Results for 'Paula Miguel'

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  1.  7
    Ser Una Esponja de Tendencias: Los Editores y la “Intuición de la Demanda” En Las Grandes Editoriales.Paula Miguel & Ezequiel Saferstein - 2016 - Astrolabio: Nueva Época 16:61-92.
    Este trabajo analiza la producción editorial en los conglomerados globales de la edición en Argentina. Sus trayectorias y perfiles profesionales, la forma en que encaran la producción editorial, el marketing y la gestión editorial, entre otras cuestiones, contribuyen a dar cuenta de elementos comunes. Entre esos elementos comunes se encuentra el imperativo de publicar y vender libros, propio de los grandes grupos editoriales, la conformación de un editor de tendencias y lo que analíticamente podemos pensar como la conformación de un (...)
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  2. Patrones funcionales valorativos en informes de arbitraje de artículos de investigación.Miguel Fuentes Cortés, Magdalena Covarrubias, Josefa Soza, Paula Cabezas, Germán Varas & Omar Sabaj - 2019 - Logos: Revista de Lingüística, Filosofía y Literatura 29 (2):339-347.
    El objetivo central de este trabajo fue identificar los patrones funcionales-valorativos presentes en un corpus de informes de arbitraje, género clave en la producción de conocimiento científico. Para el análisis, se utilizó un procedimiento que implicó, primero, la identificación de los elementos funcionales o propósitos comunicativos más frecuentes y, luego, su descripción con algunas categorías del modelo de la valoración. El corpus, de carácter intencionado, estuvo compuesto por 42 informes de arbitraje de la revista de lingüística y traducción de la (...)
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    La pregunta por la creatividad. Notas sobre el análisis de la producción reciente en las industrias creativas argentinas.Paula Miguel - 2012 - Cuadernos de Filosofía Latinoamericana 33 (106):113-129.
    Este trabajo reflexiona sobre la producción en las industrias creativas, tomando el caso argentino de la ciudad de Buenos Aires. En primer lugar, da cuenta del contexto general donde se inscriben estos procesos. Luego presenta una elaboración en relación con el lugar de la creatividad en este enfoque y los debates en torno a las industrias culturales y creativas, brindando algunos datos que dan cuenta de la relevancia de este sector productivo, al igual que de las políticas públicas desarrolladas en (...)
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    Biopelículas y persistencia microbiana en la industria alimentaria.Paula Fernández-Gómez, Miguel Prieto, Pablo S. Fernández-Escámez, Mercedes López & Avelino Alvarez-Ordóñez - 2020 - Arbor 196 (795):538.
    Este artículo de revisión examina la importancia que tienen las comunidades microbianas que colonizan los ambien­tes y equipos de procesado de alimentos formando biopelículas o biofilms en la persistencia microbiana en la industria alimen­taria y consecuentemente, en la seguridad y la calidad de los alimentos. La atención se centra especialmente en biopelículas formadas por microorganismos no deseados, es decir, microor­ganismos alterantes y patógenos. Se presenta información so­bre la variabilidad intraespecífica en la formación, la ecología y la arquitectura de las biopelículas, (...)
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    Lvovich, Daniel y Pérez, Alberto (org.) (2022). José Sazbón. Una antología comentada de su obra. Tomos I y II. Villa María: EDUVIM; Ushuaia: Ediciones UNTDF; Viedma: Editorial UNRN; San Miguel de Tucumán: EDUNT. [REVIEW]Paula Zubillaga - 2022 - Aletheia: Anuario de Filosofía 13 (25):e147.
    Revisión del libro José Sazbón. Una antología comentada de su obra. Tomos I y II por D. Lvovich y A. Pérez (Org.).
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    Gendered Geographies across Time I.Beatriz Hermida Ramos & Miguel Sebastián-Martín - 2024 - Utopian Studies 35 (1):299-303.
    The first Early Researchers' Seminar for Science and Speculative Fiction: Gendered Geographies across Time showcased the many and diverse approaches to speculative fiction (SF) currently being pursued within the University of Salamanca's English Department, which in a matter of years has become an unexpected hotbed of aspiring SF scholars. A graduate student–led initiative organized by Paula Barba Guerrero (University of Salamanca), the seminar comprised six sessions that took place in spring 2023. The series opened with a keynote by Miriam (...)
