Results for 'Orrù Elisa'

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  1. Tortura, modernità e democrazia.Elisa Orrù - 2019 - Jura Gentium 16 (2):133-139.
    Bolzaneto, Abu Grahib, Guantanamo: luoghi in cui la tortura è riemersa nel “civile”occidente contemporaneo. A perpetrarla sono i rappresentanti di uno Stato che si definisce “di diritto”: uno Stato la cui giustificazione ultima è la difesa e la protezione dei diritti inviolabili degli individui. La tortura, lungi dall’essere scomparsa, dunque permane come tecnica di potere nei moderni stati democratici. Essa non solo persiste come dato di fatto. Al contrario, negli ultimi decenni sono riemerse giustificazioni della tortura come pratica legale e (...)
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    Ein Gesellschaftsvertrag für alle. Die Universalität der Menschenrechte nach Olympe de Gouges.Elisa Orrù - 2021 - Allgemeine Zeitschrift für Philosophie 46 (2):183-206.
    The importance of French revolutionary and philosopher Olympe de Gouges as a pioneer of the women’s rights movement is generally recognised today. In contrast, the significance of her thought for practical philosophy has not yet been fully appreciated. This article aims to bring out the relevance of de Gouges’ writings for practical philosophy both historically and systematically. Drawing on her 1791 text The Rights of Women, this article compares de Gouges’ depiction of gender relationships in the private and public spheres (...)
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  3. Olympe de Gouges on Slavery.Elisa Orrù - 2020 - Diacronìa 2 (2):95-121.
    In addition to authoring the Declaration of the Rights of Woman and of Citizen (1791), for which she is generally known today, Olympe de Gouges devoted several writings to denouncing slavery. In this article, I present the contents of these works by placing them in the context of both the Parisian debate and the situation in the colonies. Furthermore, I highlight the theoretical contribution of these writings with respect to the specific situation of slavery and, more generally, with respect to (...)
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  4. Die Entstehung des präemptiven Sicherheitsansatzes in der Europäischen Union.Elisa Orrù - 2023 - In Martin H. W. Möllers & Robert Chr van Ooyen, Jahrbuch Öffentliche Sicherheit 2022/2023. Baden-Baden: Nomos. pp. 599-612.
    European police and judicial cooperation was initiated as a counterpart to the progressive abolition of internal border controls under Schengen. Since then, the security policy of the European Union (EU) has developed into one of the most dynamic and fastest growing policy areas of the Union. The aim of this contribution is to outline the main trends and characteristics of this policy field. I suggest to conceptualised them as instances of ‘pre-emptive security’. This is an approach to security that focuses (...)
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  5. Diritto e tecnologie informatiche Questioni di informatica giuridica, prospettive istituzionali e sfide sociali.Elisa Orrù (ed.) - 2021 - Padua, Italien:
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  6. Fuori dall’«occidente»: prospettive «asiatiche» sulla legittimità internazionale.Elisa Orrù - 2012 - In Colombo Alessandro, Crisi della legittimità e ordine internazionale. Lo scontro sui principi costitutivi della giustizia internazionale. Guerini e Associati. pp. 155-168.
    Il concetto di legittimità è al tempo stesso definito e indefinito, chiaro e sfuggente. Da un lato, esso evoca immediatamente e spontaneamente un sentimento di approvazione, perché chiaramente collegato nel linguaggio comune a un giudizio valutativo positivo. Dall’altro lato, se analizzato da vicino, il suo contenuto appare sfuggente, polisemico, controverso. Questo ne fa una categoria potente dal punto di vista politico ed estremamente affascinante da un punto di vista scientifico. Nelle pagine seguenti verranno analizzate le teorie di tre autori che (...)
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  7. Relazioni familiari e soggettività politica. Olympe de Gouges e la ridefinizione del canone giusnaturalistico.Elisa Orrù - 2021 - Cosmopolis 18:1.
    In 1791, two years after the proclamation of the ‘Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen’, the playwright, essayist, philosopher and revolutionary Olympe de Gouges wrote a short work entitled The Rights of Woman, the core of which is the Declaration of the Rights of Woman and of the Citizen. As is already clear from the title, with her writing de Gouges intends to highlight the gendered character of the 1789 Declaration. To this end, the author first (...)
