Results for 'PamelaJ Benoit'

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  1.  27
    Aggravated and mitigated opening utterances.WilliamL Benoit & PamelaJ Benoit - 1990 - Argumentation 4 (2):171-183.
    Four types of aggravated opening utterances (insult, command, accusation, refusal without a reason) and four types of mitigated opening utterances (request, indication of shared responsibility, reaffirmation, and refusal with a reason) were investigated. Ordinary social actors rated each of the mitigated opening utterances higher than aggravated opening utterances on specific appropriateness, general appropriateness, and effectiveness. Hence, the type of opening employed to initiate an argumentative episode influences judgments of appropriateness and effectiveness.
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    Relationship arguments: An interactionist elaboration of speech acts. [REVIEW]PamelaJ Benoit - 1989 - Argumentation 3 (4):423-437.
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    Benoît Bourgine, Joseph Famerée, Paul Scolas, dir., Qu'est-ce que la vérité ? Paris, Les Éditions du Cerf ; Louvain-la-Neuve, Université Catholique de Louvain (coll. « Théologies »), 2009, 177 p. [REVIEW]Benoit Mathot - 2012 - Laval Théologique et Philosophique 68 (3):714.
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    Hobbes.Benoît Spinosa - 2014 - Paris: Les Belles Lettres.
    English summary: Benoit Spinosa presents a much needed French biography and study of the English philosopher Thomas Hobbes (1588-1679). Spinosa discusses Hobbes controversial Leviathan and his unique understanding of the political machine in the Early Modern period. French description: Thomas Hobbes (1588-1679), philosophe anglais, doit sa celebrite au Leviathan, a une conception de la souverainete politique longtemps jugee monstrueuse. Par-dela contresens et accusations, Hobbes est bien le premier penseur de la modernite a avoir voulu maitriser la machination politique comme (...)
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    The dynamic moral self: A social psychological perspective.Benoît Monin & Alexander H. Jordan - 2009 - In Darcia Narvaez & Daniel Lapsley (eds.), Personality, Identity, and Character. Cambridge University Press. pp. 341--354.
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    Plutarch’s Psychology of Moral Virtue.Benoît Castelnérac - 2007 - Ancient Philosophy 27 (1):141-163.
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    Dire la croyance religieuse: langage, religion et société.Benoît Kanabus & Julien Maréchal (eds.) - 2012 - Bruxelles, Belgique: PIE-Peter Lang.
    Penser l'expression de la croyance religieuse, la saisir en tant qu'acte de parole, expression qui soit conjointement langage et action, tel est l'objectif de cet ouvrage collectif. À travers des contributions issues d'horizons divers mais complémentaires, mobilisant en particulier les ressources de l'anthropologie sociale, de la philosophie du langage et de la phénoménologie radicale, l'ouvrage présente l'acte de dire la croyance religieuse selon ses dimensions constitutives, telles que son adresse, son énonciation ou sa réception. Décrire l'acte de dire la croyance, (...)
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    Intelligence du matérialisme.Benoît Schneckenburger - 2013 - [Paris]: Les Éditions de l'épervier.
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    Blessed are the Peacemakers: The Search for a Chinese Reading.Benoît Vermander - 1999 - Budhi: A Journal of Ideas and Culture 3 (2 & 3):243-261.
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  10. Re-thinking Ethics in Existentialism.Andre Benoit - 2010 - Gnosis 11 (1):1-18.
    This essay explores the thought of Heidegger and Sartre concerning whether existentialism is conducive to a certain ethics conceived of as a theory of moral conduct. In the Letter on Humanism, Heidegger stresses the importance of a return to the idea of “ethos” as a replacement for the metaphysically conceived “ethics.” Sartre, conversely, in his essay Existentialism is a Humanism outlines an ethics that draws heavily from the philosophical tradition. This paper’s guiding question is whether the study of human existence, (...)
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    The Encounter of Chinese and Western Philosophies: A Critique.Benoît Vermander - 2023 - De Gruyter.
