Results for 'Per Lundin'

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  1.  19
    Martin Kohlrausch, Helmut Trischler, Building Europe on Expertise: Innovators, Organizers, Networkers, (Making Europe 2) Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan 2014.Per Lundin - 2015 - Berichte Zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte 38 (3):262-264.
    Abstract416 S., £ 60,00. ISBN 978-0-230-30805-3.
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    Per Lundin, Niklas Stenlås and Johan Gribbe (eds.), Science for Welfare and Warfare: Technology and State Initiative in Cold War Sweden. [REVIEW]Sari Autio-Sarasmo - 2013 - Minerva 51 (1):123-126.
  3.  27
    Per Lundin;, Niklas Stenlås;, Johan Gribbe . Science for Welfare and Warfare: Technology and State Initiative in Cold War Sweden. vi + 314 pp., illus. Sagamore Beach, Mass.: Science History Publications, 2010. $49.95. [REVIEW]Sven Widmalm - 2012 - Isis 103 (4):807-808.
  4. Theories and systems of psychology.Robert William Lundin - 1972 - Lexington, Mass.,: Heath.
    A revised edition of an undergraduate text for students in history of psychology courses. Designed for one semester, covers: the history of psychology in ancient philosophy, structuralism, neurophysiology, functionalism, behaviorism, psychoanalysis, and gestalt theories. The new edition has expanded.
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    (1 other version)From Nature to Experience: The American Search for Cultural Authority.Roger Lundin - 2005 - Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    Roger Lundin traces how pragmatism and its reliance on experience eclipsed nature and religion as the ultimate moral authority. He explores why Americans prize experience as highly as they do, what they build out of it in works of culture and their daily lives, how they manage to make sense of it, and where people might turn when they reach the limits of experience.
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    Kermode, Frank. Forms of Attention.Roger Lundin - 1987 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 46 (2):314-315.
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    Moraliska räkenskaper – etik och praxis inom biomedicinsk forskning.Susanne Lundin - 2007 - Etikk I Praksis - Nordic Journal of Applied Ethics 1 (1):75-95.
    Artikelns utgångspunkt är att dagens biomedicinska samhälle ger upphov till frågor om teknikens möjligheter och risker. Avstamp tas i Ulrich Becks diskussion om att dessa motpoler föder en reflexiv modernitet. Ambitionen är att undersöka hur detta reflexiva tillstånd försiggår på ett individuellt plan, närmare bestämt inom en yrkesgrupp som bedriver omdebatterad biomedicinsk forskning. Den empiriska ingången är diskussioner om etik som författaren har haft med forskare från Lund Stem Cell Center. Forskarnas funderingar präglas av komplexitet och motsägelsefullhet. Å ena sidan (...)
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    Shaughnessy, Edward L., Rewriting Early Chinese Texts: Albany: SUNY Press, 2006, 287 pages.Jennifer Lundin Ritchie - 2010 - Dao: A Journal of Comparative Philosophy 9 (1):129-132.
  9.  57
    Attitudes of Swedes to marginal donors and xenotransplantation.S. Lundin - 2003 - Journal of Medical Ethics 29 (3):186-192.
    The aim of our survey was to capture the attitudes of Swedes to marginal donors and xenotransplantation. Modern biotechnology makes it possible to replace non-functioning organs, cells, and genes. Nonetheless, people may have reservations and fears about such treatments. With the survey, Attitudes of the General Public to Transplants, we have sought to expose the ambivalence that arises when medical possibilities are juxtaposed with ideas of risk. The design of the questionnaire originates from the interdisciplinary cooperation between ethnologists, medical scientists, (...)
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  10. Cultural encounters.Susanne Lundin - forthcoming - How to Best Teach Bioethics.
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    Frank Kernade, Forms of Attention.Roger Lundin - 1987 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 46 (2):316-317.
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    Ritual, Reform and Resistance in the Schoolified University - On the dangers of faith in education and the pleasures of pretending to taking it seriously.Sverker Lundin, Susanne Dodillet & Ditte Storck Christensen - 2018 - Confero Essays on Education Philosophy and Politics 6 (1):113-143.
    Why is there such a striking discrepancy between the flexibility, democracy and empowerment that the Bologna process aims for, and the superficial educational activities that it actually results in? Our answer is based on the ritual theory of the American anthropologist Roy Rappaport and the psychoanalytical framework of the Austrian philosopher Robert Pfaller. Interpreting schoolified education as a ritual, we argue that both the reform initiative and its ensuing educational activities should be interpreted as mainly productive of a certain appearance, (...)
