Results for 'Jenny O.'

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  1.  15
    ‘What about the dads?’ Linking fathers and children in administrative data: A systematic scoping review.Jenny Woodman, Margaret O’Brien, Pia Hardelid, Katie Harron & Irina Lut - 2022 - Big Data and Society 9 (1).
    Research has shown that paternal involvement positively impacts on child health and development. We aimed to develop a conceptual model of dimensions of fatherhood, identify and categorise methods used for linking fathers with their children in administrative data, and map these methods onto the dimensions of fatherhood. We carried out a systematic scoping review to create a conceptual framework of paternal involvement and identify studies exploring the impact of paternal exposures on child health and development outcomes using administrative data. We (...)
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    The Lancet–O’Neill Institute/Georgetown University Commission on Global Health and Law: The Power of Law to Advance the Right to Health.Jenny C. Kaldor, Lawrence O. Gostin, John T. Monahan & Katie Gottschalk - 2020 - Public Health Ethics 13 (1):9-15.
    The Lancet–O’Neill Institute/Georgetown University Commission on Global Health and Law published its report on the Legal Determinants of Health in 2019. The term ‘legal determinants of health’ draws attention to the power of law to influence upstream social and economic influences on population health. In this article, we introduce the Commission, including its background and rationale, set out its methodology, summarize its key findings and recommendations and reflect on its impact since publication. We also look to the future, making suggestions (...)
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  3. Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR): Models and Theories in Stakeholder Dialogue.Linda O’Riordan & Jenny Fairbrass - 2008 - Journal of Business Ethics 83 (4):745-758.
    The pharmaceutical sector, an industry already facing stiff challenges in the form of intensified competition and strategic consolidation, has increasingly become subject to a range of pressures. Crucially, in common with other large-scale businesses, pharmaceutical firms find themselves ‹invited’ to respond positively to the corporate ‹social’ responsibility (CSR) expectations of their stakeholders. Consequently, individual managers will almost certainly be obliged to engage in some form of stakeholder dialogue and this, in turn, means that they will have to make difficult choices (...)
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    The Interaction of Learning Styles and Teaching Methodologies in Accounting Ethical Instruction.Conor O’Leary & Jenny Stewart - 2013 - Journal of Business Ethics 113 (2):225-241.
    Ethical instruction is critical for trainee accountants. Various teaching methods, both active and passive, are normally utilised when teaching accounting ethics. However, students’ learning styles are rarely assessed. This study evaluates the learning styles of accounting students and assesses the interaction of teaching methods and learning styles in an ethics instruction environment. The ethical attitudes and preferred learning styles of a cohort (137) of final year accounting students were evaluated pre-instruction. They were then subject to three different teaching methods while (...)
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    FMT Regulatory Challenges and the Lived Experiences of People With IBD.Jennie Haw, Kim Chuong & Kieran C. O'Doherty - 2017 - American Journal of Bioethics 17 (5):59-61.
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    Managing CSR Stakeholder Engagement: A New Conceptual Framework. [REVIEW]Linda O’Riordan & Jenny Fairbrass - 2014 - Journal of Business Ethics 125 (1):1-25.
    As concepts of corporate social responsibility (CSR) continue to evolve, the predicament facing CSR managers when attempting to balance the differing interests of various stakeholders remains a persistent management challenge. A review of the extensive literature in this field reveals that the conceptualisation of corporate approaches to responsible stakeholder management remains underdeveloped. In particular, CSR practices within the specific context of the pharmaceutical industry, a sector which particularly dramatically depicts the stakeholder management dilemmas faced by business managers, has been under-researched. (...)
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    Parental Investment by Birth Fathers and Stepfathers.Jenni E. Pettay, Mirkka Danielsbacka, Samuli Helle, Gretchen Perry, Martin Daly & Antti O. Tanskanen - 2023 - Human Nature 34 (2):276-294.
    This study investigates the determinants of paternal investment by birth fathers and stepfathers. Inclusive fitness theory predicts higher parental investment in birth children than stepchildren, and this has consistently been found in previous studies. Here we investigate whether paternal investment varies with childhood co-residence duration and differs between stepfathers and divorced birth fathers by comparing the investment of (1) stepfathers, (2) birth fathers who are separated from the child’s mother, and (3) birth fathers who still are in a relationship with (...)
