Results for 'Pamela Haag'

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  1. New Versions of Victims: Feminists Struggle with the Concept.Sharon Lamb & Pamela Haag - 2002 - Hypatia 17 (3):257-264.
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    A Multilevel Person-Centered Examination of Teachers’ Workplace Demands and Resources: Links With Work-Related Well-Being.Rebecca J. Collie, Lars-Erik Malmberg, Andrew J. Martin, Pamela Sammons & Alexandre J. S. Morin - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Narrative Symposium: Cancer and Fertility.Alexandra Yi, Grazia De Michele, Maggie Woodlief, Mary Fauvre, Renecha Abrams, Rijon Charne, Tarah D. Warren, Bryan Ettinger, Robert Curran, Maggie Rogers, Bailey Hoffner, J. J. Brown, Ashley D. Schmuke, Pamela Mackey & John Frye - 2017 - Narrative Inquiry in Bioethics 7 (2):111-E5.
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    Gender, Race and Parenthood Impact Academic Productivity During the COVID-19 Pandemic: From Survey to Action.Fernanda Staniscuaski, Livia Kmetzsch, Rossana C. Soletti, Fernanda Reichert, Eugenia Zandonà, Zelia M. C. Ludwig, Eliade F. Lima, Adriana Neumann, Ida V. D. Schwartz, Pamela B. Mello-Carpes, Alessandra S. K. Tamajusuku, Fernanda P. Werneck, Felipe K. Ricachenevsky, Camila Infanger, Adriana Seixas, Charley C. Staats & Leticia de Oliveira - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    The coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic is altering dynamics in academia, and people juggling remote work and domestic demands – including childcare – have felt impacts on their productivity. Female authors have faced a decrease in paper submission rates since the beginning of the pandemic period. The reasons for this decline in women’s productivity need to be further investigated. Here, we analyzed the influence of gender, parenthood and race on academic productivity during the pandemic period based on a survey answered by (...)
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    Cosmopolitanisms in enlightenment Europe and beyond.Mónica García-Salmones & Pamela Slotte (eds.) - 2013 - Brussels: P.I.E. Peter Lang.
    This collection of essays expands the focus of historical studies of international public law in modernity to include the novel insight of the cosmopolitan imagination's past and present force. Featuring a line-up of leading international scholars it argues that Europe has recurrently implemented legal cosmopolitanism at home and exported it abroad.
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    ¿Podríamos hablar de una odontología narrativa?Jorge Godoy Olave, Catalina Guerra Parker, Pablo Fuentes Díaz & Pamela Jofré Pávez - 2024 - Persona y Bioética 28 (1):e2814.
    Aunque el modelo de atención en salud ha evolucionado, aún suele desplazar la importancia de incluir la narrativa del paciente e intenta uniformar las necesidades de las personas enfermas. La medicina narrativa nos da la capacidad de interpretar y comunicar los relatos de nuestros pacientes, a través de la escucha activa, así como de valorar la complejidad del ser humano, a diferencia de la salud basada en la evidencia, donde las experiencias de un individuo son extrapolables a otros pacientes sin (...)
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    Climate-Change Effects: Global and Local Views.John Abatzoglou, Joseph Fc Dimento, Pamela Doughman & Stefano Nespor - 2007 - In Joseph F. DiMento & Pamela Doughman (eds.), Climate Change: What It Means for Us, Our Children, and Our Grandchildren. MIT Press.
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    Repertorio bibliográfico sobre Friedrich Nietzsche.Cristina Alayza, David Arévalo, Renzo Copello, Juan Carlos Díaz, José Carlos Gutiérrez, Lillian Huggard-Caine, Pamela Lastres, Javier Ormeño, Ruth Zea & Kathia Hanza - 2003 - Estudios de Filosofía (Universidad de Antioquia) 5:129-144.
    Este repertorio registra los artículos sobre Nietzsche que se encuentran en la Hemeroteca de la Biblioteca Central de la Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. El listado abarca las publicaciones existentes hasta el primer semestre del 2003.
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    Path Integration and Cognitive Mapping Capacities in Down and Williams Syndromes.Mathilde Bostelmann, Paolo Ruggeri, Antonella Rita Circelli, Floriana Costanzo, Deny Menghini, Stefano Vicari, Pierre Lavenex & Pamela Banta Lavenex - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    Williams (WS) and Down (DS) syndromes are neurodevelopmental disorders with distinct genetic origins and different spatial memory profiles. In real-world spatial memory tasks, where spatial information derived from all sensory modalities is available, individuals with DS demonstrate low-resolution spatial learning capacities consistent with their mental age, whereas individuals with WS are severely impaired. However, because WS is associated with severe visuo-constructive processing deficits, it is unclear whether their impairment is due to abnormal visual processing or whether it reflects an inability (...)
