Results for 'Peter Saul'

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  1. Edited volumes-changing life. Genomes, ecologies, bodies, commodities.Peter J. Taylor, Saul E. Halfon & Paul N. Edwards - 1998 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 20 (3):382.
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    Development of guidelines for the use of complementary medicines in public hospitals. An ethical approach.Anna K. Drew, Andrew W. Gill, Ian Kerridge, Jennifer MacDonald, John McPhee & Peter Saul - 2001 - Monash Bioethics Review 20 (3):38-44.
    The extensive community use of complementary medicine can no longer be overlooked in the practice of hospital medicine. Protocols need to be developed and implemented so that health professionals can deal with the issues surrounding the use of CM. Policy development has generally focussed on the supply of CM in hospital but another approach, which is based on consideration of the ethical and legal context, is presented here. Such an approach demands clarification of institutional policy for individuals who are competent (...)
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  3. IV- Free Will: From Nature To Illusion.Saul Smilansky - 2001 - Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 101 (1):71-95.
    Sir Peter Strawson’s ‘Freedom and Resentment’ was a landmark in the philosophical understanding of the free will problem. Building upon it, I attempt to defend a novel position, which purports to provide, in outline, the next step forward. The position presented is based on the descriptively central and normatively crucial role of illusion in the issue of free will. Illusion, I claim, is the vital but neglected key to the free will problem. The proposed position, which may be called (...)
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    Lifespans of Built Structures, Narrativity, and Conservation: A Critical Note.Saul Fisher - 2020 - Estetika: The European Journal of Aesthetics (1):93-103.
    A critical note on Peter Lamarque and Nigel Walter’s ‘The Application of Narrative to the Conservation of Historic Buildings’.
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  5. The Best of Intentions: Ignorance, Idiosyncrasy, and Belief Reporting.Jennifer Saul - 1999 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 29 (1):29 - 47.
    Context plays a crucial role in our propositional attitude reporting practices. A belief-reporting sentence which seems true in one context may seem false in another, as Kripke showed us in ‘A Puzzle About Belief.’ To put it a bit sloppily, may seem true when we are discussing Peter's beliefs regarding Paderewski-the-pianist and false when we are discussing his beliefs regarding Paderewski-the-statesman. Peter believes that Paderewski is a fine musician.A number of recent theorists have taken this contextual variation very (...)
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    Trying to adjunct without knowing how: adjunction and the adoption problem.Peter Susanszky - 2023 - Analysis 83 (2):277–284.
    The adoption question asks whether there are logical rules that cannot be adopted if one does not already infer in accordance with them. Several philosophers, most famously Saul Kripke and Romina Padró, agree that there are such rules. Accordingly, they agree that there is an adoption problem. However, there is disagreement over which rules are unadoptable. In particular, while most agree that if there is an adoption problem, modus ponens and universal instantiation are in its scope, many would exclude (...)
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  7. Proper Names and Relational Modality.Peter Pagin & Kathrin Gluer - 2006 - Linguistics and Philosophy 29 (5):507 - 535.
    Saul Kripke's thesis that ordinary proper names are rigid designators is supported by widely shared intuitions about the occurrence of names in ordinary modal contexts. By those intuitions names are scopeless with respect to the modal expressions. That is, sentences in a pair like (a) Aristotle might have been fond of dogs, (b) Concerning Aristotle, it is true that he might have been fond of dogs will have the same truth value. The same does not in general hold for (...)
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  8. (1 other version)Narrative and Conservation: A Response.Peter Lamarque & Nigel Walter - 2020 - Estetika: The Central European Journal of Aestetics (1):104-115.
    A response to Saul Fisher’s critical note on Peter Lamarque and Nigel Walter’s ‘The Application of Narrative to the Conservation of Historic Buildings’.
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  9. Imagination and Modal Epistemology.Peter Kung - 2002 - Dissertation, New York University
    It seems undeniable that we have many items of modal knowledge. Tradition has it that conceivability is the evidence for possibility that gets us to this modal knowledge. But "conceive" cannot mean think, understand, entertain, suppose, or find believable, because none of these are suited to serve as evidence for possibility, and if it is none of these, it is mysterious what conceivability is, and why it is evidence for possibility. I argue that sensory imagination is the most promising candidate (...)
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    Ross Revisited: Reply to Feser.Peter Dillard - 2014 - American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly 88 (1):139-147.
    Drawing upon Saul Kripke’s discussion of rules, James F. Ross deduces the immateriality of thinking from the metaphysical determinacy of thinking and the metaphysical indeterminacy of any physical process. It has been objected that Ross does not establish the metaphysical indeterminacy of what function a physical process realizes, that Ross does not show the incoherence of a highly deflationary view of our talk about thinking, and that Ross opens up an unbridgeable gulf between sui generis thinking and behavior. Edward (...)
