Results for 'Phil Oh'

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  1.  26
    Features of Modeling-Based Abductive Reasoning as a Disciplinary Practice of Inquiry in Earth Science.Phil Oh - 2019 - Science & Education 28 (6 - 7):731-757.
    The purpose of this study was to investigate the features of modeling-based abductive reasoning as a disciplinary practice of inquiry in the domain of earth science. The study was based on an undergraduate course of a university of education, Korea, offered for preservice elementary teachers majoring in science as their specialty. The course enrollees participated in an inquiry project in which they were asked to abductively generate models representing past geologic events in order to explain how two units in a (...)
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    A Computer-Based Method for the Investigation of Human Behavior in the Iterative Chicken Game.Sung-Phil Kim, Minju Kim, Jongmin Lee, Yang Seok Cho & Oh-Sang Kwon - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    The present study develops an artificial agent that plays the iterative chicken game based on a computational model that describes human behavior in competitive social interactions in terms of fairness. The computational model we adopted in this study, named as the self-concept fairness model, decides the agent’s action according to the evaluation of fairness of both opponent and self. We implemented the artificial agent in a computer program with a set of parameters adjustable by researchers. These parameters allow researchers to (...)
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    Phil Dowe, Physical Causation. [REVIEW]Phil Dowe - 2002 - Erkenntnis 56 (2):258-263.
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    Reenacttv.Net: Re-working the site(s) of new television: Participants, contemporary and historical television, and the archive.Phil Ellis - 2011 - Communications 36 (3):375-394.
    This article investigates the potential for new television as arts practice. It explores this potential by revisiting acts and sites of television's history through processes of enactment, specifically the reenactment of The Man with the Flower in his Mouth, the first drama broadcast by John Logie Baird in 1930. This took place in Baird's studio at 133 Long Acre, London. The article outlines key features of various possibilities for a “new” television and a new television arts practice and considers how (...)
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    Thomism and the Neurological Criteria for Death.Phil Tran - 2022 - Ethics and Medics 47 (10):1-4.
    One of the most important questions when determining when it is appropriate to procure organs from a deceased organ donor is what can be considered death. Currently, there is significant debate over whether brain death is an appropriate method of declaring an individual dead. As it would be illicit to cause the death of a patient by removing their organs, a medical professional must be certain that a brain dead patient is, in fact, dead before the procedure. In this paper, (...)
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  6. Process causality and asymmetry.Phil Dowe - 1992 - Erkenntnis 37 (2):179-196.
    Process theories of causality seek to explicate causality as a property of individual causal processes. This paper examines the capacity of such theories to account for the asymmetry of causation. Three types of theories of asymmetry are discussed; the subjective, the temporal, and the physical, the third of these being the preferred approach. Asymmetric features of the world, namely the entropic and Kaon arrows, are considered as possible sources of causal asymmetry and a physical theory of asymmetry is subsequently developed (...)
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  7. Physical Causation.Phil Dowe - 2000 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    This book, published in 2000, is a clear account of causation based firmly in contemporary science. Dowe discusses in a systematic way, a positive account of causation: the conserved quantities account of causal processes which he has been developing over the last ten years. The book describes causal processes and interactions in terms of conserved quantities: a causal process is the worldline of an object which possesses a conserved quantity, and a causal interaction involves the exchange of conserved quantities. Further, (...)
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    Mythogeography: a guide to walking sideways.Phil Smith (ed.) - 2010 - Axminster, Devon: Triarchy Press.
    Attributed to Phil Smith ("the Crab Man") on the publisher's webite.
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    Transformative Education Through International Service-Learning: Realising an Ethical Ecology of Learning.Phil Bamber - 2016 - Routledge.
    Transformative learning is a compelling approach to learning that is becoming increasingly popular in a diverse range of educational settings and encounters. This book reconceptualises transformative learning through an investigation of the learning process and outcomes of International Service-Learning, a pedagogical approach that blends student learning with community engagement overseas and the development of a more just society. Drawing upon key philosophers and theorists, Bamber offers an integrated, multi-dimensional approach, linking transformative learning to the development of the authentic self, and (...)
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    At the borders of political theory: Carens and the ethics of immigration.Phil Cole - 2015 - European Journal of Political Theory 14 (4):501-510.
    Carens’ book covers a wide range of issues concerning the ethics of immigration, and although he is best known as a theorist of open borders that argument takes up a relatively small part of the book, and is indeed a small part of his writing on immigration. In this essay, I examine the relationship the radical arguments for open borders, and the more contextual arguments about specific issues such as birthright citizenship, naturalisation and temporary workers which fall short of that (...)
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    Nature.Phil Macnaghten - 2006 - Theory, Culture and Society 23 (2-3):347-349.