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    Exploring clinical wisdom in nursing education.Andrew McKie, Fiona Baguley, Caitrian Guthrie, Carol Jackson, Pamela Kirkpatrick, Adele Laing, Stephen O’Brien, Ruth Taylor & Peter Wimpenny - 2012 - Nursing Ethics 19 (2):252-267.
    The recent interest in wisdom in professional health care practice is explored in this article. Key features of wisdom are identified via consideration of certain classical, ancient and modern sources. Common themes are discussed in terms of their contribution to ‘clinical wisdom’ itself and this is reviewed against the nature of contemporary nursing education. The distinctive features of wisdom (recognition of contextual factors, the place of the person and timeliness) may enable their significance for practice to be promoted in more (...)
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    Pilot Study: Does the White Coat Influence Research Participation?Jon F. Merz, Timothy R. Rebbeck, Pamela Sankar & Emma A. Meagher - 2002 - IRB: Ethics & Human Research 24 (4):6.
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  12. Evolution of the Latin American Carnival.Maria Isaura Pereira de Queiroz & Pamela Renai Della Rena - 1978 - Diogenes 26 (104):49-65.
    Carnival was brought to the New World by Spanish and Portuguese colonizers, and it has been preserved there up to our day, although in the meantime it has almost disappeared from the countries where it originated. One asks oneself if Carnival has kept its original characteristics over the years, or if it instead has been transformed, and if so, how. The ethnological and cultural variety present in Latin America leads us to think that there must have been an evolution over (...)
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    Essays on "The soul's logical life" in the work of Wolfgang Giegerich: psychology as the discipline of interiority.Jennifer M. Sandoval, Colleen El-Bejjani & Pamela J. Power (eds.) - 2024 - New York, NY: Routledge.
    Essays on The Soul's Logical Life in the Work of Wolfgang Giegerich: Psychology as the Discipline of Interiority is the second collection of essays dedicated to the study and application of Psychology as the Discipline of Interiority - a new 'wave' within Analytical Psychology which pushes off from the work of C. G. Jung and James Hillman. Reflecting upon the notion of psychology developed by German psychoanalyst Wolfgang Giegerich, whose Hegelian turn sheds light on the notion of soul, or the (...)
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    Mot bättre vetande: festskrift till Tage Kurtén på 60-årsdagen.Tage Kurtén, Mikael Lindfelt, Pamela Slotte & Malena Björkgren (eds.) - 2010 - Åbo: Åbo akademis förlag.
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  15. Believing at Will.Pamela Hieronymi - 2009 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy, Supplementary Volume 35 (sup1):149-187.
    It has seemed to many philosophers—perhaps to most—that believing is not voluntary, that we cannot believe at will. It has seemed to many of these that this inability is not a merely contingent psychological limitation but rather is a deep fact about belief, perhaps a conceptual limitation. But it has been very difficult to say exactly why we cannot believe at will. I earlier offered an account of why we cannot believe at will. I argued that nothing could qualify both (...)
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    Building Ethical Leaders: A Way to Integrate and Assess Ethics Education. [REVIEW]Ann C. Dzuranin, Rebecca Toppe Shortridge & Pamela A. Smith - 2013 - Journal of Business Ethics 115 (1):101-114.
    The Building Ethical Leaders using an Integrated Ethics Framework (BELIEF) Program was introduced in 2006 at the Northern Illinois University College of Business. The Program was developed to support two learning objectives: (1) increase students’ awareness of ethical issues and (2) strengthen their decision-making abilities regarding these ethical issues. This article provides an overview of the development and integration of this Program. We also provide assessment data on our two learning objectives. The assessment measures improvement from 2005, before the implementation (...)
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    Pamela Joy M. Mariano Light+ Write-Photographs.Pamela Joy M. Mariano - 2008 - Budhi: A Journal of Ideas and Culture 12 (2 & 3).
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    “Introducing…Vittorio Hösle”, with Pamela Reeve, in Symposium: Canadian Journal for Continental Philosophy/Revue canadienne de philosophie continentale, Vol. 14, n. 1, 2010, pp. 3–21.Pamela J. Reeve & Antonio Calcagno - 2010 - Symposium 14 (1):3-21.