    This book revisits the encounter between Chinese and Western philosophy while unfolding questions about the way "comparative philosophy" is conducted today. In the vulgate of intellectual history, "Western thought" has constructed a substantialist view of reality that puts "relations" and "processes" into a subordinate position. The same view explains for the primacy given to the autonomy of individual beings. In contrast, according to the same vulgate, Chinese thought has been mainly stressing the fluidity of all phenomena and forms of life (...)
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    Traditional conceptions of argument.William L. Benoit - 1992 - In William L. Benoit, Dale Hample & Pamela J. Benoit (eds.), Readings in argumentation. New York: Foris Publications. pp. 11--49.
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    Archeology and the language-ready brain.Benoît Dubreuil & Christopher Stuart Henshilwood - forthcoming - Language and Cognition.
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  14. Fight Club et la culture du psycho-pathologique.BenoÎt Dubreuil - 2001 - Phares 2 (2).
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    Effacement de la négativité, culture de la coïncidence : Perspectives psychanalytique, littéraire et théologique.Benoit Mathot - 2018 - Laval Théologique et Philosophique 74 (1):79-94.
    Benoit Mathot | : La négativité, comme catégorie fondamentale de l’existence humaine, connaît aujourd’hui une crise profonde qui la conduit à son effacement progressif des pratiques et des discours sociaux, culturels, religieux, au profit d’une logique de la coïncidence. Dans cette perspective, cet article a pour projet de proposer un parcours interdisciplinaire à travers la psychanalyse, les études littéraires et la théologie chrétienne, afin de montrer la centralité de ce phénomène. | : The negativity, as fundamental category of the (...)
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    Edit by Number: Looking at the Composition of the Huainanzi, and Beyond.Benoît Vermander - 2021 - Dao: A Journal of Comparative Philosophy 20 (3):459-498.
    The progressive dominance of historical-critical methods in the reading of ancient Chinese classics has led scholars to privilege micro levels of textual analysis. Consequently, the question as to whether laws of composition could be identified in this corpus has often been ignored, or considered irrelevant. Working on Chinese number symbolism as well as on rules governing “ring composition” in other cultural contexts, this article aims at fashioning anew the question of the possibility of an ancient Chinese “structural rhetoric” and at (...)
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  17.  30
    Human Evolution and the Origins of Hierarchies: The State of Nature.Benoît Dubreuil (ed.) - 2010 - Cambridge University Press.
    In this book, Benoît Dubreuil explores the creation and destruction of hierarchies in human evolution. Combining the methods of archaeology, anthropology, cognitive neuroscience and primatology, he offers a natural history of hierarchies from the point of view of both cultural and biological evolution. This volume explains why dominance hierarchies typical of primate societies disappeared in the human lineage and why the emergence of large-scale societies during the Neolithic period implied increased social differentiation, the creation of status hierarchies, and, eventually, political (...)
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    A Computational Model of Working Memory Integrating Time-Based Decay and Interference.Benoît Lemaire & Sophie Portrat - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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  19. (1 other version)Paul Villard, J.-J. Thomson and the composition of cathode rays.Benoit Lelong - 1997 - Revue d'Histoire des Sciences 50 (1).
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    La philosophie politique en deçà et au-delà de l’État : Introduction.Benoît Morissette & Yann Allard-Tremblay - 2015 - Les ateliers de l'éthique/The Ethics Forum 10 (2):60-64.
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    Chaïm Perelman (1912-2012): de la nouvelle rhétorique à la logique juridique.Benoît Frydman & Michel Meyer (eds.) - 2012 - Paris: Presses Universitaires de France.
    Perelman a remis à l'honneur la rhétorique en 1958 et l'a appliquée à la philosophie morale, politique et juridique aussitôt, montrant ainsi la fécondité de son approche. Reprenant l'œuvre d'Aristote et la poursuivant, il a fait de la rhétorique et de l'argumentation la nouvelle matrice des sciences humaines après la mort du structuralisme. A l'occasion du centenaire de sa naissance, les auteurs réunis ici lui rendent hommage, mais aussi poursuivent, par leurs propres recherches, l'idée que la rhétorique comme l'argumentation sont (...)
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    Jean-Claude SCHMITT, Les rythmes au Moyen Âge.Grévin Benoît - forthcoming - Rhuthmos.
