Results for 'Maryna Bella'

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  1.  18
    Media Education as an Effective Perspective on the Formation of Ideology in Society Through the Influence of Self-Consciousness.Olena Melnykova-Kurhanova, Maryna Bella, Liana Naumenko, Nataliia Ostrovska, Anzhela Liashchenko & Olena Murzina - 2022 - Postmodern Openings 13 (4):42-55.
    The study identifies the trends of media education in the post-industrial period, marked by the development of information and communication technologies in the integration and globalization processes. Society needs competent specialists who develop and strive for self-realization in society. The educational process is a phenomenon that covers different spheres of human activity and determines the main aspects of the regulatory and legal framework. The article illustrates innovative styles of media education that are an effective perspective on the formation of ideology (...)
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    Перспективи застосування Mobile Apps на регіональному інформаційному ринку України.Maryna Arovina - 2016 - Схід 3 (143):5-10.
    The paper looks into prospects of using mobile applications in the regional information market. It reviews global trends in their introduction rates, based on development of mobile devices and new information technologies. Mobile applications are classified, their most popular types for business and community described. The author provides rationale for some directions of market expansion owing to a growing share of smartphones in the total number of mobile phones and an increase in the number of Internet users. Some specific features (...)
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    The Interlacing of Science and Ethics.Michela Bella - 2020 - European Journal of Pragmatism and American Philosophy 12 (1).
    Richard Rorty has long been perceived and interpreted as a provocative and groundbreaking philosopher. However, an approach that he calls ‘eirenic’ emerges in his writings. This eirenism should not be confused with a form of sophisticated relativism, but rather it should be understood as a consequence of the profound anti-foundational conviction and anti-authoritarian sentiment that feeds his thought, as well as his reading of the relations of science and ethics. In this article, I focus on Rorty’s recovery of pragmatism and (...)
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  4. " Scientia-generalis", the 4th volume of Leibniz's' Philosophische Schriften'in the Akademie-Ausgabe.S. Di Bella - 2002 - Giornale Critico Della Filosofia Italiana 22 (3):486-502.
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    The meaning of light in Titians Danaë.Bella Golick - 2001 - Semiotica 2001 (136):451-467.
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  6. Відтворення трудового потенціалу в системі забезпечення зрівноваженого розвитку сільських територій.Maryna Hylka - 2015 - Схід 8 (140):15-20.
    У статті проаналізована існуюча на сьогодні демографічна ситуація, зайнятість сільського населення, рівень продуктивності праці та заробітної плати в аграрному секторі економіки України. Запропоновано розробити єдину концепцію зрівноваженого розвитку сільських територій України, яка б ґрунтувалася на "Стратегії інтелігентного і зрівноваженого розвитку, який сприяє суспільній активності", що використовується країнами ЄС, та включала підтримку зайнятості на сільських територіях і допомогу в збереженні соціальних структур на селі; покращення сільської економіки й підтримку диверсифікації; урахування структурної різноманітності сільськогосподарських систем, покращення кондиції малих підприємств та розвиток місцевих (...)
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  7.  16
    Соціальність та її вплив на формування моделей медичної етики.Maryna Lukashenko - 2019 - Multiversum. Philosophical Almanac 5:37-49.
    У статті обґрунтовується логіка формування моделей медичної етики в контексті змін поглядів на природу людини та парадигм соціальності. Показано, що хвороби і лікування здавна виконували соціальні функції. З Осьового часу можна виокремити моделі медичної етики. У давньогрецькій медицині постає модель Гіппократа з принципом «не нашкодь», у якому відображається тогочасне природне бачення соціопорядку. Патерналістична модель Парацельса формується навколо принципу «роби добро» в ієрархічно структурованому суспільстві, порядок персоналізованих зв’язків у якому був укорінений у трансцендентному. В обох традиційних моделях лікар як інструмент у (...)
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  8. Fenomen wzajemnego oddziaływania międzykulturowego: problem symulacji nieliniowej.Maryna Mażejka - 2009 - Colloquia Communia 86 (1-2):176-188.
