Results for 'Pep Vila'

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  1.  11
    A Fragment of a Fifteenth-Century Mystery Play in Catalan About the Resurrection.Pep Vila - 2000 - Mediaevalia 22 (s):183-208.
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    A Criminal Law for Semicitizens.Ivó Coca-Vila & Cristián Irarrázaval - 2021 - Journal of Applied Philosophy 39 (1):56-72.
    Journal of Applied Philosophy, EarlyView.
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  3. Self-driving Cars in Dilemmatic Situations: An Approach Based on the Theory of Justification in Criminal Law.Ivó Coca-Vila - 2018 - Criminal Law and Philosophy 12 (1):59-82.
    This article puts forward solutions to some of the ethical and legal dilemmas posed in the current discussion on how to program crash algorithms in autonomous or self-driving cars. The first part of the paper defines the scope of the problem in the criminal legal field, and the next section gives a critical analysis of the proposal to always prioritise the interest of the occupant of the vehicle in situations with conflict of interests. The principle of minimizing social damage as (...)
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    Objetivismo, realismo y psicologismo en la filosofía y las ciencias.Alfonso Ávila del Palacio, Jonatan García Campos, M. Segura & Luis Felipe (eds.) - 2017 - Ciudad de México, México: Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana, Unidad Iztapalapa, Consejo Editorial de Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades.
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    Derrida avant Derrida Trois écritures dans Le Problème de la genèse dans la philosophie de Husserl.Javier Bassas Vila - 2017 - Rue Descartes N° 89-90 (2):80-94.
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    What’s Really Wrong with Fining Crimes? On the Hard Treatment of Criminal Monetary Fines.Ivó Coca-Vila - 2022 - Criminal Law and Philosophy 16 (2):395-415.
    Among the advocates of expressive theories of punishment, there is a strong consensus that monetary fines cannot convey the message of censure that is required to punish serious crimes or crimes against the person. Money is considered an inappropriate symbol to express condemnation. In this article, I argue that this sentiment is correct, although not for the reasons suggested by advocates of expressivism. The monetary day-fine should not be understood as a simple deprivation of money, but as a punishment that (...)
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    El camino de re/invención de la ciudadanía y la educación popular.Pep Aparicio Guadas - 2002 - Polis 3.
    El autor propone una re/invención de la ciudadanía desde la educación popular. Señala que en estos tiempos la ciudadanía es el nuevo centro político y social, educativo, cultural y económico, pero que predomina una mirada desde un autoritarismo tecnocrático o de una perspectiva tecnocrática, más o menos mercantilista. El autor contrapone a esto una idea de comunidad libre basada en la reciprocidad de las relaciones no dinerarias, hacia la que se puede desde una práctica educativa liberadora.
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    La Jurisprudencia.Ramón López Vilas - 2003 - Arbor 175 (691):1351-1355.
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    Kant y el ateísmo.Josep Olesti Vila - 2022 - Pensamiento 78 (299):979-994.
    Se aborda la tercera sección del «Canon» de la Crítica de la razón pura, dedicada a la distinción entre opinión, saber y creencia, para analizar el concepto de «creencia doctrinal» (doctrinaler Glaube), que no aparece explícitamente en ningún otro lugar del corpus kantiano. Se sostiene que este concepto, bajo el cual Kant subsume nuestra creencia en la existencia de Dios, está pensado para descartar el denominado ateísmo por defecto (o la presunción de ateísmo), que de otro modo obtendría la primacía (...)
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    Daniel Varndell (2014) Hollywood Remakes, Deleuze and the Grandfather Paradox.María Victoria Gomez Vila - 2017 - Film-Philosophy 21 (1):138-141.
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    (2 other versions)Teisės teorija: vadovėlis.Alfonsas Vaišvila - 2004 - Vilnius: Justitia.
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    On possibilities for action: The past, present and future of affordance research.Gert-Jan Pepping, Joanne Smith, Frank T. J. M. Zaal & Annemiek D. Barsingerhorn - 2012 - Avant: Trends in Interdisciplinary Studies 3 (2):54-69.
    We give a historical overview of the development of almost 50 years of empirical research on the affordances in the past and in the present. Defined by James Jerome Gibson in the early development of the Ecological Approach to Perception and Action as the prime of perception and action, affordances have become a rich topic of investigation in the fields of human movement science and experimental psychology. The methodological origins of the empirical research performed on affordances can be traced back (...)
