Results for 'Benoît Lopez'

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  1.  14
    Évaluation des enseignements de formations continues diplômantes : enjeux de reconnaissance et de collaboration entre les parties prenantes.Lucie Mottier Lopez, Benoît Lenzen, Francia Leutenegger & Christophe Ronveaux - 2018 - Revue Phronesis 7 (1):59-78.
    This paper presents a participative research about the student evaluation of teaching in continuing training programs proposed in a university institute in Switzerland. The research project examines the viewpoints of different stakeholders who are concerned by the programs and its evaluation. Some of these actors are co-authors of this article. The results expose the actors’ relationship with the standardized tool used to evaluate lessons. They show different forms of recognition related to the professionalization goal of the training programs. In doing (...)
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    Réflexion autour d’un triptyque : catastrophes industrielles, droit international économique et justice « socio-environnementale ».Benoît Lopez - 2024 - Revue de Philosophie Économique 1:113-139.
    Réfléchir à l’idée de justice et de prise en compte des intérêts, notamment économiques, ouvre un champ d’étude considérable, même en prenant comme point de départ l’analyse juridique. Aussi pour tenter de circonscrire l’objet de cette recherche, le choix a été fait de partir d’une situation, provoquant la mise en tension de l’idée même de justice d’une manière originale et d’envisager une réponse juridique nouvelle. A cet égard, partir des catastrophes industrielles s’est imposé à plusieurs titres. D’une part, le phénomène (...)
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    Food democracy: possibilities under the frame of the current food system.Marta López Cifuentes & Christina Gugerell - 2021 - Agriculture and Human Values 38 (4):1061-1078.
    Food democracy is a concept with growing influence in food research. Food democracy deals with how actors may regain democratic control over the food system enabling its sustainable transformation. Following multi-level perspective framework's connotations, food democracy research has so far mainly focused on the niche level of the food system. An integrative approach that includes the perspectives of both the regime and the niche is still missing. This study addresses this research gap and proposes a new conceptual framework for food (...)
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    El ilusionista de las palabras: Paul Auster y su universo creativo.Esther Álvarez López - 2010 - Arbor 186 (741):89-97.
    Paul Auster es uno de los grandes escritores de nuestro tiempo. Desde 1994, a su labor de novelista, poeta, traductor y ensayista ha añadido la de guionista y director de cine. Ambos medios, literatura y cine, aparecen estrechamente ligados en su producción creativa, de manera que uno nutre al otro y viceversa, a través de temas y personajes comunes, de guiños autorreferenciales y metaficcionales. En novelas, relatos y películas Auster se revela, en esencia, como un gran contador de historias. Se (...)
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  5. Enseñar a hacer cine es enseñar a pensar: bases para una reorientación pedagógica del audiovisual.José Ángel Lázaro López - 2025 - Pensamiento 80 (311):1321-1338.
    Los sistemas educativos dedicados al cine y la comunicación audiovisual, abrumados por la demanda imperativa de contenidos prácticos, sustentan sus planes didácticos en la aplicación mecanizada de manuales de realización audiovisual. Los alumnos, cada vez menos capacitados para el pensamiento abstracto, abordan los desafíos creativos a través de la plantilla y el mínimo esfuerzo. Los efectos de esta situación en el campo cultural son de una notable estandarización en las formas y, sobre todo, simplificación y unificación de los mensajes. Aplicando (...)
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  6. Consequences of COVID-19 Confinement on Anxiety, Sleep and Executive Functions of Children and Adolescents in Spain.Rocío Lavigne-Cerván, Borja Costa-López, Rocío Juárez-Ruiz de Mier, Marta Real-Fernández, Marta Sánchez-Muñoz de León & Ignasi Navarro-Soria - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Children and adolescents are not indifferent to the dramatic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, and the need to be forced to live in confinement. The change in life to which they have been abruptly subjected forces us to understand the state of their mental health in order to adequately address both their present and future needs. The present study was carried out with the intention of studying the consequences of confinement on anxiety, sleep routines and executive functioning of 1,028 children (...)