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  9. Державна політика у сфері культури: Особливості реалізації в сучасних умовах.Maryna Maksymenko & Valerii Pavliuk - 2014 - Схід 6 (132):32-35.
    The article analyzes the basic principles of state policy in the sphere of culture. The specific mission of cultural awareness is determined in the national socio-cultural context. The study highlights the key concepts of contemporary cultural policy in Ukraine, including "management culture" and "cultural support". The article discloses their role in the national public identity. The authors conclude on the necessity of substantial organizational and managerial reform of cultural policy on the principle of consistency in maintaining spiritual achievements of Ukrainian (...)
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    Організація ринку житлово-комунальних послуг міста і практика його регулювання за кордоном.Maryna Melnykova & Yelyzaveta Gradoboieva - 2018 - Схід 1 (153):12-17.
    У статті розглянуто досвід розвитку ринку послуг у житлово-комунальній сфері міста за кордоном. Узагальнено підходи до організації ринку житлово-комунальних послуг міста і практику його регулювання у країнах ЄС, а також досвід використання інструментів інноваційного розвитку та управління об'єктами у сфері життєзабезпечення міста. Визначено можливості впровадження зарубіжного досвіду в практику розвитку ринку житлово-комунальних послуг українських міст.
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    Kant & current philosophical issues: some modern developments of his theory of knowledge.Bella Kussy Milmed - 1961 - [New York]: New York University Press.
  12. Наративна теологія в працях представників українського протестантизму.Maryna Panchenko - 2015 - Схід 1 (133):110-117.
    У статті досліджено різноманіття наративних методологій у сучасній українській протестантській теології, у результаті чого виявлено ті універсальні інструменти, які можуть бути використані при релігієзнавчому аналізі текстів. Запропоновано авторський підхід до поділу наративних джерел вітчизняного протестантизму, на підставі чого авторка визначає розбіжності між протестантською самопрезентацією власних наративних джерел та їх релігієзнавчим аналізом.
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    Handwritten Candidate Works of Kyiv Theological Academy Students as Sources for Studying the Academy’s Philosophical Heritage.Maryna Tkachuk - 2019 - Kyiv-Mohyla Humanities Journal 6:43-67.
    This article is devoted to determining the source potential of the so-called dissertations collection of the Kyiv Theological Academy in the study of its philosophical heritage. The author draws attention to the distinction of the hierarchy of educational and academic degrees in the Russian Empire the first, candidate’s degree, not being a research degree, from today’s hierarchy. The candidate’s degree at that time was awarded to graduates of higher education institutions on the basis of their academic achievements and a final (...)
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  14.  27
    Monograph by A. Kolodnyi "Religious Life of Ukraine in the Persons of Its Persons and Researchers".Maryna Tkachuk, Anatoliy Yermolenko, Pavlo Movchan & Petro Yarotskiy - 2017 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 84:146-154.
    Monograph by A. Kolodnyi "Religious Life of Ukraine in the Persons of Its Persons and Researchers" - assessments of its reviewers M. Tkachuk, P.Movchan, A.Yermolenko and P.Yarotsky.
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    A developmental study of the affective value of tempo and mode in music.Simone Dalla Bella, Isabelle Peretz, Luc Rousseau & Nathalie Gosselin - 2001 - Cognition 80 (3):B1-B10.
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    Philosophical Issues in Handwritten Candidate Works of Kyiv Theological Academy Students.Maryna Tkachuk - 2019 - Sententiae 38 (2):19-36.
    The article for the first time presents the powerful historical and philosophical potential of the collection of handwritten candidate works of Kyiv Theological Academy (КТА) students, which is kept at Manuscript Institute, V. I. Vernadskyi National Library of Ukraine. According to the analyzed manuscripts, despite the church-confessional and specialized theological orientation of the theological academies, as well as the system of rigid regulations and control by the Most Holy Synod in the subject matters and content of the final works, the (...)