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  13.  30
    On the Necessity Defense in a Democratic Welfare State: Leaving Pandora’s Box Ajar.Ivó Coca-Vila - 2024 - Criminal Law and Philosophy 18 (1):61-88.
    The necessity defense is barely accepted in contemporary Western case law. The courts, relying on the opinion held by the majority of legal scholars, have reduced its margin of application to practically zero, since in the framework of contemporary welfare states, there is almost always a “legal alternative.” The needy person who acts on their own behalf, regardless of whether they save an interest higher than the one they injure, does not show due deference to democratic legal solutions and procedural (...)
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  14.  12
    The Husserliana as a Phenomenon. Apunts per a una història de la figurativitat: Husserl, Heidegger i Marion.Xavier Bassas Vila - 2014 - Investigaciones Fenomenológicas 4:39.
    In this paper we state that, up to now, scholars have read the Husserliana—that is Husserl’s official texts—only partially. This statement must be considered within the History of phenomenology and, more precisely, with-in the history of Husserlian studies: from Heidegger to Jean-Luc Marion, including Levinas, Ingarden, Sartre, Merleau-Ponty and so on, Husserl’s texts have been read only partially. With the exception of some analysis proposed by Derrida—or, nowadays, by Natalie Depraz or Elianne Escoubas—, and as far as I know, all (...)
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    Cuban itineraries of the Galician exile.Pilar Cagiao Vila & Nancy Pérez Rey - 2009 - Arbor 185 (735).
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  16. És possible prendre's seriosament el geni maligne?Josep Olesti Vila - 1999 - Enrahonar: Quaderns de Filosofía:475-482.
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  17.  50
    Active Inference as a Computational Framework for Consciousness.Martina G. Vilas, Ryszard Auksztulewicz & Lucia Melloni - 2022 - Review of Philosophy and Psychology 13 (4):859-878.
    Recently, the mechanistic framework of active inference has been put forward as a principled foundation to develop an overarching theory of consciousness which would help address conceptual disparities in the field (Wiese 2018 ; Hohwy and Seth 2020 ). For that promise to bear out, we argue that current proposals resting on the active inference scheme need refinement to become a process theory of consciousness. One way of improving a theory in mechanistic terms is to use formalisms such as computational (...)
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  18.  71
    Our “Barbarians” at the Gate: On the Undercriminalized Citizenship Deprivation as a Counterterrorism Tool.Ivó Coca-Vila - 2020 - Criminal Law and Philosophy 14 (2):149-167.
    Germany is joining a long list of European democracies that have modified or expressed a willingness to modify their citizenship laws to denationalize first and then prevent the return of or expel those citizens accused of having participated in terrorist activities abroad. The formal labelling of citizenship deprivation as an administrative measure outside the scope of criminal justice has prevented scholars of criminal law from undertaking a thorough scrutiny of its legitimacy. In this paper I seek to fill this gap. (...)
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  19.  8
    Esbozos del pensamiento latinoamericano: del pensamiento amerindio al siglo XX.Alexander Ávila Martínez - 2011 - Bogotá: Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia-sede Bogotá.
  20.  8
    ʻAyn al-Quz̤āt Hamadānī.ʻAlī Akbar Vilāyatī - 2011 - Tihrān: Shirkat-i Sahāmī-i Kitābhā-yi Jībī.
  21.  24
    Significação E diferença: Derrida E a deconstrução – da fenomenologia husserliana da linguagem.João J. Vila-Chã - 2002 - Veritas – Revista de Filosofia da Pucrs 47 (2):187-207.
    O texto se propõe a examinar o procedimento desconstrutivo levado a cabo por Jacques Derrida com relação a aspectos da filosofia da linguagem em Edmund Husserl, através especialmente da investigação e crítica da natureza da significação.
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    Sócrates.Ramon Vilà Vernis (ed.) - 2023 - Barcelona: RBA Libros y Publicaciones.
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    Mental models in propositional reasoning and working memory's central executive.José O. Vila, José M. Luzón, Nuria Carriedo, Francisco Gutiérrez & Juan A. García-Madruga - 2007 - Thinking and Reasoning 13 (4):370-393.
  24.  8
    Sign and reality: Heidegger’s approach to signs in Being and Time.Juan Vila - 2024 - Alpha (Osorno) 58:23-41.
    Resumen: En este trabajo abordaré de manera crítica una lectura muy extendida de la filosofía temprana de Heidegger, según la cual el “significado” (Bedeutung) es un fenómeno ontológicamente dependiente de la existencia humana (Dasein). Con el fin de revertir esta lectura de implicancias subjetivistas, ofrezco una interpretación del abordaje heideggeriano del “signo” tal como aparece en el §17 de Ser y Tiempo. Dicho análisis revelará que (a) que la ubicuidad del fenómeno del signo está fundada en la universalidad de la (...)
