Results for 'Mauro Magoni'

981 found
  1.  16
    Cortical Inhibitory Imbalance in Functional Paralysis.Alberto Benussi, Enrico Premi, Valentina Cantoni, Silvia Compostella, Eugenio Magni, Nicola Gilberti, Veronica Vergani, Ilenia Delrio, Massimo Gamba, Raffaella Spezi, Angelo Costa, Michele Tinazzi, Alessandro Padovani, Barbara Borroni & Mauro Magoni - 2020 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 14.
  2. The Gettier Intuition from South America to Asia.Edouard Machery, Stephen Stich, David Rose, Mario Alai, Adriano Angelucci, Renatas Berniūnas, Emma E. Buchtel, Amita Chatterjee, Hyundeuk Cheon, In-Rae Cho, Daniel Cohnitz, Florian Cova, Vilius Dranseika, Ángeles Eraña Lagos, Laleh Ghadakpour, Maurice Grinberg, Ivar Hannikainen, Takaaki Hashimoto, Amir Horowitz, Evgeniya Hristova, Yasmina Jraissati, Veselina Kadreva, Kaori Karasawa, Hackjin Kim, Yeonjeong Kim, Minwoo Lee, Carlos Mauro, Masaharu Mizumoto, Sebastiano Moruzzi, Christopher Y. Olivola, Jorge Ornelas, Barbara Osimani, Carlos Romero, Alejandro Rosas Lopez, Massimo Sangoi, Andrea Sereni, Sarah Songhorian, Paulo Sousa, Noel Struchiner, Vera Tripodi, Naoki Usui, Alejandro Vázquez del Mercado, Giorgio Volpe, Hrag Abraham Vosgerichian, Xueyi Zhang & Jing Zhu - 2017 - Journal of Indian Council of Philosophical Research 34 (3):517-541.
    This article examines whether people share the Gettier intuition (viz. that someone who has a true justified belief that p may nonetheless fail to know that p) in 24 sites, located in 23 countries (counting Hong Kong as a distinct country) and across 17 languages. We also consider the possible influence of gender and personality on this intuition with a very large sample size. Finally, we examine whether the Gettier intuition varies across people as a function of their disposition to (...)
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  3. De Pulchritudine non est Disputandum? A cross‐cultural investigation of the alleged intersubjective validity of aesthetic judgment.Florian Cova, Christopher Y. Olivola, Edouard Machery, Stephen Stich, David Rose, Mario Alai, Adriano Angelucci, Renatas Berniūnas, Emma E. Buchtel, Amita Chatterjee, Hyundeuk Cheon, In-Rae Cho, Daniel Cohnitz, Vilius Dranseika, Ángeles E. Lagos, Laleh Ghadakpour, Maurice Grinberg, Ivar Hannikainen, Takaaki Hashimoto, Amir Horowitz, Evgeniya Hristova, Yasmina Jraissati, Veselina Kadreva, Kaori Karasawa, Hackjin Kim, Yeonjeong Kim, Minwoo Lee, Carlos Mauro, Masaharu Mizumoto, Sebastiano Moruzzi, Jorge Ornelas, Barbara Osimani, Carlos Romero, Alejandro Rosas, Massimo Sangoi, Andrea Sereni, Sarah Songhorian, Paulo Sousa, Noel Struchiner, Vera Tripodi, Naoki Usui, Alejandro V. del Mercado, Giorgio Volpe, Hrag A. Vosgerichian, Xueyi Zhang & Jing Zhu - 2019 - Mind and Language 34 (3):317-338.
    Since at least Hume and Kant, philosophers working on the nature of aesthetic judgment have generally agreed that common sense does not treat aesthetic judgments in the same way as typical expressions of subjective preferences—rather, it endows them with intersubjective validity, the property of being right or wrong regardless of disagreement. Moreover, this apparent intersubjective validity has been taken to constitute one of the main explananda for philosophical accounts of aesthetic judgment. But is it really the case that most people (...)
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    Is Identity Essentialism a Fundamental Feature of Human Cognition?Edouard Machery, Christopher Y. Olivola, Hyundeuk Cheon, Irma T. Kurniawan, Carlos Mauro, Noel Struchiner & Harry Susianto - 2023 - Cognitive Science 47 (5):e13292.
