Results for 'Massimo Gamba'

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  1.  10
    Transizioni e cesure di una modernità incompiuta: tracce di senso in tempo di crisi: studi su Badiou, Florenskij, Hegel, Italian Theory, Laclau, Marx, Nietzsche, Sloterdijk.Giulia Gamba, Giuseppe Molinari, Matteo Settura & Massimo Coccorese (eds.) - 2017 - Milano: Mimesis.
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    Cortical Inhibitory Imbalance in Functional Paralysis.Alberto Benussi, Enrico Premi, Valentina Cantoni, Silvia Compostella, Eugenio Magni, Nicola Gilberti, Veronica Vergani, Ilenia Delrio, Massimo Gamba, Raffaella Spezi, Angelo Costa, Michele Tinazzi, Alessandro Padovani, Barbara Borroni & Mauro Magoni - 2020 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 14.
  3. Struttura e funzione in neuroscienza cognitiva.Massimo Marraffa - 2011 - Discipline Filosofiche 21 (1).
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    Law and Morality: A Modest Assessment.Massimo La Torre - 1994 - Vienna Circle Institute Yearbook 2:113-129.
    There are few problems to which legal philosophers have devoted more attention than the relationship between morality and law, or, said in different terms, between the “good” and the “obligatory”. One might think that all that should and could be said about it has already been uttered or written. Nevertheless philosophy — and legal philosophy is no exception — is just this: rethinking old problems which are in fact always new,1 and for which no definitive solution is given — nor (...)
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    Legitimacy for a Supranational European Political Order—Derivative, Regulatory or Deliberative?Massimo La Torre - 2002 - Ratio Juris 15 (1):63-83.
    This paper discusses some models purported to legitimise a European supranational legal order. In particular, the author focuses on an application of the so‐called regulatory model to the complex structure of the European Community and the European Union. First of all, he tackles the very concept of legitimacy, contrasting it with both efficacy and efficiency. Secondly, he summarises the most prominent positions in the long‐standing debate on the sources of legitimation for the European Community. Thirdly, in this perspective, he analyses (...)
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    La guerra dei mondi: scienza e senso comune.Andrea Lavazza & Massimo Marraffa (eds.) - 2016 - Torino: Codice edizioni.
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    Paesaggi rivelati: passeggiare con Bernard Lassus.Massimo Venturi Ferriolo - 2006 - Milano: Guerini e associati.
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    Automatic deception detection in Italian court cases.Tommaso Fornaciari & Massimo Poesio - 2013 - Artificial Intelligence and Law 21 (3):303-340.
    Effective methods for evaluating the reliability of statements issued by witnesses and defendants in hearings would be an extremely valuable support to decision-making in court and other legal settings. In recent years, methods relying on stylometric techniques have proven most successful for this task; but few such methods have been tested with language collected in real-life situations of high-stakes deception, and therefore their usefulness outside lab conditions still has to be properly assessed. In this study we report the results obtained (...)
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  9. Democracy and Tensions Representation, Majority Principle, Fundamental Rights.Massimo La Torre - 1994 - European University Institute.
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    Linguaggio, norme, istituzioni: contributo a una teoria istituzionalistica del diritto.Massimo La Torre - 1995 - Florence: European University Institute.
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    Bemerkungen zu Leibniz' Theorie der Relationen.Massimo Mugnai - 1978 - Studia Leibnitiana 10 (1):2 - 21.
    Many of the problems traditionally related to the interpretation of Leibniz' theory of relations may be seen in a better light considering essentially two factors: 1) the different plans (ontological, metaphysical, psychological and logical-linguistic) implied by Leibniz reflections on the subject; 2) the reference to scholastic and late-scholastic texts read or consulted by Leibniz. Relations for Leibniz are, from a metaphysical point of view, denominations only seemingly external, they are in reality denominationes intrinsecae, and are founded on the general connection (...)
