Results for 'Mitsein'

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  1.  13
    From Mitsein to Volk: Jean-Luc Nancy and the Geschichtlichkeit Question in Heidegger.Richard J. Colledge - 2023 - The New Yearbook for Phenomenology and Phenomenological Philosophy 21:357-375.
    Recent years have seen an accentuation in claims that early Heideggerian works are infected with totalitarian ideas that came to full realisation in the early 1930s. In challenging this claim, I suggest that the trajectory from Geschichtlichkeit and Mitsein in Being and Time to Heidegger’s later lamentable political involvements is both complicated and tenuous. After first defending this stance with reference to the account of Schuld in Being and Time, I draw substantively on the work of Jean-Luc Nancy in (...)
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  2. Mitsein und Intersubjektivität.Hansgeorg Hoppe - 1992 - In Frank Werner Veauthier (ed.), Martin Heidegger, Denker der Post-Metaphysik: Symposium aus Anlass seines 100. Geburtstags. Heidelberg: C. Winter.
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    Vom Mitsein der Toten – Gedenksitzung der AG „Sprache und Ethik“ für und mit Theda Rehbock.Elsa Romfeld & Alice Schwab - 2021 - Ethik in der Medizin 33 (3):409-413.
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    Girard and Heidegger: Mimesis, Mitsein, Addiction.Joachim Duyndam - 2014 - The European Legacy 20 (1):56-64.
    In his essay “Peter’s Denial,” René Girard draws a parallel between mimesis and Martin Heidegger’s concept of being-with. In this essay I explore this parallel through a third, intermediate term—addiction—on the assumption that living in a world governed by mimesis, according to Girard, and living in the modus of Mitsein, according to Heidegger, can both be characterized as a kind of addiction. The clarification of the parallel between mimesis and Mitsein through this intermediate term may contribute to a (...)
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  5. ¿Es posible complementar la noción de trasfondo («Background») de Charles Taylor con el «Mitsein» heideggeriano?Rudyard Mauricio Loyola Cortés - 2025 - Pensamiento 80 (310):1043-1064.
    La pregunta por la posible complementariedad entre la noción de trasfondo (Background) de Charles Taylor y el Mitsein (coestar) heideggeriano busca indagar no solo sobre la posibilidad de una coherencia entre dos nociones de autoría diversa, sino constatar si la noción de trasfondo de Taylor contiene en sí misma una dimensión ontológica hacia el otro que le pertenece en propiedad. Se persigue mostrar cómo el mundo heideggeriano es, para Taylor, perfectamente coherente con el trasfondo heideggeriano y cómo el (...) se encuentra en una forma no explícita en la filosofía del canadiense. (shrink)
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    Heidegger and the genesis of social ontology: Mitwelt, Mitsein, and the problem of other people.Nicolai Krejberg Knudsen - 2020 - European Journal of Philosophy 28 (3):723-739.
    This article traces the development of how the early Heidegger tried to integrate the structures of social life into phenomenological ontology. Firstly, I argue that Heidegger's analysis of the three elements of the lifeworld—the with-world (Mitwelt), the environing world (Umwelt), and the self-world (Selbstwelt)—is ambiguous, because it shifts between defining sociality as a domain of entities and a mode of appearance. This is untenable because the social as a mode of appearance constantly overflows the definition as a domain by implicating (...)
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  7. Heidegger and the Ground of Ethics: A Study of Mitsein.Frederick A. Olafson - 1998 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    Written by one of the pre-eminent interpreters of Heidegger, this book is an important statement about the basis of human sociability that is a major contribution to the continuing debates about Heidegger in particular, and ethics in general. Existential philosophy is often thought to promote moral nihilism in which everything is permitted. This book demonstrates that, in the case of Martin Heidegger, any such accusation is unjust. On the contrary, Heidegger thought seriously about the implications of human co-existence, and this (...)
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    Heidegger’s ontic relatedness: Pros ti and Mitsein.Laura Candiotto - 2016 - Revista de Filosofia Aurora 28 (43):313.
    Relational structure is a primitive notion of Heidegger’s Dasein. By analyzing the concept of pros-ti as it emerges from the Heidegger’s 1924 course dedicated to Plato’s Sophist, I outline the Platonic and Aristotelic roots of Heideggerian Mitsein. Arguably the Mitsein makes explicit the instances of the pros ti — in other words, the instances of Aristotle’s concept of relatedness/intentionality that Heidegger ascribes to Plato’s heteron — but giving them an existential value, having Heidegger pursued the shift from realism (...)