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  7.  80
    Social Support and Emotional Intelligence as Protective Resources for Well-Being in Moroccan Adolescents.Esther Lopez-Zafra, Manuel Miguel Ramos-Álvarez, Karima El Ghoudani, Octavio Luque-Reca, José María Augusto-Landa, Benaissa Zarhbouch, Smail Alaoui, Daniel Cortés-Denia & Manuel Pulido-Martos - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Complementary Resources and Capabilities for an Ethical and Environmental Management: A Qual/Quan Study.María Dolores López-Gamero, Enrique Claver-Cortés & José Francisco Molina-Azorín - 2008 - Journal of Business Ethics 82 (3):701-732.
    Managers’ commitment to contribute to sustainable development holds the key to their long-term business success and may be a source of competitive advantage. The managerial perception of business ethics is influenced by the level of moral development and personal characteristics of managers. These perceptions are also shaped by forces existing in the environment of the firm, including available resources, societal expectations, sector, and regulations. The resource-based perspective can thus contribute to the analysis of ethical issues offering important insights on how (...)
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  9. Non-standard models and the sociology of cosmology.Martín López-Corredoira - 2014 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 46 (1):86-96.
    I review some theoretical ideas in cosmology different from the standard “Big Bang”: the quasi-steady state model, the plasma cosmology model, non-cosmological redshifts, alternatives to non-baryonic dark matter and/or dark energy, and others. Cosmologists do not usually work within the framework of alternative cosmologies because they feel that these are not at present as competitive as the standard model. Certainly, they are not so developed, and they are not so developed because cosmologists do not work on them. It is a (...)
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  10. Side constraints and the structure of commonsense ethics.Theresa Lopez, Jennifer Zamzow, Michael Gill & Shaun Nichols - 2009 - Philosophical Perspectives 23 (1):305-319.
    In our everyday moral deliberations, we attend to two central types of considerations – outcomes and moral rules. How these considerations interrelate is central to the long-standing debate between deontologists and utilitarians. Is the weight we attach to moral rules reducible to their conduciveness to good outcomes (as many utilitarians claim)? Or do we take moral rules to be absolute constraints on action that normatively trump outcomes (as many deontologists claim)? Arguments over these issues characteristically appeal to commonsense intuitions about (...)
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  11.  30
    A Phenomenological Approach to the Study of Social Distance.Daniela Griselda López - 2021 - Human Studies 44 (2):171-200.
    From its very beginning, sociological thought has been concerned with a topic central to our daily lives: social distance. Since inception, the concept of social distance has referred to the relationships of familiarity and strangeness between social groups, which is experienced in the social world in terms of “We” and “They”. This article covers the main tenets of a Schutzian phenomenological approach to the study of social distance and group relationships. Specific focus is placed on the different attitudes and valuations (...)
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  12. (1 other version)Normalización de la filosofía Y filosofía latinoamericana en colombia. Vivencia de un proceso.Carlos Arturo López - 2012 - Universitas Philosophica 29 (58):309-327.
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    La modernidad de la filosofía de Balmes: sentido común y praxis.María Teresa López Abellán - 1986 - Anuario Filosófico 19 (2):173-178.
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  14.  50
    The mesencephalon as a source of preattentive consciousness.Francisco Aboitiz, Javier López-Calderón & Vladimir López - 2007 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 30 (1):81-82.
    By themselves, mesencephalic subcortical mechanisms provide a preattentive kind of consciousness, related to stimulus-related, short-latency dopamine release triggered by collicular input. Elaborate forms of consciousness, containing identifiable objects (visual, auditory, tactile, or chemical), imply longer-lasting phenomena that depend on the activation of prosencephalic networks. Nevertheless, the maintenance of these higher-level networks strongly depends on long-lasting mesencephalic dopamine release. (Published Online May 1 2007).
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    A “Tiny Displacement” of the World.María del Rosario Acosta López - 2011 - Epoché: A Journal for the History of Philosophy 16 (1):93-112.
    This paper explores the way in which Agamben takes part in the dialogue on “impolitical communities” that was inaugurated by J. L. Nancy and was soon followed by authors like M. Blanchot, J. Derrida and R. Esposito, among others. Although Agamben’s ontological exploration of ‘whatever being,’ followed later by the political idea of form-of-life, are still very close particularly to Nancy’s work, the article will show in which ways Agamben’s view of a political coming community explores different paths and moves (...)
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    Avicenna and Thomas Aquinas on Natural Prophecy.Luis Xavier López-Farjeat - 2014 - American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly 88 (2):309-333.
