Results for 'Maud-Christine Chouinard'

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  1.  34
    Nursing activities for patients with chronic disease in family medicine groups: A multiple‐case study.Marie-Eve Poitras, Maud-Christine Chouinard, Martin Fortin, Ariane Girard, Sue Crossman & Frances Gallagher - 2018 - Nursing Inquiry 25 (4):e12250.
    Family Medicine Groups (FMGs) are the most recently developed primary care organizations in Quebec (Canada). Nurses within FMGs play a central role for patients with chronic diseases (CD). However, this complex role and the nursing activities related to this role vary across FMGs. Inadequate knowledge of nursing activities limits the implementation of exemplary nursing practices. This study aimed to describe FMG nursing activities with patients with CD and to describe the facilitators and barriers to these activities. A multiple‐case study was (...)
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    Fear of Cancer Recurrence, Health Anxiety, Worry, and Uncertainty: A Scoping Review About Their Conceptualization and Measurement Within Breast Cancer Survivorship Research.Christine Maheu, Mina Singh, Wing Lam Tock, Asli Eyrenci, Jacqueline Galica, Maude Hébert, Francesca Frati & Tania Estapé - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12:644932.
    Objective:Fear of Cancer Recurrence (FCR), Health Anxiety (HA), worry, and uncertainty in illness are psychological concerns commonly faced by cancer patients. In survivorship research, these similar, yet different constructs are frequently used interchangeably and multiple instruments are used in to measure them. The lack of clear and consistent conceptualization and measurement can lead to diverse or contradictory interpretations. The purpose of this scoping review was to review, compare, and analyze the current conceptualization and measurements used for FCR, HA, worry, and (...)
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    Lyotard et les arts.Françoise Coblence & Michel Enaudeau (eds.) - 2014 - Paris: Klincksieck.
    Aucune discussion d'ensemble des ecrits de Lyotard sur l'art n'avait ete entreprise. Or sa reflexion sur les arts - musique, cinema, peinture surtout - est une part essentielle de son oeuvre, comme en temoignent les analyses proposees dans Discours, figure, Que peindre?, Moralites postmodernes, L'Inhumain et Les Ecrits sur l'art contemporain et les artistes. Moins remarque pourtant est le fait que Lyotard a collabore avec des peintres (Monory, Guiffrey, Adami, Sam Francis, Appel, Buren, etc). Il a ete commissaire d'une exposition (...)
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  4. Aging, Death, and Human Longevity: A Philosophical Inquiry.Christine Overall - 2003 - University of California Press.
    With the help of medicine and technology we are living longer than ever before. As human life spans have increased, the moral and political issues surrounding longevity have become more complex. Should we desire to live as long as possible? What are the social ramifications of longer lives? How does a longer life span change the way we think about the value of our lives and about death and dying? Christine Overall offers a clear and intelligent discussion of the (...)
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  5. Emotions and the intelligibility of akratic action.Christine Tappolet - 2003 - In Sarah Stroud & Christine Tappolet (eds.), Weakness of will and practical irrationality. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 97--120.
    After discussing de Sousa's view of emotion in akrasia, I suggest that emotions be viewed as nonconceptual perceptions of value (see Tappolet 2000). It follows that they can render intelligible actions which are contrary to one's better judgment. An emotion can make one's action intelligible even when that action is opposed by one's all-things-considered judgment. Moreover, an akratic action prompted by an emotion may be more rational than following one's better judgement, for it may be the judgement and not the (...)
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    Le corps en sous-bois.Pascal Dusapin & Maud Pouradier - 2013 - Nouvelle Revue D’Esthétique 12 (2):143.
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    Freedom: A Coherence Theory.Christine Swanton - 1992 - Hackett.
    ... View (i) The Thesis of Essential Contestedness The view that freedom and other ideals such as justice are essentially contested is important, ...
  8.  15
    L’entretien de co-explicitation au service de la recherche collaborative.Christine Pierrisnard - 2017 - Revue Phronesis 6 (1-2):153-165.
    Within the framework of the searches about the new philosophic practices with the children, teachers-researchers and primary school teachers specialized in French educational systéme, gather for a collaborative search.The group observes the practices of his members and notes that they tend to modify the temporal representations on which teachers usually lean to think and act in their class. These changes have important consequences that are sometimes difficult to identify.The co-explicitation interviews presented here have led to the awareness and recognition of (...)
