under Creative Commons licence CC BY-NC-ND, which permits non-commercial reproduction and distribution of the work, in any medium, provided the original work is not altered or transformed in any way, and that the work is properly cited.
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  17. Moral disagreement and artificial intelligence.Pamela Robinson - 2024 - AI and Society 39 (5):2425-2438.
    Artificially intelligent systems will be used to make increasingly important decisions about us. Many of these decisions will have to be made without universal agreement about the relevant moral facts. For other kinds of disagreement, it is at least usually obvious what kind of solution is called for. What makes moral disagreement especially challenging is that there are three different ways of handling it. _Moral solutions_ apply a moral theory or related principles and largely ignore the details of the disagreement. (...)
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    Enlightened Shareholder Maximization: Is this Strategy Achievable?Pamela E. Queen - 2015 - Journal of Business Ethics 127 (3):683-694.
    The role of a corporation is often debated as a mutually exclusive choice between economic responsibility to shareholders and social responsibility to society. An evolving viewpoint embraces an integrated approach focused on long-term value creation for shareholders which benefits other stakeholders. Maximizing long-term shareholder value as a corporate objective can be compatible with stakeholder theory when an enlightened shareholder maximization strategy is embraced. Firms implementing an enlightened shareholder maximization strategy are expected to make decisions and use resources which achieve long-term (...)
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    A Stakeholder Identity Orientation Approach to Corporate Social Performance in Family Firms.John B. Bingham, W. Gibb Dyer, Isaac Smith & Gregory L. Adams - 2011 - Journal of Business Ethics 99 (4):565-585.
    Extending the dialogue on corporate social performance as descriptive stakeholder management, we examine differences in CSP activity between family and nonfamily firms. We argue that CSP activity can be explained by the firm’s identity orientation toward stakeholders. Specifically, individualistic, relational, or collectivistic identity orientations can describe a firm’s level of CSP activity toward certain stakeholders. Family firms, we suggest, adopt a more relational orientation toward their stakeholders than nonfamily firms, and thus engage in higher levels of CSP. Further, we invoke (...)
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  20. Computational complexity of stochastic programming problems.Martin Dyer & Leen Stougie - 2005 - Complexity 1 (13):21.
  21. Proceedings of the British Academy Volume 130, Biographical Memoirs of Fellows, IV.Dyer Christopher - 2005
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    Sanctioned Global Operations: Neoliberalism's Domination of Place, Space, and Time.Pamela K. Smith - 2011 - Educational Studies: A Jrnl of the American Educ. Studies Assoc 47 (2):105-106.
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    Awe or horror: differentiating two emotional responses to schema incongruence.Pamela Marie Taylor & Yukiko Uchida - 2019 - Cognition and Emotion 33 (8):1548-1561.
    ABSTRACTExperiences that contradict one's core concepts elicit intense emotions. Such schema incongruence can elicit awe, wherein experiences that are too vast...
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  24. Personal Foul: an evaluation of the moral status of football.Pamela R. Sailors - 2015 - Journal of the Philosophy of Sport 42 (2):269-286.
    The popularity and profitability of American gridiron football is beyond dispute. Recent polls put football as the overwhelming favorite of people who follow at least one sport and huge revenues are reported at both the professional and the university level. We know, however, that what is the case tells us little about what ought to be the case, and it is to the latter question that this paper is directed. I offer a three-pronged attack on the ethical acceptability of American (...)
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    Patient autonomy for the management of chronic conditions: A two-component re-conceptualization.Aanand D. Naik, Carmel B. Dyer, Mark E. Kunik & Laurence B. McCullough - 2009 - American Journal of Bioethics 9 (2):23 – 30.
    The clinical application of the concept of patient autonomy has centered on the ability to deliberate and make treatment decisions (decisional autonomy) to the virtual exclusion of the capacity to execute the treatment plan (executive autonomy). However, the one-component concept of autonomy is problematic in the context of multiple chronic conditions. Adherence to complex treatments commonly breaks down when patients have functional, educational, and cognitive barriers that impair their capacity to plan, sequence, and carry out tasks associated with chronic care. (...)
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    Unhomed: cycles of mobility and placelessness in American cinema.Pamela Robertson Wojcik - 2024 - Oakland, California: University of California Press.