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    Pierre Gassendi's Philosophy and Science: Atomism for Empiricists (review).Peter G. Sobol - 2007 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 45 (1):161-162.
    Peter G. Sobol - Pierre Gassendi's Philosophy and Science: Atomism for Empiricists - Journal of the History of Philosophy 45:1 Journal of the History of Philosophy 45.1 161-162 Muse Search Journals This Journal Contents Reviewed by Peter G. Sobol Mcfarland, Wisconsin Saul Fisher. Pierre Gassendi's Philosophy and Science: Atomism for Empiricists. Brill's Studies in Intellectual History 131. Leiden-Boston: Brill, 2005. Pp. xxviii + 436. Cloth, $172.50. In 1971, Richard S. Westfall described Pierre Gassendi as "the original scissors (...)
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  12. Branching time, indeterminism and tense logic: Unveiling the Prior–Kripke letters.Thomas Ploug & Peter Øhrstrøm - 2012 - Synthese 188 (3):367-379.
    This paper deals with the historical and philosophical background of the introduction of the notion of branching time in philosophical logic as it is revealed in the hitherto unpublished mail-correspondence between Saul Kripke and A.N. Prior in the late 1950s. The paper reveals that the idea was first suggested by Saul Kripke in a letter to A.N. Prior, dated September 3, 1958, and it is shown how the elaboration of the idea in the course of the correspondence was (...)
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  13. A.N. Prior's Logic.Peter Ohrstrom, Per F. W. Hasle & David Jakobsen - 2018 - Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
    Arthur Norman Prior (1914-69) was a logician and philosopher from New Zealand who contributed crucially to the development of ‘non-standard’ logics, especially of the modal variety. His greatest achievement was the invention of modern temporal logic, worked out in close connection with modal logic. However, his work in logic had a much broader scope. He was also the founder of hybrid logic, and he made important contributions to deontic logic, modal logic, the theory of quantification, the nature of propositions and (...)
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    Prior’s big Y and the Idea of Branching Time.Peter Øhrstrøm & Manuel González - 2022 - History and Philosophy of Logic 45 (3):362-365.
    In his famous letter to A. N. Prior dated 3 September 1958, Saul Kripke suggested the use of branching time in temporal logic. In this paper, however, it is argued that Prior worked with an idea close to the notion of branching time (‘the big Y’) already the year before he received Kripke’s letter. It is likely that Prior’s findings based on this early study can explain why Prior so quickly accepted the idea of branching time when he received (...)
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  15. Evolving Across the Explanatory Gap.Peter Godfrey-Smith - 2019 - Philosophy, Theory, and Practice in Biology 11 (1):1-13.
    One way to express the most persistent part of the mind-body problem is to say that there is an “explanatory gap” between the physical and the mental. The gap is not usually taken to apply to all of the mental, but to subjective experience, the mind’s “qualitative” features, or what is now referred to as “phenomenal consciousness.” The “gap” formulation is due to Joseph Levine. He acknowledged the appeal of intuitions of separability between physical facts, of any kind we can (...)
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  16. Relational modality.Kathrin Glüer & Peter Pagin - 2008 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 17 (3):307-322.
    Saul Kripke’s thesis that ordinary proper names are rigid designators is supported by widely shared intuitions about the occurrence of names in ordinary modal contexts. By those intuitions names are scopeless with respect to the modal expressions. That is, sentences in a pair like (a) Aristotle might have been fond of dogs (b) Concerning Aristotle, it is true that he might have been fond of dogs will have the same truth value. The same does not in general hold for (...)
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    Robert L. Martin and Peter W. Woodruff. On representing ‘true-in-L' in L. Philosophia , vol. 5 no. 3 , pp. 213–217. - Saul Kripke. Outline of a theory of truth. The journal of philosophy, vol. 72 , pp. 690–716. - Anil Gupta. Truth and paradox. Journal of philosophical logic, vol. 11 , pp. 1–60. - Hans G. Herzberger. Notes on naive semantics. Journal of philosophical logic, vol. 11 , pp. 61–102. [REVIEW]Geoffrey Hellman - 1985 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 50 (4):1068-1071.
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    Suburban Escape: The Art of California Sprawl.Ann M. Wolfe - 2006 - Center for American Places.
    Ansel Adams, Robert Adams, Carlos Almaraz, Robert Arneson, John Baldessari, Lewis Baltz, Robert Bechtle, Jeff Brouws, Laurie Brown, Angela Buenning, Darlene Campbell, Mark Campbell, Gary Carlos, Fandra Chang, Stephane Couturier, Robert Dawson, Joe Deal, Richard Diebenkorn, John Divola, Beth Yarnelle Edwards, Kota Ezawa, William A. Garnett, Jeff Gillette, Joe Goode, Todd Hido, David Hockney, Salomon Huerta, Robert Isaacs, Thomas Lawson, Jean Lowe, Alex MacLean, Richard Meisinger, Jr., Richard Misrach, Rick Monzon, Barrie Mottishaw, Martin Mull, Deborah Oropallo, Bill Owens, Rondal Partridge, (...)