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  12. Immagine.di Massimo Adinolfi - 2021 - In Massimo Adinolfi, Nova theoretica: manifesto per una nuova filosofia. Roma: Castelvecchi.
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  13.  30
    Mind and Causality a cura di Alberto Peruzzi.Mario De Caro, Massimo Marraffa & Michele Di Francesco - 2005 - Iride: Filosofia e Discussione Pubblica 18 (3):623-638.
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    El fin de la historia. Treinta años después.Massimo La Torre - 2020 - UNIVERSITAS Revista de Filosofía Derecho y Política 32:106-113.
    La caída del Muro de Berlín fue saludado por muchos analistas y académicos como el inicio de una nueva era. Con el fin de la Guerra Fría se vislumbraba una nueva etapa de paz y prosperidad. Tras la “revolución liberal” algunos avistaban el “fin de la historia”. Pero tal esperanza se disipó rápidamente: la desaparición del “socialismo real” relanzó un capitalismo desenfrenado y no sólo en los países ayer bajo la órbita soviética. El ordoliberalismo entendido como el establecimiento de un (...)
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  15. Leibniz: De Abstracto et Concreto.Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz & Massimo Mugnai - 1986 - Studia Leibnitiana 18 (2):127-131.
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    Correction: Introduction: What’s so Special About Faces? Visages at the Crossroad Between Philosophy, Semiotics and Cognition.Marco Viola & Massimo Leone - 2022 - Topoi 41 (4):629-629.
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  17. Human needs, human rights.Massimo Renzo - 2015 - In Rowan Cruft, S. Matthew Liao & Massimo Renzo, Philosophical Foundations of Human Rights. Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press UK.
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  18.  32
    Commentary: The Role of the Parietal Cortex in the Representation of Task–Reward Associations.Elger L. Abrahamse & Massimo Silvetti - 2016 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 10.
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    Julius Evola: un pensiero per l'età oscura.Fernando Massimo Adonia - 2014 - [Acireale]: Tipheret.
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    Serve ancora Dio?: la via di Nietzsche oltre il nichilismo.Massimo De Angelis - 2020 - Roma: Castelvecchi.
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    Itinerari cartesiani.Alberto De Vita & Massimo Donà (eds.) - 2022 - Napoli: Orthotes.
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  22.  15
    Syllogistic Logic and Mathematical Proof.Paolo Mancosu & Massimo Mugnai - 2023 - Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press. Edited by Massimo Mugnai.
    Does syllogistic logic have the resources to capture mathematical proof? This volume provides the first unified account of the history of attempts to answer this question, the reasoning behind the different positions taken, and their far-reaching implications. Aristotle had claimed that scientific knowledge, which includes mathematics, is provided by syllogisms of a special sort: 'scientific' ('demonstrative') syllogisms. In ancient Greece and in the Middle Ages, the claim that Euclid's theorems could be recast syllogistically was accepted without further scrutiny. Nevertheless, as (...)
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  23.  13
    Corrigendum: PSYCHOACOUSTICS: a comprehensive MATLAB toolbox for auditory testing.Alessandro Soranzo & Massimo Grassi - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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  24. Der Gesang der Sirenen.Massimo Donà - 2014 - In Alexis Nuselovici, Sieglinde Borvitz & Mauro Ponzi, Schwellen: Ansätze für eine neue Theorie des Raums. Düsseldorf: dup, Düsseldorf University Press.
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    Dire l'anima: sulla natura della conoscenza.Massimo Donà - 2016 - [Turin]: Rosenberg & Sellier.
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    Il pensiero giapponese classico.Massimo Raveri - 2014 - Torino: Giulio Einaudi editore s.p.a..
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    A general treatment of equivalent modalities.Fabio Bellissima & Massimo Mirolli - 1989 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 54 (4):1460-1471.
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    I pragmatisti italiani a cura di Giovanni Maddalena e Giovanni Tuzet.Francesca Bordogna, Massimo Ferrari & Christopher Hookway - 2009 - Iride: Filosofia e Discussione Pubblica 22 (1):237-252.