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    Professional responsibility, nurses, and conscientious objection: A framework for ethical evaluation.Pamela J. Grace, Elizabeth Peter, Vicki D. Lachman, Norah L. Johnson, Deborah J. Kenny & Lucia D. Wocial - 2024 - Nursing Ethics 31 (2-3):243-255.
    Conscientious objections (CO) can be disruptive in a variety of ways and may disadvantage patients and colleagues who must step-in to assume care. Nevertheless, nurses have a right and responsibility to object to participation in interventions that would seriously harm their sense of integrity. This is an ethical problem of balancing risks and responsibilities related to patient care. Here we explore the problem and propose a nonlinear framework for exploring the authenticity of a claim of CO from the perspective of (...)
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  20. Articulating an uncompromising forgiveness.Pamela Hieronymi - 2001 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 62 (3):529-555.
    I first pose a challenge which, it seems to me, any philosophical account of forgiveness must meet: the account must be articulate and it must allow for forgiveness that is uncompromising. I then examine an account of forgiveness which appears to meet this challenge. Upon closer examination we discover that this account actually fails to meet the challenge—but it fails in very instructive ways. The account takes two missteps which seem to be taken by almost everyone discussing forgiveness. At the (...)
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    Wer war Jacob von Landsberg?Bernharr D. Haage - 1972 - Centaurus 16 (4):313-316.
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    (1 other version)A modernidade de Voltaire: pensar o presente.Eliane Martin-Haag - 2012 - Dois Pontos 9 (3).
    A ideia que avançamos aqui é que Voltaire é de pleno direito o inventor ou um dos inventores privilegiados do conceito de "tempos modernos" ou de uma nova atitude do filósofo face ao presente, compreendido como acontecimento no sentido de ruptura com "a craca e a ferrugem dos séculos" que ainda continuam a pesar sobre os espíritos. Segue-se este paradoxo: o acontecimento da modernidade é ao mesmo tempo um presente efetivo e um simples "crepúsculo" para o advento das Luzes.
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  23. Diderot ou la revalorisation du devenir.Éliane Martin-Haag - 1999 - Kairos (misc) 14:131-153.
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  24. Moral uncertainty, noncognitivism, and the multi‐objective story.Pamela Robinson & Katie Steele - 2022 - Noûs 57 (4):922-941.
    We sometimes seem to face fundamental moral uncertainty, i.e., uncertainty about what is morally good or morally right that cannot be reduced to ordinary descriptive uncertainty. This phenomenon raises a puzzle for noncognitivism, according to which moral judgments are desire-like attitudes as opposed to belief-like attitudes. Can a state of moral uncertainty really be a noncognitive state? So far, noncognitivists have not been able to offer a completely satisfactory account. Here, we argue that noncognitivists should exploit the formal analogy between (...)
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    Two kinds of agency.Pamela Hieronymi - 2009 - In Lucy O'Brien & Matthew Soteriou (eds.), Mental actions. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 138–162.
    I will argue that making a certain assumption allows us to conceptualize more clearly our agency over our minds. The assumption is this: certain attitudes (most uncontroversially, belief and intention) embody their subject’s answer to some question or set of questions. I will first explain the assumption and then show that, given the assumption, we should expect to exercise agency over this class of attitudes in (at least) two distinct ways: by answering for ourselves the question they embody and by (...)
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  26. Responsibility for believing.Pamela Hieronymi - 2008 - Synthese 161 (3):357-373.
    Many assume that we can be responsible only what is voluntary. This leads to puzzlement about our responsibility for our beliefs, since beliefs seem not to be voluntary. I argue against the initial assumption, presenting an account of responsibility and of voluntariness according to which, not only is voluntariness not required for responsibility, but the feature which renders an attitude a fundamental object of responsibility (that the attitude embodies one’s take on the world and one’s place in it) also guarantees (...)
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    Erfahrung und Gegenstand. Zum Verhältnis von Sinnlichkeit und Verstand im empirischen Erkennen.Johannes Haag (ed.) - 2007 - Klostermann.
