Results for 'Ofer Monar'

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  1.  58
    Wheel chairs and arm chairs: A novel experimental design for the emotional Stroop effect.Daniel Algom, Dan Zakay, Ofer Monar & Eran Chajut - 2009 - Cognition and Emotion 23 (8):1552-1564.
  2.  55
    Sequent-based logical argumentation.Ofer Arieli & Christian Straßer - 2015 - Argument and Computation 6 (1):73-99.
    We introduce a general approach for representing and reasoning with argumentation-based systems. In our framework arguments are represented by Gentzen-style sequents, attacks between arguments are represented by sequent elimination rules, and deductions are made according to Dung-style skeptical or credulous semantics. This framework accommodates different languages and logics in which arguments may be represented, allows for a flexible and simple way of expressing and identifying arguments, supports a variety of attack relations, and is faithful to standard methods of drawing conclusions (...)
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    ¿Quién podría ser Neoliberal?Andrés Monares - 2005 - Polis 12.
    En su reflexión, Andrés Monares se hace las preguntas de fondo respecto de los argumentos éticos, económicos e incluso religiosos que justifican el rechazo al neoliberalismo. Recurriendo a la pregunta de ¿quién puede ser neoliberal?, recorre los diferentes aspectos de esta doctrina, adentrándose en sus orígenes como parte de una teología protestante, y su posterior transformación en ideología económica y social.
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    Maximal and Premaximal Paraconsistency in the Framework of Three-Valued Semantics.Ofer Arieli, Arnon Avron & Anna Zamansky - 2011 - Studia Logica 97 (1):31 - 60.
    Maximality is a desirable property of paraconsistent logics, motivated by the aspiration to tolerate inconsistencies, but at the same time retain from classical logic as much as possible. In this paper we introduce the strongest possible notion of maximal paraconsistency, and investigate it in the context of logics that are based on deterministic or non-deterministic three-valued matrices. We show that all reasonable paraconsistent logics based on three-valued deterministic matrices are maximal in our strong sense. This applies to practically all three-valued (...)
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    Baroque Optics and the Disappearance of the Observer: From Kepler’s Optics to Descartes’ Doubt.Ofer Gal & Raz Chen-Morris - 2010 - Journal of the History of Ideas 71 (2):191-217.
    Seventeenth-century optics naturalizes the eye while estranging the mind from objects. A mere screen, on which rests a blurry array of light stains, the eye no longer furnishes the observer with genuine re-presentations of visible objects. The intellect is thus compelled to decipher flat images of no inherent epistemic value, accidental effects of a purely causal process, as vague, reversed reflections of wholly independent objects. Reflecting on and trespassing the boundaries between natural and artificial, orderly and disorderly, this optical paradox (...)
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  6. The Imperialism of Desert.Ofer Malcai & Re'em Segev - 2024 - Ergo: An Open Access Journal of Philosophy 11:861-889.
    What is the relation between desert and other values such as equality, priority for the worse off, and utility? According to the common (pluralist) view, desert and these other values reflect distinct concerns: some are about distributive justice, some about retributive justice, and some (most clearly, utility) are not concerned with justice at all. However, another (monistic) view holds that while desert is a basic value, other values are merely derived from it. This controversy is relevant, for instance, to allocative (...)
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  7.  73
    Reasoning with logical bilattices.Ofer Arieli & Arnon Avron - 1996 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 5 (1):25--63.
    The notion of bilattice was introduced by Ginsberg, and further examined by Fitting, as a general framework for many applications. In the present paper we develop proof systems, which correspond to bilattices in an essential way. For this goal we introduce the notion of logical bilattices. We also show how they can be used for efficient inferences from possibly inconsistent data. For this we incorporate certain ideas of Kifer and Lozinskii, which happen to suit well the context of our work. (...)
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  8.  26
    Yiddish for Spies, or the Secret History of Jewish Literature, Lemberg 1814.Ofer Dynes - 2016 - Naharaim 10 (2):195-213.
    Name der Zeitschrift: Naharaim Jahrgang: 10 Heft: 2 Seiten: 195-213.
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  9. Nature’s drawing: problems and resolutions in the mathematization of motion.Ofer Gal & Raz Chen-Morris - 2012 - Synthese 185 (3):429-466.