    Jean-Claude SCHMITT, Les rythmes au Moyen Âge, Paris, Gallimard, 2016, 718 p. Le livre de Jean-Claude Schmitt sur les rythmes au Moyen Âge est une somme, qu'il importe de lire et de discuter. Fruit d'un travail de longue haleine, il résume à certains égards une vie entière de recherche, placée sous le signe d'une lecture anthropologique du monde médiéval, à la croisée de la réflexion sur le texte et sur l'image, laquelle abonde ici, faisant de ce volume un manuel d'interprétation (...)
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    Réflexion autour d’un triptyque : catastrophes industrielles, droit international économique et justice « socio-environnementale ».Benoît Lopez - 2024 - Revue de Philosophie Économique 1:113-139.
    Réfléchir à l’idée de justice et de prise en compte des intérêts, notamment économiques, ouvre un champ d’étude considérable, même en prenant comme point de départ l’analyse juridique. Aussi pour tenter de circonscrire l’objet de cette recherche, le choix a été fait de partir d’une situation, provoquant la mise en tension de l’idée même de justice d’une manière originale et d’envisager une réponse juridique nouvelle. A cet égard, partir des catastrophes industrielles s’est imposé à plusieurs titres. D’une part, le phénomène (...)
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    Le sens-sans-signe: Pour une éthique de la création.Benoît Maire & Anne-Françoise Schmid - 2017 - Labyrinth: An International Journal for Philosophy, Value Theory and Sociocultural Hermeneutics 19 (2):132-139.
    The following article is the result of a collaboration between a painter and a woman philosopher. They worked previously on an experimental documentary film about objects and art objects, which was realized at Palais de Tokyo. The painter had illustrated in black and white fictions of philosophy, written during a festival on lost films organized by UNdocumenta in South Korea, and then he made photographs of oil paintings of the English translation. This article about painting and philosophical ethics is their (...)
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    Libres propos et controverses.Benoît Patar - 2013 - Longueuil (Québec) Canada: Les Presses philosophiques.
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  26. Kant et l'histoire de la philosophie: la vision problématologique in Le Questionnement.Benoit Timmermans - 1990 - Revue Internationale de Philosophie 44 (174):297-308.
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    Morale et politique. Court traité de l'action morale et politique, A. Kremer-Marietti.Benoît R. Timmermans - 1997 - Revue Internationale de Philosophie 57:454.
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    The Linear Model of Innovation: The Historical Construction of an Analytical Framework.Benoît Godin - 2006 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 31 (6):639-667.
    One of the first frameworks developed for understanding the relation of science and technology to the economy has been the linear model of innovation. The model postulated that innovation starts with basic research, is followed by applied research and development, and ends with production and diffusion. The precise source of the model remains nebulous, having never been documented. Several authors who have used, improved, or criticized the model in the past fifty years rarely acknowledged or cited any original source. The (...)
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  29. Deleuze's Transformation of the Ideology-Critique Project: Noology Critique.Benoit Dillet - 2016 - In Ceciel Meiborg & Sjoerd van Tuinen (eds.), Deleuze and the Passions. [Place of publication not identified]: Punctum Books.
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  30. Historia dicax : rire, discours et rhétorique chez Tite-Live.Benoît Sans - 2023 - Methodos 23.
    La présente étude rassemble les passages de l’Ab Vrbe condita de Tite-Live où un terme lié au rire est associé à un discours ou à une parole rapportée, afin de les confronter aux vues exprimées par Cicéron et Quintilien sur le rire en contexte rhétorique. Si tous les passages étudiés s’insèrent très bien dans la conception rhétorique du rire, l’historien latin s’appuie sur celle-ci pour offrir une répartition originale entre usages acceptables et formes abusives du rire qui participe à la (...)
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  31. What Is Called Thinking?: When Deleuze Walks Along Heideggerian Paths.Benoît Dillet - 2013 - Deleuze and Guatarri Studies 7 (2):250-274.
    When on the last page of What Is Philosophy?, Deleuze and Guattari (1995: 218) claim that philosophy needs a non-philosophy, this statement is the result of a long engagement with the problem of thinking in society. It is this engagement that we intend to reconstruct in this article. By developing an original definition of thinking after Heidegger, Deleuze is able to claim that philosophy is not the only ‘thinking’ discipline. Our point of departure is Deleuze's constant reference to a phrase (...)