    The present research examines whether identity essentialism, an important component of psychological essentialism, is a fundamental feature of human cognition. Across three studies (Ntotal = 1723), we report evidence that essentialist intuitions about the identity of kinds are culturally dependent, demographically variable, and easily malleable. The first study considered essentialist intuitions in 10 different countries spread across four continents. Participants were presented with two scenarios meant to elicit essentialist intuitions. Their answers suggest that essentialist intuitions vary dramatically across cultures. Furthermore, (...)
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  5.  33
    The evolving sense of agency: Context recency and quality modulate the interaction between prospective and retrospective processes.Simone Di Plinio, Simone Arnò, Mauro Gianni Perrucci & Sjoerd J. H. Ebisch - 2020 - Consciousness and Cognition 80:102903.
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    Study protocol of a randomized controlled trial of motivational interviewing-based intervention to improve adherence to continuous positive airway pressure in patients with obstructive sleep apnea syndrome: The MotivAir study.Giada Rapelli, Giada Pietrabissa, Licia Angeli, Gian Mauro Manzoni, Ilaria Tovaglieri, Elisa Perger, Sergio Garbarino, Paolo Fanari, Carolina Lombardi & Gianluca Castelnuovo - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    ObjectiveThis study aims to evaluate the effectiveness of the MotivAir program—a phone-based intervention based on Motivational Interviewing principles and techniques—in enhancing adherence to Continuous Positive Airway Pressure therapy among patients with Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome.MethodsA multicenter randomized controlled trial design with random allocation at the level of the individual will be conducted to compare the impact of the experimental program with a control group receiving usual care only in improving selected clinical and psychological parameters in the patients. A minimum sample (...)
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    The Cardiac Rehabilitation Psychodynamic Group Intervention : An Explorative Study.Claudia Venuleo, Gianna Mangeli, Piergiorgio Mossi, Antonio F. Amico, Mauro Cozzolino, Alessandro Distante, Gianfranco Ignone, Giulia Savarese & Sergio Salvatore - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    E-Commerce in Europe. Italy country report for the UK government.A. Marturano, , A. D'atri, , M. Barbini, , V. Mauro, & E. Pauselli - unknown
  9.  22
    Entre o digno e o precário: enquadramento biopolítico de mulheres em fotografias jornalísticas sobre o Programa Bolsa-Família.Ângela Cristina Salgueiro Marques & Luís Mauro Sá Martino - 2020 - Bakhtiniana 15 (1):33-60.
    RESUMO Este texto delineia, a partir de Foucault, Fassin, Rancière e Butler, a existência de um enquadramento biopolítico de cidadãs e mulheres empobrecidas no contexto da implementação de políticas sociais. A reflexão aqui desenvolvida apresenta resultados parciais de projeto de pesquisa desenvolvido com apoio do CNPq, no qual são analisadas 150 imagens relacionadas ao Programa Bolsa Família, reunidas entre os anos de 2003 a 2015, publicadas nos veículos Folha de S. Paulo, Estado de S. Paulo, O Globo, Veja e IstoÉ. (...)
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    Fabular imagens intervalares e montar imagens sobreviventes: aproximações e diferenças entre os métodos de Rancière e Didi-Huberman.Angela Cristina Salgueiro Marques, Luis Mauro Sá Martino, Frederico da Cruz Vieira de Souza & Elton Antunes - 2020 - Logos: Comuniação e Univerisdade 27 (1).
    O objetivo central deste artigo é explorar aspectos centrais e específicos do pensamento de Jacques Rancière e Georges Didi-Huberman acerca das imagens. Interessa-nos identificar como ambos elaboram métodos de reflexão acerca do trabalho das imagens a partir das noções de montagem, intervalo, ficção, visibilidade, legibilidade e sobrevivências. As semelhanças e diferenças entre tais métodos serão observadas a partir de reflexão crítica de textos e obras dos autores.
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    O momento qualquer e a coexistência de temporalidades liminares em Jacques Rancière.Ângela Cristina Salgueiro Marques & Luis Mauro Sá Martino - 2022 - Logos: Comuniação e Univerisdade 28 (3):36.
    A perspectiva de Jacques Rancière sobre o “momento qualquer” tem sido um dos conceitos mais frutíferos para compreender a elaboração contemporânea de cenas políticas de dissenso de um ponto de vista estético. Mas o que exatamente seria um “tempo qualquer”? Como se relaciona com a criação de narrativas políticas? Este texto descreve algumas relações entre tempo e comunicação a partir da visão de Rancière acerca das temporalidades intervalares que coexistem na construção de narrativas contra-hegemônicas sobre a existência de formas de (...)