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  12. Determinacja przysłowna w języku gīkūyū.Rajmund Ohly - 1970 - Studia Semiotyczne 1:55-66.
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    The Cambridge Rawls Lexicon, edited by Jon Mandle and David A. Reidy.Phil Smolenski - 2017 - Journal of Moral Philosophy 14 (6):789-791.
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  14. Editorial Introduction: Praxeological Gestalts – Philosophy, Cognitive Science and Sociology Meet Gestalt Psychology.Phil Hutchinson, Anna C. Zielinska & Doug Hardman - 2022 - Philosophia Scientiae 26 (3):5-19.
    1 Context The idea for the current issue of _Philosophia Scientiæ_ emerged from discussions which took place in the Manchester Ethnomethodology Reading Group. This reading group has its origins in Wes Sharrock’s weekly discussion groups, which have taken place in Manchester (UK) since the early 1970s. As the global Covid-19 pandemic hit in early 2020, the reading group moved online, facilitated by Phil Hutchinson and Alex Holder. Being an online reading group opened up participation to people beyond Northwest UK (...)
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  15. A dilemma for objective chance.Phil Dowe - 2003 - In Kyburg Jr, E. Henry & Mariam Thalos, Probability is the Very Guide of Life: The Philosophical Uses of Chance. Open Court. pp. 153--64.
  16.  38
    On Tooley on Salmon.Phil Dowe - 1989 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 67 (4):469 – 471.
  17.  65
    Habermas, reason, and the problem of religion: The role of religion in the public sphere.Phil Enns - 2007 - Heythrop Journal 48 (6):878–894.
  18.  29
    Bodies of nature.Phil MacNaghten & John Urry - unknown
  19.  13
    On the Measurability of Measurement Standards.Phil Maguire & Rebecca Maguire - 2018 - Croatian Journal of Philosophy 18 (3):403-416.
    Pollock (2004) argues in favour of Wittgenstein’s (1953) claim that the standard metre bar in Paris has no metric length: Because the standard retains a special status in the system of measurement, it cannot be applied to itself. However, we argue that Pollock is mistaken regarding the feature of the standard metre which supports its special status. While the unit markings were arbitrarily designated, the constitution, preservation and application of the bar have been scientifically developed to optimize stability, and hence (...)
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    Der reale Andere und die Realität Gottes. Sartre und Levinas.Lukas Ohly - 2006 - Neue Zeitschrift für Systematicsche Theologie Und Religionsphilosophie 48 (2):184-199.
    SummaryTo defend the common sense against solipsism Jean-Paul Sartre points out the evidence of the Other beyond an epistemological perspective. But his phenomenological framework leaves no room for an ontological evidence of the Other but only for an evidence of the Other in thinking. As the gap between the In-Itself and the For-Itself is not a real one, but only a construction of the For-itself Sartre calls “Nothing”, the difference between the Other and me does not really exist, too. It (...)
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  21.  23
    A philosophy of nursing conference.L. C. M. Phil - 2003 - Nursing Philosophy 4 (1):77–81.
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  22.  44
    The “book problem” and its neural correlates.Phil Turner - 2014 - AI and Society 29 (4):497-505.
    Presence research can tell us why we feel present in the real world and can experience presence while using virtual reality technology (and movies and games) but has strikingly less to say on why we feel present in the scenes described in a book. Just how is it that the wonderful tangible detail of the real world or the complexity of digital technology can be matched and even surpassed by a story in a paperback book? This paper identifies a range (...)
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  23.  45
    The figure and ground of engagement.Phil Turner - 2014 - AI and Society 29 (1):33-43.
    Engagement is important to the success of applications, systems and artefacts as diverse as robotics, pedagogy, games, interactive installations, and virtual reality applications. Yet engagement has proved to be remarkably difficult to define as it can take many forms, so many that it is difficult to isolate what these different instantiations have in common. Instead of pursuing an empirical perspective, the human side of engagement, namely, involvement is considered from a broadly Heideggerian perspective. As Heidegger has a deserved reputation for (...)
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  24. Bytí jako výzva a naděje: o rozumu a vykoupení.Zdeněk Vyšohlíd - 2001 - Praha: Svoboda Servis.
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  25. O víře a rozumění.Zdeněk Vyšohlíd - 2001 - Praha: Svoboda Servis.
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    What it means to be moral: why religion is not necessary for living an ethical life.Phil Zuckerman - 2019 - Berkeley, California: Counterpoint Press.
    Why morality cannot be based on faith in God -- Isms -- Absence of evidence is evidence of absence -- The insidiousness of interpretation -- You will obey -- Sally, Butch, and Plato's dilemma -- The fundamentals of secular morality -- What it means to be moral -- Where do you get your morals? -- The secular seven -- Challenges to secular morality -- Accounting for immorality -- Genocidal century -- Secular solutions -- Moral relativism.