    In this rich cultural history, Pamela Robertson Wojcik examines America's ambivalent and shifting attitude toward homelessness through a close study of film cycles from five distinct historical moments that show characters as unhomed and placeless, mobile rather than fixed: failing, resisting, or opting out of the mandate for a home of one's own. From the tramp films of the Silent Era to the Oscar-winning Nomadland in 2021, Wojcik shows how film cycles reveal a tension in the American imaginary between (...)
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    Environmental complexity, adaptability and bacterial cognition: Godfrey-Smith’s hypothesis under the microscope.Pamela Lyon - 2017 - Biology and Philosophy 32 (3):443-465.
    The paper presents evidence in bacteria for the utility of Godfrey-Smith’s environmental complexity thesis, using certain kinds of signal transduction systems as proxies for cognitive/behavioral complexity. Microbiologists already accept that the number of signal transduction proteins in a bacterial genome indicates the level of ecological complexity to which the organism is subject: the more signalling proteins, the greater the complexity. Sheer numbers are not always a reliable indicator of behavioral complexity, however. The paper proposes a new, ECT-based procedure for identifying, (...)
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    Machiavelli and the modern state.Louis Dyer - 1904 - Boston and London,: Ginn & company.
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    Sur la contestation du capital cognitif : composition de classe de l'industrie des jeux vidéo et sur ordinateur.Nick Dyer-Witheford - 2002 - Multitudes 3 (3):53-64.
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    (1 other version)Singing Prettily: Lena Horne in Hollywood.Richard Dyer - 2010 - Zeitschrift für Medien- Und Kulturforschung 1 (2):11-26.
    Lena Horne was the first African-American woman to be signed to a contract to a major Hollywood studio, who did however not know what to do with her. Her >colour< – in her voice as well as her looks – meant that she did not fit into the racial hierarchies of the day and she was largely confined oppressively to the margins. However, she was also able to some degree, and in collaboration with other African-American figures in Hollywood, to use (...)
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    The politics of innovation.W. Gibb Dyer & Robert A. Page - 1988 - Knowledge, Technology & Policy 1 (2):23-41.
    Previous studies of technical innovation in organizations have tended to neglect how power and political processes shape the development of new technologies. Our study of new product development at a successful computer graphics company suggests that corporate ideology and politics often determine the success or failure of new product ideas. Four stages of product development are identified along with the political activities and influence tactics used at each stage.
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    John Greco on the Nature and Value of Knowledge.Pamela Ann Jose - 2013 - Philosophia: International Journal of Philosophy (Philippine e-journal) 14 (2):137-154.
    This paper discusses the tenability of John Greco's solution to the problems of the nature and value of knowledge in his book, Achieving knowledge (2010). Divided into two parts, the discussion (1) specifies how both problems have developed until the current period and (2) determines whether Greco, with his virtue reliabilism, supplies an adequate solution to both problems. I take the view that regardless of Greco's adoption of a contextualist semantics, his epistemic theory remains inadequate so long as it is (...)
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    Relational Understanding and White Antiracist Praxis.Pamela Perry & Alexis Shotwell - 2009 - Sociological Theory 27 (1):33 - 50.
    In this article, we argue that, in order for white racial consciousness and practice to shift toward an antiracist praxis, a relational understanding of racism, the "self, "and society is necessary We find that such understanding arises from a confluence of propositional, affective, and tacit forms of knowledge about racism and one's own situatedness within it. We consider the claims sociologists have made about transformations in racial consciousness, bringing sociological theories of racism into dialogue with research on whiteness and antiracism. (...)
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    Curing with Kaji: Healing and Esoteric Empowerment in Japan.Pamela Winfield - 2005 - Japanese Journal of Religious Studies 32 (1):107-130.
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    The Diaspora of Heavenly Hubris.Pamela D. Winfield - 2007 - Journal of Indian Philosophy and Religion 12:1-28.
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    The Role of Affect in Narratives.Michael G. Dyer - 1983 - Cognitive Science 7 (3):211-242.
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    Failure of subliminal word presentations to generate interference to color naming.Laurence J. Severance & Frederick N. Dyer - 1973 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 101 (1):186.
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    Beginning qualitative research: a philosophic and practical guide.Pamela S. Maykut - 1994 - Washington, D.C.: Falmer Press. Edited by Richard Morehouse.
    Although theoretically rigorous, the book is comprehensible to the beginning qualitative researcher.