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    Legitimität, Sicherheit, Autonomie. Eine philosophische Analyse der EU-Sicherheitspolitik im Kontext der Digitalisierung.Elisa Orrù - 2021 - Baden-Baden: Nomos.
    This book examines the current dynamic and momentous development of European security policy. In doing so, it provides an important and original contribution to both practical philosophy and to the fields of security studies and European studies. Using concrete analyses and by offering possible solutions to certain problems, the book develops an approach that is embedded in reality and which, at the same time, insists on theory and normativity. It focuses on the characteristics of new security technologies and ways in (...)
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  9. Minimium Harm by Design. Reworking Privacy by Design to Mitigate the Risks of Surveillance.Elisa Orrù - 2017 - In Leenes R. Van Brakel R. Gutwirth S. De Hert P., Computers, Privacy and Data Protection: Invisibilities & Infrastructures. Springer. pp. 107-137.
    Particular applications of Privacy by Design (PbD) have proven to be valuable tools to protect privacy in many technological applications. However, PbD is not as promising when applied to technologies used for surveillance. After specifying how surveillance and privacy are understood in this paper, I will highlight the shortcomings of PbD when applied to surveillance, using a web-scanning system for counter-terrorism purposes as an example. I then suggest reworking PbD into a different approach: the Minimum Harm by Design (MHbD) model. (...)
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  10.  28
    Which Supranational Sovereignty? Criminal and Socioeconomic Justice Compared.Elisa Orrù & Miriam Ronzoni - 2011 - Review of International Studies 35 (5):2089-2106.
    The idea that transnational dynamics challenge the regulatory capacity of the state has hardly ever received as much attention as in contemporary debates. Different voices denounce the crisis of the state and advocate the establishment of supranational institutions with legally coercive power. It is tempting to jump to the conclusion that these voices are concerned with the same cluster of problems. We think that one should resist this temptation. Firstly, not all the problems pointed out by the advocates of supranational (...)
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  11. Towards a Unified List of Ethical Principles for Emerging Technologies. An Analysis of Four European Reports on Molecular Biotechnology and Artificial Intelligence,.Elisa Orrù & Joachim Boldt - 2022 - Sustainable Futures 4:1-14.
    Artificial intelligence (AI) and molecular biotechnologies (MB) are among the most promising, but also ethically hotly debated emerging technologies. In both fields, several ethics reports, which invoke lists of ethics principles, have been put forward. These reports and the principles lists are technology specific. This article aims to contribute to the ongoing debate on ethics of emerging technologies by comparatively analysing four European ethics reports from the two technology fields. Adopting a qualitative and in-depth approach, the article highlights how ethics (...)
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  12. Are publicly available (personal) data “up for grabs”? Three privacy arguments.Elisa Orrù - 2024 - In Paul De Hert, Hideyuki Matsumi, Dara Hallinan, Diana Dimitrova & Eleni Kosta, Data Protection and Privacy, Volume 16: Ideas That Drive Our Digital World. London: Hart. pp. 105-123.
    The re-use of publicly available (personal) data for originally unanticipated purposes has become common practice. Without such secondary uses, the development of many AI systems like large language models (LLMs) and ChatGPT would not even have been possible. This chapter addresses the ethical implications of such secondary processing, with a particular focus on data protection and privacy issues. Legal and ethical evaluations of secondary processing of publicly available personal data diverge considerably both among scholars and the general public. While some (...)
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  13. Olympe de Gouges und die Neudefinition des vertragstheoretischen Kanons.Elisa Orrù - 2024 - In Christine M. Klapeer, Johanna Leinius, Franziska Martinsen, Heike Mauer & Inga Nüthen, Handbuch Politik und Geschlecht. Leverkusen: Budrich. pp. 243-253.
    During the French Revolution, Olympe de Gouges (1748-1793) campaigned for the rights of women, enslaved people and other politically marginalised and underprivileged groups. Conceptually, her reflection is located within the tradition of the social contract. However, she made a theoretical and practical break with this by abolishing the separation between the political and private spheres and universally expanding political participation and belonging.
