Results for 'Padhraig Ryan'

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  1.  19
    A cost and outcomes analysis of alternative models of care for young children with severe disabilities in Ireland.Paul Revill, Padhraig Ryan, Aoife McNamara & Charles Normand - 2013 - Alter - European Journal of Disability Research / Revue Européenne de Recherche Sur le Handicap 7 (4):260-274.
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    Clinical Encounters: The Social Justice Question in Intersectional Medicine.Patrick Ryan Grzanka & Jenny Dyck Brian - 2019 - American Journal of Bioethics 19 (2):22-24.
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    Simulating Emotions: An Active Inference Model of Emotional State Inference and Emotion Concept Learning.Ryan Smith, Thomas Parr & Karl J. Friston - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Would I Really Make a Difference? Moral Typecasting Theory and its Implications for Helping Ethical Leaders.Kai Chi Yam, Ryan Fehr, Tyler C. Burch, Yajun Zhang & Kurt Gray - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 160 (3):675-692.
    Ethical leadership research has primarily relied on social learning and social exchange theories. Although these theories have been generative, additional theoretical perspectives hold the potential to broaden scholars’ understanding of ethical leadership’s effects. In this paper, we examine moral typecasting theory and its unique implications for followers’ leader-directed citizenship behavior. Across two studies employing both survey-based and experimental methods, we offer support for three key predictions consistent with this theory. First, the effect of ethical leadership on leader-directed citizenship behavior is (...)
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    Mapping Ethical Consumer Behavior: Integrating the Empirical Research and Identifying Future Directions.Eleni Papaoikonomou, Gerard Ryan & Mireia Valverde - 2011 - Ethics and Behavior 21 (3):197 - 221.
    The concept of ?ethical consumer behavior? has gained significant attention among practitioners and academic researchers, generating increasing but disjointed knowledge on the topic. By analyzing the empirical research on ethical consumer behavior, this article provides researchers with a map to guide future research. In total, we review 80 studies. The main contributions of the article include the identification of the main trends in the ethical consumer literature and the conceptualization of ethical consumer behavior. In addition, several areas for future research (...)
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    Explanation, understanding, and control.Ryan Smith - 2014 - Synthese 191 (17):4169-4200.
    There is a recent interest within both philosophy of science as well as within epistemology to provide a defensible account of understanding. In the present article I build on insights from previous work in attempt to provide an account of two related forms of understanding in terms of the ability to form rational intentions when using specific types of mental representations. I propose first that “understanding that X” requires that one form a representation of X and, further, that one must (...)
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  7. Why are there descriptive norms? Because we looked for them.Ryan Muldoon, Chiara Lisciandra & Stephan Hartmann - 2014 - Synthese 191 (18):4409-4429.
    In this work, we present a mathematical model for the emergence of descriptive norms, where the individual decision problem is formalized with the standard Bayesian belief revision machinery. Previous work on the emergence of descriptive norms has relied on heuristic modeling. In this paper we show that with a Bayesian model we can provide a more general picture of the emergence of norms, which helps to motivate the assumptions made in heuristic models. In our model, the priors formalize the belief (...)
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    Common and Unique Neural Systems Underlying the Working Memory Maintenance of Emotional vs. Bodily Reactions to Affective Stimuli: The Moderating Role of Trait Emotional Awareness.Ryan Smith, Richard D. Lane, Anna Sanova, Anna Alkozei, Courtney Smith & William D. S. Killgore - 2018 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 12.
  9.  16
    Fault tolerant mechanism design.Ryan Porter, Amir Ronen, Yoav Shoham & Moshe Tennenholtz - 2008 - Artificial Intelligence 172 (15):1783-1799.
  10.  14
    Identifying social partners through indirect prosociality: A computational account.Isaac Davis, Ryan Carlson, Yarrow Dunham & Julian Jara-Ettinger - 2023 - Cognition 240 (C):105580.
  11. It Seems Like There Aren’t Any Seemings.T. Ryan Byerly - 2012 - Philosophia 40 (4):771-782.
    Abstract I argue that the two primary motivations in the literature for positing seemings as sui generis mental states are insufficient to motivate this view. Because of this, epistemological views which attempt to put seemings to work don’t go far enough. It would be better to do the same work by appealing to what makes seeming talk true rather than simply appealing to seeming talk. Content Type Journal Article Pages 1-12 DOI 10.1007/s11406-012-9363-8 Authors T. Ryan Byerly, Department of Philosophy, (...)