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  17.  60
    ‘Possible Experience’ and Recent Interpretations of Kant.Bella K. Milmed - 1967 - The Monist 51 (3):442-462.
    In an attempt to extract a coherent and still relevant structure of thought from its obsolete encumbrances, some of the recent interpretations of Kant have been needlessly hampered by neglect of the important concept of ‘possible experience’. Failure to make the full use of this concept that Kant himself made has inevitably been damaging to the Kantian doctrine of phenomenal objectivity; and any version of Kant that is so damaged falls drastically short of the original. I should like, therefore, after (...)
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  18.  70
    Visual Working Memory Resources Are Best Characterized as Dynamic, Quantifiable Mnemonic Traces.Bella Z. Veksler, Rachel Boyd, Christopher W. Myers, Glenn Gunzelmann, Hansjörg Neth & Wayne D. Gray - 2017 - Topics in Cognitive Science 9 (1):83-101.
    Visual working memory is a construct hypothesized to store a small amount of accurate perceptual information that can be brought to bear on a task. Much research concerns the construct's capacity and the precision of the information stored. Two prominent theories of VWM representation have emerged: slot-based and continuous-resource mechanisms. Prior modeling work suggests that a continuous resource that varies over trials with variable capacity and a potential to make localization errors best accounts for the empirical data. Questions remain regarding (...)
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  19. The Science of the Individual: Leibniz's Ontology of Individual Substance.Stefano Di Bella - 2006 - Studia Leibnitiana 38 (2):236-239.
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  20.  22
    L'" Anti-Kant" di Franz Příhonsky´ e la critica bolzaniana alla teoria kantiana del giudizio.Stefano Di Bella - 2006 - Rivista di Filosofia 97 (2):233-250.
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    The Art of Controversies.Stefano Di Bella - 2008 - The Leibniz Review 18:157-170.
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    Virtual Dissolution.Maryna Lazareva - 2023 - Philosophy Now 154:32-35.
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    Signs of life.Bella Madden - 2013 - Medical Humanities 39 (2):144-144.
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    Future psychologists’ burnout syndrome: Results of an empirical study.Maryna Mischenko & Nataliia Shelenkova - 2017 - Science and Education: Academic Journal of Ushynsky University 17 (3):28-32.
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  25.  15
    What is happening to the Peirce Project?Michelle Bella, Giovanni Maddalena & André De Tienne - 2016 - European Journal of Pragmatism and American Philosophy 8 (2).
    Michelle Bella & Giovanni Maddalena – Many Peirce scholars wonder about what is going on with the publication of the Writings? André De Tienne – The answer is at once, almost nothing, but a lot! We are in a state of quasi-limbo, and so people do notice that we have not been publishing any volume for the last 10 years and the universal question is, what is happening to the Peirce Edition Project? It is a question that I keep (...)
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    Формування екосистеми відкритих даних в україні як фактора розвитку регіональної економіки.Arovina Maryna - 2017 - Схід 1 (147):5-10.
    The article is devoted to the research of the information service of open data in the context of influence on the development of the regional economy. The concepts of "ecosystem", "open data", their essence and significance as endogenous and exogenous factors are considered. The state of development of separate elements of the open data ecosystem formed in Ukraine is characterized. The foreign experience of organizing such information resources has been analyzed. The main problems are identified, such as weak integration of (...)
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  27.  28
    Механізми державно-приватного партнерства в проектах розвитку міських агломерацій.Melnykova Maryna & Gradoboіeva Yеlyzaveta - 2017 - Схід 2 (148):9-13.
    The article examines the possibilities of using the mechanisms of public-private partnership when implementing the projects on urban agglomerations development. Specific features of the urban agglomerations development are identified. They are based on combining the efforts of the territorial communities and aimed at implementing joint projects by attracting the appropriate resources, which allows to obtain an agglomeration effect and ensure the improvement of the quality of life of the population. It was proved that to implement joint projects on the basis (...)