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    Gallicagram: applying textual statistics to press archives.Benoît de Azoulay Courson - 2023 - Corpus 24.
    Gallicagram est un nouvel outil de lexicométrie, fondé notamment sur les archives océrisées de la Bibliothèque nationale de France et sur celles du journal Le Monde ; il dénombre dans le corpus choisi et pour une période donnée les occurrences d’un mot ou d’un syntagme, et offre différents modes de visualisation des données obtenues. Ce logiciel mérite à plusieurs titres d’être investi par les chercheurs : outre le volume des données qu’il exploite, suffisant pour fonder des analyses lexicométriques depuis le (...)
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  33. Punitive emotions and Norm violations.Benoît Dubreuil - 2010 - Philosophical Explorations 13 (1):35 – 50.
    The recent literature on social norms has stressed the centrality of emotions in explaining punishment and norm enforcement. This article discusses four negative emotions (righteous anger, indignation, contempt, and disgust) and examines their relationship to punitive behavior. I argue that righteous anger and indignation are both punitive emotions strictly speaking, but induce punishments of different intensity and have distinct elicitors. Contempt and disgust, for their part, cannot be straightforwardly considered punitive emotions, although they often blend with a colder form of (...)
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    What is it to have an inquisitive attitude?Benoit Gaultier - forthcoming - Philosophical Quarterly.
    Following a common assumption, when one inquires into a question, one has an inquisitive attitude towards it. More precisely, I shall assume that there is an inquisitive attitude towards Q that all of those who inquire into Q have in common and in virtue of which they can be said to be in an inquisitive state of mind towards Q. This paper is about the nature of this attitude. I elucidate it by examining whether it boils down to doubt, curiosity, (...)
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  35. Responsibility for Doxastic Strength Grounds Responsibility for Belief.Benoit Gaultier - 2020 - In Sebastian Schmidt & Gerhard Ernst (eds.), The Ethics of Belief and Beyond: Understanding Mental Normativity. Abingdon, UK: Routledge. pp. 71-85.
    How is it possible for deontic evaluations of beliefs to be appropriate if we do not have voluntary control over our beliefs? Gaultier argues that we should reject the claim that we can have indirect control over beliefs in virtue of the basic voluntary control we have over our actions. We have another kind of indirect control over beliefs: we can demonstrate doxastic strength or, on the contrary, doxastic weakness when forming our beliefs. That is, we can resist or, on (...)
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  36. Solowiew.Jacques Benoit - 1974 - Den Haag,: Kruseman. Edited by Vladimir Sergeyevich Solovyov.
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  37. ManHaTT' ANamnèse.Benoît Eugène - 2001 - Cahiers Internationaux de Symbolisme 98:193-206.
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    Philosophie du droit.Benoît Frydman & Guy Haarscher - 2002 - Paris: Dalloz-Sirey. Edited by Guy Haarscher.
    Si la philosophie du droit a une très longue histoire, le bouleversement des conditions techniques, économiques, sociales et politiques nous impose aujourd'hui de renouveler en profondeur le traitement des questions qu'elle pose traditionnellement ainsi que les réponses qui y sont données. La définition de la justice, le partage des biens et des charges de la vie en société, les rôles respectifs de l'État, du marché et de la société civile, la mission des juges et l'application des lois, ou encore le (...)
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    Pourquoi Dworkin intéresse les philosophes ?Benoit Frydman - 2005 - Revue Internationale de Philosophie 3:291-302.
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  40. Emilie Zum Brunn et Alain de Libera, Maître Eckhart, Métaphysique du Verbe et théologie négative.Benoît Garceau - 1985 - Philosophy in Review 5 (7):321-322.
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    The Notion of History in Early Mediaeval Historians.Benoit M. Lacroix - 1948 - Mediaeval Studies 10 (1):219-223.
  42.  50
    The weakness of the pigeonhole principle under hyperarithmetical reductions.Benoit Monin & Ludovic Patey - 2020 - Journal of Mathematical Logic 21 (3):2150013.