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  12. Philippians and Philemon.Bonnie B. Thurston & Judith M. Ryan - 2005
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    A neuro-cognitive defense of the unified self.Ryan Smith - 2017 - Consciousness and Cognition 48:21-39.
  14. Research Summary (Fall 2016).Ryan Preston-Roedder - manuscript
    I provide an overview of my work to date (Fall 2016), discuss some of the main themes that animate my work, and briefly describe some of my planned future projects.
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    Technics, Time and the Internation: Bernard Stiegler’s Thought – A Dialogue with Daniel Ross.Ryan Bishop & Daniel Ross - 2021 - Theory, Culture and Society 38 (4):111-133.
    This interview with Bernard Stiegler’s long-time translator and collaborator, Daniel Ross, examines the connections between different periods of Stiegler’s work, thought, writing and activism. Moving from the three volumes of Technics and Time to the final large-scale collaborative project of The Internation, the discussion concentrates on Stiegler’s conceptualization of ‘protentionality’, hope and care for a world confronted by climate crises, entropy and computational economic reconfigurations of work, economy and imaginations for futural possibilities. The interview foreshadows the special issue on The (...)
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  16. Distinguishing the said from the implicated using a novel experimental paradigm.Meredith Larson, Ryan Doran, Yaron McNabb, Rachel Baker, Matthew Berends, Alex Djalali & Gregory Ward - 2009 - In Uli Sauerland & Kazuko Yatsushiro (eds.), Semantics and pragmatics: from experiment to theory. Basingstoke: Palgrave-Macmillan.
  17.  42
    Spanning our differences: moral psychology, physician beliefs, and the practice of medicine.Ryan M. Antiel, Katherine M. Humeniuk & Jon C. Tilburt - 2014 - Philosophy, Ethics, and Humanities in Medicine 9:17.
    Moral pluralism is the norm in contemporary society. Even the best philosophical arguments rarely persuade moral opponents who differ at a foundational level. This has been vividly illustrated in contemporary debates in bioethics surrounding contentious issues such as abortion and euthanasia. It is readily apparent that bioethics discourse lacks an empirical explanation for the broad differences about various topics in bioethics and health policy. In recent years, social and cognitive psychology has generated novel approaches for defining basic differences in moral (...)
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  18. Lucretius and naturalism [1961].Abraham Jacob Greenstine & Ryan J. Johnson - 2017 - In Abraham Jacob Greenstine & Ryan J. Johnson (eds.), Contemporary Encounters with Ancient Metaphysics. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
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    The Effects of Health Anxiety and Litigation Potential on Symptom Endorsement, Cognitive Performance, and Physiological Functioning in the Context of a Food and Drug Administration Drug Recall Announcement.Len Lecci, Gary Ryan Page, Julian R. Keith, Sarah Neal & Ashley Ritter - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Drug recalls and lawsuits against pharmaceutical manufacturers are accompanied by announcements emphasizing harmful drug side-effects. Those with elevated health anxiety may be more reactive to such announcements. We evaluated whether health anxiety and financial incentives affect subjective symptom endorsement, and objective outcomes of cognitive and physiological functioning during a mock drug recall. Hundred and sixty-one participants reported use of over-the-counter pain medications and presented with a fictitious medication recall via a mock Food and Drug Administration website. The opportunity to join (...)
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  20.  47
    Paradise Understood: New Philosophical Essays About Heaven.T. Ryan Byerly & Eric J. Silverman (eds.) - 2017 - Oxford University Press.
    Paradise Understood: New Philosophical Essays about Heaven systematically investigates heaven, or paradise, as conceived within theistic religious traditions such as Rabbinic Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. It considers a variety of topics concerning what life in paradise would, could, or will be like for human persons. The collection offers novel approaches to questions about heaven of perennial philosophical interest, and breaks new ground by expanding the range of questions about heaven that philosophers have considered. The contributors wrestle with questions about human (...)
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  21.  17
    Intellectual Dependability: A Virtue Theory of the epistemic and educational Ideal.T. Ryan Byerly - 2021 - New York, NY: Routledge Press.
