Results for 'Napoleonic France'

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  1. Doctoral theses in preparation or recently completed.Napoleonic France - forthcoming - History of Science.
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    Motivations of Public Officials as Drivers of Transition to Sustainable School Food Provisioning: Insights from Avignon, France.Claude Napoléone, Aurélie Cardona & Esther Sanz Sanz - 2022 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 35 (2):1-27.
    A large body of experience and expertise on the implementation of sustainable public school food procurement policies has developed in recent years. However, there has been little investigation of the values and motivations of the public officials implementing the policies. To address this gap, we examine how the city of Avignon took a step toward transition to local fresh food procurement for public schools, under French government calls for sustainable food products in public canteens. Our analysis combines the Multi-Level Perspective (...)
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    A Science Empire in Napoleonic France.Maurice Crosland - 2006 - History of Science 44 (1):29-48.
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  4. Napoleonic Cotton Cultivation: A Case Study in Scientific Expertise and Agricultural Innovation in France and Italy, 1806–1814.Joseph Horan - 2015 - In Sharon Kingsland & Denise Phillips (eds.), New Perspectives on the History of Life Sciences and Agriculture. Springer Verlag.
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  5. The Saint-Napoleon: Celebrations of Sovereignty in Nineteenth-Century France. By Sudhir Hazareesingh.J. D. Popkin - 2005 - The European Legacy 10 (7):767.
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    Science and Polity in France: The Revolutionary and Napoleonic Years (review).Lorraine Daston - 2007 - Common Knowledge 13 (1):144-145.
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    Philippe Sussel, La France de Napoléon Ier (1799-1815). Paris, Denoël, 1971. 15,5 × 25,5, 256 p. Nombr. fig. h. t. in. t. Relié, 35 F. [REVIEW]P. Huard - 1972 - Revue de Synthèse 93 (67-68):374-376.
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    William Pitt, the Bank of England, and the 1797 Suspension of Specie Payments: Central Bank War Finance During the Napoleonic Wars.Scott N. Duryea - 2010 - Libertarian Papers 2:15.
    Modern military engagements are made possible by a state’s ability to easily acquire revenue. By either taking the money from its citizens via taxation, borrowing funds through bonds or loans from private financiers or other governments, or inflating the currency by issuing bank notes without the backing of specie or another commodity, Western governments wield enough power over money and banking to fund any venture. British involvement in the Napoleonic Wars was no exception to the rule. This paper examines (...)
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    The return of the king’s two bodies: liberal arguments for the moderating powers of monarchy in post-revolutionary France and Portugal.Oscar Ferreira - forthcoming - History of European Ideas.
    Arguments analogous to those found in the late medieval theory of the king’s two bodies, popularized by Ernst Kantorowicz, were resurrected in early nineteenth-century constitutional theories of the moderating powers of monarchy. Post-revolutionary French liberal thought, echoed by its Portuguese counterpart, rediscovered the virtues of the institution of royalty, notably the immaterial and immortal body of the king. This rediscovery was prompted by the uncertainties of different national political contexts which made many contemporaries believe it desirable to integrate restored monarchies (...)
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    Brokering Instruments in Napoleon's Europe: The Italian Journeys of Franz Xaver von Zach.Ivano Dal Prete - 2014 - Annals of Science 71 (1):82-101.
    This paper explores the interactions between scientific travel, politics, instrument making and the epistemology of scientific instruments in Napoleon's Europe. In the early 1800s, the German astronomer Franz Xaver von Zach toured Italy and Southern France with instruments made by G. Reichenbach in his newly-established Bavarian workshop. I argue that von Zach acted as a broker for German technology and science and that travel, personal contacts and direct demonstrations were crucial in establishing Reichenbach's reputation and in conquering new markets. (...)