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    Ganzheit im Mitsein.Angela Kallhoff, Christoph Halbig & Andreas Vieth - 2008 - In Angela Kallhoff, Christoph Halbig & Andreas Vieth (eds.), Ethik Und Die Möglichkeit Einer Guten Weltethics and the Possibility of a Good World: Eine Kontroverse Um Die „Konkrete Ethik“. Walter de Gruyter.
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    Die Transzendenz des Anderen: mitsein als Kristallisationspunkt transzendentalphilosophischen Denkens in Sein und Zeit.Patricia Daniela Kaul - 2012 - Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang, Internationaler Verlag der Wissenschaften.
    Inwiefern kann Heidegger in Sein und Zeit seinem Anspruch gerecht werden, die Bewusstseinsphilosophie zu überwinden? 'Dasein' soll als Konzept den Begriff des Subjekts nicht ersetzen, sondern vielmehr die Subjekt-Objekt-Spaltung als solche unterlaufen. So bringt 'In-der-Welt-sein' paradigmatisch zum Ausdruck, dass 'Dasein' immer schon handelnd bei seiner Welt ist und alle epistemologische Reflexion demgegenüber sekundär. Trotzdem kann die Fundamentalontologie als eine Form von Transzendentalphilosophie gedeutet werden. Denn den Anderen als mir äußerlichen, nicht von mir konstituierten zu denken, ist von entscheidender Bedeutung für (...)
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    IV. Heidegger: Mitsein, Fürsorge.Doris Kiernan - 2018 - In Existenziale Themen bei Max Frisch: Die Existenzialphilosophie Martin Heideggers in den Romanen “Stiller, Homo Faber” und “Mein Name sei Gantenbein”. Walter de Gruyter GmbH & Co KG. pp. 86-132.
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    Co-Being (Mitsein) and Meaningful Interpersonal Relationship in Being and Time.Glen A. Mazis - 1985 - Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology 16 (3):294-300.
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    Fremdwahrnehmung und Mitsein: zur Grundlegung der Sozialphilosophie im Denken Max Schelers und Martin Heideggers.Mark Michalski - 1997 - Bonn: Bouvier.
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    A Rebel against the Volk : arendt’s pariah and heidegger’s mitsein.Gilad Sharvit - 2023 - Angelaki 28 (6):97-113.
    This paper discusses Hannah Arendt’s model of the Jewish pariah, developed in her study of Jewish assimilation. The argument is that Arendt’s model represents her early efforts to move beyond Martin Heidegger’s philosophy. The paper focuses on Arendt’s concept of a conscious pariah as a model for political resistance, independence, and agency. It shows how Arendt infused elements of Heidegger’s philosophy into her early vision of Jewish politics, while also transcending the limits of Heidegger’s ontological project with her political vision. (...)
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    A Zhuangzian Response to Heidegger’s Mitsein.Lin Ma - 2014 - Journal of Chinese Philosophy 41 (3-4):487-502.
    In this article, I address the intricacies of Heidegger's existential notion of Mitsein, and expound a different way of understanding the relevant issue in light of a reinterpretation of Zhuangzi's fish story. I show that Heidegger's account of Mitsein is ultimately situated within the limit of Dasein's structural components. What is more problematic is his conception of the connection between Dasein and others as disengaged. Then I explicate a Zhuangzian idea of what I call Mitzutun, literally meaning doing (...)
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    19. Dasein als Mitsein und Miteinandersein: Die Frage des Sozialen.Gerhard Thonhauser - 2016 - In Ein Rätselhaftes Zeichen: Zum Verhältnis von Martin Heidegger Und Søren Kierkegaard. Berlin: De Gruyter. pp. 365-400.
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    Asthetik des friedens. Dasein als mitsein - Ein Dialog mit Franz Rosenzweig, oder: Was kann denken noch heissen?Ricardo Timm De Souza - 2004 - Veritas – Revista de Filosofia da Pucrs 50 (2):400-406.
