Results for 'Ph Huppert'

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  1.  36
    Eros bij Plato.Charles Hupperts - 2015 - Algemeen Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Wijsbegeerte 107 (1):3-25.
    Plato on eros What is love for Plato, and why, after his analysis of eros in Symposium, did Plato take up the subject again, some ten years later, in Phaedrus? This article describes a transtition in Plato’s thinking about eros. In the Symposium, eros is a desire for immortality and a creative power, and it is is elicited by a beautiful person. In the homoerotic case, the lover’s soul is pregnant, and his eros produces the good in the form of (...)
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  2. Positive mental health in individuals and populations.Felicia A. Huppert & J. E. Wittington - 2005 - In Felicia A. Huppert, Nick Baylis & Barry Keverne (eds.), The Science of Well-Being. Oxford University Press. pp. 307--340.
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    The Science of Well-Being.Felicia A. Huppert, Nick Baylis & Barry Keverne (eds.) - 2005 - Oxford University Press.
    While a vast body of research has been dedicated to understanding social problems and psychological disorders, we know remarkably little about the positive aspects of life, the things that make life worth living. This volume brings together the latest findings on the causes and consequences of human happiness and well-being. The book covers a wide variety of disciplines, encompassing evolutionary biology, positive psychology, economics and social science, neuroscience and peace studies. Contributors to the volume include some of the most distinguished (...)
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  4. Origins of Moral Relevance: The Psychology of Moral Judgment, and its Normative and Metaethical Significance.Benjamin Huppert - 2015 - Dissertation, Universität Bayreuth
    This dissertation examines the psychology of moral judgment and its implications for normative ethics and metaethics. Recent empirical findings in moral psychology, such as the impact of emotions, intuitions, and situational factors on moral judgments, have sparked a debate about whether ordinary moral judgments are systematically error-prone. Some philosophers, such as Peter Singer and Joshua Greene, argue that these findings challenge the reliability of moral intuitions and support more "reasoned", consequentialist approaches over deontological ones. The first part of the dissertation (...)
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  5. Israel's Orthodox Jews: The New Holy War.U. Huppert - 1988 - Free Inquiry 8 (2):46-48.
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    XI. Das fünfte buch der Odyssee und das prooemium des ersten buches.Ph Wegener - 1876 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 35 (1-4):418-437.
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    Technology and ethics: a European quest for responsible engineering.Ph Goujon & Bertrand Hériard Dubreuil (eds.) - 2001 - Leuven, Belgium: Peeters.
    Technology and Ethics. A European Quest for Responsible Engineering, edited by B. Heriard Dubreuil and his team (University Lille) is in many regards an innovative publication. It is the first fully European contribution to the field of engineering ethics and the result of an intensive cooperation between ethicists and engineers from all the member countries of the European Union. The basic structure of the book is both the distinction and interaction between three levels of analysis: personal responsibility of engineers, the (...)
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    Optimality theory as a family of cumulative logics.Ph Besnard, G. Fanselow & T. Schaub - 2003 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 12 (2):153-182.
    We investigate two formalizations of Optimality Theory, a successful paradigm in linguistics.We first give an order-theoretic counterpart for the data and processinvolved in candidate evaluation.Basically, we represent each constraint as a function that assigns every candidate a degree of violation.As for the second formalization, we define (after Samek-Lodovici and Prince) constraints as operations that select the best candidates out of a set of candidates.We prove that these two formalizations are equivalent (accordingly, there is no loss of generality with using violation (...)
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    XVI. Die beiden Quellen des III. Buches der Tusculanen Ciceros.Ph Finger - 1928 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 84 (1-4).
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  10. Unexpected desolation+ a review article on books by Clark, tj, Kinsley, David , Lipton, Eunice and Stella, Frank.Ph Salus - 1989 - Semiotica 75 (3-4):357-363.
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    Dogmatic Metaphysics and Tschirnhaus's Methodology.Ph D. Schönfeld Martin - 1998 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 36 (1):57-76.
    Dogmatic Metaphysics and Tschirnhaus's M ethodology MARTIN SCHONFELD ACCORDING TO STANDARD COMMENTARIES, Tschirnhaus's main work, Medicina mentis, ~ supposedly furnished the methodological basis for the Leibnizian-Wolffian metaphysics. ~ Christian Wolff and his disciples, at any rate, preferred to think so. Wolff taught classes on Tschirnhaus and claimed that he had developed his own tenets on the basis of Tschirnhaus's ideas; Johann Christoph Gottsched praised the Medicina mentis as the basic methodology of the Wolffian enlightenment.3 Mirroring these views, W. Wundt and (...)
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    VI. Der homerische hymnus auf Demeter.Ph Wegener - 1876 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 35 (1-4):227-254.