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  28. Кандидатські твори студентів київської духовної академії : Специфіка жанру.Maryna Tkachuk - 2019 - Наукові Записки Наукма. Філософія Та Релігієзнавство 3 (1):3-14.
    The article highlights the features of Candidate Degree works of the Kyiv Theological Academy students of the 19th – the beginning of the 20th centuries as the most important element of their educational and scientific training. Based on a wide range of primary sources, the author refutes the false identification of works for obtaining of the degree of Candidate of Theology, written in the Orthodox theological academies of the Russian Empire, with the modern Candidate dissertations. Considering these works as qualifying (...)
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  29. Islamic medical ethics: What and how to teach.Hassan Bella - 2008 - In Jonathan E. Brockopp & Thomas Eich, Muslim Medical Ethics: From Theory to Practice. University of South Carolina Press.
  30.  15
    Ontology after Philosophical Psychology: The Continuity of Consciousness in William James's Philosophy of Mind.Michela Bella - 2019 - Lanham, Maryland: Lexington Books.
    Ontology after Philosophical Psychology develops a theoretical and historical analysis of William James’s psychology of the stream of consciousness and its connections with his philosophy of radical empiricism. This context enables a fuller understanding of James’s epistemological effort to deal with science, as well as his pluralistic metaphysics.
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  31. Corso di Sociologia.Antonino De Bella - 1895 - The Monist 6:470.
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    Розвиток корпоративної соціальної відповідальності в кнр: Досвід для україни.Maryna Dielini - 2017 - Схід 6 (152):17-21.
    The article presents a theoretical review of state regulation of corporate social responsibility in China. The basic legislative acts regulating this sphere are defined. Obligatory social reporting for state-owned enterprises is indicated. It was noted that an important area of regulation of social responsibility of business by the state is the environment, due to the high level of pollution and industrial character of the country's economy. The directions for the development of Ukrainian socio-economic responsibility of entrepreneurship based on China's experience (...)
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    Concealing Gender Non-Conformity.Bella-Rose Kelly - 2024 - Journal of Philosophy of Disability 4:25-51.
    Cissexist perception involves a prejudicial judgment and an unmediated affective response, such as that of disgust, directed at the gendered aspects of another person. In this paper, I advance a view of how cissexist perception harms disabled people. On this view, there at least two morally problematic aspects of cissexist perception: that it has painful effects, and that it restricts bodily agency. I defend this claim through an analysis of a double bind faced by people subjected to cissexist perception: on (...)
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  34. Immaginazione, divinazione e melancolia: prospettive dell’indagine aristotelica sulla mantica onirica.Laura La Bella - 2025 - Méthexis 37 (1):32-53.
    The aim of this article is to examine Aristotle’s treatment of the relationship between the accentuated mobility and the overwhelming imagination of melancholics. I begin by retracing the main lines of Aristotle’s reflection on the psychological and ethical implications of the propensity of melancholics to be guided by φαντασία. With specific regard, then, to the connection between certain peculiar psycho-somatic conditions – such as, among others, that deriving from an overabundance of μέλαινα χολή – and the capacity of foreseeing the (...)
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  35.  13
    Supreme political power in Greek literature of the fourth century B.C.Bella Levitt - 1943 - Philadelphia,: Philadelphia.
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    Lewis's concept of expressive statements.Bella K. Milmed - 1954 - Journal of Philosophy 51 (7):201-213.
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    The Philosophy of Laugh and Humor in the Modern Historical-philosophical Discourse.Maryna Stoliar - 2018 - Sententiae 37 (1):168-178.
    Rewiev of Amir, L. (2014). Humor and the Good Life in Modern Philosophy: Shaftesbury, Hamann, Kierkegaard. Albany: State University of New York Press.
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    Human dignity as a person’s projection of integrity.Maryna Mikulina, Viktor Mikulin & Mykola Pogrebytskyi - 2024 - Trans/Form/Ação 47 (2):e02400183.
