Results for 'Pascal Durand'

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  1.  18
    Peuple absent, peuple introuvable : Le fantôme du XIXe siècle.Pascal Durand - 2005 - Hermes 42:38.
    Le discours social du XIXe siècle fait un usage abondant du mot de «peuple». Les définitions qui en sont données - de Michelet à Larousse -, les représentations qui en sont construites - de Balzac à Zola -tendent cependant à vider le peuple de toute substance historique ou à le placer à la frontière de la civilisation. Une sociologie, une anthropologie, une physiologie, une raciologie s'additionnent en ce sens au fil du siècle, dont les schémas pèseront durablement sur l'imaginaire des (...)
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  2. Mathématiques en scène des ponts entre les disciplines.Pascale Boulais, R. Brouzet, Viviane Durand-Guerrier, Maha Majaj, David Marino, Francoise Monnoyeur & Martine Vergnac (eds.) - 2018 - Paris, France:
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  3. Enseignement et apprentissage de l’infini : aspects philosophiques, épistemologiques et didactiques.Pascale Boulais, R. Brouzet, Viviane Durand-Guerrier, Maha Majaj, David Marino, Francoise Monnoyeur & Martine Vergnac - 2018 - In Pascale Boulais, R. Brouzet, Viviane Durand-Guerrier, Maha Majaj, David Marino, Francoise Monnoyeur & Martine Vergnac, Mathématiques en scène des ponts entre les disciplines. Paris, France: pp. 246-255.
    Résumé – Nous nous intéressons à l’enseignement et l’apprentissage de l’infini en classe de mathématiques en considérant les différences et les relations entre infini potentiel et infini actuel. Nous présentons les principaux éléments de notre étude philosophique, épistémologique et didactique, ainsi que trois situations visant à conduire un travail explicite avec les élèves sur ces questions en début de lycée. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------- Abstract – We are interested in the teaching and learning of infinite in mathematics class, taking into account the relations (...)
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    Peuple, populaire, populisme.Pascal Durand & Marc Lits - 2005 - Hermes 42:11.
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    Démocratie inc. : quand les citoyens reprennent leur pouvoir. Avec les contributions de Gwendoline Etheve et Julien Bechereau.Marie-Christine Aubin-Côté, Virgil Dupras, Jonathan Durand-Folco, Olivier Legendre & Pascale-Marie Milan - 2012 - Éthique Publique. Revue Internationale D’Éthique Sociétale Et Gouvernementale (vol. 14, n° 1).
    À la suite du printemps arabe, nombre de citoyens des démocraties occidentales se sont regroupés sur les places publiques pour afficher ouvertement leur indignation par rapport aux dérives du système démocratique affaibli par un pouvoir financier grandissant. Ce texte retrace le chemin qui a amené les auteurs à investir l’espace public. Pensée comme un espace inclusif où le citoyen peut se réapproprier son pouvoir par la discussion, l’écoute et l’autoéducation au vivre ensemble, l’occupation se définit d’abord par sa pratique. Ce (...)
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    Ownership psychology as a cognitive adaptation: A minimalist model.Pascal Boyer - 2023 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 46:e323.
    Ownership is universal and ubiquitous in human societies, yet the psychology underpinning ownership intuitions is generally not described in a coherent and computationally tractable manner. Ownership intuitions are commonly assumed to derive from culturally transmitted social norms, or from a mentally represented implicit theory. While the social norms account is entirelyad hoc, the mental theory requires prior assumptions about possession and ownership that must be explained. Here I propose such an explanation, arguing that the intuitions result from the interaction of (...)
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  7. Believing and Accepting.Pascal Engel (ed.) - 2000 - Kluwer Academic Publishers.
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  8. Sosa on the normativity of belief.Pascal Engel - 2013 - Philosophical Studies 166 (3):617-624.
    Sosa takes epistemic normativity to be kind of performance normativity: a belief is correct because a believer sets a positive value to truth as an aim and performs aptly and adroitly. I object to this teleological picture that beliefs are not performances, and that epistemic reasons or beliefs cannot be balanced against practical reasons. Although the picture fits the nature of inquiry, it does not fit the normative nature of believing, which has to be conceived along distinct lines.