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    The Complexity of Temporal Logic Model Checking.Ph Schoebelen - 1998 - In Marcus Kracht, Maarten de Rijke, Heinrich Wansing & Michael Zakharyaschev (eds.), Advances in Modal Logic. CSLI Publications. pp. 393-436.
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  14. Over het probleem Van «psychische metingen» in ’t algemeen en Van «intelligentie-metingen» in ’t bijzonder.Ph Kohnstamm - 1942 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 4 (2):323-344.
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  15. In mostovsky, D. I.Ph Lindsay - 1970 - In David I. Mostofsky (ed.), Attention: Contemporary Theory and Analysis. Appleton-Century-Crofts.
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    ‘Second’ Ehrenfest equation for second order phase transition under hydrostatic pressure.B. Moin Ph - 2018 - Philosophical Magazine 98 (6):531-539.
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    Peierls–Nabarro model for dislocations in MgSiO3post-perovskite calculated at 120 GPa from first principles.Ph Carrez, D. Ferré & P. Cordier - 2007 - Philosophical Magazine 87 (22):3229-3247.
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    VII. Beiträge zur kritik des Statiusscholiasten.Ph Kohlmann - 1874 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 33 (1-4):128-138.
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    Personalisierte Medizin und Informed Consent: Klinische und ethische Erwägungen im Rahmen der Entwicklung einer Best Practice Leitlinie für die biobankbasierte Ganzgenomforschung in der Onkologie.Ph Dominik Ose - 2013 - Ethik in der Medizin 25 (3):195-203.
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    History as an art of memory.Ph Hutton & D. Gordon - 1995 - History and Theory 34 (4):340-354.
  21.  34
    Emotion regulation in social anxiety: a systematic investigation and meta-analysis using self-report, subjective, and event-related potentials measures.Yogev Kivity & Jonathan D. Huppert - 2018 - Cognition and Emotion 33 (2):213-230.
    ABSTRACTRecent models of social anxiety disorder emphasise the role of emotion dysregulation; however, the nature of the proposed impairment needs clarification. In a replication and extension framework, four studies examined whether individuals with social anxiety are impaired in using cognitive reappraisal and expressive suppression. Self-reports and lab-based tasks of suppression and reappraisal were utilised among individuals with high and low levels of social anxiety. A meta-analysis of these studies indicated that, compared to controls, HSAs reported less frequent and effective use (...)
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  22.  36
    Enlightenment Science and the State in Revolutionary France: The Legacy of Charles Coulston Gillispie.Ph D. Horn Jeff - 2005 - Perspectives on Science 13 (1):112-132.
  23. Over het probleem Van « psychische metingen » in 't algemeen en Van « intelligentie-metingen » in 't bijzonder.Ph Kohnstamm - 1942 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 4 (3):547-580.
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  24. Personalism and the world situation.Ph Kohnstamm - 1939 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 20 (4):353.
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  25. Langage et anthropologie. Le «Journal spirituel» de saint Ignace.Ph Kolvenbach - 1991 - Gregorianum 72 (2):211-221.
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    Η μελισσοκομια πaρα βυζαντινοισ.Ph Kukules - 1951 - Byzantinische Zeitschrift 44 (1-2).
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  27. Zum Problem der drei Lebensarten.Ph Merlan - 1966 - Philosophisches Jahrbuch 74 (1):217-9.
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    Trapping for Newtonian diffusion processes.Ph Blanchard - 1984 - In Heinrich Mitter & Ludwig Pittner (eds.), Stochastic methods and computer techniques in quantum dynamics. New York: Springer Verlag. pp. 185--209.
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    B. Zur erklärung und kritik der schriftsteller.Ph Braun, H. Deiter, Philipp Keiper & Th Stangl - 1885 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 44 (2):366-371.
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  30. Types and meanings of personalism.Ph Kohnstamm - 1937 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 18 (2):167.
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  31. Kolakowski, L., Wilt u achteruit naar voren gaan!Ph Lepers - 2008 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 70 (1):180.
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  32. Lellouche, R., Difficile Levinas.Ph Lepers - 2008 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 70 (1):177.
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    The 2‐year costs and effects of a public health nursing case management intervention on mood‐disordered single parents on social assistance.D. Ph, Gina Browne RegN PhD, Jacqueline Roberts RegN MSc, Amiram Gafni PhD & Carolyn Byrne RegN PhD - 2002 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 8 (1):45-59.
    Rationale, aims and objectives This randomized controlled trial was designed to evaluate the 2-year costs and effects of a proactive, public health nursing case management approach compared with a self-directed approach for 129 single parents (98% were mothers) on social assistance in a Canadian setting. A total of 43% of these parents had a major depressive disorder and 38% had two or three other health conditions at baseline. Methods Study participants were recruited over a 12 month period and randomized into (...)