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    Striving to be in close proximity to the patient: An interpretive descriptive study of nursing practice from the perspectives of clinically experienced registered nurses.Frida Lundin Gurné, Eva Lidén, Eva Jakobsson Ung, Marit Kirkevold, Joakim Öhlén & Sofie Jakobsson - 2021 - Nursing Inquiry 28 (2):e12387.
    This paper explores essential characteristics of current nursing practice from the perspectives of clinically experienced registered nurses in various fields of health care in Sweden. Nursing practice has been the subject of much debate in the past and because of its complexity as well as continuous changes in society it is important to continue the debate. A qualitative study, including 16 group interviews with altogether 74 participants, was conducted. Nursing practice was viewed as a multifaceted field. The participants struggled to (...)
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    Tasks and instructions on the simulated bridge: Discourses of temporality in maritime training.Mona Lundin & Charlott Sellberg - 2018 - Discourse Studies 20 (2):289-305.
    In higher education programs that train students for professions with high standards of safety, such as aviation, shipping and healthcare, exercises in simulated environments provide opportunities for training in educational settings. This study explores the use of simulators in maritime education, taking an interest in how navigation training is achieved by using simulated environments. By conducting an interaction analysis of video data, the study examines how training students to coordinate with other vessels in traffic is topicalized in simulator exercises, focusing (...)
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    The promise of hermeneutics.Roger Lundin - 1999 - Grand Rapids, MI: W.B. Eerdmans. Edited by Anthony C. Thiselton & Clarence Walhout.
    This work presents an engaging interdisciplinary study of the nature and scope of interpretation, one of the most important areas of inquiry in today's ...
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    Beʼurim be-maʼamar ha-Dor li-Reʼiyah Ḳuḳ.Ḥagai Lundin - 2007 - Yerushalayim: Hotsaʼat Maʻaliyot she-ʻa. y. Yeshivat "Birkat Mosheh" Maʻaleh Adumim. Edited by Ayal Fishler & Abraham Isaac Kook.
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  17. Supporting workplace learning for police officers? Looking for design implications in mobile situations.Johan Lundin & Urban Nuldén - forthcoming - Iris 27.
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  18. "Fordi du, når du skal dø, altid er et alene-objekt." ; Per Kramer.Per Kramer (ed.) - 1975 - Ärhus: Per Kramer.
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    Collective Military Virtues.Per Sandin - 2007 - Journal of Military Ethics 6 (4):303-314.
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    Die Eponymenliste von Saba (Aus dem Stamme von Halīl)Die Eponymenliste von Saba.A. Jamme & A. G. Lundin - 1967 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 87 (2):189.
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  21. Developing metrics for analyzing IT supported student-teacher interaction in higher education.Linda Nordström, Pia Svanberg, Johan Lundin & Lars Svensson - 2013 - Iris 34.
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  22. Reactive attitudes and personal relationships.Per-Erik Milam - 2016 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 46 (1):102-122.
    Abolitionism is the view that if no one is responsible, we ought to abandon the reactive attitudes. This paper defends abolitionism against the claim, made by P.F. Strawson and others, that abandoning these attitudes precludes the formation and maintenance of valuable personal relationships. These anti-abolitionists claim that one who abandons the reactive attitudes is unable to take personally others’ attitudes and actions regarding her, and that taking personally is necessary for certain valuable relationships. I dispute both claims and argue that (...)
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  23.  63
    Supreme emergencies without the bad guys.Per Sandin - 2009 - Philosophia 37 (1):153-167.
    This paper discusses the application of the supreme emergency doctrine from just-war theory to non-antagonistic threats. Two versions of the doctrine are considered: Michael Walzer’s communitarian version and Brian Orend’s prudential one. I investigate first whether the doctrines are applicable to non-antagonistic threats, and second whether they are defensible. I argue that a version of Walzer’s doctrine seems to be applicable to non-antagonistic threats, but that it is very doubtful whether the doctrine is defensible. I also argue that Orend’s version (...)
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  24. Common-sense precaution and varieties of the precautionary principle.Per Sandin - 2007 - In Tim Lewens (ed.), Risk: Philosophical Perspectives. New York: Routledge.
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  25.  53
    Direct, fully intentional self-deception is also real.Christian Perring - 1997 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 20 (1):123-124.
    An important way to become self-deceived, omitted by Mele, is by intentionally ignoring and avoiding the contemplation of evidence one has for an upsetting conclusion, knowing full well that one is giving priority to one's present peace of mind over the search for truth. Such intentional self-deception may be especially hard to observe scientifically.
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    The good manager – a moral manager?Per Sundman - 2000 - Journal of Business Ethics 27 (3):247 - 254.