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  14. Verso un nuovo Panottico? La sorveglianza digitale.Elisa Orrù - 2021 - In Diritto e tecnologie informatiche Questioni di informatica giuridica, prospettive istituzionali e sfide sociali. Padua, Italien: pp. 203-216.
    La metafora del panottico viene oggi spesso invocata per descrivere gli effetti della sorveglianza contemporanea, effettuata con il supporto di tecnologie digitali. L’ubiquità di sistemi di videosorveglianza, di sensori di ogni tipo incorporati nei dispositivi portatili che ci accompagnano nella quotidianità, la continua esposizione telematica necessaria per espletare funzioni essenziali (lavoro, relazioni con le pubbliche amministrazioni, mantenimento di rapporti interpersonali …) creano una costante possibilità di osservazione simile a quella offerta dalla struttura panottica. Questa nuova situazione sembra riprodurre, negli effetti (...)
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  15.  40
    Domestic Analogy e globalizzazione. Riflessioni su Rethinking the Domestic Analogy in a Global Age di Chiara Bottici.Elisa Orrù - 2010 - Jura Gentium 7 (1):140-142.
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    Istituzione e funzionamento della Corte penale internazionale.Elisa Orrù - 2012 - In Orrù Elisa, La giustizia internazionale. Un profilo storico-politico dall'arbitrato alla Corte penale. Carocci. pp. 233-257.
  17.  27
    Il realismo critico. Un programma di ricerca a partire da Danilo Zolo.Elisa Orrù - 2021 - Jura Gentium 18 (1):63-86.
    This essay focuses on the approach to the study of political and legal phenomena that can be defined “critical realism” and with its apparent paradox. By “critical realism” I understand a way of looking at political and legal phenomena that combines a blunt analysis of social reality with a transformative, non-resigned critical attitude towards the status quo. I argue that this is the approach that inspired Danilo Zolo’s lifelong reflections on politics and law. The same approach, moreover, is in my (...)
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    La Corte penale internazionale tra etica, politica e diritto.Elisa Orrù - 2006 - Ragion Pratica: Rivista semestrale 27 (2):515-532.
  19. La società internazionale e il problema della legittimazione del diritto internazionale penale.Elisa Orrù - 2009 - In Silvia Pizzetti, La storia e la teoria della vita internazionale. Interpretazioni e discussioni. Unicopli. pp. 153-166.
    Il diritto internazionale penale è un fenomeno relativamente recente della vita internazionale ed è una disciplina tuttora in formazione. La sua nascita e il suo sviluppo hanno suscitato grande interesse nella comunità scientifica, perchè il trasferimento, seppur parziale, del potere punitivo dallo Stato a organismi internazionali è una novità assoluta della struttura politico-giuridica dei rapporti internazionali. Il trasferimento della competenza penale dalla sfera nazionale alla sfera internazionale è realizzato, secondo l'argomento giustificativo che sostiene la creazioni dei tribunali penali internazionali, in (...)
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    Rethinking Surveillance and Control. Beyond the 'Security vs. Privacy' Debate.Elisa Orrù, Maria Grazia Porcedda & Sebastian Weydner-Volkmann (eds.) - 2017 - Baden-Baden: Nomos.
    This book is based on the premise that the trade-off between privacy and security is both unsound and con-ceals important aspects of surveillance and control. Accordingly, the authors analyse the symbiotic relati-onship between liberty and security, and the emptiness of both concepts when considered in isolation. They explore and contextualise different notions of risk, surveillance practices and the value of the rights to pri-vate life and data protection. Thereby, they show that surveillance and control neither necessarily attain security, nor always (...)
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    Rethinking surveillance and control : beyond the "security versus privacy" debate.Elisa Orrù, Maria-Gracia Porcedda & Sebastian Weydner-Volkmann (eds.) - 2017 - Baden-Baden: Nomos.
    This book is based on the premise that the trade-off between privacy and security is both unsound and conceals important aspects of surveillance and control. Accordingly, the authors analyse the symbiotic relationship between liberty and security, and the emptiness of both concepts when considered in isolation. They explore and contextualise different notions of risk, surveillance practices and the value of the rights to private life and data protection. Thereby, they show that surveillance and control neither necessarily attain security, nor always (...)