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    Three's a crowd: Fast ensemble perception of first impressions of trustworthiness.Fiammetta Marini, Clare A. M. Sutherland, Bārbala Ostrovska & Mauro Manassi - 2023 - Cognition 239 (C):105540.
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  13. Pensar la educación a partir de la presencia ontológica del símbolo desde las categorías del “ser” y el “estar” en la reflexión filosófica latinoamericana.Jorge Antonio Balladares Burgos & Mauro Rodrigo Avilés Salvador - 2015 - Revista Sophia UPS 17.
    Is it possible ontologically to think about education? Can the ontological category of “being” allow us to think of an educational human being? How can the ontological category of “being there” contextualize the educational reality in Latin America? These questions will guide an ontological reflection based on Latin-American philosophical categories “being” and “being there” for thinking about education. This reflection will propose an ontological presence of the symbol from the analogy and the educational experience, as a reality that opens to (...)
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  14.  18
    Working With Infertile Couples Seeking Assisted Reproduction: An Interpretative Phenomenological Study With Infertility Care Providers.Federica Facchin, Daniela Leone, Giancarlo Tamanza, Mauro Costa, Patrizia Sulpizio, Elena Canzi & Elena Vegni - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    Although most studies investigated the impact of infertility and its treatment on the couple, a small body of evidence suggested that infertility care providers may experience different sources of stress related for instance to excessive workload, the complexity of the technique, and relational difficulties with patients. The current study aimed at providing further insight into the understanding of the subjective experience of infertility care providers by highlighting their feelings and emotions, personal meanings, challenges, and opportunities. Following the methodological guidelines of (...)
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    An Ethical Framework for Research Using Genetic Ancestry.Anna C. F. Lewis, Santiago J. Molina, Paul S. Appelbaum, Bege Dauda, Agustin Fuentes, Stephanie M. Fullerton, Nanibaa' A. Garrison, Nayanika Ghosh, Robert C. Green, Evelynn M. Hammonds, Janina M. Jeff, David S. Jones, Eimear E. Kenny, Peter Kraft, Madelyn Mauro, Anil P. S. Ori, Aaron Panofsky, Mashaal Sohail, Benjamin M. Neale & Danielle S. Allen - 2023 - Perspectives in Biology and Medicine 66 (2):225-248.
    ABSTRACT:A wide range of research uses patterns of genetic variation to infer genetic similarity between individuals, typically referred to as genetic ancestry. This research includes inference of human demographic history, understanding the genetic architecture of traits, and predicting disease risk. Researchers are not just structuring an intellectual inquiry when using genetic ancestry, they are also creating analytical frameworks with broader societal ramifications. This essay presents an ethics framework in the spirit of virtue ethics for these researchers: rather than focus on (...)
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    Approximating Approximate Reasoning: Fuzzy Sets and the Ershov Hierarchy.Nikolay Bazhenov, Manat Mustafa, Sergei Ospichev & Luca San Mauro - 2021 - In Sujata Ghosh & Thomas Icard, Logic, Rationality, and Interaction: 8th International Workshop, Lori 2021, Xi’an, China, October 16–18, 2021, Proceedings. Springer Verlag. pp. 1-13.
    Computability theorists have introduced multiple hierarchies to measure the complexity of sets of natural numbers. The Kleene Hierarchy classifies sets according to the first-order complexity of their defining formulas. The Ershov Hierarchy classifies Δ20\documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{wasysym} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsbsy} \usepackage{mathrsfs} \usepackage{upgreek} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-69pt} \begin{document}Δ20\varDelta ^0_2\end{document} sets with respect to the number of mistakes that are needed to approximate them. Biacino and Gerla extended the Kleene Hierarchy to the realm of fuzzy sets, whose membership functions range in a complete lattice L. In (...)
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  17.  26
    How to approximate fuzzy sets: mind-changes and the Ershov Hierarchy.Nikolay Bazhenov, Manat Mustafa, Sergei Ospichev & Luca San Mauro - 2023 - Synthese 201 (2):1-25.