    In De Veritate, question 12, article 3, Thomas Aquinas discusses whether prophecy is natural. Given that there he argues that prophecy is a divine gift , he seems to break away from the Muslim philosopher Avicenna, who holds a naturalistic explanation of this phenomenon. Certainly Avicenna explained prophecy in psychological and metaphysical terms, and was considered by some Christian theologians as proponent of a naturalistic view, thought to be incompatible with prophecy conceived as a divine and supernatural gift. In this (...)
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  17.  61
    A Return to the Philosophy of Praxis.Daniel Lopez - 2017 - Historical Materialism 25 (4):257-282.
    I reviewThe Philosophy of Praxisby Andrew Feenberg, firstly, presenting a critical yet sympathetic summary of Feenberg’s argument, developed via Marx, Lukács and Marcuse. Despite sharing Adorno’s and Marcuse’s dismissal of proletarian revolution, he finds aspects of Marx and particularly Lukács compelling. Upon this synthesis he builds his own philosophy. Secondly, I argue that Feenberg’s treatment of Lukács’s 1920s work is unparalleled and may counter the systematic distortion to which it has been subject. He defends Lukács’s ontology with respect to nature (...)
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  18.  22
    La composición de las "Epístolas a Lucilo".Agustín López Kindler - 1968 - Anuario Filosófico 1 (1):91-134.
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  19.  14
    Gender and contextual variations in self-perceived cognitive competence.Olivia Kuzyk, Alice Gendron, Luz Stella Lopez & William M. Bukowski - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    School performance and cognitive competence can be conceptualized as social and relational constructs. Thus, we expect their association to vary as a function of other socially-embedded variables which have proven meaningful in the academic domain. The present study takes a critical theory approach to assess gender-related and contextual variability in the association between peer-assessed school performance and self-perceived cognitive competence. The sample consisted of 719 preadolescents living in lower- and upper-middle-class neighborhoods in Montreal, Canada and Barranquilla, Columbia. Multigroup comparisons revealed (...)
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  20.  34
    Plain writing in the legal field: An approach from the discourse of specialists.Israel Gutiérrez, Carmen López-Ferrero, Felipe González-Catalán & Paulina Meza - 2020 - Discourse Studies 22 (3):356-383.
    This research aims to describe how practicing lawyers perceive ‘plain writing’ in the legal field and to conceptualize this notion through the discourse analysis of these specialists. To do so, a qualitative research framed in the interpretive paradigm has been developed. Specifically, 18 practicing lawyers, from different countries and with different specializations in the practicing of Law, were surveyed. After analyzing the discourse of the interviewed lawyers, eight macro categories accounting for plain language both generally and particularly were identified. The (...)
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  21.  14
    Una propuesta de solución sintáctica para los problemas de la disyunción en el pensamiento humano.Miguel López Astorga - 2018 - Praxis Filosófica 45:101-112.
    La teoría de la lógica mental no acepta una regla correcta en el cálculo proposicional estándar: la regla de introducción de la disyunción (esto es, la regla que permite inferir, por ejemplo, p o q de p). Esto es un problema porque esa misma teoría admite otro esquema en el que la regla está realmente implicada. Es cierto que, como ha mostrado López-Astorga, la teoría de la lógica mental puede ser actualizada de acuerdo con resultados empíricos recientes y que tal (...)
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  22. Implicational logics in natural deduction systems.E. G. K. López-Escobar - 1982 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 47 (1):184-186.
  23.  12
    Introduction.Donald S. Lopez - 1988 - In Buddhist Hermeneutics. University of Hawaii Press. pp. 1-10.
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    Symbolic perimeter abstraction heuristics for cost-optimal planning.Álvaro Torralba, Carlos Linares López & Daniel Borrajo - 2018 - Artificial Intelligence 259 (C):1-31.
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  25. Sociology of modern cosmology.Martín López Corredoira - 2009 - In J. A. Rubiño-Martín, J. A. Belmonte, F. Prada & A. Alberdi, Cosmology across Cultures. Astronomical Society of Pacific. pp. 66-73.
    Certain results of observational cosmology cast critical doubt on the foundations of standard cosmology but leave most cosmologists untroubled. Alternative cosmological models that differ from the Big Bang have been published and defended by heterodox scientists; however, most cosmologists do not heed these. This may be because standard theory is correct and all other ideas and criticisms are incorrect, but it is also to a great extent due to sociological phenomena such as the "snowball effect" or "groupthink". We might wonder (...)