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    (1 other version)Charles Coulston Gillispie. Science and Polity in France: The Revolutionary and Napoleonic Years. viii + 751 pp., illus., bibl., index. Princeton, N.J./Oxford: Princeton University Press, 2004. $80. [REVIEW]Roger Hahn - 2005 - Isis 96 (4):652-653.
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    Charles coulston Gillispie, science and polity in France: The revolutionary and napoleonic years. Princeton: Princeton university press, 2004. Pp. IX+751. Isbn 0-691-11541-9. £52.95. [REVIEW]Pietro Corsi - 2006 - British Journal for the History of Science 39 (3):451-452.
  13.  5
    Duc de Castries, Histoire de France, des origines à 1970. Paris, Ed. Robert Laffont, 1971, 15,5 × 24, 640 p., quelques cartes. Robert Christophe, Napoléon III au Tribunal de l'Histoire. Paris, Ed. France-Empire, 1971, 15,5 × 24, 480 p. ill. Amiral Auphan, Histoire élémentaire de Vichy. Paris. Ed. France Empire, 1971. 15,5 × 24, 360 p., ill. Edmond Pognon, De Gaulle et l'Histoire de France. (Trente ans éclairés par vingt siècles). Paris, Albin Michel, 1971, 13,5 × 21, 352p. [REVIEW]Albert Delorme - 1972 - Revue de Synthèse 93 (67-68):386-388.
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    The limits of the Enlightened narrative: rethinking Europe in Napoleonic Germany.Morgan Golf-French - 2020 - History of European Ideas 46 (8):1197-1213.
    ABSTRACT Between 1796 and 1814, two of late Enlightenment Germany's most prominent historians offered striking revisions to earlier accounts of European history. The renowned journalist, historian, and Slavicist August Ludwig Schlözer published a critical edition and translation of the Old Slavonic Primary Chronicle alongside a detailed historical commentary. This commentary presented Russia as an important protagonist in Europe's emergence from barbarism to Enlightened modernity. By contrast, his colleague Johann Gottfried Eichhorn published several historical works arguing that France had failed (...)
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    The debate on the principle of legitimacy of power in France and Italy between 1815 and 1821.Mauro Lenci - 2017 - History of European Ideas 43 (5):456-473.
    ABSTRACTAfter the revolutionary storm, which had exported Jacobin democracy on the tips of its bayonets and after the epic deeds of the Napoleonic era, which, in the midst of remarkable contradictions, had asserted a number of principles and values of the French Revolution, the moderate or conservative liberal thinkers who wished for the introduction of a representative government and of personal freedom in France and in Italy were faced with the return of the old regime and with attempts (...)
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    Le Dépôt général de la guerre et la formation scientifique des ingénieurs-géographes militaires en France.Patrice Bret - 1991 - Annals of Science 48 (2):113-157.
    Le Dépôt général de la Guerre, chargé de fournir les cartes nécessaires aux armées, connut sous la Révolution une période d'instabilité. La politique ambitieuse de Calon, son directeur, se heurta à la rivalité d'autres institutions civiles et militaires. Une période de lente reconstruction s'ouvrit avec le pouvoir napoléonien qui posa les bases rationnelles de la cartographie moderne et mit fin à la précarité du statut des ingénieurs-géographes en militarisant leur corps. La création simultanée d'une Ecole d'application des ingénieurs-geographes assura dès (...)
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    Protecting Identity: Violence and Its Representations in France, 1815–1830.Ralph Hage - 2018 - Contagion: Journal of Violence, Mimesis, and Culture 25 (1):49-77.
    After Napoleon's final defeat of 1815 and before the beginnings of the second great wave of French colonialism in the 1830s, during a period of great internal political crisis, French society produced an object called The Death of Sardanapalus. This painting represented what was then a somewhat familiar figure, the "Oriental," an outsider behaving badly and set to die for it.Based on the mimetic theory, this essay argues that in the relation it determines with its viewers, this painting's representation of (...)
