Results for 'Olga Khokhlova'

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  1.  22
    Biowarfare conspiracy, faith in government, and compliance with safety guidelines during COVID-19: an international study.Olga Khokhlova, Nishtha Lamba, Aditi Bhatia & Marina Vinogradova - 2021 - Mind and Society 20 (2):235-251.
    In light of the coronavirus pandemic, an international study (N = 1066) was conducted to explore the new bioterrorism conspiracy, faith in government, and compliance with public health guidelines related to COVID-19. Hierarchical regressions showed that while general belief in conspiracies decreased faith in government during COVID-19, it increased belief in bioterrorism regarding the coronavirus. Critical thinking was associated with decreased endorsement of biowarfare conspiracy. Higher levels of belief in bioterrorism, faith in government, and perceived risk positively facilitated compliance behavior (...)
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    The Genius of the Artist through the Prism of His Models.Виктор Маслов - 2021 - Philosophical Anthropology 7 (1):80-115.
    The essay, which consists of two parts, analyzes the female images of two great artists Botticelli and Picasso. The essay has the character of an art history study with memoir interweaves. In the first part, the author makes an attempt to decipher the genius of Botticelli using the technique of analyzing the prototype of the artist's heroine and comparing it with the image of a real woman, similar to the Botticelli model. The artist's genius is revealed through the type created (...)
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    Revisiting “Intelligent Nursing”: Olga Petrovskaya in conversation with Mary Ellen Purkis and Kristin Bjornsdottir.Olga Petrovskaya, Mary Ellen Purkis & Kristin Bjornsdottir - 2019 - Nursing Philosophy 20 (3):e12259.
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    Face in trouble - from physiognomics to Facebook / Olga Szmidt, Katarzyna Trzeciak (eds.) ; Copy-edited by Soren Gauger.Olga Szmidt (ed.) - 2017 - Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang.
    This book analyzes unobvious relations between historical definitions of the face and its contemporary usage in popular culture and social media, like Facebook or Instagram. Bringing together a wide range of methodologies, it includes essays from manifold disciplines of the humanities such as philosophy, literary and art criticism, media and television studies, game studies, sociology and anthropology. The authors focus on both metaphorical and material meanings of the face. They grapple with crucial questions about modernity, modern and postmodern subjectivity, as (...)
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    Du sens à la signification, de la signification aux sens: mélanges offerts à Olga Galatanu.Olga Galatanu, Ana-Maria Cozma, Abdelhadi Bellachhab & Marion Pescheux (eds.) - 2014 - Bruxelles: PIE Peter Lang.
    Dans le champ de la linguistique francaise, Olga Galatanu est de ceux qui ont muni l'analyse du discours et des interactions verbales d'un modele semantique de description. La Semantique des Possibles Argumentatifs qu'elle developpe depuis une vingtaine d'annees adhere aux visions argumentative, stereotypique, referentielle, cognitiviste de la langue, et s'attache a rendre compte de la construction des representations en langue et en discours.<BR> Les articles que ses collaborateurs et amis lui offrent dans ce volume se rapportent de pres ou (...)
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    Disconnected – Impaired Interoceptive Accuracy and Its Association With Self-Perception and Cardiac Vagal Tone in Patients With Dissociative Disorder.Eva Schäflein, Heribert C. Sattel, Olga Pollatos & Martin Sack - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    La fabrique de l’histoire des relations entre l’État russe et « ses » émigrés. Entre histoire « objective » de la Russie et histoires « subjectives » des migrants militants contestataires.Olga Bronnikova - 2015 - Temporalités 22.
    Depuis 2011-2012, les milieux de migrants russes en France se mobilisent politiquement. On peut observer, d’une part, une mobilisation liée aux mouvements de protestation en Russie à la suite des élections jugées « truquées » et, d’autre part, une mobilisation encouragée par la politique de l’État russe envers « ses » émigrés. L’histoire, le passé, jouent un rôle primordial dans ces mobilisations. Du côté des autorités russes, les concepts et moments clés de l’histoire nationale sont mobilisés pour une construction consensuelle (...)
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    Duets by Anna Karenina and Alexey Vronsky in the ballet by J. Neumeier's "Anna Karenina": features of the author's interpretation of the images of the main characters.Daria Khokhlova - 2022 - Философия И Культура 3:9-22.
    This article continues the author's research devoted to the study of the problem of choreographic interpretations of literary works, in particular, John Neumeier's ballet "Anna Karenina". In this work, the identification of expressive staging means and choreographic elements used by Neumeier in the production of duets by Anna Karenina and Alexei Vronsky is carried out in order to determine the place of these choreographic fragments in the performance, as well as their significance for the author's interpretation of the images of (...)