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    Constitutivism About Practical Principles: Its Claims, Goals, Task and Failure.Christine Bratu & Moritz Dittmeyer - 2016 - Philosophia 44 (4):1129-1143.
    The aim of this paper is twofold: In its first part, we work out the key features of constitutivism as presented by Christine Korsgaard. This reconstruction serves to clarify which goals Korsgaard wants to achieve with her account and which of its central claims she has to defend in particular. In the second part, we discuss whether Korsgaard can vindicate constitutivism's most central claim. To do this, we analyse two important arguments - the argument from unavoidability and the argument (...)
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  10.  22
    Diagrams, images and conceptual maps in nursing education.Christine Durmis & Daniel A. Wilkenfeld - 2023 - Nursing Philosophy 24 (3):e12441.
    The way in which one understands information and concepts, and the way a student works to develop this, is an individual aspect of learning that cannot be universally defined as (at least manifested) the same for everyone. ‘Understanding’ is a broad term, and the way one achieves understanding is dependent on the way that material is presented. In this article, we argue that the philosophy of science can be important to nursing education—in particular, by showing that the way we imbue (...)
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    Plato on Metaphysical Explanation: Does 'Participating' Mean Nothing?Christine J. Thomas - 2014 - Studia Philosophica Estonica 7 (2):168.
    According to Aristotle, Plato's efforts at metaphysical explanation not only fail, they are nonsensical. In particular, Plato's appeals to Forms as metaphysically explanatory of the sensibles that participate in them is "empty talk" since "'participating' means nothing". I defend Plato against Aristotle's charge by identifying a particular, substantive model of metaphysical predication as the favored model of Plato's late ontology. The model posits two basic metaphysical predication relations: self-predication and participation. In order to understand the participation relation, it is important (...)
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  12.  88
    Hart on Paternalism.Christine Pierce - 1975 - Analysis 35 (6):205 - 207.
  13.  35
    Mabe on Fuller.Christine Pierce - 1975 - Southern Journal of Philosophy 13 (4):511-513.
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    Democratic Law in Classical Athens, written by Michael Gagarin.Christine Plastow - 2021 - Polis 38 (2):332-335.
  15.  5
    How Do We Choose?Christine Placidi, Judith Hurley & Beverly M. Small - 2014 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 25 (4):308-310.
    The Hearts and Minds of Ghana project improves the lives of those who are less fortunate and have few resources. Providing clear goals for the mission, devising prior guidelines for patient selection and treatment, achieving a better understanding of local culture and expectations, and good team work, facilitate making better ethical decisions, but doesn’t make them less difficult.
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    Hommage à Marcelle Marini.Christine Planté - 2007 - Clio 26:229-231.
    Marcelle Marini s’est éteinte à Paris le 24 janvier 2007. La distance qu’elle avait prise ces dernières années avec le monde universitaire ne doit pas faire oublier l’apport original à la recherche féministe française qui a été le sien. À travers son enseignement, ses ouvrages et ses articles, elle a développé une approche de la littérature renouvelée par la psychanalyse et par les interrogations du féminisme, approche dépourvue de dogmatisme et attentive aux œuvres dans leurs singularités. J...
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    (1 other version)Patricia Izquierdo, Devenir poétesse à la belle époque (1900-1914).Christine Planté - 2012 - Clio 36.
    Les premières années du XXe siècle ont vu en France un essor de la presse féminine et de la production littéraire des femmes, marquées par une vogue de la poésie d’autant plus frappante qu’elle reste sans équivalent dans d’autres périodes. On ne saurait y voir un mouvement littéraire cohérent ni concerté – quoique certains commentateurs aient parfois, à la suite de Charles Maurras, parlé à ce propos de « romantisme féminin » –, et cette étonnante reconnaissance publique d’une poésie écrite (...)
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  18.  40
    Voilà ce qui fait que votre e est muette.Christine Planté - 2000 - Clio 11:5-5.
    Le E dit muet, ou encore féminin, caduc, instable, concentre régulièrement l’attention dans les discours tenus sur la langue française, du XVIe siècle à nos jours. Parce qu’il sert à la formation du féminin et qu’il caractérise les rimes dites féminines, parce qu’il relève d’un traitement particulier dans la métrique française classique, et ne trouve pas son équivalent dans le système phonétique d’autres langues, il s’est peu à peu vu investi par écrivains et théoriciens des deux sexes de valeurs de (...)