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    The norm of truth: an introduction to the philosophy of logic.Pascal Engel - 1991 - Buffalo: University of Toronto Press.
  10. Is Truth a Norm?Pascal Engel - unknown
    This paper tries to say in what sense truth is a norm, a thesis that Donald Davidson, whose view are examined, denies. After skteching his conception of rationality, it is argued that truth is a norm in only the sense that we ought to believe what we believe is true, not that we all to believe everything which is true. This minimal norm of truth is isolated and defended.
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  11. Pragmatic Encroachment and Epistemic Value.Pascal Engel - 2009 - In Adrian Haddock, Alan Millar & Duncan Pritchard, Epistemic value. New York: Oxford University Press.
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    Va savoir: de la connaissance en général.Pascal Engel - 2007 - Paris: Hermann.
    Le sceptique nous demande " Comment sais-tu que tu as deux mains? Peut-être rêves-tu, ou es-tu trompé par quelque Malin Génie? Peut-on même définir ce que c'est que la connaissance? Va savoir! " Lui rétorquer, comme le faisaient G.E. Moore et la tradition de la philosophie du sens commun : " Mais je sais bien que j'ai deux mains! " semble à la fois une pétition de principe et une bien mauvaise réponse. Le mieux, depuis que nous avons perdu le (...)
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  13.  32
    Deriving Features of Religions in the Wild.Pascal Boyer - 2021 - Human Nature 32 (3):557-581.
    Religions “in the wild” are the varied set of religious activities that occurred before the emergence of organized religions with doctrines, or that persist at the margins of those organized traditions. These religious activities mostly focus on misfortune; on how to remedy specific cases of illness, accidents, failures; and on how to prevent them. I present a general model to account for the cross-cultural recurrence of these particular themes. The model is based on features of human psychology—namely, epistemic vigilance, the (...)
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  14. Dispositional belief, assent, and acceptance.Pascal Engel - 1999 - Dialectica 53 (3-4):211–226.
    I discuss Ruth Marcus' conception of beliefs as dispositional states related to possible states of affaires. While I agree with Marcus that this conception accounts for the necessary distinction between belief and linguistic assent, I argue that the relationship between dispositional beliefs and our assent attitudes is more complex, and should include other mental states, such as acceptances, which, although they contain voluntary elements, are further layers of dispositional doxastic attitudes.
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    Introduction Hermès 57.Pascal Froissart, Joëlle Farchy & Cécile Méadel - 2010 - Hermes 57:9.
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  16. Belief and the right kind of reason.Pascal Engel - 2013 - Teorema: International Journal of Philosophy 32 (3):19-34.
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  17. Ageing-in-the-World.Pascal Massie & Mitchell Staude - 2024 - Continental Philosophy Review 57 (3):565-584.
    Ageing brings together biological, personal, and social horizons. Attempts to reduce it or to privilege one of these dimensions over the others fail to fully capture the phenomenon. The temporality of ageing presents an irreducible complexity. It is the inextricable intertwinement of three temporalities, three rhythms on different scales: biological time, personal-narrative time, and historical time. In all these dimensions something is of crucial concern: time and temporality. Yet, many philosophers who have thought about time (even those who take seriously (...)
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    A gentle introduction to Numerica.Pascal Van Hentenryck - 1998 - Artificial Intelligence 103 (1-2):209-235.
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    Dr Livingstone, I Presume?Pascal Engel - 2021 - Episteme 18 (3):477-491.
    Presumption is often discussed in law, less often in epistemology. Is it an attitude? If so where can we locate it within the taxonomy of epistemic attitudes? Is it a kind of belief, a judgment, an assumption or a supposition? Or is it a species of inference? There are two basic models of presumption: judgmental, as a kind of judgment, and legal, taken from the use of presumptions in law. The legal model suggests that presumption is a practical inference, whereas (...)
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  20. Programmed cell death as a black queen in microbial communities.Andrew Ndhlovu, Pierre M. Durand & Grant Ramsey - 2021 - Molecular Ecology 30:1110-1119.