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    Explicitly Slow, Implicitly Fast, or the Other Way Around? Brain Mechanisms for Word Acquisition.Yury Shtyrov, Alexander Kirsanov & Olga Shcherbakova - 2019 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 13.
  10. Nemzedékek, Nemzedékek Közötti Kapcsolatok, Nemzedéki Politika. Többnyelvű Kompendium - Edition 2017.Kurt Lüscher, Andreas Hoff, Andrzej Klimczuk, Giovanni Lamura, Marta Renzi, Paulo de Salles Oliveira, Mariano Sánchez, Gil Viry, Eric Widmer, Ágnes Neményi, Enikő Veress, Cecilia Bjursell, Ann-Kristin Boström, Gražina Rapolienė, Sarmitė Mikulionienė, Sema Oğlak, Ayşe Canatan, Ana Vujović, Ajda Svetelšek, Nedim Gavranović, Olga Ivashchenko, Valentina Shipovskaya, Qing Lin & Xiying Wang - 2017 - Universität Konstanz.
    K. Lüscher, A. Klimczuk, Generations, intergenerational relationships, generational policy: A multilingual compendium, 17 languages, Universität Konstanz, Konstanz 2017, 428pp. TS - BibTeX M4 - Citavi.
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    The Phenomenon of Poverty in the Slovak Countryside.Olga Danglová - 1998 - Human Affairs 8 (2):193-200.
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    Posthuman Sustainability: An Ethos for our Anthropocenic Future.Olga Cielemęcka & Christine Daigle - 2019 - Theory, Culture and Society 36 (7-8):67-87.
    Confronted with an unprecedented scale of human-induced environmental crisis, there is a need for new modes of theorizing that would abandon human exceptionalism and anthropocentrism and instead focus on developing environmentally ethical projects suitable for our times. In this paper, we offer an anti-anthropocentric project of an ethos for living in the Anthropocene. We develop it through revisiting the notion of sustainability in order to problematize the linear vision of human-centric futurity and the uniform ‘we’ of humanity upon which it (...)
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  13.  51
    Digital Technologies for Schizophrenia Management: A Descriptive Review.Olga Chivilgina, Bernice S. Elger & Fabrice Jotterand - 2021 - Science and Engineering Ethics 27 (2):1-22.
    While the implementation of digital technology in psychiatry appears promising, there is an urgent need to address the implications of the absence of ethical design in the early development of such technologies. Some authors have noted the gap between technology development and ethical analysis and have called for an upstream examination of the ethical issues raised by digital technologies. In this paper, we address this suggestion, particularly in relation to digital healthcare technologies for patients with schizophrenia spectrum disorders. The introduction (...)
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  14. Is language of thought a conceptual necessity?Olga Markic - 2001 - Acta Analytica 16 (26):53-60.
  15.  44
    Neural networks underlying contributions from semantics in reading aloud.Olga Boukrina & William W. Graves - 2013 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 7.
  16.  43
    Les fondements sémantiques de l’implicite argumentatif.Olga Galatanu - 2018 - Corela. Cognition, Représentation, Langage (HS).
    L’article propose l’analyse de trois formes de manifestation de ce que nous avons appelé l’implicite argumentatif : à visée discursive, à visée sémantique et à visée lexicale. Dans la perspective théorique de la Sémantique des Possibles Argumentatifs, nous avons défini ce phénomène sémantico-discursif, comme la reconstruction, dans l’interprétation du sens d’un énoncé ou d’un ensemble d’énoncés, d’un élément signifiant ou d’une configuration d’éléments signifiants relevant de la nature argumentative de la signification d’un mot, présent ou absent de cet énoncé ou (...)
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  17. Fontes para a historiografia linguística: caminhos para a pesquisa documental.Olga Coelho (ed.) - 2021 - Campinas, SP: Pontes.
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    Filosoof in de praktijk.Olga Crapels & Edgar Karssing (eds.) - 2000 - Assen: Van Gorcum.
    Overzicht van recent in Nederland ontwikkelde vormen van niet-universitaire toepassingen van de filosofie, zoals in het bedrijfsleven en de horeca-sector.
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  19. Behind the Wall under the Red Star: SísPeter,1949-Wall.Olga Maeots - 2009 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 47 (3):46-53.