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  19. (1 other version)A Critical Review of the Mainstream Reading of Kripke’s Wittgenstein: On Misunderstanding Kripke’s Wittgenstein (In Persian).Ali Hossein Khani - forthcoming - Journal of Philosophical Investigations at University of Tabriz.
    In this paper, I will argue against certain criticisms of Kripke’s Wittgenstein’s sceptical argument and sceptical solution, made especially by Baker and Hacker, McGinn, and McDowell. I will show that their interpretation of Kripke’s Wittgenstein’s view is misplaced. According to Kripke’s Wittgenstein’s sceptical argument, there is no fact as to what someone means by her words. For Kripke, this conclusion, combined with Classical Realist view of meaning, leads to the Wittgensteinian paradox, according to which there is no such thing as (...)
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    The Nature of Fiction.Peter Lamarque - 1993 - Philosophical Quarterly 43 (171):253-256.
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    Riding the wind: a new philosophy for a new era.Peter H. Marshall - 1998 - New York: Cassell.
    In this account of his mature thinking, Peter Marshall develops a dynamic and organic philosophy for the coming millennium which he calls liberation ecology. Liberation ecology is holistic in viewing the world as a harmonious whole and all beings and things as interwoven threads in nature's web. It is intuitive in recognizing intuition as the main source of knowledge and the imagination as the great organ of morality. It is ecological in seeing human beings as fellow voyagers with other (...)
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    Arabic Philosophy and Theology before Avicenna.Peter Adamson - 2011 - In John Marenbon, The Oxford Handbook to Medieval Philosophy. Oxford Up. pp. 58.
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  23. Meaning and History in Systematic Theology: Essays in Honor of Robert Doran SJ [Book Review].Peter Beer - 2011 - The Australasian Catholic Record 88 (2):251.
    Beer, Peter Review(s) of: Meaning and History in Systematic Theology: Essays in Honor of Robert Doran SJ, by John D. Dadosky, ed. (Milwaukee: Marquette University Press, 2009), pp.518.
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  24. Razor arguments.Peter Forrest - 2009 - In Robin Le Poidevin, Simons Peter, McGonigal Andrew & Ross P. Cameron, The Routledge Companion to Metaphysics. New York: Routledge.
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  25. Fundamentaltheologie im Koran?Peter Knauer - 2008 - Freiburger Zeitschrift für Philosophie Und Theologie 55 (1):142-165.
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    The use of a staff satisfaction survey at the University of Central England in Birmingham.Peter Knight & Lee Harvey - 1999 - Perspectives: Policy and Practice in Higher Education 3 (2):56-62.
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    What’s in a Name? How “Deep Brain Stimulation” May Influence Patients’ Perceptions.Peter M. Koch - 2018 - American Journal of Bioethics Neuroscience 9 (4):241-243.
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    If Einstein had been a surfer: a surfer, a scientist, and a philosopher discuss a "universal wave theory" or "theory of everything".Peter Kreeft - 2009 - South Bend, Ind.: St. Augustine's Press.
    Preface: What this strange book is about -- Conversation 1: where's the formula? -- Conversation 2: brain and mind -- Conversation 3: logic and intuition -- Conversation 4: how to open the 'third eye' -- Conversation 5: matter and spirit -- Conversation 6: the data -- Conversation 7: synchronicity -- Conversation 8: waves -- Conversation 9: holism -- Conversation 10: the music of the spheres -- Conversation 11: cultural consequences -- Conversation 12: water magic.
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  29. Moral values in technical artifacts.Peter Kroes - 2020 - In Andrew Wells Garnar & Ashley Shew, Feedback Loops: Pragmatism about Science and Technology. Lanham: Lexington Books.
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  30. The wage system.Peter Kropotkin - unknown
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    Cicero im Rahmen der römischen Bildungskultur.Peter Kuhlmann & Valeria Marchetti (eds.) - 2020 - Tübingen, Germany: Mohr Siebeck.
    Ciceros Philosophie vermittelte im Rom der ausgehenden Republik vielfältige innovative Impulse - insbesondere zu Fragen der Bildung und Religion. Im vorliegenden Band werden besonders Aspekte griechischer und römischer Bildung in Ciceros Werk aus verschiedenen altertumswissenschaftlichen Perspektiven beleuchtet"--Page 4 of cover.