    Programmed cell death (PCD) in unicellular organisms is in some instances an altruistic trait. When the beneficiaries are clones or close kin, kin selection theory may be used to explain the evolution of the trait, and when the trait evolves in groups of distantly related individuals, group or multilevel selection theory is invoked. In mixed microbial communities, the benefits are also available to unrelated taxa. But the evolutionary ecology of PCD in communities is poorly understood. Few hypotheses have been offered (...)
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  21. Volitionism and Voluntarism about Belief.Pascal Engel - 2002 - Croatian Journal of Philosophy 2 (3):265-281.
    This paper attempts to clarify some issues about what is usually called “doxastic voluntarism”. This phrase often hides a confusion between two separate (although connected) issues: whether beliefis or can be, as a matter of psychological fact, under the control of the will, on the one hand, and whether we can have practical reasons to believe something, or whether our beliefs are subject to any sort of “ought”, on the other hand. The first issue -- which I prefer to call (...)
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    Scientific Political Activism – eine Annäherung an das Verhältnis von Wissenschaft und politischem Engagement seit den 1960er Jahren.Pascal Germann, Lukas Held & Monika Wulz - 2022 - NTM Zeitschrift für Geschichte der Wissenschaften, Technik und Medizin 30 (4):435-444.
  23. The Norm of Truth. An Introduction to the Philosophy of Logic.Pascal Engel - 1993 - Critica 25 (73):109-117.
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    Le droit de ne pas croire.Pascal Engel - 2012 - ThéoRèmes 2 (1).
    Dans cet article, je défends la position évidentialiste à propos des croyances religieuses, à la suite de la fameuse maxime de Clifford et contre l'interprétation pragmatiste de l'éthique des croyances. Je défends, en suivant Shah que le test de transparence est mieux expliqué par l'existence d'une norme de correction de la croyance. Les croyances religieuses, si elles sont des croyances, doivent obéir à cette norme. Si elles n'y obéissent pas, ce ne sont pas des croyances. Et la non croyance est (...)
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  25. Wherein lies the normative dimension in mental content?Pascal Engel - unknown
    I argue that the normative dimension in mental content does not figure in the content as a direct feature of this content. But I do not take is as an extrinsic feature due to the properties of our ascriptions either. I suggest that the normativity has to do with the possibility of self attribution of mental states. The views of Robert Brandom are examined in this respect.
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    Intuitive expectations and the detection of mental disorder: A cognitive background to folk-psychiatries.Pascal Boyer - 2011 - Philosophical Psychology 24 (1):95-118.
    How do people detect mental dysfunction? What is the influence of cultural models of dysfunction on this detection process? The detection process as such is not usually researched as it falls between the domains of cross-cultural psychiatry and anthropological ethno-psychiatry . I provide a general model for this “missing link” between behavior and cultural models, grounded in empirical evidence for intuitive psychology. Normal adult minds entertain specific intuitive expectations about mental function and behavior, and by implication they infer that specific (...)
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  27.  61
    Alethic functionalism and the norm of belief.Pascal Engel - 2012 - In Nikolaj Jang Lee Linding Pedersen & Cory Wright, Truth and Pluralism: Current Debates. Oxford, England: Oxford University Press. pp. 69.
  28. The unimportance of being modest: a footnote to McDowell’s note.Pascal Engel - 2005 - International Journal of Philosophical Studies 13 (1):89 – 93.
    (2005). The unimportance of being modest: a footnote to McDowell’s note. International Journal of Philosophical Studies: Vol. 13, No. 1, pp. 89-93. doi: 10.1080/0967255042000324362.
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    Y a-t-il eu vraiment une rencontre entre Ricœur et la philosophie analytique?Pascal Engel - 2014 - Études Ricoeuriennes / Ricoeur Studies 5 (1):125-141.
    Paul Ricœur made a lot to introduce analytic philosophy in France during the 70s and 80s, and he engaged in a dialogue with a number of authors from this tradition, such as Austin, Strawson, Davidson or Parfit. This dialogue, though, was one-sided, since there was no discussion of his views by analytic philosophers. Moreover, Ricœur often misunderstood or misprepresented the analytic views that he was discussing. So in many ways the Ricœur’s encounter with analytic philosophy was unsuccessful, which does not (...)