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    (1 other version)Socialism and Modernization in France.Dick Howard - 1984 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 1984 (61):113-120.
    No social movement carried the French socialists to power in 1981; and contrary to 1936, none emerged to support or push further its action. Three years and three policies later the government was confronted by the largest demonstration in post-war history. More than a million Frenchmen came in the name of freedom of education to protest against the modernization of an educational system whose foundation was laid by Napoleon! The protesters were not concerned so much with the details of the (...)
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    On resistance: a philosophy of defiance.Howard Caygill - 2013 - New York: Bloomsbury Academic.
    No word is more central to the contemporary political imagination and action than ‘resistance'. In its various manifestations - from the armed guerrilla to Gandhian mass pacifist protest, from Wikileaks and the Arab Spring to the global eruption and violent repression of the Occupy movement - concepts of resistance are becoming ubiquitous and urgent. In this book, Howard Caygill conducts the first ever systematic analysis of ‘resistance': as a means of defying political oppression, in its relationship with military violence and (...)
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    Memory, Legend and Politics.Sudhir Hazareesingh - 2006 - European Journal of Political Theory 5 (1):71-84.
    Drawing on archival evidence, this article explores the salience of ‘patriotic’ themes and motifs in the emergence of the Napoleonic legend in France after 1815. Symbolizing France’s defeated and humiliated status, the captive of Saint-Helena became an emblem of French patriotism, a rallying point for all the men and women who refused to accept their nation’s containment by the 1815 treaties. And, contrary to the traditional view that Bonapartist nationalism was merely a celebration of violence, military glory (...)
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    Humphry Davy—An Alleged Case of Suppressed Publication.Maurice Crosland - 1973 - British Journal for the History of Science 6 (3):304-310.
    In a letter found not long ago in the Institute of Electrical Engineers and recently republished in the new edition of Faraday's correspondence, certain allegations are made about difficulties experienced by Humphry Davy in getting his work published in Napoleonic France. These allegations have been repeated in the standard Davy bibliography and are believed by at least one other Davy scholar known to the author. A new biography of Faraday makes much of this supposed incident and suggests a (...)
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    Affective geographies: Family and friendship in the production of scientific knowledge.Dena Goodman - 2023 - History of Science 61 (2):236-265.
    Through case studies of two early nineteenth-century French geologists, this article shows how relations of family and friendship were integral to determining where science took place. Digging up the traces of what I call the “affective geographies” of individual scientists that are entangled with their intellectual itineraries, I show how the practice of science is embedded in such affective relations and thus in everyday life.
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    The Grotte du Renne, Leroi-Gourhan and Flaubert's La Légende de Saint Julien l'Hospitalier (1877): The Question of ‘Préhistoire(s)’ to Delimit the Human.Mary Orr - 2021 - Paragraph 44 (3):334-348.
    This article reconsiders the important work of Leroi-Gourhan through the lens of Christopher Johnson's ‘Leroi-Gourhan and the Limits of the Human’ by returning to the context of French prehistory of the 1860s that lies behind Leroi-Gourhan's discoveries and interpretations of hominid remains and artefacts in the Grotte du Renne. The Exposition universelle of 1867 and French publications of the period capture the importance of ‘préhistoire’ for Second Empire France materialized in Napoleon III's establishment at Saint-Germain-en-Laye of the first national (...)
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    From ‘pure botany’ to ‘economic botany’ – changing ideas by exchanging plants: Spain and Italy in the late eighteenth and the early nineteenth century.Martino Lorenzo Fagnani - 2022 - History of European Ideas 48 (4):402-420.
    At the end of the eighteenth century and beginning of the 19th, Spain and the Italian States contributed to the development of European agricultural science and the improvement of manufacturing. They collaborated with each other and reworked the most advanced models of France, Central Europe and Great Britain. Despite their somewhat less prosperous economic status, they demonstrated great originality in research and experimentation. In this process, botanical knowledge served as a starting point for a new epistemological path. Through three (...)