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    The Importance of Ordinal Information in Interpreting Number/Letter Line Data.Christine Podwysocki, Robert A. Reeve & Jason D. Forte - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Folla/Follia: Futurism and the Crowd.Christine Poggi - 2002 - Critical Inquiry 28 (3):709-748.
  21.  61
    The Futurist Noise Machine.Christine Poggi - 2009 - The European Legacy 14 (7):821-840.
    Futurism is famous for promoting “the art of noise” in its manifestos, serate (theatrical evenings), poetry, music, and visual art. Noise appears in Futurism as an avatar of the machine age, as a means of assaulting the senses of complacent audiences, and as a sign of the conflict inherent in matter. Beginning with the “Founding and Manifesto of Futurism” of 1909, where the noises of the street galvanize Marinetti and his friends to break out of a prison-like domestic space, to (...)
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  22.  11
    Migration, Citizenship, and Democracy.Christine Chwaszcza - 2021 - Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG.
    Ökonomische und vorübergehende Migration stellen liberal-demokratische Gesellschaften vor die Herausforderung, traditionelle Ideale von Gesellschaft und demokratischer Inklusion zu überdenken. Christine Chwaszcza entwickelt einen moralischen Standpunkt für die ethische Bewertung von Fragen zu Immigration, sozialer und demokratischer Inklusion, der demokratietheoretische Überlegungen und Forderungen post-nationaler Gerechtigkeit in einer transnationalen Perspektive integriert. Das Buch wendet sich an Forscher und fortgeschrittene Studierenden der Politischen Philosophie, der Rechtsphilosophie und der Sozialwissenschaften.
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  23.  16
    Corpus, classes and collection in Conversation Analysis.Michel de Fornel & Maud Verdier - 2018 - Corpus 18.
    Les vingt dernières années ont vu l’apparition d’une convergence forte entre une démarche appliquée se consacrant à la création de corpus de grande taille, à leur codage et à leur étiquetage, et diverses théories linguistiques dont les analyses reposent sur de tels corpus. Pour l’analyse de conversation (ou linguistique interactionnelle) une telle convergence ne semble pas possible, car son approche est qualitative et s’appuie sur de « petits » corpus. De plus, un examen approfondi du contexte social des interactions recueillies (...)
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  24.  17
    La parole, le chant et la transparence du médium : note sur la métaphysique de l'opéra.Peter Kivy & Maud Pouradier - 2013 - Nouvelle Revue D’Esthétique 12 (2):81.
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    Conscious awareness is required for the perceptual discrimination of threatening animal stimuli: A visual masking and continuous flash suppression study.Emma J. Cox, Irene Sperandio, Robin Laycock & Philippe A. Chouinard - 2018 - Consciousness and Cognition 65:280-292.
  26. Consciousness in transition : the experience of doctoral study.Deborah Andrews & Christine Edwards - 2008 - In Bryan Cunningham (ed.), Exploring professionalism. London: Institute of Education, University of London.
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  27. Correspondance.Immanuel Kant, Marie-Christine Challiol, Michèle Halimi, Valérie Séroussi, Nicolas Aumonier & Marc B. de Launay - 1993 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 98 (1):277-279.
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    The Concept of Socialist Law.Christine Sypnowich - 1990 - Oxford University Press UK.
    This book seeks to remedy the contempt for law prominent in socialist writings. While political thinkers on the left are indisputably concerned with justice, they dismiss those legal institutions which, in liberal capitalist societies, have ensured some minimum measure of justice in citizens' lives. Marxists in particular have tended to reduce law to a capitalist apparatus necessary to mediate conflict between egoistic wills or social classes. The book argues against this doctrine by showing that however ideal a society socialists envisage, (...)
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    Theaetetus’ Snubness and the Contents of Plato’s Thoughts.Christine J. Thomas - 2002 - Ancient Philosophy 22 (1):53-74.
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    Social Justice and Legal Form.Christine Sypnowich - 1994 - Ratio Juris 7 (1):72-79.
    This essay argues for a conception of law as a normative practice, a conception which departs from traditional, particularly positivist, conceptions. It is argued that Dyzenhaus's book (Dyzenhaus 1991), with its fascinating case study of unjust judicial decisions in South Africa, makes a compelling argument for such a conception. However, the essay takes issue with Dyzenhaus for romanticising the liberal tradition, and inflating the power of law and legal theory. Nonetheless, the essay agrees that positivist accounts tend to downplay the (...)
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    What’s Wrong with Equality of Opportunity.Christine Sypnowich - 2020 - Philosophical Topics 48 (2):223-244.