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    EGRON, Agnès, o.s.b., MIGUEL, Pierre, o.s.b., PICARD, Paula, o.s.b., Les mots-clés de la Bible. Révélation à IsraëlEGRON, Agnès, o.s.b., MIGUEL, Pierre, o.s.b., PICARD, Paula, o.s.b., Les mots-clés de la Bible. Révélation à Israël. [REVIEW]Henri-Marie Guindon - 1998 - Laval Théologique et Philosophique 54 (1):205-206.
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    Rights, Equality and Procreation.Paula Casal & Andrew Williams - 1995 - Analyse & Kritik 17 (1):93-116.
    Individual decisions about how to exercise the legal right to procreative liberty may generate either positive or negative externalities. From within a resource egalitarian perspective, such as that of Ronald Dworkin, it can be argued that procreative justice is asymmetric in the following respect. Justice need not require that parents be subsidised if they produce a public good, yet its ideal achievement may require their activities be taxed if they threaten to produce a public bad.
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    A nursing manifesto: an emancipatory call for knowledge development, conscience, and praxis.Paula N. Kagan, Marlaine C. Smith, W. Richard Cowling Iii & Peggy L. Chinn - 2010 - Nursing Philosophy 11 (1):67-84.
    The purpose of this paper is to present the theoretical and philosophical assumptions of the Nursing Manifesto, written by three activist scholars whose objective was to promote emancipatory nursing research, practice, and education within the dialogue and praxis of social justice. Inspired by discussions with a number of nurse philosophers at the 2008 Knowledge Conference in Boston, two of the original Manifesto authors and two colleagues discussed the need to explicate emancipatory knowing as it emerged from the Manifesto. Our analysis (...)
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  10.  14
    Living law: Jewish political theology from Hermann Cohen to Hannah Arendt.Miguel E. Vatter - 2021 - New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
    In his 1935 treatise on divine sovereignty, the Jewish philosopher Martin Buber introduced the idea of an 'anarchic soul of theocracy.' A decade before, the German jurist Carl Schmitt had coined the term 'political theology' in order to designate the Christian theological foundations of modern sovereignty and legal order. In a specular and opposite gesture, Buber argued that the covenant at Sinai established YHWH as the King of the Israelites and simultaneously promulgated the principle that no human being could become (...)
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  11.  45
    The ethics of ex-bots.Paula Sweeney - 2024 - AI and Society 39 (6):3055-3056.
    Imagine if, when broken-hearted by their romantic partner leaving them, a person could continue the relationship with a chatbot or avatar version of them. This might seem like a far-fetched scenario but a little thought reveals that, first, this is a product that could plausibly make its way to the market and, second, it would be harmful for both parties of the former relationship and plausibly abusive for the person who has been ‘bot-ed’ without their consent.
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    Switching Between Sensory and Affective Systems Incurs Processing Costs.Nicolas Vermeulen, Paula M. Niedenthal & Olivier Luminet - 2007 - Cognitive Science 31 (1):183-192.
    Recent models of the conceptual system hold that concepts are grounded in simulations of actual experiences with instances of those concepts in sensory-motor systems (e.g., Barsalou, 1999, 2003; Solomon & Barsalou, 2001). Studies supportive of such a viewhave shown that verifying a property of a concept in one modality, and then switching to verify a property of a different concept in a different modality generates temporal processing costs similar to the cost of switching modalities in perception. In addition to non-emotional (...)
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  13. The Counter-Hobbes of Pierre Clastres.Miguel Abensour - 2014 - In Martin Breaugh, Christopher Holman, Rachel Magnusson, Paul Mazzocchi & Devin Penner, Thinking radical democracy: the return to politics in post-war France. Toronto: University of Toronto Press.
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    Saint-Just and the Problem of Heroism in the French Revolution.Miguel Abensour - 1989 - Social Research: An International Quarterly 56.
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    Spinoza et l’épineuse question de la servitude volontaire.Miguel Abensour - 2015 - Astérion 13 (13).