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    De Vlaamse beweging.Lode Wils - 1985 - Res Publica 27 (4):543-566.
    The Flemish Movement was born out of the democratic and especially, the national enthusiasm of the Belgian revolution of 1830. lts purpose was the recovery of the people language in public life. Till the defeat of France in the France-German war of 1870-1871 she wanted to protect Belgium from annexation by France. The revolution of 1848 in Europe and the threat of Belgium by «the dictator» Napoleon III, reinforced its democratic character and connected it with the movement (...)
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  26. Letter of October 24, 1851 “Las Clases Discutidoras”.M. Blake Wilson - 2019 - Philosophical Journal of Conflict and Violence 3 (2):96-104.
    This is the first complete English translation and publication of Donoso’s carta de 24 de octubre, 1851, a letter encapsulating many of his views on revolution and decision. This remarkable letter, sent as a diplomatic missive while he was serving the Spanish crown in Paris, describes how Napoleon III––stuck between the 1848 constitution’s prohibition against his election and his impending coup that will crown him emperor––must gain the support of the liberal bourgeoise middle class if he is to maintain his (...)
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    A newspaper for the Italian revolution: Giovanni Antonio Ranza’s Monitore italiano politico e letterario.Tazio Morandini - forthcoming - History of European Ideas.
    Giovanni Antonio Ranza’s Italian newspaper Monitore italiano politico e letterario is an ideal case for understanding the diffusion of revolutionary ideas not as a circulation or a transfer, but as an entanglement, through which revolutionary values grow in the process of their own reinterpretation and application onto the pragmatism of cultural and political struggle. Published from January to June 1793 in Nice, this periodical was conceived as a tool to explain the developments of the French Revolution and to radicalize the (...)
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    The failure of a transatlantic alliance? Franco-American trade, 1783–1815.Silvia Marzagalli - 2008 - History of European Ideas 34 (4):456-464.
    This article analyses the evolution of shipping and trade between the United States and France from the end of the American War of Independence to the end of the Napoleonic Wars (1783–1815). It argues that commercial relations followed their own, internal dynamic and had scarce connections to statist commercial policies. These relations were, however, deeply responsive to the international context and to warfare in particular. American shipping to France experienced an extraordinary boom after the outbreak of war (...)
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    Ghostly Politics.Jann Matlock - 2000 - Diacritics 30 (3):53-71.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Diacritics 30.3 (2000) 53-71 [Access article in PDF] Ghostly Politics Jann Matlock [Figures]The failure of the Second Republic, as we know well, thanks to Marx, was a matter of ghostly politics.1 Successful revolutions succeeded—claimed Marx—in "waking the dead" in order to glorify the new struggles. Unsuccessful revolutions parodied, as in 1848, the old ones. The Second Republic failed to find again "the spirit of revolution" ("den Geist der Revolution"); (...)
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    Boussingault versus ville: The social, political and scientific aspects of their disputes.F. W. J. McCosh - 1975 - Annals of Science 32 (5):475-490.
    SummaryA feature of mid-nineteenth century scientific debates in France on the subject of plant nutrition was the rivalry, at times acrimonious, between Jean Baptiste Boussingault and Georges Ville. It started in 1848 when Ville was demonstrator to Boussingault, who held one of the two chairs of agriculture at the Conservatoire des Arts et Métiers. A study of their disputes serves to illustrate their mutual incompatibility, exacerbated by the patronage extended to Ville by his step-brother, Louis Napoléon Bonaparte, afterwards Napoléon (...)
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    The French Atlantic Triangle: Literature and Culture of the Slave Trade (review).Stephen Auerbach - 2009 - Intertexts 13 (1):59-61.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:The French Atlantic Triangle: Literature and Culture of the Slave TradeStephen Auerbach (bio)Christopher L. Miller. The French Atlantic Triangle: Literature and Culture of the Slave Trade. Durham, NC: Duke UP, 2008. xvi + 571 pp.Over the last decade scholars have shown a new interest in reconstructing the history of the French slave trade and slaveholding Atlantic. A scholarly consensus is slowly emerging around the notion that the history (...)