    How do we know if people are equal? Contemporary philosophers consider a number of issues when determining if the goals of egalitarian distributive justice have been achieved: defining the metric of equality; determining whether the goal is equality, or simply priority or sufficiency; establishing whether there should be conditions, e.g. bad brute luck, for the amelioration of inequality. In all this, most egalitarians contend that what is to be equalized is not people’s actual shares of the good in question, but (...)
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    Neurofeedback in patients with frontal brain lesions: A randomized, controlled double-blind trial.Christine Annaheim, Kerstin Hug, Caroline Stumm, Maya Messerli, Yves Simon & Margret Hund-Georgiadis - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16:979723.
    BackgroundFrontal brain dysfunction is a major challenge in neurorehabilitation. Neurofeedback (NF), as an EEG-based brain training method, is currently applied in a wide spectrum of mental health conditions, including traumatic brain injury.ObjectiveThis study aimed to explore the capacity of Infra-Low Frequency Neurofeedback (ILF-NF) to promote the recovery of brain function in patients with frontal brain injury.Materials and methodsTwenty patients hospitalized at a neurorehabilitation clinic in Switzerland with recently acquired, frontal and optionally other brain lesions were randomized to either receive NF (...)
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    From silk to twill. Scenography of the clothing at the Carmel (France, xviith-xviiith century).Christine Aribaud - 2012 - Clio 36:91-108.
    Le propos de l’article est l’analyse de la cérémonie de la prise d’habit au sein de l’Ordre Notre-Dame du Mont-Carmel aux xviie et xviiie siècles. À partir des sources normatives, picturales et hagiographiques, cette cérémonie est détaillée, notamment la scénographie de l’avant/après, gommant toute marque féminine (présence de cheveux, soins pour un teint pâle, vêtement ajusté, usage de soieries, de bijoux, etc.). Certaines pratiques témoignent de la mise en impatience de ce passage de la soie au drap, qui se traduit (...)
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    Esthétique de l'opéra italien.Gilles de Van & Maud Pouradier - 2013 - Nouvelle Revue D’Esthétique 12 (2):135.
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    Das Reden der Ästhetik: zur Epistemologie sprachlicher Übertragung in darstellungstheoretischen Texten um 1800.Christine du Bois de Dunilac - 2012 - Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann.
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    A Mathematician's Journeys: Otto Neugebauer and Modern Transformations of Ancient Science.John Steele, Christine Proust & Alexander Jones (eds.) - 2016 - Springer Verlag.
    Otto Neugebauer’s early academic career was marked by a series of transitions. His interests shifted from physics to mathematics, and finally to the history of ancient mathematics and exact sciences. Yet even from his early years in Graz, Neugebauer was strongly attracted to the mathematical culture of Göttingen. When he arrived there in 1922, he quickly established a strong personal friendship with Richard Courant, the newly appointed Director of the Mathematics Institute. Neugebauer and Courant worked together closely up until 1933, (...)
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    Mimicking Schizophrenia: Reducing P300b by Minimally Fragmenting Healthy Participants’ Selves Using Immersive Virtual Reality Embodiment.Bernhard Spanlang, Birgit Nierula, Maud Haffar & J. Bruno Debruille - 2019 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 12.
  38.  26
    Unanswered Prayers.Christine Overall - 2009 - In Russell Blackford & Udo Schüklenk (eds.), 50 Voices of Disbelief. Wiley‐Blackwell. pp. 118–122.
    This chapter contains sections titled: Notes.
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    Translating Love.Christine Dureau - 2012 - Ethos: Journal of the Society for Psychological Anthropology 40 (2):142-163.
  40.  85
    Benefit in liver transplantation: a survey among medical staff, patients, medical students and non-medical university staff and students.Christine Englschalk, Daniela Eser, Ralf J. Jox, Alexander Gerbes, Lorenz Frey, Derek A. Dubay, Martin Angele, Manfred Stangl, Bruno Meiser, Jens Werner & Markus Guba - 2018 - BMC Medical Ethics 19 (1):7.
    The allocation of any scarce health care resource, especially a lifesaving resource, can create profound ethical and legal challenges. Liver transplant allocation currently is based upon urgency, a sickest-first approach, and does not utilize capacity to benefit. While urgency can be described reasonably well with the MELD system, benefit encompasses multiple dimensions of patients’ well-being. Currently, the balance between both principles is ill-defined. This survey with 502 participants examines how urgency and benefit are weighted by different stakeholders. Liver transplant patients (...)
