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  1. The Phenomenological Reduction and the Revolutionary Sensibility.Bernard Flynn - 2018 - Philosophy Today 62 (3):959-968.
    This paper proposes to show an elective affinity between the attempt to construct a transcendence within immanence; both in the writings of Descartes and in the Cartesian strain in the philosophy of Husserl and the revolutionary sensibility, that is, the attempt to render history transparent to itself, delivered from division, conflict, and politics. It views the work of Lukács in History and Class-Consciousness as the link between the two. It concludes by evoking Merleau-Ponty’s critique of both the completed reduction and (...)
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  2. The Political Anthropology of Edmund Husserl.Andrzej Gniazdowski - 2018 - Dialogue and Universalism 28 (4):195-214.
    The aim of this paper is to contribute to the debate on the relation between phenomenology and philosophical anthropology by analyzing it in the selected, theoretical as well as historical contexts. The author focuses primarily on the problem of Edmund Husserl’s criticism of anthropologism and analyzes the practical meaning of the rejection by him of anthropology as a true foundation of philosophy. The thesis of the paper is that already by rejecting anthropologism in the logic and theory of knowledge, Husserl (...)
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  3. An Observation of the Political in Husserl’s Phenomenological Critique and Subjectivity:A Schmittian Investigation.Yusuk Lee - 2018 - Research in Philosophy and Phenomenology 78:105-145.
    The concept and the logic of the political, the most notable Schmittian ideas, based on the friend/enemy distinction and his thought on political theology have been widely and critically discussed and actively appropriated with various interpretations. On the other hand, we find that there is certain definite momentum piercing through the theoretical structure of Husserl’s phenomenology in general both as a form of metaphysics and as a philosophical movement, which can also be called the political. In this circumstance, we find (...)
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  4. Husserl and Racism at the Level of Passive Synthesis.H. A. Nethery - 2018 - Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology:1-11.
    ABSTRACTA number of philosophers within critical race theory use phenomenology to describe the way in which their identities are always already constituted as delinquent within the consciousness of white people, and how their own identity fractures in relation to this white gaze – a fracturing that creates unspeakable ontological, and ultimately physical, violence. Though these philosophers are already doing phenomenology in their work, there is a deeper level of analysis that has yet to be given. Specifically, an account has not (...)
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  5. Trust and Betrayal from a Husserlian Standpoint.Sean Petranovich - 2018 - International Journal of Philosophical Studies 26 (2):251-274.
    This paper provides an interpretation of trust and betrayal within political communities from the perspective of Husserl’s concept of social communities. I situate the paper amidst Margaret Gilbert’s theory of political obligations, arguing that at least one outside conception of trust fills a gap left in her theory. More specifically, I argue for the supplementary fit that Karen Jones’s conception of trust understood as ‘basal security’ provides for Gilbert. From there, I tie this conception of trust and betrayal to Husserl’s (...)
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  6. An Analysis of the Antinomic Structure of the Relation of Being in Husserl and Its Political Implication. Yusuk - 2018 - Genshôgaku Nenpô 34:(21)-(36).
    Antinomy basically as an inherent structural tension from within the reason between rational willing toward the unconditioned and rational thinking necessarily conditioned by the rule of understanding plays a negative role in and for Kant's system to critically compass reason in limiting itself within the possibility of real experience. In Husserl, under the banner of one all-encompassing reason, antinomy takes a modified form of an ontological incommensurability between two essentially separable regions of being, i.e., between the ideal and the real; (...)
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  7. An Observation of the Political in Husserl’s Phenomenological Critique and Subjectivity. Yusuk - 2018 - Phenomenology and Contemporary Philosoph 78:105-145.
    “정치적인 것” 또는 “정치적임”(the political)은 칼 슈미트 정치이론에서 핵심적 역할을 하는 개념이다. 친구와 적을 실존적으로 구분하는 것을 이 개념논리의 핵심으로 간주하고, 모든 서구 근대 국가정치이론의 권력개념의 근간을 서구신학에서 찾고 있는 슈미트의 정치신학적 사유는 많은 논란과 함께 오랫동안 널리 논의되고 다양하게 해석되어 왔다. 한편, 우리는 자칭 최고형태의 형이상학이자 철학운동의 한 형태인 후썰현상학 체계 전반을 관통하는 일종의 “구조적 정치성”이 있음을 발견한다. 특히 후썰식 현상학적 주체와 비판 개념의 형이상학적 이론구조는 “정치적”이라는 개념으로 표상되고 파악되는 특성을 분명히 보이고 있다. 이러할 때, 우리는 슈미트식 정치 개념과 (...)