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    Mind in Nature: From Science to Philosophy.Olga Markič, Marko Uršič & Andrej Ule (eds.) - 2011 - New York, USA: Nova Science Publishers.
    The main purpose of this book is to investigate, from the philosophical point of view, the concept of mind in some quickly developing fields of contemporary science, from physics and cosmology to biology and cognitive science. New scientific investigations have brought many empirical results that help to explain natural phenomena from quantum states to human thinking, yet the question of the nature of the mind itself is still open. In this book, the authors discuss several philosophical problems raised or reformulated (...)
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    Análisis sociológico de las tendencias recientes del turismo de salud y reposo: origen, evolución histórica y tendencias de futuro.Olga Martínez Moure - 2012 - Aposta 52:1-24.
    Populations have different percents on different history realms regarding baths and fountains. A constant historical issue of such places is related with constant use and adore. Therefore we find ourselves in time where they where more used and ages where they where less used. On our paper we analyse from a sociological perspective the use of such spaces, mainly associated with social interaction and sociability. At the end of our paper, we are going to analyse both issues directly linked with (...)
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  22.  26
    Narrative introductions: discourse competence of children with autistic spectrum disorders.Olga Solomon - 2004 - Discourse Studies 6 (2):253-276.
    This article examines the discourse competence of high-functioning children with autistic spectrum disorders to participate in narrative introduction sequences with family members. The analysis illuminates the children’s own efforts to launch narratives, as well as their ability to build upon the contributions of others. Ethnographic, discourse analytic methodology is integrated with the theory of discourse organization and the weak central coherence account of autism. Introductions of both personal experience narratives as well as fictional narratives are examined. The children were especially (...)
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  23.  23
    Modulation of Intrinsic Brain Connectivity by Implicit Electroencephalographic Neurofeedback.Olga R. Dobrushina, Roza M. Vlasova, Alena D. Rumshiskaya, Liudmila D. Litvinova, Elena A. Mershina, Valentin E. Sinitsyn & Ekaterina V. Pechenkova - 2020 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 14.
  24. Argumentative meanings and their stylistic configurations in clinical research publications.Olga L. Gladkova, Chrysanne DiMarco & Randy Allen Harris - 2016 - Argument and Computation 6 (3):310-346.
    Volume 6, Issue 3, September 2015, Page 310-346.
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    Xenocrates on the Number of Syllables.Olga Alieva - 2024 - Ancient Philosophy 44 (1):123-146.
    Ancient critics reproached Xenocrates for beginning his work on the dialectic with a discussion of voice, and until now the question why he did so has never been systematically explored. Neither do we know why Xenocrates counted syllables, as Plutarch reports, and how he arrived at such an implausibly high number. In the first part of this paper, I show that Xenocrates’ interest in voice was suggested by Plato’s discussion of letters in his later dialogues, such as the Theatetus, the (...)
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    The Relation Between Cognitive Abilities and the Distribution of Semantic Features Across Speech and Gesture in 4‐year‐olds.Olga Abramov, Friederike Kern, Sofia Koutalidis, Ulrich Mertens, Katharina Rohlfing & Stefan Kopp - 2021 - Cognitive Science 45 (7):e13012.
    When young children learn to use language, they start to use their hands in co‐verbal gesturing. There are, however, considerable differences between children, and it is not completely understood what these individual differences are due to. We studied how children at 4 years of age employ speech and iconic gestures to convey meaning in different kinds of spatial event descriptions, and how this relates to their cognitive abilities. Focusing on spontaneous illustrations of actions, we applied a semantic feature (SF) analysis (...)
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    Digital Colonization: Development of Digital Platforms in the Context of a Pandemic.Olga Gavrilenko & Anna Markeeva - 2020 - Postmodern Openings 11 (1Sup2):65-73.
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    The Passport of the Maimed Warrior: Medical Expertise and Bureaucratic Practices in Treating the Disabled Body in 1917-1918.Olga Okhotnikova - 2003 - Sociology of Power 15 (3):152-184.
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    Pouk latinščine kot priložnost za kulturno in jezikovno ozaveščanje.Olga Osredkar - 2023 - Clotho 5 (1):157-169.
    Gimnazijska leta so za mladega človeka priložnost, da raste in se razvija na vseh področjih, tako telesno in umsko kot čustveno in duhovno. Izobraževanje ne pomeni le nabiranja splošnega znanja ali podlage za študij. Pouk klasičnih jezikov daje mladim izobraževalno širino in je priložnost za jezikovno ozaveščanje. Latinščina je jezik, ki povezuje in ne ločuje, jezik, ki pripada vsakomur v enaki meri in je od vsakogar enako oddaljen. Ni ne moj ne tvoj, ni od nikogar in je od vseh.