    Comments on G. Maddalena and G. Tuzet, editors, I Pragmatisti Italiani. Tra Alleati e Nemeci (Italian Pragmatists. Between Enemies and Allies). Milano: Albo Versorio, 2007.
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    Italienische Artikel 1971–1972.Friedrich Pfurtscheller & Massimo Barale - 1975 - Kant Studien 66 (1-4).
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    Livelli di realtà.Massimo Piattelli-Palmarini & A. J. Ayer (eds.) - 1987 - Milano: Feltrinelli.
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    Minds with meanings.Massimo Piattelli-Palmarini - 2020 - Rivista Internazionale di Filosofia e Psicologia 11 (1):1-18.
    : Jerry Fodor and Zenon Pylyshyn have proposed a purely referential-causal semantics, a semantics without meanings. Adopting Pylyshyn’s previous treatment of the fact that we can perceive and track something before we have any idea of what that is, these authors claim that such causal relations to external entities allow us to word-label them and thereby build an entire lexicon with specific referents. I disagree and explain why I do so. The kind of semantics that I prefer is radically opposite: (...)
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    Ernst Cassirer’s Legacy: History of Philosophy and History of Science.Massimo Ferrari - 2021 - Journal of Transcendental Philosophy 2 (1):85-109.
    The paper is devoted to an overview of Cassirer’s work both as historian of philosophy and historian of science. Indeed, the “intelletcual cooperation” between history of philosophy and history of science represents an essential feature of Cassirer’s style of philosophizing: while the roots of a wide exploration stretching from Renaissance thought to modern physics go back to the Neo-Kantianism of the Marburg School, the results of a similar cross-fertilization of research fields have deeply contributed to shaping new standards of inquiry. (...)
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  33.  22
    From Mask to Flesh and Back: A Semiotic Analysis of the Actor’s Face Between Theatre and Cinema.Massimo Roberto Beato - 2022 - Topoi 41 (4):755-769.
    We aim to focus on the mimic gestures intentionally produced to be “monstrate” to others, thus attempting to propose a semiotic analysis on the actor’s face. We shall attempt to outline the extent to which, since the rise of cinema, the actor’s face has gained a foreground role as compared to the full-figured body, and the legacy of the nineteenth-century handbooks of scenic postures was crucial in this context, especially those of Antonio Morrocchesi and Alemanno Morelli. To deal with the (...)
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  34.  5
    Romano Guardini: antinomia della vita e conoscenza affettiva.Massimo Borghesi - 2018 - Milano: Jaca Book.
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    Da Sartre a Alberoni: tentativi di trascendenza in sei best-sellers socio filosofici del XX secolo.Massimo Foladori - 2018 - Verona: Scripta edizioni.
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    Emil L. Fackenheim, un filosofo tra Auschwitz e la nuova Gerusalemme.Massimo Giuliani (ed.) - 2018 - Trento: Università degli studi di Trento, Dipartimento di lettere e filosofia.
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    Ar. Lys. 1257.Massimo Magnani - 2008 - Hermes 136 (4):488-491.
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    Leibniz e la cultura enciclopedica.Massimo Mori (ed.) - 2018 - Bologna: Società editrice Il mulino.
  39. Alexandre Kojève and Carl Schmitt : mythologies of enmity.Massimo Palma - 2022 - In Luis J. Pedrazuela, Alexandre Kojève: a man of influence. Lanham, Maryland: Lexington Books.
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    Sensibili alle forme: che cos'è l'arte.Massimo Pamio - 2019 - Milano: Mimesis.
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    Les nouveaux chemins de la légalité: au-delà de la modernité juridique.Massimo Vogliotti - 2019 - Bruxelles: Presses de Université St. Louis.