    The mathematical nature of modern science is an outcome of a contingent historical process, whose most critical stages occurred in the seventeenth century. ‘The mathematization of nature’ (Koyré 1957 , From the closed world to the infinite universe , 5) is commonly hailed as the great achievement of the ‘scientific revolution’, but for the agents affecting this development it was not a clear insight into the structure of the universe or into the proper way of studying it. Rather, it was (...)
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  10.  29
    From Disabled Students to Disabled Brains: The Medicalizing Power of Rhetorical Images in the Israeli Learning Disabilities Field.Ofer Katchergin - 2017 - Journal of Medical Humanities 38 (3):267-285.
    The neurocentric worldview that identifies the essence of the human being with the material brain has become a central paradigm in current academic discourse. Israeli researchers also seek to understand educational principles and processes via neuroscientific models. On this background, the article uncovers the central role that visual brain images play in the learning-disabilities field in Israel. It examines the place brain images have in the professional imagination of didactic-diagnosticians as well as their influence on the diagnosticians' clinical attitudes. It (...)
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  11. Los hombres nacen y permanecen libres e iguales en derechos"... pero algunos nacen y permanecen más libres e iguales que otros.Andrés Monares - 2018 - In Andrés Monares & Pablo Ramírez Rivas, Fraternidades bajo la Cruz del Sur: ensayos sobre la fraternidad como principio sociopolítico. Buenos Aires, Argentina: Ciudad Nueva.
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    Dworkin's 'Best Light' Requirement and the Proper Methodology of Legal Theory.Ofer Raban - 2003 - Oxford Journal of Legal Studies 23 (2):243-264.
    This is an examination of Ronald Dworkin's claim that the true theory of legal practice is the theory that puts legal practice in its ‘best light’. By ‘best light’ Dworkin means a measure of desirability or goodness: the true theory of legal practice, says Dworkin, portrays the practice at its most desirable. Now why would that be the case? What's between the desirability of a theory and its truth? The article examines the reasons leading Dworkin to this strange claim. It (...)
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  13.  47
    Modern legal theory and judicial impartiality.Ofer Raban - 2003 - Portland, Or.: GlassHouse Press.
    This new book argues that at the core of legal philosophy’s principal debates there is essentially one issue judicial impartiality. Keeping this issue to the forefront,Raban’s approach sheds much light on many difficult and seemingly perplexing jurisprudential debates. Modern Legal Theory and Judicial Impartiality.
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  14.  35
    A Dilemma for Luck Egalitarians.Ofer Malcai & Re’em Segev - forthcoming - Journal of Value Inquiry:1-21.
  15.  16
    The value of the four values.Ofer Arieli & Arnon Avron - 1998 - Artificial Intelligence 102 (1):97-141.
  16.  19
    Reasoning with maximal consistency by argumentative approaches.Ofer Arieli, AnneMarie Borg & Christian Straßer - 2018 - Journal of Logic and Computation 28 (7):1523--1563.
    Reasoning with the maximally consistent subsets of the premises is a well-known approach for handling contradictory information. In this paper we consider several variations of this kind of reasoning, for each one we introduce two complementary computational methods that are based on logical argumentation theory. The difference between the two approaches is in their ways of making consequences: one approach is of a declarative nature and is related to Dung-style semantics for abstract argumentation, while the other approach has a more (...)
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  17.  55
    VICTIMS, FIGHTERS, SURVIVORS Quietism and Activism in Israeli Historical Consciousness.Dalia Ofer - 2010 - Common Knowledge 16 (3):493-517.
    A contribution to the sixth installment of the Common Knowledge symposium “Apology for Quietism,” this article reflects on the challenges that understanding the Holocaust posed for Jews in Palestine and has posed for them in Israel. Ofer concentrates on the images of victims, fighters, and survivors as they were formulated during the last years of World War II and after the establishment of the State of Israel. Behind these images stood historical, concrete human beings who were classified according to (...)
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  18.  21
    Reasoning with prioritized information by iterative aggregation of distance functions.Ofer Arieli - 2008 - Journal of Applied Logic 6 (4):589-605.
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  19.  68
    Constructivism for philosophers (be it a remark on realism).Ofer Gal - 2002 - Perspectives on Science 10 (4):523-549.