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  22.  19
    Sorveglianza e potere nella Unione Europea.Elisa Orrù - 2015 - Filosofia Politica 29 (3):459-474.
    Surveillance, understood as the collection of information about populations for supervision purposes, is a critical technique of social control. As such, it can reveal important features of the power that exercises it. The article analyses two contemporary surveillance measures in Europe: the Schengen Information System and the Directive 2006/24/EC on data retention. The analysis aims to identify the structural characteristics of the changing power of the EU and the role security plays in it. The main thesis is that security is (...)
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    The Transcivilisational Perspective and the Universalism of the International Criminal Court.Elisa Orrù - 2014 - Storia Del Pensiero Politico 3 (2):285-310.
    The International Criminal Court (ICC) seems to have finally realized the ending legal globalists have long yearned for: a potentially universal, centralized and permanent court, able to enforce international humanitarian law without the mediation of the state. A legal system of mankind seems now more possible than ever before. The universalistic claim of the ICC, I contend in this article, is nevertheless potentially biased by a West-centric prejudice. Critically drawing on the transcivilizational perspective suggested by Onuma Yasuaki, I propose to (...)
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  24. Diritti e civiltà, special issue of the journal Jura Gentium.Elisa Orrù (ed.) - 2011 - Firenze: Jura Gentium Journal.
    l volume di Gustavo Gozzi "Diritti e civiltà. Storia e filosofia del diritto internazionale (Bologna, il Mulino, 2010) ha a nostro avviso colmato una lacuna importante nel panorama filosofico-giuridico italiano. Si tratta infatti della prima pubblicazione in lingua italiana che, da un punto di vista insieme storico e filosofico, affronta in modo sistematico lo sviluppo del diritto internazionale dall’età moderna ai giorni nostri. Questo primato è già un eccellente motivo per discutere Diritti e civiltà. Ma c’è di più. Una parte (...)
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  25. Il tribunale del mondo. La giustificazione del diritto internazionale penale: analisi, critica, alternative. Preface by Danilo Zolo.Elisa Orrù - 2010 - Bologna: Libri di Emil.
    Lo sviluppo del diritto internazionale penale è stato accolto con entusiasmo da attivisti per i diritti umani, giuristi e studiosi di questioni internazionali. La punizione dei crimini internazionali più gravi, come i crimini di guerra, quelli contro l’umanità e il genocidio è considerata un importante passo avanti verso l’effettiva protezione dei diritti umani e l’affermazione della pace. Questo entusiasmo sembra però aver lasciato sullo sfondo alcune domande fondamentali: come si giustifica l’esercizio del potere punitivo internazionale? Chi ne è il titolare (...)
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    I Tribunali penali internazionali: strumenti di pace? L’ambiguo orientamento del Consiglio di Sicurezza dagli anni Novanta a oggi.Elisa Orrù - 2008 - In Alfredo Canavero, Guido Formigoni & Giorgio Vecchio, Le sfide della pace. Istituzioni, movimenti, intellettuali e politici tra Otto e Novecento. LED Edizioni Universitarie. pp. 87-109.
    A partire dal XX secolo si è fatta strada l’idea che l’istituzione di tribunali penali internazionali sia un fondamentale e necessario contributo al processo di ricostruzione della pace in contesti post-bellici. Attraverso l’imparzialità nell’individuazione delle colpe e nella distribuzione delle pene, i tribunali penali internazionali sarebbero in grado, secondo questa linea interpretativa, di sopire odi e divisioni, di scoraggiare la commissione di ulteriori crimini e di porre così le basi per una nuova convivenza pacifica. Questa fiducia nella funzione pacificatrice del (...)
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    Crimini internazionali: punizione, perdono?Elisa Orrù - 2014 - Società Degli Individui 48:46-56.
    The International Criminal Court (ICC) and the South African Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) were created at the end of the last century in order to redress the most serious violations of human rights. However, the two organisms are an example - and for most observers the best ones to date - of two radically different paradigms of justice: retributive justice on the one hand and restorative justice on the other. This article analyses the theoretical background, the challenging mandates, and (...)