    Intellectual Dependability is the first research monograph devoted to addressing the question of what it is to be an intellectually dependable person--the sort of person on whom one's fellow inquirers can depend in their pursuit of epistemic goods. While neglected in recent scholarship, this question is an important one for both epistemology--how we should conceptualize the ideal inquirer--and education--how we can enable developing learners to grow toward this ideal. The book defends a virtue theory according to which being an intellectually (...)
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  22. Natural and divine orders: The politics of sophocles' philoctetes.Ryan Drake - 2007 - Polis 24 (2):179-192.
    A closer look at the character of Odysseus in the opening passages of the Philoctetes reveals a more nuanced psychology of guilt and justification than commentators have thus far appreciated in the cunning hero's role. This paper examines the relations of sympathy between Odysseus, Neoptolemus, and Philoctetes as a way of entering into the complicated political drama of the work. Conceiving politics in the Philoctetes as a hybrid construction of the demands of nature and the demands of the gods, this (...)
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    Unity Without Totalitarianism: Tensions Within Normativity.Ryan T. Sauchelli - 2017 - Critical Horizons 18 (3):231-247.
    Although he did not invent the term, Jürgen Habermas has popularised “constitutional patriotism” as a form of political unity that avoids excessive nationalism. This paper attempts to examine the link between emotivism and normativity that has otherwise been excluded from Habermas’s notion of constitutional patriotism. Beyond Habermas, political theory as a whole has not yet taken emotivism as a serious component of normativity. Rather than developing it in isolation, this paper attempts to reconcile emotivism with cognitive-normative practices found within rational (...)
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    Kiff Bamford: Jean-François Lyotard (Critical Lives), Reaktion Books, London, 2017, 176 S., 29 Abb.Ryan Scheerlinck - 2019 - Philosophische Rundschau 66 (2):188.
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    "Philosophie und Religion": Schellings Politische Philosophie.Ryan Scheerlinck - 2017 - Freiburg: Verlag Karl Alber.
    Dieses Buch bietet die erste umfassende Auslegung von Schellings kontrovers beurteilter Schrift Philosophie und Religion. Ausgehend von Schellings Kunst der Darstellung und unter standiger Berucksichtigung der Einwande Eschenmayers, auf welche diese Schrift zu antworten sucht, zeichnet die Arbeit die Grundlinien von Schellings Denken um 1804 nach. Besonderes Gewicht liegt dabei auf Schellings Ansichten zu Freiheit, Ethik, Geschichte und Politik. Dabei zeigt sich, dass die Grundthesen der sogenannten Identitatsphilosophie, anders als allgemein angenommen, durchaus mit der Lehre der Freiheitsschrift vertraglich sind. Der (...)
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  26.  57
    Real-Time Democracy.Shane Ryan - 2016 - International Journal of Applied Philosophy 30 (2):301-312.
    Standard representative democracy is criticised on democratic grounds and the case is made for an alternative system of democratic governance. The paper discusses ways in which representative democracy falls short of the democratic ideal of self-governance. Referendum and initiative are examined as mechanisms that further self-governance, but are argued not to go far enough. Direct democracy is considered as an alternative to representative democracy, but the case is made that even on democratic grounds direct democracy is unnecessarily demanding. It is (...)
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  27.  35
    Determinants of food security in Tanzania: gendered dimensions of household headship and control of resources.Ryan Mason, Patrick Ndlovu, John R. Parkins & Marty K. Luckert - 2015 - Agriculture and Human Values 32 (3):539-549.
    This paper examines heterogeneous impacts of gendered household headship and control of resources on food security in rural Tanzania. Analysis with minimal attention to heterogeneity in gender considerations indicates no differences in household food security between male and female-headed households. But with a more differentiated household headship variable and accounting for gendered differences in resource ownership, the results differ markedly. Using more gender-disaggregated variables, our results show significant differences between female-headed and male-headed households. In these results we find support for (...)
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  28.  74
    Epideictic Rhetoric and the Foundations of Politics.Ryan K. Balot - 2013 - Polis 30 (2):274-304.