    : Bereft of the illusion of an epistemic vantage point external to science, what should be our commitment towards the categories, concepts and terms of that very science? Should we, despaired of the possibility to found these concepts on rock bottom, adopt empiricist skepticism? Or perhaps the inexistence of external foundations implies, rather, immunity for scientific ontology from epistemological criticism? Philosophy's "realism debate" died out without providing a satisfactory answer to the dilemma, which was taken over by the neighboring disciplines. (...)
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  20.  43
    Reasonable Self-doubt.Ofer Malcai & Ram Rivlin - 2020 - Criminal Law and Philosophy 15 (1):25-45.
    Sometimes, the availability of more evidence for a conclusion provides a reason to believe in its falsity. This counter-intuitive phenomenon is related to the idea of higher-order evidence, which has attracted broad interest in recent epistemological literature. Occasionally, providing more evidence for something weakens the case in its favor, by casting doubt on the probative value of other evidence of the same sort or on the fact-finder’s cognitive performance. We analyze this phenomenon, discuss its rationality, and outline possible application to (...)
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  21.  44
    Four-Valued Paradefinite Logics.Ofer Arieli & Arnon Avron - 2017 - Studia Logica 105 (6):1087-1122.
    Paradefinite logics are logics that can be used for handling contradictory or partial information. As such, paradefinite logics should be both paraconsistent and paracomplete. In this paper we consider the simplest semantic framework for introducing paradefinite logics. It consists of the four-valued matrices that expand the minimal matrix which is characteristic for first degree entailments: Dunn–Belnap matrix. We survey and study the expressive power and proof theory of the most important logics that can be developed in this framework.
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  22. Argumentative Approaches to Reasoning with Maximal Consistency.Ofer Arieli & Christian Straßer - 2016 - In Chitta Baral, James Delgrande & Frank Wolter, KR'16: Proceedings of the Fifteenth International Conference on Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning. pp. 509--512.
  23.  32
    Preface.Ofer Arieli & Anna Zamansky - 2016 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 24 (3):221-223.
  24.  80
    Reasoning with different levels of uncertainty.Ofer Arieli - 2003 - Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics 13 (3):317-343.
    We introduce a family of preferential logics that are useful for handling information with different levels of uncertainty. The corresponding consequence relations are nonmonotonic, paraconsistent, adaptive, and rational. It is also shown that the formalisms in this family can be embedded in corresponding four-valued logics with at most three uncertainty levels, and that reasoning with these logics can be simulated by algorithms for processing circumscriptive theories, such as DLS and SCAN.
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  25.  28
    Simplified forms of computerized reasoning with distance semantics.Ofer Arieli & Anna Zamansky - 2011 - Journal of Applied Logic 9 (1):1-22.
  26.  27
    Resisting Contextual Information: You Can't Put a Salient Meaning Down.Ofer Fein, Rachel Giora & Orna Peleg - 2008 - Lodz Papers in Pragmatics 4 (1):13-44.
    Resisting Contextual Information: You Can't Put a Salient Meaning Down Two experiments support the graded salience hypothesis, which assumes that early processing involves distinct mechanisms-linguistic and contextual-that do not interact but run parallel. While contextual processes make up an integrative, top-down mechanism that benefits from linguistic and extra-linguistic information, the linguistic mechanism is modular. Using Vu et al.'s materials, Experiment 1 shows that the sentential position of a target word is crucial for the operation of the global, predictive mechanism, whose (...)
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  27. Producing Knowledge: Robert Hooke.Ofer Gal - 1996 - Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh
    This work is an argument for the notion of knowledge production. It is an attempt at an epistemological and historiographic position which treats all facets and modes of knowledge as products of human practices, a position developed and demonstrated through a reconstruction of two defining episodes in the scientific career of Robert Hooke : the composition of his Programme for explaining planetary orbits as inertial motion bent by centripetal force, and his development of the spring law in relation to his (...)
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  28.  7
    International Relations Theory of War.Ofer Israeli - 2019 - Santa Barbara, CA: Praeger, an imprint of ABC-CLIO, LLC.
    This book tries to answer two key questions. The first is why certain periods are more prone to war than others. The other is why certain wars that involve polar powers end with their territorial expansion whereas other wars end in their contraction or maintaining their territorial status. In conclusion, it is asked whether the polarity of the system affects these two outcomes, and if so, how.
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  29. Teʼoryah shel ha-milḥamah: yetsivut ha-maʻarekhet u-tefuḳot ṭeriṭoriʼaliyot = Theory of war: system stability and territorial outcomes.Ofer Israeli - 2017 - Tel Aviv: Resling.