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    The Socially Responsible Corporation, The Law and The Sicilian Mafia.Jean-Pascal Gond & Guido Palazzo - 2005 - Proceedings of the International Association for Business and Society 16:124-129.
    The purpose of this paper is to provoke a debate on the management of social issues building on the analysis of a well known illegal organization, namely theSicilian Mafia. According to the analytical framework provided by Gambetta (1993), the Sicilian Mafia could be considered as a business on its own dealing a specific commodity: the ‘protection of people’. That approach of ‘Mafia as a corporation’ allows investigating the social responsibility of that organization and the way the Mafia managed its key (...)
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    La vérité peut-elle survivre à la démocratie?Pascal Engel - 2012 - Revue Agone 44:31-56.
    L’une des raisons pour lesquelles la vérité et la démocratie ne semblent pas faire bon ménage est qu’on a tendance à confondre, d’une part, la liberté d’opinion et de parole avec l’égale vérité des opinions, ce qui revient à adopter une forme de relativisme, et, d’autre part, la règle de majorité avec une règle de vérité, ce qui revient à adopter une forme de théorie de la vérité comme consensus. Parce que la démocratie libérale repose sur le principe de la (...)
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  32. Precaution systems and ritualized behavior.Pascal Boyer & Pierre Liénard - 2006 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 29 (6):635-641.
    In reply to commentary on our target article, we supply further evidence and hypotheses in the description of ritualized behaviors in humans. Reactions to indirect fitness threats probably activate specialized precaution systems rather than a unified form of danger-avoidance or causal reasoning. Impairment of precaution systems may be present in pathologies other than obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), autism in particular. Ritualized behavior is attention-grabbing enough to be culturally transmitted whether or not it is associated with group identity, cohesion, or with any (...)
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    Belief As a Disposition to Act: Variations on a Pragmatist Theme.Pascal Engel - unknown
    In this paper I want to show that, although it is a common thread of many pragmatist or pragmatist-inspired doctrines, the belief-as-disposition-to-act theme is played on very different tunes by the various philosophical performers. A whole book could be devoted to the topic. I shall limit myself here to the views of Peirce, James, Ramsey, contemporary functionalists, and Isaac Levi. Depending on how they interpret this theme, the pragmatist philosophers can emphasise more or less the role of theory and practice (...)
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  34. Davidson et la philosophie du langage.Pascal Engel - 1997 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 187 (1):65-67.
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  35. Cell Fate: What’s Evolution Got to Do With It?Grant Ramsey & Pierre M. Durand - 2023 - Yale Journal of Biology and Medicine 96 (4):565–568.
    Theoretical frameworks concerning cell fate typically center on proximate causes to explain how cells know what type they are meant to become. While major advances in cell fate theory have been achieved by these mechanism-focused frameworks, there are some aspects of cell decision-making that require an evolutionary interpretation. While mechanistic biologists sometimes turn to evolutionary theory to gain insights about cell fate (cancer is a good example), it is not entirely clear in cell fate theory what insights evolutionary theory can (...)
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  36. Editors’ Introduction.Annabel Herzog & Pascal Delhom - 2023 - Levinas Studies 17:17-22.
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    Attitudes toward artificial intelligence: combining three theoretical perspectives on technology acceptance.Pascal D. Koenig - forthcoming - AI and Society:1-13.
    Evidence on AI acceptance comes from a diverse field comprising public opinion research and largely experimental studies from various disciplines. Differing theoretical approaches in this research, however, imply heterogeneous ways of studying AI acceptance. The present paper provides a framework for systematizing different uses. It identifies three families of theoretical perspectives informing research on AI acceptance—user acceptance, delegation acceptance, and societal adoption acceptance. These models differ in scope, each has elements specific to them, and the connotation of technology acceptance thus (...)
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  38. The norms of the mental.Pascal Engel - unknown
    This paper analyses Davidson's conception of the norms of rationality which govern, according to him, the interpretation of mind and action. While I accept Davidson's thesis that there are norms of the mental, I disagree with him on their scope. It is argued that there are much more specific norms for concepts, and that belief in partiuclar is governed by a norm of truth.