    At least since the time of Plato’s writings, epideictic rhetoric has been criticized as deceptive, as epistemologically bankrupt, and as politically irrelevant. Aristotle himself emphasizes that the key ‘topic’of epideictic is amplification and stresses that the epideictic orator chiefly adds ‘size’ and ‘beauty’ to widely shared memories. This paper reinterprets Aristotle’s statements and argues that Aristotle’s account brings to light significant civic resources embodied in epideictic. A genuine statesman uses ceremonial speech to articulate and explain a regime’s underlying ethos and (...)
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  29.  76
    The Special Value of Others-Centeredness.T. Ryan Byerly & Meghan Byerly - 2016 - Res Philosophica 93 (1):63-78.
    Suppose you confront a situation in which you can either promote a good for yourself or a good for someone else, but not both. The present paper argues that it is valuable for your conduct in such circumstances to be regulated by a character trait the possession of which constitutes one way of having one’s life be centered upon others as opposed to centered upon oneself. The trait in question, which we shall call “others-centeredness,” is a disposition to promote goods (...)
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    Not Another Brick in the Wall: an Extensional Mereology for Potential Parts.Ryan Miller - manuscript
    Part is not a univocal term. Uses of parthood and composition that do not obey any supplementation principle have a long philosophical tradition and strong support from contemporary physics. We call such uses potential parts. This paper first shows why potential parts are important and incompatible with supplementation, then provides a formal mereology for such parts inspired by the path-integral approach to quantum electrodynamics.
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  31. An Examination of Sir William Hamilton's Philosophy by John Stuart Mill.J. M. Robson & Alan Ryan - 1981 - Philosophy 56 (216):264-266.
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  32. Non-instrumental belief is largely founded on singularity 1.George Ainslie, Ryan T. McKay & Daniel C. Dennett - 2009 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 32 (6):511.
    The radical evolutionary step that divides human decision-making from that of nonhumans is the ability to excite the reward process for its own sake, in imagination. Combined with hyperbolic over-valuation of the present, this ability is a potential threat to both the individual's long term survival and the natural selection of high intelligence. Human belief is intrinsically or under-founded, which may or may not be adaptive.
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  33.  22
    Linking the Divergent and Convergent Processes of Collaborative Creativity: The Impact of Expertise Levels and Elaboration Processes.Lauren E. Coursey, Ryan T. Gertner, Belinda C. Williams, Jared B. Kenworthy, Paul B. Paulus & Simona Doboli - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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  34. Year 7 Archaeological Dig Ancient Crudenites.Paul Davis & Tom Ryan - 2008 - Ethos: Journal of the Society for Psychological Anthropology:24.
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  35. Introduction: In Search of a Lost Liberalism.Demin Duan & Ryan Wines - 2010 - Ethical Perspectives 17 (3):365-370.
    The theme of this issue of Ethical Perspectives is the French tradition in liberal thought, and the unique contribution that this tradition can make to debates in contemporary liberalism. It is inspired by a colloquium held at the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven in December of 2008 entitled “In Search of a Lost Liberalism: Constant, Tocqueville, and the singularity of French Liberalism.” This colloquium was held in conjunction with the retirement of Leuven professor and former Dean of the Institute of Philosophy, André (...)
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  36. Problem: The Moral and Economic Reconstruction of Society as Suggested by the "Quadregesimo Anno".J. Ryan Hughes - 1937 - Proceedings and Addresses of the American Philosophical Association 13:176.
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    A Reconstruction of the Non–Identity Argument at Phaedo 74b–c.Ryan Bitetti Putzer - 2024 - History of Philosophy & Logical Analysis:1-30.
    At Phaedo 74b–c an important argument is given for the non–identity of perceptible equals and equality. The argument is usually understood as an application of Leibniz’s Law in which the predicate appears unequal is affirmed of perceptible equals but not equality. But this reading requires explaining why the plural locution the equals themselves is initially used for equality, and why the additional predicate appears as inequality is denied of it. In this paper, an account of the equality premise is given (...)
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  38.  36
    Introducing logic and critical thinking: the skills of reasoning and the virtues of inquiry.T. Ryan Byerly - 2017 - Grand Rapids, Michigan: Baker Academic.
    This robust, clear, and well-researched textbook for classes in logic introduces students to both formal logic and to the virtues of intellectual inquiry. Part 1 challenges students to develop the analytical skills of deductive and inductive reasoning, showing them how to identify and evaluate arguments. Part 2 helps students develop the intellectual virtues of the wise inquirer. The book includes helpful pedagogical features such as practice exercises and a concluding summary with definitions of key concepts for each chapter. Resources for (...)