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  30. Dios, autonomía y predeterminación de la sociedad: aplicación de la teología reformada por Rousseau y Smith.Andrés Monares - 2016 - Revista de filosofía (Chile) 58:213-2377.
    Los miembros del movimiento de la Ilustración secularizan la teología del reformador francés Juan Calvino, especialmente en cuanto a la omnipotencia dívína y la absoluta corrupción humana por el pecado original. Es decir, esos intelectuales basados en tales dogmas desarrollaron diversos sistemas filosóficos que, a su vez, eran un intento de demostrar la veracidad del calvinismo.Ejemplo de ello son Jean-Jacques Rousseau en política y Adam Smith en economía, quienes en sus sistemas afirman la determinación individual y social por Dios. En (...)
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  31.  44
    The Political Agent and Radical Democracy.Ofer Parchev - 2008 - The European Legacy 13 (7):837-850.
    Liberal democracy suffers from an internal contradiction stemming from its ideological roots and rending it from within. On the one hand its goal is to generate a system of laws and rules that maximize individual rights and liberties; on the other hand, some of its fundamental assumptions pertaining to the Subject restrict the political and social agent's existential experience to a limited threshold of speech and action. The central assumption of this article is that the main meeting point of the (...)
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  32.  33
    The Tamil Life of Purūravas: A Vernacular Adaptation of a Sanskrit Myth.Ofer Peres - 2021 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 138 (2):291.
    The Purūravac-cakkiravartti-katai, “The Story of Emperor Purūravas,” is a pre-modern Tamil folk telling of the ancient Urvaśī-Purūravas legend. The classical narrative of King Purūravas of the Lunar Dynasty tells about his love affair with the celestial nymph Urvaśī, their tragic separation, and final reunion. The PCK follows the classical narrative closely, but interposes a long account of other exploits of Purūravas, which do not appear in any of the Sanskrit tellings of the story. In this supplement, which I call “The (...)
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  33.  57
    More on entangled orders.Ofer Shafir & Saharon Shelah - 2000 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 65 (4):1823-1832.
    This paper grew as a continuation of [Sh462] but in the present form it can serve as a motivation for it as well. We deal with the same notions, all defined in 1.1, and use just one simple lemma from there whose statement and proof we repeat as 2.1. Originally entangledness was introduced, in [BoSh210] for example, in order to get narrow boolean algebras and examples of the nonmultiplicativity of c.c-ness. These applications became marginal when other methods were found and (...)
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  34.  12
    Conflict-free and conflict-tolerant semantics for constrained argumentation frameworks.Ofer Arieli - 2015 - Journal of Applied Logic 13 (4):582-604.
  35.  71
    Logical argumentation by dynamic proof systems.Ofer Arieli & Christian Straßer - forthcoming - Theoretical Computer Science.
    In this paper we provide a proof theoretical investigation of logical argumentation, where arguments are represented by sequents, conflicts between arguments are represented by sequent elimination rules, and deductions are made by dynamic proof systems extending standard sequent calculi. The idea is to imitate argumentative movements in which certain claims are introduced or withdrawn in the presence of counter-claims. This is done by a dynamic evaluation of sequences of sequents, in which the latter are considered ‘derived’ or ‘not derived’ according (...)
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  36.  61
    The love of hating: The psychology of enmity.Ofer Zur - 1991 - History of European Ideas 13 (4):345-369.
  37. Tuning Logical Argumentation Frameworks: A Postulate-Derived Approach.Ofer Arieli, AnneMarie Borg & Christian Straßer - forthcoming - In Ofer Arieli, AnneMarie Borg & Christian Straßer, Proceedings of Flairs 2020.
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  38.  42
    ‘Ducking and Diving’: How Political Issues Affect Equivocation in Japanese Political Interviews.Ofer Feldman, Ken Kinoshita & Peter Bull - 2016 - Japanese Journal of Political Science 17 (2):141-167.
    This paper examines how Japanese leading politicians cope with the communication problems posed during televised political interviews. Based on data gathered during the year 2012 equivocation, thereby to also assess the significance of these talk shows in the broader context of political communication in Japan.
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  39.  30
    Inverse square law.Ofer Gal - unknown
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    The Archaeology of the Inverse Square Law: (2) The Use and Non-Use of Mathematics.Ofer Gal & Raz Chen-Morris - 2006 - History of Science 44 (1):49-67.