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  8. Phenomenology in a New Key: Between Analysis and History: Essays in Honor of Richard Cobb-Stevens.Nicolas de Warren & Jeffrey Bloechl (eds.) - 2015 - Cham: Springer.
    This paper distinguishes four senses of naturalism: reductive physicalism; a naturalism that departs from what Thompson calls “natural-historical judgments”; a naturalism that recognizes that physical nature is located within the space of reasons; and a phenomenological naturalism that shifts the focus to the “natural” experiences of subjects who encounter the world. The paper argues for a “phenomenological neo-Aristotelianism” that accounts both for the internal justification of our first-order moral experience and the need for a broader grounding in a universalistic account (...)
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  9. Phenomenology and political idealism.Timo Miettinen - 2015 - Continental Philosophy Review 48 (2):237-253.
    This article considers the possibility of articulating a renewed understanding of the principle of political idealism on the basis of Edmund Husserl’s phenomenology. By taking its point of departure from one of the most interesting political applications of Husserl’s phenomenological method, the ordoliberal tradition of the so-called Freiburg School of Economics, the article raises the question of the normative implications of Husserl’s eidetic method. Contrary to the “static” idealism of the ordoliberal tradition, the article proposes that the phenomenological concept of (...)
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  10. Technology, knowledge, governance: The political relevance of Husserl’s critique of the epistemic effects of formalization.Peter Woelert - 2013 - Continental Philosophy Review 46 (4):487-507.
    This paper explores the political import of Husserl’s critical discussion of the epistemic effects of the formalization of rational thinking. More specifically, it argues that this discussion is of direct relevance to make sense of the pervasive processes of ‘technization’, that is, of a mechanistic and superficial generation and use of knowledge, to be observed in current contexts of governance. Building upon Husserl’s understanding of formalization as a symbolic technique for abstraction in the thinking with and about numbers, I argue (...)
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  11. The Cultural Community: An Husserlian Approach and Reproach.Molly Brigid Flynn - 2012 - Husserl Studies 28 (1):25-47.
    What types of unity and disunity belong to a group of people sharing a culture? Husserl illuminates these communities by helping us trace their origin to two types of interpersonal act—cooperation and influence—though cultural communities are distinguished from both cooperative groups and mere communities of related influences. This analysis has consequences for contemporary concerns about multi- or mono-culturalism and the relationship between culture and politics. It also leads us to critique Husserl’s desire for a new humanity, one that is rational, (...)
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  12. "We-Subjectivity": Husserl on Community and Communal Constitution.Ronald McIntyre - 2012 - In Christel Fricke & Dagfinn Føllesdal (eds.), Intersubjectivity and Objectivity in Adam Smith and Edmund Husserl: A Collection of Essays. Ontos. pp. 61-92.
    I experience the world as comprising not only pluralities of individual persons but also interpersonal communal unities – groups, teams, societies, cultures, etc. The world, as experienced or "constituted", is a social world, a “spiritual” world. How are these social communities experienced as communities and distinguished from one another? What does it mean to be a “community”? And how do I constitute myself as a member of some communities but not of others? Moreover, the world of experience is not constituted (...)
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  13. Políticas textuales. Análisis de fenomenología lingüística aplicado al texto hursserliano.Javier Bassas Vila - 2011 - Investigaciones Fenomenológicas: Anuario de la Sociedad Española de Fenomenología 8:45-59.
    El artículo que aquí se presenta intenta, de entrada, cuestionar y am-pliar la relación misma entre fenomenología y política. En contra de acercamientos temáticos, “naturalmente” legitimados, proponemos abordar dicha relación desde dos perspectivas complementarias: primero, establecemos la necesidad de poner en cuestión la “política interpretativa” que ha dominado en los estudios husserlia-nos y que consiste en excluir la praxis de escritura de los textos para concentrarse sencillamente en el contenido teórico de los mismos; seguidamente, establecemos lo que llamamos la “política (...)
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  14. The Project of Ethical Renewal and Critique: Edmund Husserl's Early Phenomenology of Culture.Anthony J. Steinbock - 2010 - Southern Journal of Philosophy 32 (4):449-464.