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    Legittimità e digitalizzazione.Elisa Orrù - 2022 - Mailand, Italien: Wolters Kluwer Italia.
    Le politiche di sicurezza hanno assunto nel corso degli ultimi decenni un ruolo centrale all’interno dell’Unione Europea (UE) e ne costituiscono attualmente uno dei settori più controversi. Nel porsi come attore in grado di garantire sicurezza, l’Unione assume da un lato sempre più compiti e funzioni che sin dall’inizio dell’età moderna sono stati prerogativa del potere statale, senza poter direttamente avvalersi, dall’altro lato, dei principi di legittimazione propri dello Stato. Gli sviluppi recenti delle politiche di sicurezza UE, inoltre, sono fortemente (...)
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  29. La funzione civica del teatro: Olympe de Gouges e la questione della schiavitù.Elisa Orrù - 2022 - In Thomas Casadei & Lorenzo Milazzo, Dialogo su Olympe de Gouges. Pisa: ETS. pp. 73-100.
    Olympe de Gouges (Montauban 1748 - Paris 1793) is best known as the author of the Déclaration des droits de la femme et de la citoyenne of 1791. De Gouges' intellectual contribution and political commitment, however, encompassed a broader field than just gender relations and the assertion of women's civil and political rights. De Gouges in fact publicly intervened on many of the central issues of the political and social context of the French Revolution, including public health, social policies, voting (...)
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    The Schengen Information System and Data Retention. On Surveillance, Security and Legitimacy in the European Union.Elisa Orrù - 2017 - In Elisa Orrù, Maria Grazia Porcedda & Sebastian Weydner-Volkmann, Rethinking Surveillance and Control. Beyond the 'Security vs. Privacy' Debate. Baden-Baden: Nomos. pp. 115-136.
    As a technique of social control based on the collection of information, surveillance has been a central instrument of any administrative power since the modern era. Surveillance, however, can be carried out in different ways and these can provide important information on the basic features of a particular political system. Indeed, the introduction of surveillance measures has an impact on key relationships of a political system, such as liberty and security, autonomy and authority. When a political system is, like the (...)
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  31. Freedom, security and justice in the European Union: a short genealogy of the "Security Union".Elisa Orru - 2022 - Eunomia 11 (1):143–162.
    This article focuses on the so-called “Area of Freedom, Security and Justice” (ASFJ), namely the policy field of the European Union (EU) that covers judicial and police cooperation, migration and asylum policies and the control of external borders. The article explores how the AFSJ has emerged and how, within it, the relationship between freedom and security has evolved over time and brought about a shift towards a “Security Union”.
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  32. Privacy: scepticism, normative approaches and legal protection. A review of the theoretical debate and a discussion of recent developments in the EU.Elisa Orrù - 2022 - Dpce Online 52 (2):779–800.
    Digitalisation has lent the right to privacy increasing philosophical and legal relevance. However, privacy’s epistemic status and associated normative values are constantly subject to radical criticisms. This article investigates the validity, in theory and practice, of three radical critiques of privacy. A review of the philosophical and interdisciplinary discourse on privacy during the last half century is followed by analyses of recent legal developments within the EU. Privacy emerges as a highly differentiated and powerful tool to protect individuals and social (...)
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  33. The European PNR Directive as an Instance of Pre-emptive, Risk-based Algorithmic Security and Its Implications for the Regulatory Framework.Elisa Orrù - 2022 - Information Polity 27 (Special Issue “Questioning Moder):131-146.
    The Passenger Name Record (PNR) Directive has introduced a pre-emptive, risk-based approach in the landscape of European databases and information exchange for security purposes. The article contributes to ongoing debates on algorithmic security and data-driven decision-making by fleshing out the specific way in which the EU PNR-based approach to security substantiates core characteristics of algorithmic regulation. The EU PNR framework appropriates data produced in the commercial sector for generating security-related behavioural predictions and does so in a way that gives rise (...)
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    Über Möglichkeiten und Grenzen der Ethik der Künstlichen Intelligenz. Eine Bestandsaufnahme am Beispiel von Sprachverarbeitungssystemen.Elisa Orrù - 2021 - Positionen 35:50-64.
