Results for 'Lillian Huggard-Caine'

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  1.  52
    Repertorio bibliográfico sobre Friedrich Nietzsche.Cristina Alayza, David Arévalo, Renzo Copello, Juan Carlos Díaz, José Carlos Gutiérrez, Lillian Huggard-Caine, Pamela Lastres, Javier Ormeño, Ruth Zea & Kathia Hanza - 2003 - Estudios de Filosofía (Universidad de Antioquia) 5:129-144.
    Este repertorio registra los artículos sobre Nietzsche que se encuentran en la Hemeroteca de la Biblioteca Central de la Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. El listado abarca las publicaciones existentes hasta el primer semestre del 2003.
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  2. Structural domination in the labor market.Lillian Cicerchia - 2022 - European Journal of Political Theory 21 (1).
    In recent years, there has been a wide-ranging debate about the neo-republican principle of non-domination. Neo-republicans argue that domination is a capacity for one to intentionally use arbitrary power to interfere in someone’s life. Critics of neo-republicanism argue that this definition of freedom as non-domination precludes a structural analysis of domination, which would explain and critique the ways in which societies produce structural domination unintentionally. The article focuses on capitalism’s labor process and its labor markets. It argues that critics are (...)
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  3. Why Does Class Matter?Lillian Cicerchia - 2021 - Social Theory and Practice 47 (4):603-627.
    This article explores an under-examined theme, which is who or what is the working class and what is wrong with the situation that members of this class share. It argues that class divisions impose a unique harm for a diverse and interdependent group within capitalist societies both in spite and because of differences among group members. Class matters not just because it creates economic groups in which some are rich and others are poor, but because competition creates conditions that militate (...)
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    Bill Cain on the Conference.Bill Cain - 1992 - CLR James Journal 3 (1):7-16.
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  5. Representation and Behavior.M. J. Cain - 2004 - Mind 113 (451):555-559.
  6. Trauma: phenomenological causality and implication.Lillian Wilde - 2022 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 21 (3):689-705.
    The relationship between traumatic experiences and subsequent distress is not well understood, and little research focuses on the lived experience of psychological trauma. I draw on Louis Sass’s phenomenological taxonomy to address this lacuna. I present his differentiation between relations of phenomenological causality and implication and demonstrate that his taxonomy can be applied to experiences of trauma. Relations of phenomenological causality and implication can be identified in the genesis and constitution of post-traumatic distress. My adaptation of Sass’s taxonomy will furthermore (...)
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    Allocution de julien cain.Julien Cain - 1954 - Revue de Synthèse 75 (1):13-14.
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    Ethics reflection groups in community health services: an evaluation study.Lillian Lillemoen & Reidar Pedersen - 2015 - BMC Medical Ethics 16 (1):25.
    Systematic ethics support in community health services in Norway is in the initial phase. There are few evaluation studies about the significance of ethics reflection on care. The aim of this study was to evaluate systematic ethics reflection in groups in community health , - from the perspectives of employees participating in the groups, the group facilitators and the service managers. The reflection groups were implemented as part of a research and development project.
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  9. Murray Bookchin and the Value of Democratic Municipalism.Cain Shelley - 2024 - European Journal of Political Theory 23 (2):1-22.
    Recent debates about the most appropriate political agents for realising social justice have largely focused on the potential value of national political parties on the one hand, and trade unions on the other. Drawing on the thought of Murray Bookchin, this article suggests that democratic municipalist agents – democratic associations of local residents that build and empower neighbourhood assemblies and improve the municipal provision of basic goods and services – can often also make valuable contributions to projects of just social (...)
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    Simone de Beauvoir on Montherlant, or Misogyny through Myth and Imagery.Lillian Bulwa - 1983 - Simone de Beauvoir Studies 1 (1):22-39.
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    Das Antike Rom Und Sein Bild.Hans-Ulrich Cain, Annette Haug & Yadegar Asisi (eds.) - 2011 - De Gruyter.
    These conference proceedings consider visual and literary images of ancient Rome created by artists and scholars from Late Antiquity until the present day. The occasion for the conference was the colossal panorama Rome 312 by Yadegar Asisi that was displayed in Leipzig. The papers explore the ways and means by which the idea of Rome was developed by the individual artists and authors and transferred to the cultural context of the epoch and of the personalities involved.