    The infinite pigeonhole principle for 2-partitions asserts the existence, for every set A, of an infinite subset of A or of its complement. In this paper, we study the infinite pigeonhole pr...
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    René Girard in France.Benoît Chantre & William A. Johnsen - 2016 - Contagion: Journal of Violence, Mimesis, and Culture 23:13-61.
    The reception of René Girard’s work in France deserves book-length treatment to fully describe the heated debates, conflicting expectations, and controversy that it inspired before its lasting importance was eventually recognized. We must keep in mind that, although he lived in the US and became a citizen in 1956, he always kept his sights on his native land. He watched the transformations of French thought from the other side of the ocean; he forged his own writing strategies in response to (...)
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    On the Nature (and Irrationality) of Non-religious Faith.Benoit Gaultier - forthcoming - Erkenntnis.
    My main aim in this paper is to contribute to the elucidation of the nature of non-religious faith. I start by summarising several well-known arguments that belief is neither necessary nor sufficient for faith. I then try to identify the nature of the positive cognitive attitude towards p that is involved in having faith that p. After dismissing some candidates for the role, I explore the idea that faith and hope are similar attitudes. On this basis, I then advance a (...)
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  45.  38
    Confucius and the Hen-Pheasant: The Enigma at the Center of the Analects.Benoît Vermander - 2023 - Dao: A Journal of Comparative Philosophy 22 (3):351-377.
    The last sentence of Chapter 10 of the Analects describes a brief encounter between Confucius and a hen-pheasant, and it does so in puzzling terms, ridden with lexical difficulties. At the same time, intertextual references insert this fragment into the context of Confucius’ life mission as well as of Chinese mythological narratives. This contribution assesses the fragment’s meaning and significance: Confucius’ reaction to the hen-pheasant unveils his evolving understanding of the Heavenly Mandate bestowed upon him. The fragment thus forcefully concludes (...)
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    Beyond technofix: Thinking with Epimetheus in the anthropocene.Benoit Dillet & Sophia Hatzisavvidou - 2022 - Contemporary Political Theory 21 (3):351-372.
    The Prometheus myth has long now provided inspiration for those who envision solutions to environmental issues. Prometheus is the figure par excellence of human forethought and progress in the anthropocene. In this article, we introduce the concept of ambient Prometheanism to describe the way of thinking that foregrounds foresight and anticipation and advances technological solutions developed by capital and energy-intensive projects. We question this stance, arguing that ambient Prometheanism, with its emphasis on technofix, leads to the economisation and depoliticisation of (...)
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    Ideologies and Utopia: A Ricoeurian Reading of Thomas Piketty.Benoît Walraevens - 2023 - Erasmus Journal for Philosophy and Economics 16 (1):1-27.
    In his most recent books, Piketty offers a global history of inequality in its economic, social, political, and intellectual dimensions, arguing that history is moved by the struggle of ideologies. To take part in this battle of ideas, he conceives a new ideal model of society, ‘participative socialism’, as an egalitarian alternative to the dominant neoproprietarian ideology and to the dangerous resurgence of nationalism and populism. This paper provides a new interpretation of Piketty’s view of history and of his participatory (...)
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    Droit global et régulation.Benoit Frydman - 2018 - Revue D’Études Benthamiennes 14.
    Le droit comme expression de la souveraineté est mis à mal par les transformations de l’économie mondiale. Exemples à l’appui, l’article montre la nécessité de repenser le droit dans un contexte global, en identifiant des modes de régulation alternatifs ou complémentaires à une réglementation territoriale par les Etats. A travers l’étude de points d’appui ou leviers de l’action du droit global, l’article montre combien leur identification peut permettre de corriger certains aspects délétères du fonctionnement de l’économie de marché.
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  49. Divorcing power and reason : Spinoza and the founding of modern law.Benoit Frydman - 2015 - In Andre Santos Campos (ed.), Spinoza: Basic Concepts. Burlington, VT, USA: Imprint Academic.
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    Paul Tillich, précurseur d’un oecuménisme postmoderne?Benoit Mathot - 2016 - International Yearbook for Tillich Research 11 (1):105-132.
    Name der Zeitschrift: International Yearbook for Tillich Research Jahrgang: 11 Heft: 1 Seiten: 105-132.
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