    La catégorie moderne de la légalité vit depuis longtemps une profonde crise d'identité. Selon l'auteur, il ne s'agit pas simplement d'une crise d'effectivité, mais d'une crise bien plus profonde, qui ne se manifeste pas seulement par la dissiciation du modèle de la réalité, mais qui bouleverse le modèle théorique lui-même, signe d'une crise encore plus radicale qui concerne tout le paradigme juridique au sein duquel elle a été conçue.00Après avoir tracé les contours de ce paradigme et mis en lumière l'aporie (...)
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    Social comparison and risk taking behavior.Astrid Gamba, Elena Manzoni & Luca Stanca - 2017 - Theory and Decision 82 (2):221-248.
    This paper studies the effects of social comparison on risk taking behavior. In our theoretical framework, decision makers evaluate the consequences of their choices relative to both their own and their peers’ conditions. We test experimentally whether the position in the social ranking affects risk attitudes. Subjects interact in a simulated workplace environment where they perform a work task, receive possibly different wages, and then undertake a risky decision that may produce an extra gain. We find that social comparison matters (...)
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  43.  13
    Massimo di Tiro: Dissertazioni -- Testo greco a fronte.Massimo di Tiro - 2019 - [Milan]: Bompiani. Edited by Selene I. S. Brumana & Maximus.
    Di Massimo di Tiro si conoscono pochi dettagli biografici. Le fonti antiche, concordi nel ritenerlo ‘filosofo’ e ‘filosofo platonico’, affermano che le sue dissertazioni o indagini filosofiche sono da ricondursi al suo primo soggiorno a Roma, al tempo dell’imperatore Commodo. Le quarantuno dissertazioni filosofiche di Massimo di Tiro offrono una visione privilegiata della cultura imperiale del secondo secolo, epoca in cui, dominante l’eleganza stilistica, anche la filosofia non disdegnava di dispiegare i propri contenuti mediante il bello stilo dello (...)
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  44. Considerazioni in margine alla redazione di Mc 2, 13-17.G. G. Gamba - 1969 - Divus Thomas 72:201-226.
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  45. Dalla riduzione alla donazione: Sviluppi della fenomenologia contemporanea.F. Gamba - 1998 - Filosofia 49 (3):315-331.
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  46. From reduction to donation: Developments in contemporary phenomenology, in particular recent works by Jean-Luc Marion.F. Gamba - 1998 - Filosofia 49 (3):315-331.
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  47. Lo statuto fenomenologico dell'io penso. Michel Henry interprete delle riflessioni kantiane sull'anima contenute nella prima Critica.Ezio Gamba - 2013 - Annuario Filosofico 29:276-300.
    This paper is about Michel Henry’s interpretation of the topic of the soul in Kant’s thought. Two aspects of this topic will be particularly examined: Kant’s criticism of the concept of the soul as a substance and the I think as the consciousness that every representation of mine is a representation for me. Henry thinks that the insertion of this consciousness in Kant’s thought is a necessary incoherence that shows the impossibility to reduce appearing to representation. At the end it (...)
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  48.  14
    Mondo disponibile e mondo prodotto: Rudolf Pannwitz, filosofo.Alessandro Gamba - 2007 - Milano: Vita e pensiero.
    Rudolf Pannwitz è una delle più complesse, ma spesso sottovalutate figure intellettuali dell'area germanofona, autore linguisticamente sapido di una bibliografia enorme e poliedrica, il quale ha raccolto in vita la stima di personalità tra le più importanti del panorama culturale europeo. Né si può trascurare una biografia contrastata, sofferta, eccentrica, che solo nella sua ultima fase consentirà una sistemazione matura del pensiero. Questo volume ricostruisce compiutamente per la prima volta la dottrina filosofica pannwitziana; quella filosofia che per autodichiarazione risulta essere (...)
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  49. ""Nicolai Hartmann's" new ontology" fifty years later.A. Gamba - 2001 - Rivista di Filosofia Neo-Scolastica 93 (1):74-94.
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  50. Wilhelm Schmid's' Lebenskunstphilosophie'.Alessandro Gamba - 2007 - Rivista di Filosofia Neo-Scolastica 99 (1):27-64.
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