    Computability theorists have introduced multiple hierarchies to measure the complexity of sets of natural numbers. The Kleene Hierarchy classifies sets according to the first-order complexity of their defining formulas. The Ershov Hierarchy classifies limit computable sets with respect to the number of mistakes that are needed to approximate them. Biacino and Gerla extended the Kleene Hierarchy to the realm of fuzzy sets, whose membership functions range in a complete lattice. In this paper, we combine the Ershov Hierarchy and fuzzy set (...)
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  18.  46
    Assessing motivation and readiness to change for weight management and control: an in-depth evaluation of three sets of instruments.Martina Ceccarini, Maria Borrello, Giada Pietrabissa, Gian Mauro Manzoni & Gianluca Castelnuovo - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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    Storiografia filosofica e storiografia religiosa: due punti di vista a confronto: scritti in onore di Luciano Malusa.Paolo De Lucia, Simona Langella, Mario Longo, Ferdinando L. Marcolungo, Letterio Mauro, Stefania Zanardi & Luciano Malusa (eds.) - 2020 - Milano, Italy: FrancoAngeli.
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  20. Neapel als Topographie der Zwischenräume : die Schwelle zwischen Altem und Neuem bei Walter Benjamin.Mauro Ponzi - 2014 - In Alexis Nuselovici, Sieglinde Borvitz & Mauro Ponzi, Schwellen: Ansätze für eine neue Theorie des Raums. Düsseldorf: dup, Düsseldorf University Press.
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    Homo theoreticus: saggio su Adorno.Mauro Protti - 1978 - Milano: F. Angeli.
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  22. Voluntas ut ratio: sullo statuto della volontà nel diritto penale.Mauro Ronco - 2023 - Torino: G. Giappichelli Editore.
    “Voluntas ut ratio. Sullo statuto della volontà nel diritto penale” è una monografia di diritto penale rivolta agli studiosi della materia, agli avvocati, ai magistrati e ai pratici del diritto. Dopo avere recuperato le radici della “volontà” e della “libertà” nel pensiero occidentale ed avere esaminato la curvatura riduzionistica tipica della filosofia e della criminalistica moderne, l’Autore di Voluntas ut ratio affida al penalista di oggi alcune riflessioni circa i dogmi del comportamentismo psicologico e la successiva riemersione della volontà e (...)
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  23. La filosofia antica nel Medioevo ebraico: le traduzioni ebraiche medievali dei testi filosofici.Mauro Zonta - 1996 - Philosophica 2:121-26.
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  24. What kind of evaluative states are emotions? The attitudinal theory vs. the perceptual theory of emotions.Mauro Rossi & Christine Tappolet - 2019 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 49 (4):544-563.
    This paper argues that Deonna and Teroni's attitudinal theory of emotions faces two serious problems. The first is that their master argument fails to establish the central tenet of the theory, namely, that the formal objects of emotions do not feature in the content of emotions. The second is that the attitudinal theory itself is vulnerable to a dilemma. By pointing out these problems, our paper provides indirect support to the main competitor of the attitudinal theory, namely, the perceptual theory (...)
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  25. La crítica de la teoría desde la teoría crítica: Actualidad de Horkheimer.Mauro Jiménez - 2007 - Ciudad de Dios 220 (1):139-151.
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  26. Sobre la hermenéutica antropocéntrica de Nietzsche.Mauro Jiménez - 2008 - Ciudad de Dios 221 (1):171-199.
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  27.  14
    Lo spazio della critica sociale.1. Elaborazione del lutto utopico.Mauro Piras - 2012 - Società Degli Individui 44:135-144.
    La concezione tradizionale che vede la sinistra e la critica sociale volte al rovesciamento del sistema economico-sociale si fonda su quattro presupposti: 1) la proprietÀ privata č la radice del dominio sociale; 2) č possibile pensare un regime di proprietÀ e di organizzazione economica diverso da quello capitalistico, accettabile in termini di equitÀ ed efficienza; 3) č possibile individuare nell'ordine sociale esistente le forze sociali che lo rovesceranno; 4) il cambiamento verso il nuovo ordine sociale puň essere realizzato con l'azione (...)
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  28.  55
    Thomas Hobbes on melancholy.Mauro Simonazzi - 2006 - Hobbes Studies 19 (1):31-57.
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    Concordantiae in Platonis opera omnia.Mauro Siviero (ed.) - 1994 - New York: Georg Olms Publishers.