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    Moral distress experienced by nurses.Younjae Oh & Chris Gastmans - 2015 - Nursing Ethics 22 (1):15-31.
    Nurses are frequently confronted with ethical dilemmas in their nursing practice. As a consequence, nurses report experiencing moral distress. The aim of this review was to synthesize the available quantitative evidence in the literature on moral distress experienced by nurses. We appraised 19 articles published between January 1984 and December 2011. This review revealed that many nurses experience moral distress associated with difficult care situations and feel burnout, which can have an impact on their professional position. Further research is required (...)
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  28. A Mereological Reading of the Dictum de Omni et Nullo.Phil Corkum - 2025 - Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie 107 (1):52-78.
    When Aristotle introduces the perfect moods, he refers back to the dictum de omni et nullo, a semantic condition for universal affirmations and negations. There recently has been renewed interest in the question whether the dictum validates the assertoric syllogistic. I rehearse evidence that Aristotle provides a mereological semantics for universal affirmations and negations, and note that this semantics entails a nonstandard reading of the dictum, under which the dictum, in the presence of a minimal logical apparatus, indeed validates the (...)
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  29. A Survey of Automatic Facial Micro-Expression Analysis: Databases, Methods, and Challenges.Yee-Hui Oh, John See, Anh Cat Le Ngo, Raphael C. -W. Phan & Vishnu M. Baskaran - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9:336565.
    Over the last few years, automatic facial micro-expression analysis has garnered increasing attention from experts across different disciplines because of its potential applications in various fields such as clinical diagnosis, forensic investigation and security systems. Advances in computer algorithms and video acquisition technology have rendered machine analysis of facial micro-expressions possible today, in contrast to decades ago when it was primarily the domain of psychiatrists where analysis was largely manual. Indeed, although the study of facial micro-expressions is a well-established field (...)
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    Intragroup Transactions, Corporate Governance, and Corporate Philanthropy in Korean Business Groups.Won-Yong Oh, Young Kyun Chang, Gyeonghwan Lee & Jeongil Seo - 2018 - Journal of Business Ethics 153 (4):1031-1049.
    This study examines how the corporate philanthropy decisions of group-affiliated firms in Korea are made. Based on the attention-based view, we argue that when corporate decision makers at group-affiliated firms focus their attention more on internal markets than external stakeholders because of the firm’s high reliance on intragroup transactions, the firm will decrease its level of corporate philanthropy. We further argue that the relationship will be stronger when governance mechanisms focus on the instrumental value of corporate philanthropy. Using a panel (...)
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  31. Physical Causation.Phil Dowe - 2003 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 67 (1):244-248.
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  32. Aristotle on the Individuation of Syllogisms.Phil Corkum - 2025 - Ancient Philosophy 45 (1):171-191.
    Discussion of the Aristotelian syllogistic over the last sixty years has arguably centered on the question whether syllogisms are inferences or implications. But the significance of this debate at times has been taken to concern whether the syllogistic is a logic or a theory, and how it ought to be represented by modern systems. Largely missing from this discussion has been a study of the few passages in the Prior Analytics where Aristotle provides explicit guidance on how to individuate syllogisms. (...)
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  33. Cause and Chance: Causation in an Indeterministic World.Phil Dowe & Paul Noordhof (eds.) - 2003 - New York: Routledge.
    Philosophers have long been fascinated by the connection between cause and effect: are 'causes' things we can experience, or are they concepts provided by our minds? The study of causation goes back to Aristotle, but resurged with David Hume and Immanuel Kant, and is now one of the most important topics in metaphysics. Most of the recent work done in this area has attempted to place causation in a deterministic, scientific, worldview. But what about the unpredictable and chancey world we (...)
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  34. Causation and misconnections.Phil Dowe - 2004 - Philosophy of Science 71 (5):926-931.
    In this paper I show how the conserved quantity theory, or more generally the process theory of Wesley Salmon and myself, provides a sufficient condition in an analysis of causation. To do so I will show how it handles the problem of alleged 'misconnections'. I show what the conserved quantity theory says about such cases, and why intuitions are not to be taken as sacrosanct.
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    A Re-examination of the Paradox of the Dao.Sangmu Oh - 2017 - Dao: A Journal of Comparative Philosophy 16 (4):483-501.
    This article examines whether the common paradox of the Dao 道 arises in the Laozi 老子. More specifically, it inquires if the Laozi text really asserts that the Dao is ineffable, while also speaking of the Dao. Most scholars recognize that the common paradox of the Dao arises in the Laozi, though others disagree. This article argues that neither of the representative claims—for and against the common paradox of the Dao—is successful. Instead, it proposes a revised form of the paradox (...)