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  25.  26
    Punishing the Last Citizens? On the Climate Necessity Defence.Ivó Coca-Vila - 2024 - Res Publica 30 (3):567-587.
    Faced with the inaction of liberal democracies to effectively tackle global warming, many climate activists engage in forms of protests that involve committing minor criminal offences. They seek to shape official decisions on climate policies by resorting to civil disobedience. Some of these activists, rather than accepting punishment, have successfully claimed to be acting in a justified manner by invoking the necessity defence. The aim of this article is to show that, within the framework of representative democracies guided by the (...)
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    Is the Unified List System for Organ Transplants Fair? Analysis of Opinions from Different Groups in Brazil.Gustavo Noronha de Vila, Gabriel JosÉ ChittÓ Gauer & Gerson AntÔnio de Vila - 2003 - Bioethics 17 (5‐6):425-431.
    ABSTRACT In the 1960s, when Dr. Belding Scribner discovered how to accomplish the process of dialysis in a repeated way, he could not imagine that in solving such a problem others as or more difficult would appear. Given the technological progress and the impossibility of assisting all patients through the most modern methods, the medical doctor often finds himself faced with the moral dilemma of choosing which patient in the waiting list will receive the treatment. This same dilemma is amplified (...)
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    Istorijos subjektas kaip istorijos politikos problema.Vytautas Radžvilas - 2011 - Vilnius: Vilniaus universitetas.
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    Affettività, Socialità, Virtualità- Aspetti della domanda sul Sé e sull'Altro.João J. Vila-Chã - 2017 - Topologik : Rivista Internazionale di Scienze Filosofiche, Pedagogiche e Sociali 22 (2).
    Objective of this text is to present some descriptive arguments in regard to the assertion that our affectivity constitutes is a socially structured reality. We start with the hypothesis according to which the affective life of the human being reaches its most specific goal through a process of constitution of desire in which my preferences are always defined according to the preferences of others. In order to demonstrate the conditioned character of our preferences, we shall consider ideas derived both from (...)
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    A Vital History.Anne C. Vila - 2004 - Metascience 13 (1):116-118.
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    Bringing the Human to “Humanism”.Luis A. Vila-Henninger - 2006 - Essays in the Philosophy of Humanism 14 (1):1-8.
    An argument for an updated definition of 'human being'.
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    Collocation dictionary as an elaborate pedagogical tool for Spanish as a foreign language1.Begoña Sanromán Vilas & Margarita Alonso Ramos - 2007 - In Marja Nenonen & Sinikka Niemi (eds.), Collocations and idioms 1: papers from the First Nordic Conference on Syntactic Freezes, Joensuu, May 19-20, 2006. Joensuu: Joensuun yliopisto. pp. 282.
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  32. Filosofia e Espiritualidade: o Génio da Idade Média.João J. Vila-Chã - 2008 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 64 (1):1-18.
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  33. Philosophical Concepts and Religious Metaphors: New Perspectives on Phenomenology and Theology.Javier Bassas Vila - 2009
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  34. Procesos de la historia mundial y ciudadanía global.Ricardo Ávila & Lothar Knauth - 2010 - In Lothar Knauth & Ricardo Ávila Palafox (eds.), Historia mundial creándose. Guadalajara, Jalisco, México: Universidad de Guadalajara.
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    Políticas textuales. Análisis de fenomenología lingüística aplicado al texto hursserliano.Javier Bassas Vila - 2011 - Investigaciones Fenomenológicas: Anuario de la Sociedad Española de Fenomenología 8:45-59.
    El artículo que aquí se presenta intenta, de entrada, cuestionar y am-pliar la relación misma entre fenomenología y política. En contra de acercamientos temáticos, “naturalmente” legitimados, proponemos abordar dicha relación desde dos perspectivas complementarias: primero, establecemos la necesidad de poner en cuestión la “política interpretativa” que ha dominado en los estudios husserlia-nos y que consiste en excluir la praxis de escritura de los textos para concentrarse sencillamente en el contenido teórico de los mismos; seguidamente, establecemos lo que llamamos la “política (...)
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    A challenge for predictive coding: Representational or experiential diversity?Martina G. Vilas & Lucia Melloni - 2020 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 43.