    O autor, em uma abordagem do conjunto da obra de Rosenzweig à luz tanto dos grandes desafios filosóficos contemporâneos como da dialética entre distância e proximidade que sua específica posição possibilita, apresenta, desde a ideia geral de um pensamento que se rearticula em torno ao tema da paz, alguns dos elementos que permitem a concepção filosófica de um “pensamento pacífico”, ou “pensamento ético”, naquela obra e além dela, no sentido de uma “estética da paz”.
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  18. Oppression, Speech, and Mitsein in Margaret Atwood’s The Handmaid's Tale.Robert Luzecky - 2017 - Clio: A Journal of Literature, History, and the Philosophy of History 3 (46).
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    Being-there, being-with, and being-a-part: Heidegger’s mereology of Mitsein in Being and Time.Noam Cohen - forthcoming - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy.
    The main problem in making sense of Mitsein as an aspect of Dasein in Being and Time concerns the sense in which individual Dasein is an ‘I’, given that it can be either an ‘anyone-self’ or an ‘authentic self’. Though it is clear that the anyone-self relates directly to das Man, the relation of the authentic self to others is debatable. In this paper, I reexamine the relations between self and others by making sense of the referent of each (...)
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    À quelles conditions une éthique herméneutique est-elle possible? Analyse du jeu et de la philosophie pratique chez Gadamer en tant que propédeutique au Mitsein de Heidegger.Frédérick Bruneault - 2011 - Symposium: Canadian Journal of Continental Philosophy/Revue canadienne de philosophie continentale 15 (1):5-28.
    Ce texte souhaite montrer qu’une compréhension adéquate de la notion heideggerienne de Mitsein et de ces implications pour le fondement d’une éthique herméneutique doit partir d’une analyse minutieuse des rapports herméneutiques à la tradition et à la connaissance des pratiques sociales. En ce sens, je travaille à partir de l’analyse gadamérienne du « jeu » et de la philosophie pratique. À quelles conditions une éthique herméneutique est-elle possible? Précisément à la condition de s’inscrire dans une prise en compte de (...)
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    Fleshing out Heidegger’s Mitsein: Irene McMullin, Time and the Shared World: Heidegger on Social Relations, Northwestern University Press, Evanston, IL, 2013, $34.95, xiv + 291 pp + index. [REVIEW]Robert D. Stolorow - 2014 - Human Studies 37 (1):161-166.
    McMullin argues persuasively that individualized interpersonal encounters entail the mutual recognition of the particularity of each participant’s temporalizing way of Being-in-the-world.
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    Kapitel 3. Zur Ontologie des Mitseins: Heidegger.Burkhard Liebsch - 2001 - In Zerbrechliche Lebensformen: Widerstreit - Differenz - Gewalt. De Gruyter. pp. 85-108.
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  23. ""The problem of Scheler's perception of the Other and Heidegger's" Mitsein": A phenomenological reading (M. Michalski's' Fremdwahrnehmung und Mitsein').S. Bancalari - 1998 - Filosofia 49 (2):201-219.
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    Heidegger and the Ground of Ethics: A Study of Mitsein[REVIEW]Richard Capobianco - 1999 - Review of Metaphysics 53 (1):186-186.
    Frederick Olafson makes the case sensibly and eloquently that, despite Heidegger’s failed personal and political judgments, “the profoundly original constellation of ideas he introduced in Being and Time can make an important contribution to our understanding of the whole ethical side of our lives”. In particular, Olafson argues that Heidegger’s phenomenological analysis of Mitsein provides the framework for thinking about the “ground” of ontic ethical theory, rules, and prescriptions.
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  25. The being-with of being-there.Jean-Luc Nancy - 2008 - Continental Philosophy Review 41 (1):1-15.
    In Being and Time, Heidegger affirms that being-with or Mitsein is an essential constitution of Dasein but he does not submit this existential to the same rigorous analyses as other existentials. In this essay, Jean-Luc Nancy points to the different places where Heidegger erased the possibility of thinking an essential with that he himself opened. This erasure is due, according to Nancy, to the subordination of Mitsein to a thinking of the proper and the improper. The polarization of (...)
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  26. Sharing the 'now': Heidegger and the temporal co-constitution of world.Irene McMullin - 2009 - Continental Philosophy Review 42 (2):201-220.
