Results for 'Martin Kitchen'

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  1.  24
    Smoke without Fire: Nursing Facility Closures in California, 1997–2001.Martin Kitchener, Alan Bostrom & Charlene Harrington - 2004 - Inquiry: The Journal of Health Care Organization, Provision, and Financing 41 (2):189-202.
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    Medicaid Community-Based Programs: A Longitudinal Analysis of State Variation in Expenditures and Utilization.Martin Kitchener, Helen Carrillo & Charlene Harrington - 2003 - Inquiry: The Journal of Health Care Organization, Provision, and Financing 40 (4):375-389.
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    August Thalheimer's Theory of Fascism.Martin Kitchen - 1973 - Journal of the History of Ideas 34 (1):67.
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    Ernst Nolte and the Phenomenology of Fascism.Martin Kitchen - 1974 - Science and Society 38 (2):130 - 149.
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    Developing Personal Care Programs: National Trends and Interstate Variation, 1992–2002.Martin Kitchener, Terence Ng, Helen Carrillo, Nancy Miller & Charlene Harrington - 2007 - Inquiry: The Journal of Health Care Organization, Provision, and Financing 44 (1):69-87.
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    “Feeding produces family.”.Rose Martin - unknown
    My mother is a lousy cook. She has many other fine talents, but creating an attractive, tasty meal has always been beyond her reach. Even so, breakfast and dinner were daily rituals in my childhood home for which attendance was required. Just as we kids had no end of complaints about having to show up for meals (instead of getting to sleep in before school or hang with friends in the evening), we also took it for granted that my mother (...)
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    (1 other version)Pure Time Preference: Reply to Johansson and Rosenqvist.Rosemary Lowry & Martin Peterson - 2016 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 97 (3):442-445.
    Johansson and Rosenqvist reject our argument for the rational permissibility of pure time preferences (PTP). Johansson and Rosenqvist's main objection is that where two options, X and Y, have equal intrinsic value, there will be a reason to be indifferent between X and Y, and therefore a reason to not hold a PTP for X or Y. In this reply, we argue that if two options have equal intrinsic value, it does not follow that you have a reason to be (...)
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    A King’s Place is in the Kitchen: The Rhetorical Trajectory of the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.’s Kitchen Table Experience. [REVIEW]Thomas M. Fuerst - 2020 - Listening 55 (3):160-174.
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    The representation of object concepts in the brain.Alex Martin - 2007
    Evidence from functional neuroimaging of the human brain indicates that information about salient properties of an object¿such as what it looks like, how it moves, and how it is used¿is stored in sensory and motor systems active when that information was acquired. As a result, object concepts belonging to different categories like animals and tools are represented in partially distinct, sensory- and motor property-based neural networks. This suggests that object concepts are not explicitly represented, but rather emerge from weighted activity (...)
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  10. Comunità [Community].Martin Buber - 2007 - la Società Degli Individui 30:141-154.
    Mettendo in discussione le antiche considerazioni di Ferdinand Tönnies sul­l’ineluttabilità della transizione dalla comunità alla società – un carattere tipico della modernità secondo Tönnies –, Martin Buber reclama la necessità, in­sieme politica e religiosa, di costruire una comunità post-sociale, nella quale tro­vi concretezza l’anelito socialista e libertario alla ‘buona vita’ e il bisogno spi­rituale di realizzare Dio nei rapporti degli uo­mi­ni con i loro simili. Nella sua riflessione, infatti, l’autore esprime l’idea di un Dio che non si sovrappone af­­fatto (...)
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    Finding categories through words: More nameable features improve category learning.Martin Zettersten & Gary Lupyan - 2020 - Cognition 196 (C):104135.
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  12. Dris Martini Lutheri Colloquia Mensalia: Or, Dr Martin Luther's Divine Discourses at His Table, &C. Collected by A. Lauterbach, and Disposed Into Certain Common Places by J. Aurifaber. Tr. By H. Bell.Martin Luther, Johann Aurifaber, Henry Bell & Anton Lauterbach - 1652
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  13. Dris Martini Lutheri Colloquia Mensalia: Or, Dr Martin Luther's Divine Discourses at His Table, &C. Collected by A. Lauterbach, and Disposed Into Certain Common Places by J. Aurifaber. Tr. By H. Bell. [Another] to Which is Prefixed, the Life and Character of Martin Luther, by J.G. Burckhardt.Martin Luther, Johann Aurifaber, Henry Bell & Anton Lauterbach - 1791
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    Grenzbeschreitungen: vom Sinn, dem gelingenden Leben und unserem Umgang mit Natur.Martin Kolmar - 2021 - Wien: Böhlau Verlag.