    "Renewal" is the expression Edmund Husserl used for the social, political, and ethical transformation of human culture (1922-1924). Considering the concept of renewal in the "generative" becoming of a culture, I first explain the phenomenological background in which Husserl approached the enterprise of renewal. I then describe Husserl's concept of renewal as an ethical task. Next, I take up the process of renewal as accomplishing "the best possible." Following this, I discuss the concept of critique advanced in the "Kaizo" articles. (...)
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  15. The Living Body as the Origin of Culture: What the Shift in Husserl’s Notion of “Expression” Tells us About Cultural Objects.Molly Brigid Flynn - 2009 - Husserl Studies 25 (1):57-79.
    Husserl’s philosophy of culture relies upon a person’s body being expressive of the person’s spirit, but Husserl’s analysis of expression in Logical Investigations is inadequate to explain this bodily expressiveness. This paper explains how Husserl’s use of “expression” shifts from LI to Ideas II and argues that this shift is explained by Husserl’s increased understanding of the pervasiveness of sense in subjective life and his increased appreciation for the unity of the person. I show how these two developments allow Husserl (...)
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  16. Husserl, Heidegger, and the Task of a Phenomenology of Justice.Nythamar de Oliveira - 2008 - Veritas – Revista de Filosofia da Pucrs 53 (1):123-144.
    O artigo investiga a relação Husserl-Heidegger, para além de suas contribuições à fenomenologia e hermenêutica como novos métodos em filosofia, articulando ontologia e subjetividade, através de um paradigma semânticolingüístico, de forma a delinear qual seria a tarefa hodierna de uma fenomenologia da justiça. The article investigates the Husserl-Heidegger relationship, beyond their historical contributions to both phenomenology and hermeneutics as new methods in philosophy, by articulating ontology and subjectivity through asemantic, linguistic paradigm, so as to delineate the task of a phenomenology (...)
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  17. Phenomenological analysis and its contemporary significance.Ilja Srubar - 1998 - Human Studies 21 (2):121-139.
    Can a phenomenologically-founded sociology contribute to the understanding of social change? By reference to the structure of the lifeworld as it has been analyzed by Husserl and Schutz, I argue that human action is formed by temporal, spatial, and social dimensions. These are objectified by a social semantics through which they gain their intersubjective cultural shape. From this perspective, I investigate changes in the temporal, spatial, and social dimensions of this semantics, as they occur in the present transformation of post-socialist (...)
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  18. Husserl's rational "liebesgemeinschaft".R. Philip Buckley - 1996 - Research in Phenomenology 26 (1):116-129.
  19. Phenomenological reduction and the political.Natalie Depraz - 1995 - Husserl Studies 12 (1):1-17.
    How can phenomenology describe an object as "the political"? The article endeavours to show how it is possible to apprehend such a theme from a _transcendental<D> perspective. After going through the methodic difficulties of the Cartesian way, which involves an egology intersubjectively extended to the monadology, the essay analyzes the non-Cartesian ways. Indeed, both of them pave the way for a political based on a plural structure. The way through the life-world as well as the way through psychology succeed in (...)
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  20. Reason and the Utopian Models of Culture: The Utopian Theme in Husserl's Thought from a Theological Point of View.Alexander Pigalev - 1993 - Analecta Husserliana 39:245.
  21. Husserl’s Notion of Authentic Community.R. Philip Buckley - 1992 - American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly 66 (2):213-227.
  22. Who has difficulty making which aspect of the world intelligible to whom?Terry Winant - 1991 - Social Epistemology 5 (4):317 – 326.
    Abstract Following Hubert Dreyfus, this paper takes up the debate over the limits on what can be articulated by means of intentional analysis. Section 1 reviews the contrast between Husserl's position and Heidegger's position. Husserl's is an ?inexhaustibility theory? of the inarticulable, according to which, although it is in principle impossible to articulate everything, there is not anything that it is in principle impossible to articulate. Heidegger's is a genuine ?inarticulability?in?principle theory? of the inarticulable, according to which it is, in (...)
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  23. Husserl’s Philosophy of the State. [REVIEW]Hedwig Wingler - 1991 - Philosophy and History 24 (1-2):47-48.
  24. Un giudizio di Husserl sul socialismo.R. Donnici - 1986 - Giornale Critico Della Filosofia Italiana 6 (2):264-272.
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  25. Phenomenology and Political Philosophy: A Study of the Political Implications of Husserl's Account of the Life-World.Hong-woo Kim - 1975 - Dissertation, University of Georgia
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