    In this paper I respond to the view that Heidegger is unable to account for the possibility of immediately experiencing others in their concrete particularity. Critics have argued that since Mitsein characterizes Dasein’s mode of being regardless of the presence or absence of others, Heidegger has essentially granted it the status of an a priori category. In doing so, they argue, Heidegger reduces the other to a mere interchangeable token whose uniqueness is subsumed under the generality of the established (...)
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    Fenómeno de la Mirada.Francisca Hill - 2024 - Eikasia Revista de Filosofía 123:87-104.
    En fenomenología generalmente se habla de dos aproximaciones al abordar el fenómeno de la intersubjetividad: la aproximación cartesiana o neohegeliana ¾representada por Sartre¾; y la aproximación ontológico-social ¾representada por el Mitsein heideggeriano. Merleau-Ponty es conocido por seguir una corriente fuertemente influenciada por Heidegger, influencia que se extiende también en el área de la intersubjetividad. Pero, a pesar de la preponderancia heideggeriana, Merleau-Ponty integra aspectos importantes de la teoría intersubjetiva sartreana a su filosofía. En base a ello, cabe preguntarse, ¿cómo (...)
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    How can We Live in the Common World?: Individual and Common World-disclosure. 설민 - 2017 - Journal of the Society of Philosophical Studies 116:79-103.
    하이데거에 따르면, 세계는 현존재의 실존에 의존하여 개시되는데 현존재의 실존은 우리 자신 각자에 따라서 상이하다. 이에 대해 현존재의 각자적 실존에도 불구하고 어떻게 공동의 단일한 세계가 성립할 수 있는지 의문이 제기된다. 본고는 이러한 의문을 둘러싼 선행 연구들을 비판적으로 검토한 후, 하이데거의 1928/29년 겨울학기 강의록을 토대로 세계 개시의 각자성과 공동성을 해명하고자 한다. 하이데거는 그 강의록에서 공동 존재(Mitsein)와 진리에 관한 방대한 논의를 펼친다. 그에 따르면, 진리는 개별 현존재에 의해 사유화될 수 없도록 본질적으로 공동적이기 때문에 현존재가 접하는 진리의 공간은 다른 모든 현존재에게도 이미 개방되어 (...)
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  29. Reconsidering Relational Autonomy: A Feminist Approach to Selfhood and the Other in the Thinking of Martin Heidegger.Lauren Freeman - 2011 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 54 (4):361-383.
    Abstract This paper examines a convergence between Heidegger's reconceptualization of subjectivity and intersubjectivity and some recent work in feminist philosophy on relational autonomy. Both view the concept of autonomy to be misguided, given that our capacity to be self-directed is dependent upon our ability to enter into and sustain meaningful relationships. Both attempt to overturn the notion of a subject as an isolated, atomistic individual and to show that selfhood requires, and is based upon, one's relation to and dependence upon (...)
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    Heidegger and the question of animality.Simon Glendinning - 1996 - International Journal of Philosophical Studies 4 (1):67 – 86.
    Abstract It is widely recognized that Heidegger's analysis of Dasein outlines a novel dissolution of the epistemological problems of modern philosophy. However it has not been fully appreciated that this analysis presupposes a conception of human beings which radically separates them from all natural, animal life. Focusing on Heidegger's analysis of Mitsein it is argued that this separation prevents Heidegger from achieving a conception of human existence which avoids the distortions of the humanist tradition against which it recoils. Against (...)
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    Empty spaces: empire versus life.Helen Petrovsky - 2022 - Studies in East European Thought 74 (4):463-474.
    The article analyzes the ongoing Russian–Ukrainian war in terms of a colonial seizure undertaken by a fading but aggressive Russian empire. This highly political adventure is translated into more abstract terms, that is, an irresolvable conflict between existence, which is always the experience of coexistence devoid of any essence whatsoever, and imperial expansion, which is an infinite conquest of space indifferent to all forms of life. The dualism in question is backed up by the writings of two important scholars, namely, (...)
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    (1 other version)Strange Wonder: The Closure of Metaphysics and the Opening of Awe.Mary-Jane Rubenstein - 2008 - Columbia University Press.