    Wie wollen wir leben und wie können wir unserem Leben Sinn geben angesichts der drängenden Krisen der Gegenwart? Wie können solche Fragen überhaupt beantwortet werden, wenn eine säkulare Kultur scheinbar nur Antworten auf Fragen nach dem „wie?“, nicht aber nach dem „wozu?“ erlaubt. Martin Kolmar deutet im vorliegenden Buch die gegenwärtigen und bevorstehenden Krisen, allen voran die Klimakrise, als Krise der westlichen Denk- und Wahrnehmungsweisen und versucht einen Ausweg daraus aufzuzeigen. Dazu beginnt er mit einer Analyse westlicher Vorstellungswelten aus (...)
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  15.  28
    Versuch über die Form des Glücks: Studien zur Ethik.Martin Seel - 1995 - Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp.
    Die vier Studien dieses Bandes behandeln alle das Problem, wie sich ein gutes Leben zu einem moralisch guten Leben verhält. Jede untersucht dieses Verhältnis von einer anderen Seite her; jede führt auf ihre Weise zu dem Schluß, daß der Zusammenhang zwischen dem Guten und dem moralisch Guten weder als letztendliche Identität noch als begriffliche Priorität einer der beiden Komponenten verstanden werden darf. Zusammen bilden sie den Entwurf einer praktischen Philosophie, die die Begriffe des individuellen Guten und des moralisch Richtigen als (...)
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  16.  55
    Nonclassical Truth with Classical Strength. A Proof-Theoretic Analysis of Compositional Truth Over Hype.Martin Fischer, Carlo Nicolai & Pablo Dopico - 2023 - Review of Symbolic Logic 16 (2):425-448.
    Questions concerning the proof-theoretic strength of classical versus nonclassical theories of truth have received some attention recently. A particularly convenient case study concerns classical and nonclassical axiomatizations of fixed-point semantics. It is known that nonclassical axiomatizations in four- or three-valued logics are substantially weaker than their classical counterparts. In this paper we consider the addition of a suitable conditional to First-Degree Entailment—a logic recently studied by Hannes Leitgeb under the label HYPE. We show in particular that, by formulating the theory (...)
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  17. Zur Sache des Denkens.Martin Heidegger - 1969 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 165 (3):376-378.
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    Women and Partnership Genealogies in Drosophila Population Genetics.Marta Velasco Martín - 2020 - Perspectives on Science 28 (2):277-317.
    Drosophila flies began to be used in the study of species evolution during the late 1930s. The geneticists Natasha Sivertzeva-Dobzhansky and Elizabeth Reed pioneered this work in the United States, and María Monclús conducted similar studies in Spain. The research they carried out with their husbands enabled Drosophila population genetics to take off and reveals a genealogy of women geneticists grounded in mutual inspiration. Their work also shows that women were present in population genetics from the beginning, although their contributions (...)
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  19. The Diversity of Experiences.Michael Martin - 2020 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 100 (3):728-737.
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    Socializing Minds: Intersubjectivity in Early Modern Philosophy.Martin Lenz - 2022 - New York, NY, United States of America: Oxford University Press.
    In this book, Martin Lenz provides the first reconstruction of intersubjective accounts of the mind in early modern philosophy. Some phenomena are easily recognised as social or interactive: certain dances, forms of work and rituals require interaction to come into being or count as valid. But what about mental states, such as thoughts, volitions, or emotions? Do our minds also depend on other minds? The idea that our minds are intersubjective or social seems to be a recent one, developed (...)
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    [Omnibus Review].Martin Davis - 1990 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 55 (1):342-343.
  22. Schleiermacher: His Life and Thought.Martin Redeker & John Wallhausser - 1973
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    Cosmopolitan arrogance, epistemic modesty and the motivational prerequisites for solidarity.Martin Https://Orcidorg Beckstein - 2020 - Ethics and Global Politics 13 (3):139-146.
    To assess the merits and demerits of the content of Culp’s educational programme, the paper does three things: First, it discusses whether Culp’s defence against conceivable objections manages to effectively dispel the charge of cosmopolitan arrogance. Second, it spells out one implication of epistemic modesty, which Culp considers a core competence to be imparted by citizenship education. Third, it reflects upon the tricky task of motivating individuals to comply with the demands of justice. Taken together, the paper argues that Culp’s (...)