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    Algernon Sidney and the Republican Tradition in Jeffersonian America.Pierangelo Castagneto - 2023 - Journal of Early Modern Studies 11 (1):149-180.
    During the second term of Jefferson’s presidency, with Europe and the world ravaged by the Napoleonic Wars, it became extremely difficult for the young Republic to defend the principle of sovereignty from the threats of France and Britain. In response to attacks on American shipping, in 1807 Congress passed the Embargo Act, an economic measure designed to convince the two belligerents to respect U.S. neutrality by cutting off American shipping to all foreign nations. This controversial decision, firmly opposed (...)
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    The End of History: An Essay on Modern Hegelianism.Barry Cooper (ed.) - 1984 - University of Toronto Press.
    History ended, according to Hegel according to Kojève, with the establishment and proliferation in Europe of states organized along Napoleonic lines: rational, bureaucratic, homogenous, atheist. This state lives in some tension with the popular slogan that helped give it birth: Liberty, Equality, Fraternity. But there is now also totalitarianism – the only new kind of regime, according to Arendt, created since the national state. Man is now in charge of nature, technology, and society; much of political life has become (...)
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    Saints' Tombs in Frankish Church Architecture.Werner Jacobsen - 1997 - Speculum 72 (4):1107-1143.
    Twentieth-century art historians have primarily regarded the interior of medieval churches aesthetically, in part as a result of the impression these churches left after the turmoil of the French Revolution and their subsequent rebuilding and reconstruction in the spirit of bourgeois enlightenment. The choir screens had disappeared, and reformed cathedral chapters and monastic communities installed themselves as best they could in the remaining space, but the real centerpieces of medieval piety could no longer shape the interior of these churches. On (...)
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    The Background to the Discovery of Dulong and Petit's Law.Robert Fox - 1968 - British Journal for the History of Science 4 (1):1-22.
    The years immediately after the final downfall of Napoleon Bonaparte could easily have been years of anti-climax in French science. In 1815, after two decades of undoubted greatness, the time, I feel, was ripe for decline. And decline might well have occurred if the traditions and the style of science as practised in France in the period of Napoleon's rule had been carried on unchanged by the disciples of the two great men who had dominated work in the physical (...)
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    The Philosophy of War: Unity in Diversity.Alexey V. Soloviev - 2020 - Russian Journal of Philosophical Sciences 63 (1):20-39.
    The article discusses the diversity of the subject field of the philosophy of war as well as the internal integrity of the discipline, united by the focus on the philosophical understanding of the phenomenon of war. The author shows the role of H. Lloyd, who influenced K. Clausewitz, H. Jomini and their followers’ interpretation of the meaning and content of the subject area of the philosophy of war. In the abundance of specific topics addressed by philosophers of this field, the (...)
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    The Renaissance of Peiresc: Aubin-Louis Millin and the Postrevolutionary Republic of Letters.G. Matthew Adkins - 2008 - Isis 99 (4):675-700.
    ABSTRACT This essay argues for the emergence of a cultural and epistemological divide between amateur savants and members of the Royal Academy of the Sciences in late Old Regime and revolutionary France and suggests that the amateur ideal rose in significance even as intellectual activity came to be increasingly centralized in the postrevolutionary era. At the crux of the tensions between the amateur ideal and the professionalizing reality in the immediate postrevolutionary period stood Aubin-Louis Millin and his journal, the (...)
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    Science, industry, and the social order in Mulhouse, 1798–1871.Robert Fox - 1984 - British Journal for the History of Science 17 (2):127-168.