    Introduction: Wonder and the births of philosophy -- Socrates' small difficulty -- The wound of wonder -- The death and resurrection of Thaumazein -- The Thales dilemma -- Repetition : Martin Heidegger -- Metaphysics small difficulty -- Wonder and the first beginning -- Wonder and the other beginning -- Theaetetus redux : the ghost of the Pseudes Doxa -- Once again to the cave -- Rethinking Thaumazein -- Openness : Emmanuel Levinas -- Passivity and responsibility -- The ethics of the (...)
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    Broken imperatives: The ethical dimension of Nancy’s thought.James Gilbert-Walsh - 2000 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 26 (2):29-50.
    In this paper I discuss the role played by the 'categorical imperative' in the thought of Jean-Luc Nancy. I argue that, while this is a theme of major importance in Nancy's work, its overall significance is not immediately evident: on the surface, Nancy appears to be affirming the abstract exigency of the imperative while at the same time depriving it of any possible concrete force. I maintain, however, that a close reading of this theme in terms of other crucial themes (...)
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    The phenomenology of the social world.Moran Dermot - 2017 - Metodo. International Studies in Phenomenology and Philosophy 5 (1):99-142.
    In this paper I discuss Edmund Husserl’s phenomenological account of the constitution of the social world, in relation to some phenomenological contributions to the constitution of sociality found in Husserl’s students and followers, including Heidegger, Gurwitsch, Walther, Otaka, and Schutz. Heidegger is often seen as being the first to highlight explicitly human existence as Mitsein and In-der-Welt-Sein, but it is now clear from the Husserliana publications that, in his private research manuscripts especially during his Freiburg years, Husserl employs many (...)
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  35. Phenomenology of digital-being.Joohan Kim - 2001 - Human Studies 24 (1-2):87-111.
    This paper explores the ontology of digital information or the nature of digital-being. Even though a digital-being is not a physical thing, it has many essential features of physical things such as substantiality, extensions, and thing-totality (via Heidegger). Despite their lack of material bases, digital-beings can provide us with perceivedness or universal passive pregivenness (via Husserl). Still, a digital-being is not exactly a thing, because it does not belong to objective time and space. Due to its perfect duplicability, a digital (...)
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    Le foyer obscur de l’évidence.Édouard Mehl - 2024 - Les Cahiers Philosophiques de Strasbourg 55 (55):175-189.
    Jean-Luc Nancy’s work revolves around the concept of existence, modified or rather explicated as co-existence. Nancy performs the same operation on existence as Heidegger did on being-in-the-world. Indeed, just as Heidegger could say that there is not at first a subject, then a world, then the question of how the former accesses the latter, Nancy asserts, (with regard to Mitsein, being-with, sociality in the purest and most eminent sense), that there is not at first a subject, a self, then (...)
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    Competition and Conformity.Johannes Fritsche - 2003 - Graduate Faculty Philosophy Journal 24 (2):75-107.
    In Being and Time, Division One, Chapter 4, Heidegger develops the structures “Being-with and Dasein-with [Mitsein and Mitdasein]” and “what we might call the ‘subject’ of everydayness—the ‘they’”. In the last section of the chapter, Section 27, Heidegger presents six characters of the ‘they’, namely, “distantiality, averageness, levelling down, publicness, the disburdening of one’s Being, and accomodation”. The meaning of the last five characters is relatively unproblematic. For instance, by “averageness” Heidegger obviously wants to indicate that the ‘they’ establishes (...)
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    As Críticas Heideggerianas À Categorização Do Ser Na Vorhandenheit Grega e No Racionalismo Cartesiano: Possíveis Relações Com a Educação.Celso Kraemer, Fabio Richard Oechsler & Carolaine Tormena - 2023 - Conjectura: Filosofia E Educação 28:023013.
    Esta pesquisa analisa as motivações de Heidegger para colocar em questão o sentido do ser,conforme seu projeto em _Ser e Tempo_, publicado em 1927, no qual analisa a metafísica tradicional e chega à conclusão de que a história da filosofia se deteve a refletir apenas sobre os entes, esquecendo-se do ser. No §6 de _Ser e Tempo_, Heidegger assume como tarefa a destruição da história da ontologia. Por isto, tece profundas críticas à categorização do ser na _Vorhandenheit_ grega – em (...)
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    O Ser Que Precede o Nada e o Tempo.Antonio Bernardes - 2024 - Cadernos Do Pet Filosofia 15 (29):70-90.