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  26.  68
    La primacía Del modus ponens en la cognición humana: Tarea de selección Y perfección Del condicional.Miguel López Astorga & Rodrigo Lagos Vargas - 2016 - Alpha (Osorno) 43:19-37.
    En este trabajo se presenta una explicación para el problema de las versiones abstractas de la tarea de selección de las cuatro tarjetas de Peter Wason: los discretos resultados de los participantes cuando se enfrentan a ellas. Nuestra explicación apunta a que los sujetos no comprenden la regla de la tarea como un condicional, sino como un bicondicional, provocando tal circunstancia que no elijan las tarjetas correctas. Santamaría planteó una objeción para todo enfoque que defienda que en la tarea de (...)
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  27.  84
    Phenomenological Human Life. The Relationship between the Human Subject and the Transcendental Subject in Edmund Husserl's Phenomenology.Andrés Felipe López López - 2016 - Ideas Y Valores 65 (161):157-184.
    Se describen varios elementos que le permiten a la fenomenología elaborar una descripción del ser humano sin renunciar a lo que tiene de ontología universal o antropologización, lo que implica que en todo análisis de la conciencia general deben caer la razón humana, la paradoja de la subjetividad o, lo que es lo mismo, la paradoja de la conciencia en su estado humano. De aquí se desprende que ella pueda ser observada en un sujeto que posee un cuerpo con el (...)
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  28. Weak and strong nations in the low countries : National historiography and its "others" in belgium, Luxembourg, and the netherlands in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries.Marnix Beyen & Benoît Majerus - 2008 - In Stefan Berger & Chris Lorenz, The Contested Nation: Ethnicity, Class, Religion and Gender in National Histories. Palgrave-Macmillan.
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    El otro en la filosofía de Lévinas.Mari Carmen López Sáenz - 2001 - Investigaciones Fenomenológicas 3:265-282.
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  30.  71
    Walter Benjamin Y Georges Sorel: Entre el mito de la huelga general Y Una política de medios puros.Carlos Pérez López - 2015 - Trans/Form/Ação 38 (1):213-238.
    En su ensayo Para una crítica de la violencia, Walter Benjamin reivindica el fenómeno social de la huelga general revolucionaria teorizada por Georges Sorel en su obra Reflexiones sobre la violencia, como una figura ejemplar de lo que sería un “medio puro de la política”, al margen de cualquier forma legitimada de poder. En este marco, pocos comentadores contemporáneos advierten una discordancia conceptual entre ambos filósofos: para Sorel, la huelga revolucionaria es un mito social, mientras que el mito, categoría esencialmente (...)
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  31.  89
    David W. Kueker. Generalized interpolation and definability. Annals of mathematical logic, vol. 1 no. 4 , pp. 423–468.E. G. K. Lopez-Escobar - 1974 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 39 (2):337-338.
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    Estimating party policy positions: Japan in comparative context.Michael Laver & Kenneth Benoit - 2005 - Japanese Journal of Political Science 6 (2):187-209.
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  33. (1 other version)Editor's Introduction.Mireia López - 2010 - Theoria: Revista de Teoría, Historia y Fundamentos de la Ciencia 25 (2):133-135.
  34.  14
    Characterization of the written State examination in the Stomatology Faculty at the Medical University of Camag|ey.Sarah Teresita Gutiérrez Martore & López Cruz - 2013 - Humanidades Médicas 13 (3):843-864.
    Introducción: El examen estatal escrito evalúa la competencia del egresado y debe cumplir los requisitos de su confección y de su análisis informar las deficiencias en el proceso docente educativo para su perfeccionamiento. Objetivo: Caracterizar el examen estatal ordinario escrito y los resultados obtenidos en la Facultad de Estomatología. Camagüey durante el período 2011-2012. Métodos: Se realizó un estudio descriptivo del examen estatal ordinario escrito aplicado a 146 estudiantes. Se elaboró una base de datos con las calificaciones obtenidas, índice académico (...)
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  35.  10
    Fascinación por lo latente. El reverso develado de las imágenes fotográficas escolares.Lorena P. López Torres - 2022 - Arbor 198 (805):a660.