    There is a story, which historians of modern France often tell, of the ministerial official in Paris who had only to glance at his clock in order to know the exact passage of Vergil being construed and the law of physics being expounded in every school throughout the country. Invariably, the story is told for a purpose. It is used to demonstrate the high degree of centralization and the attendant rigidity of the French educational system, usually with special reference (...)
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    Men with Muskets, Women with Lyres: Nationality, Citizenship, and Gender in the Writings of Germaine de Staël.Susanne Hillman - 2011 - Journal of the History of Ideas 72 (2):231-254.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Men with Muskets, Women with Lyres: Nationality, Citizenship, and Gender in the Writings of Germaine de StaëlSusanne HillmanOn 23 May 1812 Germaine de Staël (1766–1817), Europe’s best-known enemy of Napoleon Bonaparte, set out from her estate on Lake Geneva to escape to England. In her reminiscences, she reflected on the pivotal event as follows:[A]fter ten years of ever-increasing persecutions [...] I was obliged to leave two homelands as a (...)
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    Genealogies of Music and Memory: Gluck in the Nineteenth-Century Parisian Imagination.James H. Johnson - 2023 - Common Knowledge 29 (2):239-241.
    The music of Christoph Willibald von Gluck was a revolution for Paris operagoers when his work premiered there in 1774. In a setting known for its restive and often rowdy spectators, Alceste, Iphigénie en Aulide, and Orpheé et Eurydice seized audiences with unprecedented force. They shed silent tears or sobbed openly, and some cried out in sympathy with the sufferers onstage. “Oh Mama! This is too painful!” three girls called out as Charon led Alcestis to the underworld, and a boy (...)
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    How to Inherit a Kingdom: Reflections on the Situation of Catholic Political Thought.Russell Hittinger & Scott Roniger - 2023 - Nova et Vetera 21 (3):971-990.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:How to Inherit a Kingdom:Reflections on the Situation of Catholic Political Thought*Russell Hittinger and Scott RonigerPrudenceIn 1890, in his Sapientiae Christianae, Pope Leo XIII wrote: "The political prudence of the Pontiff embraces diverse and multiform things, for it is his charge not only to rule the Church, but generally so to regulate the actions of Christian citizens that these may be in apt conformity to their hope of gaining (...)
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    Friedrich Schleiermacher: the evolution of a nationalist.Jerry F. Dawson - 1966 - Austin,: University of Texas Press.
    Nationalism was a driving, moving spirit in the nineteenth-century Germany of Friedrich Schleiermacher. Jerry F. Dawson, through his thoughtful and well-wrought study of Friedrich Schleiermacher, provides an insight into contemporary nationalistic movements and the people who have a part in them. Schleiermacher, a prominent theologian and educator, was also a leading contributor to the tide of nationalism which swept Germany during the Napoleonic era. Dawson does not present Schleiermacher as an archetype for nationalists, but rather as an example of (...)
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    "Incarnation: Michel Henry and the Possibility of an Husserlian-Inspired Transcendental Life" in The Heythrop Journal, vol. 45, July 2004, 290-304.Antonio Calcagno - 2004 - Heythrop Journal 45 (3):290-304.
    Books reviewed:Renate Egger‐Wenzel, Ben Sira's GodPaul J. Achtemeier, Joel B. Green and Marianne Meye Thompson, Introducing the New Testament, Its Literature and TheologyI. Boxall, Revelation: Vision and Insight. An Introduction to the ApocalypseS. Moyise, Studies in the Book of RevelationG. R. Osborne, Revelation: The Baker Exegetical Commentary on the New TestamentN. T. Wright, The Resurrection of the Son of GodGillian Clark and T. Rajak, Philosophy and Power in the Graeco‐Roman World: Essays in Honour of Miriam GriffinRichard Paul Vaggione, Eunomius of (...)
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    Joseph Fourier, 1768-1830: A Survey of His Life and Work.Ivor Grattan-Guiness & Jerome R. Ravetz - 2003 - MIT Press.