    In this article two problems with the recently developed "practice or virtue approach" to business ethics are discussed. The first problem concerns an alleged harmony between common demands of morality (generally understood) and the internal goods of actual business practice. The claimed harmony is strong in essence since it holds that the role expectations a good manager has to live up to, do in fact coincide with what morality demands. The second problem is related to the first and concerns the (...)
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  27. Doing visual analysis: From theory to practice.Per Ledin & David Machin - 2018
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  28. How is Self-Forgiveness Possible?Per-Erik Milam - 2017 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 98 (1).
    The idea of self-forgiveness poses a serious challenge to any philosopher interested in giving a general account of forgiveness. On the one hand, it is an uncontroversial part of our common psychological and moral discourse. On the other, any account of self-forgiveness is inconsistent with any general account of forgiveness which implies that only the victim of an offense can forgive. To avoid this conclusion, one must either challenge the particular claims that preclude self-forgiveness or offer an independently plausible account (...)
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  29. Reasons to forgive.Per-Erik Milam - 2019 - Analysis 79 (2):242-251.
    When we forgive, we do so for reasons. One challenge for forgiveness theorists is to explain which reasons are reasons to forgive and which are not. This paper argues that we forgive in response to a perceived change of heart on the part of the offender. The argument proceeds in four steps. First, I show that we forgive for reasons. Second, I argue that forgiveness requires the right kind of reason. Third, I show that these two points explain a common (...)
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  30. Against Elective Forgiveness.Per-Erik Milam - 2018 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 21 (3):569-584.
    It is often claimed both that forgiveness is elective and that forgiveness is something that we do for reasons. However, there is a tension between these two central claims about the nature of forgiveness. If forgiving is something one does for reasons, then, at least sometimes, those reasons may generate a requirement to forgive or withhold forgiveness. While not strictly inconsistent with electivity, the idea of required forgiveness strikes some as antithetical to the spirit of the concept. They argue that (...)
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  31.  18
    The call of the unlived life: On the psychology of existential guilt.Per-Einar Binder - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    This paper examines the psychology of existential guilt with Martin Heidegger and Rollo May’s conceptualizations as the point of departure. The concept of existential guilt describes preconditions for responsibility and accountability in life choices and the relationship to the potential given in the life of a human. It might also be used as a starting point to examine an individual’s relationship to the potential offered in their life and life context and, in this way, the hitherto unlived life of an (...)
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  32.  71
    Subjectivity and vulnerability: reflections on the foundation of ethical sensibility.Per Nortvedt - 2003 - Nursing Philosophy 4 (3):222-230.
    This paper investigates the possibility of understanding the rudimentary elements of clinical sensitivity by investigating the works of Edmund Husserl and Emmanuel Levinas on sensibility. Husserl's theory of intentionality offers significant reflections on the role of pre-reflective and affective intuition as a condition for intentionality and reflective consciousness. These early works of Husserl, in particular his works on the constitution of phenomenological time and subjective time-consciousness, prove to be an important basis for Levinas’ works on an ethics of alterity and (...)
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  33.  81
    Is the Precautionary Principle a Midlevel Principle?Per Sandin & Martin Peterson - 2019 - Ethics, Policy and Environment 22 (1):34-48.
    In this article, we defend two claims about the precautionary principle. The first is that there is no ‘core’ precautionary principle that unifies all its different versions. It is more plausible to think of the different versions as being related to each other by way of family resemblances. So although precautionary principle x may have much in common with precautionary principle y, and y with z, there is no set of necessary and sufficient conditions that unify all versions of the (...)
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  34.  50
    Jack London's medusa of truth.Per Serritslev Petersen - 2002 - Philosophy and Literature 26 (1):43-56.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Philosophy and Literature 26.1 (2002) 43-56 [Access article in PDF] Jack London's Medusa of Truth Per Serritslev Petersen FROM THE VERY START of his literary career, Jack London believed that a good fiction writer must also be a good thinker—that fictional authenticity and integrity must somehow be imbedded in philosophical authenticity and integrity. In his early essay "On the Writer's Philosophy of Life," and in his early letters to (...)
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    Suffering a Healthy Life—On the Existential Dimension of Health.Per-Einar Binder - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    This paper examines the existential context of physical and mental health. Hans Georg Gadamer and The World Health Organization’s conceptualizations are discussed, and current medicalized and idealized views on health are critically examined. The existential dimension of health is explored in the light of theories of selfhood consisting of different parts, Irvin Yalom’s approach to “ultimate concerns” and Martin Heidegger’s conceptualization of “existentials.” We often become aware of health as an existential concern during times of illness, and health and illness (...)