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    Schillers zwei Arten der Freiheit. Eine ästhetische Transformation von Reinholds Theorie der Willensfreiheit.Martin Bondeli - 2020 - Kant Studien 111 (2):227-247.
    In his treatment of a Kantian concept of moral freedom, Schiller argues for two kinds of freedom: freedom in the spirit of autonomous practical reason and freedom in which man is considered a mixed (sensual and rational) being. It is apparent that Schiller is on a Reinholdian path. He follows Reinhold’s theory of free will in conceiving of moral freedom primarily as the capacity to decide between the material drive as a sensible, self-interested drive and the formal drive as a (...)
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  25.  45
    The Drama of Ideas: Platonic Provocations in Theater and Philosophy.Martin Puchner - 2010 - Oxford University Press.
    Philosophy underwent a corresponding theatrical shift in the modern era, most importantly through the work of Kierkegaard, Nietzsche, Sartre, and Camus.
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  26. Erläuterungen zu Hölderlins Dichtung.Martin Heidegger - 1952 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 8 (4):442-443.
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  27. Is entropy relevant to the asymmetry between retrodiction and prediction?Martin Barrett & Elliott Sober - 1992 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 43 (2):141-160.
    The idea that the changing entropy of a system is relevant to explaining why we know more about the system's past than about its future has been criticized on several fronts. This paper assesses the criticisms and clarifies the epistemology of the inference problem. It deploys a Markov process model to investigate the relationship between entropy and temporally asymmetric inference.
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    Links between conscious awareness and response inhibition: Evidence from masked priming.Martin Eimer & Friederike Schlaghecken - 2002 - Psychonomic Bulletin and Review 9 (3):514-520.
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    Problems All the Way Down.Martin Savransky - 2021 - Theory, Culture and Society 38 (2):3-23.
    Besieged by ongoing economic crises, global health emergencies, geopolitical instabilities, ecological devastation, and growing political resentments, the intractable nature of the problems that configure the present has never loomed larger or more darkly. But what, indeed, is a problem? Problematising the modern image that treats problems as obstacles to be overcome by the progress of technoscientific knowledge and policy, this introductory article lays the groundwork for a generative conceptualisation of problems. Reweaving intercontinental connections between traditions of French philosophy and American (...)
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    Dodd parameters and λ-indexing of extenders.Martin Zeman - 2004 - Journal of Mathematical Logic 4 (01):73-108.
    We study generalizations of Dodd parameters and establish their fine structural properties in Jensen extender models with λ-indexing. These properties are one of the key tools in various combinatorial constructions, such as constructions of square sequences and morasses.
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    An optimal k-consistency algorithm.Martin C. Cooper - 1989 - Artificial Intelligence 41 (1):89-95.
  32. Only a god can save us: the Spiegel interview (1966).Martin Heidegger - 1981 - In Thomas Sheehan (ed.), Heidegger: the man and the thinker. New Brunswick, N.J.: Transaction Publishers. pp. 62.
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  33. La cosa.Martín Heidegger - 1953 - Ideas Y Valores 2 (7-8):661.
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    Prolegomena to virtue-theoretic studies in the philosophy of mathematics.James V. Martin - 2020 - Synthese 199 (1-2):1409-1434.
    Additional theorizing about mathematical practice is needed in order to ground appeals to truly useful notions of the virtues in mathematics. This paper aims to contribute to this theorizing, first, by characterizing mathematical practice as being epistemic and “objectual” in the sense of Knorr Cetina The practice turn in contemporary theory, Routledge, London, 2001). Then, it elaborates a MacIntyrean framework for extracting conceptions of the virtues related to mathematical practice so understood. Finally, it makes the case that Wittgenstein’s methodology for (...)
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    Knowledge and the World: Challenges Beyond the Science Wars.Martin Carrier, Johannes Roggenhofer, Günter Küppers & Philippe Blanchard - 2011 - Springer.
    The fundamental question whether, or in which sense, science informs us about the real world has pervaded the history of thought since antiquity. Is what science tells us about the world determined unambiguously by facts or does the content of any scientific theory in some way depend on the human condition? "Sokal`s hoax" added a new dimension to this controversial debate, which very quickly came to been known as "Science Wars". "Knowledge and the World" examines and reviews the broad range (...)
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  36. Toward a Systematic Pragmatics.R. M. Martin - 1961 - Studia Logica 11:235-239.
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    Philosophical Potencies of Postphenomenology.Martin Ritter - 2021 - Philosophy and Technology 34 (4):1501-1516.