    The following is the second part of our Archaeology of the Inverse Square Law. Together these papers examine the transformation of the inverse square ratio from its origins in a metaphysical image of medieval thought in Grosseteste and the perspectivist tradition, through a playful magical practice in the Renaissance with Cusanus and Dee, and into a mathematical tool, applicable to the physical world. This last transformation allowed Newton to condense the geometrical image into a celebrated algebraic equation for universal gravity, (...)
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  41.  9
    Fraternidades bajo la Cruz del Sur: ensayos sobre la fraternidad como principio sociopolítico.Andrés Monares & Pablo Ramírez Rivas (eds.) - 2018 - Buenos Aires, Argentina: Ciudad Nueva.
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  42.  18
    Neoliberalismo, marginación y delincuencia juvenil.Andrés Monares - 2008 - Polis 19.
    La actual discusión sobre las infracciones juveniles de ley en un marco neoliberal, limita su causa a las decisiones individuales y da preeminencia a la política penal para enfrentarla. Tal perspectiva desvincula en general los delitos de su contexto y específicamente de las consecuencias del sistema socioeconómico neoliberal en la sociedad. Es decir, para el caso de esa mayoría de la población abandonada por el Estado Subsidiario, se ignoran las dinámicas culturales de formación de identidad o de lazos de pertenencia, (...)
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  43.  48
    The Body–Power Relationship and Immanent Philosophy: A Question of Life and Death.Ofer Parchev - 2014 - The European Legacy 19 (4):456-470.
    According to Foucault, the human body is the targeted object of modern power systems. In his genealogical studies, Foucault describes the manner in which these power systems leave an imprint on the body and utilize knowledge of the body as an indirect means of exercising subtle forms of control. In recent years, several researchers have claimed that the status of the body, subsumed as it is by modern power networks, has become a means for conducting a unique political critique in (...)
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  44.  60
    A QBF-based formalization of abstract argumentation semantics.Ofer Arieli & Martin W. A. Caminada - 2013 - Journal of Applied Logic 11 (2):229-252.
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  45.  73
    Tropes and Topics in Scientific Discourse: Galileo's De Motu.Ofer Gal - 1994 - Science in Context 7 (1):25-52.
    The ArgumentThis paper contains two main sections. In the first I suggest a mechanism of interpretation, based on a distinction between two aspects of meaning, analyzed using two kinds of rhetorical-poetical constructions:tropesto explore the linguistic relations—metaphors, metonyms, synecdoches, etc.—that endow terms with content, andtopicsto account for the structuring function of key expressions, which enables the recognition and adjudication of phrases, arguments, texts, genres, etc. In the second section I substantiate my claims by demonstrating how new light is shed on Galileo (...)
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  46.  27
    A postulate-driven study of logical argumentation.Ofer Arieli, AnneMarie Borg & Christian Straßer - 2023 - Artificial Intelligence 322 (C):103966.
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  47.  20
    Arnon Avron on Semantics and Proof Theory of Non-Classical Logics.Ofer Arieli & Anna Zamansky (eds.) - 2021 - Springer Verlag.
    This book is a collection of contributions honouring Arnon Avron’s seminal work on the semantics and proof theory of non-classical logics. It includes presentations of advanced work by some of the most esteemed scholars working on semantic and proof-theoretical aspects of computer science logic. Topics in this book include frameworks for paraconsistent reasoning, foundations of relevance logics, analysis and characterizations of modal logics and fuzzy logics, hypersequent calculi and their properties, non-deterministic semantics, algebraic structures for many-valued logics, and representations of (...)
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  48.  47
    Conflict-tolerant semantics for argumentation frameworks.Ofer Arieli - 2012 - In Luis Farinas del Cerro, Andreas Herzig & Jerome Mengin, Logics in Artificial Intelligence. Springer. pp. 28--40.
  49. Proceedings of Flairs 2020.Ofer Arieli, AnneMarie Borg & Christian Straßer (eds.) - forthcoming
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  50.  32
    Etica barocca. Spinoza e la caduta della ragione.Ofer Gal - 2017 - Quaestio 17:517-544.
    “Desire is the very essence of man” Spinoza says, inverting a most deeply held conviction: that in our “very essence” we are “mind, reason and judgment”. The ethical implications are difficult: onl...
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