    On the possibilities and limits of the ethics of artificial intelligence. An overview of current developments and debates with a focus on language processing systems. -/- Driven by the success of artificial intelligence (AI), the ethics of AI is currently enjoying a boom. Advice from ethics experts is increasingly being sought by policymakers and industry to proactively identify the risks associated with new AI technologies and to propose solutions. But how realistic are the expectations placed on AI ethics to make (...)
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  35. Effects and Effectiveness of Surveillance Technologies: Mapping Perceptions, Reducing Harm.Elisa Orrù - 2015 - European University Institute Department of Law Research Papers 39:1-52.
    This paper addresses issues regarding perceptions of surveillance technologies in Europe. It analyses existing studies in order to explore how perceptions of surveillance affect and are affected by the negative effects of surveillance and how perceptions and effectiveness of surveillance technologies relate to each other. The paper identifies 12 negative effects of surveillance including, among others, privacy intrusion, the chilling effect and social exclusion, and classifies them into three groups. It further illustrates the different ways in which perceptions and effectiveness (...)
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    Small Data for sustainability: AI ethics and the environment.Elisa Orrù - 2023 - Open Global Rights.
    Moving away from the currently prevalent Big Data mindset towards a Small Data approach would help improve the sustainability of AI systems and would additionally have positive implications for fairness, (global) justice, privacy, transparency, and accountability.
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    Introduction.Elisa Orrù, Maria Grazia Porcedda & Sebastian Weydner-Volkmann - 2017 - In Elisa Orrù, Maria Grazia Porcedda & Sebastian Weydner-Volkmann, Rethinking Surveillance and Control. Beyond the 'Security vs. Privacy' Debate. Baden-Baden: Nomos. pp. 11-20.
    The book introduced in this text is based on the premise that the trade-off between privacy and security is both unsound and conceals important aspects of surveillance and control. Accordingly, the authors analyse the symbiotic relationship between liberty and security, and the emptiness of both concepts when considered in isolation. They explore and contextualise different notions of risk, surveillance practices and the value of the rights to private life and data protection. Thereby, they show that surveillance and control neither necessarily (...)
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  38. Olympe de Gouges (1748 – 1793).Elisa Orru (ed.) - 2023
    Olympe de Gouges (Montauban 1748 – Parigi 1793) è generalmente nota come autrice della Dichiarazione dei diritti della donna e della cittadina. Il documento, scritto nel 1791 in risposta alla Dichiarazione dei diritti dell’uomo e del cittadino, mette in luce la parzialità di quest’ultima, che, nonostante le rivendicazioni formalmente universalistiche, fu proclamata esclusivamente “da” e “per” esseri umani di sesso maschile. Nella sua dichiarazione, de Gouges rivendica il riconoscimento dei diritti civili e politici delle donne e anticipa così alcune delle (...)
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    Sovranità e giustizia internazionale: il rapporto tra Unione Europea e Corte Penale Internazionale.Elisa Orrù - 2005 - Teoria Politica 21 (3):59-72.
    The European Union and the International Criminal Court are two of the most original and interesting elements of the contemporary international situation. Both of them are the result of a delicate balance between ethical issues and political interests and, consequently, institute a complex relationship with states' sovereignty. Their common ground of values has brought the European Union to sustain the International Criminal Court since its preparatory works. Through the analysis of the most significant documents and the ways of the cooperation (...)
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    Die Internationalisierung des Strafrechts und der sozialen Gerechtigkeit. Parallele Entwicklungen oder unterschiedliche Problemfelder?Miriam Ronzoni & Elisa Orrù - 2011 - Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 59 (6):853-874.
  41. International Relations, Hegemony and the ICC.Orrù Elisa - 2012 - IUSE (Istituto Universitario di Studi Europei) Working Papers 1 (4-DSE):1-12.
    The relationship between power, law and consent is a key feature of the Western debate on criminal law. On the one side, defining the legitimate ways of exercising the punitive power has been a critical question since the Enlightenment thought onwards and especially as to the rule of law doctrine. On the other side, the role played by public punishment in shaping consent and its communicative potential have been crucial questions for critical, as well as non-critical approaches to criminal law (...)