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    Rehearsing a ReadingThe Daughter's Seduction: Feminism and Psycho-AnalysisReading Lacan.Phil Barrish & Jane Gallop - 1986 - Diacritics 16 (4):14.
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  37. Family Resemblance.Phil Hutchinson - 2010 - In Patrick Colm Hogan, The Cambridge Encyclopaedia of the Language Sciences. Cambridge, U.K: Cambridge University Press. pp. 303-304.
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    Jeffrey Strayer, "Haecceities: Essentialism, Identity, and Abstraction." Reviewed by.Phil Jenkins - 2019 - Philosophy in Review 39 (2):108-110.
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    (1 other version)Polanyi's Progress.Phil Rolnick - 1993 - Tradition and Discovery 19 (2):13-31.
    Michael Polanyi’s work supports the idea of progress by linking progress to the transcendent, the universal, and the teleological. Polanyi’s epistemology is developed in tandem with an implied metaphysics, one which incorporates a tripartite dialectic among the community, the individual, and the transcendent,universal reality which both community and individual progressively seek. Traditions, whether scientific or religious, may rightfully claim a penultimate authority. However, in science just as in religion, only the living God can possess ultimate authority. Hence, traditions may undergo (...)
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    Roger Waters and Pink Floyd: The Concept Albums.Phil Rose - 2015 - Fairleigh Dickinson University Press.
    This book combines literary and film criticism with musical hermeneutics and discourse analysis to illustrate how sonic information contributes to the detached listener’s interpretations of the discerning messages of Pink Floyd’s monumental recordings.
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    Performance and the stratigraphy of place: everything you need to build a town is here.Phil Smith & Cathy Turner - 2013 - In Paul Graves-Brown, Rodney Harrison & Angela Piccini, The Oxford Handbook of the Archaeology of the Contemporary World. Oxford University Press. pp. 149.
    This chapter is perhaps best treated as a ‘site’ rather than a treatise. It employs disrupted writing strategies, based in turn on ‘walking’ practices and the authors’ background in performance, as tools for playful debate, collaboration, intervention, and spatial meaning-making. The chapter, like our walking, is intended to be porous; for others to read into it and connect from it and for the specificities and temporalities of sites to fracture, erode, and distress it. It draws on the outcomes of previous (...)
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  42.  14
    (1 other version)Rising from the Ashes? labor in the Age of 'Global' Capitalism.Phil Taylor - 2001 - Historical Materialism 8 (1):519-530.
  43.  19
    Comment on Brock and Blake: debating brain drain.Phil Cole - 2017 - Journal of Medical Ethics 43 (8):562-563.
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  44. Neo-Cartesianism and the expanded problem of animal suffering.Phil Halper, Kenneth Williford, David Rudrauf & Perry N. Fuchs - 2023 - International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 94 (2):177-198.
    Several well-known theodicies, whatever their merits, seem to make little sense of animal suffering. Here we argue that the problem of animal suffering has more layers than has generally been acknowledged in the literature and thus poses an even greater challenge to traditional Judeo-Christian Theism than is normally thought. However, the Neo-Cartesian (NC) defence would succeed in defanging this Expanded Problem of Animal Suffering. Several contemporary philosophers have suggested that recent evidence either supports the NC view or at least should (...)
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  45. Existential risks: a philosophical analysis.Phil Torres - 2023 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 66 (4):614-639.
    This paper examines and analyzes five definitions of ‘existential risk.’ It tentatively adopts a pluralistic approach according to which the definition that scholars employ should depend upon the particular context of use. More specifically, the notion that existential risks are ‘risks of human extinction or civilizational collapse’ is best when communicating with the public, whereas equating existential risks with a ‘significant loss of expected value’ may be the most effective definition for establishing existential risk studies as a legitimate field of (...)
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    Can anti-natalists oppose human extinction? The harm-benefit asymmetry, person-uploading, and human enhancement.Phil Torres - 2020 - South African Journal of Philosophy 39 (3):229-245.
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  47.  44
    Endurance is paradoxical.Stephen Barkerand Phil Dowe - 2005 - Analysis 65 (1):69–74.
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  48. Research on patients with dementia.Phil Bielby - 2014 - In Charles Foster, Jonathan Herring & Israel Doron, The law and ethics of dementia. Portland, Oregon: Hart Publishing.
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    Psalm 101: Inaugural address or social code of conduct?Phil J. Botha - 2004 - HTS Theological Studies 60 (3).
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  50. (1 other version)Darwin, God, and Chance.Phil Dowe - 2011 - Oxford Studies in Philosophy of Religion 3 (1).
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