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    Wellesley College to Hold James Conference in April.William Cain - 1990 - CLR James Journal 1 (1):2-2.
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  13. Stony the Road We Trod: African American Biblical Interpretation.Cain Hope Felder - 1991
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    Advances in Electronics and Electron Physics. Volume L. L. Marton, C. Marton.Lillian Hoddeson - 1981 - Isis 72 (4):662-663.
  15.  74
    Dirce Disrobed.Lillian B. Joyce - 2001 - Classical Antiquity 20 (2):221-238.
    The Punishment of Dirce was a theme that intrigued both artists and patrons of the Roman period. It appeared in diverse locations and media, notably as a wall painting in the House of the Vettii in Pompeii and the Toro Farnese once displayed in the Baths of Caracalla in Rome. In all representations, Dirce struggles with the bull that will trample her to death. Traditional studies of this imagery have focused on the formal characteristics of these representations, studying issues of (...)
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    Human values and science, art and mathematics.Lillian Rosanoff Lieber - 1961 - New York,: Norton.
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    Matters of taste.Cain Todd - 2012 - The Philosophers' Magazine 59 (59):95-100.
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    James, Lewis and the Pragmatic a Priori.Lillian U. Pancheri - 1971 - Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 7 (3):135 - 149.
  19. Activist‐led Education and Egalitarian Social Change.Cain Shelley - 2021 - Journal of Political Philosophy 29 (4):456-479.
    In this article, I offer an account of what one of the short-term political aims of proponents of greater equality ought to be. I claim that the strengthening of reflective capacity—citizens’ ability to impose a temporary level of distance from their commitments, to consider alternatives to them, and to evaluate their origins and validity—ought to be one key aim of egalitarian politics under present political conditions. I then propose activist-led education programs as one desirable means to deliver this end of (...)
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    Ethical challenges and how to develop ethics support in primary health care.Lillian Lillemoen & Reidar Pedersen - 2013 - Nursing Ethics 20 (1):96-108.
    Ethics support in primary health care has been sparser than in hospitals, the need for ethics support is probably no less. We have, however, limited knowledge about how to develop ethics support that responds to primary health-care workers’ needs. In this article, we present a survey with a mixture of closed- and open-ended questions concerning: How frequent and how distressed various types of ethical challenges make the primary health-care workers feel, how important they think it is to deal with these (...)
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    Ethics in municipal health services: working systematically with, and developing competence in ethics.Lillian Lillemoen & Reidar Pedersen - 2013 - Clinical Ethics 8 (1):19-28.
    The Norwegian Parliament has decided to give priority to ethics in municipal health services. This priority is supposed to raise competence in ethics within municipal health services. As part of the national project, the participating municipalities were encouraged to develop and carry out local projects. In this article, we present a local ethics project in one of the participating municipalities in central eastern Norway. The local project for raising competence in ethics was carried out in cooperation with researchers at the (...)
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    Rethinking the Synthesis Period in Evolutionary Studies.Joe Cain - 2009 - Journal of the History of Biology 42 (4):621 - 648.
    I propose we abandon the unit concept of "the evolutionary synthesis". There was much more to evolutionary studies in the 1920s and 1930s than is suggested in our commonplace narratives of this object in history. Instead, four organising threads capture much of evolutionary studies at this time. First, the nature of species and the process of speciation were dominating, unifying subjects. Second, research into these subjects developed along four main lines, or problem complexes: variation, divergence, isolation, and selection. Some calls (...)
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  23. Trauma Across Cultures: Cultural Dimensions of the Phenomenology of Post-Traumatic Experiences.Lillian Wilde - 2020 - Phenomenology and Mind 18:222-229.
    In this paper, I enquire into the nature of the influence culture has on the experience of trauma. I begin with a brief elaboration of the dominant conceptualisation of post-traumatic experiences: the diagnostic category of PTSD as it can be found in the DSM. Then, I scrutinise the nature and extent to which cultural factors may influence the phenomenology of the experience of certain events as traumatic and subsequent symptoms of post-traumatic stress. It seems that cultural circumstances alter the way (...)
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    English Feminism, 1780-1980.Barbara Caine - 1997 - Oxford University Press on Demand.