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  34. Les répresentations d'artisans de la pierre dans le monde gréco-romain.Ph Jockey - 1998 - Topoi 8:625-652.
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  35. Topikalisering in Afrikaans.Ph Swanepoel - 1982 - Humanitas 8 (4):311-319.
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    Des Joseph Bryennios Schriften, Leben und Bildung.Ph Meyer - 1896 - Byzantinische Zeitschrift 5 (1).
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  37. Der Charakter der heutigen physikalischen Theorien.Ph Frank - 1931 - Scientia 25 (49):183.
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    Dichtung, Mythos, Wissenschaft.Ph Marcou & W. Balzer - 1988 - Erkenntnis 29 (2):201 - 225.
    In der vorliegenden Arbeit wird ein Begriffsrahmen entwickelt, in dem sich Gemeinsamkeiten und Unterschiede zwischen drei Arten von Kulturprodukten klar aufzeigen lassen: Dichtung, Mythos und Wissenschaft. Die allen drei Phänomenen gemeinsame Struktur erfassen wir in §II und §III mit dem Begriff eines Repräsentationssystems, welcher in Anlehnung an die formale Modelltheorie semiotische Vorstellungen mit einem Denken in Systemen zusammenbringt. Die relevanten Unterschiede werden durch Differenzierung (§IV) jenes Begriffs festgemacht, d.h. die drei Phänomene werden durch jeweils spezielle Arten von Repräsentationssystemen erfaßt (§V). (...)
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  39.  31
    Emotional Reactions to Facial Expressions in Social Anxiety: A Meta-Analysis of Self-Reports.Yogev Kivity & Jonathan D. Huppert - 2016 - Emotion Review 8 (4):367-375.
    The current meta-analysis reviews 24 studies on self-reported emotional reactions to facial expressions (social rejection, social acceptance, and neutral) in socially anxious versus nonanxious individuals. We hypothesized that socially anxious individuals would perceive all face types as less approachable, more negative, and more arousing. After correcting for biases, results showed that socially anxious individuals, compared to controls, reported lower approachability to all types of expressions and higher arousal in response to neutral expressions. Variances among effects usually could not be explained (...)
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  40. Le caractère des théories physiques de nos jours.Ph Frank - 1931 - Scientia 25 (49):du Supplém. 74.
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    Physik und logischer empirismus.Ph Frank - 1937 - Erkenntnis 7 (1):297-301.
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    The Virtue of Self-Compassion.Simon Keller & Felicia A. Huppert - 2021 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 24 (2):443-458.
    To be self-compassionate is to show compassion not (only) for others but for yourself. Research in psychology suggests that self-compassion leads to improved well-being and functioning. With the psychological research in the background, we give a philosophical account of self-compassion and its ethical significance. We build a definition of self-compassion, suggesting that self-compassion is different from but closely analogous to compassion for others. Our definition departs from the most prominent definition in the psychological literature but is well-equipped to guide ongoing (...)
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  43. Growth units construction in trees: A stochastic approach.Ph Reffye, E. Elguero & E. Costes - 1991 - Acta Biotheoretica 39 (3-4).
    Trees architectural study shows gradients in the meristematic activity. This activity is described by the number of internodes per growth unit, which is considered as the output of a dynamic random process. Several species were observed, which led us to propose and then estimate some mathematical models. Computing the functioning of a tree in a given environment therefore involves finding the probability function of the meristems and following the evolution of the parameters of this law along the botanical gradients (order, (...)
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  44. Effectiveness of explicit counting on keeping track of event frequency.Ph Marshall & J. Badley - 1987 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 25 (5):354-354.
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  45. Hē praxē kai hē siōpē: ta horia tou erōta kai ta horia tēs historias.Kōstēs Moskōph - 1983 - Athēna: Ekdoseis Kastaniōtē.
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  46. Political functions.Ph Salus - 1988 - Semiotica 69 (3-4):349-354.
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    Critical study: Moral realism and justification.Ph Blosser - 1990 - Philosophia Reformata 55 (2):177-183.
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    A survey of the theory of Post algebras and their generalizations.Ph Dwinger - 1977 - In J. M. Dunn & G. Epstein (eds.), Modern Uses of Multiple-Valued Logic. D. Reidel. pp. 51--75.
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  49. Conception positiviste ou conception métaphysique de la physique?Ph Frank - 1935 - Scientia 29 (58):du Supplém. 1.
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  50. Pour Justin, Jésus est-il un autre Dieu?Ph Henne - 1997 - Revue des Sciences Philosophiques Et Théologiques 81 (1):57-68.
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