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    Possibilidades de inventar a inclusão para os aprendizes do século XXI: contribuições da filosofia da diferença de Gilles Deleuze.Silvia Ester Orrú - 2017 - Educação E Filosofia 31 (62):1127-1158.
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    To Help or Not to Help? Prosocial Behavior, Its Association With Well-Being, and Predictors of Prosocial Behavior During the Coronavirus Disease Pandemic.Elisa Haller, Jelena Lubenko, Giovambattista Presti, Valeria Squatrito, Marios Constantinou, Christiana Nicolaou, Savvas Papacostas, Gökçen Aydın, Yuen Yu Chong, Wai Tong Chien, Ho Yu Cheng, Francisco J. Ruiz, María B. García-Martín, Diana P. Obando-Posada, Miguel A. Segura-Vargas, Vasilis S. Vasiliou, Louise McHugh, Stefan Höfer, Adriana Baban, David Dias Neto, Ana Nunes da Silva, Jean-Louis Monestès, Javier Alvarez-Galvez, Marisa Paez-Blarrina, Francisco Montesinos, Sonsoles Valdivia-Salas, Dorottya Ori, Bartosz Kleszcz, Raimo Lappalainen, Iva Ivanović, David Gosar, Frederick Dionne, Rhonda M. Merwin, Maria Karekla, Angelos P. Kassianos & Andrew T. Gloster - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    The coronavirus disease pandemic fundamentally disrupted humans’ social life and behavior. Public health measures may have inadvertently impacted how people care for each other. This study investigated prosocial behavior, its association well-being, and predictors of prosocial behavior during the first COVID-19 pandemic lockdown and sought to understand whether region-specific differences exist. Participants from eight regions clustering multiple countries around the world responded to a cross-sectional online-survey investigating the psychological consequences of the first upsurge of lockdowns in spring 2020. Prosocial behavior (...)
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    Nothing Distinguishes Us from God: bataille, mysticism, and divine nothingness.Elisa Heinämäki - 2012 - Angelaki 17 (3):113-122.
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    (1 other version)Apt affect Moral concept mastery and the phenomenology.Elisa A. Hurley - 2005 - Consciousness and Emotion: Agency, Conscious Choice, and Selective Perception 1:287.
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    Margarete Susman und ihr jüdischer Beitrag zur politischen Philosophie.Elisa Klapheck - 2014 - Berlin: Hentrich & Hentrich.
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    Não queremos inclusivismos.Sílvia Ester Orrú - 2022 - Educação E Filosofia 36 (77):1037-1074.
    Desde a Constituição federal de 1988, o Brasil tem avançado, mesmo que vagarosamente, na construção de políticas públicas de inclusão de pessoas que se encontram em condições de desvantagem social. Dentre os movimentos sociais de luta, estão as pessoas com deficiência, seus familiares e profissionais de distintas áreas de atuação. Em agosto de 2021 o Ministro da Educação brasileira proferiu discursos que se engajam em atitudes excludentes. Dentre as falas mais polemizadas, afirmou que nas escolas há crianças com deficiência que (...)
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    The explanation of economic structures.Marco Orrù - 1991 - Theory and Society 20 (4):539-553.
  49. Animal ethics and interest conflicts.Elisa Aaltola - 2005 - Ethics and the Environment 10 (1):19-48.
    : Animal ethics has presented convincing arguments for the individual value of animals. Animals are not only valuable instrumentally or indirectly, but in themselves. Less has been written about interest conflicts between humans and other animals, and the use of animals in practice. The motive of this paper is to analyze different approaches to interest conflicts. It concentrates on six models, which are the rights model, the interest model, the mental complexity model, the special relations model, the multi-criteria model, and (...)
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    Varieties of Empathy: Moral Psychology and Animal Ethics.Elisa Aaltola - 2018 - Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield International.
    Empathy is a term used increasingly both in moral theory and animal ethics. Yet, its precise meaning is often left unexplored. The book aims to tackle this by clarifying the different and even contradictory ways in which “empathy” can be defined.
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