    Is there a thought of voluntary servitude in Spinoza’s theory? Starting with tensions arising from the apparent contradiction between such a thought and Spinoza’s anthropology, this paper shows that the Tractatus Theologico-politicus’s author identifies some political conditions that lead to the reversal of the conatus and make men fight “for their servitude as if it were their salvation”. Spinoza dampens La Boetie’s hypothesis : a man or a people cannot want to enslave himself/themselves, but can be induced to do it (...)
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    Una experiencia sobre la evaluación autónoma o participativa: autoevaluación y evaluación por los compañeros.Miguel Á Acedo & Francisco J. Ruiz-Cabestre - 2011 - Arbor 187 (Extra_3):183-188.
    El presente trabajo muestra la experiencia de la puesta en práctica de la evaluación autónoma o participativa aplicada a los alumnos de LADE en un intento de conocer cómo perciben su participación en el proceso de evaluación, diferenciado entre autoevaluación y evaluación por los compañeros, y qué grado de objetividad tienen las calificaciones obtenidas a través de la autoevaluación y la evaluación por los compañeros frente a las otorgadas por el profesor. Los resultados de la experiencia revelan que la evaluación (...)
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    Clinical education of ethicists: the role of a clinical ethics fellowship.Paula Chidwick, Karen Faith, Dianne Godkin & Laurie Hardingham - 2004 - BMC Medical Ethics 5 (1):1-8.
    Background Although clinical ethicists are becoming more prevalent in healthcare settings, their required training and education have not been clearly delineated. Most agree that training and education are important, but their nature and delivery remain topics of debate. One option is through completion of a clinical ethics fellowship. Method In this paper, the first four fellows to complete a newly developed fellowship program discuss their experiences. They describe the goals, structure, participants and activities of the fellowship. They identify key elements (...)
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    (1 other version)Kant's Conception of Architectonic in its Historical Context.Paula Manchester - 2003 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 41 (2):187-207.
    This paper defends Kant's conception of architectonic as furthering emancipatory reforms of critical philosophy. The author argues that while Lambert's reform of architectonic was the catalyst for Kant's attention to the term, Rousseau was important for Kant's conception of what architectonical thinking should be for philosophy. Kant's cosmopolitan meaning of architectonic requires that it not be based on an analogy to an architect, but on that of a "teacher in the ideal" who attempts to further essential ends of human reason (...)
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  19. Nostalgia reconsidered.Paula Sweeney - 2020 - Ratio 33 (3):184-190.
    Nostalgia is standardly assumed to be directed towards the past, to involve some salient feeling of the irretrievability of the past, and to be directed towards the memory of an event. In this paper I argue that none of these standard assumptions hold. I use a time‐traveller example to demonstrate that nostalgia is not essentially past‐directed. Once nostalgia is prised from the objective past, we can examine the other purported conditions, making space for the conclusion that the felt irretrievability of (...)
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  20. Análisis de la realidad textual en Niebla (1914) de Miguel de Unamuno.Jesús Miguel Delgado Del Aguila - 2021 - Sincronía 25 (80):293-313.
    Considerando el contexto bélico y el surgimiento de las vanguardias a inicios del siglo XX, fundamento en este trabajo las razones por las cuales la presencia del concepto de nivola, atribuida por Miguel de Unamuno para hacer referencia a la técnica literaria que emplea en su novela Niebla (1914), suscita una confrontación posible entre universos compuestos por elementos de la realidad y lo virtual. En ese sentido, será propicio explicar el procedimiento que origina esa colisión de planos establecidos. Para (...)
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  21. A regula como gènero literário específico da literatura monástica.Paula Barata Dias - 1998 - Humanitas 50:311-336.
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    Inhaltsverzeichnis.Paula Diehl - 2005 - In Macht - Mythos - Utopie: Die Körperbilder der Ss-Männer. Akademie Verlag. pp. 7-12.
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    Personenverzeichnis.Paula Diehl - 2005 - In Macht - Mythos - Utopie: Die Körperbilder der Ss-Männer. Akademie Verlag. pp. 282-288.
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    3. Prolog II: Kriegserfahrungen und Körperbilder.Paula Diehl - 2005 - In Macht - Mythos - Utopie: Die Körperbilder der Ss-Männer. Akademie Verlag. pp. 62-79.