    Neste ensaio abordei sobre a analítica existencial de Heidegger e de Sartre utilizando, respectivamente, a obra “Ser e Tempo” e “O Ser e o Nada”. Poderíamos pressupor que se desenvolveria um diálogo entre os pensadores, mas resguardando a própria situação hermenêutica do autor deste ensaio, o que se desenvolveu foram apontamentos acerca de flexões e inflexões a partir das propostas dos respectivos pensadores. Um ponto patente de flexão entre os pensadores é a precedência ôntico ontológica, assim como um ponto de (...)
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    The Virtues of man the Animal Sociale: Affabilitas and Veritas in Aquinas.Kevin White - 1993 - The Thomist 57 (4):641-653.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:THE VIRTUES OF MAN THE ANIMAL SOCIALE: AFFABILITAS AND VERITAS IN AQUINAS 1 KEVIN WHITE Catholic University of America Washington, D.C. XSTOTLE'S definition of man as the 'qlov '1ToAmKov 2the city-dwelling animal-undergoes an interesting transformation in the scholastic Latin of St. Thomas Aquinas : while the epithet of the definition occasionally appears in Aquinas's writings as transliterated, in animal politicum, or as thoroughly domesticated, in William of Moerbeke's translation (...)
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    Phenomenology as Critique of Institutions: Movements, Authentic Sociality and Nothingness.Ian Angus - 2006 - PhaenEx 1 (1):175-196.
    This essay seeks to demonstrate that the practice of phenomenological philosophy entails a practice of social and political criticism. The original demand of phenomenology is that theoretical and scientific judgments must be based upon the giving of the ‘things themselves’ in self-evident intuition. The continuous radicalization of this demand is what characterizes phenomenological philosophy and determines a practice of social and political criticism which can be traced through four phases: 1. a critique of institutions through the method of unbuilding (Abbau, (...)
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  42. Jean-Luc Nancy: la communauté, le sens.Michel Gaillot - 2021 - Paris: Éditions Galilée.
    Par quelque lieu qu'on s'y engage, s'il y a bien «quelque chose» qui insiste dans la pensée de Jean-Luc Nancy--qui en constitue le coeur, irriguant et inquiétant tout le reste de son corpus -, c'est assurément la question de la communauté--sous les divers noms qu'elle peut prendre: «partage», «nous», «comparution», « Mitsein» ou plutôt «Mitdasein», «communication» «être singulier pluriel», «être-en-commun», «avec», «coexistence», «coexposition», «monde», «liberé», «finitude», «espacement originaire» de l'existence, «écotechnie» ou «techné des corps», «toucher», etc. La question de (...)
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    "Sein" und "Sinn von Sein": Untersuchung zum Kernproblem der Philosophie Martin Heideggers.Nian He - 2020 - München: Verlag Karl Alber.
    Heideggers Philosophie stellt die Frage nach dem Sein. Das Sein betrifft das Seiende im Ganzen, es ist in allem Seienden durchgangig das allem Gemeine und so das Gemeinste, aber es ist zugleich auch das Leerste. Wenn Heidegger das Ganze bedenkt, bedenkt er zugleich auch das Nichts. Das Sein versteht er dementsprechend als Sein-lassen. Was aber ist der Sinn von Sein? Sowohl phanomenologisch als auch fundamentalontologisch entfaltet Heidegger eine Analytik des Daseins, in der Zeit als Horizont eines jeden Seinsverstandnisses leitend ist. (...)
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  44. Heidegger and Learning how to Inhabit and be Inhabited by the Truth.Luis Manuel Martínez-Domínguez - 2022 - Revista de Filosofía:73 - 82.
    This article raises the thought of Heidegger as an alternative to the modern conceptualizations of learning that consider it as mere acquisition or construction of truth by knowledge or integration in truth through the Development of a higher level of consciousness. With Heidegger is going to be able to talk about learning how to inhabit the truth and to be inhabited by it, which implies the acquisition, the construction, the integration, but also "being-in-the-world" (Dasein) like a self before the other. (...)
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  45.  54
    O mesmo, os outros e o "eles" algumas notas sobre os §§ 25-27 de Sein und Zeit.Vasco Baptista Marques - 2010 - Trans/Form/Ação 33 (2):129-141.