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  39. What is Seen in a Garden Bean: Revisions and Copies in Nehemiah Grew's Plant Anatomy.Pamela Mackenzie - 2023 - Centaurus 65 (4):793-825.
    In this article, I follow the evolving visual form of the plant illustrations produced by the 17th-century physician and microscopist Nehemiah Grew. I trace the changing appearance of a variety of magnified plants throughout the course of their manifestation in illustration: beginning with their unsteady earliest appearance in 1672 in the publication The Anatomy of Vegetables Begun, into their reworking in the popular French translation, which was reissued and reprinted multiple times, and finally to Grew's magnum opus a decade later, (...)
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  40. Utu/ubuntu and community restoration: narratives of survivors in Kenya's 2007 postelection violence.James Ogude & Unifier Dyer - 2019 - In Ubuntu and the reconstitution of community. Bloomington, Indiana: Indiana University Press.
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    The Media Depiction of Women Who Opt Out.Pamela Stone & Arielle Kuperberg - 2008 - Gender and Society 22 (4):497-517.
    Through a content analysis of print media and a comparison of media images with trends in women's behavior, the authors explore the rhetoric and reality surrounding the exit of college-educated women from the workforce to become full-time mothers, a phenomenon that has been dubbed “opting out.” The major imagery surrounding opting out emphasizes motherhood and family, elites, and choice. A close reading reveals some inconsistencies that counter the prevailing positive depiction. The authors also find that media coverage of opting out (...)
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  42. Democracy and equality.Pamela Barrett - 2012 - The Australian Humanist 108 (108):15.
    Barrett, Pamela Believers or atheists, generous or tight, Hero or coward, black, yellow or white, Female or male, fully grown or a child, Those of vast wealth or the desperately poor, At the end we're all equal. We are all shown the door..
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    In dialogue with Michéle Le Dœuff: philosophies, encounters and friendship.Pamela Sue Anderson & Michèle Le Dœuff (eds.) - 2023 - New York: Bloomsbury Academic.
    The work of Michèle Le Dœuff creatively disrupts established notions of what philosophy might be. Far from being a discipline about the leader and the disciple, a hierarchy of knowledge and paternalism, Le Dœuff proposes a philosophy of dialogue and friendship. The conversations in this book explore how this philosophy can be enacted and explored, and show how openness and generosity can be the starting point of truly rigorous thinking. Introduced and curated by the late philosopher, Pamela Sue Anderson, (...)
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    (1 other version)Working ethically in russia.Pamela J. Woolley - 1997 - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility 6 (1):30–34.
    In spite of the seemingly omnipresent corruption and Mafia activity plaguing modern Russia it is nevertheless possible, and desirable, to conduct business ethically there, as the author testifies. Pamela Woolley has recently completed a full time MBA at London Business School, prior to which her career was in international telecommunications. She has long been interested in Russia and worked in Moscow during the summer between her two years of study. The experience has prompted her to seek a more permanent (...)
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    1844/2004/2044: The Return of Species-Being.Nick Dyer-Witheford - 2004 - Historical Materialism 12 (4):1-23.
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    Higher education in biology: British experience in the 1960s and 1970s, with some international comparisons.K. F. Dyer - 1975 - British Journal of Educational Studies 23 (3):303-323.
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    Rousseau's republicanism: the hope of the just.Megan K. Dyer - 2023 - Lanham: Lexington Books, an imprint of The Rowman & Littlefield Publishing Group.
    This book explores Rousseau's contribution to the Republican tradition in political thought. Through comparisons with various Republican lineages, it addresses problems that have defined and redefined Republicanism: attaining virtue, preserving liberty, sustaining the social order, orienting persons toward the common good, and having the law rule over men.
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    (1 other version)Transcendent and Immanent Eternity in Anselm’s Monologion.Lesley-Anne Dyer - 2010 - Filosofia Unisinos 11 (3):261-286.
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    The point of thematic abstraction units.Michael G. Dyer - 1983 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 6 (4):599.
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    The Singing of Psalms in the Early-Medieval Office.Joseph Dyer - 1989 - Speculum 64 (3):535-578.
    The anonymous fourth-century tract De poenitentia depicts with a grand oratorical flourish the universality of the psalms in the Christian world. Its author proclaims that the psalms are heard at vigils, at morning prayer, and at funerals in the city churches, but the power of “David” extends beyond their walls.
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