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    An exploration of the practice, policy and legislative issues of the specialist area of nursing people with intellectual disability: A scoping review.Kate O'Reilly, Peter Lewis, Michele Wiese, Linda Goddard, Henrietta Trip, Jenny Conder, David Charnock, Zhen Lin, Hayden Jaques & Nathan J. Wilson - 2018 - Nursing Inquiry 25 (4):e12258.
    The specialist field of intellectual disability nursing has been subjected to a number of changes since the move towards deinstitutionalisation from the 1970s. Government policies sought to change the nature of the disability workforce from what was labelled as a medicalised approach, towards a more socially oriented model of support. Decades on however, many nurses who specialise in the care of people with intellectual disability are still employed. In Australia, the advent of the National Disability Insurance Scheme offers an apt (...)
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    Modality and Perceptual-Motor Experience Influence the Detection of Temporal Deviations in Tap Dance Sequences.Mauro Murgia, Valter Prpic, Jenny O., Penny McCullagh, Ilaria Santoro, Alessandra Galmonte & Tiziano Agostini - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    The Australian Traumatic Brain Injury Initiative: Single data dictionary to predict outcome for people with moderate-severe traumatic brain injury.Melinda Fitzgerald, Jennie Ponsford, Regina Hill, Nick Rushworth, Elizabeth Kendall, Elizabeth Armstrong, John Gilroy, Jonathon Bullen, Jemma Keeves, Matthew K. Bagg, Sarah Hellewell, Natasha Lannin, Terence O'Brien, Peter Cameron, James Cooper & Belinda Gabbe - unknown
    In this series of eight articles, the Australian Traumatic Brain Injury Initiative (AUS-TBI) consortium describes the Australian approach used to select the common data elements collected acutely that have been shown to predict outcome following moderate-severe traumatic brain injury (TBI) across the lifespan. This article presents the unified single data dictionary, together with additional measures chosen to facilitate comparative effectiveness research and data linkage. Consultations with the AUS-TBI Lived Experience Expert Group provided insights on the merits and considerations regarding data (...)
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  11.  23
    The scope of ethical dilemmas in paediatric nursing: a survey of nurses from a tertiary paediatric centre in Australia.Ingrid Schulz, Jenny O’Neill, Peter Gillam & Lynn Gillam - 2023 - Nursing Ethics 30 (4):526-541.
    Background No previous study has provided evidence for the scope and frequency of ethical dilemmas for paediatric nurses. It is essential to understand this to optimise patient care and tailor ethics support for nurses. Research aim The aim of this study was to explore the scope of nurses’ ethical dilemmas in a paediatric hospital and their engagement with the hospital clinical ethics service. Research design This study used a cross-sectional survey design. Participants and research context Paediatric nursing staff in a (...)
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  12.  10
    Truth-telling to the seriously ill child – Nurses’ experiences, attitudes, and beliefs.Mandy El Ali, Sharon Licqurish, Jenny O'Neill & Lynn Gillam - 2024 - Nursing Ethics 31 (5):930-950.
    Background Nurses play an integral role in the care of children hospitalised with a serious illness. Although information about diagnostics, treatments, and prognosis are generally conveyed to parents and caregivers of seriously ill children by physicians, nurses spend a significant amount of time at the child’s bedside and have an acknowledged role in helping patients and families understand the information that they have been given by a doctor. Hence, the ethical role of the nurse in truth disclosure to children is (...)
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  13.  37
    Philosophy of education in a new key: Publicness, social justice, and education; a South-North conversation.Marek Tesar, Michael A. Peters, Robert Hattam, Leah O’Toole, Lester-Irabinna Rigney, Kathryn Paige, Suzanne O’Keeffe, Hannah Soong, Carl Anders Säfström, Jenni Carter, Alison Wrench, Deirdre Forde, Sam Osborne, Lotar Rasiński, Hana Cervinkova, Kathleen Heugh & Gert Biesta - 2022 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 54 (8):1216-1233.
    Public education is not just a way to organise and fund education. It is also the expression of a particular ideal about education and of a particular way to conceive of the relationship between education and society. The ideal of public education sees education as an important dimension of the common good and as an important institution in securing the common good. The common good is never what individuals or particular groups want or desire, but always reaches beyond such particular (...)