    Was heisst es, dass sich unsere geistigen Zustande auf eine Welt beziehen, deren Teil wir sind? Eine Analyse dieser Intentionalitat unserer geistigen Zustande muss sowohl die Rolle ihrer begrifflich-abstrakten als auch ihrer qualitativ-sinnlichen Aspekte genau bestimmen. In dieser Abhandlung wird der Versuch unternommen, eine Analyse des Verhaltnisses begrifflicher und nicht-begrifflicher Elemente im intentionalen Gegenstandsbezug durchzufuhren, und zwar auf der Basis einer systematischen Untersuchung von Kants Unterscheidung zwischen Sinnlichkeit und Verstand. Als Leitfaden dient die Auseinandersetzung, die Wilfrid Sellars uber einen langen (...)
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  28. Kant on Imagination and the Natural Sources of the Conceptual.Johannes Haag - 2013 - In Martin Lenz & Anik Waldow (eds.), Contemporary Perspectives on Early Modern Philosophy: Nature and Norms in Thought. Springer Verlag. pp. 65-85.
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    Beginning qualitative research: a philosophic and practical guide.Pamela S. Maykut - 1994 - Washington, D.C.: Falmer Press. Edited by Richard Morehouse.
    Although theoretically rigorous, the book is comprehensible to the beginning qualitative researcher.
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    Errata zu: Denken und Welt – Wege kritischer Metaphysik.Johannes Haag & Till Hoeppner - 2019 - Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 67 (2):326-327.
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  31. Controlling attitudes.Pamela Hieronymi - 2006 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 87 (1):45-74.
    I hope to show that, although belief is subject to two quite robust forms of agency, "believing at will" is impossible; one cannot believe in the way one ordinarily acts. Further, the same is true of intention: although intention is subject to two quite robust forms of agency, the features of belief that render believing less than voluntary are present for intention, as well. It turns out, perhaps surprisingly, that you can no more intend at will than believe at will.
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  32. Denken und Welt – Wege kritischer Metaphysik.Johannes Haag & Till Hoeppner - 2019 - Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 67 (1):76-97.
    We begin by considering two common ways of conceiving critical metaphysics. According to the first (and polemical) conception, critical metaphysics analyzes nothing more than the form of thought and thereby misses the proper point of metaphysics, namely to investigate the form of reality. According to the second (and affirmative) conception, critical metaphysics starts from the supposed insight that the form of reality cannot be other than the form of thought and is thus not required to analyze anything but that form. (...)
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  33. (1 other version)The Wrong Kind of Reason.Pamela Hieronymi - 2005 - Journal of Philosophy 102 (9):437 - 457.
    A good number of people currently thinking and writing about reasons identify a reason as a consideration that counts in favor of an action or attitude.1 I will argue that using this as our fundamental account of what a reason is generates a fairly deep and recalcitrant ambiguity; this account fails to distinguish between two quite different sets of considerations that count in favor of certain attitudes, only one of which are the “proper” or “appropriate” kind of reason for them. (...)
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    The Statesman's Science: History, Nature, and Law in the Political Thought of Samuel Taylor Coleridge.Pamela Edwards - 2004 - Columbia University Press.
    Author of "Kubla Khan" and the epic "The Rime of the Ancient Mariner," Samuel Taylor Coleridge is remembered principally for his contributions as a romantic poet. This innovative reconsideration of Coleridge's thought and career not only demonstrates his importance as a philosopher but also recovers romanticism as both an aesthetic and a political movement. Pamela Edwards radically departs from classic theories of Coleridge's development and reads his writing within the framework of a constantly shifting political and social landscape. Drawing (...)
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    Die Lehre vom Sein in der modernen Philosophie.Karl Heinz Haag - 1963 - Frankfurt a. M.,: Akademische Verlagsgesellschaft.
    Zur Lehre vom Sein in der modernen Philosophie, von K. H. Haag.--Auf der Suche nach dem Sein, von J. P. Sartre.--Die Philosophie Heideggers, von G. Siewerth.--Die Frage nach Gott, von G. Siewerth.--Das Umgreifende, das das Sein selbst ist, von K. Jaspers.--Allgemeinheit und Individualität, von N. Hartmann.--Das individuum, von C. Nink.--Aktivität, von C. Nink.--Seinsfinalität, von C. Nink.--Sein, Nichtsein und Angst, von P. Tillich.--Mut und Transzendenz, von P. Tillich.--Philosophie und Theologie, von K. Barth.--Eine Auswahl aus "Adventures of ideas," von A. N. (...)
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    Sportphilosophie: ein Handbuch.Herbert Haag & Jürgen Court - 1996
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  37. The force and fairness of blame.Pamela Hieronymi - 2004 - Philosophical Perspectives 18 (1):115–148.