    Resumo: Os principais objetivos do estudo são ampliar o conhecimento sobre o conceito de dignidade humana, como um valor social, analisar os fundamentos históricos, religiosos e filosóficos do desenvolvimento desse conceito na Europa e na Ucrânia, e caracterizar esse conceito no sistema de valores jurídicos. O artigo utiliza os seguintes métodos científicos: abordagens funcionais e dialéticas, análise lógica, síntese, análise comparativa, análise da literatura científica e generalização. O texto examina o problema da proteção da dignidade human,a como um valor natural (...)
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    Economic Inequality and Masculinity–Femininity: The Prevailing Perceived Traits in Higher Unequal Contexts Are Masculine.Eva Moreno-Bella, Guillermo B. Willis & Miguel Moya - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Leibniz on causation: efficiency, explanation and conceptual dependence.Stefano Di Bella - 2002 - Quaestio 2 (1):411-448.
  41.  41
    Дмитро поспєхов: Філософ, психолог, богослов.Maryna Tkachuk - 2021 - Наукові Записки Наукма. Філософія Та Релігієзнавство 7:3-16.
    The article dedicated to the 200th anniversary of Dmytro Vasyliovych Pospiekhov, a philosopher, psychologist, theologian and translator, for the first time in the scientific literature, highlights the milestones of his academic biography and more than 50 years of professor’s tenure at the Department of Philosophy of Kyiv Theological Academy. Based on the analysis of a significant array of printed sources and archival documents, memories of colleagues and students of Dmytro Pospiekhov, the content and specifics of his educational, administrative, editorial and (...)
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    Note di lettura. Il realismo trascendentale: una proposta fenomenologica / Individualismo e solidarietà / Che cos'è Intercultura?Michele Bella, Valeria Bizzari & Roberta Dreon - 2014 - Società Degli Individui 49:163-171.
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    Angels, Matter, and Haecceity: Scholastic Topoi for Leibnizian Individuation.Stefano Di Bella - 2014 - Studia Leibnitiana 46 (2):127-151.
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    Benedetto Croce e la fondazione linguistica della soggettività.Santi Di Bella - 2019 - Palermo: Palermo University Press.
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    La ricerca del Dio nascosto in Ludwig Wittgenstein.Teodoro Di Bella - 2013 - Borgomanero, No [i.e. Novara, Italy]: G. Ladolfi.
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  46. From the Unity of the Object to the Unity of the Subject (and Back Again).Stefano di Bella, Mauro Mariani, Giuseppe Varnier & Alberto Voltolini - 2000 - Topoi 19 (1).
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  47. ”scientia Generalis”: Il IV volume delle “ Philosophische Schriften” di Leibniz nella Akademie-Ausgabe.Stefano di Bella - 2002 - Giornale Critico Della Filosofia Italiana 22 (3).
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    Totalitarian and Democratic Rhetoric as an Indicator of the Relations of Power in the Contemporary Information Society.Maryna Prepotenska, Inna Pronoza, Svitlana Naumkina, Tetiana Khlivniuk, Olha Marmilova & Oksana Patlaichuk - 2022 - Postmodern Openings 13 (1 Sup1):350-376.
    The article is devoted to study of totalitarian and democratic types of rhetoric. The classical dichotomy of rhetorical influence has been discovered: monologic use of rhetoric as a verbal weapon through propaganda, demagoguery, populism, creation of the image of an enemy, division of society and dialogical use of rhetoric as consolidating communication, truth-seeking, social consent and understanding. It is shown that the trigger of democratic and totalitarian regimes is the existential of freedom. The active influence of the postmodern rhetoric of (...)
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    A Word of Welcome From the Editor-in-Chief.Maryna Tkachuk - 2021 - Kyiv-Mohyla Humanities Journal 8:v-v.
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    Filosofsʹka osvita v Ukraïni: istorii︠a︡ i suchasnistʹ.Maryna Tkachuk (ed.) - 2011 - Kyïv: TOV "Ahrar Media Hrup".
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