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  14.  46
    Advancing the ethical use of digital data in human research: challenges and strategies to promote ethical practice.Karin Clark, Matt Duckham, Marilys Guillemin, Assunta Hunter, Jodie McVernon, Christine O’Keefe, Cathy Pitkin, Steven Prawer, Richard Sinnott, Deborah Warr & Jenny Waycott - 2019 - Ethics and Information Technology 21 (1):59-73.
    The proliferation of digital data and internet-based research technologies is transforming the research landscape, and researchers and research ethics communities are struggling to respond to the ethical issues being raised. This paper discusses the findings from a collaborative project that explored emerging ethical issues associated with the expanding use of digital data for research. The project involved consulting with researchers from a broad range of disciplinary fields. These discussions identified five key sets of issues and informed the development of guidelines (...)
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  15. Jenny R. saffran, Michelle M. Loman, Rachel rw Robertson.Paul Bloom, Timp German, Michelle O'riordan, Albert Postma & Elizabeth Blair Morris - 2000 - Cognition 77 (291):291-292.
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    Gregory Heyworth and Daniel E. O’Sullivan, eds., with Frank Coulson, “Eschéz d’amours”: A Critical Edition of the Poem and its Latin Glosses. Leiden and Boston: Brill, 2013. Pp. xi, 684. $261. ISBN: 978-90-04-21253-4. [REVIEW]Jenny Adams - 2015 - Speculum 90 (1):258-259.
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    Classical Mythology - (M.P.O.) Morford, (R.J.) Lenardon, (M.) Sham Classical Mythology. International Ninth Edition. Pp. xxii + 841, ills, maps, colour pls. Oxford and New York: Oxford University Press, 2011. Paper, £30. ISBN: 978-0-19-976898-1. [REVIEW]Jenny March - 2012 - The Classical Review 62 (2):657-659.
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  18.  11
    Jenny, H., Österliches Kirchenjahr. [REVIEW]J. O’Connor - 1965 - Augustinianum 5 (2):460-460.
  19. New books. [REVIEW]Anthony Kenny, J. M. Cameron, E. J. Lemmon, N. J. Brown, G. E. de Graaff, Alan Montefiore, Jenny Teichmann, P. Minkus-Benes, J. Gosling, Rudolf Haller, Gershon Weiler, O. R. Jones, W. J. Rees & Ronald Hall - 1961 - Mind 70 (278):270-289.
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  20.  38
    Los espantos de La sabana: leyendas y religiosidad de los Ilanos venezolanos (The ghosts of Savannah: Legends and religion of the Venezuelan Ilanos) - DOI: 10.5752/P.2175-5841.2013v11n30p572. [REVIEW]Jenny González Muñoz - 2013 - Horizonte 11 (30):572-592.
    Los procesos culturales de los pueblos rurales de América Latina en cuanto a su parte inmaterial, están íntimamente relacionados con la memoria colectiva y/o social, la cual puede fungir, entre otras cosas, para afianzar la transmisión de leyendas creadas por la sabiduría popular por medio de la tradición oral. En los llanos centro-occidentales venezolanos a lo largo de más dos siglos se ha diseminado cantidad de leyendas que cuentan la aparición de espíritus que vagan por las sabanas solitarias, sobre todo (...)
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    Hypocrisy and the Politics of Politeness: Manners and Morals from Locke to Austen by Jenny Davidson.Anton O. Kris - 2019 - Common Knowledge 25 (1-3):421-422.
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    Duelo Del Púber En El Contexto de Aislamiento Social Latinoamericano.Fernando Ledesma-Pérez, Juana Cruz-Montero, Ana Holgado-Quispe, Jenny Ruiz-Salazar & Jhon Holguin-Alvarez - 2022 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 11 (7):1-13.
    El duelo es un proceso psicológico duro de sobrellevar ante la muerte por la aparición del Covid-19 en el Perú. Cuando las personas infectadas morían a consecuencia de la infección, eran incineradas por cuenta del hospital, y a los familiares se les entregaba una caja pequeña en la que se les decía que estaban las cenizas de su difunto. Las entrevistas realizadas a niños de 11 años de edad, padres de familia y psicólogos de hospitales; revelaron cuadros de ansiedad o (...)