    In this paper I consider fairness of blaming a wrongdoer. In particular, I consider the claim that blaming a wrongdoer can be unfair because blame has a certain characteristic force, a force which is not fairly imposed upon the wrongdoer unless certain conditions are met--unless, e.g., the wrongdoer could have done otherwise, or unless she is someone capable of having done right, or unless she is able to control her behavior by the light of moral reasons. While agreeing that blame (...)
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  38. Between physicalism and mentalism: Philip Clayton on mind and emergence.James W. Haag - 2006 - Zygon 41 (3):633-647.
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    Jamie’s Story: The Man Who Lost His Face.Pamela DiMack - 2002 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 13 (2):147-151.
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  40. A. Referat über deutschsprachige Neuerscheinungen - Erfahrung und Gegenstand.Johannes Haag & Boris Hennig - 2007 - Philosophischer Literaturanzeiger 60 (3):209.
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    Philipp Otto and Eike Gräf (eds.): 3TH1CS: A Reinvention of Ethics in the Digital Age?Markus Haag - 2017 - International Review of Information Ethics 26.
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  42. Quantum theory and the division of the world.Rudolf Haag - 2004 - Mind and Matter 2 (2):53-66.
    [Revised translation of a manuscript originally published in German in Zeitschrift fur Naturforschung 54a, 2--10 (1999) and dedicated to Georg Sussmann on the occasion of his seventieth birthday.] We discuss an ontological model suggested by quantum physics, in which the notion of events is of central significance. The conventional objects are considered as causal links between events. Localization in space-time refers primarily to events, not to objects. The intrinsic indeterminacy forces us to consider both possibilities and facts, corresponding to the (...)
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    Sinnliche Ideen.Johannes Haag - 2008 - In Dominik Perler & Markus Wild (eds.), Sehen und Begreifen. Wahrnehmungstheorien in der Frühen Neuzeit. Berlin, Deutschland: de Gruyter. pp. 95-122.
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  44. The artist as a reflection of his culture.William G. Haag - 1960 - In Gertrude Evelyn Dole (ed.), Essays in the science of culture. New York,: Crowell.
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    The Hefnerian legacy: Rethinking the "nature" of naturalism.James W. Haag - 2010 - Zygon 45 (1):273-280.
    Philip Hefner calls for religion-and-science to shift attention from pure ideas to embodied ideas. He urges scholars to get back to the Baconian idea that science is intended to enhance life; in Hefner's wording, we must give attention to "science-as-enabler-for-changing/improving-the-world." I believe that this is the realm of overlap between all academic disciplines—what I call the pragmatic overlap. To make his argument Hefner mentions two forms of "conventional wisdom" that need to be rethought. First, he is worried that a "pressure (...)
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  46. Beggars and Kings: Cowardice and Courage in Shakespeare's Richard II.Pamela Jensen - 1990 - Interpretation 18 (1):111-143.
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    Experience and the growth of understanding: How does knowledge start?Pamela Moore - 1980 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 14 (2):261–264.
    Pamela Moore; Experience and the Growth of Understanding: how does knowledge start?, Journal of Philosophy of Education, Volume 14, Issue 2, 30 May 2006, Pages.
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    The datafication revolution in criminal justice: An empirical exploration of frames portraying data-driven technologies for crime prevention and control.Pamela Ugwudike & Anita Lavorgna - 2021 - Big Data and Society 8 (2).
    The proliferation of big data analytics in criminal justice suggests that there are positive frames and imaginaries legitimising them and depicting them as the panacea for efficient crime control. Criminological and criminal justice scholarship has paid insufficient attention to these frames and their accompanying narratives. To address the gap created by the lack of theoretical and empirical insight in this area, this article draws on a study that systematically reviewed and compared multidisciplinary academic abstracts on the data-driven tools now shaping (...)
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    (1 other version)Working ethically in russia.Pamela J. Woolley - 1997 - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility 6 (1):30–34.
    In spite of the seemingly omnipresent corruption and Mafia activity plaguing modern Russia it is nevertheless possible, and desirable, to conduct business ethically there, as the author testifies. Pamela Woolley has recently completed a full time MBA at London Business School, prior to which her career was in international telecommunications. She has long been interested in Russia and worked in Moscow during the summer between her two years of study. The experience has prompted her to seek a more permanent (...)
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  50. The Menexenus Reconsidered.Pamela M. Huby - 1957 - Phronesis 2 (2):104-114.
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