    As palavras que se seguem constituem uma tentativa de explorar os diversos sentidos que revestem a figura do «com» [mit], tal como surge configurada ao longo dos §§ 25–27 de Sein und Zeit 2 . Escutaremos atentamente aquilo que Heidegger tem a dizer a respeito da necessária determinação do ser-no-mundo [in-der-Welt-sein] como ser-com [Mitsein] e veremos, depois, em que medida a sua analítica existencial faz (ou não) depender a constituição do ser-si-mesmo [Selbstsein] da figura do outro. Por último, e (...)
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  46.  20
    Être et être libre: deux "passions" des philosophies phénoménologiques: études d'herméneutique comparative.Ivanka B. Rajnova - 2010 - New York: Peter Lang.
    La tentative de Husserl de fonder la philosophie comme « science rigoureuse » ainsi que certains principes de sa phénoménologie ont été remis en question par plusieurs de ses successeurs. La première partie du livre qui est consacrée à la question fondamentale de l’Être présente au moyen d’une comparaison herméneutique différentes relectures de la méthode husserlienne et de l’ontologie heideggerienne, relectures qui ont contribué aux « tournants » essentiels de la philosophie phénoménologique. La deuxième partie, qui traite de l’être-avec ( (...)) et de la liberté, explore quelques approches éthiques et politiques suite à l’application de la phénoménologie dans les domaines de la communication interpersonnelle et des relations sociales. (shrink)
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  47.  15
    Das Politische der Dekonstruktion: Heideggers Entpolitisierung der Politeia bei Levinas, Blanchot, Nancy und Derrida.Ralf Rother - 2020 - Bielefeld: transcript Verlag.
    Bis heute hält die Politische Philosophie an dem staatsphilosophischen Diktum einer in viele Staaten zerfallenden Welt fest, die stets Formen der Ausgrenzung und der Trennung hervorbringt. Ralf Rother thematisiert hingegen die Dekonstruktion des Politischen als eine Repolitisierung des politischen Denkens, indem er sich einer Diskussion um Heideggers Terminus »Mitsein« widmet, die von Levinas, Blanchot, Nancy und Derrida initiiert wurde. Im Fokus dieser Debatte steht die Frage: Wie ist ein Zusammenleben derjenigen möglich, die unter Rückgriff auf Hobbes'sche und Schmitt'sche Positionen (...)
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  48.  33
    The Communication of the Impossible.Joseph Suglia - 2001 - Diacritics 31 (2):49-69.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Diacritics 31.2 (2001) 49-69 [Access article in PDF] The Communication of the Impossible Joseph Suglia Death is the death of other people, contrary to the tendency of contemporary philosophy, which is focussed on one's own solitary death. Only the former is central to the search for lost time. But the daily death—and the death of every instant—of other persons, as they withdraw into themselves, does not belong to an (...)
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  49.  7
    Gemeinschaften: Figuren der Lebensteiligkeit.Giovanni Tidona - 2019 - Freiburg: Verlag Karl Alber.
    Dreh- und Angelpunkt des vorliegenden Buches ist der Gemeinschaftsbegriff. Er soll in seinen zahlreichen, komplexen und miteinander verflochtenen Bedeutungsfacetten erortert werden. Im Zuge einer kritischen Text- und Begriffsanalyse wird gezeigt, dass der gemeinsame Gegenstand der Gemeinschaft ein vielschichtiges Phanomen ist, dem in der Denkgeschichte sowie in der Alltagssprache und -kultur zahlreiche Ausdifferenzierungen entsprechen. Die Paradigmen der Gemeinschaft werden in 15 Kapiteln anhand der semantischen Auffacherung der prapositionalen Komposita des Grundwortes -teilung herausgearbeitet. Der Inhalt: Teilung. Heideggers Kreide, oder: Was bedeutet eigentlich, (...)
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  50.  47
    Death, Friendship and the Origins of Subjectivity: SZ § 47 and the Burial of Augustine.Joseph J. Tinguely - 2009 - Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology 40 (1):21-36.
    The purpose of this essay is to indicate the extent to which there is a privileged relationship between the experience of the death of a friend and an understanding of what it means to be a self or a subject. In particular this claim is raised against Heidegger who in ¶47 of _Being and Time_ seems to have raised and explicitly denied any such connection but on closer review turns out to have in fact ignored it altogether. This essay aims (...)
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