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    Davidson et la philosophie du langage.Pascal Engel - 1994 - Presses Universitaires de France - PUF.
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    Introduction à la philosophie de l'esprit.Pascal Engel - 1994 - Editions La Découverte.
    La philosophie de l'esprit et des phénomènes mentaux a connu, depuis une trentaine d'années, un renouveau important, notamment en raison de l'intérêt suscité chez les philosophes par les progrès des neurosciences et des sciences cognitives. Au sein de la tradition analytique anglo-américaine en particulier, un véritable tournant mentaliste et naturaliste tend désormais à supplanter l'approche " linguistique " jusque-là dominante. Ce livre propose une introduction aux thèmes riches et complexes que développent des auteurs comme Davidson, Fodor, Dennett et Dretske : (...)
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  41. Belief and Normativity.Pascal Engelspecial Issue On Normativity & Edited by Teresa Marques Rationality - 2007 - Special Issue on Normativity and Rationality, Edited by Teresa Marques 23.
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    Les vices du savoir: essai d'éthique intellectuelle.Pascal Engel - 2019 - Marseille: Agone.
    Raisons de croire et éthique de la croyance -- L'éthique première de la croyance. Le problème de Clifford ; Trois défis pour l'éthique de la croyance -- Raisons de croire et raisons d'agir. Y a-t-il un "agir épistémique"? ; Bons et mauvais types de raisons ; Nos croyances ont-elles un but? ; Croyances correctes et raisons de croire ; Deux sortes d'"agir épistémique"? -- Croyances religieuses et certitudes primitives. Les croyances religieuses ont-elles besoin d'être justifiées ? ; Le pragmatisme en (...)
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    Les vestiges mycéniens découverts sous le Telestérion d'Éleusis.Pascal Darcque - 1981 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 105 (2):593-605.
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  44. Les normes épistémiques.Pascal Engel - 2011 - RÉPHA, revue étudiante de philosophie analytique 3:9-26.
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    The trouble with W*ttg*nst**n.Pascal Engel - 2007 - Rivista di Estetica 34 (1):11-26.
    «Neither with you nor without you»Francois Truffaut, La femme d’à coté No one can deny that there is a problem between Wittgenstein and analytic philosophers. To put it mildly, there are tensions between Wittgenstein’s and Wittgensteinian styled reflections and the views and practice of a lot of contemporary analytic philosophers, such that they often seem to be strange bedfellows, when they are bedfellows at all. Of course we know that Wittgenstein did not get along very well with Russell, t...
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  46. In what way it exists.Pascal Sévérac - 2019 - In Jack Stetter & Charles Ramond, Spinoza in Twenty-First-Century American and French Philosophy: Metaphysics, Philosophy of Mind, Moral and Political Philosophy. London: Bloomsbury Academic.
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    Davidson and Contemporary Philosophy.Pascal Engel - 2013 - In Ernie Lepore & Kurt Ludwig, Blackwell Companion to Donald Davidson. Blackwell. pp. 588–604.
    This chapter evaluates Davidson's influence on contemporary philosophy. Although a number of his views on meaning, truth, interpretation, action, and mind have often been rejected within contemporary philosophy, most of most his central themes and basic concepts are still with us and have had a lasting influence. The heritage of Davidson's philosophy lies in the capacity of contemporary philosophers to modify his views and to expand them in new directions.
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    Peut-il y avoir des raisons d’état?Pascal Engel - 2019 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 2:65.
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    Is Identity a Functional Property?Pascal Engel - 2015 - In Michael Frauchiger, Modalities, Identity, Belief, and Moral Dilemmas. De Gruyter. pp. 75-94.
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  50. Normes logiques et évolution.Pascal Engel - 1997 - Revue Internationale de Philosophie.
    A number of writers have attempted, since Mach, Boltzman and the psychologists of the end of the XIXth century, to give an evolutionary account of logical norms. Husserl famously argued that this account fails, for it is circular. I examine here some recent accounts, based on evolutionary psychology and game theory, in particular those of Gibbard, Millikan and Cosmides-Tooby. I argue that they suffer for similar circularities, although an evolutionary account of the cognitive mecanisms which underlie logical norms is feasible.
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