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  32. Computer Science as a Subject Matter for Philosophy of Science.Peter Kuhnlein - 2005 - In Lorenzo Magnani & Riccardo Dossena, Computing, Philosophy and Cognition: Proceedings of the European Computing and Philosophy Conference (ECAP 2004). College Publications. pp. 4--113.
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    Jüdische Hoheliedexegese seit dem Beginn der Aufklärung.Peter Kuhn - 1991 - Nordisk judaistik/Scandinavian Jewish Studies 12 (2):83-92.
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    Isvara - kartrtva in der Schule Nagarjuna's.Peter Kwella - 1977 - Zeitschrift für Religions- Und Geistesgeschichte 29 (1):129-133.
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    Abbreviations.Peter H. W. Lau - 2010 - In Identity and Ethics in the Book of Ruth: A Social Identity Approach. De Gruyter.
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  36. Thought experiments in the De anima commentaries.Peter Lautner - 2011 - In Katerina Ierodiakonou & Sophie Roux, Thought Experiments in Methodological and Historical Contexts. Brill.
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    Ennead IV.3-4.29: Problems Concerning the Soul , written by Plotinus.Péter Lautner - 2016 - International Journal of the Platonic Tradition 10 (2):248-251.
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    Wittgenstein, Aesthetics, and Philosophy.Peter Lewis - 2004 - Routledge.
    Although universally recognised as one of the greatest of modern philosophers, Wittgenstein's work in aesthetics has been unjustly neglected. This is the first book exclusively devoted to Wittgenstein's aesthetics, exploring the themes developed by Wittgenstein in his own writing on aesthetics as well as the implications of Wittgenstein's wider philosophical views for understanding central issues in aesthetics. Drawing together original contributions from leading international scholars, this book will be an important addition to studies of Wittgenstein's thought, but its discussion of (...)
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    Hansjörg Reinau – Jürgen von Ungern-Sternberg , Politische Partizipation. 2013.Peter Liddel - 2016 - Klio 98 (2):729-731.
    Name der Zeitschrift: Klio Jahrgang: 98 Heft: 2 Seiten: 729-731.
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    Process, Creativity, and Technology.Peter Limper - 1986 - Process Studies 15 (4):275-289.
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    Marcuse and freedom.Peter Lind - 1985 - New York: St. Martin's Press.
    Chapter One INTRODUCTION The Question of Freedom Freedom - personal, political, religious or economic - is a pervasive ideal in our societies. ...
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    The psychodynamics of nationalism.Peter Loewenberg - 1992 - History of European Ideas 15 (1-3):93-103.
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    4 Categories and First Principles.Peter J. Loptson - 2001 - In Reality: Fundamental Topics in Metaphysics. University of Toronto Press. pp. 45-65.
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    Pelasgikon Argos in the Catalogue of Ships.Peter Loptson - 1981 - Mnemosyne 34 (1-2):136-138.
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    Environmental (in)action in the age of the world picture.Peter Lucas - 2017 - In Antonio Cerella & Louiza Odysseos, Heidegger and the Global Age. New York: Rowman & Littlefield International.
    Over 20 years ago the Programme Director of Greenpeace UK identified the primary challenge facing the modern environmental movement as that of moving beyond the “struggle for proof” to generating effective environmental action. There is a mass of widely-accepted evidence to support environmentalist claims, but effective environmental action is rare, both at governmental and at grass-roots levels. Arguably, the malaise is less a political one than an ontological one. We “know” that environmental problems are “real”, but we fail to grasp (...)
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  46. Den Betrieb als Ort geschöpflicher Existenz entdecken : Konturen evangelischer Betriebsarbeit.Peter Lysy - 2018 - In Verena Begemann, Christiane Burbach, Dieter Weber & Friedrich Heckmann, Ethik als Kunst der Lebensführung: festschrift fur Friedrich Heckmann. Stuttgart: Kohlhammer Verlag.
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    Men, machines, materialism, and morality.Peter T. Manicas - 1966 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 27 (2):238-246.
  48. Remembering Robert Seydel.Lauren Haaftern-Schick & Sura Levine - 2011 - Continent 1 (2):141-144.
    continent. 1.2 (2011): 141-144. This January, while preparing a new course, Robert Seydel was struck and killed by an unexpected heart attack. He was a critically under-appreciated artist and one of the most beloved and admired professors at Hampshire College. At the time of his passing, Seydel was on the brink of a major artistic and career milestone. His Book of Ruth was being prepared for publication by Siglio Press. His publisher describes the book as: “an alchemical assemblage that composes (...)
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    Historia and fabula: myths and legends in historical thought from antiquity to the modern age.Peter G. Bietenholz - 1994 - New York: Brill.
    Examining a variety of texts ranging from the Ancient Near East to the nineteenth century, this book deals with the inevitable presence of both fact and fiction ...
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    Games and pastimes.Peter King - manuscript
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