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    Die Macht der Institution: Zum Staatsverständnis Arnold Gehlens.Christine Magerski (ed.) - 2021 - Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG.
    This volume examines Arnold Gehlen’s theory of the state from his philosophy of the state in the 1920s via his political and cultural anthropology to his impressive critique of the post-war welfare state. The systematic analyses the book contains by leading scholars in the social sciences and the humanities examine the interplay between the theory and history of the state with reference to the broader context of the history of ideas. Students and researchers as well as other readers interested in (...)
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    Hume and the Problem of Justice as a Virtue.Christine Swanton - 2015 - In The Virtue Ethics of Hume and Nietzsche. Malden, MA: Wiley. pp. 70–86.
    The “motive of justice” is ambiguous between three quite different categories of motivation. These are: the motive to perform a particular just act; the motive to set up institutions of justice, most particularly the conventions or “artifices” which regulate and establish property; and a motivational disposition, or essential part of a complex of motivational dispositions, that is characteristic of a person with the virtue of justice. The question now arises: Can justice as a basic virtue be understood as having at (...)
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  43. (1 other version)Plato's Prometheanism.Christine J. Thomas - 2006 - Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy 31:203-231.
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    Ethics at the intersection of Kant and Aristotle.Christine M. Korsgaard & Ana Marta González - 2003 - Anuario Filosófico 36 (3):775-794.
    In this interview Christine M. Korsgaard answers several questions on her particular interpretation of Kant's moral philosophy. More specifically, she dwells on the role of the noumenal/phenomenal distinction for a better understanding of Kant's idea of practical reason, as well as on the compatibility between Aristotelian and Kantian practical reason. In addition, she answers a couple of more general questions on the perspectives and challenges of contemporary ethical theory.
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    Size Aftereffects Are Eliminated When Adaptor Stimuli Are Prevented from Reaching Awareness by Continuous Flash Suppression.Robin Laycock, Joshua A. Sherman, Irene Sperandio & Philippe A. Chouinard - 2017 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 11.
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    Die Intertextualität der Bilder: Methodendiskussionen zwischen Kunstgeschichte und Literaturtheorie.Elisabeth-Christine Gamer - 2018 - Berlin: Reimer.
    Das Nachdenken über Beziehungen zwischen Bildern ist ein kunsthistorisches Kerngeschäft. Zugleich ist es jedoch auch eine Herausforderung für die Theorien und Methoden des Faches. Was bedeutet es daher, im Rückgriff auf die Literaturtheorie von der Intertextualität der Bilder zu sprechen? Worin besteht der Unterschied zur Rede von Bildzitaten, vom Bezug auf Quellen oder die ikonografische Tradition? Seit den 1960er Jahren wird dies lebhaft diskutiert. Elisabeth-Christine Gamer zeichnet in ihrem Buch die Geschichte des Diskurses über fünf Dekaden nach und berücksichtigt (...)
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  47. Thought of the Outside: Foucault contra Agamben.Marie-Christine Leps - 2012 - Radical Philosophy 175:22.
  48. Response-Dependence.Christine Tappolet & Roberto Casati - 1998 - European Review of Philosophy 3:227.
    Some concepts, such as colour concepts or value concepts, seem to bear traces of the mind's own make-up. For instance, the character of perceptually-determined colour concepts seems in some sense derivative from the character of the visual system. Thus, it has seemed plausible to claim that the corresponding colour properties are dispositions to elicit certain visual experiences in normal observers under suitable conditions. Much the same has been suggested for value concepts. An extreme position would be that colours and values (...)
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    Simone de Beauvoir et Simone Weil: deux trajectoires philosophiques dans la France de l’entre-deux-guerres et de l’après-deuxième guerre mondiale.Christine Fauré - 1984 - Simone de Beauvoir Studies 2 (1):98-116.
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    Toward Thriving Communities: Virtue Ethics as Social Ethics by Brian Stiltner.Christine Darr - 2017 - Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics 37 (2):198-199.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Toward Thriving Communities: Virtue Ethics as Social Ethics by Brian StiltnerChristine DarrToward Thriving Communities: Virtue Ethics as Social Ethics Brian Stiltner WINONA, MN: ANSELM ACADEMIC, 2016. 271 PP. $28.95Brian Stiltner's text provides a clear introduction to the theoretical framework of virtue ethics and how that framework can be fruitfully applied to understand the interplay between individual character development and flourishing, and the flourishing (or not) of communities to (...)
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