    As a distinctive voice in the current philosophy of technology, postphenomenology elucidates various ways of how technologies “shape” both the world and humans in it. Distancing itself from more speculative approaches, postphenomenology advocates the so-called empirical turn in philosophy of technology: It focuses on diverse effects of particular technologies instead of speculating on the essence of technology and its general impact. Critics of postphenomenology argue that by turning to particularities and emphasizing that technologies are always open to different uses and (...)
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  38.  18
    The Question Concerning the Thing: On Kant’s Doctrine of the Transcendental Principles.Martin Heidegger - 2018 - Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield International.
    A complete English translation of an important work from a crucial period in Heidegger’s overall intellectual trajectory.
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    Autonomous vehicles: How perspective-taking accessibility alters moral judgments and consumer purchasing behavior.Rose Martin, Petko Kusev & Paul van Schaik - 2021 - Cognition 212 (C):104666.
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  40. Experts and publics in deliberative democracy.Martin Kusch - 2007 - In Tim Lewens (ed.), Risk: Philosophical Perspectives. New York: Routledge. pp. 131.
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    Reinhold and Fichte in Confrontation: A Tale of Mutual Appreciation and Criticism.Martin Bondeli & Silvan Imhof (eds.) - 2020 - De Gruyter.
    From the early 1790s until after the turn of the century, a very productive but also controversial exchange took place between Reinhold and Fichte. Though many key aspects of post-Kantian philosophy were discussed, the philosophical confrontation between Reinhold and Fichte is most instructive for the understanding of post-Kantian philosophy. The exchange started when Fichte published his verdict on Reinhold's Elementarphilosophie and disapproved of its fundamental principle. In 1794 Fichte challenged Reinhold by presenting his Wissenschaftslehre. Reinhold was not convinced of Fichte's (...)
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    Inspice signum: methodological reflection to create an instrument of control of the Spanish typographical brands.Abad Julián Martín - 2014 - Cultura:45-73.
    A referência a um conjunto de reportórios e catálogos publicados desde 1890 onde se reproduzem portadas de obras produzidas na Península Ibérica entre finais do século XV e inícios do XVI é o ponto de partida para, através de quatro dezenas de exemplos, propor uma metodologia para identificação, registo e classificação de marcas de impressores.
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    Joint venture oder feindliche übernahme?Martin Abraham - 2004 - Neue Zeitschrift für Systematicsche Theologie Und Religionsphilosophie 46 (3):387-422.
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    Le Traité 54 (I, 7) de Plotin : À propos d'une traduction récente.Martin Achard - 2006 - Laval Théologique et Philosophique 62 (2):381-388.
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    Philosophie antique. Logos endiathetos et théorie des lekta chez les Stoïciens.Martin Achard - 2001 - Laval Théologique et Philosophique 57 (2):225-233.
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    Two Concepts of Meditation and Three Kinds of Wisdom in Kamalasila’s Bhavanakramas.Martin T. Adam - 2007 - Buddhist Studies Review 23 (1):71-92.
    A close reading of the three Bhavanakramah texts, written by Kamalasila, reveals that their author was aware of two competing concepts of meditation prevalent in Tibet at the time of their composition. The two concepts of meditation,associated with the Sanskrit words bhavana and dhyana, can be related respectively to the Indian and Chinese sides of the well-known debates at bSam yas. The account of the Mahayana path outlined in these texts implies an acceptance of the precedence of bhavana over dhyana. (...)
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    Making Up My Mind.Martin Lunghi - 2006 - Philosophy Now 58:53-54.
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  48. Some aspects of Hélène Metzger's philosophy of science.Martin Carrier - 1988 - Corpus: Revue de philosophie 8:135-150.
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    Levels of Altruism.Martin Zwick & Jeffrey A. Fletcher - 2014 - Biological Theory 9 (1):100-107.
    The phenomenon of altruism extends from the biological realm to the human sociocultural realm. This article sketches a coherent outline of multiple types of altruism of progressively increasing scope that span these two realms and are grounded in an ever-expanding sense of “self.” Discussion of this framework notes difficulties associated with altruism at different levels. It links scientific ideas about the evolution of cooperation and about hierarchical order to perennial philosophical and religious concerns. It offers a conceptual background for inquiry (...)
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  50. Christian Humanism in Economics and Business.Martin Schlag & Domènec Melé - 2015 - In Martin Schlag & Domènec Melé (eds.), Humanism in Economics and Business: Perspectives of the Catholic Social Tradition. Dordrecht: Springer Verlag.
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