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    10. SS-Männerkörper und die Bilder der Macht.Paula Diehl - 2005 - In Macht - Mythos - Utopie: Die Körperbilder der Ss-Männer. Akademie Verlag. pp. 200-234.
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    8. Uniformen I: Körpercodierung und politische Repräsentation.Paula Diehl - 2005 - In Macht - Mythos - Utopie: Die Körperbilder der Ss-Männer. Akademie Verlag. pp. 166-180.
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    9. Uniformen II: Macht-und Todessymbolik der SS.Paula Diehl - 2005 - In Macht - Mythos - Utopie: Die Körperbilder der Ss-Männer. Akademie Verlag. pp. 181-199.
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    Vorwort.Paula Diehl - 2005 - In Macht - Mythos - Utopie: Die Körperbilder der Ss-Männer. Akademie Verlag. pp. 13-16.
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    A critical review and meta-analysis of the unconscious thought effect in medical decision making.Miguel A. Vadillo, Olga Kostopoulou & David R. Shanks - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6:144654.
    Based on research on the increasingly popular unconscious thought effect (UTE), it has been suggested that physicians might make better diagnostic decisions after a period of distraction than after an equivalent amount of time of conscious deliberation. However, published attempts to demonstrate the UTE in medical decision making have yielded inconsistent results. In the present study, we report the results of a meta-analysis of all the available evidence on the UTE in medical decisions made by expert and novice clinicians. The (...)
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  30.  13
    Inventario de cartas, manuscritos, papeles, fotografías, cuadros, libros especiales, objetos y recuerdos íntimos de Don Miguel de Unamuno, propiedad de sus familiares que se encuentran depositados actualmente en el Museo Unamuno de la Universidad de Salamanca.Miguel de Unamuno (ed.) - 1980 - Salamanca, España: Ediciones Universidad de Salamanca.
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    La última lección de d. Miguel de Unamuno.Miguel de Unamuno - 1934 - [Madrid,: Tip. Yagües.
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    Father Absence and Reproduction-Related Outcomes in Malaysia, a Transitional Fertility Population.Paula Sheppard, Kristin Snopkowski & Rebecca Sear - 2014 - Human Nature 25 (2):213-234.
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  33. El legado morfológico de Descartes Y Vico.Miguel Hernández Vicent - 1998 - Cuadernos Sobre Vico 9:10.
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    La relación entre evangelización y justicia-libertad como problema de teología fundamental.Miguel María Garijo Guembe - 1978 - Salmanticensis 25 (1):37.
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    La sacramentalidad del matrimonio. Perspectivas históricas y sistemáticas.Miguel María Garijo Guembe - 1980 - Salmanticensis 27 (3):293-323.
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    The Academic Animal is Just an Analogy.Miguel D. Guerrero - 2016 - Stance 9:59-66.
    The “Spiritual Animal Kingdom” is an often-misunderstood section of G.F.W. Hegel’s Phenomenology of Spirit. Many scholars interpret the ‘Spiritual Animal Kingdom’ as being analogous to intellectual life. While the intellectual life analogy is useful, the restrictive account takes it to be the sole content of this section. In this essay, I argue that the restrictive account misidentifies what Hegel means by die Sache selbst (in English, “the matter in hand”). Such a mistake will affect the ability of consciousness to progress (...)
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  37. China, potencia artística.Miguel Sazatornil - 2008 - Contrastes: Revista Cultural 51:59-63.
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  38. The Principle of Non-Contradiction and Protagoras: The Strategy of Aristotle's Metaphysics IV 4.Paula Gottlieb - 1994 - Proceedings of the Boston Area Colloquium of Ancient Philosophy 8:183-209.
  39. El problema del hombre en la filosofía contemporánea.Miguel Angel Virasoro - 1965 - Philosophia (Misc.) 30:17.
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    La intuición metafísica.Miguel Angel Virasoro - 1965 - Buenos Aires,: Ediciones C. Lohlé.
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  41. Perspectiva sociopolitica de la tolerancia y de la religión en John Locke.Miguel Angel Virgillito - 1990 - Philosophia:181.
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    Para una fundamentación de la antropología filosófica como ciencia estricta y una nueva concepción del hombre.Miguel Angel Virasoro - 1963 - Memorias Del XIII Congreso Internacional de Filosofía 1:129-141.