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    Conciencia y Posibilidad del Mexicano.Olga P. Ferrer - 1953 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 14 (2):284-284.
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    Neurally dissociable cognitive components of reading deficits in subacute stroke.Olga Boukrina, A. M. Barrett, Edward J. Alexander, Bing Yao & William W. Graves - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9.
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    Neural systems connecting interoceptive awareness and feelings.Olga Pollatos, Klaus Gramann & Rainer Schandry - 2007 - Human Brain Mapping 28 (1):9-18.
  33.  43
    Stabilizing instability: The controversy over cyclogenic theories of bacterial variation during the interwar period.Olga Amsterdamska - 1991 - Journal of the History of Biology 24 (2):191 - 222.
  34.  13
    Ethnic Tourism as Knowing Other.Olga V. Chistyakova - 2020 - RUDN Journal of Philosophy 24 (4):720-729.
    The article is dedicated to considering ethnic tourism in its importance to comprehend modern cultures that are Others to the traveler's experience. In this regard, ethnic tourism is presented from the Other's cognition, i.e., the way of life of a nation, its religious and ethnic values and traditions, historical past and legends, and geographical specificity of residence. Thus, the meaning of ethnic tourism is related to the human desire to discover other cultural and social spaces. Simultaneously, the article shows how (...)
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    Феномен української революції 1917-1921 рр. в інформаційно-пропагандистській діяльності російської федерації.Gapeyeva Olga - 2017 - Схід 1 (147):53-57.
    Based on exploration of activities of the joint Russian-Ukrainian historical commission, the paper addresses the interpretation of events of the Ukrainian Revolution of 1917-1921 by historical schools and some researchers of the Russian Federation, specifically O. Chubarian, T. Tairova-Yakovleva, O. Zaitsev, D. Bondarenko, V. Mikhailov et al., who generally assess the work of Ukrainian historians as unfounded revision of the revolutionary events of 1917-1921 for the purpose of simulating the historical process as a number of tragedies, plots, devastators etc. It (...)
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    Забезпечення кібернетичної безпеки у країнах балтії: Історична ретроспектива.Olga Gapeyeva - 2017 - Схід 6 (152):34-40.
    The Russian Federation conducts an information policy in the Baltic direction, aimed at forming a negative image of Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia in the international scene through involving research and development institutions, Russian media and social networks to informational propaganda. Main forms and methods of destructive influence on Russian-speaking population of the Baltic countries have been identified in previous studies. So, the Baltic countries for a long time are in the epicentre of cyber and information attacks by Russian Federation. The (...)
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    The Embodied Mind: From Mind Power to Life Vitality.Olga Gomilko - 2015 - Dialogue and Universalism 25 (2):116-122.
    This article discusses the corporeal component of the human mind. Uncertainty is a fundamental attribute of the human body due to which a body transforms itself into the body that allows to connect the world with the human mind. The process of overcoming the transcendental register of the human mind results in the ontological and anthropological shifts from ego to soma. Tracing the trajectory of these shifts we discover the bodily dimension in the human mind as its constitutive transcendental ground. (...)
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    Change versus force in the Finnish case system.Olga Kagan - 2020 - Linguistics and Philosophy 44 (3):649-693.
    In the recent linguistic literature, an increasing attention has been devoted to the role of force dynamics in natural language. The present paper argues that the concept of force plays an important role in the Finnish case system. Translative case in this language is conventionally associated with change of state and the illative and allative cases, with change of location. Unexpectedly under such an approach, these forms are sometimes acceptable in sentences that do not entail a change and superficially seem (...)
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  39. Historiosofía: estructura del objeto y del discurso.Olga Rusakova - 2006 - la Lámpara de Diógenes 7 (12):183-193.
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    Multilingualism at the court of justice of the european union: Theoretical and practical aspects.Olga Łachacz & Rafał Mańko - 2013 - Studies in Logic, Grammar and Rhetoric 34 (1):75-92.
    The paper analyses and evaluates the linguistic policy of the Court of Justice of the European Union against the background of other multilingual courts and in the light of theories of legal interpretation. Multilingualism has a direct impact upon legal interpretation at the Court, displacing traditional approaches with a hermeneutic paradigm. It also creates challenges to the acceptance of the Court’s case-law in the Member States, which seem to have been adequately tackled by the Court’s idiosyncratic translation policy.