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    Polycrisis as collapse of the ‘universal and homogeneous state’.Mauro Magatti - forthcoming - Philosophy and Social Criticism.
    Globalization has been supposed to expand worldwide in a homogeneous and universal way. Since the 2000s, however, it has produced an enormous amount of social and environmental entropy from which a number of shocks has arisen affecting the entire world. Consequently, the whole economic and psychosocial framework has changed radically. Above all, it has produced the collapse of the global liberal order. The crisis of globalization has started a schismogenetic process that is now causing growing social tensions and international conflicts. (...)
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    Il pollo e il falsario.Mauro Folci - 2019 - Lebenswelt. Aesthetics and Philosophy of Experience 13.
    In his last teaching Michel Foucault examines the position of the cynical philosopher. This attitude, characterized by a gesture authentically subversive and expressive of a form of life, is assumed and transfigured by the artistic practice of Mauro Folci, who in the performance Smercio di moneta falsa as Diogene is committed to parakharattein to nomisma.
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    Germs of death: the problem of Genesis in Jacques Derrida.Mauro Senatore - 2018 - [Albany, NY]: SUNY Press.
    An analysis of Derrida’s early work engaging Plato, Hegel, and the life sciences. Germs of Death explores the idea of genesis, or dissemination, in the early work of Jacques Derrida. Looking at Derrida’s published and unpublished work from “Force and Signification” in 1963 to Glas in 1974, Mauro Senatore traces the development of Derrida’s understanding of genesis both linguistically and biologically, and argues that this topic is an overlooked thread that draws together Derrida’s readings of Plato and Hegel. Demonstrating (...)
  33.  11
    Resenha.Mauro Condé - 2023 - Cognitio 24 (1):e59768.
    Nesta resenha é apresentado o livro Arley Morenum Liber Amicorum – Homenagem a Arley Ramos Moreno in memoriam, publicado em 2021, como homenagemao filósofo brasileiro Arley Moreno, falecido em 2018. O livro discute, majoritariamente, temas de filosofia da linguagem – em especial a obra de Ludwig Wittgenstein – e epistemologia dialogando com o universo intelectual do homenageado. Apresenta ainda o último texto produzido por Arley Moreno no qual ele trabalha sua concepção de filosofia da linguagem.
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  34. Aproximación filosófica a la Teología agustiniana de la Historia.Mauro Jiménez - 2010 - Ciudad de Dios 223 (1):129-138.
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  35. La diferencia como reivindicación filosófica.Mauro Jiménez - 2006 - Ciudad de Dios 219 (2):542-553.
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  36. La influencia platónica en la estética agustiniana de las Confesiones.Mauro Jiménez - 2013 - Ciudad de Dios 226 (3):635-641.
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  37. Origin, rise, and destruction of a psychoanalytic culture in fascist Italy, 1922-1938.Mauro Pasqualini - 2012 - In Joy Damousi & Mariano Ben Plotkin, Psychoanalysis and politics: histories of psychoanalysis under conditions of restricted political freedom. New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
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    Peregrino da esperança: Alberto Antoniazzi.Mauro Passos - 2004 - Horizonte 3 (5):53-66.
    O artigo analisa a atuação de Alberto Antoniazzi na Igreja do Brasil. Demarca seu pensamento e sua contribuição em diversas áreas do conhecimento. Situa, no contexto da cultura contemporânea, os desafios que enfrentou. Mostra que as mudanças pelas quais passa o pensamento religioso não se devem apenas a seu movimento interno, mas são ditadas pela própria história. Com uma fundamentação multidisciplinar, as análises, as pesquisas e os projetos desse pensador descortinaram novos horizontes para a experiência religiosa. Palabras clave: Memória; Catolicismo; (...)
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  39. Riflessioni su un classico:«il senso pratico» di pierre bourdieu.Mauro Piras - 2006 - Giornale Critico Della Filosofia Italiana 2 (2):318-334.
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  40. Comparing Preferences.Mauro Rossi - 2009 - Humana Mente 3 (10).
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    Aron e Tocqueville: un dialogo a distanza.Carla San Mauro - 2019 - Canterano (RM): Aracne editrice.
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    Instructions for Climbing the Ladder.Mauro Luiz Engelmann - 2018 - Philosophical Investigations 41 (4):446-470.