    Beyond being the first substantial publication on Fourier, this work contains the text of Fourier's seminal paper of 1807 on the propagation of heat, marking the first time it has ever appeared in print. This paper incorporates many of the mathematical creations on which Fourier's fame rests, including derivation of the diffusion equation, the separation of the treatment of surface phenomena from internal phenomena, the use of boundary values and initial conditions, and the development of "Fourier series" and the so-called (...)
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    The democratic sublime: on aesthetics and popular assembly.Jason Frank - 2021 - New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
    In a series of articles written for the Neue Rhenische Zeitung in 1850, later published by Friedrich Engels as The Class Struggles in France, Karl Marx looked back on the failed French revolution of 1848 and attempted to explain how the democratic aspirations that inspired the February assault on the July Monarchy-and promised to fulfill the dashed hopes of 1789, 1792, and 1830-also led to its termination in the reactionary popular dictatorship of Louis Napoleon Bonaparte. Popular sovereignty, which had (...)
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    Robert Owen and Continental Europe.Ludovic Frobert & Michael Drolet - 2021 - History of European Ideas 47 (2):175-190.
    ABSTRACT This introduction examines the intellectual, political, economic, and social context to the reception of Robert Owen’s ideas, and Owenism more generally, in Continental Europe. The introduction describes how Owen’s ideas attracted significant interest in the years following the Napoleonic Wars, particularly in France, and discusses how the French reception of his ideas served as a filter and medium through which his ideas were disseminated throughout Continental Europe. The article describes the individual contributions to this special issue and (...)
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    “A Candle in Sunshine”: Desire and Apocalypse in Blake and Hölderlin.Michael Kirwan - 2012 - Contagion: Journal of Violence, Mimesis, and Culture 19 (1):179-204.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:“A Candle in Sunshine”Desire and Apocalypse in Blake and HölderlinMichael Kirwan, SJ (bio)Introduction1René Girard, in the wake of the critical theorists Adorno and Horkheimer, offers “an analysis of the present epoch.” His work can be seen as a further attempt to articulate the “dialectic of Enlightenment”: to explore precisely why, despite the hopes invested in the possibilities of human emancipation, the “enlightened world radiates disaster triumphant.” Like them, Girard (...)
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  48. Human Motives and History.Georges Duveau & James H. Labadie - 1958 - Diogenes 6 (22):27-38.
    During the past century and a half historians and sociologists have often shown signs of considerable simplicity of mind when assessing the motivating forces behind the men whose deeds they are studying, and those attaining the most flattering notoriety in the intellectual world have been among the simplest. From the early nineteenth century, beginning with the fall of Napoleon, there is a tendency to present the historical disciplines as sciences: the re-creative anecdote is greeted with increasing disdain, and sociology undergoes (...)
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    Pierre Manent, Lidská obec. [REVIEW]Ivana Holzbachová - 2014 - Studia Philosophica 61 (1):93-97.
    The author presents Hippolyte Taine´s conception of society and state, which are, in her interpretation as well as Taine´s theory, deeply interconnected. It is quite obvious, however, that Taine was a committed liberal. This follows from his explicit ideas on the function of the state, his ruthless criticism of the Jacobin phase of French Revolution and Napoleonic conception of state as well as the state in which he lived, because that state stemmed from the Napoleonic conception. In the (...)
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  50. The Alchemy of Identity: Pharmacy and the Chemical Revolution, 1777-1809.Jonathan Simon - 1997 - Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh
    This dissertation reassesses the chemical revolution that occurred in eighteenth-century France from the pharmacists' perspective. I use French pharmacy to place the event in historical context, understanding this revolution as constituted by more than simply a change in theory. The consolidation of a new scientific community of chemists, professing an importantly changed science of chemistry, is elucidated by examining the changing relationship between the communities of pharmacists and chemists across the eighteenth century. This entails an understanding of the chemical (...)
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