    Barbara Caine's fascinating analysis of feminism in England examines the relationship between feminist thought and actions, and wider social and cultural change over tow centuries. Professor Caine investigates the complex question surrounding the concept of a feminist 'tradition', and showshow much the feminism of any particular period related to the years preceding or following it. Though feminism may have lacked the kind of legitimating tradition evident in other forms of political thought, the ghost of Mary Wollstonecraft was something (...)
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    The impact of adopting an ethical approach to employee dismissal during corporate restructuring.Lillian T. Eby & Kimberly Buch - 1998 - Journal of Business Ethics 17 (12):1253-1264.
    The treatment of employees during downsizing and corporate restructuring raises many ethical issues. To provide a common framework for understanding ethical decisions facing organizations delivering the news of dismissal to affected employees, Integrative Social Contracts Theory and the research on social exchange was used to integrate existing research on employee dismissal. Of particular importance was determining the criteria necessary to manage the dismissal process within ethical boundaries. Three basic criteria, which together represent a variety of contractual and transactional obligations, are (...)
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    Spectral convergence in tapping and physiological fluctuations: coupling and independence of 1/f noise in the central and autonomic nervous systems.Lillian M. Rigoli, Daniel Holman, Michael J. Spivey & Christopher T. Kello - 2014 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 8.
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    The Philosophy of Wine: A Case of Truth, Beauty and Intoxication.Cain Todd - 2010 - Routledge.
    Does this Bonnes-Mares really have notes of chocolate, truffle, violets, and merde de cheval? Can wines really be feminine, profound, pretentious, or cheeky? Can they express emotion or terroir? Do the judgements of 'experts' have any objective validity? Is a great wine a work of art? Questions like these will have been entertained by anyone who has ever puzzled over the tasting notes of a wine writer, or been baffled by the response of a sommelier to an innocent question. Only (...)
  28. Types and Blithedale.Lillian Beatty - 1956 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 37 (4):367.
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  29. The Natural Man Versus the Puritan.Lillian Beatty - 1959 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 40 (1):22.
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  30. Proceedings of the British Academy, Volume 68: 1982.Cain Pj - 1983
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    Plato on the Value of Philosophy by Tushar Irani.R. Bensen Cain - 2018 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 56 (4):747-748.
    Irani takes a strongly thematic and interpretive approach to Plato's dialogues by working through a system of interdependent concepts and arguments that are central to understanding Plato's views on philosophy, its value, and methods. One may approach the network of themes in various ways, but a natural starting point is with the preface, introduction, and Irani's description of the book as "primarily a work of interpretation" of two Platonic dialogues that constitute its subject matter, the Gorgias and Phaedrus.In the introduction, (...)
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  32. This Odd and Wondrous Calling: The Public and Private Lives of Two Ministers.Lillian Daniel & Martin B. Copenhaver - 2009
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    The “maternity” of the Odyssey: the waxing and waning of a Victorian fantasy.Lillian Doherty - 2010 - Clio 32:149-164.
    La publication de la première traduction française de The Authoress of the Odyssey (1897) de Samuel Butler, en 2009, suscite un nouvel examen du livre et de sa thèse volontairement provocatrice : l’Odyssée aurait été écrite par une jeune femme. Les préfaces aux éditions anglaises de 1967 et 2004 soulignent la justesse des interprétations de Samuel Butler relatives au style et au ton du poème, ainsi que sa manière de revendiquer son propre positionnement critique – ceci bien avant que la (...)
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    The Art and Rhetoric of the Homeric Catalogue (review).Lillian E. Doherty - 2012 - Classical World: A Quarterly Journal on Antiquity 105 (4):557-558.
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  35. Theory and the Teaching of Mythology.Lillian E. Doherty - 2005 - Classical World: A Quarterly Journal on Antiquity 98 (2).
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    A Life in Science. Nevill Mott.Lillian Hoddeson - 1987 - Isis 78 (2):317-319.
  37. Emerson's Glimpses of the Divine.William A. Huggard - 1955 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 36 (2):167.
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  38. Whitman's poem of personalism.William A. Huggard - 1947 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 28 (3):273.
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    Sei Shônagon, son Temps et son Oeuvre (une femme de lettres de l'ancien Japon)Sei Shonagon, son Temps et son Oeuvre.Lillian E. Knowles, André Beaujard & Andre Beaujard - 1937 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 57 (1):133.