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  41. Lateralized Deficits of Disgust Processing After Insula-Basal Ganglia Damage.Olga Holtmann, Maximilian Bruchmann, Constanze Mönig, Wolfram Schwindt, Nico Melzer, Wolfgang H. R. Miltner & Thomas Straube - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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  42. The body in the mind: on the relationship between interoception and embodiment.Beate M. Herbert & Olga Pollatos - 2012 - Topics in Cognitive Science 4 (4):692-704.
    The processing, representation, and perception of bodily signals (interoception) plays an important role for human behavior. Theories of embodied cognition hold that higher cognitive processes operate on perceptual symbols and that concept use involves reactivations of the sensory-motor states that occur during experience with the world. Similarly, activation of interoceptive representations and meta-representations of bodily signals supporting interoceptive awareness are profoundly associated with emotional experience and cognitive functions. This article gives an overview over present findings and models on interoception and (...)
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    Displaying and developing team identity in workplace meetings – a multimodal perspective.Olga Djordjilovic - 2012 - Discourse Studies 14 (1):111-127.
    This article addresses the issue of how team identity is constructed between two people during a series of regular meetings of a work group in Serbia. Using conversation analysis to investigate social actions, this study looks at the recurrent construction of an implicit team identity by focusing on management of speaking rights and co-construction of units, and displays of knowledge and accountability. With its longitudinal perspective, the article contributes to the existing body of research on teams in interaction in general, (...)
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  44. The Role of Empathy and Compassion in Conflict Resolution.Olga M. Klimecki - 2019 - Emotion Review 11 (4):310-325.
    Empathy and empathy-related processes, such as compassion and personal distress, are recognized to play a key role in social relations. This review examines the role of empathy in interpersonal and...
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    MRI Insights Into Adolescent Neurocircuitry—A Vision for the Future.Olga Tymofiyeva, Vivian X. Zhou, Chuan-Mei Lee, Duan Xu, Christopher P. Hess & Tony T. Yang - 2020 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 14.
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    Helen More's Suicide.Olga Zilberbourg - 2018 - Feminist Studies 44 (1):95.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Feminist Studies 44, no. 1. © 2018 by Olga Zilberbourg 95 Olga Zilberbourg Helen More’s Suicide My retired colleague Marguerite called to tell me of Helen More’s suicide. “Of all the sad, ludicrous things people do to themselves!” She invited me over. “Thursday night, as usual. I could use the company of younger people.” It had been about a year since I’d first been invited to these (...)
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    Engaging Diverse Social and Cultural Worlds: Perspectives on Benefits in International Clinical Research From South African Communities.Olga Zvonareva, Nora Engel, Eleanor Ross, Ron Berghmans, Ames Dhai & Anja Krumeich - 2013 - Developing World Bioethics 15 (1):8-17.
    The issue of benefits in international clinical research is highly controversial. Against the background of wide recognition of the need to share benefits of research, the nature of benefits remains strongly contested. Little is known about the perspectives of research populations on this issue and the extent to which research ethics discourses and guidelines are salient to the expectations and aspirations existing on the ground. This exploratory study contributes to filling this void by examining perspectives of people in low-income South (...)
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  48. Training-Induced Neural Plasticity in Youth: A Systematic Review of Structural and Functional MRI Studies.Olga Tymofiyeva & Robert Gaschler - 2021 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 14.
    Experience-dependent neural plasticity is high in the developing brain, presenting a unique window of opportunity for training. To optimize existing training programs and develop new interventions, it is important to understand what processes take place in the developing brain during training. Here, we systematically review MRI-based evidence of training-induced neural plasticity in children and adolescents. A total of 71 articles were included in the review. Significant changes in brain activation, structure, microstructure, and structural and functional connectivity were reported with different (...)
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    Reflections on an interactive posthumanist panel: A model for future nursing philosophy conference engagement?Olga Petrovskaya - 2023 - Nursing Philosophy 24 (3):e12449.
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    Why Humans Do Not Cast Off Old Skin Like Snakes. Knowledge and Eternal Youth in Nicander’s Theriaca.Olga Chernyakhovskaya - 2021 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 165 (2):225-240.
    In Theriaca 343–358, Nicander recounts a rather unusual myth. After Prometheus had stolen fire, Zeus was seeking the thief and, when men delivered Prometheus over to him, he gave them the gift of youth. Humans entrusted the ass to carry this load, but the ass was seized by thirst and sought the help of the snake, who demanded in return the thing he was carrying on his back. This is how the gift of youth given to men fell to the (...)
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