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  43. Una teoría del yo como cultura.Miguel Antonio Virasoro - 1928 - Buenos Aires,: M. Gleizer.
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    Una propuesta de solución sintáctica para los problemas de la disyunción en el pensamiento humano.Miguel López Astorga - 2018 - Praxis Filosófica 45:101-112.
    La teoría de la lógica mental no acepta una regla correcta en el cálculo proposicional estándar: la regla de introducción de la disyunción (esto es, la regla que permite inferir, por ejemplo, p o q de p). Esto es un problema porque esa misma teoría admite otro esquema en el que la regla está realmente implicada. Es cierto que, como ha mostrado López-Astorga, la teoría de la lógica mental puede ser actualizada de acuerdo con resultados empíricos recientes y que tal (...)
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    The Persuasive Style of Debates in Direct Speech in Thucydides.Paula Arnold - 1992 - Hermes 120 (1):44-57.
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    Filosofia como “visão de mundo”: Sobre a crítica à metafísica no jovem Nietzsche, à Luz de sua relação com a filosofia schopenhaueriana.Wander De Paula - 2016 - Philósophos - Revista de Filosofia 21 (2):315-359.
    O presente artigo tem por pretensão central discutir alguns aspectos fundamentais da crítica de Nietzsche à metafísica, já nas suas primeiras reflexões filosóficas. Para tanto, serão mobilizados alguns de seus principais argumentos contra o estabelecimento da vontade como coisa em si no pensamento de Arthur Schopenhauer, e, por conseguinte, contra o próprio estatuto da metafísica nesta filosofia, de tal modo que se possa demonstrar as soluções encontradas pelo próprio autor a favor da possibilidade da metafísica. O artigo conta ainda, desse (...)
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    Should we have a right to refuse diagnostics and treatment planning by artificial intelligence?Iñigo de Miguel Beriain - 2020 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 23 (2):247-252.
    Should we be allowed to refuse any involvement of artificial intelligence technology in diagnosis and treatment planning? This is the relevant question posed by Ploug and Holm in a recent article in Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy. In this article, I adhere to their conclusions, but not necessarily to the rationale that supports them. First, I argue that the idea that we should recognize this right on the basis of a rational interest defence is not plausible, unless we are willing (...)
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    Avatars and the Value of Human Uniqueness.Paula Sweeney - 2024 - Philosophy and Technology 37 (4):1-4.
    Danaher and Nyholm (Philosophy & Technology 37:106, 2024) explore whether avatar technology makes humans less valuable by making them less scarce. They identify two forms of human scarcity, intrinstic scarcity and instrumental scarcity, and explore how each is impacted by avatar representation. Here I argue that avatars cannot make humans less scarce but that, nevertheless, the use of avatar technology can undermine the value of human uniqueness.
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    On directional accuracy of some methods to forecast time series of cybersecurity aggregates.Miguel V. Carriegos, Ramón Ángel Fernández Díaz, M. T. Trobajo & Diego Asterio De Zaballa - 2022 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 30 (6):954-964.
    Cybersecurity aggregates are numerical data obtained by aggregation on features along a database of cybersecurity reports. These aggregates are obtained by integration of time-stamped tables using some recent results of non-standard calculus. Time-series of aggregates are shown to contain relevant information about the concrete system dealt with. Trend time series is also forecasted using known data-driven methods. Although absolute forecasting of trend time series is not obtained, a directional forecasting of trend time series is achieved thence validated by means of (...)
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    Arte e niilismo. Nietzsche e o Enigma do Mundo by João Const'ncio.Wander Andrade de Paula - 2017 - Journal of Nietzsche Studies 48 (1):136-140.
    The theme of nihilism has been the object of interpreters’ reflections since Nietzsche’s works were first published, and recent work has placed nihilism at the center of Nietzsche’s philosophical project. João Constâncio’s Arte e niilismo. Nietzsche e o Enigma do Mundo sheds new light on the problem of nihilism by relating it to many key concepts and themes in Nietzsche’s thought. The author starts from the Schopenhauerian perspective according to which what really matters to philosophy is giving an answer to (...)
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