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    No Feast Lasts Forever.Lillian M. Li, Wellington Koo & Isabella Taves - 1977 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 97 (3):355.
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  41. Raising Funds for'Good Causes' during the Reformation.Lillian Ping - 1936 - Hibbert Journal 35:53-66.
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    More Blacks on Boards of Fortune 500 Companies.Lillian Schanfield & Lloyd D. Elgart - 1983 - Business and Professional Ethics Journal 2 (3):41-50.
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    Embracing Imperfection.Lillian Wilde - 2017 - Philosophy Now 122:12-14.
    Plato’s dialogues, most notably the Phaedrus and the Symposium, mark the beginning of 2,400 years of written philosophical contemplations on love. Many lovers have loved since, and many thinkers have thought and struggled to understand. Who has never asked themselves the question: What is love? The various discussions since range from Aristotle to an abundance of contemporary philosophy and fiction on the topic. Alain Badiou’s In Praise of Love, Alain de Botton’s Essays in Love, and Byung Chul Han’s Die Agonie (...)
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    Moral distress among nursing and non-nursing students.Lillian M. Range & Alicia L. Rotherham - 2010 - Nursing Ethics 17 (2):225-232.
    Their nursing experience and/or training may lead students preparing for the nursing profession to have less moral distress and more favorable attitudes towards a hastened death compared with those preparing for other fields of study. To ascertain if this was true, 66 undergraduates (54 women, 9 men, 3 not stated) in southeastern USA completed measures of moral distress and attitudes towards hastening death. Unexpectedly, the results from nursing and non-nursing majors were not significantly different. All the present students reported moderate (...)
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    Making sense of critical theory's economic gap.Lillian Cicerchia - 2025 - Constellations 32 (1):83-96.
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    Distinguishing imagining from perceiving: reality monitoring and the ‘Perky effect’.Cain Todd - forthcoming - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences:1-17.
    This paper examines the problem of how we distinguish, phenomenologically, sensory imagination from perception. I suggest that philosophical discussions of this issue have been hampered by a surprising failure to carefully distinguish what is involved in our awareness of being in a state of imagining, from our awareness of the imagistic content. Rectifying this allows us, first, to gain a clearer insight into the problem at issue, and it also allows for a new interpretation of the so-called ‘Perky effect’, whereby (...)
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  47. Unmasking the truth beneath the beauty: Why the supposed aesthetic judgements made in science may not be aesthetic at all.Cain S. Todd - 2008 - International Studies in the Philosophy of Science 22 (1):61 – 79.
    In this article I examine the status of putative aesthetic judgements in science and mathematics. I argue that if the judgements at issue are taken to be genuinely aesthetic they can be divided into two types, positing either a disjunction or connection between aesthetic and epistemic criteria in theory/proof assessment. I show that both types of claim face serious difficulties in explaining the purported role of aesthetic judgements in these areas. I claim that the best current explanation of this role, (...)
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    Ensuring Genuine Assessment in Philosophy Education.Lillian M. King Abadal - 2024 - Teaching Philosophy 47 (2):255-277.
    In this article, I will outline an assessment model that allows instructors to continuing assigning term papers and argumentative papers without compromising the authenticity of student assessment. This path forward relies upon a pseudo flipped classroom model in which students will complete a scaffolded term paper through a series of in-class assessments that build upon previously completed components. The final steps of completing this assignment will require producing a draft and final version of a traditional term paper outside of the (...)
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    Cultural Values, Utilitarian Orientation, and Ethical Decision Making: A Comparison of U.S. and Puerto Rican Professionals.Lillian Y. Fok, Dinah M. Payne & Christy M. Corey - 2016 - Journal of Business Ethics 134 (2):263-279.
    Using samples from the U.S. and Puerto Rico, we examine cross-cultural differences in cultural value dimensions, and relate these to act and rule utilitarian orientations, and ethical decision making of business professionals. Although these places share the same legal environment, culturally they are distinct. In addition to tests of between-group differences, a model in which utilitarian orientation mediates the influence of cultural values on ethical decisions was evaluated at the individual level of analysis. Results indicated national culture differences on three (...)
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    How Firm Are Lawyers' Perceptions of Professionalism.Lillian Corbin - 2005 - Legal Ethics 8 (2):265.
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