    I aim to present a solution to the apparent paradox of the Tractatus by means of a minimalist reading grounded in the idea that the correct logical symbolism alone “finally solves” in essentials the philosophical problems. I argue that although the sentences of the Tractatus are nonsensical, rules presented in its symbolism are not. The symbolism itself expresses only a priori rules of logic through schematic variables that do not say anything. I argue that this reading correctly expresses the ladder (...)
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    Comments on Thomas Kuhn’s Philosophy of Language.Mauro L. Condé - 2020 - Trans/Form/Ação 43 (spe):373-378.
    Thomas Kuhn is mostly known for his contributions to the philosophy of science. However, it was chiefly to investigations in philosophy of language that he dedicated the last part of his career. The aim of this paper is to present a systematic view of Kuhn’s main ideas on this subject. I start by describing his theory of concept, in particular what he says about kind terms. Such terms, acquired in blocks that form contrast sets or “taxonomies,” are learned through ostensible (...)
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  44. Presentism/Eternalism and Endurantism/Perdurantism: why the Unsubstantiality of the first debate implies that of the second.Mauro Dorato - 2012 - Philosophia Naturalis 49 (1):25-41.
    The main claim that I want to defend in this paper is that the there are logical equivalences between eternalism and perdurantism on the one hand and presentism and endurantism on the other. By “logical equivalence” I mean that one position is entailed and entails the other. As a consequence of this equivalence, it becomes important to inquire into the question whether the dispute between endurantists and perdurantists is authentic, given that Savitt (2006) Dolev (2006) and Dorato (2006) have cast (...)
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    Pensare (con) Patočka oggi: filosofia fenomenologica e filosofia della storia.Mauro Carbone & Caterina Croce (eds.) - 2012 - Napoli: Orthotes.
    «È ancora necessario, oggi in Italia, sforzarsi di sottolineare l’importanza e l’attualità del pensiero di Jan Patočka?» – si chiede Mauro Carbone presentando questo volume.
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  46. The irrelevance of the presentist/eternalist debate for the ontology of Minkowski spacetime.Mauro Dorato - 2006 - In Dennis Geert Bernardus Johan Dieks, Ontology of Spacetime. Boston: Elsevier. pp. 93-109.
    In this paper I argue that the debate between the so-called “presentists” – according to whom only the present is real – and the “eternalists”, according to whom past present and future are equally real, has no ontological significance. In particular, once we carefully distinguish between a tensed and a tenseless sense of existence, it is difficult to find a single ontological claim on which the two parties could disagree. Since the choice of using a tense or a tenseless language (...)
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    Modality and Perceptual-Motor Experience Influence the Detection of Temporal Deviations in Tap Dance Sequences.Mauro Murgia, Valter Prpic, Jenny O., Penny McCullagh, Ilaria Santoro, Alessandra Galmonte & Tiziano Agostini - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    How Social Inequalities Shape Markets: Lessons From the Configuration of PET Recycling Practices in Brazil.Mauro Rocha Côrtes, Mário Sacomano Neto & Silvio Eduardo Alvarez Candido - 2022 - Business and Society 61 (3):539-571.
    The article addresses how societal inequalities shape market arrangements. While business scholars developed important work about the interplay of organizations and societal economic inequalities, less has been said about the embeddedness of markets in unequal social structures. We argue that this issue may be addressed by cross-fertilizing the sociological approach of Bourdieu and the Strategic Action Fields perspective. To demonstrate our view, we assessed the extreme case of polyethylene terephthalate (PET) recycling markets in Brazil, conducting a qualitative study based on (...)
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    Thoughts on Sociological Jurisprudence: Juristic Thought and Social Inquiry(Roger Cotterrell).Mauro Zamboni - 2019 - Ratio Juris 32 (4):487-497.
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    Nobel laureates and twentieth-century physics.Mauro Dardo - 2004 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    Using an original approach, Mauro Dardo recounts the major achievements of twentieth-century physics--including relativity, quantum mechanics, atomic and nuclear physics, the invention of the transistor and the laser, superconductivity, binary pulsars, and the Bose-Einstein condensate--as each emerged. His year-by-year chronicle, biographies and revealing personal anecdotes help bring to life the main events since the first Nobel Prize was awarded in 1901. The work of the most famous physicists of the twentieth century--including the Curies, Bohr, Heisenberg, Einstein, Fermi, Feynman, Gell-Mann, (...)
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