    Este artículo analiza lo que nos cuentan las imágenes fotográficas en su reverso y en las huellas del verso, a través de las anotaciones, marcas o descripciones que contienen, que entregan información importante de su contexto de producción, de los sujetos u objetos fotografiados y de su trayectoria. Así, se configura un sentido apropiado de la imagen. Este artículo, pone el foco en imágenes fotográficas escolares porque representan un espacio de convivencia particular y de intercambio de experiencias que, en alguna (...)
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  36. Parámetros y requisitos técnicos para la presentación de artículos científicos.Gemma Muñoz-Alonso López - 2004 - Anales Del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofía 21:5-23.
    El artículo aboga por la unificación de criterios en el estilo de escritura académica y en su transmisión a través de la publicación. Recoge información del dosier presentado en el año 2003 por la Universidad de Granada titulado "Evaluación normativa, calidad editorial y difusión de las revistas científicas editadas por el Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid". Se centra en una de las secciones más relevantes de las publicaciones periódicas: la información que deben tener los autores si (...)
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    Due Process and Public Health.Wilfredo Lopez, Wendy E. Parmet, Francis Schmitz & David Benor - 2007 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 35 (S4):33-38.
  38.  37
    Do śrāvakas understand emptiness?Donald S. Lopez - 1988 - Journal of Indian Philosophy 16 (1):65-105.
    The present study has attempted to artriculate a central issue of Mahäyäna soteriology through an examination of the writings of two Mädhyamika masters, Bhävaviveka and Candrakïrti. The purpose here has been to demonstrate a further criterion for the retrospective designation of their respective philosophies with the terms “Svātantrika” and “Prasangika” an exhaustive study of the nature of the Hinayäna wisdom according to the Mädhyamika school would entail an analysis of the writings of many other masters, especially those who produced what (...)
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  39. El dios de los salmos.L. Lopez de Las Heras - 2004 - Studium : revista de filosofía y teología 44 (1):1-29.
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  40. Ethique de la fragilité ou le devoir d'assistance aux victimes.Gérard Lopez - 2003 - In Laurence Azoux-Bacrie, Bioéthique, bioéthiques. Bruxelles: Bruylant.
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  41. El legado intelectual de Xavier Zubiri.A. Lopez Quintas - 1985 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 41 (2-3):313-320.
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  42. Fundación y pervivencia de la orden de Santa Clara en Sigüenza (Guadalajara): un ejemplo de reutilización de espacios sagrados.Mt Lopez de Guereno Sanz - 1994 - Verdad y Vida 52 (207-08):781-796.
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    Infants use emotion to infer intentionality from non-random sampling events.Lukas D. Lopez & Eric A. Walle - 2022 - Cognition and Emotion 36 (6):1196-1202.
    Infants use statistical information in their environment, as well as others’ emotional communication, to understand the intentions of social partners. However, rarely do researchers consider these two sources of social information in tandem. This study assessed 2-year-olds’ attributions of intentionality from non-random sampling events and subsequent discrete emotion reactions. Infants observed an experimenter remove five objects from either the non-random minority (18%) or random majority (82%) of a sample and express either joy, disgust, or sadness after each selection. Two-year-olds inferred (...)
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  44. Los desafíos actuales de la ciudadanía.Teresa Lopez Felipe - 2011 - Verdad y Vida 69 (258):201-250.
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  45. La estética ontológica de M. Merleau Ponty.Maria Lopez - 1992 - Pensamiento 48 (189):69-77.
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  46. La eutanasia:? Tolerancia o prohibiciôn?Eduardo Lopez Azpitarte - 2005 - Revista Agustiniana 139:111-125.
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    Lay Knowledge and Public Participation in Technological and Environmental Policy.Jose A. Lopez Cerezo & Marta Gonzalez Garcia - 1996 - Society for Philosophy and Technology Quarterly Electronic Journal 2 (1):36-48.
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    Montesquieu: el legislador y el arte de legislar.Manuel Santaella López - 1995 - Madrid: Univ Pontifica Comillas.
  49.  19
    On the Interpretation of the Mahayana Sutras.Donald S. Lopez - 1988 - In Buddhist Hermeneutics. University of Hawaii Press. pp. 47-70.
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  50. Recepción en castellano de la obra Teoría de la Justicia de John Rawls.L. Lopez Serrano - 1996 - Revista Agustiniana 37 (114):1087-1133.
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