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  39.  11
    “Make our communities better through data”: The moral economy of smart city labor.Preston Welker & Ryan Burns - 2022 - Big Data and Society 9 (1).
    Smart cities are now an established context in which data and digital technologies shape urban politics. Despite increased scholarly focus on algorithmic governance, smart cities and their data production still heavily rely on human labor, raising questions about how that labor is recruited and the implications of different recruitment strategies. In this paper, we illuminate the relations and practices mobilized to recruit the labor required to produce, analyze, and enact data that produce smart cities. We argue that smart cities recruit (...)
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  40.  7
    Using Activism to Combat Systemic Racism in Bioethics and Healthcare.Denise Angela Miller & Ryan Essex - 2024 - American Journal of Bioethics 24 (10):43-45.
    Volume 24, Issue 10, October 2024, Page 43-45.
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    The Deconstructive Turn (Routledge Revivals): Essays in the Rhetoric of Philosophy.Christopher Norris & Michael Ryan - 1983 - Philosophy and Rhetoric 19 (3):201-204.
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  42. Abortion before marriage, marriage tribunal jurisprudence and moral theology.Tom Ryan - 2014 - The Australasian Catholic Record 91 (1):58.
    Ryan, Tom Perhaps the most neuralgic issue shaping the Catholic Church's relationship to wider contemporary society is abortion. In Australia, the Church's efforts to counter abortion's increasing incidence and after-effects are evident in Bishops' statements, websites such as Walking with Love, and, from lay-inspired movements such as the Rachel's' Vineyard Retreat. Further, research is bringing a greater appreciation of the trauma and long-term effects of the abortion experience. Given that, it is reasonable to assume its influence, in some instances, (...)
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  43. Pacifism.Cheyney Ryan - 2024 - In Mark Timmons & Joshua Glasgow (eds.), Disputed Moral Issues. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 644-655.
    Cheyney Ryan characterizes anti-war pacifism as a position that is fundamentally opposed to war. He distinguishes two types of pacifism: political and personal. As Ryan points out, these types overlap in their opposition to war, yet differ in their logic - in their reasons for being opposed to war. Political pacifism opposes war as a matter of policy (war as a social practice), while personal pacifism opposes killing as an act and thereby opposes war as instances of killing. (...)
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  44. You don't believe in who!Jennie Ryan - 2013 - The Australian Humanist 111 (111):19.
    Ryan, Jennie A current search of reliable internet sources gives the present number of recognised major world religions as somewhere between twenty two and twenty five. These religions have approximately 6.9 billion adherents. Recent meta-analysis of a range of surveys into non-belief in 'God' has reported that between 7% and 10% of the world's population identifies as non-theistic . Out of the top fifty countries with the largest percentage of self-professed atheists, , close to 80% are developed, democratic, mostly (...)
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  45.  15
    Peeping Hals.M. Ryan Calo - 2011 - Artificial Intelligence 175 (5-6):940-941.
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    Holistic Representations of Internal and External Face Features are Used to Support Recognition.Jessica P. K. Chan & Jennifer D. Ryan - 2012 - Frontiers in Psychology 3.
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  47. Cultural Capital.Daniel Thomas Cook & J. Michael Ryan (eds.) - 2015 - Wiley-Blackwell.
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  48. The Wiley-Blackwell Encyclopedia of Consumption and Consumer Studies.Daniel T. Cook & J. Michael Ryan (eds.) - 2015 - Wiley-Blackwell.
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    Issues-Driven Shareholder Activism.Maria Goranova & Lori Verstegen Ryan - 2012 - Proceedings of the International Association for Business and Society 23:221-228.
    Issues-driven shareholder activism suggests that specific issue characteristics brought by shareholders, a group to which firms are obligated to respond, interact in a way that affects the materiality of the issue in the eyes of the modern corporation. Relevant issue characteristics include: issue type, social significance, and issue life cycle stage.
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  50. A thousand antiquities.Abraham Jacob Greenstine & Ryan J. Johnson - 2017 - In Abraham Jacob Greenstine & Ryan J. Johnson (eds.), Contemporary Encounters with Ancient Metaphysics. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
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