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  23.  12
    The Limits of Realism in the Philosophy of G.E. Moore.David O'Connor - 1979 - Dissertation, Marquette University
    In a review published in Vol. XVIII, No. I of Philosophical Books (January, 1977), Jenny Teichman remarks that, as most philosophy books are non-original, it is probably a good idea, now and again, to remind readers of the fact. Of dissertations I suspect that her statement is true with interest. Even so, it is still only the foolhardy or the naive and puf.e of heart who will ask, "Then why write them?" I mention Teichman's observation here so as to (...)
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  24. Monoliths : Laurie Spiegel's The expanding universe and André O. Möller's Musik für Orgel und eine(n) Tonsetzer(in) / Jennie Gottschalk ; Postlude to Chapter six.Richard Glover - 2019 - In Being time: case studies in musical temporality. New York, N.Y.: Bloomsbury Academic.
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  25. Granulated time : Toshiya Tsunoda's O kokos tis anixis / Jennie Gottschalk ; Postlude to Chapter five.Bryn Harrison - 2019 - In Richard Glover, Being time: case studies in musical temporality. New York, N.Y.: Bloomsbury Academic.
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    A Homeric Goat Island ( OD. 9.116–41).Jan N. Bremmer - 1986 - Classical Quarterly 36 (01):256-.
    Recently, Jenny Strauss Clay has put forward the suggestion that the ‘goat island’ on which Odysseus lands before crossing over to the Cyclopes is ‘none other than Hyperia, the former home of the Phaeacians from which they emigrated to Scheria under the leadership of Nausithoos on account of the depredations of the Cyclopes.’ She arrives at this suggestion by combining the former proximity of the Phaeacians and Cyclopes with the fact that the island νδρν χηρεύει , ‘is bereft of (...)
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  27. A stimulus-response analysis of anxiety and its role as a reinforcing agent.O. H. Mowrer - 1939 - Psychological Review 46 (6):553-565.
  28.  38
    Conjunctive representations in learning and memory: Principles of cortical and hippocampal function.Randall C. O'Reilly & Jerry W. Rudy - 2001 - Psychological Review 108 (2):311-345.
  29.  50
    Evolving Perceptual Categories.Cailin O’Connor - 2014 - Philosophy of Science 81 (5):840-851.
    This paper uses sim-max games to model perceptual categorization with the goal of answering the following question: to what degree should we expect the perceptual categories of biological actors to track properties of the world around them? I will argue that an analysis of these games suggests that the relationship between real-world structure and evolved perceptual categories is mediated by successful action in the sense that organisms evolve to categorize together states of nature for which similar actions lead to similar (...)
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    Two-factor learning theory reconsidered, with special reference to secondary reinforcement and the concept of habit.O. H. Mowrer - 1956 - Psychological Review 63 (2):114-128.
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    The Early History of the Astrolabe. Studies in Ancient Astronomy IX.O. Neugebauer - 1949 - Isis 40 (3):240-256.
  32. The Impact of Interpersonal Discrimination and Stress on Health and Performance for Early Career STEM Academicians.Katharine R. O’Brien, Samuel T. McAbee, Michelle R. Hebl & John R. Rodgers - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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    Animal-Assisted Intervention for trauma: a systematic literature review.Marguerite E. O'Haire, Noémie A. Guérin & Alison C. Kirkham - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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  34.  48
    The Making of Europe.O. Halecki - 1948 - Thought: Fordham University Quarterly 23 (1):5-7.
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  35. Aristote, Physique, II.O. Hamelin - 1907 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 15 (4):8-8.
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    Essai sur les éléments principaux de la représentation. Bibliothèque de philosophie contemporaine.O. Hamelin - 1908 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 65:91-96.
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    Lettres.O. Hamelin - 1957 - Les Etudes Philosophiques 12 (2):158 - 168.
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  38. 1o Aristote, Physique, livre II, traduction et commentaire; 2o Essai sur les éléments principaux de la représentation.O. Hamelin - 1908 - Revue de Philosophie 12:97.
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  39. Good Intentions, Poor Results: Garbage Collection in Quito Shantytowns.O. Hernandez - 1998 - Human Nature: Greencom's Newsletter 3 (1):4.
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    Iv-2 Ordinis Quarti Tomus Secundus: Querela Pacis.O. Herding & A. J. Koster (eds.) - 1969 - Brill.