    To become a unifying theory of brain function, predictive processing must accommodate its rich representational diversity. Gilead et al. claim such diversity requires a multi-process theory, and thus is out of reach for PP, which postulates a universal canonical computation. We contend this argument and instead propose that PP fails to account for the experiential level of representations.
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  37.  11
    Error in the illusion. Avatars Kantian notion of.Josep Olesti Vila - 2004 - Enrahonar: Quaderns de Filosofía 36:65.
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  38. Filosofia e diálogo inter-religioso.João J. Vila-Chã - 2008 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 64 (2):1315-1322.
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  39. " Iterated Cohen extensions and Souslin's problem", publicado en Annals of mathematics, de RM Solovay y S. Tennenbaum.Antonio Marquina Vila - 1971 - Teorema: International Journal of Philosophy 1 (4):133-134.
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  40. " La Place d'autri": dificultades y paradojas.Josep Olesti Vila - 2010 - In Manuel Sánchez Rodríguez & Sergio Rodero Cilleros (eds.), Leibniz en la filosofía y la ciencia modernas. Granada: Comares.
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    Metáforas de la selección natural.Román Vilas Peteiro - 2012 - Agora 31 (1).
    Buena parte de la elegancia del concepto de selección natural reside en una falsa aparienciade sencillez, y a menudo se expresa metafóricamente. En este artículo reviso diferentesmetáforas de la selección natural con el fin de revelar algunas complejidades ocultas. Enrealidad, el concepto de selección natural es un concepto difícil estrechamente relacionadocon otros conceptos complejos, tales como el concepto de eficacia biológica y de adaptación.Una discusión sobre las metáforas de la selección natural es pertinente porque la imagenque ellas evocan puede obstaculizar (...)
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  42. The philosophy of the future. The role of peircean categories in pragmatic thought.Ramon Vila Vernis - 2008 - Teorema: International Journal of Philosophy 27 (1):85-96.
  43.  54
    Toward Defining the Causal Role of Consciousness: Using Models of Memory and Moral Judgment from Cognitive Neuroscience to Expand the Sociological Dual‐Process Model.Luis Antonio Vila-Henninger - 2015 - Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 45 (2):238-260.
    What role does “discursive consciousness” play in decision-making? How does it interact with “practical consciousness?” These two questions constitute two important gaps in strong practice theory that extend from Pierre Bourdieu's habitus to Stephen Vaisey's sociological dual-process model and beyond. The goal of this paper is to provide an empirical framework that expands the sociological dual-process model in order to fill these gaps using models from cognitive neuroscience. In particular, I use models of memory and moral judgment that highlight the (...)
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  44.  62
    Courage in Art Appreciation: A Humean Perspective.V. Dura-Vila - 2014 - British Journal of Aesthetics 54 (1):77-95.
    In this article I argue that a high capacity for courage, in the sense of the strength of character that enables one to face distress, angst or psychological pain, is required of Hume’s ideal critics just as the other well-known five characteristics are. I also explore the implications of my proposal for several aspects of Hume’s aesthetics, including the one brought into relief by Shelley’s interpretation of Hume along the lines of distinguishing between the perceptual and affective stages in aesthetic (...)
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  45. Filosofía de la negreidad.Rubén Quiroz Ávila - 2012 - In Rubén Quiroz Ávila (ed.), Ciudadanías discursivas: la filosofía peruana en el siglo XIX. Lima, Perú: Instituto de Investigación del Pensamiento Peruano y Latinoamericano, Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos.
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    Reply to Walker: Ensuring Understanding and Intelligibility in Informed Consent.Víctor Durà-Vilà - 2013 - Journal of Value Inquiry 47 (3):221-233.
  47. Leyes universales.Amalia J. A. De Dávila - 1943 - Guadalajara,: Guadalajara.
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    Abū ʻAlī Miskavayh.ʻAlī Akbar Vilāyatī - 2011 - Tihrān: Shirkat-i Sahāmī-i Kitābʹhā-yi Jībī.
  49.  15
    Cavil-lacions d'Estiu.Marc-Aureli Vila - 1999 - Arbor 163 (642):289-329.
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  50. (1 other version)Teoria dos princípios: da definiç̧ão à aplicação dos princípios jurídicos.Humberto Bergmann Ávila - 2011 - São Paulo, SP: Malheiros Editores.
    Questão nos debates da doutrina e da jurisprudência, este livro trata da distinção entre princípios e regras. Para tanto, esmiúça os conceitos e os aspectos da garantia de sua aplicação e de sua efetividade.
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