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  36.  92
    10 moral paradoxes – by Saul Smilansky.Per Sandin - 2009 - Theoria 75 (1):65-66.
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  37. In defense of non-reactive attitudes.Per-Erik Milam - 2017 - Philosophical Explorations 20 (3):294-307.
    Abolitionism is the view that if no one is responsible, then we ought to abandon the reactive attitudes. Proponents suggest that reactive attitudes can be replaced in our emotional repertoire by non-reactive analogues. In this paper, I dispute and reject a common challenge to abolitionism according to which the reactive attitudes are necessary for protesting unfairness and maintaining social harmony. While other abolitionists dispute the empirical basis of this objection, I focus on its implications. I argue that even if non-reactive (...)
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  38.  68
    Mental illness.Christian Perring - 2008 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
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    The value of courage.Per Bauhn - 2003 - Lund: Nordic Academic Press.
    Combining in-depth analysis with strikingly apt examples of the role that courage plays in the life of human beings, this major contribution to moral philosophy argues that courage is necessary to personal achievement as well as to the common good of a civic community. Bauhn insists that courage is necessary for reinforcing people's understanding of themselves as autonomous agents, which is in turn necessary for countering widespread feelings of alienation and depression. He defines courage as the ability to confront fear, (...)
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  40.  85
    On the fact-value distinction and the phenomenology of caring.Per Nortvedt - 2005 - Nursing Philosophy 6 (2):81–82.
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    : Real Forgiveness.Per-Erik Milam - 2024 - Ethics 135 (2):375-381.
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    Intuitionistic Type Theory.Per Martin-Löf - 1980 - Bibliopolis.
  43.  70
    Critical theory and the future of humanity: A reply to Asger Sørensen.Per Jepsen - 2022 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 48 (2):164-173.
    Philosophy & Social Criticism, Volume 48, Issue 2, Page 164-173, February 2022. The article entails a critical discussion of the book Capitalism, Alienation and Critique by Asger Sørensen. Like Sørensen’s book, it stresses the importance of the first generation of critical theory – especially Horkheimer and Adorno – although Sørensen is at the same time critized for neglecting the insights of Horkheimer and Adornos work from the mid-1940s and onwards. In arguing for the actuality of especially the late Horkheimer, the (...)
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  44.  49
    On characterizability in L ω1ω0.Per Lindström - 1966 - Theoria 32 (3):165-171.
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    A context-based theory of recency and contiguity in free recall.Per B. Sederberg, Marc W. Howard & Michael J. Kahana - 2008 - Psychological Review 115 (4):893-912.
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    A Paradox Out Of Context: Harris And Holm On The Precautionary Principle.Per Sandin - 2006 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 15 (2):175-183.
    The precautionary principle is frequently referred to in various momentous decisions affecting human health and the environment. It has been invoked in contexts as diverse as chemicals regulation, regulation of genetically modified organisms, and research into life-extending therapies. Precaution is not an unknown concept in medical contexts. One author even cites the Hippocratic Oath as a parallel to the precautionary principle.
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    Completeness results for circumscription.Donald Perlis & Jack Minker - 1986 - Artificial Intelligence 28 (1):29-42.
  48. The Precautionary Principle and the Concept of Precaution.Per Sandin - 2004 - Environmental Values 13 (4):461 - 475.
    The precautionary principle is frequently invoked in environmental law and policy, and the debate around the principle indicates that there is little agreement on what 'taking precautions' means. The purpose of the present paper is to provide an improved conceptual foundation for this debate in the form of an explication of the concept of precaution. Distinctions between precaution and two related concepts, prevention and pessimism, are briefly discussed. The concept of precaution is analysed in terms of precautionary actions. It is (...)
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  49.  33
    Mahān puruṣaḥ: The Macranthropic Soul in Brāhmaṇas and Upaniṣads.Per-Johan Norelius - 2017 - Journal of Indian Philosophy 45 (3):403-472.
    The concept of the mahant- ātman-, or “vast self”, found in some of the Early and Middle Upaniṣads, has, at least since the days of Hermann Oldenberg, been explored by a number of scholars, most notably by van Buitenen :103–114, 1964). These studies have usually emphasized the cosmic implications of this concept; the vast ātman- being the non-individualized spirit that brings forth and pervades the universe, then enters the bodies of all created beings as their animating principle. As such it (...)
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    Manifestos of White Nationalist Ethno-Soldiers.Per-Erik Nilsson - 2022 - Critical Research on Religion 10 (2):221-235.
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