    The second issue of Ordo IV of the Amsterdam edition of the Latin texts of Erasmus comprises the Querela Pacis and Erasmus’ Latin translations of some of Plutarch’s Moralia . The Complaint of Peace deals with peace and war, and the tension between love of one’s country and St. Paul’s admonishment to unity in Christianity.
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  41. Educação e vida.João Lyra - 1970 - [Rio de Janeiro,: Gráfica Editôra Livro].
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  42. Universalização do direito.João Monteiro - 1906 - São Paulo,: Typ. Duprat & comp..
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  43. Julian tenison woods: Lyricist and missionary.Roderick O'Brien - 2018 - The Australasian Catholic Record 95 (1):83.
    O'Brien, Roderick Among the treasures at the Congregational Archives of the Sisters of St Joseph of the Sacred Heart in North Sydney is a booklet, a hymnal: a collection of hymns and sacred songs attributed to Fr Julian Tenison Woods.1 The purpose of this short article is to introduce one of those hymns, and provide some information about poetry and songs in Woods's life and mission. I am grateful to the archivist for making this booklet available. Introducing this particular hymn, (...)
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  44. Legal treatment of embryos created through IVF: Australia, France, Germany, Italy, New Zealand, Poland, Portugal, Sweden, United Kingdom.Kelly Buchanan, Louis A. Gilbert, Jenny Gesley, Dante Figueroa, Iana Fremer, Eduardo Soares, Elin Hofverberg & Clare Feikert-Ahalt (eds.) - 2024 - [Washington, D.C.]: The Law Library of Congress, Global Legal Research Directorate.
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    Theorising normalcy and the mundane: precarious positions.Rebecca Mallett, Cassandra A. Ogden & Jenny Slater (eds.) - 2016 - Chester: University of Chester Press.
    Emerging from the internationally recognised Theorising Normalcy and the Mundane conference series, the chapters in this book offer wide-ranging critiques of that most pervasive of ideas, 'normal'. In particular, they explore the precarious positions we are presented with and, more often than not, forced into by 'normal', and its operating system, 'normalcy' (Davis, 2010). They are written by activists, students, practitioners and academics and offer related but diverse approaches. Importantly, however, the chapters also ask, what if increasingly precarious encounters with, (...)
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  46. Subject Index to Volume 30.Arthur B. Markman, Thomas T. Hills, Michael P. Kaschak, Jenny R. Saffran, Jarrod Moss, Kenneth Kotovsky, Jonathan Cagan, Louise Connell, Mark T. Keane & Joyca Pw Lacroix - 2006 - Cognitive Science 30:1129-1132.
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  47. Handbook of Brand Semiotics.George Rossolatos (ed.) - 2015 - Kassel: Kassel University Press.
    Semiotics has been making progressively inroads into marketing research over the past thirty years. Despite the amply demonstrated conceptual appeal and empirical pertinence of semiotic perspectives in various marketing research streams, spanning consumer research, brand communications, branding and consumer cultural studies, there has been a marked deficit in terms of consolidating semiotic brand-related research under a coherent disciplinary umbrella with identifiable boundaries and research agenda. -/- The Handbook of Brand Semiotics furnishes a compass for the perplexed, a set of anchors (...)
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    From Faint Mood to Strong Emotion: Merging Heidegger and Sartre?Daniel O’Shiel - 2017 - Philosophia 45 (4):1575-1586.
    This paper contrasts Sartre’s account of emotion with Heidegger’s account of Befindlichkeit and ‘mood’. Sartre’s account of emotion is a strong one: emotions occur only when a more neutral and colourless ‘pragmatic attitude’ is frustrated or breaks down. In this manner, emotion has to be acutely felt in and through the body, which also means that there are many circumstances and states in which we do not undergo any emotion at all. In fact, Sartre’s ‘pragmatic attitude’ is precisely the mode (...)
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  49.  19
    1. O si tacuisses!T. O. Achelis & Z. Kriegsfreiwilliger - 1917 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 74 (1-4):470-472.
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    Plotting the Anatomical WatershedAndreas Vesalius of Brussels, 1514-1564. C. D. O'Malley.Joshua O. Leibowitz - 1965 - Isis 56 (3):362-365.
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